Daily kecomb VOL. V. NO. 32 HICKORY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, .920 PRICE FIVE NTS UNION HEAD T TO SELL1 ITUDY WILSON'S pom RAILROAD -Vi"sfTnVTIn1 1 T"f -TTnai I -.. , - . ! TOWfcK Ha h L'lHI IMC HLAVfsT I ill ! umU i iieaiiSai i ua IIE.Uiyiy3.iU I I l.il If I L.U 1 S 11 LUtftfL. I I ! n SI II T" Wm - ! ! But Nobody Indicates What It is President Re ceives Committee on South Portico of White House Strike of Some Employees Expected MUnULH , MM I GAHOLINA GQTTON By the Associated Press. ;' By the Associated Press on d-V;!--M- t cri Iv We ; ,.,1 t tfic ( till' the M ' K i;ti"' ..(a :.; ,il:r:; ; jell ' ' 1 ,!, Associated Press V i-hin'-.t'';-:. Feb. VI. President v;v: prop;.) red today to per- cl!l' I ' 1 ':' m iiimu i 1 j.,4 1 1 1 1 1 workers for settlement .. .1 1 . i. risen w;.;.'o iii'jiinnus, 1 me ( !' ( Willi UH- .-Hi 1 .V l( he will go thoroughly into -:n. ii cost of living has been H' of the employee's con n' move nay. The union rhned tin: if membership if. :v ik':- and has in-;;!ted ! 1 i ! 1 t waj.'.'cs or n reduct- iFfiElfiHfSTEH ! NOW II TROUBLE ! i ! ! i ' i North Carolina co-operated with tton Association is bema" made bv Marshal .virV i -n- i London, Feb- 13 A new allied i suffered heaviest of ihe nine -.vk-.ef of 1.ntwt MJii- - ----- , . u Aiuiiaxiu rtj;arains cne ex- suites eata ci tn J.iissi6Sinpi. fi.-. aJarJ hl! ?pn ; tradition of former Emperor Wil-lin casualties araonjr her officers and! in" MilW f-n-m w,' " a 1 accorain to the livening Standard' men who were members of the Am- i Pre. icien. J. S. Wannamaker to sell , , . " ilOUbG "ear Amory ; tcdav. lerican expeditionary forces during the 1300,000 bal?s of low irrade cotton to fM L;'' Was 311 route this citv The ncte' !Savs the nc Aspaper, ! world war, Virginia's losses were I foreign spinners, and a large number fvf-nn? ?i nw,i" uard- f state I makes a strong appea. to the Dutch ! second, North Carolina's third, and ! cf the signed options have been re cioops xo Piotcc him against vio- j p:o i.enm&nt m,t to maK: a .worse j Alabama's and Georgia's fourth and j ceived by the North Carolina office ienc.e- . .. ' situation in EuroDe bv msistmer on i f,f th rntirplv ' a ,f.,f;of;,,i I of the association. fmm iC' n ,t t iaSl , j tne ngnt ot asylum ior tne man i summary of all casualties prepared in coTof thi into Jfson under ej- j characterized as -he mam "authcrjthe office of the adjutant general ot SrcVt ,1 ? to Durant. c the world's troubles" , ;the army and just announced shows when bo Sr" Avry today.: rem oher sources it was learned Jthe tctal i.sualties of these southern tor this ntv. 1 ipvp Avn n,iir.. !i,cr 4i.... ...... ii.i, i B v.55 LJ "avc 0v-cn u'-o m.-UUl-tg By The Associated Press New York, Feb. 13. A wireless call for assistance was received ear- lor this lltV. Thpvo wn inAi.W.r l; 4iw. u, JJ! tJ i:clvc kJCCI1 u ni-iuui-.j; tion th n nh vi n iit-' m r?,7 i vu ""V j officers and men, out fcf a grand total tempted. " ! J ne TV'1!1 asert tnat the pres- of 302,012 for the cr.tiro. country U xv ctnfi fi,nf M,-0unii i, itn .Ui LIie 101 '- niperor m noi-rrhes .-vtv.vt null -Tictioilclll J1UU- I 1 nKliT- f.piil1 ,T'nii. ,.....!;.;... . . I i 'o ""j -w u m iiam; ji tjli ill Jiiili Heal ing, but it was planned to hear th:- evjclencc cf Pearl Mav ?,. f es inciiule losses from a menace to jLurcpean peace, r..,ticn . ..-c , UCU1 irf Those options are merelv ontions. and carry, of course, n- guarantee or t'he sale. President Wannamakr, however, has had negotiaions with t;.? io"ign spinners and beli.ves he I; be able to put the deal through. In view cf the fact that there i n - L.dity of th HnIe ueui id:; . j maierianz ?nn ly t-dy iron, Unit.,1 Elate, year-old daWhter, on whcS eViicn ! S v- -- l'ne note does not make any re- i q-tA- ' x' as-sccialin olhciais are strc-;. . the Quest of Ho-fSand. but .1: is honed r,. .'..x., . . importance of understanding. that ' ----( i-ifi:.iiiiJw:iT,i'iit('Ti.''oinr,Tii.. - 16- i in sit thP Dutr-h wv.'mmP will ho - " a,vo v-.i " ; it 1S mertlv an ont on. ,-.!' Wilson was not expected ! 'J,' w"', teamci" illiam j Marsha'U was ' arrested. h-., a e'enoral wage increase, ; Jm, V111.. r-t . h i According to the authorities, th, n.nnoil. it was understood, r.uM E " J" f ruckers, iri witnessed the murder -of the i.. .,i.;... 4,. .. : -t'Cit-di, .'.n . rj ., because of a oroken father and sister nr,fp tiSa itw$ !lT.AC!Se' ti' Virginia, , That a fleciJed fiffM h bein made I i". : U,U4'", l;u llM i engine and boiler troubles. oi living. i-: freighter asked that UII'inMUMU I U cam T,m nv.i i-ifii r Mr. hi but i riii flciii Tic nut die a-nlerenco bv thrc. spoicesnv.-n tUgS b: lather and sister and4 the ihe ciiid cf which Marshall SC-Mt i In linvo hpn flir -P-fV.o- -f .: u :i ' .V i I 1 r h'PhriplH f, the fai;m h0Use' where OPERATE SAIL SHIPS :...(,v to (he;n veerc'av I! I C1, hcI ock refuge after a, stick cf dynamite JAPAN TO MAINLAT llliplovee, wi!! be reprcse:;tr! 1 rC C" h 1,lhad been thrown mto the dwelling, j i i - It is intimated that Holland has ! r'TV "."'" ft, j ajramst the whole scheme is indi i not received a suggestion to this ef- Z J Georgia, 4,;l.; boutn Oaronna, i crated in ihe present trend of the : feet unkindly and that she would be f0'J;J; fifissipi, 2,30o; Louisiana, : cotton exchange. It would verv :l , ,n - Z.lbi) and rloiida. 1.11. imotrmii i 4- u - .i. i.v -itri jyin" T r irrovn rhfl TA?..nni. omnovi. i ' ? 7 - - ill; LV.I111V IIlIII, IfflT I II 1.11 HS . fT is alleged 1 -,.. iNortn Carolina s losses from officers i o-snvhlfrs who haw tfnn " . ? wwi-i-iUv V. L j'iVlUlJC. i 1 -n i , 1 .-.. .i, rom tae! -smt i axui men Kiiiea in action were neav- . marmot .-hH- -Fr.T lniir in tivf I'Mriru'inen .I'.'wel!, E. J. ?danton and .Sh;'a. the latter acting pres ;!.: hroiherhood cf loccmo- T 1 A RTICLE TEN PLAN MAKING LTTLE SPEED Wasliington, Feb. 1;L Little prog- TO PERPETUATE NAMES OF SUNKEN VESSELS Tokio, Jan. 10.- pranfl fottnn iest, numbering 684: Tennessee's loss- : to brinar th-? prices the association i i j 1 i . . ' .. . LAND i ftoin tnai cause were second, to : i ving to get lor those low grades tailing bfeO and Virginias, third, ag-;o cotton. these prices range from ! x. 2 A T 1 il r 1- t . j r i -lars for th onen- Slu&iU'uls UOi- 1R eatns irom ais- oo cents Tor crciinarv cotton to 41 Liverpool, Feb. 12. Names of sev era. large Cunard ocean liner iv,.,,a- uls:n has reac.v:,. a. ress ; was aparent in negotiations bv enemy submarines during the (,i,:o;i ,n hv radroud wnge am- over the new article ten reservation i war arc to be perpetuated in new tt,;Vt,v;. ;n! will present it o the; to the peace treaty brought forward vessels ncv undev construction, it is ,!ll,,.1.(:.n-,,;t:i:.tives(n the emniovees. ; yesterday by Iiepu.itn senators. 1 announced by ihe Cunard Company. n, r " Ui,?..,t0.4.COfnl"iThe comPany has nearly 500,000 tons Democratic supprrt ..ori0f passenger ships now building, msors had hoped, ;!: was of the vessels whose names are drait had been iound un- ; given none will approach the size of some reservationists on fv,., Mtot,.'n . a f-.-ir. vf 4i-.,r plan was lcr tne tne Republican side who threatened to ; wni i)C bjg liners of intermediate type, i.knt to meet brotherhood repre-1 join the irreconciliable opponents of ! ranging from 520 to GO'.-) feet in length! ;,Mvi' or. hie t.outh lawn, but be- j ratification if the modifications propos- j The'y win have spacious accommoda- Th" p!i'-!!-. nt !r.is dictated a mem-: in addition to it , "iU'Jun eaibodyin;: his decision and mand the Democ till.-, v,1:! In- read to the brotherhood ; which its spo . '. 4h,. ....,.- t..,, 1 . . . I J. 1 . 1. fx 1 T 1 i l rft.jirc:.:''iai.ie.s ui un; uwa sam ine new (irait nat oeen iound un-; given none vill approach the size of f ,!,' v.iijte li.iu.--e. I acceptable to some reservationists on ! the Mauretania orAquitania but ""they ft I , I i t.. - v 4:-.. 4-1 T ...-.. 1. 11 r,i.. iii i i a 7 v j,,.,,: i c;iu: v ( I roil fori tire t ise Virginia was 'first with 291; cents middling. Thee ;:;7ding lain the green ed were made in the original Rcpubl-I tim, for nnmno-o-o .1ri w?n lo ho instead. fhe I lican reservation. i,wn4ft pot n,,' nM.nHfV.- -p n.rr A . ?l1 A r T- IT" ' ,J .v canvass ot xe.c -u i.epuoncans There are four ships of the 600, was not expected to con- ruu' K:!g. is understood to ve shown that only I foot class, the Franconia, the Laccnia, Tl.c white r.ouse was expected to i about 30 could be counted on to vote ; the Scvthia and the Samaria There !.i;' a u.ii.iKi.'. uu-.i in uiv, wtij,. xov latiiieiitioii witn tne cnangea res-: is only one vessel under construction )i';v!ii,u' there was no intimation ; ervation, under which the United j in the 550-foot class the Tiburniu. a heth'-v t!ie president had oiiered a States would decline to guarantee the name which appears for the first time i i i ... ... . i -........... i . . a . . a i i . i fiirx-i:-u;c or an increase m wage. mieguty or league racmoers by j among the company's shies. The 520- ( !i tl " nature ot ilie continuation ot j force, economic boycott or any oth- j f oot class comprises seven vessels, the ih'.- (irht . the high cost of living : er means" excert when congress act- j Alaunia, Ardania, Aurania, Ausonia, '.vlvll.'-1 l e a.-ked the workers to ! ed. .iixty four votes are necessary Ascaria, Albania and Antonia. Of Mt:,in('c I heir demands until ; to ratify, an-.! doubt was expressed i these the first five are the names of the rsi'iva..':; wore returned to the generally whether 84 Democrats could : vessels lost hi the war. and the An- pnv;i: : (.-H-t! ::. .Jarcti l. be mdu.ed to desert their party lcaa- I!. "1. Jewell, president of the rail-: cr, Se nator Hitchcock of Nebraska, way licnjirtment of the American fed-! v,'ho lias declared the revised draft fr.ni..ti ef i-.'oor, said the proposition would embody a surrender of the woul'l h'"ve lo put up to ho men ' tie-dy's friends. before a:iv announcement cculd be ! Numercus other proposals to solve for low and ; yiccs are not to the seller, f. o. b., his shipping point. The terms ai-3 i eighty percent cash and twenty pr : cent deferred payments, bearing in- t over $1,000,090, is being promoted! uiiiiuiN in vak-- i ,, t wth the intention to buy or build sixlv tnn Associated Fress wwum u .i Mume tu saiiir " -?ssd" cib of about 5 000 London, Feb. 12Dr. Max Nordau ! '1c"t -ns ef individuals in a fo and tote eq the English Zionist Federation:. ,f tbIS marrmtude. the associa-lW-' 10 ut- 1 i 1 W1UI au---liUI-' u .1 - it.. --- i. - 11 tion has found it nocessarv lo trot iho tne utoer uay tnat in trie worm war ' ,. . . : " , T.ro i,.wi ooo ono .,1 i collective opinions from county and iiiittex ui xiiiie .. . . - . f ,u: v-. i,.,4 r 4-u i liU i :.-.. t i iucii;in)ii. ui ii iiuinuer 01 ln- stanccs cou-iy meetings have be?n i.ii i .. . i ? r.nnnll,,,! K,r -P,r .,,i Mn,i eeio :ui! in-.- couotv cnairman or vjuanv ei kj y j.v vv ai:u ouLj;aoDVU he believed, by the French. The Jews had lost 30,000 dead and had about ono ono nncn.,!;,,,. But what had the Jews fought for,; n,i;fn ,i.,n;c;nn ; cnaoA 9 'WI.1-. . ..Ill' I., 1 1 HJIVII to J '''"V it the sale of this inn1 of rlivorf Iitipc of cnilincr voccnii: I U'wppn ;fiwip and' Jsns.il now nro ho- i Tennessee second, with ing made by leading business men of j North Carol inathird with 238. the two nations. With this object in : --. ,.,------.,--.-,,, ... view a shipping firm to be capitalized j JES bURUNISHED NEARLY fAncVco RivnS nvni-ter of ChiVthe Jews had furnished 900.000 sol- j collective opinions from county x i ancioco Ivn -s, m.nUer ot yhuc vnrion t5pc Thi.. ho itc-wnshio organizations of the to japiii. nas ueea eiieourugmg tne : . project since he reached this country sa,ld was ?;hout seven percent o.l the two vears aeo ' whole number of Jews, a proportion Japan is one of the principal con sumers of Chilian nitrates, and im ports a great deal of copper and iron ores and other raw materials abund- ant m .urine, uii tne cuier nana, there is understood to mand in Chile for Japanese .roods, class wares, norce other products; but their to Chile is hampered by rate seme cfbcial lias signed the joint option blank f:r the cotton of all members who wanted to get in on .1 11 1-1 ! 1 1 1 II be a great de- j, f1 eu. ; ivn m uie auvanceu aim , to bc nia(le about cotton "S'jf civilian couutnes ox trie west cztton, in the ne lams and i o-itiiiueu, a nuge wave vl anti- !l1tb wa.- tv,e 0 exportation i oemiusm was weang up; n tne new cffrn?. tbc tea high freight j countries tnat nau arisen m tne n-ast j delavs in getting j toe eimmiai Ja.siu!; vveie iev i nthrr delays net tenia appears for the first time. NORTH AND SOUTH UNITE IN SPARTANBURG STATUE gestcd that the proposed lines of sail ing vessels could be outlined for this purpose. maile I v the union representatives. UiKi.lv:' I'M. Jewell, Mr. Shea was present at the conference. The pres- rtpnburg, C. Feb. 13. A the article ten diflicultyq were discuss-1 model of a memorial statue to the ;d during the day, the leaders on both sides conferring among them- i'lcr.t met the represer.tativos on the ' selves on the subject. Senator Hitch- R 'Uih jjcrth'o of the white huuse and i t'ccl.'', also saw several Republicans read a ;-t:itcmoit he had prepared on of the mild reservation group, but it w.m;c ih gotiati3's :reriiited lum was declared that no conclusions were .'( tor Ccerral Iliurs tne by D M'1. She. i immediately notified the c:h r u;i(,n ',!ik,;.',.;s v;h.: had been 1 fntifcri in'.r with .dr. Hines advising! tliein to r;i!l . e-nference to eonsidev i the pre-id' ?;''s :;tr.ter.:er.L Ih. reached. i Venty-3eventh and Thirtieth divi sion of th'2 U. S.' array, designed by Karl Ilava, cf New York, for erection in Spartanburg's memorial park was placed on exhibition here and at tracted much attention. The doughboys carrying full re.arcnmg equipment, striding DI.FIC.T IN CJIILE v tb" Asso'vrted f'ress Santiago, Chile, Jan. 19. Chile's ,n- i deficit for the "fiscal year ended l)e- tn:tt tht-y de?dred to give the pvesi- ""'i' ! .'t:e.( ;nvnt t tion. through the mudcf France into bat tle position are th'i figures which Mr. Ilava has put into this mem trial. They represent a soldier on the south marching shoulder to N ew Ycrg city, and is perhaps th-3 nrst statue which has ever symbolized iWl'tll i l , . . . K 1 , . , I- - . . - y . I t m 1 ,i A W AAA : :! 1 ; ;V ; 1 V.: shculder with a bucldie from " "" ' ov uu.t o'. ;.-,!. j corning to a statemem ny ine iin..i:icc continue mo.-.t ;f tomorrow. He taid : minister, Guillermo Subercaseaux. 'Ill I' ,f . . , , . .........i I . . . . . 4 U I rvi: 1 i . t - . 1 . 1 A J t A. I - 1 1 i v -- ';:;.,. tioi4 im u.u Jn:s j.-, aiirioutea to ine great aeenne , tbe cc.mplete reunion of the two f tin.- u.iio.i ur n to act hastily and hast ve-av in exportation of nitrate ow- wt;o-. whih fonrhf t.hroneh the ir.g to the transportation difficulties 7ivi' xv.-ir ho rough eonsidera-: ;inil other causes. Chile expected to ' The faces cf the men and their . . export in 1919 2,500,000 tons ef ni- . carriage arc contrasted to show dis- ider.lV; proposal, whatever ; irate but actually shipped only 900,000 ; th:ct types cf the sections from . net expected to stay the : tons. ; whieh the divisions were recruit-d. There is no mistaking the symbolism THE IIAKEK ESTATE ' of tle monument. . Half a dozen persons from Kings i The group is ; the work o. Kati co,!- r.f th.-m momlvr: of IPUVC, a .euiJtut v- "x.., i or. iv. X J - yl. .-' T v i, i f ill xntiWL y LESS INFLUENZA BUT MORE PNEUMONIA NOW Raleigh, Feb. 13. Reports coming to the state board of health from ar future. February riginal date set for but there have l?en the options in, and unexpected in a Cotton men in state ar? very en- thc propir?d plan possible is being ! made bv Mr. Wannamaker to com- ! DEATH OF MRS. TEAGUE icte it ar, earlv :as possible. ! Mrs. John P. Teague, aged 35 1 -. . I years, died at 5 o'clock Wednesday I WAGNERIAN OPERA I evening at her heme near Mount RESUMED IN ROME I Olive church, three miles north of ! oy the Associated Press. " , illicKory, alter an illness with in- I Rome, Feb. 12.- ! liuenxi aru pneumonia, fche ! a member of Japan is now assiduously engaged!10.0 against the Jews. In this darken 0f this nature. in extending her trade to the South ! Vyo uiere was one ongnt spot , tne , -ij part.s of th3 nacific Islands, the Straits settlements iPPLlVl declaration m tavor ot a dew- i tbusiast'c over and other places and it has been sug-!lsh National home in Faiestme. ?,nd every efTrrt agnenan opera was i bac ro iirneJ t o fho -! of tho Cos- the Methodist church, I tanzi theater in Rome without a pro- was a splendid woman and her test -Ti0 Walkure" was advertised death will cause genera regret. The n? 4 ho m-nnd ofTerivo- funeral took place yest?rday after- !which OT)oncd with Mascaghi's season "Iris." 46 of the 100 counties, total 4,388 new cases of influenza, 122 cases of -i- - - -.--"iTi---i..li-l-- . 1 7 It 1 cuiHunid cwu i.v.x.i.. noon at 4 o'ciocx ana nurnu was in N cr;ticim of the nlan to nroduee TV,o f5o.n-.oc for infliipivn wwp n..i i x,... iT-.. - J . i . ciitici. m or tne pian to prouuce. ----.-. UKKWUIU C-IiienJi. v. xl. It-nUC " . fUo fin-mon nnm-u anno-roI in tlio tliv - v. 4 - ' . ii -r I v x t 1 - A x v. -"v- ' - 1 slightly under those of the preceding , survived by her husband and day, and pneumonia oo in excess. j daughter, the latter being ill Health authorities believe that the influent peak of the epidemic has been passed from an attack of but expect pneumonia to follow. j is the second dca with rnd the former .iust up ress. The theater was c. owded and no obiectors interfered with per- NEW WIRELESS STATION ,1,,-fl, from i-nflnr.,,791 V--onui!enuea ihk"0' formanco which the press of Re - e ic ported in this section. By the Associated Press ' Tokio, Feb. 13. The Japanese government is erecting a powerful wireless station for the purpose of relieving pressing commercial commu- It is a strange coincidence that Richard Wagner again walked acros.-; j l j i l s ' j ; x xi MRS. HEFNER DEAD Sl - l!Ki i f -f , O: INFLUENZA-PNEUMONIA Austrian children lame into i.nly I by the thousands to escape the hunger Mrs. nne Hefner, wife of Mr. Ray- ; and privations of their urfypy mond I). Hefner, died at her home in ; try, one a tee no- ' lvs Clines township at 1 o'clock this morn- ni" pre- It v;;l; fj'.ik" .f ti r'".' ei',; ari IlIiCKi piain! enance of way em- shoy laborers. CONSIDERATION l,(ie AitiCki xtil.lii.y, v,v-. in xxi--.y-. . . , . x'- A i.v pro- i Wednesdya afternoon for a prelimin-j vision tno a a m mg p ado to ,.ry conference on 11- Baker estate, i Waas AC;t !,, l ld, m 1 u' Mr unfa in. iho leaker famil i-ti7,-t, Mich., Feb. VI. -Any pusa! T i -i-N-nt. Wilson lias ma lvpiv;.'! -ntativc s of the raihoad broth-; which vas in the public mind several '''hood:? in :i iVi,rt i,i twllnwt iivir i i-non1h ' 1C0. A meeting of Baker' Hvninr.ds vill receive ' "earnest heirs ihus been crdled for Hickory: . " con.i.ln-idi. ;n" by the oliieers of the ithi j month when the whole case will j Bv tnn Associated Press u,,'h'i I'i'oih; ihoi 1.; of maintenance of ilV iil'it shall ii.iit'lii'iiii Trn it'lov.t served with the Twenty-ssventh di- pericd ranee. HONOR FOR GARY 13. The emporor has Alcn 11; n-.ser i'l I ' l : i . . i . . . . . i i , j ud today. Mr. Barker j".'i;",:, v.-as :;iu-h as to make possi- . ti till. Ill IK 1 vuiliii.s IfT the t-t, Otliei l,,,. - u - , n(n 1 ri.-!l iitinrnns hnvs - i o CIO. r CD. heen cnmloved in the affair. i conferred on John R. Gary, . general . :e of Febiuary 17 cf the ineinh,. rno-e than 300,009 manager of the General Electric Com- OPKFRS REWARD FOR ;pany here, the Order ot the Lisrag lI.I!T-T l?(f:S S ,A YK, i i oUil, muuu tia;a, n x v-fc,"----- .,;.v-c. -..,.x,. scrvices in thc development Japan's electrical industries. a g-&! O of By thc Associated Press jthrce small ehddrcn ihe ; DISCUSSES Chicago, Feb. 13. The 51st annual band akso is desperately ill wnh , r,,HG1; ,TrOX AND "REDS" and final convention of the national pnevmoma v.vn U1 American woman s sulirago associa tion opened here today with 2,000 del egates in attendance. Markets i more man even xor ms recover.-. -I Mrs. Hefner was a splendid y-.'.rig ! woman, was a member of the Lutheran i church and her death has caused much I sadness in her community.' FLIES OVER ANDES BUT HE LOSES MACHINE IN LANDING bant la go, Chi1.?, Feb. 12. Lieu- . . - i ie i !i w . .k Kennedy i! f ' i rn I-.'.- .1-, V .-..'. i en h ! '.:. : i l'l't,.!'!: ;n,l !! ! i:-ya:e.n. whera he M:nt J'u' (;i'i"-' Jie and He;.uty J-'lv.-ilfl fu. ' ' '""'M of W'wton c: ri.'d . f'rs to wta i p.ni.en-. t'"'-v Me-r- i..;.-. SERIES OF WOES fiffffl IH GEOR Statesville, Feb. 13. Thc county c.rr ni s.tioncrs of Iredell have au- thrric.od Sheriff M. P. Alcxan to olier a reward of $50 for the cap- der I KOLCIIAK'S EXECUTION FORM ALLLY ANNOUNCED ' r XI- A -cnnlof nil Pi"aa N lure of information leading to . the I , ' To Vpiv,' 0f the f Gvf 3 T b7J exS' cfldSllchat f killed Laurie Auto at. Bauum hpad of tbe al!.Ru ian g0vern- Spriiigs aoout 10 aja.ago. t h fe officially confirmed. David is nearly Pi years of age and,, ministers were is blind in one eye . , o- TRADE WITH SOVIET RUSSIA C 1 1 i r ; i c rt Tribune. We traded peaceably enough with i?,,...!n inidf -r the c:car. Yet the aris-! .itccracy of the czar was repugnant n.fl tr n- Ti'To is new autrocracy m . f. V'...11-: V,;';;. h, rm instinct for UJH! autocracy. It is the land that intui- hot at Irkutsk on February 7. Allan tin,.,: "'"ii : t t lively toddles alter "the luue lain- ier." The czar v?.s tne ntiie ! of Russia. Lenine is. the httm Vsi.ihitcd Press father. It keops .changing, but its Feb. 13. One per-! the same thing. . ;-.ve:.r-ol;l negro girl, is! We were satisfied witn, tne 'i-ive been killed and a racy of the czar to the point ot tra - "l.hlV l in n KPvioo rf smnlllinir Whv should WC Object IU lavi- . . ii i,-... c-i--. m i ji f 1 1 1 its . various sec img witn tne au-u.un-m ; sterdav. damage was reported ! strati.ng their ilLUiiU ULuLU I LlIU MFIURE 0 111 MEXICO COTTON Bv the Associated Press (tenant Pricur, cf the 1-rencn avia- New York, Feb. 13. Both Liverpool j tion mission, i made a successful nnd Now Orleans made a very fine ; .flifrK. across the Andes yesterday. chnwir.P- nvfr the local holiday and the ' T.pavn Mendoza . Argentina, rofton niRi-ket hero orjened firm at an landed SO kilometres beyond Ovalte, Ava-nna lo 4 rioint.s. Private! !rlnr.;,l.nf i.f Coouimbc, Chilo viator was slightly in.iu.-rea tnrour. n bnd landing in which his machine GRANJ was destroyed. Cleveh V- h. 13. Observance of i e 1.1 It'!. ; j. : ..y of Abraham Lin coln :;..i fe-: 'i-i-'it h.ere by the con ference of the Lincoln-American al liance which ended last night with a banquet at which Gen. Leonard Wood was the principal speaker. Various labor, business and universal leaders discussed problems of reconstruction during the morning and afternoon ses sions. Speaking on Americanization, Gen- h', oral Wood declared we should pay c!os- at'e ,r.ion to our immigrants than Ihe eve. '. '.cie. cables said the advance in Liverpool was due to Marchester buying and house with active brokers were buy ers at the decline. FRY FN YE. IGATi- ORDER! LKXIXGTt n to iOB PRODUCE By thc Associated Press "New- York, Feb. 13. William ! Lexington, Ky., Feb. 13. Briga flior Genr-.ral Marshall, in command of iTJ-lfJol fovmor cnrrptnrv of com- ' f.l 1 i f ,-rx:l 1-T Fo-o-c ooc uozen ; ' r, , , .euei-ii iiudp "-'"f; ok - - , ur.c- hppn o .pf'teri nresidcnt 01 nr. .. ,.u ,t nto--i-f . iin-u TToni nnrl roasters ner lb. ' "' . . , , - utie d.- a. it-sua a.u -ijij. vwi niT rfno 12c! the American-Russian chamber of WnIiam Lockett, negro, last Monday, X" v-ixxl.. iu n i commerce. country uuttei, pt;t iu. tiM 'fH ;, t't swept l he Russian popie C.""'V. ;r , ' and Mitchell counties By the Associated Press Mexico City, Feb. 13. -Three negro deserters from the American army have been captured by Mexican troops, who are continuing search for four other deserters, according to informa tion reaching the war department. Orders have been received to pre vent other members of the same out Creamery butter, per lb. 68c ; Pork (125 to 275), per lb 18c Pork (under 125 and over 275) per j lb. lvc GRAIN (Corrected daily by Horseford Milling j Company) Wheat $2.75 Corn per bu. $1.90 j Oats, per bu. 51.00 nnn i rnmn flftiniPTP I V I M A U Id D D ! 9 U X i - - i I a an rt I as B ak 0DI RIA ELF:! I V R M- VIU A U y n y i nrr v umti Uli 5Sl-BiiiW WfaUiiiniBWi I X 1 i has ordered Judge Charles Kerr to impanel a special grand jury immedi ately to investigate the rioting and the actions of those who resisted civil authorities. I Six persons were killed and several i wounded when a mob attempted to ob tain possession of Lockett. FAMOUS VIRGINIA WARTIME NURSE AN DAUTHOR DEAD Winchester. Va.. Feb. 12. Miss nf.rr. C Il 90 ! the Associated Press Kate McVicar, widely known as Re, perbu 1.J0 parig Fcb 13.Fremier Miller- ! tes3 and -vrit?r under the pen Compeas . 4-jU land who is attending the meeting of:.,QTV, f KV-nr, " fVioA horn tndav Weather For North Carolina: I the supreme council in London, is , at the aire Gf 76 as a resuit of pneu- ! energetically insisting on the execu- j nincja IVliss McVicar first came in Ition of the extradition clause of thejtc jocai prominence during the war i Versailles treaty and urging that if between the states when, as a nurse. Fair and col- the Germans refuse to surrender men i she went upon the battlefields and .til 1 '"irUll.lllI tll'i -ji.j-...-- - - I..,,.. I Vent Otlier llicuiuti- in lihj oauic uui, i . vx x-vrx-xx uunini-. . , , x .1 V. - i , . , , 1 i - .1 es.lof fmvPrnment they always have wprinr Mexico should thevlder tonight: Saturday partly cloudy,! for war crimes that they be tried by, gave first aid to federal and Confea tourf?."" ,lc:ith occurred in Mitchell! known. It is only .a syllable "om.- fregh nQrth wegt windg default, says the Echo de raris. ,erate wounded. - , iiicnoias to iit"-i" i