VOL. V HICKORY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS RsnninTinii 8 I 13 3 g a 5 - 3 . NU. I ID "f r- . - -- -- - - --- - -- - - - ; Tn cut unTtK yunMfih tfmniMMNrWMire idc FnmDiifiiT .urnricnrpiii- j c ainuo ill ii i ii i Mia ii ii .i' mi 1 1 iif 1 1 in s r ? j i' saiiHiss - iuhipi a i iis !i itiiir ma r bci c o r n r t r r 4 . 5 s i I II III V L. HOI L 1 1 1J I Hi UlulLBI U SL.fi I"- L-OllBlfiElll' RHIIittlllsr OIS'O S iHlifi I Mi a Era fci 6 I 8 - 2 i I 3 E i 5 g SB W i BM LI iu .fiy LU " - - i, - - - 7 i ------ - - u - - w UlllhiU.UUll tSl k R n K SEC. ,398 1JIH S.aS a B. E . ; j I -; - - - w s n Hi SI a SEMI I ' - B K E 12 2 IN HE bOITf . TIEWI i 'FDR HIGKORF TO FEATUBF music ietii PETiiii : iie? ; ekteb, 'I - s i ' . - - 'V t 1 I H gif!l m fill ! I M 1 I t V i n i" b 1 'I 1 i -'Vr ', 1 ( '1 , 4 , . v. P , eV is . - - ' , 1 ' 1 ' . ' 1 (P.Y V. S. MANX) ( ot.viir.lil I I'.v The Washington; Star) v a melt n. April - A loconi tM.i.ii'liM- v.ork.of I'h'tioirwhk'h wwivos .no .! 'ry seemingly futluMitu . ,.t., ,.tMt . ( f incidents in tliv Itie i A;li:dl.,'.,i Lincoln. WU how l-itu-ohi t arnpaigning one nine wuen m- I'liiimii!:: u- nuf w.is a i,antli!a(; foe ik'ftu.ii to IfMivlatun- aial n jjiouth arvi-!- un', Ii" roiU- o t id ,i.tvui ehciioneorum. t ne ,(1V relates that he would co;.v.e upon ..' , ,ti.l hi men r(ia in air in a li.-ld of wlieav. and liitchinjr hi I . i I .titu i nor-', v.t'iild y in the workers Pakinii1 a K.. l... u-ioi . iili t ill 1uOWM H . . . t .... t . t'atla r end of the held, usually ., little hit ahea;! of tile olh.er.. nis h was customary to pj'.use aiu "-est ., l.efo.e siartiriLf baci a'at n was then that "AV as he was Lm.wn 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 V h o u t tl.e cki at '.' -'it ' would ilv I'.i- eieclioneiviai:'. liie fit 1 hut and the "h..nd vrstintr, lie weald tell v. aat ad iraio. While WlM'; he pro-vi.-daiure. w .-f a ,'V.i thai laWCI tO dO 1 S. :lt t' i ne ( VcaMoi!'i!l . v.' Iiu'.'.s 1 "hoU.-e to holl.-e" ' anva-'s. was a man 10 man .aana.-s 'Tidni-'s !.' ii:;i'-'''ent mnva ;y: '. Willi men "I'Uitiiiii.v 'I'lril vt i y tii 'i paiyai'd. I'urai McK'mley is a i dice,' w'1.'. ! e lllg,'!! ." 1'-W. ! .in. o'.n ean, ;,mnh'. Mr. fa' tin laiit- h't "s au e n iidale I Statu- , Male 1 1 Uill . in; and thn-Uffh the ga.aad ti'!;ve'.se:l eolo uui '. an ir.terrurhMt 1:0 ty ey i : r. - l in-. (.Vi". d ley and in thr.ulii'i the si. il i IK to Hi' . oi' to 1 1; la.-u-ev I'V .M''. -MeKi Kir.-1 J I,,-, own car he speeds rey;"n. sLonpiMtj at all meet the iiirnuM's iio ,-.ide t rack where the Iroiley ear is parked, and from their w'.vn 'coMifer'.alile autraii(bile.- listen to the won!.- of wisdom poured toil.'i candidate for cilice. t!ie Senator inier.ds to Penrose ot I nnsyivaaia go both Lincoln and the ire.-i. at Mr. McKinley ".ne better m lanise t. house and man in man can vass. He is having built the largest touring automobile in America. in which he proposes to wheel along th;' i niif mads and interview the el- i j IK i iiii'r wru'ievv-i in- i u i - .n iereei he ill'!- ac'O t 'h ini tal ing.' good ; aie not to him oh.i I'O'.V!. ,-(!,: ill' Ary one w I '.'(rii.-.e and ha ; ever ('.'' ids si-cm re.! 1 1 ; ell'- ' ; t , a 1. v. : 1 1 , have to be "suae nv." to aoeomm-. 1 ' .late the IVariM lvanirt sor.arov. ! ho ,;i:' is b, be hi, wai'e v- ' 'A is on the road uta! o !;!' i to is on the riuit di:-dain h !e:.-; ran '1 ' or huMtd ia I'n'l; where b.'ii I., 11 i "'ia He will sleep in id 1 rv !v- V,',' C '.-. ia: llllil i,' :a.:::e n-1 -implo l...e. Im'e every a i ehVeid' 10 ;;; All ol . hi h iaary to ceini.'i: 1 h' ; i liaob1! di n. 1" c . nream theme of nt day a. nan i coi !e-d".idH,v . cav iling r'-'i t after il... ia.. voctie,). ui:i'-h v. ill ir lune. tlie grea: oa.ia na Iho will lie U r wa; until .Novciiiher, whin come oil'. !'( r four Ik-gia-.avional con h.dd late in .campaign of , to (ontinue the elections solid months it v.il! he vvaged and tho-voieo of th r: j ii r i:i t l'm c will be hear! in the hied I Jig Campaign Ahe.nl S ig:i! abound in pk-my that t'ds campaign will W a great, "ta'k fea-t" whieh is by way of saying, colloquially ; d -it il will be a 'i.!"p ' :-,'': (-f educa-: ti' 11" as the hi.gh-bi-ow expression goes. Tin- leagne of iut'io.-n is t x- peeted to be an i-ssue1 and it has so: many angles that it ivill hr-nd itself to discus-ion from a nvmb.-r of view-; I 1 iet.b The virli'e-,' a-:r-i the a'nort- j i oifings, of the ivto gj eat . jiolitica! ' pj.ith's must he o plowed and de l K-iated by the suppoi'ters , (' cn h, reaped i'(dy. and "a pleasant; time will be had by all present," as the club re-1 potter would wrile. I.ilie to Hear Hpeechcs The American people love to listen to ii pco-idi. That statement is. Irue iu twithstanding the fact that pa- litical manacei-s rosort extensively owa hivs to printers ink outputs, from I selves of the opportunity when pre eaw rditt.rials b. bill b-arl posters. sent od i to make speeches lor home dis- now h including th" lil. nary emanations of high e'a-s writ -vs. 'That I he people mv for, 1 of hearing speeches shown hy the fret, tint or. the. Chautauqua circuits they will pay real money for th" inivih'ge of hearing well known i.h I pconlar orators of the divy. Sen ators mi I representatives who have l i.e.), dialed their "gifts of the t:a!" on the f'oor- of congress are !) a .sought out by the Chautauqua mating. i's and paid round sums: to ex- lu.lilwl t . . 1. 1 ! , i f , . 1,tT.i.nk 1 n f II VU audiences. The statesmen, orators and near-orators will be comnelled t . f V '& during the coming summer and ft f'lll to , , ?,v 00 talking on their own account, now- ever. $ Talking fcr Hunconbe S I'l'tdim ilitntr hru.-ivrr ft illfil" Sll- earance in person in the hustings which means on the stump, on a dry goods box. or in the music hall or public auditorium of 'the more popu- ius cities they will do a certain am-1 campaign 01 1101. eu " nf tbo 1 reading eastward. oMut .,f u.i.li TvmL-in.r frv -.I m im i wn ; thp sicnificance and importance 01 tne, 1 P .,', .wi, in cong . s i eus omary public questions and especially of the This storm, it was said, wouia cans wli party issues upon which they will be considered in the house of represents called to pass judgment in the-Novem- of the co try east of : the Mississippi tived to have several hours of "gen- ber elections. - ni2'ht antI Monda, Tv t ho Associate Ralei-h, N. n-i rl irtv.i i in 1 . t ' ..v cmoi-ratu' convcn (ion lor t' .-ft m, ihv iiisti;fy cf ?ii. & .i v:wn tli'.'y viM-os(.':ii i'l a' .itcs at Vakt county iK'm u" -m ontion tod.iy, notwitlmaiid - 't Vvdnion ai o not rKnnitte:i lo v"- i i, o women weie elected delegates u ine state-convent-am i;-. lie held in l'ah".u!i April S Other county ir.tions in the stale acted on c(.n Ihe (Uestion. '11 'v Pit t couniy convention held at tlreenville this morning; unanimous ly adopted a resolution against the suft'rae anieudnieat. Other con ventions nieiely transacted other bus in ss and adjourned. the Associated v :!u! ;a".p;e. t ideai VVii.-ea's a ( iday, A April 2. l c io t!ie'alli'.s in-.:rl-:s must g'et out shock I. - a!! Turk . i brief dispat dies on adaei ed to this timating- that ; lie T of IJtli'Ope can.: :. ' a i ish parties. 'saving: that Mt e','e ; Wi! ; pdiey had ;md l-nd; n ;e-ii date i rinte.i un.'.er Paris lines, but until the note apKated in lo- actual text of tia oal iicwspfipers, Turks were unwilling Mr. Wilson's note was i o he iiove it. slightly garbled in 'order to make its tetms appear harsher than thev really i ! The note was equally displasiug to the Creeks, wh.o apparently we'e much I offended by the refusal of lh Ameri - ran president to grant them large ter- ditory abt.ul Smyrna and has insist ence that. Adiiaucple be given to the Ihiigar ions. n uWV jfrrfLlTi U? J Jl-UU ' ! Wilh Mrs. C. C. Host in the chair land with over d() ladies present,' the I meeting of the Community C lub yes jterday afi'Miomi was a splendid suc-Ic-e.-s. The- hrst business to be trans acted was trie elcctian of (.Hicers "with !Mis. V. P. Ham -ay chosen president, , Mrs T. C. Plackburn, hist vice presi jdent. Mrs. Carrie C-amble, second vice president. Mrs. R. J. Foster, recording : secretary, Mrs. S. II. h araoee,-cones- i j j-.c-nding secretary, and Mrs. C. L. Mos ' teller, trtasuiw! Tne quorum was I reduced from 2." t.n 10 and other mat jters attended to" Seven delegates and 1 7 alternates were appointed to th? i state federation which meets in Char lottle April 27 through 29 and an invi tation te the entire club to the dis trict meeting in Newton at an early date was read. The members were most enthusi astic and are looking forward with in terest to the new year. The pi ev ident, Mrs. J. W.Elliott, after three years or. service ana ner . aamin.stiu - . , i i . J. t ion. 'oi an with hich has been the instrument ot ;Jv.'-(f KJ!I nil ia OVflJie:n, itniv, i.i : . . . . retire. vote ot tanks for their splendid' service and record i nal debate." This means talk on 1 my subject under the sun except the! appropriation bill awaiting consider - atitn. Congressmen avail them - triuuuon. i iidey tne press aim iush for time it is customary to talk for five or ten minutes and then ask leave to extend their remarks in the record. Such permission is readily granted more especially if the man who asks 1 it is net an entertaining talker. Many j congressmen can write better than they can speak and their sentences read better than they sound. Once in the Congressional Record the speech can be sent through the mails under the trankmg privilege il may be printed at the goveinment P't"- office at cost price. Scores j . p . ..mi: f nl., iindfliec wi t i 1 or miliums 01 i""."' .-(......-. , n n it n n n n : ATTITUDE ' n in bLUd 1 be sent out by senators and represen- Cy he Associated Press tatives in this campaign in addition to Washington, April a. Probability the other scores of millions which ; of a rain on Easter Monday in practi wi 1 be distributed' bv the Democratic Lcally all of the southern states anc will oo aisiriDuita u .ftmrnittpP. 1 much colder weather m some section? and Republican national J-; vvere foceast today by the weRther bu- lt may oe accepira a. u. - hf ihn vntprs Will have HO ,.-.-rnnd for ccmnlaint in the coming 1 : , . i c 1 pvas T)ann-iiuiie ana was ' ' nil HUM V I lUlli f J - , ondivm petition under tin vronr,' im- pvcV'-sum am! soino of that they siT.fvl it to make th mi r.t. inu-iiai founding; notable, thj ; petitions in regurd io this vr.i , assumed formidable size an prohab- will prove a revelation when i -;ey i aiv taken up by c ity council Toes niL-'ht. 3Iativ men wl vtct 1 no .nav t re- quested that, their names bt removed i.vheatod Tues:'.'av frt.in the troai) -,aper hy.vo taeii' intention to aig'ht iji person an ippear request This i- hat as neiv :ood names L.e omitted. a way as any. in the meantime the r bor beiav taken from the Stroui) petition growin"' nd, judging J)- the names en a counter petition that inspected yesteuiav, the . ..: ; i . 1 i j-.. . i . i. the Record pOti tinners oug-li name;-. win ;;ui ill snori, 01 (. to require aa election. Many of those who have had their names removed fron- the counter pe tition thank" the- Record for giving: them the facts, ere! it that this 'news- i : i upjn tcjui.es .-is seme oi thv.ni said, men v.-iii sitrn almost ilV-' tning' if if looks good, and the peti- ta.ns nhieed before tlirm plained satisfactorily at The facts later changed th Iron. It is said that otic vere ex he time ' exphina- name on the netition was obi'-rd jietition was placed on it without allefvrd sieaier'r consent. the All the names en the jietition g'ot up last week will, be canvassed bv councili in public Tuesday night and those net removed by the jysdgneTs themselves will be published in Wed nesday's Record. J ; Hickory e to the polls ?ci;ors aio exnevted to so i on Monday and indicate for alderman from the their choice second and J. ward, Mos::-'s. ,N. W. Clark ; T T T . t ,.1 .1. iicTiier oe;n.g the can -a- ! dales. Toe electors also will ratify the nomination of Mavor Elliott and i Councilman Lvei y, the latter from the first ward. Unless more interest is shown Monday than was the 'case in the primary last Monday, a light vole i will he -cast. t NOIIFOLK AND WESTERN STRIKE COMES TO END Roanoke, April 3. At a conference here this morning between officials of the Norfolk .and Western rail way and local and international rep lesentatives of organised crafts or, the system who have struck in sym pathy wth the clerks who walked out March 22, a settlement was reached under the terms of which all employes of the company will re time work immediately. According to company officials undei an agreement with the union repre sentatives no further statement re-' "aiding the settlement of the dif ferences between the road and its em ployes will be made public. Whether the terms of adjustment contemplate the removal cf W. T. Divers and Amos Headiey, non union clerks, wose discharges were demanded by the railway clerks, or whether these i-.-ifjvi -ix-ill Vw 1-r.f o ii rrl i v eAM-i'.in it ill v i I. tuilii.u ail iii o i- V , , , . , nrfninI . , ' ; er company officials nor union heads ; ,i-T.,i ,,.r. -11. ,i 1 ' 1 1 v. . . ivtv.t.'.. w llOI. U.IO lilt : leims, but it was learned from reliable sources that the members of the broth- erhood would be reinstated and . that the non-union clerks who had caused the strike would be transferred to an- 1 other department 1 , ftf ,1fl,.i-?(l intensity was centered this morning over the rapidly -mninnu n ronnw ltook Rooert a. n- . rs tliUHUM! LLLU hUIi ''jJWP " SHOOS OFF SCHEOfjilLI iOIDAVl Tnr ininrnrsmniiTn Ibx IN ON EASTER m 1 11 With rifles, sabers, ammunition and overcoats received by the Hickory cav alry platoon, the time for mustering cut of the Hickory reserve militia. ; lovingly termed home g;uards by 'their host of friends, is drawing near. This will be g-cod news, to the boys, who will prepare for g'enera! inspection by , an ctfieer detailed byithe- adjutant gen era!.. The rifles used by- the guards have leen packed up for shipment by Ser geant Benfield and two are hy." These should be returned. at once unless the members who have them want to risk tne consequence, because these rifles will have to be used e, nreetion if ' ',.4. the gams or the cavalry are not bor lowed for the occasion. The guard will , go through the manual of .avnTsI nntl itumnnch'-iin fn v, c ..-t ; r.i , el the inspecting 'officer- that they are worthy of honorable discharges. The inspection is expected to be pub lic and the citizens cf Hickory will doubtless have the opportunity of see ; irig: their favorites do their tricks for the last time. ! In the meantime the cavalry platoon 'is getting into shape rapidly. Most of the equipment has arrived and hors es are expected by the middle of next month. Lieut? Wade V. Bowman and eight non-commissioned officers will go to Camp Cordon, Atlanta, in May, to attend a school for the cavalry for four days. Those who will ac company the commanding officer are Sergts. James Homer-- Bowles, - R. P'. Benfield, William F. Buff, Clyde J. Pope, Corps. George A. Moser,. Thcs. Nichols, Hubert P. Suttlemyre and I By the Associated Press I New York. April ?. He hort Hoov is ready to i r, who has announced he . .1 Tv IT' : accent the Kepuoiican no; 1 i nnuon n u j demanded ot him, b --i. 7V4. 4 e tell cJliv : A I " .1 ! totlay that he be. not ; rassed by suggestions ! pendents that his nam I fore seme other party. fur the.: crab..: Oi ? h te mde-. placed be 'a. primai; ense of teamwork in any party organi zation would prelude such a possi bility." CHAPEL LECTURE On Thursday morning a brief lec ture will be given to the North school by Rev. C. ' R. W. Kegley on the ''Unearthed or desurrected city of cmpeii with its many Easter Les- sons. i he attention. children .gave undivided SAYS WE ARE IN ERA Oi FALSE PROSPERITY Chicago, April -Ameriei v, ias en ei'ed an era of false prosperity, r rank . Vanderiip, formerly president of he National City bank of New York leelared in an address. Mr. Van ierlip is en route to- Japan, where. in connection with a committee of commissioners, he will investigate con - litions c-overning trade relations be- Uveen the ' United States and .Japan. "There are three things upon which real prosperity must be based,' ho said. "These are ample capital, ef ficient labor and an application of sound economics. , We are pros- nerous today m the lace ot al dl ibf three fundamentals and our prosperity is false as well as dangerous. "Incomes today are larger than ev er before; profits are larger and yet fresh capital for business enterprise is less available than ever before. 1 he tnis is the govern merit taxes. , "But even .were taxes reduced, the situation will not be sound. I hav talked with scores of big business T . , .1 ' At 1 lien and taieir conclusion is mat ia )or is GO per cent efficient. There is non-employment today. "And yet despite this fact our pro luctivity is lower tan it ever has been. 3ut even with labor efficient and cap- tal plentiful our prosperity stiii vould be cn a false bottom. The 'nflation of currency and. of bank cred- t has more than anything- else been responsible for the 250 per cent ise in prices in the last six years. Wages have hot kept pace with pric es, and false inflation has 'added to the chaos. Unrestrained extravagance .-.-I I nr. IK hPH! h h! ; ' . ; arranged by f i s our national keynote and the capi- i tal of the smaller capitalists, when it , is not dried upon by the tax, is being : Bv ..scciaie(j pres- squandered in the , purchase Of un-; "'WashiriP-ton, April 3. -Federal dis productive things" . ' trict attorneys were instructed today Weather . For North Carolina: Showers and i ed after sc-me bitiminous coal opera ihunderstorms late tonight and Sun- ; tors had stated publicly that an in lay, warmer in east and central per - dons tonight, fresh east winds. and :-ion:tr. important days on ; North Carolina, will :e to yel! ob;.:. we.'i in Hickory. The icmoriMYv will have unusually intere.:;ti;-;:r ser- vices, niorni the K specu musii fen tu rip in the a" the hour. ad at ternoea have their the l-'ir a. lg-hts Tern: .av v.-. ;:30 ; i annual sermon at Pw.fl-.,. I.-. ..1 m Dr. IVJOU.y If! ici.l CliltlCli. Oiaig: will deliver I is invited. On Monday, if the many picnic parties and the ball g-ame at i:J. al. an the pubii weather is g'ood, will be in order Newton between Latawoa and ;.enoir will larg'e crowd, as usual. ' attract a 'ha HicUorv boys have -von the first ganre- " i !---- X'..J ... 11 1 . L 1L -'tU'" iuuimay aner ibe hard fought. All stores in 'Hiekc.-rv woJ !.-- 0(l.;"CTieay ami Ihe Kecovd will fo -giving; the force a re?r. a-vl i s. . , .... chance to spend tiie iday aa p ostoffi eo. h owe v e hy de - will not sire. The observe ounuav 3UVS, S11K tej' xy is nct-a ieeal hob da The presneets- for a brieh Sunday out not. annear tr ood t.hix m in o- though the weather man. with his keener perspeetion might indicate otherwise. The universal hope will be tnat the weather will be line. ' Ml 6" P 8 8 S K - B ! s a mi it J El p n r p a i a y N g k h V, M p 8 iWiiiSa roori F P" n si? 35 s i so r 9 tS 8 S ? S jc- ifij' .'is- Ljc 3 5 4 p H m HI IrH t. fc E, l ii. si a! te St ii-.-u. s.sj' the Associated. Prc-s Chattanooga, Tenn., An o sectism is sti a ins West tin aded train-, ii;e Railroad being; ''. by Dal ion over -e of big vntei; lie kmd--Hde t.n i'iiiroo:' has been is resumc-u runni Southern be Craysviile. Southern no: od o day. a fi to lar.or-r.'.o save hi coi hous f rem the ready ox loved o Lomporary dleys. . low-lvin- ifTlPfPrr iiipann 4 ti ij W S a 2 i'Jf s - w W ; By the Associated Press Chicago, April 3. Freight .traffic on j the Chicago ami Milwaukee railroad I was at a standstill today and onora ! tions on the Chicago junction "railvoad crippled as a remit of 000 yardmen and swit-: )f 1. men amo.ated witli the Chicago yardmen's union. -in embargo was in effect on the former road. The men demanded rcinstat'ement of j. Jon Garou, presidor ! a scale of 9" cent r (-.1 t!.-. i,i :i -i-!r union, an hour for switchmen and SI an hour for conduct- ! ors. Efforts io prevent the ; i union officials wei e unavailing iK( Oi ATTEND CONVENTION :dan Mici OI T) ;emo s wer lie coi. Newton th : convention i j . -Id iieii was ca it noon bv Chairman Wil - J i 1 IT .1 1 J 1 . . , j to nominate!, , and which was e: .-a a county tic-Ket and delegates to j the state convention. : J-tiss nce j is the guest : lyilitm. : ! Anderson of Ro Hill her aunt, Mrs. Geo. 1 1 i I 1$ a Jl HP i a 1 & g TSS p W S i it I m by Attorney General Palmer to receive and consider complaints in bituminous I ccal, "which may arise in your distrct I ' under the i,evcr act"' Mr. Palmer's telegrams was prepar- ; crease as a result ot the wage award would be from Goc to $1.CG a ton. Easter Sunday em & Atta-itic i to route trains, mm p mi n 0010 01 ti-U S t h A 1 i Lilly- j rr K u r, rs r--ti n if : p. r? .t i or i i-ini'r Mr Mn " Mill? y s s s y f I M q u. d tu ilUfy April 3. The Cirfawba mccraiic convention, mrt. ' w - afternoon to elect delc ihe state convention and name a county ticket. All Demo the county were invited to era cvats .f to La;t !'. next Thov--dM- Tba ., veniton endorsed woman suffrage and l.naiiman I-eimstei' a:d;'e:;.; as chai-rria urged it in his afternoon includ--Wilscn Warlick, . F. Long, mayor : Acmmaiicm. ed: tm: ror state Newton. I, the house. T i Aewton. I- )-, judge of the county court W. Gaither, Newt. v or sneriff - . T T 1 T. Lentz, chief of ponce, mcicory. i-'ur register of deeds S. T. White ne', Mountain Creek. 1 J-'or sui tobs Fork. For coroner C. P. Drum, Nwvlon. c r:' county commissioners C. rf. j Huitt, Clarcmor. H. L. Arndt. Ncw- -i; H. i. Shufonl, Bandys; A. S. 1 J -I 1- ri st i -i , .V.-UUU..;,. ineivoiy: ioni uaDriei. rtberneinv. baerrills Ford. Judge. Council!, candidate for con gress, made a rousing speech before the convention, which wn Invwohr at- tended ?ifn ! By the Associated Press i j Washington, April :). Picketing of 'the British embassy by women today j not resumed. i favorable to the Irish republic was ! Mrs. Thomas Corliss cf New York, i on:- of the leaders of the movement, I said the state department vvai, .hot Inst-sponsible; that the department had j made no recommendations.. "We picketed the embassy on Good Friday," she sard, "to remind Great Britain and the state department of the crucifixion of Christ and to remind them that Ireland was being cruci fied." 9 I1 I 'I 4 Editor Hie 1 notice kory Record: that you hav& a lot to say Stroui) in regard to build ing municipal building and petitions for bond election covering cost of same. I wish to make a statement af facts that I think the public should : know. First, Mr. Stroup did not want to take part in the contract to build said ; building, but Mr. Moss and myself in-" jsistcd on his taking part, knowing that we needed more financial strength than ourselves to secure bond, discount our bills and handle the work suc cessfully. And it was only on Friday night, four days before the. letting, that Mr. Si roup agreed to take part in con tract. Hence yew. se--e it is not a, case of sour grapes,. Second. There had been a strong . sentiment in favor of holding an elect ion and let the. peop! decide whether ; t he bonds should be issued. Previous I to its letting arid from the excuse, giv- an wiien a:: 'bids were rejected, -tnat; is "because of the high cost of ma terial,'' an-.l in the next breath passed J ; evt;' amty .'o tiii: U-s to mXi a 1 . tsl MFM niPITTP Li fMLh iPT ni-i loo nm mrnniin si, anuur, 10 ill CONTRACT !a resoiunoM authorizing1 tne city man pi s 5" i't ft l as,"- r to go. ahead and build same wc U-ould nr.t follow such reasoning and ur.on- discussifn bv some ot tne best i citizens ot i he city in regard to same J the sentiment against the bonds being 'issued without authority from the peo- le was chrystalized and these petitions i were encouraged as much by Moss and j myself as they were by Mr. Stroup-' and if you have a cause that you aie - afraid to leave to the people then you; 'arc in a bad fix. " - Personally, I am not a voter but' I ; am a tax: payer in the city and I am ; in favor of the city having this build--ing and if the city can -buy the ma Iterial and labor cheaper than a con-. I tractor then I am in favor of the icity ! manager buiiding the building and I am sorry i ever asked Mr. fcstroup to join in on this contract or that I per- sonally bad anything to do with mak-' ' ing a bid on the building ! Personally, I am unable to seei where there is anything to gain by this ! discussion, but I feel it is due Mr, iStrcup to make thi.s statement. . Yours !i e,spectfully, . ' ' II. II. ABREi - i t I . f