X Kl KECOMD VOL V. NO. 176 HICKORY, N. C, : TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 1920 PRICE FP'E CENTS TAKING LOOK THR CATAWBA 7 WORLD AAA einru u&m Min nni n ill imunPTni in nrran? mrr uuun mm Mm yyLU!lLl iuo m hKCUMV 1U rUi ON Some Things Which Visitors May See at This Season of Year in Nation's Work Shop Big Men in Capital Are of Their (BY V. S. MANN) chef to make it "a la Wmslow" and (Copyright 1020, by Tho Washington ! now it ;-o appears on the bill of fare. Stai) J Spsrts in Congress There are scmo real cowboys in Washington, April 5. Net merely congress ami one of them is Rcpresen nr, the residence of the president, i Lit ive Budspoth of Texas, who is where, hiv ' are made, and diplomatic j going to cook a baibecue dinner for veprcjordatives from the nations of! his associates next month, the world make formal negotiation.?; , In the mutter Of dress and even not inert ly a; ih:: city where e cuts : hair combing the congressmen are in- f world imparlance are staged must divdualstie. Heflin of Alabama, wears the per pie oi the country view their national capital. it is 1 heir home city, and not the oh) fashioned "parlor" sort of home either, with "cu tains drawn for feci" of fading the wall-paper and th Hi furniture. Nor ure the great men in public life ! a glaring ; uit of red-brown homescun those in th congress or cabinet or! I hat he likes so well he recently had on the supreme court bench, or even j it turned wrong-side out. the prudent himself to be thought j Representative Carlos Bee, Post i' merely as brainy, always serious- j master General Burleson's brother-in- m-nocM mi;, aVi 1 . -l r ;ind cm-nries U- stecinur ih - shin of ftate and building legislative feiK-es to Li'H' A :nn ican citizens in the rtrnigld and n:irrow path. Washingt' n is a very hosnitable. we Utuning city and th.e men v, V.o makeians tlr laws and administer them are i ) bipuar.: they have 1h'ir tMuie- df--. their hobbies, rud do oMt-v ai:'' irriKisn things, even as , Jim i . , .. .. . .. in he ractnrv. or .lo in r-n tio in. n':f i n, im u. iiaiiy, ni' iney uiucnei ! 'I '!' Oi' "-in' i M'S 1 1C P -maker. a. vim i uic ij.ii;.: jiii'iur, vi:iitii Ju- t row Vvpshingtf n holding ' tackle; Johr.sc a of Kentucky was a T.ir.ter reception to 'the rest of the'sP?intt'r ?n-1 J?ynmaPt; Senator Sdge counrv. At this reason many highof x- 'T- toured the country a? a bi f.clioo'n.irtir' come tn ..-.rr tbe'wbeets eyele racer. Tliere are : numDcr fro round in ' Uncle Sam's workshon. , It nin ;t be noted that while Washing tin i. not a manufacturing city, it his the largest single industry in the wrM. with Jin ;i vorffirp of sihmit 1 10.000 men ntl women emr.lc.ved tint':, what is meant by "Uncle I Son,e Songsters f-Jnm's workshop." No city in the! Dignity and decorum occasionally world a more extensive system of j gives way to diversion of many sorts, p irlis ivmning through the very heart I Rep. Tincher of Kansas, during hear ef (lie city. " j ings before the committee on agricul- T'-eea ave -.r;v bursting into - bud,- ture of. whiclv-l-.is.-a member, - plays vith here and there liur.e heds cf!"pigs in the clover" a game played spring bloom . Besides this the yii- i on a Mock of wood by jumping pegs itrs find the city otherwise fir--sl'v ' f-ver each ether Then there is the decorated for. thorn. Tee N.iopa! . Botanic Garden., is pre'-a- ing f r i( r'-ntenrdal ce'brat io:i in :T::y. rVb" deparlmr'nt rf sr;i'iru,fvjM. i ":' ! rbse! -:n -::h;h;Jcn ef vi-:v:;') plants with a avorag" c" "n.;- ho-n-: to each n.nn!. TM.? r-.r-.e Viv:r!.- rnont han In'.rtwb;-?''.! a-i A e- ( n ; Faster i!!y, v.M'b cii;:'- the !; re of , produ'-ti'-n' cvy knlf. ryi tie- onp third arid give- t d' co-f' ,v bulb. Thoi;:--i v: , c!? fiv- .-e beve ! nren grown th Ar- bi rv"f i- mental f -m. A rvn ldlies i-t hrraftei' in I. 1 i- l r .' : ho tun ! r-vrt rf 'he while Ik,; e where ilr pn-vidr-.t li'-e". A gr-up of ''tu':v.l Fngland school toaeh.er:- who had, shr-r-e f::ced lv csvtrn some saudwich.e on park brr"d--i; were sur t'ised en climbing the rnnitwl ivr,n to see Ronn-f-ent itive Q-)inn of Massachusetts sitting on one side contfiitodlv eating h;s lunch out of a good-sized dinner pail. Mr. Quinn also buys his tolrioco a month's supply at a time becau.-.o he gets it rheaper. Wlien lv went through col 1etr hr, vashcl and ironed his own chthos; now he owns a laundry unci is a millionaire. Millionaires Too But being a millionaire isn't a imc rome; thing in congress there are do:1; ppp of them: Representatives Gr-od-P.H of Maine, who originated palm heaoii cloth; Parish of Texas, who made it as rn oil producer; Snyder of New York, bicycles; Winslow of Massnclur-etts, skates, etc. Jli'nois fdnrdM out as sending many miliion ainr Madden and Britten, contract ors; Copley, powder nlnnts and a half dozen nov,-. nar-ers; "Uncle Joe" "!.' n non, throurh faith in the value of the f-di wh"n thn middle west was young; in !!, inr-'jrii'n trfi't"!)i lines. Th'y o; r vi.-inv 'bev mills rah e A t 1 -m1" err pro'i 1 of he r""h' -! n !". nvetty f their i'vie stftes and veTinTe '-" v treat then folfflctis to -env;1 f tho nroduct' vi-t- tiling them about thei: good things to f-f on ihn Cr rf th" house. Fo' f"n-iifd' rb-V, ears and Drane ef Fl""i 1'' d:-'t -ibti'c-'' "vare f'uit and ornmres? Mev'--hpn of Wltse-in-'!'. some of tho pw's cheese that made his heme j district famous: Ilershman of Cali-j fnrnia, nrunes; Dale, Vermont, maple! sugar: Martin, Louisiana, sugar; bow ers, W. Virginia, apples. Representative Jr. row R. Minn of Illinois for R years Republican floor leader, put it all over his colleagues, however in gardening. He raises his own fruits, berries and vegetables, then canned them himself in tins and in glasses, and distributed them among bis associates who had been "twit tintr" him about his garden. There are epicures in the house, too. For example, Representative Sam Wlnslow of Massachusetts, a for mer Harvard athlete now weighing - Harvard athlete now weighing o than S00 pound,, didn't like the more way they ma(te mutton stew in men".'"--" - capitol lunchroom, so he taught thc an airplane. Very Human Activities Some la 1 iv-ck coat and wmte vest. In the summer season most cf them wear palm beach suits. Former Sneaker ! Cannon although nearly 85 years old, . bus a favorite nut-green suit of chao- ; tame iy marrying Alice Roosevelt, has on l v r "U-'U"L r.W!,,u"V",bsd!y washed. Farmers are also dc : nd. Icp. Campbell of Kansas has , ..... ,,,,. , , , ,u nep. am ,.XMi ox Kansas nas iVR:r;o. a Iock of his hair to fall down his forehead 5 ike a Dickens character. Rep. Frank Clark of f-'k-rida, affects tho long lr-:ir of the old stage politici- T"r,.... 11 . .1 , T i ,lt i j Hex a (Juii ongi esvnan, some cr tne; i, ,,n;.., ' : ti .I1'-0 most .importaiit, wid not be in- 4i, ... u..:i.;: lu- , utucc uaimmj;. luno UIt - Kiiuu.i .umcio. ijwhuh;u u C , . O- . .1 'A . A to0' Vv'lj fU'e champion boxers; Brit. ten, I-l., Tinkhiim and Galiivan, Mas sachusetts and. others. The Republi cans and the Democrats play a game cf baseball each season for the teaefit f seme local charity shighig c.-bo' Speaker Gillett aid : t'p: i a:re.eiu ct incuana, Mon-xnan ,f Wisconsin, Lp.-naw of Georgia, ana , -me o'Jr.rs have gotten into the hab- i of d: if ling into the house barber k-:o i h'iit the same time!' where they oit J-' ti ui suiging oi'l piaiuation re- i'-'al songs led by the colored bather L-ea! :ng time with a razor, 't hero aie r. few members who are Cattered by their resemblance to el;arart.(-! s in history. Rep. Phil Campbell 'makes un" to look like Eobbie Burns. Rep. McKeown of (Jklahoma has been selected three times to preside over the House on Washingto n's biithday because of his resemblance to the Father of his Coun try. Rep. Fairfield of Indiana, is the modern Abe Lincoln of Congress. Certain, member:; hold reee-rds. Un cle Joe Cannon has served 22 terms, and is th.e only man living whose name appeared c-n the ticket wit that of Lin coln. Gen. Isaac R. Sherwood, now 85 is the o'desi man who ever occu pies! a seat in the house. Rep Martin L. Davey of Ohio, is the only troe doctor in congress and treat ed seme of the trees on the capitol grounds Hi years ago. 1 CfTY ELECTI1 Mr. N. W. Clark won out in yes terday's municipal election by a major ity of 45 votes over Mr. J. J. Hefner 'for alderman of the second ward, the vote being Clark 218, Hefner" 173. May !or Elliott received 2U5 and Councilman Lyeriy votes. I here was more interest in this contest than in the primary, but the full voting strength of. the city was not brought out. H RESUME PUG J By the Associated Press Washington, April 6. Disregarding waitings "of the federal government that they would be prosecuted under federal penal statutes, three women favorable to the Irish republic re sumed todav the picketing of the Brit ish embassy after two arrests had been made yesterday. T.;iter. if was announced, since the police were interfering with picket ponce wc.e mlCuu Xn l tn tag en te HI 10 I i The Easter blizzard started week tn the Texas panhandle last strucx iiicKory and tins section Sun- Japanese troops today occupied VI a d day in the form of rains, which con-1 ivostok after eijjht hours of severe tmueel through bunriay night, and capped ail with a wave which for cold- ness was cquai to many of the cold speiis ct the winter. , Monday and roday at least were lair, and the pa raue oi easier miumery was stopped, though delayed a dav. not The mercury this morning register ed 20 degrees and ice projected'' from soft ground. Ice in some places was half an inch thick, the ground also being frozen. Damage to small cram probably will be material, though ft was impossible to say this morning to what extent. The rainfall during the past six davs has amounted to 4.50 inches, 1.H5 of it laiimg Sunday nignt The dawn ; panted by a thunderstorm of violence. Smal streams went 'out of their banks but the Catawba, according to read ings at Rbodhiss, was not over two feet above the river level. The most damage was dene to land, which was , d whh their loinving and it wiU be ' .,,T . - ,..,-. nearly a ween oeiore much nlantin!.r can be dene. The cold late yesterday and tody is likely to injure the fruit crop, es- tiuu. v jjv-ch. iiic. ,tinii: iidvu ut'Vil III oiocm lor a v.eex. Apn'e trees nave - cf ai ! urcd. to the wind the peach crop has escap- C(l SCI lous ds.mage. FRENCH FORGES Dy the Associated Press. Frankfort, April 0: Frankfort was occupied without incident by French troops early today and with the cavalry in the lead followed by the mxantry and artillery the occupa- iion iorccs met with no opposition. The only German troops encountered were, volunteers, who surrendered They probably will be disarmed and released. L-v..the Associated Press Mayence, April 6. French troops entered Frankfort at 5 o'clock this morning, finding cniy a small German force to afford protection to the peo ple. The occupation was effected without incident. Doormstadt was entered shortly af terward by French forces. Tho Ger man government garrison of that city left at midnight to avoid contact with the French and this morning was six miles east of the town. General de Goutt has issued a proc lamation to the citizens of the towns stating that French troops have cross ed th.e Rhine to compel the Berlin gov ernment to carry out its engagements and that there is no hostile intention. The French troops will withdraw, it is stated. T By the Associated Press Washington. April 6. Frosts occur retl this morning as far south as the cast gulf states and south Atlantic states except southern and central Florida. Storm warnings remained dis played as far north as Sandy Hook ancl strong westerly winds are pre dicted for tonight. The weather has become colder in the north and war mer in the south. Mr. Burgan L. Witherspoon who holds' a position with the government and is located at Newport News, spent Easter with his parents at their home on Tenth avenue. Rv ttie Associated Press Poi-ic! Anvil fi Tin tn noon todav : the French government had not re-: it r I 1 1 ceivect a reply irom Lxreat eritam ana Ttalv of its notification of the occu- rot and other German cities in the Rhineland. J iiiiir nnnnnrn i mmmmi ishi era. Hi i R1T1WR1 RfiFiFMBVl TS 1 SOOTH REPDRTED DMT BRIT1 ID ITALY : SILtf ON li By the Associated Pre ss Vladivostok, Monday. April 5- fighting- in all parts of the citv. The Japanese flag- is fiying en al! govern- ! ment buildings. Some of the revolu- tionary forcse have been taken pris- - loners. -.Throughout last night Japanese fought with 'rifles, machine guns and smaii artillery and grenades in all parts cf the city. Their incessant firing met with little opposition, the Russians being taken by surprise, the Japanese m oved-tc-ward occupation j having been unexpected by the party m power i REVOLT THREATENED By the Associated Press Washington, April G. The Jap anese attack on Vladivostok which gave, them control of the city result ed fronf threatened attacks by a por tion of the Russian army, according i to a dispatch from Tokio .today to the Japanese embassy. The dispatch said the Japanese had no intention other than to obtain order. CREATES SURPRISE By the Associated Press Washington, April 6. The sudden attack by the Japanese which gave them complete control of Vladivostok came as a complete surprise here. At the. state department it was said. there bad been no intimation that the Japa - nese had pianned an attack on the city, which was evacuated less than ten days ago by the Americans. Government officials said the Jap anese move might have been caused by danger of a threatened uprising which would haye endangered Japa nese troops m Siberia. Decision to increass the capital stock of the Catawba Creamery Com pany to $300,000 was made at a meeting of the stockholders yesterday afternoon -and the plant will be moved j? it. l -i , "r:4-u , nue to the" railroad with adecraace track facilities. 'Vi'm "w,,-' ,.r,'r ,v;n nt ho mnvn,l I i , .' t'l S ! 'S J , .Sill' t(H i I L V -t - 1 ' ! ' i j any time 'soon, but will wait on theH?her cost of living, the oncers cen securing of more capital. Of the!n"fc 1W ciyr' $100,000 preferred. It was decided to aril R9r, DOn nwfmTort ct men rsr1 S10 - 000 was taken at the meeting y ester- TO gO 01 SALE The Record today is carrying a two rage advertisement announcing the sale of the W L. & T. W. ,Boatrighi; stock by the Parks-Belk Comipany, which has purchase! tke stock and will put it on the market in a big sale beginning Thursday. The Parks Belk Company will open one of its big stores here just as soon as the line carried by Mr. Boatright is dis posed cf. This company has 29 stores in its chain, tho Hickory store being the 28th. Messrs. Broome and: Brum ley are in charge of the sale here. The two-page ad in the Rec ord -today is the largest individual spread ever put in this paper. Markets COTTON By the Associated I'ress Washington, April 6.- -Yesterday's reactions in i advance was followed by the cotton market during today's ear lv trading. A disposition to take I profi ts on long contracts was prob- ably increased by reports that weath- jer conditions were gradually improv- iner in the belt and after openmg steady at an advance of five to a de chne c-f seven points, the market soon turned easter. May and October broke 10 to 28 points below last nhts closing. Onen .40.18 .37.66 34.78 .34.08 .33.46 Close 40.30 May . July-- October December January day. S807;paign J5.17 - t -r i r l:, I h Weather , aaaaaaW For North Carolina: i'ar j tonight and Wednesday, - Partly cloudy armer fresh I west and soutnwest wmus. j 1 By Arrangement With Charlotte Observer, Rec ord Will Publish Magazine Supplement on Kcsources an Twenty-five Rita mmir; By the Associated Press. ers of bcili papers. This means that Chicago, April G, Use. of union fifty thousand or more people will have strike breakers to put down the un- j the picture of Catawba, past, present authorized walkout of members of and future, put forcibly before them the recently formed Chicago yard- and it is believed that much good will men's association hold forth a premise iconic to the county from the effort, of restoration of nearly no; ninl ' Shortly the force of workers who freight traffic to "and from Oicar.; j will gainer viie photographs ard as hy Saturday, nearly 1& representatives st nib e the data on the business in of the brotherdhcod and switchmen';-. : forests of i;-- county will get to work union of America raid today. unci it is hope- to bv ig out this marg- The two m?.jov unions iviivc joi. -.-! "7-:- su.-nlementat an e.;rly d.tte. ' with the r.-.;--- oad rnanngei .-. Natun.tiy the Record expect s the elavine th-j s rii.e illeai, f-n.i -. j3 .coe-veratio i f o ; "ness men, p. -jfes- i through eft'eri's of their 'grand lodge j oHicers tiiat yardmen from other c'it- ; ies worked in the Chicago district last night. The strikers are asking for for more than eight hours and extra pay for Sundays and legal holidays. IvJr. L. F. T err."' who wor nfiniin.it- 4J2.fl.Xv'!' the. hguse. bv .Caiawba, Demy-4 cca.s on r.aiuroyy. n:.- annmmcea at he cannot accept the h;r:o' executive eemmittec vi n . candidate. Chief cf Police I.erd:. who was nominated for sr. sideling tfte matter and v nd -on-the V ;h- committee know in a few d f :J hy ri accept. Both Mr. Long nd Mr. Lents were drafted. Tlie salary of slicrifi is so Final that, with the hire and make ends lut't - T ' Ml JL ORg S decline tie n add r essed !:iTo the Deniof-rats of Car-avb:i c'un- ty" is as follows: "I beg to iv. knowledge with gi--' tude your kind consideration of me in your convention r--.embh,d in Nevto "i ' Ar-ril 3. and whii ir.v heart is witn you, J am ioiceU to Wecone toe nonor. Mini liiie i TO II FOR ROUSE! ! i ; ! I " ! ",G&" e cst ion f the color note, yellow and MARS HILL COLLIE PLAYS i .h5le W3S observed thro-ghout the LENOIR CObLECE TODAY (i,(.oralicn3 nmi refreshments. On the The crack Mars Hill baseball rr.no .irrivnl of th(. ruo?,ts at 4 o'clock pro avnvcd this morning from Rutherfom ,,re.,sjve raU;cs were at c-nce begun. College, where on yesterday the latter ;0n coun(inir f,nal scores Miss Kate was defeated on the diamond with a , Kn;olt v,.a3 'found to be the lucky win score of -ten to three. 0 he -Mars no....R wa- preeDd with a box of Hiii aggregation had a comparatively : stat;oncvy A most amusing feature easy victory They left for Hickory at ()f th afternoon was that each guest noon today where this afternoon they measure bats with the nine of Lenoir College. Mr. J. A. Lang left yesterday for Greenville; N. C, on a business trip. Misses Haltie and Gertrude Fox re- turned to the North Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, yesterday ct - ter spending Faster with their or- ents, Mr. anci Mrs. W. G. i- ox. JvJiss Pearl Frazier and Miss Diana Wilson and Mrs. Wilson of New on, Mr. Henry Yoder and Mr. Cku .: ' Yount motored to Charlotte yest-cjiday for the day. BliRETT IlT II HI j JnRlc. F P:!rrett. cdi f n n(J of Asbcviie, ditor of the La- who was nom- . , , Tirr.nhUrsin si n.t con- vention for commissioner of labor and j .Rtj announced in a speech at lDurh ,a5t ni?ht lhat he ccnld not thc In )js taIk In Dur. ccent ham Mr. Barrett urged organized la- I bcr to forget party iines in the cam- A. L. Quickel of Lincolnton has an- : w-.iinr..'l V c r.n t l A r' "T ,- T cfV. (T1T.C "3 t O llBlEli 04'ip! succeed Rc-presenta,ive Clyde It. lToy, 0 i who has declined to seek renon-lna-. -. . .- . . . , tion. Jt Las ;jeen tnougnt tor .-.ome irne that Mr, Quickel might enter and. his announcement created no surprise. These already in the race are Judge ! W. B. Councill of Hickory, Maj. A. L. iBulwmkle ci Gastor.ia and 3iarvm JL. IRitch cf Charlotte. Advantages of This County uonsama Copies 7 r 'u- Hickory : m beik c ' I ( C. na ""rd has aVivays -, Catawba cc xty ;hat no county 'he south, has : capitalist cr King for a goo i ; a ,o off- o: i-, , . cuuiy in winen ik locate. Other counties have attracted I tho'isam's of new capital and have !bi ought into their borders hundieds j of valuable settlers by constantly ; holding up their advantages to the ; public. it b t:;-.- ; get t ego the1 county, and Charlotte Ob, t"? of the Record to f'efs about Catawba operation wifeh the or to nresent them to i at least twenty-live thousand subscrib- sional men, and i;: she t, all persons who nr..; interested in the county's growth and development. i -- Jfliil LEADS 8v tij. day !-' oc-r.oed Pres : ril 6. In the presiden , "held in Michigan yester- out of G.421 precincte in the state, mcludinf Detroit, complete, '.how: Republican. Johnson, 101.786; Wood, 50,183; Louden, :j.",28.9; Hoover, 29, 771; Pershing, 7,510. Democratic. Hoover, 11,126; Ed .vadrs, 10,Cd0; McAdoo, SJ59; Bryan, 0.250; Palmer, 5,64(5. For 3HeTlers On Monday afternoon Mrs. W N. Martin gave a most charming miscel laneous shower honoring Miss A. ry Scll-r- n V-rril b--ide-clect. Ti 'r ' ower . : or : - "bloom with I veiv gold :n c;.fTo ;ving a really rrunrirW foi estate c'' soring. A sug was required to write advice for the ir;tjY,i "How to Manage a Husband.' At the close of this an ice course was served with yellow and wh". a mints. Miss Nancy Lang Martin, di essed in yellow and white, entered and present ol tn Vio hnnctrot' n. beautiful tulle basket filled with rnany lovely gifts, iii,s Constance Bost, a bride-to-be of h(? eavly suminer, was presented wiCh ' jnvelv handkerchief, : 7vrr! 'Martin's guests were: Misses A v Sellers, Ccr- : r-e Bost. Marc.aret T.-.V . tTrank 7' Kate Eiiiott, !l. J- ri- -s, i Allen, JJorotny 'iliie : .te . do, Olie Martin, Andt.-.-. f Rock Fill, S. C, ice . Catherine Shufc-id, Mrs. Johnson but jtlcmyre, Mrs. R. A. Grimes, Mrs. Hor ' ae. Lutz, and Mrs. R. C. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs Roland Morris have returned home after spending Easter in Marion. Misses Ml'wie Gweltney, Mary Al len, Kathc .: Taylor and Mrs. Earl Baker wH! rc ' . 1 this afternoon from Ashevilie winre they spent several days. 31 R. HOWARD II ERE Mr. O. Joe Howard, secretary and treasuscr of the Howard-Hickory Nursery Company, has arrived in the city from Greensboro and will make this permanent home. The new nu sery is making good progress. MAYNARD FLIES OVER Lieut. E7vin Y. Maynard flew over Hickory this aftexnocn on his vjay from '.sheville to Winston-Salem. He followed, the lir3. of the Southern Railway and ns going a tthe rate of 100' miles an hoar, it appeared. ii mm VOTING

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