HICKORY' Daily it i;? VOL V. NO. 177 HICKORY, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, 1620 PRICE FIVE CENTS ant o I! RAILROAD PROBLEM BACK WITH PRIVATE Of NERS Fund on Which fltfy i-Ia-vc $300,000,000 Kevolving Which They Must Pay Interest and They Must Return Some Time How Prob lem Affects Shipping Public CHICAGO STRIKE WORK IS BEGUN DEMOCRATS ARE OPPONENTS OF GROWS MORE ! OK MJUE FLOCKING TD ARE SHORT 0 dEOIOHu SiCTIOil. ! IILEIIjI 0n!y BUILDING N SIGNATURES W. S. MANN) were I'.i'ju, hv Tin' Washington 1 uld W;.- S'nr ) April w lll'llill 1.. Ik" : V' ! T;.ii! HUM:. 1 1 n;l ir,u 1 1 run cur, ;,!' in1 hw V.HI .,li'l'.. 7. When 'Uncle ago handed tin- rai! tii.'i:' owners, he sot til'.!' the MM1! of "tv.'nh ir. '. fun'." L ,!, in imam in;;' their i nii"o.id and gov :,,v i'.i.w attempting lli.it sum .diall he i iin thm will; tin1 in - . e ( i ;i::ni. Kn, tbo 1 ,v.;y li.vut ices ha.- r.'.nd, largo and of i: mo?t ia t'-s-;i :i! the a !. ocia n, citing in Chicago an a rcpe; t . Ftvight .iv.ii l a;s is t he :'. iiuiio!'i: of til" ! roiling stock and ' i'.u'UitU's are also y linc. i find, ace.i ding to i t.) iv u-ed "for hhng carrier by ;:! Interstate Com- to .-t'i o lilt' pub ii it.ti pes iod im l: the lei munition In tin' origi r. ed the amount i ,!. udsjl ;..it i h' compromise :,uln 'betWCCH th.0 ! that i lu leans . Ill in twenty-six niHSl'l' 'f til'.' hill. vice is as much n I;.- uv, rage f rcight I J.'k 000 new cars . y..r 1 1 replace . ' being about L ; .-iM'vii o ;;t present. nistt lift ion costs '.OCSS wouid rooiiiri nf i'ui.'S,, and eoiservnt ive estimates' an- that from "WUK0 to 400.000 addit-j inr.nl freight cars should be rolling ov-1 or too vails or tins country. Th.' interstate commerce cemmis orders for XlOOO cars that not he filled. To move the bus of the country without, delay a much larger number Ty the Associated Press Chicago, April 7.--Rip;'esematives ot S,:00 menioers of the brotherhood Cl local eililineim 11 and fn-eivwn t r.-- I oloywd in the local yards here todav 'delied thfir unions and voted to join the strike of switchmen here- Tr;a jj'urtation is badly crippled and rail I road officials wei'e aureeil if tlu- force hit' strikers were aun'meatid sua" n: . .. . 1 1. 1. iic wiiuii oe tin Ui). I Representatives of the Daily Rec ord and the Charlotte Observer have boun their combined work of brme, inj? out a magazine supplement of both papers, which will be distribut ed anion?'- twenty five thousand veau- Raleish, XG, April crats from all parts of Carolina beyan ..jiatherinu,- 7.- -Demo-Xorth t IT5 1 XT. T-V - T f Ti as ocna riae voters on uemana tor ection After List Is Purged Council Ready re tor !t ight i rs of It is the Obsei honed to ver and the brin;;- out .Record, eompre- ln: enu'ineers and iiremeii declared they would not work with "scabs," as they termed the loyal union men, and 'also demanded an increase of pay. The ; ci'-vim men are jrottiny: $").75 a dav ar, i IOll with the aid is men f railway i'.at ions. task of "cut i in; v.! (iiivv: to till' 'H 0. 000, 000 i'.o ( I'LMlll- 1'ore enuayed in the; the .u'armoat ac- j clotli," and making I is far as possible in I ij.ey demand f.remen paiil , :-v ,1, .4 !.": from an mooti.'. th.' inesenl pevds minin.tjr how much each road y demand M an hour. stuiki: in r.i ti alo By the Associated I'r'ss llnfl'j.ln Anvil 7 !" hour; tlu to $1.2-; r In ileter-I iiic:ji, .iui i. . ie luiimrea , . ; switchmen on the niirlit shifts of all hliall tret I D ir..l 1,1, .K. ; HINUiimn IIIU'I 111 I'UIIrtlW Willi 11H' I A- ( ther things than the requirement of i ...option of the Pens. Ivnnia and Erie ll-.e moment mui be considered, for in iiiinic application for a shave of the Lruvei'tiivK'iit loan the roads must set i on 14 ine icrni lor v.nicn it is nensive inecL' T nisionc worn, s.'iow- in' the wonderful development in t-atawba county in agriculture, numu faeturinjr ar.d sen era! business. Carefully prepared stoi'ies wiil bo used, shcwir.jr all lines of jrrowth in Catawba -'ind ;nany pictuijK will be taken by way of illusi rating the vari ous a) titles. Other counties are awake to the needs of ajrirressive advertising'. Much northern and western capital is com livs south for investment and it is be- j lieved that .few if any counties in the south have more 1o offer the investor i or tiie home seeker than Catawba j county. - j Iy attraciinjr out s.iders do the stiik- ! today to attend the state Demo-1 cratic convention which meets here) tomorrow. ! Congressman Clyde R. Hoey ; " liver one of the keynote speeches ati!ne pi-tnion the convention, was anions;' those who j persons dc-n urriea mis niorrni'.u. Irn.iicaiioMs are tnat woman suf- W ilh sons I hose Disgruntled Per Who Protested i councii :::! subn niiii" ifted an frag;e will fumkh th;; nvincipal fea ture of the convention. Senator Simmons' statement in W'ashiiijiTs.'U last 'night .favoring ratification by I he' legislature of the suffrage amend ment was, the topic of discussion among politicians here. Suifrag'n loaders were much en- 1 n ; 1 .er lV'UUK- i . j el. Duncung wii! be i. they lames an an 1 "ere 11 ! g':': t ly son'. elect 1 ordercc .1 books mud to c( "und j 20' ! 11 on I suuicient S WCiV :itid:t; ! cou raged n en ry t ne senat or s and were hopeful platform would contain lion in favor of suffrage. Before leaving Washington, foi Raleigh yesterday, Ccngressma? Hoey indicated that he would advo eate ratification of woman suiirags at the convention. Senator Overman who is to deli vet a spe'ech when asked at Salisbur;, aiinounce- ;iat the 'went on strike last night, virtually ! in- development of Hickory, Newton ;' .ice thiir car .- ini - 1 1 1 id. the uses to which it will bi plied, tne present and prospective ab ility of th applicant to repay the loam the character and value of the se curity 0 He led, and the oxtont to vhicii the public convenience and uoicsfity will be served. I can to I Sear Interest Additional informatb .1 as to the road'-; linancial responsibility may be roitiiieil bv the commi..h .1. if it de sires. The loan will he:;; inter! t at the rate of six per cor.;, payable semi-annually, ami must be ur.iid within fi' years. I'etiding the placing of the loans and the delivery of new equipment, the car service commission, maintained in Washington by the American railway association, is doing what it can to re lieve the car shortage by arranging for the return f cars to the roads owning them, dispatching a supply of cars to the points where tic need is most urgent, ami exorcising in a gen eral way the functions performed by the car service section of the railroad j tying up all trallic in the city. Up to i !):.'!() this morning the day shift had not i ...I ...1. 1 : . i .1- . 1 1 1 i-.oi leu i;r woi k 1; is oeiicven ill'-ilhey have struck. F. J. Sheehain. ap-j president of the switchmen's union, isaid the strike was illegal. md 1 MEET IT IE and other towns of the county, and by holding up the advantages and oppor tunities the county has to offer set tlers, it is believed that gieat good can be done to the county in a material way. The edition will make its appearance simultaneously in both the Charlotte Observed ami the Hickory Record and many copies will be mailed outside of the Carolinas. in the euort to tell the wot Id just wdiat old Catawba county 'nas accomplished in recent years and what the county has to offer. : that t 'i ne petitioiie.':- a nil nen-v voters v rained 127 names. ! in ancthe" jjoeitlio eel the referendum on hmsicu, their nam .-.ivieken from the li.si i'ames. Th.? exandnation of vas made ty ity n'ian. accciding to ii munici 1 rcjuireu oiie-tnn curi; a re fV rendu m after non-r; -i.ttnts Reasons fur Rejection In the matter of the petition, fded with the city manager tiein-ii-,I:nr that the ordinance re4?1 o. the of the mur.j.-ij.rj buiidlns: le issuance 01 iwua lev t-at Hirpo.se be submitted to a . nta of the oters of the munici?v;3t ,'. This matter coming oi lo i.he hoard and bcintr heard bv I'avor -1 ection L : 1 -" : u iiiio i-jniK nearo and city council of tin removed con-: oiy, the same being tie- : men said 1 oooy 01 tne said cuv. c na they sis- 'i-j ( cmpllance with the iin: misappr.'-j tmance act alio wei-e ! petition as in cipal 1-. of 1910 considered the tiled with the citv nian- :.::cr on tne .list day 01 ; tarca ana find the following: l- That trie registration Looks of or II nry, ; the city of Hickory for the .preceuV 1 i 1! -1 - fi ! ;,1' loiuitt 1 h. enmo hi.nr fV iLui . ...V. ."UV V ill 1 LI.. I IV U- the petition I 1st night iff rags. ins aid attitude such on woman atonic nt a 3 he had to make would be incorpo rated in his speech. Opinion is di vided en the would take. aoc s.-iuer wmcn t-.e '.';.ade. am! City Attorney Jus report. Conned then unanj mouVv a rei-olaUon demand vjoo.i for the year 11)19, contains the Murnhv read i "ameo of 573 names of t ' - sons who adorned ic nvmg and residing: n . he. cilv (k'clarm.r ! o PC 1 r, :t:tn.n : s vre re to ei'i'ct h.ad too few names i o.c going forward fori the building. j tljc f Hickory, who were entitled to view Senator Overrun! )ul many here i nongn 'i.ibett ran; Iliose opposi in the event it v.'a: "or ; e i-.a l;eeii the junior senalor would ioin :uor Sirmnons. while Ti.'i : r.;,nv H' "..':;( , v. :. v,t;ii.,i 1 i- i'i-r ! Th'.' ',. br"' ; I'lll nf i inv; tin' llii'li! ;;;v l'!Iir;;l"it if n.iiH i.n.1 !.-!;v i'.:cnt . 1"' !) jplji: V'lii'l.- u:; )' l'!):i U ini' i'of 'j :,niM in 191 (i an control in 191S administration during government con-1 new cars built, but trol of the roads. In fret the ca-1 iol'.i, with the ine- service commission is occupying the! mime ;uarter.:; and nas much tne same personnel as the car service section i had loior t March 1. It has been es tablished bv the roa 1 l...t th.- present ruppl;i ' . .' :' should be. bir.'ou I iii... lit Car 1 ' IH'W .vc railway e'jcuti es for the cnsti net- period, freinht cars dur- nvirent or until su orgaidzaticn but not all of it is , 1. (!!- for V,il:' I'lll.-, I.Kov I;; high s ftry i,f ihiii !' " !. .-aid for at of the gov ' . '. b r at th present o--. :i . 1 ...b'i ials su vh an ov' v j" . 1 entire appropriate n n ft r ot her iniprove ;; r this year orders haw i b a'' at -J'VOOO cais by c l.ii.iUi'hd n!.;i;t ion wi'i h i -'in-n limres without wai'- '.!"v: r.'.r.r.Mt . id. .'i".,l I'rne in thv sriring of '.';! !, .-urpius of freight tit fm- it'mo.-i a year iio.v us a shoitagc, ri'itching as '' " 1 in .Kirmary end f eb-"ii-i; y. r r c I'd dropping t !0. i:: .Maiil'i. These liuures .1' .d the latier date ih.ue 1 (; M.i ii thu'. mav be fumed. emi-ohi.'ui'. m thv.l ; ly wd 1, I lie mlercate :v:'s?ion in tirv ma.t..'r 1 and is situ;;t d jitst 1 frovi the cor.iuii-'ion Democrats from 100 counties will meet in convention in Raleigh tomor row and in what promises to be the most inteiesting session in years. Wo man sulftage will be the big question before the body and it is expected that the Susan B-. Anthony amendment will be approved. The revaluation act and the income tax amendment al so will receive endorsement. Representative Clyde R. Hoey will deliver the keynote speech and Senator Overman is en the program for an ad dress. Senator Simmons, who will net at tend the convention, is in favor of en dorsing suffrage, though hp is not a convert to the cause. He bases his advocacy on mo grounds of expedi ency, taking the same view as Gov ernor Uickctt, who will recommen 1 (iO-da'v 1 sun rsRe to I1K' special session ot tne :l, pt.r. I general assembly in July. 1 LIULj 1 iprayifyo ron nrn v u un r CI I others thou: nm vl ih mi si V.1.'. he in g '1 Sv : Li ii-l- a v.uj was iiisen : ii-in eoi n v:i ; tne ou ,; Pviiion for fjecte!. they strainin order it mr.'.nt a fi :aycr of yarned bv j ike big tin;;. ine; tne ret- : :; would thy That the petition as fMcd with city manager contains thv :.,.nie.5 1 i persons who were municipality at the 1 ok'ction of the city '!' That a petition has : lie rsons who are vo4-- "ou rs of r-"ed- iici. i-i jled '.:t the omeLiihie; of I kg;. i& -a si am cd h. rcrne 1 that :Ti'iero oio nc ; municipality requesting: u;u their n'.. As ! 1 anies be erased from the petition sera p-! deuiandimr i hat th nvdina-nf-.- will.ng to enter t lie court ' h retefore shown h snlimitf-i trt n th v';e purtir most in.'-r-: vote of the voters of the city . of sa"i. and the it!;ev mem- i ilickory. they ieit t he name wa Tlie bond"; will go before Ihi court 11 tnere is a contest pe-ition shall contain the names of wiU be satisfactory to the j thirty-Woiee ! and cne-tturd per- 1 centum of the voters of the munici- i V That the municipal finance 1 on oi requires tnat tno saul By the Associated Tress Berlin, Tuesday-, April 0. Occupa tion of German cities in the neutral zone east of the Rhine by French troops was denounced in an official statement today. it was that the government did to "prevent tins unheard-of which is neither in the scope dec irau everything action, .? tne Cohie'-iz, April 7. Two thousand crni'vunists crossed the Rhine in the Lritish zone of occupation and have i treaty- and is out of proportion wit been interned. Twelve hundred more were expected to cross today. Flight of large numbers oi com munists into occupied territory is considered an iiiication that the o m oat 1 ;-o-p t a i Elliott i nd ''v The i- fr; r Mr. N. dav in no md ! PO P):'; '. th room ere for no lor a 1 b to o! vol .'ai re port of tne W. Ck: .f th rk d. ;;e: re ic!)arc rent an lice," Mr. was taken it. and. c Lion reported was clio sen en rcg- 1 I! the significance of our measures in Ruhr region.' it volt is nearmg an end. HUTin I (il l NSBHi HlillS nsiir s SJ I El I BBS C 1 SIM' SUT JU h TL B &V 3 IIISIO Fraud and out license Th- fd by ceuncii petition o o op eev ret a ;.ked for v: niovaoli nl,.-vr.,l per- news o take . . .V i. 0X1) I re'o't;li:)n adopted iins the actio?i on ir.g an election : ality as shown bv the registration books of the municipality at the last i receding election. - f. That thirt-y-thr-ee and one thnd percentum of u73 as hereto i re shown on the registration books h !9i. (j. That tlie petition as filed con tains the. names of only 87 voters livi-ig and residing in the city of Hickfjry in compliance with tin mu nicipal finance act. 7. Therefore we find that the pe ! titlon does not contain a f undent number oi names of voters the .municipality as required by ideipal finance act of 1919. of the he mu- c r r lio . i is OV somei hi;:g tiiv tid'i! ;:. c ,r "diviitc print part APPRECIATION l, ihn Tr HtMV r.f tl, l?Pf,ol. ': nimerce i i f wer ser-' Y.ur action m omitting Monday s cross the'issuc vcur paper should, and 1 ' biiii litv i believe doesfst'ike a responsive cord in ,!,; . tp,,,. f th-! c'vt ''-v vdinstian s neart. uur civm- u:ia-crU.'"and indicates ; is Kioving more complex day oy day, aim mis very compiexuy mill mm mwM ryy much the matter with nt .tion industries. It has '. tlie very serious tuVvs situiticdi, v.'here a lim ited suurdy (d paper is aggravated by ti hv-k cd ca.s i . which to ship it. The I are. I .'"'ch's a'.;o are nffectsil and the i a. service- c 'mmission is still engag "d in geltbig back to the eastern mines tiie ci rs that were shipped west with coal during the strike last November! and December. Bochum was still in control of the communists late yesterday and theyj cxpecte-d a big fight there. The sit- j nation in the Ruhr valley is bud and i living. Conditions ara almost u- ! bearable- A railroad strike is in i progress at Ersen and communica- j j.v ne Associated Press tions are difficult, 'Berlin, " April' 7. A special session The chief of staff of American j nf the national assemblv will be held, forces here has repeated his decda-1 Saturday. The call for the session i n i licit '::,.ts ikj cm reel couec. mi i i iC-.n-t-i-. Hi ml m VA 1 hwmh : 1 TALIS Til i 'i U PTfln An with any action outside of occupied territory excent on specif! serves too otten as an excuse or reas on ( ?) to lose sight of the spiritual instructions front Washington. and eternal issues of life. There is I -s- no doubt but that the bustle and hur- j COTTON ry of our social life exerts a more or j . less baneful influence upon our censci- rv j-jp Associated Press ence. The pursuits of business ' and 'New York, April 7. The cotton mar industry are urgent by necessity, but ! i;et showed extreme nervousness and . van i.r.ouLu iuiui. iuu? unit, t v Amwican ! , .i .,n .-o.. ;of the assembly. i MSSIl ES 19 RUSSIA 1HPICKET " SEiiCE GOMLEIES SISJEBEPJBlEl! EH OCCUPATION were never intenaed nor sncuNi ce allowed, to hypnotize that faculty in man which has as its burden to ask, seek, and knock for the things that are necessary for the intelligent ly in this world but in the world to come. But in this desert of such recognition, your action as well as : thai of certain other businesses in j Hickory, serves as a refreshing ca-1 r sis to the thirsting soul. You have j marked the passing of Easter, the ; I a good deal of irregularity during to day's early trading. The opening was 120 points higher on April, but there was very little interest on that month and wdiile May opened higher other months was 13 to 20 points lower un der realizing. FUNE'lAL OF MRS. DAY j r?,- tl" Assor-'atpd Press ie: nil, .i in; . s gi o.i i.-ii.iiui I conspiracy which was to li.'ive bent a ! Bavarian parallel to the recent Ber- Louise Day, at her home v;as conducted 1 o'clock this R. Bra ds haw. Weather The funeral of .M r: whose death occurred near Hickory yesterday from the residence at morning by Rev. W. She was the mother and is survived by 12 of them, eight sons and four daughters, and ,her husband. She was a member of the Baptist church and was an uiiuHU.ilIy fine woman. --r-- ii;t revolution Munich, it wa has announced .'en oisec verc t-JCi ,1 Par that plan wa dcvidorff be ma le dictator vai ia and Dr. Tfein, of the leneral I.u- over ia- 1 t i vi "i ;i n sejiai atiscs. ne m otc foreign minister. By tlie Associated Press Athens, (Jreece, April 7. It i? an nounced here that an It"!i?;i com mercial commission has arrived in Ath; ns en the way to Rut '-da to nego tiate with the Russian-soviet govern ment far the purchase of raw materi al.; for manufacturers. :'.'ic mission, it is said, has plenty of rVie-.. IVEY ITEMS West; Hickory. Apr. 7. Mr land Eolith sold his house and lot West Hickorv the past we k to Mr. awicms i a or iViiiy Brocd have; i ford. DEATH OF MR. HOUSTON For North Carolina: Fair tonight I j Mt. Known Daniel D. Houston, a we farmer of Clines W'ii-i'iliv !oii di' iMilice from c!'ii.';:i,iy vidiien die hi Ii cau-'e dev wcnld turn '''ucr en !,'. 'r'; v . said their l'":o' ;: M,r.n a- I'V. 1 Av iho Associated Press Vn il 7 Barred bv i Fiankfort, April 7. The occupa- happiness and advancement to you !:,.i.,.i., iItm T'.. bih '. lion of Momburg by French troops !and your force. sympathizers ot , unuouncei tonay viiiu.uijiuhh announced todav the operations outlined ny iicneiai ie loose their banner ; C.outte in charge of the occupation in stsdo department. liU orders from the war office. The en dckef' wouki ap- uiv operatio nnns ncen carnei uui painters bearing Avitln.ut any significant incident. address they said j TThe inhabitants of Frankfort are ork ntincr the oecuriation with com- l ne ciiy n-i Ii o n-i"i'ofnl vviii,i.nr,(. nr.d 1ipiy's". trusting that' it has been a season of Thursday, colder tonight in east or e t , I'roin an '"H'di.rv Colbv iri'ide in New ;"i' ib.. I.stcr rising m Ire an.l i" iei0 outward indifferencee "V 1,1 'vhicn liiev asserted t ie - vo appearance th "i.t'd tli- Irish and attacked lu-oat 'liinn h ocenmb I'll 'till. With Mk Ke-jlev kadi.,. Aid .ind .Missiomirv S'-: of Holy Trinity Fulhe an cbur h its regular monthly meeting (lie parsonage with .M"'. r. P W. and .drs. . y i unru' yr. Murphy Ilo-tess Tj, fictv held id Kcd hostesses. The devotional meeting, 'lli icli was in charge of Mrs. T. R. J;u!V, was opened w ith sc't'ture -'"ii imd prayer t-y Rev. Mr. Kf'Kli.y. The topic for Ami' "Hope i" iii iyf for the Leper" proved inten .iy interesting and very instructive tract., win. road by the different mom rrs on thin subject: At the close of the devotional meeting called to '"'lor and presided over by the first vice incident, M '!' H. Wannn ''I'dier. Ill mentber;; anewered roll idl :md f .hi i. new members wire ad- ''vl' Rcp(.rts were heard frcm the 'I'll'1 rent committees and the regular '''online business was carried out. 1 At the close of the business nieet i'1 '.'i dainty ice course was served 'V the hostt'sses and the meeting ad .ioiirtidl to meet the last Tuesday in J1;'.v ;d the home of Mrs. I). L. Rus ,11, with Mrs. I). T. Applegate as Jriulor. : Th . !!i. korv Music Club was de- l ght fully entertained last night by id J. L. .Murphy at her home on Twelfth street. The composers for th- evening were Dubois, Lack and Ilo'nu and those taking part in the Mesdames 'RflllN SGDRFS! i LODSENESS OF ! pnrrnn I drLLbn and centra! portions. r rost m in terior tonight, warmer in west portion Thursday, fresh west winds. i ca--s AMERICAN LEGiON MEETING died on Sunday at the age of 42 years. The funeral was held , from St. Peter's Lutheran church of which he was a member. Mr. Hour ton is survived by his wife and sev eral children. : Uwiicic an ; hr-u-o in the mill village. - Mrs. J. T... Lackey and '. ?pcnt Saturday 'ind Sunday ...... ..... T.T.. Al.-o T n township, ; '.. , - ' ill t .'J t.! I . Gar ni T Mr. into a children with her Mr. Cedric Dcllinger has returned from Favcttcville where he visited Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Dellinger. Mr. De-Uin-;gcr was accompanied Ih"; by his 'nephew, Master Paul L-.-blnger, Jr., who will spend several weeks here vvitn his grandparents, ivlr. and. ilrs. J. F. Dellinger. lace has brei st. we : ouite k,' but is The Hickory post No. 48 of the American legion, wall meet in regular 'session Thursday night at 7:30, in the Knights of Pythias Hall. It is earnestly requested that as near every momber be piesent .s possible, in order to have an enthu siastic meeting. RUSSELL M. YOUNT, Post Adjutant. PALMER IS SICK By the -Associated Press Atlanta. Gk, April 7 Attorney Washington. April 7. Admiral j Hugh Rodman, commander-in-chief investigating committee today that "t,,clli L V ""t uucr ! By tne Associacea l-ress. t' i ' V : 1 Rear Admiral Sims' letter to Secre- I a" attack oi aciue nuigescion, caus- s Albany, N. ., April i -vo I I IHQQCMBIV' Miv mmn n pip l1"" ! it 1 1 8 8 3 i nm i iHUum mm RAD I G ALEi Mrs. Ed Bargei wii h influenza the r hit lo better at pres:- oupi'iiianHii-.i. . u. .- ; ;-..- . (jisiniKtmjt aild Will O ll-riday and Saturday m harlotte. VV hue the wearner was ra-y a was n r-'.buntlance vet. all tne churches in West Hickory r.eemed to have good attendance at their Easier sunt ?dR. TIPTON TAKES i COURSE IN 5ALEi,iT ! Mr. J. S. Tipton of the Ti..dr.p Fur !hiture Company left yeste ; for i Raleigh, where he will lake special course in embalming, :-."niiai :o-;. am! if- !v ; rho .1 conducted by Messrs. F. C f'Avo and d Edgar Brown, artists in their iin. Mr. Tipton decided to take the special course- in order better to .ble him with his busiess here. He trill be absent several weeks. nee. Ar.d tne children plenty of red eggs and Eater ?s which tnev enjoyed immensely. Mr. O. (.'.Wilson "who has been T 1. f 1 J 7 it diaper lor sevcra inoi. ; Friday nights at 7:30 o' lock. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services Wednesday, Thursday and bilh iiiioernni were r'o", C. R. War lick. V . h. JMenzies j ,t indiscreet." i in Savannah, but it was not thought : Nations of the assembly iudicial com-' and J. L. Cilley. n 0 P''1111 w"s. "Admiral Sims' indiscretions," he i today it would prevent his filling an.raittee fov barring the socialist party ;s cew!ir!'l With a SOlO OV il tonnOlty . , ., ii,,.vv in i niravpnipnt- in VIncnn tnmnvvmv i . a . i i f 'U I -------- . - ,,:,,,. k,. . ioci, iv wi.v wv ... ... ..v ... ..v,.. n1 America were im iuouw.u oi (.aintl" accompanied at tin piancj o i breach of confidence m making public ; night. . i New York leHslature today. .viiss ire. u .urn n. " an incident ill a connoenuai eoaversa-; k On measnre is intended to lecture is spending taster ncre witn ns iam- i Miss Viola and Dicey Cook spent the ! Easter holidays with relatives in j Burke county. Mrs. Waiter Fox is down with the fin at present. j Mr. John Marshall of Cleveland. jOhio, is spending Easier here with iard. mf cmfw cmfw is narents, Mr. and Mi s. J. .C. Mar hull. T. J. L. Sub- Cnnstians THREE COLORED SLASH E MEN 13 AT the violin. A STATEMENT A shipment of print paper expect 'd last week has not arrived and un til a few rolls come by express the Record will be compelled to reduce its space allotted to advertisers. Three pages of advertising matter being omitted today. By next week it is hoped that we will have a sup ply of print paper. In the mean time we are bourn! to conserve. Hon with Rear Admiral ticnson. LAKuE EXPORT BUSINESS i10 attovnev general of the- state to The witness referred to . Admiral , The Home Canner Manufacturing j begin an action in the appellate di Sims' statement that Admiral Ben- j Company has made the following ex-! vision third department, for a iuJi- son, chief ot naval operations. toit,lpovt shipments of canning outfits and;P;.,i determination of the question of i'-i ill oeioi (' ll'S oo.pariuie i'r xui ope; the colored DANCE ! hall jects: Wednesday: "Whatt Ar." Thursday: "What Christians Should Be." Friday: "What Christians SiiaH Be." Sunday 11 a. m. Communion ser vice. A congregational meeliiig J;t caller! . aft or the service Sunday mor n-g. Every member should s.-n..j.,r,or to attend these services and the public is i cordially invited. S .. im before ins c.parturc ior ' fV dehydrators and supplies to Deelagona whether the "principles, doctrines or ! Ada Shufon Not to let the British pull, the yvoo B Africa. Sidney, Australia; Hav- i-noliHes" of the socialist party if fused a knife fhfpySlTyn;thf rnc " 11R,1Li ana, Cuba; Sao Paula, Brazil, and Mex- fcarried into effect would "subvert the j Ramseur, Ei HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN ; Holy Trinity is feeling very happy 111 i over the Lent and Easter services. broke j Flowers, special music and the ser- WOlcn nifinc nil hat hppti nrpnf.ro1 in a ciwr. .-I ' : l ti j , , i lDedar ml that he wSi entirely ! Mexico. Mr. Flowers reports pl,nciple, . v,? 2Z of f A0mA tu, ! business as never before better and the The co eood name of the American nay, rUUJUA 1U1 ccooiio m ihcruij. is gwu-1 to amena tne law reiacing io tne qual ifications ot persons to noid oince. A.lvi?vnl . Pnlmnn v in pnmm.innPf !tho American battleship sauadron m Mrs Will belf of Lenoir was the the British grand fleet, told the com- Suest last night and today cf her sis miltee that the American navy did ter, Mrs. T. M. Johnston. Mrs. its full share in co-operating to iSelf was enroute to China Grove to at- i helD brine the war against the Huns tend the meeting of the Woman's to a victorious close. Classis of North Carolina. A dance at South . Hickory iuonday up after a cutting affiay vviie Oi Joss SPUiord. jal n-av. There wptp fnrfv nAtari to perfection on George to the'ehurch. An after Easter ser- Emery Moble.y anl Hail vice of "Prayer and Praise" is an- Morrison. These dancers, according to nounced for tonisrht at 7:30. Subiect Ada, forgot a little detail, vvhicrfi in , of the sermon is: "After Easter her opinion happened to be the price What?" The pastor, Rev. C. R. W. of admission, and hhe enforced the 1 Kegley, invites the public and gives a rule of the house. George Ramseur j hearty welcome to every church yisi- ; was severely cut m three places, ar-j tor. i teries being severed, and the trial is . , , m , fc There will- be a box supper at being delayed for his recovery. The j Mr. E. W. Reese, of Charlotte, la Sweetwater school house, Saturday ! others weer agile and escaped serious j spending several days in the city with es of this government. companion measure is oesigne BOX SUPPER night April 10, ! damage. i jh&ne folks. y . i t K e r -. t : I i' ii ':! 'fi ti I: t 4. '' t: a i it i 8.