1 fa I i VOL. V. NO. 178 HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS hickory Daily ""W; 1 MMMMMWMM ll Record il 0 MGUH nt r IS STUDIED BY CONGRESS r . ' - Though No Action Has Been Taken, Believe War Weariness Will Cause Europeans to Come to America Bill to Restrict All Aliens in House ill CI INF 15 QHRTlCPRMJINq 0 A 1 1 Q C R ! H U PR Ml fi M QnORRlROPV IfSnOTA mini uilbsqL. iu uiiu i ULlimriiiU UnUUUJ U iLiimfiil yuuiiLu kAVUi www&jv i iinuu : IH FACE BY BAD CLASH AT REPUBLICAN IN STATE CONVENTION I A 1 1 B ITT5 IT sr r a n if s"f ' ninTii " X v ' - a.-, , mini 1 1 Lt mmw rami "v Members More Timoth Raleigh, N. C, April 8. Assailing liv W. S. MANX. (Voi'vi-iirhu tt-(. ly Thy Washing t.lll St'tr.') Wini.ingttin. April The inmii ,fv,,i:; 'i!()!ii!u is onv t h;t Ir-.s sitritat- t lj !..(!. rex p UMC'.tlr.rly ninde II. I'tt; ;l,r! -'I -! r:c ss Vrrr. fill' ' 1 ivvu h!v if! Uv Now i 'UN:'.:, 'ill' !:;,' ' ! 'lit" 111! ' 1 riT'iii'iH ns were made .:o ami rime that rate that li d ''i- an it.ilux of immi iri ctly the war wax over. to limit for ih. l.Jine. a well knoAvn 1 rv ko in.:ntnj p,n II., ' V V.. .1 1 OWV X iJ ai.c! ftijrh.y icspcclcd farmer of Jacobs; Frankfc-it, Wednesday, April 7. ! the Republican party of North Garoli ow. p' wa aUa,Kea by This afternoon's clash in the Schiller-na and of the nation, Senator Lee S. V.y-u.e ye-stemay atuirnoon anu.platz between Fiench troops and the ! Overman, addressing the Democratic Hat ridctlcd with bird snot and the j population resulting in the killing of! State Convention today, declared the . . light side of his fa:e wounded. Mr. ; s;x Germans and the wounding ef 1 Republicans, "honing to win the next mn gnuion law was enacted, though! Uine and Ins son, Me. Pink C.ine. were ! two .score others was followed bv a ! election bv HiiWriilW tho o-vt hJ enter- nd inhu- the an an box urn aim i iiiatiL- .u;;u'j mm. t r hi- rn ji v ri-.n tvnmia 111 l.i.l .'I I 11 IV W'lliJ ............. . Ill .1 T i . .1 , .. . . . I . 11, I. 1 1- . .-. -. rv,.i",l.. ;,"),,;:: uuu . I , n '.'y-'".no 13 sai-.i -scrcng display ot rencii mmtury cf the Democratic party, hare ........... r- nun cim 1LI. . ii.n ! 'en I" in'r rvniinn 'lmumv. ,iu ik.o a-..,-. i ., . : .... j :i. . .. ; , I S nee 1SS-. varinn Imiv, l,.,v I... l -,j.i i" , . " rr.V : , iV'V1 U-Vt luV '- cx oi-u aao a conspiracy ot aouse a Wct.vl ov,.l,i,1ir,; ;; , . . . i .. i,wlu.,cl" . r1"'-' -1,. nat ne uer y ins time tiarkneaa had set in. i slander of the vilest and most ch.s.es of m n n-:u 7 t ' " nig o m.i me eider w,ne. , It was a rumor that the French had ! man kind against the president of - - r - - v ' in- i ; s i 1 1 ! ; i nni it -ifi ' v f- i . - - j. u j t t t l r a j i .- i. the !aw i. that ;t l!H7 wlii -b ..vrl-.n-l... ' n , . ' mitwi iu i-iuie oi tne unnea otates." senator , uverm il'iterate aliens. There a aliout () ! , M u " , ana euMveaj allies and the United States to with- j declared he believed the Americ more or le .Ustin, v,.i i : , - K". :'. vvas R1panr- ior;araw irom the city .that. 5cause.l the people would resent at the ballot " - ....Cl..- l,. 1 .1 . .-. 4-.. . 1-. 1 hi. iu. uci ii. it rial was l it r "ft !ii'U iiuroduced. !u tc immigrant s et uiukr the existing law. Ti'iitk! n in I'll r o 1 1 1... i. : i vn th? theorv uf selection! 1!,e trouble was over a bridge iing the city rat ner tr.r.n restr ction. lli.vii nfv. i lt lts a stream on ivir. Cline's right second time trouble was over You've got to- get ! "The Republicans indict the nresi- eut," the Senegalese who were pat roll- ! dent for stubbornness and indiffer- g the city. j once to their feelings, when it was A French officer ordered the crowd j they and not he who made the treaty Ninth District Congressman in Keynote SpeecK Declares for Votes for Women audi Advo cates Revaluation Act and Income Tax X Amendment Democrats in Session Raleigh. N. ., April 8. In the 'been so wisely managed that the keynote speech r-.n state issues be- ! tax rate for state purposes was cut tore tne JNorth cuvojina i.'emocrati :irom Z6 2-6 to 112-3 cents on the iioa: iwd k uventv'uai m tne unmigriUion bureau b0-ri, ".v iu i .s iaun. maie na pull-j to disperse and when it refused the i partisan issue, continued Senator .H'i' vn made. Hut so ; l:eve ionav that t :is thor.rv nf c ; -'l up two bridges r.ut down bv Mr. imaehhiP ran nnrmn'rl Piv. I nvm.nW a; a 4 ,ii.pn.. ..i a-; been enacted. A hill le.-tion should be th A bi'l ha. been e Das, 1 3 of future C: Ixl.C UIUI CUt UO a trlll'd. Hal O. he- ! IP inn nlv.ftiH a m-oof m.m,l ! fln Tl,.., ,1.. .. - . . . . - ..w ..... wi..v!.v.M c. f,.' via uviii;i.iauiiv, nit v ittLCi'i;. iiit-ii iiiiiit- prepared bv to'' a magistrate he was fined Sin i to the shiimw. irrlinc tb tm,m;; ft, 1 Hi.-m .-. won- i-w T-o.-,,.,nc.,. n 'UH-i.'.i uir.i i;uiuuuced in con- eusu, ouu ine case id wilj be considered aloiitr ! od becavis h ;i r a .us'-'i'i'si'.iii if muni-' ;'o n r vc.'.r.-! v:n f vura-, Iv. .i ti- 'in V'v horse i-oininit- u'(. unu.'f it ID IS-15). ' with the other measure:-; which pro- ' lingness to m i , ....-i . VW....U.W, - ' . '-.- i ' ;mi tfu'i.mn, une iiao oeun using an old roadway bv reinforcements went up the '! I. l.rntll'.'IX' 'l Mil l- ! t -it 11 rf tine 1,5 11 ,,.1,,.U 1 . i. i,., .... ' '. ' viui.i.ii vwhl lij; li. ' '. ' - ," wv'" i ' no tj,i cement, uuc wncn v nutlo ot I sti-not 7vAnn li U'nl "Mil .'ii' iiih ,.n 4 i, ,ii 1 1 a in .11'i.tff .-...;.!.. . X... . t. ..js.i i . . . i . . . . . . - i vvmo i .. hav -a ..'111,. IIVl.l,,1 .1 ill it tne case was not push- French then began lo bring tin rein- j ef the provisions of the treaty thev he had indicated his wil- j foi cements, four tanks between solid would so change it and modify 'it that na;-2 amends. Mr. Cline ! columns ef soldiers rolling in. The j'they could gain a partisan victory main jover the president. They had no oth- bayonets ! t-r program and no other purpose. ' ''.!' f-'i : ::.-'! t-i-v.;is :.' nvrv." o. i'iiv t'1:- ii,:f.TiS 1 '. :;.:: a- 111.'.. T-r ii.-.rv. !'. Vtt . lh;it th--Nnviriiiii ti r"U'.'h ro' ai:p' 'l.f J;,');.' .V.-,-; i cti.'ii ha; t'Mi rn - r " i j i f a'i'n -There hv I ,W..-'-in. in;, ;i . - v.-it ; ' t fi v. jii'tr ! i.f :!;- Cn:r, :::ir t, . are (' continue uni rcgh'rirn of -ill -V;n V - . i, . , ' ' " V 7 "V1""1""1 uiatjcicarea the way and a rearguard fol- 1 hey care nothing for princip e, na Lit lu i v'l ;' !' ' ' '3 UmV i w( ; ilt W , Vi rT' shou!(Ifn? used, lowed, the officers in the center dhect- tional honor or "national good faith i i Mieves e-Vcnlial!' ' United kicntl ' -1 toJ- . u "fional pride; they dashed all J i':v h-.s Ih'UI the sit- .'it all times hjw nnwr aliens tlu're . 7, !a anl, 1J-??S t' German police aided m the? act-1 away for partisan advantage. Even :: regard to inuvJirvati.-.n al e and where Ijcated. l: is hoped i ,i J '"e 0V 01 tms tnat caused VVhit-jion to restore quiet, stationing. officers j white the government was negotiating -iip'.rv since the c!ot-o of .'hut thrcvgli this system efforts :t I , , amuck- . . j at strategic points. i this treaty before the contents were Figures e!tainl from i Ar.v.-ri.-T.ni;-.ation of the aliens v.il' i , KAWe )s a vetcran ol tne war; A French staff officer denlcred the I known our Re more product ivo of f'sulis. ;-t. ween tne sections ana was a mem-i happening in conversation with the sir !WV v" was snot i correspondent tonight. "The French ! it rifiin ! H TTOnn ,mmanu umt? Vy ? enemy,; authorities extremely regret this oc-! I t H UL n ULT. v'a;s. nev.cr toucned. ,c better kurrtnee," he said. 55Jil I.Sflll E 2 citizen lives in the county than he and ' ; 2 ii iU U 3 I I LIS 2 tj 1 I U , he is far from seeking trouble. j . ' deputy Sheriff Kennedy and Chief j IT fil 1 ! F B1 81 II 8 i fl P nrnur rnn nn :"tz.were out tov lookin s I UM I K.UUI mlu L ( Ull I 1 1 & J BJ s 5 i nit tie. j . I 3 i J S i V 2 H . i nr n r r m .1 iu 2 nL, us l yyi YEARS DECLARES Rj 10 SEIE1L - 010 ITS FUI L SUM The First Building & Loan Associa- u ' w 1 w w J Ul . I iuU .' l'uri ;;u .how t '.'at ; be 'rf. l'.MS. to Xovembei-.; r the nuni'oer of immi jd, For t i 1 f same pe 0f omi'jtianl aliens i- I'rc-ei'.tiag an actual tee alien population of r.i 'ift Vfce'.U tigurc. !V.;ier ef iir.nncrant tiii'Vf. r.Ml). totalei the same month, the rrant hHvUa was " ! for December. Jau e.ii;' .Mawh are not a', il is eitimated :ir;rnximate tho:-e of .Innger of a horde of ir.ing the country '!i !.:: iitioii, tlieieforo. does :i.- :nini'nent as U did at : ".i.ti.'C' was signed. ;k,f; Jcr Mcn.. , niuiiy members of 'lU.i The First Building & Loan Associa tion votuv.led out ui) years of useful ness on ""Tuesday " aim " entered "o an i ej if Lf Sflli ' v .... l. .1 n.. 1 'fiMof onoli sn. 1 iniit'iiiiiie caietM- wmi ii cnartcr uiiii iiM 1iii i riMi'ifii nf v4iio iul ii luiiuu' cu'v i ii v.vv ... .. . .'v..". iy .. i . . .11 cn;s anr uus coun- WOO. V'he'.r the company went into war "showed "clearly ! busiue.w April 6. TWO, it had an au- has been done in the ! tnomcu capital n .;.w.o-u, wnicn a hot if tin. Mi.Mih.i;, ii ! w.-.s increased ten year 5 r.e: to fcl.- thi-ir Anud iranizntior.. publi ing to make political capital out of anil injure the president, entered into a conspiracy to iight it to the bitter end. For eight long months this treaty has been held up in the senate, embarrassing us both at i home and abroad. We now have to i hr.np.'iv bpfri!-fi t.5if nn-Hnnc: nf f lio ivi-.-rlil as a people who do not regard treat ties as a solemn nttrnational obliga tion, but regard them only as cam paign issues. America, in my judg ment, will finally ratify the treaty with certain mild reservations and Woodrow Wilson will be vindicated." Senator Overman charged that the highway of the Republican party in the nation was strewn with a wreck of broken pledges and unperformed promises. "In the. last ejection they carried state convention ne..? r"da-. tl sentative Clyde II. iT v. of ninth congre. -.-ions) id- c;, er t; pcrary chaiiniui. , 'Vic .cd th. v of the party in the 'j.dministras of the state's affairs, advocated passage at the special session of the assembly of ti?i constitutional amendment granting full suffrage to women, and declared the Demo crats boldly accepted the challenge of t-'he Republicans, predicting that in the November election, ''the Ke pubricar)3 -will be buried tinker an avalanche ot ballots irom wh - -,,.ere to Kive uig state a lair and just will be no political resurrection j system of taxations. If there are any North Carolina." j imperfections in the act. it can be V."l J J I' - 1 . I O -.- . rt-. Ar A . 1 . 1 , ; rour outstanamg measures ior;'i'cnut-u, i-x jg-uianties or 100 last yci' o.- tha old valu-r. .in real and ;ersjnai property. It --ukl be a source of great gratifi ci.. on to know tku after more than twenty years op uninterrupted Dem ocratic rule in North Carolina that the people pay l,;ss taxes to the state government uer capita than tliose of an ether scate except South Carolina, arj exactly even with the people of that state." "The last General Assembly pass ed tlhe revaluation act without a dis senting vote. I,; is an Uonest effort injustices in its administration, these can and will be eliminated. The big question is: Shall we have t.n equitable and just astern of tax ation., witi; a fair vaiv.ation and a low tax rate, or a high tax rate, a low valuation, and permeated with iniquities and fraud in ;be listing md valuing- of property .' Upon that proposition 1 am content to a hi Ho the state, Mr. Hoey said, must be completed. They were the revalua tion act, to give a fair and just sys tem of taxation; the income tax amendment, to relieve all real and personal property from an; rax what ever for State purposes; a State sys tem of highways, to facilitate mark ing and general transportation, and ouii ta;v. i t. i vujiivii. : , - . " vj "The Democracy of North Cairo-1 "v tne honest judgment of the people iina," dccl.rrcd Ivir. Hov. "welcome j f North Carolina tb.c splendid wnnhcod oi the state j -'e m-ome tax amendment will to rhare f-jiW t djties arl res-.ion-1 Je submits d to tfhe People, and I bibilities of government, an; 7 io I h-f'e .. be fcheir Pasure to to see our general assembly at r,. ! ril'ty T ,U heccmos a companion special session ratify ti e "suffrage I P1?1 ?. egislation to revaluation, amendment. Such action will set-ve ! ioYr ls own that th-? policy o. o itne -axe tax eommjboion. in .,:cve?i.i of its adoption, i to relieve our women, and exercising iof our- -j'- v-'- -'.v um re ives the privilege of conferring I a" YJr' - wnatevcr for a.- purposes. the right of full suffrage uuon our I ine imperative n.f-.i tor a sys- women. Everybody can supper" i'...' proposition. Those of us who be lieve in suffrage for women can vote for it upon that ground, and those the tw:.-foid purpose of grs" simple , though delayed .iu-ti wno are opposed to it can sup -art k because thev are going to have it ttm of highways which shall bind every section together and furnilh to . !! the people the ready means of acces- to marker, an! for general transportation purp s.es is so well recognised that nothing remains ex- 1- .l,.i 1. 4IUJ any way and it would be much more T. lllt:wuuu iWC gracious for it to come by the obtaining t.nr. result. of Jb -iiu'ii .of our own. Dtate. "The state is to be congratula-ted upon the amicable relations existing between the races end 'he real prog- ! !! too many hytiue'ia: The j ilvo'i'e.-' of sus-i.niiggr.-.tion believe thi !' wi --"l- van during !'; t.'s to at t :r.pt to brin"' ni'ricatiu.i atui :usin:i- aliens alreaiiv v.i.hi : tr.'.t'-, i-y.ead of rnrmn- ."00,000 rnd .ngahi Tuesday 000. Ic Iv.::-, he.M the gr bui'-der n i lirivoiv. M-.rs. ,1. 1). Ml'iilt ;.r . " r .:.") ;::e 11;.' tn'.e o ,i . i f tiiw a : o.'l.-.iii.: "i.d v ' ha", e h.'. !i! efiie i i it'S.OOO,- st home i ;1 J. A. dire.' goia llO'V By the Associated Press Washington, April 8. The vessels cn the active list of the navy were never better prepared for war than when the United. States joined the rd'ies and the navy department had both the house and the ' senate with Ey the Associated Press L!lQ Vs that they would reduce . . . . taxation and reconstruct the country .Hlllu i-0' p , " "G s..riKe j into peace conditions," he said. "They ress the negro race is making along oi insurgent members of railroad t,,A fi,;. ,4. -- .i,.i' fiirvii. i(nci,; m".i n-ao niwuhiin . . I , 1 i 1 1 i ii ( liai 1. 1.1.V..1.HIU111.U HUl-lllilii, , 11UL ci UU1- j iism i'i". 1 n'J "t.ii t f . . n -'. . " i-v. .i muuuu iu oegau at nicago j have thev reduced taxes. They a week ago had spread to other cities u t ,r onrT tuvn . m o t i . i i h'dXC appomtc: investigating com- il. v.-n -'ill .-i-nwino' mittces, have opened the books duurg! Ka and west b.-.;.rrl fvmo-M mftv. ' the war, with smelling committees io li.'iiMi- "full and complete plans to comb; nair ift 4 LUl tH' V Oil! f ' x V w (V-'-i" O tV7 .VlUUCiL I U ' . f -IV . j. l 1 ii.it. :itmuous-. rr 'T."V."1 suc-h' strategic isat-wavs mcnt across tho continPiih nb-pnflv ! ?ec if tliey could find where the Dc-ni restricted b ythe Chicago strike was I ocrati- Psrty had expended money red by switchmen striking' at ' cirruptly, and they have not discover- is Buffalo ; ed out of the billions of dollars we us to corrupt- !.l i'lii-'air ; Wl", , 'i:.' I ' n i i i 'ii "il r ( n r r f ttMen to iri'n', V "-.'I hi- '! Mr;" : '.'lal i m in i.r:"' ti-n iv.'--';;". i'i t!:e V-:( idi-r'-d. th-- t :-i-v V. : " iiui'jith n '-.if-v ( i.et'e. ! ' al He? in. I ti:' :. r"1, - ' l:e bilge tot:'! ( C ''.') i wat ! mark was 'cvii- when appr : imv4. .', ii.:, ivranfy ei.C-ied the ; 1" tde f!!(r.vlng v'-.ar, Sli. i i; drop'ied to .'In ut TS'.h-1 i'! "' ''! S i i had agaiii ;r-! t.-.ti ,. -i : '-. . ii'.. ntr.si- ' "- "i"v.', : ..,i.-l x.'.,oo ;i.r .,.,.1 ;.i.,-i..:..i : c-.-i ,nv n ' v' . " . V . v. II p. WilaMn (iwl-ir ilin cuivilo1-"1' i-i-iio.o v-u.v umu 8-i:u liiuubll mi i.i, mi wi utai vsiu i' no ie.-...Vu i" ?,l?v..MnUi-rt ir.v.ti.rntinr tb r.nw' j ?t'nte! s a JoHet aau Decatur, iff., ; teil as much as ntteen cents b-:-:.c5.iit.VT)t ,nr out oi tne c v i tho -vn " Mid Gary. im. . . . ! ly spent." iv a- ;-, .w r. ii. ;unei wi., ; T.nlvn to rritir,"sm h- Ronr Ad- strikes were m torce m Indiana The record of the Democratic oi -Mi .-ii.. i. t'... v:.'"- m;,.i ;n u.-c- iptter a.i.i.nt.-11'v d u..'' pici-icLfu mut -t.,-ju i tor tnc jast seven years, ; r. vi. e rres.'.i lit. .n. wuue. f. . , . j. .i n.:i , would be out soon. OrA,.m..n ,.mf0,ui mOC n .n!,iiii i ' t . 1 1 1 1 i . niiimiLii n iijun ticiti -tti - . .... ..... . v. - - ' 1 1 1 ;.' 'iir anion'. te el. las held i-i'l -. c .ntinuotisly since fd it ii a f'.-ct that c'irec . tt '' en the vb as long as The hite A. A. Shuford g-. ? it believer in the associa ; !i'r; son, Mr. A. A. Shuford. i.'.i t'.-.' borrd nr.v. and takes i i.e:n ;;i.evL3t i" it. Mr. ('. II. (Jeitnjr was elected a director in 1-"7. Mr. John A. I.entz in I'.-O" Jr. V. II .-.Irn-'ies m imu. that '"from the moment war was d c'r.red the entire navy the depart ment as we!), as the fleet entered into vigorous prosecution of the war and its accomplishments deserve the commendation of the nation." ,H',, u i i "'fll','!;,,: mil Dr. V. II. Nichr.Lon and r.ir. hhu- l; ;t nfter the s'igrin" of i f i'ii httev. The first secretary was It. mi yrat on i i: imw wr. u. .v. In t'-. fiscal var t nl- :1S. th: number of ... .... ....... i. i i i .1 ns eonipai - Ol li'T i. . , i i in spirit, and. he was succeeded ov A. I.. Crouse, deceased, r.nd the late Sou ire K. ). KH'ian held the post in. it,. ' i '. W I'll-! Ml I n i ,.,i,.; iii'ii'! I I II ' I 1, I .'! for the nreviour, war. for ?i: week?. Mir. A. A. Yoder was 1 ' h'en shown tin- number the next secretary and Mr. odor .'11 : . 1...1 .m ..... nJnf.1 linn i VT 111 UC CMCLl 111 in" iii.i'ihoii!:') no longer active; Mr. C. M- in-1 Kbef't'-ill Huccerdod him and Mr. Geo. un-'l!. Wootten was chosen in 1009. He ;viiig th country ' .'t'l kept pace with the the development of 'I tin- I'uiintrv on an :i'"l scale, the otiestion rat- has been on She job ever since, v'.et as to wh"ro the labor. Th- history ef the rirt building '"ii;" from, if immigration ;v Loan Association is the history ,nf mo.lern Hickory. They have grown H'lropc.inM Not I f opo Tu ! Itogethee. . . . - in. migration (nicinls tnc rievaib; that w:ir vearine., IQI iU! I01B CIS! EPORTEO T By the Associated Press Paris. April 8. It is reported from Coblenz that there has been a 600 Out at Buffalo. By the Associated Press Toledo, April 8. Six hundred switchmen employed in the railroad rwitching district walked out in sym pathy with other switchmen today. It is predicted that all traffic will be tied up in 24 hours. ord of promises kept norn i'meu party Senator rec- promises He reviewed legislation justice in our . lurts, ir accumulating I'mncrty Fir! is h-ing . ;(.;:;".; along the :' : ; which 'hii vi( will be rcco ' ' "i. v .- will j. ii... politic?.! race p.- e .- ; if the Repi.hlican pol- STRIKE IN CALIFORNIA Bv the Associated Press Los Angeles, Cal., April 8 The. railroad strike has spread to Los Angeles, where early today the yard men's association said that from 500 j to 1,500 men on the roads entering this city were out during those years for the benefit of the farmers, labor and general welfare of the country, saying "tho Pem-.. emt io party stands against class legisla tion, but believes in legislation, cf this kind only, when it is for the uplift and the comfort ct tne great mass oi i the people." Under the leadership ; ot President VV llson, as commander- in-chief, the nation, he said, had car ried on the greatest war in all history and had brought it to a successful end. Saying the Democratic party stands for freedom of speech, freedom of re ligion and freedom of the. press, but does not stand for license of speech, and license of the press Senator Over- iiicions ...l lea-"-e ':m aione. witn the sum-sms-iy of Democracy there is absolute asouranue of continued Anglo-Saxon government unmixed and untainted w;th Africanism. "The North ' -irolina Republican is affiliated with a party w'hich has forfeited the confidence of the peo ple, which fosters hatred o the South and feeds upon sectional bitterness. I uii stake the temper and fail, to interptei rvright the spirit of the doEcendani-- of the gallant fol lowers of the immortal Loe and Jackson if. they are r-tdy n-v to kiss the fend that has been sitting -their fathers for the last half cen tury, and continues vindictively io assault the Sofuth and her social 010 il OEIi HiMDH i OF TROOPS V Bv the Associated Press Paris, A -ril . Reports that Britain and the United T ;:ates had called upc": F-anee .o vb ;;:raw her troops from i 'rmkfort are entirely without ffoundat...u, says a French i:. il note issued today. Certain agencies insj.ired by Ger niany. reads tne note, "snead the note in Gern-inv and sonic neutral (nuiii; mat r.ng!auu aim me fabric, jealous cf her power and ac- yV i ctafrs summoned France cumulating wealth, and ready to de- , x sterday to wit -aw her troops. The strikers said their action here ...,n,v.;n f nnfiic: unvtVi r.-f Hnm. was the result of being underpaid and bur''. In tlhe exchange cf shots a 1 predicted that the whole Pacini coast ! man declared he would stop the immi-f:.,i.7-.ian fTiV-er Tvn wounded. The re-! if not the entire country would be af- i gration of undesirable foreigners port is net confirmed sources. from other f ected i;k; I IRK DAMAGE i-tors and vaii:ui hrd alike.' Bv the Associated Press ..... ........ i .:....( r.,1la Ti.vini Anvil X ire Call i.r v i a r.ioveriMt uicerniw- iun...-. ..-.. , I . .I .it ion The people of this morning cesuoycd sreiai n- ' l i' :,i;v f te tired of war and , piano, several piles ot lumoei aim in' n i ie.e'!n,.,l to bel ieve I hov ouiLei ials at the post here, lhe now as-! OSH v. a.s est-mated by army omceis I grui.l- ,,t $1,000,009. to t.eir (o:i- 1 ' u' 'T.;anent tieace i ' t 'I heir ffillll ;" ti '""( liliV been oblicei burdens of evrr i,t"."Ji'r;iig r '. and they t h 'iiwc'vi e". l-Hve ' Pa (! through mi-i a:; woe. : '" They niuv b.ck o t! Is e'U"trv ; Ifind of pea -". The.! ' tikc i n 'I'.'itiori ofli'dals do i.o.. n-gard n corn 'rn the recent evi ul of ' fi 1'ii.igt'ittion from r l:nUcl 'i".. Mniigf!.ion, thev " hit o.il i;o tiew thing. For re' . i l'i'.H i 'h" o'ltln eak of the wai . ' '' left the country for every 100 cine red it. ' present the i.as.iport-vise svs- iidopteil when this country tn- thi. ii. i ; u utin in r.r.ofui ir.ii 1 in years. '.i' v.fi. i.t ri r.i ..i ,t.iiiv. ... , 1 .ii the opinion of manv persons, named and some big speaKeis . u " iM be continued, if immigration i the program. Among these are .ur. entirely suspended. In war-' A. A. Whitcner, candidate for United : ho MV.stem was established to ; States senate; Mr. Jake V. Nowell, 1 ""t the public enemy from en- Vnndidnte for congress, and Mr. John i I 5tfp. Q- I ilEIIIGI HI. j E.LASH IIF ibtb I . w irnnou rnal n n n n n u i i t h-k h hu i i olllr ill! lilw Vm m UUSUUHLU! j i i 1 Bv the Associated Press "who refuse to learn our language, hate our form of government, organ ize under the red flag for its over throw, publish newspapers m foreign stroy her industries and undermine j n"js rcport n;r very civilization., ami tne.v 411 foundations r.altcd only by ner migntv nujwai . of defense the Democratic party." i The Democratic party, he said, en-; ioys tke distinction of being able to I run upon its record rather than awav j from it; that it has much to be proud ; of and nothing of which to be asham- td. and that it has not only kept! nace with the progress of the state, : but has courageously led in every laudable undertaking. ; "The hkviory of the Democratic party is tne History oi tne state n is absolutely 7ithout COUNTERFEIT PLACE : . nuiGED ii mm its onward march of progress and languages advocating the overthrow development,-' Mr. Jloey said, ana of our' government, and yet come to the states gr--V-i-. reads n.:e a ro- li? UU!IUMiau ii.i'i- DIP lfltCT CATIinnAV U!U IVSLLI Unl UllUill ; 1 i i i :i a : snare our privileges ana our iioei tie, j rnentaI activity ha, Hrd thw r Alter summing up tne zicihuv yuiL-ota of the Democratic party, Senator Overman said: By the Associated Press Jerusalem. Wednesday, April 7. By the Associated Press. New York. April 8. The transport Nansmond sr.ip from with the bodies 'died in base hospitals in England ; Turk? inside and outside the walls during the war. Relatives and friends j cf the city Monday and Tuesday, i f 1-io It.ofl n!Kpmbled at the dock i 4. Itlv - t to receive the flag-draped coffins " M. ; I The Republican convention at New ton Saturday morning at 11 o'clock will draw to the court house probab ly the largest number of Republicans iVirs. A county ticket win WHEAT FORECAST "We hear no more of the empty dinner pail; we hear no more of the incompetency of the Democratic party ! to run the government: we have made Although martial 'aw was proclaimed L rrrcat record: we have kept the e fulfilled cur promises happiness and prosperity to a hundred million people. lhe Democratic party is worthy of enthu siastic confidence and support. Let us have in November the greatest vic itoiv in our history." 1 1. .-i in ii .... - ... ..wk-x .iititougii mai tun ..tiv. was ui ociiijuieu i oreat TC"Of. . first American funeral j here on Monday and the city was un-if:th- we hV Europc. arrived here today (it.r control of British troops, scatter-I j hvmi.n i bodies of S7 soldiers who I eci fl8rhts occurred between Jews and j " ZaLa i ''.' lhe country.. Now it is the ur.-!j jnrfcer of Monroe, candidate for ii'ieile, t he enemv of law and or-! governor. The citizens of the county lhe breeder of revolution and k, e.l Mnsvs. Whitener and ' I'lvecute of anarchy that is kpt j N;t.weu on many occasions, but Mr. ' ihiwh this ytc"ni. Irarker is not so well known. He is muim BUSHELS Markets CO'lTON in i io- to 1882. when the federal ' . .: rC""n VA nnunt first assumed definite -' " lirt l.nw H'JVl'l' '""'t'd of immigration, who the move- The call for the convention is issu- -xmr a n . ! 1 --. ,1 f ann ri'wit. um.u :t.ii i nr.. nl.nl,.,! I ctl by Cliairman vv. a. neinnaiuc t- was in that year the first general Secretary Jesse C. Sigmon. Bv the Associated Press Washington, April 8. Production of winter wheat this year was fore cast today at 483,017,000 bushels and rye 759,841,000 bushels by the de partment of agriculture which based its estimate on the acreage planted last September allowing for the usual number of bushels per acre. Condition of winter wheat April 1 was 75:0 and rye 86.8 per cent of j normal. NNAGE FIRED er BLOODY HI Ii By the Associated Press . New York, April 8. The better weather report in the South led to more active selling cf new crop months at the early trading. The opening was steady at an advance of five points on May, but generally j gy the Associated Press six points lower, and active months j ' Constantinople, Wednesday. April then turned easier. 17. Turks have destroyed the village 1 " TlnvnnniiH novthp.T st. nf Ad ana and II burned the Armenian orphanage there By the Associated Press Montreal, Ap'dl 3. Docal service agents, ar.'ing in conjunction v ith United States secret agents, raided a place on Bouvais street this morn ing and seizM $2.,000' in counterfeit American bil:. The detectives aiso m i;:ed bank notes, special engraving iii. and other parphornalia . Albert Grigcn, occupanc of the premises, was arrested. Mrs. Douglass Wy .'t of Fort Strong, Mass., zrrived yesterday for a visit to her mother and sister, Mrs. P. Suttlemyre and JVlrs. Ueo. A. Weather 1 1 Two thousand Armenian orpnans were J Weather: North Carolina Partly cloudy tonight and Friday, not much change in temperature, gentle to moderate west and northwest winds. removed under fire and taken to Adana in safety by William Gilbert, Jr., cf Ycnkers, N. Y. They probable will be sent to Cypres,' as the Adana dis trict is much disturbed. oral prosperity. No" .ironna v -leaped withh he ins: s vcars f; 22nd to 4th V..-. :.n U.e tot.- vi-i-.e of all crops. Qniy ore- state g.-;- more tobacco, only two more sur ghmn. only four more sweet potatoes and peanuts, and cidy five more cot ton. A North Carolina farmer grew more cotton per acre, and a North Vjt..L oilllcl U1.1.V ji,itrvv ikwii- vy... t- t il. 4i'. i'.. , , . . . .1 .1 T . -. , 1-. . I acre mail iaiici i. mu-ni j . , 1 .1.1, ,.i-r.-. tVio K5 iT.-rrtct m.ii : LiTOK. C.L11..I tllJ Mil. of pigs in all history, "The Democratic party ha.- -A .iys fostered all legitimate industry aed has maintained conditions favorable to the (growth and expansion of business. It has been fair and con siderate to labor, and it has like wise been just to capital. As a gen eral result. North Carolina is in the forefront in manufacturing and gen eral industrial development, and to-: day leads all the South m the man- - - ufecture of cotton, furniture and gv the Associated Tress tobacco, and in the manufacture of 1 Raleigh, April 8. After being pur tobacco si.e leads the entire nation. sued by a jv, jn automobiles, officers Winston-Salem alone manui.ictures ,ate last niKht piaced Charlie Arm- mnro tonacco lii; .i rinv ruv 111 lux; 1 FFICERS OUTRUN MOB IN AUTOS world, while Durham haa the largest hosiery mill in existence, and Tl'gh Pomt makes more chairs 1 nan cads the United .States, cutstde mi,. ... .x strong, a negro in the Wake county ail here for safe Keeping following his arrest at Rocky Mount for the eight-year-old Massachusetts and Rhode Island, in the number of yarn spindles- "Notwithstanding all the inerr-.i.od appropriations for every purpose, ti e financial affairs of the state have white girl. The attempt occurred at a Rocky Mount club, according to the police, who say the negro lured the I;ttle girl there on the promise of a doll. - if) 11 k :f V 1 .. it a; ill I. I if 1 3! i i f

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