I! GK AILY mi I r. 1 i! VOL V. NO. 17$ HICKORY, N. C, FRIDAYEVENING, APRIL 9, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS NATION ALREADY ENDS fRCHTS ENTENTE POWERS WILL MILLIONS FOR SOLDIERS; JULY OCCUPATION it? 'W,a ORY i MEC03RB FOR SUFFRAGE ITEjEMET STRIKES FOURTH PROMINENT ! TO CRIME TH DISCUSS ! ' : 1 4t: Rut This Money is for Veterans of Former Wars Uncle Joe Cannon Marshals Facts in Re gard to Great Sum Paid Out Annually What Uncle Sam Is Up Aginst W. S. Maim. ISL'tl, by Tin' Urn Si:.:-.) W.i-hi.'U Spri! e i ( a o li.ili,:.': n-.jiti;.' i':-;- to un.br t In got tin :i mind due the .li mn 1',-w n jus! if. v I ICY in 'ho .iilC'K ho'l c i Ic.V. u 'die :.i u- )i!t'. it' 1 ,nH ,ii tho i!l annual ihm is under de- .-em of '' ' i. in.' he o la'Ure i.i.pr ; Can- On'.' '.'ia - : l if the Vetera.: " tti.at r;:ci" ateit t; -poi'i! : i.. i. 0;i;; i:o(! ,:j,.jn.' : so: dec rein 1 wo;-::, hi conipariie." "r t wr. -e.- i r 1 1 carrb .in ai'm'1 -. '. o.'-'.Ooo Rem-. :h u i , peal.i:!':' (.H I pi ' 'i Mid ; r. U',4' i' a'l.'i i' i i'.d! .a .m i.- ;i -i ; d ' ndo:i S: anisd : a. i;''!'ect it n vei vi.i di l'".Ve ahiadv ; : uoidd add i ! ; i" and .Si'.'. "00 UiM). .! i f .20l-0.000. ;, of n:tional sol- i a- I'm Mi r rim Sam a: '. ; i'!'i' (O'ia.l th'i' ndliH.it '0l- i. W :'eti:.1.)Il C.ir.non and (.liar is who have made octi; ion loll j-cem to in l"u'V'.ution ai. ! litres by miv ethec ir ovp.'rdittuv-; iu-' ,'i. n)i ih"v h.ive added '"' :d ccrt.aln other j care ot veteran: t' v, ar ri.-k insurant- : ' Th- i.; , ne amount recivii-e! ir death and di.--:i.-cal ve.ar lt.M. p j'.i'i: i(' 1 i f th inar.e. r.i.'d " r.'t i liei m 1 limb-j l!7.:-.('.").00. They point cau ( t war u- for the vol! w IV :tau ! "ort ("! lh.irvau i'f t'.J of r .?? . 12.00, oat !'; r; e nci . hi Mr I h'i linn. ha!di ; .; ( , ill". tl:. , I it rciUii;.t f.r ih 1 pee of wa. r '. i- III t!:e ll elii,,'!1 -ei vi'-t- d ai in . I - f . ' 1 !';. inai; I'fi'. ' ( 1 .'.rill' 1 !M'iU' 1 a 1 1 II.. i.iHcf t! or d for 1, ;t y '.-.v., WA::,.r hv.ildinj; ho.s- r. ir, J oc:i of tii.' American ;,:;.... world war. I ;u 1. 1: "r . ocaiiona: i raining. Ti. f. d' rai board of vocatioiuil (.siiinit.ed that it will ''I'li'.'t' ',n l;a " f iily ,:.12."..0O0,O0O during the lo'-id ......a.' iirjl fur the vocational ''..d.iVatioti of r.s. ..:UUrp. ni.'o'i.i ': who eicy a)plv for a'hl '''( . ,,'.;.!: 1 raioiiig. ;" that congressmen making "iM'c!;.-- on this pension legislation. 1 1. 'it the fact that by huvs al r,,ttdv ,; I 'role Sam nan ob!i- td'-d iii'n If to nav out next vear lor car,. 1 f ""hose wdio won " ' v. a icar.d i. more total tha.n of r--.uou.uoo an xne expense.-: 11 ,1 s.'v' 1 int. eat in ...... ' . "'niii.'1'i (,f congress who are ill'"'-! I'CI that tiieir constituents should; tin- whole id'-t.ure o What COO-' I,.,. .1, f,... i .xl.'l.i Pj 1 00 "o i." - . '''! 1 -. thai coiigrcss may not hi "d lia-tilv for not having dene blani- fui' not hnvinf dor. n.oi'C , '."I s(.on. .. p'lin: out that in thoje '"-ni' . f.ii- lp:.'l do not annear two h;i,ip..,.y of evifdir" low which b'f.'e '"i'd large cv p.oidit ;( s1 ('i itv iic last , year or tv.. The vrii ' the war risk im-iiraiic'' J"f ( '.in' !'i'g f.duilv adownrK" to I) 'I'c'Va: i ' ;f soldiers will cease to le ('Pii'!'.'1'.'' b-ur iiioMths after th t c,,ir ', f the war. so that the amount whit! 11 J'V he required for thh ?'.'? r-. "J'ing the (isf-al vein l'!1 '-ill ' "lathdv small. The total di:-bir ii'iits under this provisieo to M.and' Ih2', howi'vor. have been as fol-'"'v-': Army S122.7o1 ,12.",.27 : : Wtvy d:: 71..-.",2.07: Marine Corps' l';t2::,9. and coa.st guard $1 2 577 d I 1.'! - -making a grand total of '-'d.'.MI ()22.-hi.S It Is estimated that 'iiv iinytiient under this head darwu. fi . 1 few lnntltll ! of the eoni i III' I Hscai vea,. injiy bring this up to $275.- mhl)(Mo i.2.so,000.000. Other ExpentliiurcM. has in carrving out ine act approv 'd l.'ihru.iry 21, lt)l., nuthor'rang i''iviii!'rit of a bonus of 'BHO to per ''ii'i scrvin" In the world war. Wiirli P ;, ,.,:.....! i.ill tntiil '.",(... ii.': II 1 I , I-'' I f I I I 41 1.1. I I . ' I ' . -v. o. i) lll( ,.r.....-,t mm huvn tn ! IIM'UIII. .-1 I, - f'Oti iMii'inc the fiscal vear 1921 'in' 01 net" Mg exioi(iii,'are nas,, " 'iT.-;or,( ischarged from tho army.;. M -uium.-. an . ront "vv, marine corps anU coast guard interested nro invited to be present dating thai year. The disbursements i'V i . .' war .kparimmt to November aggregate 'Fii ! i ,71)7.000 and i! i- esthmued t!iat tins sum will bo inci eased to :--2(',00 000 Iv Juno 30. " 020. Th' disbursements of tho N'avv IK p'M'trvcut to dutt iPV.voximato , i : 1.000 000 and u is estimated that i.pproximutciv .$1 ISOO.OOI will bo ro-oi-iirj to tvnii'h'to su h 'payments .J ill" navy jH'is'-ii'ic!. Th'' d'cbmvo- ir en i have th man i.o corps to da! e i r he. a; approximate it is estimated that e:iu!" $o0;)0iU) more wili id. "'he disbursement of v.icrd have been !?2 Is. 220 appro.vi e reiuiir the eoat an. I it ) estimated that !!.f.S0 addiiioiud will iiave to he pai('. Hvre It ?... . e.. io ''u.n ..--ai 1 1 on son-,, sec- mucti (i it insmred bv rjron- .vain-t ciiiijvi es--. for not on-mptiv pa-.--:iHc a bi.tr servic; i'-'aus lri ;ott;,i "under the skin" ",r '"I. members Thov now poinl "", count vv thnt the record if ; aii tr.e wa;s v, iio iell ov uh wav o is a" earnest that Congress can (.'(mended unai;. Rciesenla a Cannoo ia Ids rcr.crt snows 1 )w sii he t:v ! 7f0 ! ir n. o 101!' as 70 r;io .00:: follow: :ai if V.'il' ? Me: : Revoiu 1S12 ?4'5 Sin 70."i.- d2.!0:'- oip.J';:;.!: 7 "oil: W; Indii v.ita. "1,1 . ci.-n CM vi' war war wilh Spain rnd Philippines in ui'Cection .$d.".21 1 ,(!(."). 71 : regular i (ViahM-hTTH'ii!. S?.")0..4242.11)0.0,.; War of lit 1 7. .",7.27o.2S and Unclassified. :' ")0S. 447.41, making lt yrand to tal of C.17.O20 402.:i!. DEBATE TONI': ; 1 school tonight and i.en.d- in j a spirited do-j subject being, j I dd; id States, The Hickory hirh will meet M rg;;n1on .', hat pr(av i e j to he bating err... 1 "e -Resolve shotiid a lu-'t 9rial Mei gal wid j. .ti( "i, ''h':i ; : ':. ' r ;: tho. the t i!v s ; iai v .f : a'1'. hev ;a!!tMgvs'!on. -.no . ( , t Ib-vvitt ;lio a Hi rm-; . while Ed- d P.sox go vt ive : 1 'it ', J';. ; : "lhe"i : :d .' .e:i .1,. White- alternate 1 'H, L with Lenoir will th.-c Li :a f.ehooi auditorium Thfl public is cordially r' 'dca". l.d. 1 i ' C. fi mt Ti V rJ?,. l u yio s I H TUESDAY MIGHT M; rohers (,f Catawba Lodge No. " T." a 1 . ..Vl I , ( 1 1 i A !. 0 V lief J !1 " I to have a big incet;ng n'xt Tucsdav night when the third degree team from Lenoir will put on the third rank work for the 'ocal lodge and Col. H. K. Walter, of Asheviile. sec rdarv of Lagd-id Tempi.' No. 21. I. O. K. K. will be present to address tiic meetings on the forthcoming Dukie ceremonial. About 2- or more 1... .1.. fire expected from Lenoir ., ..( it a great lime is expected- The , . f, , .,,.,wh-A Lodge t'Lirr v. din i 1 u 1 1 1 ' v iw . , , :,. i-. t.,,mri,. .m. tn nd u 1111 t ' i , . v. 1 . j .... 1 . - 'Km le.d-',(S 11 ro exchanging teams r .'..: ,,..1 U. ....C,' Waher will outline- the work .1...? - 41,., l...,l l,l..'c.n In ar. ex ) .-rii'i ".""" .....". ; ,,n. ni'Cnnnnir in nr.ni.-e nin he mnnv Dokies and eandi- , . . ' ...1.. .,,1 imvntwr tn aat-i s tiii' 41. -m' . w.....t ! lickorv for the bpnng ( 1 R( freslunerds will be served ihe- e. or,:.i:. - t IBr during IE BIS SPEECHES Hickory" Republicans were looking forward 'today with interest to then county convention at Newton tomor row, when three big speakersMr. . A. Whittner, candidate for the i'nited States sniate: Mr. John J. !., .Lrr 'i.ndidate for ll'OVOl'nor, and 'j,. j.,kt. p. Newel), candidate tor ; conjrresf will hold forth and the !,f.v.ntion will nominate candidates Hw. ,'ininiv r.fliees nnd the lower hfuse and probably for the state seriate. ' . 'I'l... t.f..l., ..ni'rmliim i4 PXnOt'tOft to be harmonious and a new set of J IH. .-.-.UCI u'li'Mt."" 1 for the county offices i-.iiiiimuii, , .,, 1 1 imed I" "i .u.,u... All Republicans and other cile-is ifflfl HiCKQRt teams K llinia rr rnninr run r&mnai Minn rr ! . F h fl 1 1 s H F IN H HI ! Tin- executive committee of tho : Hickory Merchants' Association met I last night at ti:,e Chamber of Ccm I mereo with President X. V. Clark ; in tho chair a'ai Mrs. Q. ?c. Herman j as i-.of retary and decided, to push a jl'otirfh of duly celebration here this (summer. Plans for the occasion ' Vvil! ho worked out with other or- Jtaniviitioris and arrangements made j woeus in advance for the affair if it ! is decided to hold one. i Announcement ' w:k mm? c that the elected to issociation. cnl association has been uicmbersdi'p in the state ident Clark announce. the foi- 'owi.t-j committees: Members.:- ip ;t rinanco: Ceo. E. J. I.. H. M. iisan'r. A. West K. ) Yri- Transportation: J. L. Aberneihv A. Bowies, J. A. Moretz. Legislative: Ceo. L. Lveriv. S. Whit oner. P. B. P.lack welder. Entertainment: R. E. Martin, C. Lutz. (Jco. C. Yoder. Good Roads: S. I,. Whitner, A. V, est J, A. Moretz. Publicity: C). C. Simmons, E. Johnson, Roy Lonjr, D. T. Applet; " jt nftM UjJ I l Si jl f I If 1 S i i. r.. .Martin. M'-. Ed Whittle, who was accused f shooting Mr. Tim Cline through the hat and i i i c i d c n t .) 11 y p 1 a c i n g a bird shot en the right side of his l (' tol l Chief Lentz and Deputy j ; .Sheriff Kennedy yesterday that he j !was sheeting at field larks when his i neighbor g(.t !iit, hut that he was ! not aware of anything untoward. He j gave a cash bond of $500 on the spot I and later h el his bond signed in : Hickory. The preliminary hearing; ! will be held next Tuesday ' afternoon Recorder Pruitf. According to Mr. Wl,itt!, the elder dine was not a mark at which be as shooting at nil. Field larks were rather nutnerous and he wanted to get some of them. The eloer C.'lir.e might have been hit, but that .va an accident, he says, Those who are familiar with the affair say that Mr. Cline is somewhat of a scrapper himself and that if he had had a shotgun with him. he might r.ave shot some field larks too. He is said to be somewnat ot or f : his t ights and will a contend scran for tht.ui as lively as anybody, Tho tK tdi.'e is all about a right of way on ad.jo ling land to have in which both parties the ;iw on their side. By the Associated Press Washington, April 9. Two years before the United States joined the allies in the world war the navy general .board prepared a compre hensive plan for war against a "cen tral power of Europe," Rear Ad miral Fletcher told 1 lie senate inves- tigating committee, lie was repiyim lo Admiral Sims charge tnat when the United States entered the war it I ad no comnrehonsive and well de fined plan of action. "Many such pdans were made in. the past." Admiral Fletcher said, ''but I he plan referred to covered every phase of navval operations under the assumed conditions of war. ' No navy ever was or ever will be fu'ly prepared for war in the eyes of everyone," the admiral declared, "hut the American navy when it en tered the war was .lust as wen pre - oared as any other navy in the world; when the war broke out." he assert- tered the war was .lust as well pre ed. Miss Annie Killian returned Rock Hill today after spending holidays with her parents, Mr. Mrs. George Killian. to the and AT DIH Bv the Associated Press Rocky Mount, N. C, April 9. Dis agreement with mill officials over the transfer of one employe to an other, 325 members of the united tex tile workers of merica and represent- j ing approximately 90 per cent of the employes at me nociey jiount mius went on strike yesterday afternoon. Although the mill was badly crippled, it was running today. B S BHDS riRin ft fin sinsiT-ri r 1-,IS1,L1I1 HI it Lrly I j On id : FLETCHER 1 ' - . I strike in mill ! . . . ! . ! ty nm Associated i ress Raleigh. April !). The adoption of a platfoi m includ plank asKin.K the special session ot, the gen- oral assembly which meets in July to ratify the woman suffrage amend ; iv. eat was one of the outstanding features of the Democratic state convention here yesterday. The plank favoring suffrage was incorporated in the platform bv. the convention by a vote of HSo to 428 1-2 after a fight had been made to itfovm oppos- . (tot jl (.lie i: :cijui i lv jj the ; in,t? ratineat ion. In arldiion o he : ouv shrdhrddl j In addititai to the fo 'from the state at larrrc. r dekjyates ( no woman Mrs. J. S. Cunningham of Dai ham. i was chosen as honorary delegate to ; the i democratic national convention iat San Fratudseo, but yithout power ! to ote. The etngre-Fsionai convent dons also elected delegates yesterday, i Tho conventions unanimously vot ied to enter the name of Senator K M Siir.ir.ona on the Ticket in the Juno 'piimavy as North Carolina's favorite son for the pi esidential nominat'on. The platform endorsed, the national r.n-1 state administrations and favored the ratification of the peace treaty with rise covenant of tho league of na tions as a. virile part of it. T IS fir- P rTi--i ImL IIU I 0 By the Associated Press Washington, April 9. When the house resumed debate today on the Republican peace resolution, Repre sentative Flood of Virginia, ranking Democratic member of the foreign affairs committee, announced that he would urgje action on a motion proposme- straie.htout repeal of ad wartime legi slat ion. Republican leaders, said- the actio! wou'd be defeated and the resolution -"depted automatically at 5 o'clock Democratic loaders conceded that Re publicans had votes to carry out their program. ip ia DEATH OF MRS. DAY 1 Mro. C. J. Dav gathered her chil-!votef!.to jeave tho RUlpus from last dren about her, took them by the31' m rnf: treasury as .a reserve hand and requested them to meet hev fund and fixed Monday night, April in h-iuven and then on Anril 6. 1020. ! l'L as the time for the guarantors to went en to be with her Savior asking j receive their tickets. The Chautau that the song "Take t he Name of j qua will start on May G and the after Jesus With You," be sung at the fu-lnoon programs will not begin until neral service- i after the children are out of school. Having bee'-i horn June 1, 1855,1 This year, as last, the officers will she was nearly Go years old. Her 'have a committee to sell tickets, but maiden name was Louisa Jane Sides On Julv 8. If! 1 o. she was married to C. J. Pay. This union was blessed wit.h 15 children. She ieaves a husband. 12 children. 42 grand-children, 4 great grand children and a host of relatives and friends who are comforted by her ast reauest "Meet me in heavven." The fum-ral and burial were nt Heuek s Chapel, Rev. R. L. Smith, oastor West Hickory Baptist church, officiating. "Blessed are the dead who die the Lord." in! ! Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ilendrix. i Aliens: Minnie and Ovr.nVi OvifTm I 1iot- i..(nrnn,i i-,,. ntt-av .-, .."cif a their mother. Mrs. Sali.ie A. rv"fun 1 Mrs. J. Wi. Self and little daugh ter returned to Lenoir today after . :i 4 ij: t if c,i a visit loreniuves nere. ivus. oen also attended the woman's chassis at.9ua as-sot,,au"11 , China Grove this week. TO INVESTIGATE STRIKE. By the Associated Press Washington.. April. 0. An inve tigation of the unauthorized strike of switchmen and other railroad men at Chicago and other places was or- j dered today by the senate. i I T8 S3 V,l?"3kf"Ct xyRX'- s-t'0 COTTON Bv the Associated Press New York, April 9. Reports 01 nn-fflvmahle weather in the south led to another rush of buying orders at given at Brookford tomorrow night the opening of the cotton market to-; to aid this cause and all persons m lftv Fii-sr m-icp-s were stennv nnd ! terested are urged to lend a " hand. active months sold GO to G9 points net. higher before the end cf the first hour . I with May going into new high ground for the movement. July sold at 39. 6t and October at 35.95, while May touched "41.70. Weather For North Carolina: Rain this afternoon and tonight. Saturday fair, rising temperature in interior Satur day, fresh east shifting to winds. north iy me .associated rress i Chicago, April spreaa of- the insurgent strike of swiccdimen and enginemen throughout, the country was indicated by reports txlay showing that 20,000 men were out in the United States. Eight thousand insurgents were out in the Chicago district whore the strike had its inception nine days ago and reports from the Pacific coast showed that the movement had' grown ther e. j Railroad brotherhood officials Ihave denounced the new "rump' who uni ons and appealed to loyal union men to assist in breaking the" strikes de clared the strike in the Chicago dis trict would be broken ifi in 48 hours and strikes in ether partsoi' the coun- i try then would end. Cy the Associated Press Chicago, April '.). Switchmen who nave been on strike for nine -days i.'C gan roturnmg to worK ing. Brotherhood officials this morn - WHO - have I 'm fighting the "illegal'" walkout ot the men do net claim that the strike is broken, but were much en couraged by reports from several, roads that the men were returning to work- The Chicago Belt Line Railway connecting the stockyards with the trunk lines was one of the first to it port. Eleven engine crews were at cr.eo at work this morning, the re vort said, as compared to three yes terday i Vv'hile the freigh ; seigerJiffaTns,(wir While the freight situation showed congestion in the Cut Liuit, huiiie u not run do- ; town this morning, j One switchman was shot and sev eral slugged at meeting of the strik ; ing railway men last night, the police j learned. The man shot urged, the ! strikers to return to work. Chautauqua guarantors met at the Chamber of Commerce last night, un animously reelected the old officers. no sales win ue maae until eacn Mga cr has made an individual effort to dispose cf his allotment. It was also agreed that no tickets will be pledged in advance of the night of dis tribution. Mr. Geo. W. president for the last two years, was unanimously re-elected and he gracefully accepted the job wished upon him. Mr. J. W. Warlick declined the office e.i treasurer owing to rush of work and other outside jobs -i -iii 1 . : l i ' to holds and Mr. W. R. Weaver was unanimously chosen ' in his place. Mr. !A. K. Joy also was reelected secretary by .acclamation. The association has about bl'JO m the treasurv and Mr. II. C Lutz an former lyceum -til. Joy, iiienioeis ui jcreird ion. snid thev would turn abortt $42 into the treasury held by this de funct organization, of which Mr . , - Lutz is treasurer. - So the Chautau- 1 . ,. , ,1 j. in case 01 nnancrai tiuuoies in me future and it is hoped that it will be allowed to grow for the benefit of Chautauqua in future. The meeting, though not largely at tended, was harmorious .and every hodv will hustle. The programs will 1 be received in a few days and the cam naign started. T. P. A. MEETING Hickory post, T. P. A., will meet at the Chamber of Commerce tomor row night. m t itEfr-o BOX SUPPER AT BROOKFORD Brookford expects to put cut a first class baseball team this summer and preliminary to this will be the quest ion of finances. baseball team just needs monev. A box supper wm oe CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH. The conference "of the Southeastern visitation , distinct is in session at Christ church. Conference was opened this morning at 11 o'clock by the Rev. Mennen, of Conover. The time of the sessions were set at 10-12 A. M. and 1:30-4 P. M, I Sermon Saturday at 11 A. M., by Prof. M. H. Coyner, Conover. Sunday, 11 A. M., ReV. G. E. Long. Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Knezele. Papers under consideration by Rev: Mennen. "The Christian in his daily life and calling." and by Prof. jKreinheder, "A True Synod." iik Continued qb jCHItfrUQIH GOMES 1 I Objection of England Troops Into Ruhr District Serious Matter America Merely Looking On, It Is An nounced in Washington Today ! IfIIIL CROWS By the Associated Press. Birmingham Ala. Ami! A Two : thousand men in all walks of life have ioine.'l 1 ho Ptir-m !-. o'lvim -i-jvoll .lnK in a campaign ag'ainst the high cost of clothing. Started in a spirit .of jest the idea rapidly gained converts a.ad today the headquarters cf the ciub thronged with volunteers anxious to sign the roster. ROTARIANS IN 'EM By the Associated Press. Cladsden. Ala., April i). Following action c l t.'ie ivavams curb in adopt- j , ing a resolution urging men and worn- j Paris, April . 9. The B. dH; aiti en to wear overalls and ginghams to todo regfiarding the French occupa bring down the high cost of living, I tion of Frankfort will cause the open Rotarians at their weekly luncheon i 'ng of diplomatic negotiations be- today appeared dressed in overalls. 1 mirn liimrn RLLuitnmnta. SLbritlArtT UAIllLLb I French troops into the Ruhr ' .:rict T'x- 1. a; 1 tj j of Germany wil continue to be more E the Associated Press j tha, of an observer th,an of an Vv ashington, April 9. Declaration forested participant, it w?s indieat- of the North Carolina Democratic ; ed here today. .state convention yesterday in favor j It was known that the state de- ' of the woman suffrage means "it js;partment was in communication with all over but the shouting." Secretary 5,"' ?dcrf nd PariP to the time T. . , . , . ,. J . . the I rench army moved, and so far as Jamels sad today .'m -a telegram -.,nti,vn tinvn uaM n . j sent to Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. president cf the Woman's National Suffrage Association. "The Kft Carolina legislature sr.ortiy to oe cauea special session is certain to ratify, asserted. Mr. Daniels DEMOCRATIC DELEGATION TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Raleigh, April 9. The final action of the Democratic state convention here tonight was, indorsement of A. W- McLean, of Lumberton, for national committeeman. T.ie full delegation to the San Francisco con vention, with the district electors fodows: First District Elector. E. L. Stewart, delegates, R. S. Neal, P. G. Sawyer, W- L. Privott and J- L. Mayo. l j Second District Elector. J. Pa I Frizzelle; delegates, George A. Hol- i tferness, Ij. . lapp 'pi, ,..1 Third: District Elector. J. L. Barham; delegates,' Nathan O'Berrv. J. T. Bland, Jr., C. B. Wallace, S. W. Ferrebee. Fourth, District Elector. B. T. Hold en; delegates, S- F. Austin, Jas- ! L Griffithi S. g Abeil, Jno. M Brewer. Kifth District Electorj D. S. Rovster- delegates. E. D. Broadhurst. R O. Everett. j Sixth District Elector. Thomas L j Johnson: delegates, Q. K. Nimmocks. IT- A. McNeill, J. D- Bellamy, R. E. j Powell. Seventh District Elector. Geo. it. Humber; delegates. W. A. Neale. C. L. Williams. S. S. Williams. J. W. Johnson. Eighth District Elector. A C. Hcneycutt; delegates, W. C. New k.nd, J- D. Norwood. Ninth District Elector. T- A. Adams; delegates, Guy Rboberts, E. . . -f , . TT TI" T 1 T T I XT' I I' . Watsou, J. xi. carson, o. l. El liott. Tenth District Elector. F. E. Al ley; delegates. W. W- Neal, W. F. Backer, J. P. Sullivan. R. M. Oates- Among the notable suffragists from -afar: ;today were Miss Avinia Engle, Maryland girl, who six years ago organized the first sucrage as sociation here and Miss Sue White, member of the national woman? Party. Mitchell Palmer had uean Caldwell here- Caldwell was greatly pleased wdth the Tar Heel way of convening but did not observe any jam for the. Palmer bandwagon. Iteam went to Startown yesterday The Hickory Township Reading : and took the measure cf the boys Circle will meet at the high school i there by the score of 6 tn 4 and 1n Voilding tomorrow morning at 10 ; cidentally won the. third game of the o'clock. season. The Hickory lad. hu"'L their Hickory people will attend the de- uniforms and kquSpment and' ''are' i,of hirrVi cr-hnnl tonip-bt. be. playing a good game of ball: In Na- tw-een Hickory and Lenoir, also 'will send a team to ton. Hickorv Morgan- to FrencK Movement of By the Associated Press. London, April 9. Italy's attitude respecting the French oecupaion of hrankfort eoncurs fully with that stated by Great Britain last evening. Vittorio Seialoia, Italian fc reign minister, stated today. Signer Seialoia said there had boon no diplomatic exchange that would justify the assumption .jf France that .'car action was satisfactory' to the allies. ATTACKS LLOYD GEOKCE By the Associated Press Paris. April 9. Grp-t Britain's aftitu.de relative to ti ai,..:ice of j French troops in German territory west of the Rhine as defined in press ! dispatches is viewed by ewc papers i here as a bitter pill for j- rar,ce and it js considered the action ;" .y, ;srum in supporting France a; England. "Pertinax," the political Echo de Paris, writes an li:.r cf ii..usu.iily savage article attacking Premier Lloyd George, whom ho call 3 a dem agogue." TO DISCUSS SUBJECT the Associated Press tween the entente of the whole sub ject of action' in regard -o Germany, it was announced today. AMERICA'S ATTITUDE 1 Bv the Associated Press' I 'Washington, April 9 Air,. -rva'? at :fude r"garding the Freru -f, -w. -a-I r.ew situation created by ihe t : : of the disposition announced more than a , week ago. when it was declared this j government knew no reason why Ger i ... . . . i 1 1 i . '...i' j "1 distil if it wadealy j understood they would be withdrawn ! once order was restored. While recognizing the seriousness pendent action of France, officials here cf the situation cvreated by the inde were not inclined to recognize it as delicate, as the British foreign, offico termed it last night. It was regard ed as one of those situations fraught with danger. By the Associated Press Washington, April 9. Navy sea plane N-9 was completely wrecked yesterday when it fell from a tail spin into Pensacola Bay. the navy department was informed t.oda . The pilot suffered slight injuries. Mrs. W. W; Rowe. Mr-. L. F. A" e-rnethy, Mrs. C. C- Bor Mrs. Rus scli M. Yount. Misses bailie Bum garner, Hermine Warlick and Eliza beth Abemethv returned last night from China Grove where they went as delegates from the Reformed elassis of North Carolina. Star) Bv the Associated Press Pittsburgh, Kans., April ander Howatt, president cf 9. the Alex-Kan-11 for coal miners, was sent to it contempt. . of court in countv district today. II Crawford and three officiated union officials were -ent to jail until such time as they will agree to testify before the industrial com mission. HIGHS WIN AGAIN. The Hickory High School baseball ihan Jones they have a first rate i pitcher and in Everett Viiunant" a catcher who can hold the bails.' 1 1 iWSEAPUK ! s WRECKED I SOUTH t - - 1 - MINERS' PRESIDENT i SENTENCES TOM . t' S it Si 1 Ik f,4 if 5i r V. 4- r j; p. .4 .a 1 .fe fl

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