1 fflCKORY m I awaa ii ... Record ABLY IP H I f I i VOL. V. NO. ISO HICKORY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS V3 MENT MAY BECOME - - fill I illjJMUU UAL r - MUST HAVE TAILS, SURE ACTIVE IN BIG STRIKE I- ! I I 1 f 1 1 F 1 B V f" lEin ! m a n n. n n m n irv m o en I 9 I do .m. h a I ' ' '' iiiuiu l q o l ui l n ii y ll lu iibi 'imi -Hi w s .jj&ii-i Vnf! This Brings Up, the Question of Vice-Presi dent on Goth Tickets and What These Fellows Do Besides Presiding Over Senate and Hoping i l:i the- triangular debate between1 Newton, April 10- Catawba Re-! By the Associated Press Lenoir, Morganton aal Hickory high j T.ublieans met here today, nominated j London, Aprpil .10 Doclraaticn schools last night, Hickory wen at j a brand new county ticket, beard A. j that the allies repeatedly declined to home and at Morganton. j A. Whitener, candidate for senator; j sanction the advance of "French Mv W S. Mann. '. i;'o. dv uic as ningio.i , ot vue president is Star.) 1 he question for debate was: "Re- Jacob F. '.Newell, candidate for con solved: That the United States trov-i cress, and John J. Parker, candidate 'the president. Jokin aside the rn-.., ern.ment should adopt a 'policy of I for governor, ad adopted resolu- gration troops east of the Rhine and that Pre mier Millerand and other officials of tiiat country had given indication I' France would decline to take rdnele- ;A.i It n. April ,,,,:!,!,.; 1: 1 kite '.mnvh'-d ,',,'..! i,,rii'it!i:)'; of the i't ' D.'oro importance than it is often I Kiauon. , ' .fW' x j prided action against Germany, is the credited with. The v-ce biw dent iJ At heme the Hickory high school I HicKory. was largely atrfndig. and attitude of the note sent to Paris, savs 10. wry: rivvde over its "sessions, and ' must- i was represented by Margaret Brur.s j "one OI c Pent omce-noMers j lke Tinies. at the nr.-! ptvido ovee its sessions, and f re-' and Albert Hewitt who upheld the af-inl! ff'i A CCS,1 Emphasis is laid on the fact that Ket'ub'ican unentlv rtidir il.-ii.in ,,-p .,..., livmstivi. aiA i ,.-x5 v,;,u ,u,wvi !Anty na.e seiveu si.v years. . . ww nrrWomc in u a--.-.- t--"'"- I'J- ill nil. 1-AVl ULlUil J1. liai'tu s must have a : iniport.uiice. That is his chief uuic-a! i represented by James I)u!a 2nd Euc-one AC ' .-,! .'m i: ,!! :i'l r Tmiy, in.- poniician- .tut y. in t event of th. . ,s.-d,i',tv ' Ail;ima nuii 'i "reai'ini UK" or (.cam ot ino president tho v w- I Ju.lu-oe 41, ?.t f-xcepiion of the clerk of coul-t, J- T. Setter, of Hickory, whose lerm is 'rr. tlU'V the tnil nave an ptul cn- prt ;;i(!int becomes cine 1 lo run two mors years. Til. ) n i m Q.-l Aflnv -P.l 1 tiff lliis has '.aont'iiis s."j luMPrilv i'ttm i .... .1 . IioU 0 t . 1 . . . . ' . . -.. 1 (. 1 1,1 1 111 iDLi.ll l ll V 1 1 i i Srimil I? ':f I pnnnm v.H -I t!ii i,vi,-t lw !!. 1 1 iu., - mi i . . '' ipartnitnt 01 Lenoir Co lesre. i.ii ni.r. imum no .:uei , tiioto (M l cult times a mat e- of ni)r-! m j , , TT. , , .. idrncv-.thi. !.d, nf ,1,,., ,.,..);., r.A .... 1 J??.V At jMorgar.ton the Hickory debat Versailles treaty mierht rise in the A" f future and it is assumed France will f j. "ot act again on her own initiative, the Department of Justice Holding Off Pending Ef forts of Union Leaders to Bring Radical Rail road Men Into Line Embargoes Declared 4 as Strike Spreads f j sums 0UT1WECH A Pmncf PrtT.nvm.' I'L-wbpaper says. 17 ? ' iff... oi r'': . , , tunes inve necome presidtuts upon ii 1 V r " V i V lu- '.t.-t few dav: varies th- !e:Uh of the president. They n.-ve I "iroll E?s' represented the noga '.. th fY-f the Hcpubli- 'John Tvier. who succeeded Pre:- s",e amI tho fact thcr won ls Proof t- iiiocratl- tickets hav.. ,icit iNiam Henry Har -is.mi ; 1!?!- I ttl5lt tne wovk was well done by those ers who were E:lr:ir Thompson ?nd I'M'? .1'' t. ",'t e.'-' iMl'lllM !'.t'.', s :t vi. i i:'u;il rur;" I lu , i. 1 11 ri ulli ' f vv:i v : Ik-'MH vf feeling ovt .! i.v.xi. lentia! cindMaie t . h, .'v rtaln whether thev ,.:' ;. if n it nominal. -d ti'.c jeetnd place hav i, tau'.-- iumounced rv f- v e:udi- lard iMliniore. who succeeded Zac1. nry T.iylor: Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Linjoln: Cutter A. Artluir, who sm-ceeded J;..!ne .. (a-liei('. iuv I Theodore Roosevelt, who succeeded William McKm.ey. The "nun's of few vice presidents f tho TiUvcd States in the nn-c iv rcv in the memory, howi-'-o'1. Few- two boys. Mr. J. L. Murphy was the judge selected by the Hickory team. This is the first time in the his tory of the triangular debate that Hickory has been able to win both con tents and thereby gain the honor of yroir.g to Chapel Hill to enter the final state contest. For the first Sunday in many months the weather tomorrow promises to be almost Jdeai and it is expected to re- ivnee at the vari- niY.m e'.itu! noin-' j- '.t-ns could tell offhand who was! Ml ',";i;i.n t;,'i. 1U: iradAv hn-l -f ' t-c v;i;::r.- t.. ' fiv v-:f, vhii'.i vi!! : i1 n in : ' . i n !',: -.',! (I) tV.r. th- camtiV'CTvr, ".VI'.DIV.Ul'.'v H'll'i lif til'- tll("1 I, I,. f. r vi' 'i' ' i. '. '.v'iIi I; fi.' f'i'iiii'rn: V r. .1 1 '?' a;. iiarii"4 H:ivi T me the Vice nrCAldt-TlliHl cnmMdnt !..'.. l-ecn the th.. ticket, with Willi.-,, 11 I town v. I ut.; ' ! t. the i;l0 a,t time ho was nominate and to C:Ht ai'0.:ii;l it was Niehola-i Mlll-rav l?uMor of Xew S'ork, who has been menlioned as New. York's candidate '"or th( presidency this year. "Jim" Slipr-n-.an. who would have been Taft's vunnmg mate ued coout a week. .bio man who v.t.s tail end noniinn- ii TWO DROPS OEID .'erdirv; to the best - nvn se'ected for m Trni m 1 ui m tu Lu ;ii 1 catK-.l nomination, .'ot-f-jre tho Republican convention -'.'.", capable of aid- C". V..- The jInv. : " na' .: '.'iir a 1 ;,i; vi1; t 'n, -1" 1 ' 1 ;ia J f , . T' i; " princijvil woini.a . tak'-n i'Uo collider. I ct ion vZ the Rctmh . : ice president arc i i-i !',! tie must bo a uood '.' 1 1 tl he mint be uvn " that is. if tho n '..: Is fi-om the East. ; -idifdial nominee West, or vise vorsi, ;' ; in'cseiit in a ncas wing of the party nicfcntcd bv th? head la the selection of a -Pii'"'e for vice presl h lirst two points Harit Places. 1 it i,-- the n:rt of the 10TB REVOLT ippndc mi ci IU! flPP DC m nCQMSMVl UUUU U ll'i U! ililltliii V 1 1 I ll .!l- -in fii.rrii; '' M'i 1 ! i' '"tui! 1 ; 1 , , il'-Til -in "'ivuri !'..(' . 1 1 'i.'k"' v v.'.,t of the Mh-'id fie ba1jc?ril ticVt this1 " " i-eforc. A'lv Re;u':''i-! .( ! U'ot if Hiram .ftd'a ""i -.. h:-.d been n'-n. r 1 " it-- vlco pi-"-id,"r i'h 'U: ri'0' InM.l: i" 1 ''1 t!''' white r !!!' a-.n .folir ...a ! :' .' .'.' sive r lid- . f ai. 'f l.e " n r ' i ' finnin'r x..' ' ? (' r '.!' Ohi". ! th ... ,cn t u . . ( .ir: tV" '.".'f.'jr I, i"i ' :'..'!v v!l !'(;' v.". 'ar-v aV' ( n Dy the Associated PreM. Rsme, April 10. While order is being restored in the Ruhr region after the prolonger region, a new revolt hi reported in the industrial town of Claucn. Sa.a n; (iemmun ists there vcle''dnv atMvked the po- 1 lie. ;;i:d 1 ' u :i.;wi nv ami r.iror nai'u I By the Associated Press ) Raleigh, April 10. Mrs. Carolina Taylor Lodge, widow of W. A. Ledge : fomcrly a well known druggist of. j T'aVii'h and her neice. Mrs. Fred C. ' Doyle, dropped dead at their home .IV. VVVtV.ll I 11I1IIUILU VA (; her. IIrs- Lodge, who has been ill for ! several months, arose this morning j :.ml was walking from her room when I she suddenly collapsed and fell to I the floor. Mrs. Doyle ran to her as- Mrs. Lcdre on the bed rushed out to secure aid. She then feU dead. 1 -r" 13--$- COM V I J LSORY M I LIT A R Y TRAIMN; IS SCHEDULED Reports from Paris that France w as f ! told the earl of Derby would be in- Hickory. , I ?tca not to participate m the con- C,.eVVr,ln ror register oi aeeus rwmz inp- 111 I ous Sundav schools w chnroh Tiin oard of Maiden. i France had given assurance that she ! ,3 SL 11 Lc.urches' ?.h, . v r. .ci would confer with th lbW wl"bLfflil3' wmcn xt i matters wero winfimfi hr tK. T m 5. nt-u L" .nz 011 unaay, and the m For coroner J. W. Shuford of ' Tne, nfwspapcr says it learns that Hickory rxench African trcops which crigmal- For surveycr-I, R. Rink of Hick-I PiedTf rankfoi bave been I v. v , uji Jt JUl VJ:t till lUI.tJ. the text o the British note and the reply of France have not been made public nor is there any information as to the tenor of the documents be -J. V. Whisnant ory. For County Judge of Hickory. For County Commissioners Os borne Brown of Long Island, R. M. Mumgarner of ickory, Nash Wyantt of Banclys, J. Smith Campbell of L. Moose of Ciines. was elected county Maiden and J. T. Setzei chairman. fluensa epidemic in the early part of the year have resulted in disorganiz ing the Sunday 'schools and churches, and ministers and superintendents are expecting record-breaking numbers tomorrow7. the Associated P"ess Washington, April 10. Should the strike of rai'road employes threatens a paralysis of transportation, the fed jeral government will have to inter- vene, it. was stated by high officials to t-it v. The strike is nol regarded as hav ing reached that stage, j. wevei-, and government offic ials vvho are keeping in close touch with the situation are of the opinion that the authorized agents of the union would be able to handle the situation. Some govern ment ot-rals said they would not be . surprise ; if a showdown was called ' between the Union officers and those leading the strike. Officials declared the present was a good time to deter mine the question. President Co.r.pers of the Ameri ca Federation foL bar, wh has sen m New York, left tbprp lnct m'o-hf LEWiS BEACH HERO promise of rain or hi'n wind VOTld Wht. i' iniirfited frnm incivo? i .WU1 De JUS- rlS" t;' !' "t OUt " ..v.... iwx ...J1,..l,UL,.n,n sources. , FRANCE EXPLAINS By the. Associated Press London, April 10. The rtjply of France to the British note on the act ion taken by France in occupying ad ditional German territory was receiv ed in London today. The note maintains that France gave Great Britain ample warning on April 3 that France considered it nec essary to take military steps if Ger i many failed to withdraw her troops, j The reply makes mention of the i treaty drawn up by Great Britain I 111 T T 11, tt , t .jinn rno itrtimn :nT03 1 av -t-t-ic mv liwhtinv (cc:udud -,1 Sice orracK.rr r:Mi:v; h il m mi BEHT OF STRIKE ai In th 'vrg, .H-iar.-'d Kan., I'rcs3 April Washington, April 10. Compulsory military training was shelved yester I day in the senate, and, after a plan ! for volunteer training of youths wa.s I substituted in the army reorganiza tion bill, a light was started to elim j inate this and strip the bill of all I training provisions- Final action went cvovr ui-til Monday. ! The fenate vote! 4G to 9 to substi tute the vol..-niary for the compulsory iiv.ethod. Th.era was no direct vote !o:i ihe c;mruL-;ory plan. Its defeat ! was conceded and, to provide for some ; method c f training American youths. .viany auvocaioea w i-uiniumui,v ";n (1 -i itr'n l-ml iivn .Iti f n.inlir t -i. in uii y .j v juiiatiii kj l l.nt: livjclt and the necessity to protect French i interests. ! The British foreign office has not - I stated what form the French warn- J ing took, but it is stated that it wras Newton, April 1Q 7ftwtt: V.ipfh 1 presented veribaily by the French school won over both Salisbury and Statesville last, night in the triangu lar debate. The affirmative was rep resented at Newton by Miss Mar garet' Feimster r.nd Miss Margaret Garvin, and Spencer Murphy Ai'ncld Walser, of Salisbury, and the negative at Statesville by Miss Elizabeth Bacon and Miss Helen Abernethy, of Newton, and Lois Mori"! -on and Talmage Adairvs of Statesville-. The query was: ("Resolved, That United Statse should adoot a nolicv of further material restrictions of ! immigration. ' The Judges at Newton were Rev. P. W. Tucker, pastor of the Meth udist church: Mrs- J. Yates Killian, and Rev. V- L. Fulmer, pastor of the Lutheran church. . ambassador Notwithstanding the insistence of France that there was no alternative for her in the circumstances except occupation of German territory and ana '.ier denial of the statement that she had acted without warning, onlcials here view the note as conciliatory be cause of the expressed desire of the French for an allied conferenc. The day will be cool, but there is rr ! Lr Cleveland, O., luead charters of . ine irornen -.od oi Kai.'road Tr;in :. pn. Union officials would not di . ;ge the reason for his leaving, but i. was understood he wc : to confer j with union heads. II li CITED; i i i Mrs. H. L. Hallman has from headquarters of the SERIOUS IN NEW YORK. i.By the Assoc:; ted Press New .Yorlr. April 10. An embargo on express matter was ordered to day as the railroad strike gained around in New York. Reports were curren. that a pas senger embargo might be required before the day ended. The express . ' i embargo was made effective to all u"ume but New England Mi-i New ir i corps a copy of 'the citation cenuica.e ' sZ, IV. r OUl ..,,-,. orl tbo im-.onflroTll. of Sen- ator I'rclingliuysen, Republican, New a if : miners v.vvv r i I I . 1 .n::ot;nconient rn-m ino nea.i- jcl.S(,V- incon,01-atin;r ihe voluntary .I c i tie. rom ouoraLjis h.u'j. - . ll -i0 cna! !ri:te5 are involved. imLino1: th ' ' W. -H'l the : a to ci pa:ivi- won nan in to ' Senator J(h.tiy,oU on tri- gone-ml out it 0' t.i' vi?v i r TtnTF.?. !i)ANK CAlinOLIC ACID I VrY IS ON JOB TO ESCAPE, THE ROADS Mr. Henry G. Tucker, formerly man ager cf the Albion Hotel at Augusta, o senator )a vii-j L.aoir, April v. KatiH. tnanjfat iag arvived in the city to take i.i c;Hv , -a:1: ve it .-.c lice on uie iu.nn. ifV.fcp of Hc-u-'l Huurv, wmch was pur- ralr is BIOS ''' "'i,nl n'-.tef. S( nut oi"' j Vhi re drank a one-ounce bottle of j t.has'0(j seVeral days ago by Mr. John I 'lVil! . J. '.ho, or Kei'von of .low.-., carbolic acid as he was being taken i j, Keed o thrt city; rir p. Dor- , -aapM-tt a-.; of Johnson, also into tho county jail, and died ten hag becn n,ar.acrcr will leave '.v',a,i I,. v,j.;i acceptable. But it 'p. ; ir.inyte..s later. Shores was convicted,:- ' This voung roan has are not anxious t.oat the .November term oi conit ihiu-s on t!v door -f tfie ch.irge of immoral conduct FAVETTEViLLE GAINS HE1S 10 IB I j i vfhicn was awarded to her brother. Newton Lewis Bcada., of Morganton. who gave his life in France in the service of his; country the 9th day of October-, 191S. Many friends of the oung man, vho was very popular, will be interested in reading the vi. ti.tion and knowing him will realize that it was well deserved. 2ND DIVISION CITATION. Pvt. Newton Lewijs Peach, sixth mariner for d:stinguished and ex ceptional !i-nti'.v at B'anc, Mont., on October 1918. in oP'-v.-to-.i of excepted. 'ihu far parcel post ser vice has not been affected. This morning New York city found thai, it was facing not only a fuel and wood famine, but an actual shortage in water. Many men and women who daily commute from New Jersey were unable to run the strike blockade. " Those who were able to reach the Jersey shore from the interior found that work rs on the tubes had ful 1m led their "hreats to strike. These ! strikers re !--'bled their efforts to the American expeditions y fore-: - jcatt out more crews. for. the complete in testimony thereof air! as an ex-j isoi-.tion of Manhattan, r.ression of appreciation of his v.a'or The unauthorized strike of rad ii i rmi "IV" ;,, the S I Hi'", p "n1" (o r.t'pvl.lp i.v."i. that bode. 'ahff i'i.iii'in;).'ion:; heve bren talked 'I: Wo..,! rmd 'oin-hxter: Wood and "U'.lo; Mat-dii.g and Gov. Allen of K;i" a ; Wood and Allen; Lowdcn J,r'l l''.'i'i''..-.tor. And so thev go. .motvr Democrat:'. f)'. the hemucratic ?idc, McAloo -'''"i (Idvcriior cf Oh.io, are por v'ni. i.iof talked of than anv oilier ''"il'iiiutiori, both li'.-ciuse McAdoo's '! '"'.-; for the presidential noinina '"'fi :ae looming up mor.- a"d more. fru hi'iatise j-nv man who hay been j1''1' c.irrv a pivotal state like Jaa f-.r governor three times wou'd '" ciaisid'Ted an o'.-nn nt of re' ' l,i''rr.-;th on th" na I ion a I .icl '-''. (Khi.'i comliin.'d i(ns sugge'-jU d -t I'idrricr and Co:; I u'nier a'"'.' Hi ' b '''u;; Hitchcock and (..: '"i'i Owen. etc. So far few suggestions have been noide for a running mate for Herbert i.oovi-r should he bo nriivmittri n 'i'rar ticket. I J ndoubt cd I v n m.".n !'"ni ihe Fust would lte selected. If I;'f)uldioan, and Mr. Hnuvi' hia de '.I'l'd himself finally a Republican, llnr;rur or (,'oolidgo wou'd be likely 'I'fcytions. Jf Democratic by any ""iMC, then Governor Cox would ''ain bo available. .M.nuld I'vosidcnt Wilson again be on At tho time Judgment was suspended , . ' , I, . . . A 1 .1 -.... on tne payment oi costs arm i.e waa in a few days. This young won many friends here and being a good fellow will give h;s successor a good send-off. Mr. Tucker will be vi,. ,c;i ' tt,o nromU of rood be-! given a cordial welcome to iiicKory. liuvior. Some time, ?inc'-' November court, however, he again began im moral relations with the woman in the case, and the two left Lenoir to HICKORY DELEGATION BACK FROM RALEIGH The Hickory delegation to the state Shores was in tre custody oi Ucp-i,0 .,ttcnd. Every county was repre utv l.arrou icioort oi oueiisvuie By the Associated Press Washington April lCl. Population statistics announced today by the cen- j sus bureau today included: Fayetteville N. C. 8,877, an increase of 1,832, or 2G per cent. Miss Faustina Jcives returned home yesterday after spending the holidays in Charlotte with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones. Catawba county 'iriarchct.3 on Chapel Hill in the persons of four debating teams from Hickory and Newton, the young men and ladies winning both sides of their contests last night. It is an honor that has never before come io the county and the contests at Chapel Hill, whore the voting people will hold. forth, wiil be watched with great interest. Inci- i dentally the teams will be well taken care of by the University and the visit to the second oldest state uni versity in the United States will be a rare privilege as well as an inspi ration. The whole county will con gratulate their worthy representa tives. i m m HIGHER PAY IN THE NAVY ADVOCATED Washington, April 10, Thou- pr-nd'--, of desertions in the navy in I award him this citation aw June 25, 1919.. JOHN A. LEJEUNh,, Mai. Gen. U. S. M. C. Com In transmitting the citation 7' i r i , j -njr t ueerge iurnett wrote lvirs. mui man : " "f desire at thb time to express to you mv personal appreciation of the splendidi services rendt 1 ..a by your brother in France when Ins conspicuous gallantry in the face of the enemy won the admiration of his commanding officer and caused to be conferred upon him the citation." Mrs. . Hallman has been notified that the bod: of her brother has b-en ' disinterred and reburied in grave 10L section 91, plot 2. city ".. d ical railroad workers in Chicago which spread rapidly over this vicin-i'-y yesterday grew to alarniing proportion- during the movuinar hours: food supplies wre short and ferries n spasmodically V"2 A'rgenne r ':- T.""'?i o " e brot Amertcs-n cemetery. . ? lior ORDEKS ACQUITTAL OF JOHN GOSSETT Abbeville, S. C April 10. After the defense rested its case at 0:30 o'clock last ev .ang in the case against Kenneth Gossett and John Gossett, cousins, charged with crim inal assault, Judge Sense, presiding, direted the iurv to bring a verdict of "net guilty" is to John Gossett. The; case against ienneth Gossett will go: By the Associated Press. Chicago, April ' 10.--Started as a freight tie up, the ruroad striki to day invaded the passenger field at New York, where several passenger trains were cancelled, while the strike is spreading to all parts x the coun try. In Chicago, the first place of the "outlaw union," which caused the first of the "illegal" strikes, brotherhood hesds and railroad officials asserd the situation was slightly improved day. One sign was the delivery at the stockyard of 179 cars of cattle, al most twice as many as eti one day since the strike was called. Many mines in Illinois have been closed. KITCHIN IMPROVED 1 PI5IC1S SAY the last year have brought conditions j to the jury before noon tomorrow-. i unparalleled in American naval his- jenneth GossfVt, on the v ilness' tory. Rear Admiral - Thomas vVai- F,tand in his own behalf today denied '' the case, and the two lett lienoir to- The KicKory oeieganon io ui state . litorv. Rear Admiral - Thomas wan- !c. rf h- behalf tod gether. They wore arrested in Hick-! Democratic convention returned late " in.oton, chief of the bureau of nav;r;y priimiiv nssa cry and brought back to Lenoir, to ;yesterday and report the finest gath- IMLStrKetS j raW seriate ivesti-i . nJa owkaVing await the action of the court. fevinK it has ever been their privilege Kting committee. The whole naval i11; lt wirf V julted the i and had been taken from the court. whf're a sentence of 12 months on the roads had been imposed upon him. Thev had started up the steps' ,f 1he when Deputy To'bert no 'i d tho prisoner put his hand to ' '' riouth. The fTicer said hs thought sprtod and the delegates had on their fighting; clothes. The outstanding features of the convention have becn noted in the Record, but the Hickory folks were interested in honors that came to two of their number elector at large for Mr. W. A. Self and dele- Utners H) , IC'CCO o raw tbe prnmiu mop a uottie "id stagger. The officer picked up 'ho bottle and saw that It was labeled ;nih th" deadly poison. One-tenth of V ccn'ents would have killed the nv.iP, InU he had taken the whole mcunt. Drs. A. A. Kent and C L. Wilson wore summoned within a few minuter and .reached the jail l.'cforo the man died, but it was im possible to save his; life. He refused to take an antidote. Afn Rbnrrxi d--.ntll horTlYie KnOW'Fl II II'.' 4 I IV S II - V. t t"' Hcniocratic nominee for chief lit was learned that ho made several cu t i v ii remote posvnbility ju I remarks ' that he would never be 'I': (:.iiu,n t.f hc iu ,' i ici-.i ti j innv. hj.irf.n to tb road 3. and that n he ikr lv thnt ?i now runnimr mnto wnt triven a road sentence no nao ... i r j- I i.ii.n Vn VIt- I II H. lriT,. . ....... imu mif i i inn. iT i n. . Y' ir z 1111 a-i - -. - - in his mouth. A moment later iwno attenneu were iftic. . COTTON the Associated Press. Washington, April 10. Physicians that he attending Representatno Claude i l 1 n 1 m .'17. 1 i i . . m . i 1 T i - - j i j .1 riMii ifi:t JiriK i i iiii:cil wiin iivi imr-JT i firi.ri i h r iniiiri. icmuLiatiL. SthCdUaSerWSSs congress imme- ! claiming that such advances were not j in lllf .last congress, who suf- ! lately enacts legislation raising the ' V; nrcontiwi 1 iered a stroke of .paralysis after i finishing a speecli in the house yester- Bv the Associated Press New York, April 10 The reaction ary sentimerit noted in the cotton market late yesterday was stimulated by reports of better weather in the erne Pruitt. thv F. A. Henderson and Thos. i south and there was active selling dur something in his pocket that would rnd it. It is said that he even displav- (d the bottle of carbolic acid at a ASCENSION, EPISCOPAL. Rev. S. B- Stroup, rector. First Sunday after Easter. Ser vices at the Episcopal church to morrow will be as follows: 9:43 A. M.. Sunday school. 11 A. M-, Morning service. Euch arist and sermon. 7 P. .Ml., Evening prayer and ser mon. The preacher at the evening ser vice will be the Rev. Chas. E. Bet ticher, of New York city. Mr. Betti eher was for years a missionary in Alaska, and is now connected with the church house in New ork. It is privilege to have him in Hickory me- todays early trading. ine opening was fairly steady at an ad vance of 10 to 25 points on old crop position, but eight to 30 points lower cn late rdeliveries and prices broke sharply on liquidation for over the week end. a.,r .v;n .if wbiV-b bo worked prior for a service and it is ear to coming into court and said that; hoped that many will come out to . i1al V y 1 O l - ...til 1-. a j-k wi itnl Inrl tie expected to Kill nimseu " near mm. ouice nc wm uc tumuencu hn wjis! eivn a road sentence. It seems that ho had prepared for this Open Close Mav 41.70 41.42 July 39.35 39.15 October 35.35 35.22 December 34.25 34.23 January 33.45 33.32 if" Weather j " i . n v u 1. 1 have to be selected for him. It ''id'-rntood that Vice President 'l'1'' iiall positively will riot consider !;'lnnu- the nomination again. Knoui'lt y ""inrh. and eight veara x a plenty. """H'lliii,... to Mr. Marshall. Vieti President's Job. "Mr, Dooh-y" once said that the ' 'ui ,o oi int' Vice 1)'-Miujnt u at't a m picKt-u a turn.- tw . i , . r. , u nfVi v v. -;nri- j:,!, u ' "11 at tho white house every just before he was to be placed in order to give him time to speak to I north and nor west wmda dinnmsn- '"rning a-d ask j.fter the health of a cell and searched. I us. lin innt- nav of officers and men to a point that will allow the navy to compete ! with civil occupations. There were 4 .606 desertions in the I lrt siv months of 1919, . Rear Ad miral Washington declared, and thus tar this year they have averaged around 700 a month, many of the deserters being petty officers of sev eral years' experience. Also at pres ent rates of pay, he said, recruits cannot be obtained- R,'.av Admiral F. F. Fletcher. member of the navy general board, testifying as to the navy's prepara tion for and conduct of the war. dis agreed wdth Rear Admiral Sims' charges that the navy was unpre pared for war and had no well de fined nlnns nv nolicies. - z-' ... - - .ciitc 11. 1. 1 1 ' TT J 1 i 1. I . TTn n VC hoTAl-H l le asseiteii tut tw .vc" . ;-,nfj cc-ms the unfted states .lomeu toe uuica a rnpmiPA complete plan for a-ainst a 'cen- j me"ae.ai tral European power" was prepared and kept corrected up to date throughout hostilities. The case of the defense presented today was in contradiction to that of the prosecution offered yesterday, the testimony of the two girls who went ridine with the defendants on March ! 14 being challenged in a number of in stances. The defense also neniea and attached statement made by oth-! stroke can be detei mined er witnesses for the state. day, riiNd his conditio1 was consid erably improved today. Mr. Kitchin's side is paralyzed, the physicians said, and ten days must elaphe before the extent of tho W. B. WRIGHT MILLER FOR HICKORY FLOUR MILLS The Hickory Flour Mills, Inc., or known my many people as the Clon inger mill is fortunate in securing Mr. W. T5. Wrierht as miller. Mr. Wright has had 3G years of experi-j ence in the manufacture of high grade j a !y i-- " '-' I ,J '." .' faSoS5fjE tTtake the' evening tVain for Newi For North Carolina: Fair tonight vvt u v,,nc neWl thnt the service and Sunday frost m, interior tonight, t.f.mu i.nar in niwi nrpn.-irp 1 nil tin- . - ..... - -- . . n i act and picked a t me to drink itbe at 7 o'clock, instead of 7:30. in risins temperature sunaay .trong CLUB FORMED HERE Thirty-five ickory citizens this af ternoon had signed the overall claib roster on display at Lutz drug store. The club wil become effective as soon as 150 members are enrolled and a fine of $10 will be imposed cn those failing to abide by the rules. r fhf Assnrin'rvJ Press Washington, April 10. With the ad- At the present time the mill i- on-, option by the house of tha joint resolu- lv running twelve hours, but a rapid-' tion declaring the war at an end, the fy increasing demand for its flour senate today again became the battle will necessitate running the mill I ground for th measure to declare Kvpntv-fniir hours to supply the de- '.peace. Both Democrats and Kepub mand. Mr. P. L. Clomnger, wno has had many years of experience in the milling business and is one of the stockholders in .the mill, will assist Mr. Wright and every effort will be made to satisfy the public demand. beans expect a hot contest, probably Monday. The resolution was adopted . by the house late, yesterday, 242 to .150. Only two Republicans joined the Dem ocratic forces, while 22 Democrats broke away from the minority ranks. li fe- vi , ii r : i if 11 0 if 9 v t if- ft.; a.- 1' !:i ti I f si