1 I lf nJtin mmamm Ira Daily record ICKO VOL. V. NO. 182 HICKORY, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 1920 PRICE FIVE-CENTS MY CONGRESS HAS DaF EAR FOR APPEALS OF T Although Prohibition Question Is Constantly huised, There Seems no Inclination on Part of Solons io Loosen Up Liquor Laws Different Views HIRST Y ! IS FORECAST i NOW REMAINS T BECAUSE OF : ."TO, ! . TflWIPUT I Oil SOD j PRTTnAi ! mm mi diiy i uu i urn Press ! X O. i ilV ! ALLS CABINET CONSIDER ST i . v V. S. M ;i;u. i'.'JO, ',"1 J A; ''.10:. .'-.' r. t !,')' i. Ui -ili'V ( ' ! ' . ( V The ;.r ) -.ril . iri: V,"nhing- etiv J'.gC i. '.--r the r.v. i:iit;il asks ,;wd Hid is "Wi!! I' Jft !l Ui IUO .'.ate of af- .'Moil ! Wo ids .jj'.n i no tear 's A.'UViM P t!;o ! pi' -1: i t-iLit'iT. "Good people" and by i thai lorn they nvt'iiu, tluy say, J ii.r'!v vi.. have I't-vor boon idon i iyi,-(t as "men about town' arc chaf i ing ii "tit r r st i it-lions nuv; imposed; i-ot always or -so much because i-u-v ! rot war.: the thing- piohi'oitod. bin because t h y resent its being prohio'trd to them. tv the Associated Press 1'.,..l. ..... -i i .- aM.iiittu.'i. jvm i... i. novo wi:i l ix trosta tonight in the interi.,r- of Nor: It Carolina, tho northern -oni-idon;-. H'i South Carolina, Georgia. Alabama .iri? nos.-therrr Mississippi, tho weather ; bureau anr.ouut.vil Unlay. . Fi oozing temperatures prevailed this morning as far south as rorth i crn Oklahoma. The temperature will i as tho middle Atlantic slates, ..v. ,i I fall decidedly tonight as far south : will no warmer tomorrow i At 'antic state:-.. !L3 2lsU.I! "0 Carol i ha: have Pre. ci-ij, April J , . Kept 'irger railway enter: :na received ner; m the south an. a con- wi.n ,u ry . h -Lows J oho'.'.'ee t io h.ce "Make no mistake.' g tvss man with a consliUu-ncv which '.nelud.s both city and agrir u' Umti popub iicas, ,-al;oui: i'lic poop'e Loinu' tii .vd ovor lb:? ;uostion and watch- ! itv oonyivss aul tlie supreme court; with, clor-i' scuitiny. It is tho biu'ir'sr 1 swltr-hmen and otlior crafu-nv not loinod in the uaaufchori?.cdr' ttriko yhtol: has paralyzed freight and passcnux-r strike in the oast and west, aUhou.u'h it was reported from cne city that an industry of xw so caliod ''outlaw" organisation which i- si'vor.soriny: the strike It wais reported f ixm . Rocky -dount on that more than :00 babies ?.:: tied up in the re on un enibirgro cn freight destined for the worth. The cats aix coin!-,' re-keu and will go forth as soon as conditions permit. By the Associated Aiouijromcv:;, ;ua., .-p- ai'inual convent loti of 1 Vio 0!l!l'Cotto Association meeti:r i o?)er.oo its. hrst session with : of SI S. Wannamak scciation. Mr. uof eeaes irom trie, cotton tes. First of the sneakers r president of W annamaker t-e'.ievea tnac tne r,out!i would oecome ihe i idlest country world but for cotton. viienean hundreds crowing was J the as said he First Meeting Since Last Fall When Presieant Re turned from West "Very Sick Man' Condit ions Worse in East and Improved in West u Railroad Chiefs Say nae in the ALHUA ml ip ansrn i r; . in i:..d ! U ill b-u-i- li l III :0 of the mi!'!, t;;-u of litiiaii.hod ati"i! :.;a!. nv.'. (Ul;r thine since slavery, in popular inter-' Washington, i: 1 i put. iippr.'heii pro.M'U'uk r feared n vy.'' vv-' p! o oc".'. ' a "ic'aon - f i huti bo.' I I !e ' n. th to ''!'" tovwar.l to possible un itliitsr Jy the Supreme, of ry idi'is-.' of the constitutional I ieuis!-ti e )!o', ibiiion. the pe.. w.'o are Miud up on the onpos- saP's ot t hu iiuestiou oi relaxi'i'.;-. aws. iind themselves facintr Jifiits Rv i maoe m the luturc ior m aii'i' it i!l ot ir.v '.I IO :ne 'a:'i !', V'''f . inn e ' hri'i oi'u -mi. i .;.!. e.M tlcfiOiid.- fee!.; Oil tt.e e lOSOli, tiie is likewise : ', the respond diieotioiv.t or view-, n father to the the cold lie.!.'. ;f .iv. the situation i-i w oN'ci'win .hninj; ilrif; ,i ;; ix 'axatien of ti.e ,; and up t." ihi.? Idem '..kafde dispositioTi in ,: t reerL to uidid.d it' cop u rev. The best xm en ('al)itul ilill of tlv reslrict , . c e ': ted from th:-? :'ner co;;;.;i e.-s-'b r.iav . ue t' n. learnt,! i; the Uuv ;i: i" I wior. t:;e eon-d'.-. infrpretat i('ti bv t'u' :i '. heir m'ouno.iticatioiis th" eXPivted fortlv'"1 o;' y:r tatuxine court ill' e?.e..;;n'.r liiiOM'e. .!'!,f-. tiie nmcndiH M-ioM of ih' I'nil '.vhich t:.-v wvie of Congress, so as Ieu''sLition in coll ator Theodore nominated te.( Burton ef O!oo 1 lay to be a member oi cation oi tiie aeli t permit state lonnitv ii do-ifed. Dry,, Fcrlifud, It f pointed eut that tho "di'ys. in most of the slates, hav two lhu f irviii hts which wuch be carrie ly llit' "wets" before t lit present snonahoid of the "divs' can be es.pturod. The l'irsi line of dofer.se is the a t ef coiikics;., dehinie ak io coineat. The second line of d.e i the state statute, in the dry : (,!-. tl'.e sui)jocdi. !n other words, if a eon-Tos.s could bo elected which would abate the restrictions, there are yet the slate laws, for congress could no; . t" ,t..,, ..... .I iii'tr.e i :ini.v net 11 me uieii , . , . tl erwise i 1 ( operators as to operatioiis 'Hi., 'political aspect of the oues-!'" that only four steam shoveb lion is that n. ithor of the two crer. I Utle ;vorin- No dCvi) minc; v-:re Parties is ;ikely to inch-d- -wet"! operatimi- nlank., in their nntional platforms I'rohinitioii is expected to bo endors- 9 tir lit I' I IIS3I5 ; mis aitorn I 8 Ul Wm I ears of ner ' I VtVdS tli id i LflutU ii. iC 08ii nolo i mm' the Assom;iW.,1 PveSQ ; ! 3 f 1 1 S Hi SM S Si n S s II ! April i:j.-,Ponulation I SifllLIi lUlU L.fl . . i the census Lu-i " ; per con'i. " : M H M If I --s LPiiiia sidsiskuu APPOINTED mi istta 4Mk.t lev wni 1 r M lUl D E t 8 I SSI lXS I N M K itli ) t E ! I &H ; i M r tf I Efts , i liLfi I U(4 14 h! j Hsiurc J IfiJllViLQ ! UBS r. y 15 t " J B tt n K I. J u S nmnmL m yyy. b.U'ures announced by reati today include: I.enoir. X. C :r7! : or 10.5 IUJUTON IS By the Associated Press , -T ronton, N. J April 13. Tore than 2.000 additional emnloyes of the I'ennsylvam'a Feailroad in tins sre-tion. today joined the ranks of 1, 500 switchmen who e.uit yesterday Wi.iv u iev clerics ano teierapn tratprs remained at their nosr. The names 3i;d to in the their mo ics walxot op- city is facinji- a food and fut uiiiimo and many wi!;. "ciose down. industrial '.if vssot i;o eu i Vashine:tcn, April Former Sen- was 'the 1 uitf enm r.-icsidn i j s DLUHUd ur 0 n mt t-. -s : the Washinfe-to? i(!au l Associated Press April The ton f tt was ip pointed ion. ran- to - ibli I). arton By the Associated Press rittsbur!, K;in., April jf5. ccmpieic' ,)ara!ysis of ihe i cea! industry was reported i The announcement at head' ! of coal operators as to -Almost Kansas today Piarters v hby President The members are: I e : ! ' e s e ; 1 1 i n u the 1 ianu'ar. Washing-tor Hunt, Cincinnati; R- JU'Ssee. Rom-ebehtlnti- the Railroads: ace Baker, J. II. Elliott and Vv L. Clark. outing the Employes : Phiilins, O. Morton : Ceo. Yv C; Henry i en- :1 I If - ; a rss" ;r OLL IJOI IML bLiilibo j iml bum OLiiULf 0! ;Bv th ; ihtts iu-tice flatly refesei matter nor to indie: :in-.iiar reeuest was roads. Ly the Associated Pres Washington, April 115. President Wilson today called 'ji meeting- of the cabinet for tomorrow to discuss I tne general situation." ! vVniie house officials would not sav j that the "unauthorized" railroad strike has prompted the call, but it I was understood this would ho the subject discussed. rj his was the first cabinet meetinur called by the president si: ..: his re turn from his western trip lat Sep tvmper a "very sick man." fe knA he hi no meetings with ni., ' t .binot sir.ee that time. which were leaders ; . ,V!,n Il.el-,nt, lra!nc m llle Stj" Th" dei ioino' r ; riously cripided administration cfli- By the... Associated Press Washington. April 1:5. The Penn sylvania and New York Central Railroads were asked today bv the department of justice to send the striking-. em pit- to discuss ite whether made of o! th : cials regard the strike situation serious. The president SF If 1 RFhIsF a:: has , oeen Ke)t advised ot the situation. : W hite house officials said the pres ident felt he had recovered sufficiently to meet with his cabinet. mm si PTRI L rnn GROWS IN EAST. Kenovt t iCopre, iert larnefi O. 'be Ilor- iliiam Al- and tho ill's tuthoriped . to co taite men of the work don Tot. View free dental clinic. She; cord, Glared; .'11 to April 5: Total number chiklren examined, 3C; :ctal number chikiven treated, 3C; to tal number children needing no treatment, 0: total number children teeth cleaned, o(;: total number silver nitrate treatments. 74: total number amalgram fillings, ',:,0; total number tnc Associated- Press n:rg, April 1:5. Member Brotherhood of Railway Tra of men cast and west" cf Pittsburg ed this morning against joining strikers. An official announcement said vote was "practically unanimous-' am vot th e:.- tec-th extracted, 35; total number mis cellaneous treatments. 2; total num- .i , seasea gums, 1 : rreguiar oc cliildren witii di; total number children with ' ty CLOSE IN OHIO. Associated Press tn Columbus, ()., April 13- ni Uv-44-; datf omsh-rhe recourse of ll. tu'K ivl-ii. f'ir'i,i' i i t . ii icn vn itt 1 1 lw'.i - 1 "::'' K." w." v ?n.-n. i "V Ohio were nearly vi.'ual candidates, running on hot! tho national nlatforms. but with d:- ,, teeth, -1 oei ma' total number chil tren with I tr;ih lost. 1: total number i o wn ciat( d "tlbjec-; individiu.)! views upon Mrnre U)LL : I! i'lH-ks Coimiem. i .-v.' that t'ie court th.u iiy l-aked op the c .!'.'. bio, Po.v li'.U ti. . a-d from it'to tiict letter eT the I. xm tiie wi';er Held I HLuDi h.iii Soft oo:xl closed ! stiike as thousands of coal miners ere thrown out of work. A few mines in some scattered section? were : period r-tiU working, but ail of the big nnes were closed 'because c he railroad strike. lor move tare iieaac; COI,'. . (. ' in i ..i.'Vie r whi a i re i : r pivd Int ii is cf nrtitu:!' n 'Uiv.etr i.tes " ii.'Vi ' I or .in:-; if U i. ; !' V I ll' pre ;-by;.-ry. of which '.f i-.v'i is tho i ethane; id be bdd in the Pres v.'h r Ncvton for th'' ky- be-ioiiir.ir tonight . ('.'.Herion will preach .'.!'. .-.P.d SUCC(:S?01" e';-' ie l a', this session for move : period r-tiU working, but all of the; ( i nm tp nrpT nrnp : ?trinl U aF Rl IfM " t ULL.U ULU 8 ilLOll x frSH !4! r l i J T sILHRL! id'J iiLiLti ; m jun y mjji p nrno um i osn ! i!l LiSLL! Ml lLl- LUG Si LL OiilLi i vv ar.-aw, auhi io. j oreiiuuiicio i h. Fcreztv The board, wii meet in WVishington at one up che grievances now of thf now on strike. The nominations to the senate at noon and av j etcted to be confirmed promptly. Under the transportation act. railroad lab: r board is t he com last resort between the roads and cniluron with permanent teeth bej end their employes. Its first work after j repair, IV; total number children re considering this strike will be to ferred to private dentist for treatment. !take up the whole railroad wage! 5; total number children usine; tooth ! . 4 : ,..!. i. i . . 1 I I 1. . .. 1 A . J. . 1. . 1 ! 1-.UC.MIS.H, v.mvii iic.s ee. i oeoui.-i" i u; usnes, it; torai numoer cniidren :i year. Th? board will I not using tooth brushes 22; total num- eiueago. ;her lectures on orai hygiene, 3; to- al number chlkiren'attending lectures, : total number special bulletins dis tributed, 25; local cost of work if done In private ofnee (conservative, $120.50. At 3onogram Total niimber children examined, 77; total number children treated, 07: to tal number children neeuia- no treat ment. 1 ; total number children teeth cleaned, ff; total number silver ni trate treatments, lOo; total number IDLENESS IN MICHIGAN. By the Associated Press Detroit. April 13. The predicted effect unon Michigan of the unauthor ized strike of railroad switchmen be came a reality todav when newer and fuel curtailment farced into idleness a .score of pi ants sands of men. IRISH ON STRIKE. By the Associated Press London. April l'k A general ctrike beaan in Ireland todav in pro tent against the treatment of political orisf.onii.-r? in 2Icunt Joy, Dublin, who aie on a hunger strike. Officials said the Irish had struck, but gave no details. i.y tne Associated rress Chicago, April 13. Main Ttreuerth i of the striking railroad worke . o- ctay was extended in the section -ast of Pittsburgh and the nortin-ost. and according to railroad ofiiciab: and biotherhood chiefs conditio :s were i m proving elsewhere-. A round. New York pas- -leer ser vice was hard hit and i V Penn sylvania region thousands cf wrK ers were threatened with idleness. As epitomized by tho brotherhood leaders today the entire situation was: West Vastly betteil. Ch icago M nch im proved East Vastly worse, particularly Nevv York. ANOTHER AVENUE f l ED. By the Associated Pre; -. Washington, Apr i xugh ;fr.e rale- -v TVuV, POTATO SHIPMENTS EMBARGO NOW STOPS With the sweet potato market get ting potter, tne toca that the 1 1 :.- iir.piovir.g ,. ihoa-Lway to the south'" tli i was closoa to freight tra tho result of the "unaui switcnmen s strike at Va- Superintendont. Carver s.- s-; sdi the i itn. including conductors a-.I 1t.--ii.i-men. as well as switchmen, were out. and the road was paralyzed. The total number out was 250. Railroad officials could ghe no fig ures as to the number of ear- tied up. but the average number handled daily is 250. Passenger traffic was curtailed but not suspended. The Southern Railway reports its fast mail and iassengr now -'"OC t u ! c- .1 I I' I, H I' I" r ' . i ( emeu' i'V i:..e.. of the v,,-: i-it.lMo. : :-ur!:v t Vi- ' .. ');t f.,,, I.y the suin-enie court V"..1, h -tl.ei' t w tn?'. a iv. i: y bv I'MiePi. v.'i-piil the .maiut i Iiti,t win"-. j.r,i boors-. Ii '.-i dative Iecision as to n n ' of alcohol eons'. 1 ifdoxicatinir litverage pro ,' t!ie constitutional amend- ih i v !.. f..' : :, ':( id C; , Ev. art is pastor o 'i-ytc-iati church. ' ! tiie con vent ion. hurchei '15-. tiie Assoi'u-ted Press ! v ! Wash.ingfon, April 13. Deportation of 3!)0 of the 3,000 persons arrested in the redica iaids maie by the depart I me-nt of justice against the communist r.I wimmTOKt 1'ihtiV iinvHos h;s been r'nich jor(iered by the dcmaitment of labor. bol- staff tin txr : l 1 vvar.-uw, uu is. ictorv for the Poles over th sheviki on the southeastern was reported by the general today. After several rials' fighting a bolshevik division was out to flight and more than a score of machine guns with, much booty were captured by the Poles- ma'gam tiilings, 41; total number teeth extracted, 46; total number mis- i,.,1j.!i'ciici!:L';.us uvaunciiis, i-'i; total num- J L Jll . I'll - I 1 'J ;.oer cniidion witn diseased gums, P; total number children with irregular i teeth, 18; total number children with has resulted in embargoes- on every thing in every direction wili improve so as to permit carload shipments north. Manager Enloe .Yoder was in receipt 'odav of an inquiry from a growers are railroad strike I trains moving slowly. ANOTHER EMBARGO. d to o'Kjry .ulm:m wnl utter.'. :.s it ,!.rs. i: V . 15. Ramsav heU'g alter- i''- ntinv,. nMiilii'M ore fxnected to the sessions, wtncl today said that 1,033 of tho cases had been finally disposed cf with 933 disl missals ordered. The. department said EMPRESS VERY SICK 1 1 ion. attend some of v, ii1 he Twr Important CaM'S. i uell known.' several states, Nc.v iIh'-'c; mil k i t ii .'.' e, y Xe.v , fr--e.- and KP.one isi "! Inve tin''."rtuken to dc,'igna!.( jv albino u- con'eni ui uo..j , si...' i.res-ei'ibed by (he acl of con-e.-.i, ami othe,' 1 ii'.c.t arc known to hirl read-.' In follow i'lit if the "mime emiri dciide thov have that i-over. IT the cijurt. d. tuvi '.'tutos that m i . ilt ire. arid uphold.! i' very way Hi' ef,ii;,!itutii)rvd ar,i("i'inicnt. there v.i I! be tin rwrourse for those who v.oii'd rehi;: the resirii'uo.is. ",avo t) , f ui ore fo.nrre.ss w oe? would raise , u to tne pueno- rli.. ";' -it lJvf-r- vterian entire :i oi Hickory will make a good report. l:- was stated yesterday. The cs i;tn:,os for all causes have- boon gi'oat i e tiif w.j-.-.e.L the wastor a saiary ra LARG E permanent teeth lost, 1.8; total ntun- her children with permanent teeth b"-i vend lepair, 6 ; total number ot cm id- ; j r;n referred to private dentist, 11; to- i ,tal nurnotr children using tooth Patsh- i V-v-, 18; total number children not us-j oig tooth brushes- 94; total number i i lectures cn oral hygiene, 2: total new?.- j -mm-iKer f'nilr-eo st.r.o;iiJino' laerui-p-?. lear?ied from 'Q0; total number special bulletins' condition ot j distributed. 100: .otai cost of work WHISKY' CAPTURE ; former Empress Auguste Vivtoria has ! f jono bv orivate dentist (conser-; U.N MJtlH ro'Kn ui v ii-; become so serious that ner ueatn is ex- ,-i!ive1 S?S Oil i DR. VANCE HASTY, ig for quotations othing can be dene until the improves. In the n can lime is a fairly large field in North distant market but n stiike th ere to po-in a cities la s! i th pnio-nts state- will be rnadv By the Associated Press. Washington, April 13. An against all incoming and ar.ii incoming Treignt was '-o.e t'ay by the railroads entering iugton. The only freight c Washington todav was two e oNPocto :-.tct! bx cleric;;! and niv i Dr. K. M. Craig, pastor; 1 ... t I U ; CHUull, alio i". , ,., . i,.,i,. ., ,,,,, K,. f ; r.. ii... a :i ,l T3.,... l r u .,; tk illie Willi inn iiui imouih: ci iiwm'vi i uy tne zluviu.cll j. i cjs. where the aliens are in proper- j Berlin, Api n 13. A Iferim i paper i a reliable source ? it iiia H -is t'-.e od and ; c congregation gonorai lu, I.e.;' irred itself in well doing- i:ml!.'oai strike is a MISTAKE. GO.MPERS SAYS Sun Rutheri dion, April 12. Prohibbi- j peeled momentarily lir.n Officers Charles Stewart. G- R. , o Tihvne and Deputy Collector R. 1' ; Mcl-arland. of Polk county, captur-jr ed a largo cooper still on South Fork I river. Catawba county. Thursday a lei-noon. About 2- gallons ot wrns- kcv. 1.000 gallons of beer and ' 400 ' pounds" of sugar were also captured, j The plant was in full operation at; il... f,w.f .-. niiifi-' nn l he rivrv's ban I-:. iNOW ioLv k'....f...i rv!;4-; o i-e-iii-.o- wMtr. I nervousness over theiailr k.'.tn mm ii in iite.oti .t w - w, .... i man. was capture 1.. Mi.. ,ia,..itui h IVEY NKttS NOTES- West Hickory, April 13. Whin during the winter quite a number of Sundays the weather was bad .and a lot of rain and there was a good many cases of flu in West Hickory and seme pneumonia, consequently unuay scnooi ana cnurcn t i-f ht'sh meat. The supply is sufficient for several we jtan'es will last six weeks. embargo 1 ' -. .- -,il- t; irir loads meat rtild of the State School Dentist. HAYES REPORTED DEAD, BUT Yv I N STO N DOUBTS IT Winston-Salem, April 13. An- nounc school and teiKiance has lor some time been rather small. But Sunday. April 11 jit -fi-ve v.-n'it nor men! nnil to be a thing of the . i i i i .. ... ..... i.e iiatiorui :u:v am oi iii"""1,,,,,,.!, to infe toiitent. Coiiiri'essraon in touch omst ifucnt'i on 1 h i j very '!uivtioo say that thrro r '.it-ying (urreritw ;f f't'dh "ine of tU-ni swrini i'i"' "le foal. tiro of the liquor ''fV do lliev ''ii mammouH agrot merit " nple at huge, itnd -toon in dead, nvvi r to i vciinp- n unknown man j Siiowoo convention ot tne ; m oe m W tllCl li IOC iivt'l clou o ii.n;j".A ia 5;.lfftV. cp w i r i Via llnrrif Tlnlfei-v comnnnv. jiti''igner. Fiiest CiVv whirih was -established lvan:e owi three young men, two of nt'inv c "tni 'i. On'v i que d ie" i th be rerun ' "led in thh c(;tintry. Tho di-nenqn i,i intoviffitin'i- lbiuors even 'J a ' it. niiirht b' ca'lod r. Mniif:!.!.. fi'4tictiotis i4 i.l'ogetnir Clevelami. April 12. Samtud Gom vs. oresident of the Amei ican feder- htion of labor, who arrived here d.iv to attend tin Cigar makers' international union, ox- no'cts to c nfor with the chiefs of t!w 1 . . . . , .1. t. . . .i.. . i i iree transportation orotneroooo i i the sinking switen- 1 Til l'.'TITI'Il I'l vvj;i. 1 . ..i ii. !.. ''.I ei.'i .-- IlV Wltn llill M.I., ;., '.lhlcoic ! n r,-!:iSS niOOt- . ' ,ll ,.,tvvini:l cnirllnr.!. bus P."-? ' ' -ii ..u.,,,. nr i in". lV!11 tueii itnu'.ii. ino.y j- jht-.'-ei'. de.darod the walkout cn Rutherford county's . ... .',wt ".Uit jike and nromised the vention votes vcre cast for the Susan '.'.u.'.l :'.,!o if tlv American fedora- 1 1;. Anthony amendment for .:. .. f l.,i'w,. influence to EUPPort the I suffrage in Raleigh .i i i. ji-,iit. tt I'noTi'Pi with: Tho cnur.tv wa ot i u.ei riuno.i oi " . . ..i...... i... o i-fi..f t tvt r.,v the revnltinr 'frikors but asserted that convention u.v o. uit., ... i- val ine striker?'"i-iv.. a grievance" and j sen. M. L. Edwards ahd J. P. D. Vvm- tliat it must lo udjustod wunotu any , t. , ehv. Ho .-aid tie predicted n ; I h bofiro cong'ioss and warned New Y itself COTTON. April 13.- r'ment that H. A. Hayes, the first superintendent of the "Methcdis CITIZEN TRIS OPERATEDIN 111 h INI T 1 1 ri II : sii uu i mm i , .... Children's home here, had died in Sc. Continued ;id strikes t the opening of the today- First prices j were steady to a decline of 20 points I H-yes, who is a fugitive from justi ; cn old crop positions, while the ne"rV ; j-f. havin-- disappeared more than I -. A.T.ii-. 1A '..t.',. t 1 Kvn" vinini : i. ... . J T .a j. i .'uv.l n uiit- ; ear ago n oni i. with January showing an j leave of absence -?( to uni.-ivoraoie vv-eath-: i,v;i,n fhn it'-1 if among t. hi.i. i ' tin 1 ( state co whom er news They I ,f last equal Thursday. L Weather represented at the i' m dora'e'.v . . . . . . - . L . ..I i tn it. iimi l ttn tnrn i; o i "- . .iki'i ii '' ly impossible cf rehabilitation in .h. (Jompers expressed confidence nun i tr uble bill wa .OK tv.U AT17o V it... rw ns.Weoh i l'liti cm e unit' um.- v , . GT,vrw FF.iiK.i. AT'flM Ji - - - - - - - ian eon- llll ll U h land. Liquor Men Not Popular. .Mill, it is reported to these tu'Wmon. a groa'. many peomr y11" t.ni wrr f Mfividi'l v jisoci:itrl in various wa.v with the trad" concur not on by in lliis opinion but express tlioir .U'ln-Wid. The belief among tho : lai'Uon on the hill is that a man wlio uld advocate tho out-n :--aloon v .'('j i li iot get enough votes in a con-SM-cssidial election to elect him dog i.teh-'A fr a country community. On A.i other Tiand. it is reported that, there is a i ...t-. nViiftSiHi. of nublic opin-1 ing been ' "!' IT.I1MV -' - I fcr bringing tho trouble on iknt i h.. '(rike soon would be enueu The Weather- Lor North Carolina: Fair tonight and Wednesday; colder tonight, warmer in the extreme west portion. Wednesday frost in interior, strong west and northwest winds. Louis, Mxlu produced much discus- sion and speculation in this city.' Doubt is being expressed that the man repuorted dead is really II. A. e. a :.aleign wnile on a Trom the state being granted by tt-e governor in order tnat fit; mignt be with his sou on the eve of his de parture for France to serve with the A. E, F. A message' ' was received here this morning from High- Point stating bat Rev. W. A. Lambeth who was asked to co to Richmond. Va.. last ! was a one any. i the flu seems i rast. And aU the churches-had a full i ' a-tendance Sunday, everybody seem- ing to be glad to take part in the Sun- i dav school and church work again. Mr. W. C. Annis and family moved i By I ho Associated Press ito Monbo last week.' ! New York. April 13.- RaLroada Mrs. Ben Isenhour has been verv i'nnd strikers went into a clinch today I sick the past' week but is improving for control of traffic arteries leading a little at present. into New York. While the inkers Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Grafton, went tins morning succeeded in infnven ito Mount Holly Friday to attoid the iencing 10.C00 commuters en the i soyviers of treir r.ieee. Miss Eons- Island railroads, the olti.-i rail- ; unera1 F. A. Crafton. Mr. W. A. Cooncv, of Asheyilie. spc-'ot the week-end here with Mr. G. C- Wiison- A revival meeting will commence roads were more successful. at the Saints chapci.in West Hickory the 23rd of April. Rev. Mr. Shinn, the oastor. assisted by several ministers Indiana. Mrs. FREE DENTAL CLINIC FOR RANDY'S TOWNSHIP Four delegates and four alter nates have been appointed from the- The. free dental clinic for Bandy's ( ommunitv Club to attend the state ; township will" be he'd 'at Dr. Foard's federation meeting in Charlotte April ! Store April 12 to 16 inclusive- The nl declared ho had no fear cl its ot- -07. Seven delegates and sevevn alter feet on the urtion labor movement gen- Jiates nat been appointed but a let- allv. . ter from Charlotte stated tnat tne t"v. titvit-e i a mis take." he said. r.iuK was entitled to only four dele- "Those men don't realize the milleni-1 gates;, besides the; president. -Tho&e um cannot be made in a day. Progress j who will attend from the Community comes only by years of perseverance and labor. r:nI.0 TTntfonC Mrs. W. L. I i.T2 in. v vi v - - ... vr 7ifpr5 AT A IN lAbernethy and Mrs. . N. Martin, n u! LaANI- Vi i Alternates are Mrs- IT. M. Doll, Mrs. ,Il.v tho Associated 1 ress , p stevenson Mrs. George Bailey Mc.nvoe. La.. April !. I i f Mon- ... T-, tiiv,,7, ....... . . , ftfM. 1,.1V. anU IVtlSS i'iltlllin i'Uiiniiijii.' very i roc. power and light plant, attn nv" rebuilt as a result 01 a 11 it ,T a . r. Hunter and children of i v eKii.lven Viot-een the no-A nf fi and KlChmOlld Stating that the iaWS 12 -r.v-m tVio foiinwino- c-lior,l ,Utri;t c i Missouri urevented removal of nir-ht to conduct the funer, dead man today received another telephone message Sunday advising him not to make the trip to Rich-: mond. ! The youngest son of Hayes who : did the telephoning claimed that he , had received a telegram from his j brother Hal Hayes, who had gene to j St. Louis, to accompany the body to i OT his 1 of the : IP? d ,Sun'1 .Marshall ay witn Brookford- spent Satur relatives ot T. JR. MESSAGEOF LOVE IS SEWT TG DEBS on tne dates men- Monday, April April Pi 11 ilk f -' ,-r , - . ii - i , i.: 1 .,.. - nv. f ; i-ti f tico.trrfii ifif ;iv . r u- i , i tt!.l r i"n. or l may bo open demonsirauon , a,,,,, I 'liAvo both iStatesville motoren to uicuory duo i.f an oinion alroa.lv fixed, in far.r thortties $JC bUlday to visit friends. it rnotliVinK the drastic statutes of t fines were incendiary ong!n. wilL.be treated tioned below: Huffman school, 12. gak Hill school, Tuesday. April 13. andy's -school, Wednesday, April 14. Ebenezer- school., Thursday, 15. from 9 to 12 o'clock. Speckled college. Thursday, 15, from 1 to 4 o'clock. Providence school, Friday, 16, from 9 to 12 o'clock,. Martin school, Friday, April 1G, from 1 to 4 o'clock. Accenting the aid of citizens lid working hand i hand with represen tatives of the "Big Four." the roads were able to operate more trains to dav than yesterday. Timothy Shea, of the Brotherhood will be of Locomotive Firemen, conferred from again today with strikers and later addressed a meeting of delegates of the brotherhood in Uoboken. He an nounced that the meeting would con tinue until such time as the strike is over- "This is distinctly a citizen's movement," declared Mayor 1-Ic-Kenna of Englewood, vh occupied the cab of one "citizen's ff,ecial.'5 'We are showing favoritism to nei ther side. We will Iieer- the" trains moving until the strike is over." In Mayor McKenna's tra".. crew i were Roger Clark, commissioner of highways in New Jersey; a Columbia j law school professor, a banker and national' exporter. socialist Some trains were onerat.fi on the father's body out of the state. 1 Further information relating to; By the Associated Press -the man .who was convicted in'; Chicago, April 13. The T."'Tr.T,4-U mvon o ton iroov tprm dVffltnvp commit! PP of tllO in the state prisoa is being awaited ; party has made public the text ot a : ucha wanna aim some e- . ii.es vCv. here 'with interest. i message sent yesterday to Eugene bred by members of the American j IV. Debs, now in the federal prison m legion, riectnc service was reiwuru irflci,m A if?. rJPTi-! Atlanta. ; about 90 per cent efficient. oral Leonard Wood's decision to con- j Ann"!' eel his leave of absence and return j terna '1inuJ- , i 1. j.i .1.. ;i April It is described n the text as 'fra- j nv cnmmve rnal greetings" and a "message of U a II II I IX L,Wi.,K jy tne Associated rrecs Washineton, April 1 love en the carceration.' anniversary of your in to the command ot the central de vov! mor.f toptinca r,f friTlfiitions ''TOW ing out of the railroad strike, was ; 1 he message is highly commeno rnade on his own initiative, it wasjatory of Debs and declares he "is a said at the war department. His leavej beacon Jjight to suffering masses. -Martin i. Gillan of Wisconsin, was r.oi.iinated today by President Wilson to b3 a member of the shipping beard.