a. CKORY ABLY ECORB in fi I VOL. V. NO. 18? HICKORY, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1920 PRICE FiVE CENTS CABINET TAKES F NATION TURNED ACTION ON GREAT STRIKE ASHINGTON TODAY D R WILSON WEATHER TODAY CLEM WEEK TQ GHAUT BONUS EYES 0 PHI nrnT IRI nrnmn iinnr I nrai i am nsy ! bllLUtSIIIH HtbM&NElit UuLLAn UM 0NW President Undoubtedly Has Plan for Intervening in Grave Matter, but It i3 Not Announced Dressed in Business Suit and Laughs and Jokes With Advisors in 10 MEN be aoservori in I'.v April Clean-un day will The coldest weather for many years if not in the recorded his-! Hickory the week beginning May 3 tory of this section, was reported this land the city wagons will 4nake their j-jnormng, when the mercury registered ; rounds as per formerly in in effort to -' degrees and ice and frost were j rid the community of trash, cans and ! dav's sot-vice present m abundance. Belief thai i CTefe. refuse that have nwm,i1p.l the peach crop was killed is general, j during the year. City Manager Hen- mougn there is still a nope that some ! ry brought the question b Ev t! Vn. V.i I. Til'1'".'- toii.o tviwh ma: tW'! J , t ' "!' I ::n ilu-'"i' ; !.! U'u' i ! i'l'i'.i"'' " nit a' Tin- l fiiit. uv ,ia! tV hi n!" " Wlr.ivl i in ra;i!-;. i Associated Tress imivtoti. April M. President aii.l hi.-i cabinet di: cussed the 1 .-.ii'ikr fur mure than an hour :t'd apparently reached some ,!. :, hut tlu re was no inti li it.' nature. .. v General Palmer made this ;? u.y lie left the wliite house: . fair to conclude that the .; nation was dtecuy-H-d. hut prepared to suv what cor u ,'i'c reach i d." nvaioer i me cam net MPT TO Silt of this fruit frost. coiore coun- jseaped the freeze and!" and the board fixed a convenient - aato the Associated Press Washington, April 14 A compo site soldier relief bill granting ad justed compensation at SI for each to apnroximatelv 3.- 000,000 former service men will be reported to the house within a week Chairman Fordney of the house ways and means committee announc- Apple trcL's have been slower to putWThe wagons will start ."in the first r, oi toe measure by the lUlini. j forth blooms and as a result apples 'ward on Tuesday, May 4,40 will mahelf i DCIOie . - is. planned, senate i jdid not run the gauntlet of tha' ice ! a ward each day until the tfhole citv j, ! "jlfders agreeing to its nassage he ft II I ftftHl I king. Jhere should be plenty of this j oombed, the second ward being gone I adjournment for the conven- H ! . " UMS upin'on 01 OD- r. ,uZ ,BtLonu e With the elimination cf non-com Lf 1 -l.iJlllK ........ cm; vu. liaH t!iv)UIU U'.' placed hi box fiia Cai'i liyv .-a: : : Mr. Pit In-.. '.1,1' l''.U ;''!L" f I fci. a; !-. So'.n rt'.'', TO'Mih'V.l t(, Ii:i;r!'"'i l-l'.'l hn" 'mur 1 a V:.h;:i..'' ii 1 a tc n e n t . r e f e v r i n .v attorney general. hovevev. that deti bcen taken, wearing a business members of 1-is ol'i y er.tei'e.l h.is studv. ,' -es.-'ion he t'Hik a seat desk and tho cabinet cr-iuped in a .-scmi-cir-f idv.i according to th.eir VImiral (Jravtai sail v n ioved the meeting in; good.' declared Dr. M'itig that meeting peo ,! for Mr Wi'son. !', rj declare I the nresi l i', n in excellent humor :'.!' ! and iokod with then;. . I'li'ig. nrobablv will be !! f '.it ure. ' wen, iinmediatelv from Jm' til ; ii til' : 1 1 ; 1 1 ' - ' i ', i i . 1 .".i the i; t! liu1 Tiru .,i l. . .. ...l jl i. . i i , r uL-iuvi v. iieut nan reached a growth to endanger it is a question. By the Associated Press This gram can stand a Jet of "punish- Omaha. Nob.. April l l.-The at-! ,7' 11 a 1 npt. ieir.pt by Prof. David Todd, of Am-' ,0i'-0im er.s rcc?U lVe ApnI pnow l,.v roil,,,,,, t,. -t r ! ol 1SJ, w.ien the whole state w.is a hnibon wi'.l be made April 23. a-i''ov,c. Wlla nox' one of the worst i occasion mis spring. Anf mspectio ( ;: d.ing V ) amn uncement bv Leo in "itory. Other Aprils have been Wil1 be n-sade of places. j Stevens, halloon "expert at Omnlia ncte;l for late freezes, and some re-i l l-ie protestor suggested next week ' Vdn inat (m tne aoth ot the month -iiii o iiAAUKT Mai s will be closest to the earth at : tomatees -and other growing plants rsy tne Associated rress Washington held the center . of the state today in the nation-wide railroad strike. Summoned by President Wilson to i discuss the railroad strike, members ni'fsinr.ri' nftirerc a rmo- with jIiaca oi his ca liner assemolel nvomm v nt. if , - . j " ' " -. .......t ujk: l a 1 aiu oarreu; convenient wVin cnrwni -Ur, ta,nn ;n ,i.,r i I T n nVlnft fm- tim fivct cncainn uin.M loiine street torce to handle. were employed in shipyards or who I his illness last fall. I radically every family m Hickorv ! received fmm pmnliwr? ihn auv,. I While ih ,iv,v-r, v,;0r tvio.. National C&pstal Holds Center of Stage, Though Other Efforts are Made Elsewhere Rail roads Endeavor to Serve Public in Spite of D Strike New York Still Hard Hit cleaned will be number has I ing held i:i the white hcU3 nd it is hoped that there been lowered to . 3.000.000. E?;peis i meetings were bein enerai observance cf the i rave informed tire committee thnt. frn pn".;i me average service was ten months. held fiu"i . settle otner coas. the DVtHflLL CLUBS SPFJi UP IIS ; SOUTH the average pay S3CQ to strnce. plan for raising nec- that time- . RAZOR PARTY AIRED BEFORE REGOfSOER - - i i were killed to the ground. Tire ther- Imometer did not have to register 27 ; degrees to do that, however. The 14th : of April will be a record for many ! years and the month of April this year wiil be notable through the com ing years as a most unusual month. IS SET FOR rAPRIL 27 Councilman J. L. CiRey tentatively A meei ; f u ' strike loader, on Dy the Asor;ated Pr'-.-s the I'aciu - vyast was to W !k.-u ' - Asheville. M. C, Apni 14. Horace A a fT -iv C..v. ..tIiJI. T.. iO'T"rQll Tm f.ctce '-i'tcrr .- C 4-V.A revenaes nas been deemed n;f rV,. f. M...iri. . n , -i..u : i i neon, the plan Inost favored being a; v- u.j ...i.. ...J.,....!., ... ,t . , . . .. flat tax of not. mm-P tlinn 1 t, iU1.K ah&yn'uiyl iar, .er nuueins oi ire mg'i -cnooi last night. i eser. man , No essai'y agieea last night to s.-ive ins retiring banquet cn Tuesday night; April 2rF. ti:e last night of his official connection with the city. There is some doubt in his mind as to whether he should give with hn-.r fvnct -, "e icatt or -un i ne guest ot honor. cn "all sales. at intcivals. et iv-s laithtul services to lino rif-tT rmf r- U "U - J XI If the fiu.t escapes this time, one; mayor, ether councilmen, the pohce need not worry very much about rt ' rWof Whinv!. u t?...,,i ; in future. COfCILllLI 1 AJD Xf '.V'lT hv"V : r'Hiri r '!i i . 1 i I l' "fie :.f.' ''..,. J'TOsen . "f hi'iru Hi: ..;r :f Ji ' u . il't p .'ill' f"l' I'V.'i'! ill cV'ir:.: Ada Shuford proved the heroine of a razor party given at tlu dr.r.ce hall in south Hickory the other night and., j alth ugh she drew M0 days m jr.il her: ... . .e :n i: : n... ! ' irs ellicc and sumnvjn- ln 1 11 1 oiince win linger m luc nuiuis , of the spectators for many years. It the cabinet meeting the h doubtful if any other member of the i ."itihed the newlv-an- party was as happy with a knife as j crs of the railroad la- Ada. and she so far eclipsed her bus- j s g them to report to ;and. Toss Shuford, that he is willing i . l be readv to func- iu admit that as a scrapper he is not ; in it. Maybe Toss would have shown up better hail net Smoke Morrison I In hi bun out- nt thr first round with si i I . . I C rt Yt ,1 M 1 t-T r l,-tl-, rm i V. t . r, vl. Yl r n 4 i pieee of wood. A man cannot be ex- r" l-v . " u ixwivu . pected to defend himself under such ,l , ! "c .u ,:"" ul: wu,.a- ihuml tU conditions. The trouble started ! nn , physical help in bcautuymg the when Ada fancied that some of the . J-alxway between the station .an J the i dancers neglected to pay the .fiddler, l P?rk bark Q station (iewge Ramsour was the victim"' cf ! aftd;tle-mE!e sqirare south ot the rair- I Ada Shuford's art. Ada annealed.1 n Federal street that blossomed Ada cut Smoke Wilson too and in that; f?rth l year under the mimstra case Recorder Pruitt susnended judp- Ion ,of the landscape artist of the merit on payment of costs John Mor- i Southern Railway Company and sun- rison was fined $10 and touts for sim-i 111 ,fi,lsu,lu ".v VT"",'1' , i t..... ti-.vvi Qrint-u tne c ay win iuniisii a team ana ...-.. ..,UI-.... .,,...VW, - 4- mew . win uoiiHLe si ) :i moiiiii ioi ; three months and the ladies promise j TU : to do the rest. the city also will ! eniorce its ordinance m regard to I nni i x rnii TIM EUUVILtl conterei : es were held. The girls of the Orange street school While effort's were being mnde ::::- ;ir today organizh:g n cotton stock duce the stikers to return, railroads in j mg cl 'b. ai! parrs ci tne country were enoeiv- oring to meet conditions. M'.r .:ng, GAINS IN CHARLESTON reports indicated that in th- ; j fh- iho Associated Press ! the peak had been met and pita. : C ; rlesttn. S. C; April 14. Three ,in the middle west the reads had difli- i over 1 cluLs are lining organized in iuity in doing more than hold their j this ei: the moven .i gaining head own. J way with the object of bringing down in unio and Michigan a crisis was j the cost ot clothing. reported as a stoppage of fuel sup- lembsrs of the fire department will i plies made itself felt on industry. that when a big storm comes ! Sporadic walkouts also were reported I ly the Associated Press l;n that i-ection. h Atlanta, (j;. April 14. lhe overall ; New York strovo vrdiantlv tn nm I club mcvemen. oritrinatini? in Tamtia. oanquet. that was the first idea, but . a piace et satety. they did that i.it3 food and fuel supplies through the -?la., and spreading rapidly northward "f r' oLvnn nam ioi air memoers U'.lor.ciay evening. A mack toll from blockade and to get its commuters' in ot a family to be absent afj the same uu., u--,.i: ,i s. x x . :.. r...i-. .,.i- s 5tfVPPit that. :rnlir i n ; 1 t i , t ... wi it n-fp-fiir ry, .-. 17 r r. r ' 1 r'.'.i 'rrirjv-a moii' ;J: a score of ' .-a:;!.: vere on- vtne ot these ur. vs Rrat - bv olsnterv .-.. : bomi-h no the front will fall in, but the firemen ! great .-.!.'. 13s been made in break- who reports the meetings t are agt't'ed that the pleasure of provid ing the banquet should be his.. That is precedent. In has been agreed among ' Mr. CUley's friends that the men will not take their wives to the; Innr fixixiniii n ipsmt iriltblilllM srn storm jis ! 1 tell you up, they time it v; nales should honor the rMriiv nT. i structure shc -.. . d more inclination to Aierraan. lhey promise, however, to ! crack and tumble tUt.MIL Wiilx 4d- ! nr.! justice to the occasion, and City council last night heard an ap- -Ir- Ciliey will have no Reason to nenl from the civic cot. mil ton of the ! dcubt Their sincerity. A I Til 1)1 a: ni 14. ooncord it-??- i'i the Fir.-t Presbyterian city last night at 7:30. : i men was by Rev. ,J. 1 1. !., the last moderator I'". i 'lurk i. superintendent i i i -i n s4 in the presbytt ry. i .i va.-; b'ised on the word-s t'el-r, "Launch cut in the !! down your nets for a .'ml was an earnest appeal '!'- tit effort, for p ro f er". i '.tr ill in ; for pastoral eve'tge- ! i r'eial evangeir-ra a rt:r- ple as-au!t on Monitor, drew a fine of S. a. I'U'.l Tes5 dow a fine cf $13. (Jordcn V'hi wr w?s fined S10 j f i-i 'ii .7 ri I'fii.-" ' lvnnprtv. ' WhitenoV bt'-Um digged with attempt-! tl-h and papers that litter the walk- way lo me rear ol lMiiia avenue stores and the place will be mde a' I " h ! PLAHF ! i I . i the blockade. ?,:k: a SITUATION IN WEST. in,"; to j-.ut ti"e lute ; a nival cut ( i ous- I!.! Whittle v.-;! ; given three months on the (listen county loads for shoot- . .... 4 1 X . 1 i.",g iiiii i;;i::e. .n ar.peai was tan By the Associated Press Washington, April 14, Population statistics announced today by the census bureau include: Winston-Salem. N. C, 48,395; an increase of 25,695. or 113.2 per cent. rnu' iipin'id to uirlc'tako thv unu.-uii. The C.V. IfriMi' , In. -''i'i K' v. .1. ( '. Story of Mu: h:: R'v. NVid M:'Inni ( of Kir.nap:i!i.- Whit! v:r. A. A. McLoar.. pan:." cf h. u'.t ; 'vcfrd iiKd;'vnt"r ar.d !.;)) ( i. (I i! ri.'k i, H I'l ir' a d . Til by T Pi c:: bvt' rv h:.,:i,'d ev. A. Vv'. (.raw- attractive as possible. A .hedge of flowers will adorn the walk. Mrs. J. H. P. Cilley, chairman of the out under a oond -'vlv-a ciinuiu.i ..x, nv,v the delegation that appeared before council. Mrs. Carrie Gamble who was wivai rn yiw l chosen orate , and .Airs. ueo. cs. wat-iuay announced a common stocK civ "n;. ' i-'T i v a i ::r i ATirn : son and Mrs. E. W. Lentz were the I id.end of 75 per cent payabble to other members. PAYS BIG DIVIDEND. By the Associated Press New York, April 14. Directors of the American Tobacco Comnanv to- i I Hill, April la. More than -111-' . r i - ' '.endetit of h-m-.e mir.siors of N'.vth Caroli-ia. g:v- (' ,' 000 ' ri-ma' invitations, nearly all wil'-.in the state, have been sent out f',r th i'lau-ruration of Ilarrv Wood ford, .f il in:: . i m ciii-.i' nf the or'iortuni- i'U,: nri.-lfrf (if 1 ho I In : ... ....... -if ------- , VI, l 11 .H.v 0 llv.J.v-- ... "'s ''.' I reeds and of the work being ; vo?.ity of North Carolina, April 28 ti the svrod. ' !;nd from present indications Chape! Hill and the university, wnl be hosts to otic of the largest gatherings of (ducat ors, public men. alumni, and friend:? of tho institution that the stat .' Ins ever seen. Included ih the list to whom in vitations have been sent thus far are a large numbor of alumni members nf fhc Faculties of all colleges in the Acting cn a ct.,t nf!iers and officers of '('in" , '' atf' i. dance :t trie opening ses Moti Uii ; M',u mnlly gcfd, there being f weti'y even Muui.-tets and twenty 'iirht n;!iig old"rs who answered to Ht-i r- ii, ones u the roll call. - CBi 1 f'W.'WCH.A CO.Ml'ANY Of DKLAWAKK KNIOINE3) Atlanta, (hi.. Anril 14.. CREEL BRANDS REPORT 'ONE OF SMOOT'S LIES' New York, April 12. George Creel, former chairman of the committee cn public information last night branded as "lies"; the allegations contained in a report made public by Senator Smoot in connection with the transfer of the official bulletin to Roger W. Babson. "This is one of Senator Smoot's lies," Creel declared, "and no one knows better than Senator Smoot that it is a lie." "When the official bulletin was dis continued," Creel said, rolders of class B common stock cf record of July 15. MISS WHITENER'S RECITAL. hops that when it does, they won't be around. The structure is unsafe and probably wiil be condemned if a state inspector should take a squint at it. ; By )Ptl Assoc".tfod Press City council last night discussed the j Chicago. A; ; 14. Improvement municipal building ami lian3 will bef1 &zM .conditions itw.the . , , , , J j central west coiitinued today with carried out to Dudd a new structure insura:ent railroad men returning to as soon as possible. Bonds will be j work at several noints but the indus so!d in about a month and work start-!trial situati.m reached a critical , j stage owing : inortase of food tu (.while some iniarovenient If you W3irt to make firemen give pec'od in the Pacific ?ntf von a rold look. inst. M ih.. ! ! J insurgent" to' ifcis ana their building is good enough. ATLANTA BUSY through Dixie, Ir't Atlaoia this after noon. A central organization will be formed -at the Baptist tabernacle Sunday afternoon. was Ey the Associated Press Jackson, Miss., April 14. Upward of 500 students of Mississippi College at Clinton have dinned overalls and or ganized while 19 members of the law school of the University of Mississ ippi at Oxford came cut this morning in overalls. road brotherhood 'officials said mils w ! FOR GEREiil ex- lai - -the I light had developed into a lingering j affair, but the brotherhood officials sa;a the insurgents were grauuaNy losing strength. NEW CARNEGIE HEAD. OxNE IN RALEIGH By the Ass"eiat;d Press Raleigh, April 14. An erall club Utas been cr gardzed in Ral .gs with a membership ot J.' cl 25, it was learn d eday, several cf whom appeared ' baseball game yesterday. Red Springs, April 14. The re cital here last night of Mis Miriam Adele Whitener, pianist of Hickory, and Miss Ruth Vardell, violinist of Red Springs, was heard by a very Jarge audience. . Miss .Whitener's playing was characterized by a strong feeling for rhythm and her interpretations were full of fire and dash. The Schumann "Vienna ran y of Atl.vita i.nd te Coca-Coia C'.inpany f,f Cattanoorra. principal df'iler, Jn-le-c George Bell of the, Al! cf these will take part Ful'im c.nnti, r.iif r,i.1tr lucnod :m i academic nrocession. inj.inctior. inlninir,. tho " Ceca-Cohi 1 ing across the campus to Memorial "h 'pany i.f Delaware: from anyway int'ifenrig with cntacts made be 'v. ' i n Hi.. Cfica-Coa Co.npany and the h't.t lers. The in junction was made Cai nival Pranks'' had a splendid a ...j ..-.j . . j. ii ;x.. I asked the u e ' L,eiuKil iU11 ?;- vant'i,v, luiui and nuance, tne ordnance ci tecn- - - ... - ... f . i nil i vv .ill .1 . I I i I ; l v r- . I ill Aortal its assets to public auction. ine e; nrt,moripaFn i local lodge: Messr Reo and Juliet" aroused much en- rtii'.n nled bv the Coca-Lola 1 -om-. y. ute institutions, and tne citv anf attorney-general ior peimiitm to yuv, ,iv..ij ft, Bascem B ackwelder. m behalf of the bv tbo don.nrf mer.t. oi :t:ce With a Lenoir team of 15 members doing the work, five candidates were given the third degree by the Knights of Pythian s last night before a mem bership of visiting brethren that taxed the capacity of the big hall. Plans al so were made at the meeting for the spring ceremonial of Bagdad Temple, Asheville, to be held here the week beginning May 13, and following the. work a social hour with refreshments was enjoyed. Mr. Robert E. Martin presided over this delightful feature. Besides the 15 Lenoir Pthians, del egations were here from States ville, Asheville and Morg.i nton. Col. H. E. Walter, secretary of Bagdad Temnlo spoke on the forthcoming ceremonial and othc -addresses were made bv Mr. Ey the Associated Press New York. April 14. Dr. James Roland Angell. for many vears dean of the University of Chicago, has been elected president and chief ex ecutive officer of the Carnegie, foun dation, it was announced today. FEDERAL JUDGE TO rnq m nru nun RICRJHRflW I i npif r By the Associated Press New Orleans, April 14. United Slates District Ju !ge Rufus Foster today called a special sessior o the federal - rand jury to consiu ." the cases of Light "outlaw" strike lead ers arrested last night charged with violating the interstate commerce act and violating the Lever act. Judge Foster ann ur,- 'J evory phase of the strike situation onld be investigated. FiCERS GflUSLH .i y i it By the Associated Washingon, Ann! l-L - Ev 'Vmcc cb- F. H. Deaton, C.Uoc!ay Was said to show that the Rus sian communist international is un- coiir.1v snnerintr.ndonts OI Carolina. . . Was a mailing list Ox aooui Ao-uuuj 7Hof" o.-ri n.!, n. IM. Adams and J. M. Joxmev of States- cotnTnunist international in the ina,d subscribers, the majority oi these j . ... ,.".. villo nid rw- TVT. T.ano. Jr.. of Mor- ,i,.,r; -oU.-.-o,i ctiit-n !-, 1' i . . j i inusiasm m rue iiuuience. roiiownig . ...... - , , - - Uti laauis, tv.. uoi whicn march- kubscrintions unexpired. r., ... .. ft crtmi Them vww 40 or RO visit.- L -u ,r,i.,v.i .w r-.f o II tA Kmlt-f-tl r tninnriATl If AT rK. 1T-.nff-L.lil''-'"-. --xx " - - lilt" VlllH.lt; i. J L til. I i VJ- - . , . l. -4- ( . . , rr-tii.i-ii i im riH.uni i u i. r v inn - - - tree the governmem ox u.e j n -ic-ans w"as jldd at the pi.esidenfs pense and annoyance of leturning the A. Whitener, of Hick- money, J xl 1 ' . U ., . . , I . I , I hn tended the recital. "'Hirriahk; Apiil 28. Half a car of sweet potatoes were FliiiM.ed by the association to a North hall where the inaugural exercises will be held at 1:30. will furnish one of the brightest and most merest- property to the highest bidder ing events of the day. Olhciai dele-rlxiil.'?. " i ;t o- gates from more than 100 educational institutions and members of the uni versity faculty who wiil walk in this orocesr'on will wear ' their can and jiowns, with ir.eir i innaiuiy coioiu nt'' lina noint. nart if tho potatoes 1 i10,1(iu indicating1 the different uni- '" ing for seed and the test for table' VtPKi'.ier. and degrees 'if". Tho growers receive 1 S 1.25 a "'ih ('inner to be given by the uni ' fntc delivered at th'j d'Jiiot pi .tforp'. yor'dty to the delegate-;, which The northern markets are how ng in- manv others will attend, will be fea '"'"st in the nroduct and whfh th- U-.vd by greetings to the university frci'di' i.tnl.n..r i iiti.,1 i!i.vi.i!;i cats i jiii.l to President Chase by the reprt v. ill move out from hi re. 'enfjtives cf otner lnsuiuuoi's. m-"-ludel among the speakers will be attorney-general in writing, forbade me to do this, telling me that all mon ey must be returned and that the mailing list must be made available to every citizen." "I ordered the money returned and made announcement that any - cue could cony the mailing list who so desired. Babson availed himself cf this permission. He received noth intr at. all from the government. The r- , 1 At a rocen1: lreeving of the four literarv sor-'etics of Lenoir Colle-ge. Miss Willie Costncr a special stu dent in expression and music, was oh-ctcd editc r i--chief -f The Lenoir ian. the monthly magazine of the college. Miss Costner succeeds Mr. Lloyd Denton, former editor-in-chief, who resiii ?d. following a temporary Mrs- W. II. Little will be hostess to the Thursday Study Club tomorrow afternoon. Weather For North Carolina: Fair weather and slowly rising temperature to- whole trouble comes from the fact ; night and Thursday: frost in the that some of Senator Smoot's friends wanted a copy of the mailing list iur BASEBALL SEASCfi IL IN MAJOR LEAGUES Pv the Associated Press Tunned and hank'ntd by six week? ' f intensive training under southern ;,Jf the baseball teams of the Amer "''h and National Leagues opened ',1 season this afternoon, 'vi .'ithi r permitting. While it was too '."'I'll to expect mid-summer ploving 1' 'ni. there appears every indica ' "ii that the playing will be good. I'ne government forecast calls for '"ld fair weather with high winds Mr. K. L. Shuford left yest onlay 1 r Asheville to visit Mr. and Mrs. 13. l" Mi u ford, Jr. -.mo of the best known educational j n5shed them at tn0 government's ex- r;if ni's in the counci v. iuchuuh will b held after the dinner. A special train has been arranged for the visitors who wish to leave Cvapel Hill on the night of April 2-. It will contain day coaches going -ast hs far as Kaleigh, i unmans which will connect at Raleigh with the Soabobard going north, and other Pullmans which will go to tireens t,.,v nn,l ffiiniect there with the pense. 1 his l rctusea ro uo. "The. whole incident is merely an c-r-iicsxi -frw Smnftt tn rpvpiipe Viimsplf UOV. . V- 1 uiiiuv. for my share in the Mormon expos- j interior winds. torrigvt, gentle variable Markets ure. "The government wiped out the com- Ey the Associated Press . mittee on public information cn New York, April 14. The cotton June 30, 1919, right in the middle of ; market showed renewed irregularity its liquidation, but while every ex pense and annoyance has resulted to Southern going south. This train will ire, the final accounting is almost ready leave Chapel Hill at ,11:30 p. m., to be announced and expenditure of April 28. . every cent is set down. m ' r "The entire work of the committee HOLY TRINITY covering almost two years, bcth in LUTHERAN CHURCH j America and every country in the Avorld, cost a little over a million, At fi:!.0 n. m. tcdav a meeting tor less than the otner Deingerents spent children. At 7:30 p. m. church ser vices. Subject: " Study in Inner Mission Work." The pastor, Rev. C in one country in one year. Mrs. Buren Neill and little daughter R. W. Kegley invisted the public. The of Charlotte are the guests of Mr. and usual fine attendance is expected.. jiviis. D. M. McComb. vith a somewhat smaller volume of business during today's early trading Liverpool was relatively weak and after opening 15 to 25 points lower prices here sold under last night. "39 I 1 I i Mr. J. H. Miller, who was injured in West Hickory yesterday when a iack kicked out from under a house he was helping to move, was much improved today. He was down town to have the wound dressed- A brick fell on his head, inflicting a painful scalp wound, though it was not se rious, and he will be all right in a Jfew days. mg Pytmans m the hall. mass strike in the United Stale-. Before the meeting of the lodge, the Reports from federal sgentr- w..e tinl.-lQC- 1-olrl .1 l-M1-.mif TT.-5nt TTllfiFw I 1 .1 x .K..lr-r. 1-. 4T-.-I rnvyiiynili'.-- XV.VIV.O H.Vt Ci. XK.J... IV l, 1 XXVV-i J. -t w. w -J . . IM UlUUt Lliat L-iil- l.. U.l W . .. . . . . The following local Dckies were pres-Bparty was financing the strike through i cran w; ".pioruu.ic reiauons oe- x. . i''4.! nao ,,u-' f ,.i i tween the two young men s literarv ent: j the agency of the industrial workers ' cocieties I II. C Lutz, E. B Jones Fred Mur-jof the world J" 'I his election is significant chiefly pny, ti. u iinna, v,. v.. oa-moie. J-'t- The end ana aim is a mass sriKe, n accoiiv,' of the fact that Mi Oma II. Hester, . H. Barklev. R. (,. was declared, to be followed by revo-l r-.s1ner 1 he fir-.t me her nf the Buchanan, C. A. "Vest, W. M. Sherritl, Tution. : fairer sex who has ever been hon- R. L. Hefner, G. E. Hayes, E. C. John-( Reports regarding the cimmumst ; 01ed with this position. She was her son, N. C. Burns, B. B. Blackwelder, 'international's part in the strike were' -Vied in with applause. Along witn J. C. Shuford, M. S. Smith, S. A. Iscn-i said to have been discussed by the ! Mr. Deaton 's resignatioi five other hour, W. M. Busby, J. C, Miller, and!caDinet Col. H. E. Walter of Asheville; F. II. Deaton, C. M. Adams, R. A. White and J. M. Joyner of Statesville; R. J. Alderman of Asheville; Frank McDow ell, Chas. W. Lane, Sr., and A. S. Hen derson of Morganton. BOTTIElffllf I nDnwic'cn mwu i MAffl ON MLF1H; i members of the same literary society 'signed from the editorial staff of the Leneirian to prevent misunder . standing rnd delay in the publication or 'he magarme- Keen iir.erest and eager anticipa tion has been shown around the col kve, awaiting the first issue of th Lenoirian since the change of staff has been made. Considerable specu ? tion as to whether or not the first ial will be advocaon of wo- Mr. C. TL Ceitner annealed before i nien .-urtrage or equal rights for wo- jcity council last night and broohc trs j wen. has been made. Miss Costner H-p npp?tirn nf nlaeing a sevn iru; i uituuciwi in j.picabiuu mis spring, on Twelfth street north bef .re ' street is sandclayed. The main would afford connection for five or six ! houses, some of them on I iiteer.th avenue, which are too low tor the line on that street. The property owners By the Associated Press( London, April 14. Andrew Bonar Law. the government spokesman in Uvill advance the money without in- the house of commons, said the gov- terest for one or two years, Mr. Geit ernment was prepared to treat those ner said, and he made the point that if prisoners in Mt. Jov prison arrested workvas done r-v it would net . x x -T4- result in tearing up a new street later on suspicion by competent military j Qn Council accepted the proposition. authority amerent irom otner pns- , oners and they would receive amelio rative treatment. Salisbury census figures anno vcd tomorrow will be under Miss ifether V. Schultz, at pre - ent instructor in voice and ex-pre.-'on at Lenoir Co'iege. formerly with the Redpath Chautauqua Asso ciation. Miss Costner, while in high school wen the two Lincoln county medals for excellence in recitirg and in 1916, won the state medal for the best recitauon at Elon College, de feating sixty odd contestants from the differeHt counties of the state. She attended the North Carolina Col lege for Women in 1916-17. She is The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O- A Costner, Lincolnton, N. C. 1 1 i