I V"' HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL .15, 1920 PRICE FIVE. CENTS KE inn ns HRSPoftPTiH! !ii PLKi!l!thI i a 5 liMfULU !Y OFFICIALS UY; RHICM : PRO!! OF PROC IIUbLllIlVlLU Ufftl U LJ3iLMJ L.H RECORD : SflEADERS PLANNl irp to nuiirsnisloTr nfii?iir lliNG 11! lll-S 1 .. HI SHI .n 1T lis rirsi ! EBURE' ' WOICTO 1 FYPFf I ! II u I I Members ami Public to Know Jar Contains From Day to Day j -t!i After English House How Mew Rule Would Work 1 W mil , T v the Associated Press 1.1 V ! I - n . . 4.4 4 . w .. Wa.-iiinj.ctor. April ir. Roav Ad- A jit a Prua. Sonova. April 13 : Sieubonville, O., April M. Karrv i r.iiia! Badger, head of the navy 'Hoard M.-.Hial law wa.s proclaimed in Avrav. Mi lor a-ed 26. of Akron, was hell. ti ik-'b '' Admiral I Vvvtv p, i;a in preparation for a posa .hlc j ; ' county iai! here todav ' U id senate' comma tee todav thai :aMji.k ny-Cam.nz.i torces should the , ' , A 1 h wi.ii.ul to r.ud:e complete denial ofMe.-.ienn president's treons Mn-eai; ; i.rd-v having pun.icy comers.;. Oar Admiral Sims' e ha ryes thai the : !'.n,a.--.. die harrier of soldiers tiv murder of 1 1 -year-old Francis : - 'u' n;iy hud no ojai! oi net ion and was rt.:V- renublit- has stationed eotyei-i'.-; .-.... ., r,vivai last night at a ; . ' not prepared to enter the war- here a id a p.dail 'iCO miles from hcve..' y " ; Bottom. y. 'a. 'U ''- While conceding that some mis- -j he federal trcop- arc cxivced soon -""'V. , ., ' l4 , v!,i j1 1 r taluM h:xd teen read.--. Admiral Eadger Genrral Pi:i: was expected hero al Mitser went to ihe aka and ii-U , . . - . . i , t. t ... m . . . .i , .... r i . i . i H J n 0 L 2 1 I 1 I ! By the Associated Press !. . i: t 1 ::i a.-tr.' e ' . ' i . '.. Oi Palmer's Announcement of Activities of Rad?Val Leaders Behind Movement Creates Stir Roads and Loyal Men Try to Move Mo. Trains Conditions Improve 'e.eh ii.'"?i;'. ,-'m . e ., .aw I'll. t:.,,- the P.'iM- en any tin v. ;u anv .no- , . . I ..!. . ( . , .if Willi! S I'l'll.' .1. . I llv.i lv.:.l V!I .'..... . i . i . . i. . . . - ill : .i; . II... . l ' . i . . - x . . : ... diMi. thie Itft el.r- i: .w:sis ,...! t?nn tlir,nh thov di i r.i. :...! i . ecv-i r.'eil ay ! no re - v. ith lh. annroyal ot the crit- ho Civt'i'tmH expeoit-on. jm; oi' .nit'!- the ". in. stand- afi rene eonimp tres. J ( . . I l . Mia l.-. L ' I yt j ;i : . . v . x . . . . , L . it . .. , v .. . . - -- . ............ - - - nee', v.ith tin- aoaroval of the ci i.--t . i-rMii'K . !0?Ol lot uvrii . i 1 fa i .;: . ', lie "l'( i'l.'. "" .::.;,:r';r ;:rf z-- md mm y pm i l i " '".l'7;.'"-:i:. V .'Wi-l'oT iBinnnun niilinnil (U flikUHU! ? t r au'M it is a -tctally tak r. up as'ihe worst ' position in which Car- i ccur.iy. W- a., wno boueved tne man :.r.::a iviv- b-?v, r.i.reMh to he slightly 'unbalanced. He killed v.-, i c:-, ;-i h.-pinse of some- ,v.th it a revival last nitrhf at iflfliinin Tfl OT ureh near Beach Bottom. W. Va. HI l! JHtior went to ihe altar and raised I UfjUltU lb US OS HUB DRVC sti-ikt-1's'' rjnks which" . J HrH nH h would be prcduc-ed by , ULLf L.S i UUIU tj,,al j.,;!ni0,.'a statement his heveds and confisod. he consrofi'aiion too!-; ric.nbc-rs m T ;.- ,, T-?v.-.'..-. ... : i . .. , . j- m it:: iii ijilu ". . v... IV 1! ti-C ill J, lit- hiilU. uuunv wi. ""- tli-nsr she said when he was kec-pinc com put: v with Ivv sifter. civ thr A"oc ated Press '-l - " Lancastoi-. Oh;;;, April i-. i'ouce ioster, rau:cai xoauei u ic oday v.ere searchir.y for tivo older ce5Pfui steel strike last fall, was the oys who last cveiiinj; attacked ; rui(ling: cenms in the strike and that BZ T!i r:TZ' its obioa in vomy the forrr.i.on ' . l-v ii-e Associated Press? Railroad ofihials whose line have been crippled by the vmauthcriz-d strikes of oporatinj; employes wait- . 1 .1 1 1 : 41... en today lor me ms Diea.i i:i they hoped Attorney Gen- tatement that radical leaders were back of it. Mr. Pal mer's statement that William Z. U ' t)0" 1 1 1 1 .. t . 1 . 1 '..hii . . i' a1, e.t. 1 : 1 . r :. w. c i'lp.: -. iatoa: In the ex- ;(.,. ,;,, J. Shortly of Prosperity. ' 1 .. - o;'. t note w ore conM-iereo i . !I'd!e Oi IS ....1: Jul!.. ie t.uiotr.; .oi.h. in i 1 . . 11...-. . .......... v . vi UUde v ore coj-.M-iereo i . ( V(1M lu.: i . oil oaued u tno e fills ... d -ii.. u a i.uoi".-. pjwto',';.;.. ,-.f St. Andrews Luihoran pv the Associated Press !:. in ! main. vr'' brn.isi-;:. .,.,.1' ia.. Vl-;iU-n lr. -T. ('. Peei. "Pittsburgh. ,':ril P".- W. 1 Fos- e .1m. la m the hiotS,m oT n..:;)jJ,l(. ,',f L.-.-aa Colk-i;o, that he tor, leader of the late i tool sinke. lit if. . or sader tii- rail ot coin- llM' iKv sumliiv and v.iii occupy . whoso name was brouiciK out m iiii.i ': it! .i.'d; ffIJm I gT!PPTW I1P4 If M : Charles Knoller d 10, a neswPoy, . - eality was the forrr.iion BfH O ITlD -L ei ll I I la ll V I 'K carrymg route v1 , nvn,pt(i1 to 'FtSJSS irn 2 S 11 I in Ut5 I 2 Wia gu!swu.w .bcud him to a staKe pi tea Kimuing ; ot one HUuUuLflU LfllLlEi and papers about him, and af ter ! ,f iuence many of the less radical M MMV41 OC 70UL. '! rs to return. .Vi .O t"t i.Pi i... he... Si.adnv and wiii occupy . whoso name was hroutfii.- out Ac0r,;c,i- peevioUs nolo 0. I a ., ?, ... i.p' i,,,,.,,!:!!' and V- .isiunu-ton yesterday as me prune I - r,U aieuMire.. ' . . I. ' i,,,,, ,,vH- tehind .ho railroad st.ike. wa-i ... j V.T.- cad ii ! C ! UP. ;i i : . and r ii ef t iu . .vi' a M. Sliealy has boon n.oyor.tcMnd Wiltt j rotamed I duVin- March amounted to ahed rr hiLthe yucanc v coated by niv ou of " . I ."7.r..701 running ,haiec '1 a p 1 1 1 u1 i. NccPt ie:'. were : ( 1 ' 1; v ; '. h, U', .:n ' he ichn: AU ihe resignation of Dr. Peer:., who 1 ,h-ve 0, 0, ,t ?; , .f the CCMU3 inn of tiio y;a- oVcPM. t.resident of th .colP-eo. . v70V. ?'My time is taken up these j announceoCKluv . - ,i.ie.i uit;-".r.: -o:vvovr. e..:t-t. ' : davs wrHnij:: a ix.ok on me u VvfoS TO WARD 1-7 in la .'a p:v o.f session t!v noyso i.a. strike. 1 may have poreothnur to sav ; - ivi) i.u FOi EASTER 1 ,. .I,,.... in .-ii... ii-i n'e e:i . ;tii . - ::n Trie stul.e:i:eaL.-, iii.ii;-- n. ,. ,t , - .ii ot it". 'iiv v, ui - 1 ' ur CISll ST1HTS IWfRfi nWPDAl I C-CTonditions in the MUM UlLllriLly west were declared line and rVoit the Palmer staU next would break the back of the : 'i:rk, however, did not prevent the ra h.ai ... i managers from exerting their v oic power and loyal force in operating t vniris. central and xar to be returning to more normal conditions and marked improvement was shown elsewhere. ahdit v , . (d t he ;ae.-.d:eri. Mil,',' ix- Ptftno JRuiso of Commons fcrrinu- acrain to the nou.-o . ' c( i.ni'oi!. beva.u-e n apneai - io nav. ..aaoi;. : .;1 scd as fuadamentrl thb matter ' ):'yk ; roiu -.jive to time the ht.use of cor: ' "O.:'!- .', ,,.v; i as iei.-ed its ruRs of M'-u-vd ... . -r t - . 7 A :1 e.- . n,T.ri.fir.ir. ton inter, hut not now. , v,;,,,,.,.,, MavP-aiet enapei tint, -v. v .. ; "OPTLAYSS AKKtii&i tuu- 1 -ao-- 1T , 1 V't,,. "'n a Grimes "Miss Adopting as their slogan verahs J Ascliled Press , . iRfiifUnnnrfirnfUOnflSi 1 H n i Uverall," ttKlems of the , Umvcvsttv . Lvc: fc,'a;Jor April 15,-Six officinl i MlKK mKVMmim J' ml . Cavoljna adopted the over- ; lhaw railway union, , O'e n;- Hrj Si JU lulrr I Uah I . Mis. Ruth Blaylock, Mrs. icra Mc-; ,, , a tn0jn for the whole i f; 0l;a' lioner MuSv . charg- liLLJ fit lilLllhSd n?rH Tiyfl arTnainnR Carloy. 1SU Amy Wheeler, . M8.!sJefcoS Other classes will meet this Xcn 'mlaiint W ver : mbU Hi If IK? y 3 Mc:ieS- Htln am! -r .VliUtref; afternoon. a Warra ts have been issued for . 1 lilLO I lllti fit llfillUUl! Whitens, Evelyn Deal, Jean ana , - Trr" 24 othef alleged leaders in th- mur- i . v,,vi. -ir-.il IT,. Concord Pies- . - i Carol Faraoee. ..,,. iflfini S 8flH HI 81011 ...r-nf railroad strike, it vs .:. m,h- ' "tv In -dl it aoooirde.! !,vt-ry met yesterday inovnii.g at i .Chicken, MiSs ucue D,aea, : nlSi g pilil fl I Rtlf il today. ' . ot.ott -i- Ms'r.UMe tor thai nutnu-t wm.iCoO oViock. The devotior.,1 service, , ?lIiss i,5R5,k Rosebough, who was cuitT Mrs. A t; - - : ULlWI U 1 LLhytU K , ho,, arrested S ho ;..u.o: i.d ;..nong ts members J.ord!v,.m, (.;m uvtet ,y Kev. v . r.. o.-i. ;.u.ne,! e sitting Petore a stove uyeo 1.- -" T. V; ' ! ,. trusi.ee n ti.e .Yi".., ' ii(u,ui , ' r. ...u. i . . ... I u,.,, ., ,. v u , i v .i-i a,;,, nr., p A fir -.-.ie. Mrs. Ruth t.ay- B mnas cBS FPfVft t.i.nHmi! A. W. Cassaoav. ecit- lurinu- j.imin Di.vaeli. The report nn-de hy , ,vis:sion to change Pneir call in the . aftornoon at 12:4.", as ihe result f lock. Mis iuayce B1thy ! Lfl P U ! Kfoh ? lode o 2 Chicago ' Ya-I- in eoni..; ,, tunni,i:te.. leads to .1 ho follow-: of atl,,itj t() ,:i!aries. . ; in - i,,. 'j he funeral will be held Louise Cdley . Mrs Rcy Al - LUUftL ftUIVI I! Il-Hll : ot f- Vv. Larahell, l- '-1J-!i.,g comment bv Redlich m h..s work r,;n(.or(i Ir(1d! extended ihe bivita- ! ,. . TO0Vning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. C. A. Little. Mr s. Albeit iV. , , ; mcn 3 Assocuion . vv . - ''"iroi.tc;. !..--1 ho rroeeoute of the House of;,. fm. t,,e fxll ,ltTtin;; 0f the Pre,- j -' Misses' Wheeler, Mrs. Jcnn Rcbiasc.n,; eJ' oalf.i s A"- ,,.,,..,.i,... ...... -.I,; ,f ; oyiery. uif p-b-tBft;so Kfiliti 1 i! S I 31 W aTvc p T--nte ! Mr. t tinmen coaaro, nuteu -, cOC;ation. and incnaei co-.,---. vcpot Irns dnwn asihe (.11 r T, fl,llow ntf ccmmiPsior.ers ; 1 1 Siill 3 11 Ml i 18 S til Oranges Mrs. 1 . Jic,. hf). been snendiiig 1 r. th., Tno-.nemen' A-i.veC!i.n..H t"" 4od f all vHorm toe estaoiisnnioir. , . ., noraI assembly J i illfi f S Money-Mrs. W. K. west.-.v. v, !S, 1Ioipl Rurrrv. eavc L!1r Cr (lf n-llsLice a-en,:vect ! .-. vr... T.-a,-.-, v,mi Npwrmi. '-'L'a """"v. ..-, : to uudm" -"v 4.4... bmnn. .-!.; . .mi .M.i! ..f ti homo of Mrs. .. . A- 1 1 1 -i Meef 1 1 . 1 ' 1 ; . ; u : 1 oar 11 ... IV, ,lll... 4 1 j u 1.1 :i'e ... i. ...... .,. ' ed for U- 1 '"-u " . w . . . . o.. . -it r- 1 1 vi '' . ti i.i. IV ii.'(! r -v. rn' i riii, v e.uliiiM nta- i;U-h. for the c;n.va.e:;a of m"m-. "!e . 1 n... s, i . A. i;- 1 , t ,1 e .r hu ' 'avis. .-. 11. . ... . ;,.. ar. a ,!d - u" , v. it f..i. 11. V. I.. Tvlatthe- . ' ...... ....! ,..;.,.. , .... H. vs . l.owraacc. JStinisiors, i 1 ki hllJi i hit ,i .... h e pf,;,i I 1 - 1 1. :i juiiia' es-; Mnsrm todav. i . tt;.-,. M-.w Waruoic. iuisnt s . , .,. -...,,,! om : Norton, $1: Mr,,. Ac, bnuroro, f)f Ms i;oc.nis a,,fi surprised his aucu-: I EADEK AKULSTED Mrs. A. A. Shuforu. Jr.. !Ja: Mrs. Mir bv rea.-ing two poems that he Cavr 50c; Mrs. W. R. Bradsnaw, 1, : , c-f:mposed as a result d nis vm ' Associated Press Mrs. Albert A.orneui.y, . i with Miss t-evj ume .lI'a . I Chicago, April lo. J to M. iuo'is a!.-'i (Iia.'!" l anviag out 0.1 1,., 1 (loiMl. .'1 'V f. .' j fii " diiLifJyiihi USSUSio th" sermcn with Revs. ll. M. 1 aVKt"1 f-HSJ '...J .T M. fiveor assisting in the ser-; S!!!1! mm urn mmLm Th- fPfKt order cf the afternoon -- ---- rjH J 8 h fa mictce on schools and college. Dr.! fill 8 I 8 If U U U5J!y ! I ml brihMoi)l, ,f r,Iit,hell presented the cause: Mil I - JJ H !... nr-.:,,.H ,rii(.,.n r.r.d the female ecl- I 14U 1 iw 4 ' 1 t, ill DENIES 10 LEPERS FOB .El ! I- ., I '.OI. i:h, ial C;:e-d.tt ." 'it.'.- hi otocf tore. .,1'.. !"':i"'hl tie Mti'itod, ! -!;..:! .v.d Pren h m"tht ,11 (! i as t v;dcal. I ! N- aiifv Mei'.'l: T .. -,d oi '. ho A men-ail c i.'i.iin .oi:divi Moort idariuns 4-u plain, j Bv the Associated Presf New Orleans. April 15. Two men afflicted with leprosy were at the i,oue of detention nere iuuuv riuns A-nu plain, j .'-nra and .T H- L.. Jr. ! iex u ;aby Mill or. 'ra . i"'-. 1 ,,f ,,. house, ii i ie.- to enter upon tn"; ifi "ddie measures, and 1 W 1 1 j i. ' a rcnte.it ir.npoi'l-) JjJ :av t't'oeioo" r 'lMi'c ; !o th" in'. n' e d'';o. 'I ne.'o i:; flV. fu'es : ,vl I' dhr; '"oiL'enien'i. of ob r "'.ie.--' '' oi Ti. vonnvt of the committee ilium. . . , on evangelism reported over lour na 1 1 .i ff-r ,vrfftsions throu! (iri'd tin'. .v.. 1 e-" , , , evangelistic efforts nt the Presbytery during the past year "Id A', t'j 1 e tiii I BANGER VHi(HMA DARE CLl'R- 1 to 5 with the Hickory township ij No. .6. , , ,1 JOHN REED SArE ; tax books. As all polls must be naid ! while passing the detachment , j by Mav 1, those in arrears vyoukl dojmens g.uar(j house we saw some boys 1 ihe Associated Press , - j well to attend to this matter Satar-j in?. thfoueh the bars and heard VVaehingtoni April 15. John Reed ctav if they expect to vote in No-'h calling, "oh please sena s a American magazine v,Titer. recent-j , ,.w,i-v4,. lo-2t ! .. rru vri f.n-i-ip down to i , t-aA tn have ' been exe- I , ;. ... ad rmen'V t wl.. ' ! Mi Xuthrvn Setzer was the " -iSthe road and we sent a box ct cana ted in Finiaml, is auve an 1 ..''.' ,' ' 5 - ' , . . i ,t'hU cn! . lU,af! -r".lu''-y'1 , k, . 1 n nv.. I:..i u 1.4, flr.wovs wc had left. Ihe' va;o- to a message recened 5 , .'. I"' r.u.ii :,r Willi Uio iius ivs. p0i. r..t youiiK " u"4 "V , wlt e c harnung hostess 10 Lite ; , . -ami i i" ocrr-i-dlv the vio- ' 4' i A-i --.pn todav Reed ;:v i..1'15 w u Xr.Jl Markets srrir,-j-: I'-v. ,., v,,ks a h-ir.Uli:-i on the ;.V ))f wil! colli.lo with pass-, CMiried out throughout u.e i iU.ey keey them auve. ":n"V ;to oveiwu.- h'o'eu.ltv i h- ratcd .r; :-, ,.,; ',)nt,s Iohv control of tlteu' 1)ome. . I . " 'vited to dine m the ess had ov aome , CTftP F.SOLITTION e. m are zealous to ndss nt y iM been expressed by a num-: Ten members snswereo ion t. s " '" of the boys anil tne ne v iii " .,. ,HpfiaHv en nuitters ,.0!cr.; s. ' " ' V0ontlv with tho.lfteT which the minutes of last meet- Ey the - Associated Press . . jc.ime up and asked us if we thought, . " ; )(!!' (iMlifKory m'i u.1. u'v,. .... i,,e Vu .. . ; 1 .,.,-1 ,.5Hei'.ed. The , w Vr.rk. Anr 1 15. Private ad- Came T, ........ ,.,111, it We told Rv the Associated Press I'Vl' ''j;;- ; : .-..iV suggestion that the o. cv ph 1 'hni-ead' several chapters vie9 indicating better weather con-1 we coum -t'"trv almost j Wpdrington. April 15.Phan: I . ., 11,1 ,n ';' , ...... ..... nnfinwi or modified .10 to t , , ..tt,,,!,... tv, Cnnntrv .-if in th. oiit- V and relatively r.im v-e were i ,:,,:- wnddmSnp rp' a reseluticn m the I tW, on the Tt -;!v, nn rveVy interesting ac-iy cables" were followed by an jythmgc e onV; on i today looking to the ixnpeachment of I, ... i' Jiiscv i, now.suci-u. Mnin street, it us pointed j ;;ky a Q Richmond, j opening decliine -of 5 to 21 points in amused ds. things going : Assistant Secretary Post ot tne labor I.,..- 1,111.- mi) uhnuhl net be avaiiaoio to w . i ihe cotton market today. Alter sen- uuty u ,v,i .'mnvtmpnt for his alleged attitude xo-. t'V. ' , '' ,to -and vet but ; youthful skaters, nor should i" nI i A inandclih solo was civen by Missinj; off about 8 .to 18 points net lower, head nurse of ward I-U' Wards deporting 'alien radicals ISdVs. - '"1 .i.. v Iv ntenibcrs huP-:'t.rth avenue down the hill fiom . K;t vn Setacr. accompanied on the ! nowever. the market steadied on pros- surgeon anrt aQ tion for li(?nlv awry when the house met? was ackedDyuO t.tp. ont'to 'vile a the..-i VVfi?enth street to VwvUi street. Misg yn Hatcher Sev Kectr for unsettled weather in th, and the resoluticm prepared byj Js u nX -'c. wanted. Several of the;ThiS is the worst death trap. Ural ukelele sections were g've" -southwesi. , , what H.ckciy na t ked to be Representative Heck, Republican ox eermg tejisihed oy t . g ' ' f I,,; were tvn at that very, i.il(.nts should ascertain if their ,Mi Kathry Hatcher and tn i,bos- .JjJ 4e neoie of Hickory .Kansas, was withheld at the request : strike, fepanm .t o ' V.di.iu-iintc in New Jernov for : t.hildron are using dangerous cross-1 Aberncthy. a ter winch the hostess, f- ?-tl l,e manyfof Floor Leader Mondeil. Jtn.Th iv.ii.. 1. ii... ,...vv..vnor. )Ui f.niv .own had o:ra(ies. ....dain. v Miss jl,ouisc ci. 1 w 1 anu ntui ."- ......- . ., , ..... , . . i1 -ii 1.1 . ... 1 ,nm ri'iim con-' n i i ie win c in ui'iiuu i vv mm herzer. sim vin il mm r.nv.-ii . Mi- MIK 'A.'"""' '- . ... I " , 1.. IT 1,. ll4lVtl IRE RESERVES 1 ftSKEO BY PUUCE Ev the Associated Press L,-. Avil is. Po I ce officers .OW 1VIV i'l"" - , . 1 . . r4 . I . vri f I" commanding the iw raeivra ... strike duty in the egg and butter dis trict this atternoon sent a -an wi reinforcements. r.-i. -.f nvririiipf. merchant s lor me waiiui . --- rouse 'sent to transfer the foodstuffs from it freight yaras to tuc i:ia -tricts were attacked. Mot? foiiowmg the trucks canned provision 'I'l,.. I .. . ... . .1 , "iiMrv. claiming niost .dteptiiV falla into two general O Wliuicsait - " f-' 1 ,j T I ., ...nr. o rri.L-T 4-41 fin M fflilj kU , , an A antra 1Sft haskeis i ihlOO-Nb MRfil iv.muui T - in cehnr'. ,',. not heing nresent r is am, (.hiUlren and .t H ;P-Uream. cake ana v- - v Por North Carolina: Fair and ?0 lbs of eandT'eight gallons! Hickory Masonic lodge will meet to--ox ' T pound proftt. '"Ni matter they had no rta-, , , . !lf th .. b;u Piact.s will be avoid- mCelmg. wi l Apul - .avm(Clv trm;t)ht FVid dmidv. nrob- abou 20 lbs' ot. . a ri. Ii- WL5 for work in the second degree. ; ing moi e than 1 cents - pounu p , 1 ! ' sVi-l would be brought UP Tho stmt nt. the corner of the - Elizabeth Abernetny. ''blV showers in interior, moderate 1 .1 i.to , .:. 4. . .1 v. ; ..nr.Hif.i- nl nee I ' 7T . .1 - 1 .1 '11 . ... . i.-iict loniist eiuiiv.ii 13 ..wv.... x , ,. rt H ntAW seca LU. First Baptist church is another place piants Hickory Seed Co. south winds that should be guarded against. Cabbage nam:, . . ; S -20 lbs. cancly eight gallons j . Hdcicpry sonic Tenl, Z pbund prodi, of ice cream, and eight cakes were !lle is alleged to have made $67,00.. served to tne uoys. , 1

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