THURSDAY EVENING.' ffiCKORY DAILY REG)RD PAGE THREE -trr 'V ;??.)....:; -- Mr Morrison Answers Quest ionnaire of Unions llbv it- I would be truly glad to P-ive' plants as Will enable the Agricultural) ttvou my opinion .awus tt ntdnvi j uepar uncut ci , K firvn to lint, t h&Vfe hone with 'which lots to farmers at cost? i i 0rt satisfied. I assure vou that I' AnaWfr? . T have the impression that i i will give very earnest consideration j tc fertilizers in the state for the . jjLo any jtfgUraeJfet f.tU;l resent by VoSr i bUrf?Cr of rafeinjr revenue wifeh which j i ...e.AVitH4uo --. imo nr in t.hp deb-. . , ii -.i,, uir.MiHnn with I . . pi. j if M ':4tf -'-- .if- 1. VvouM you support the adoption now existing? . exempt ot a law nxins a penalty acamst an; , Answer i Its. , hemes employer lov cliscnarjnng an em- i u. .. Yould you supiiort vne. aaopuon. spvii nlwye tor political, rehuious or trade .of & law fixinj? a penalty tor blaUt-rljent IftLo any ararumeirc naMiessu o.v i purf?CrA of rse I representative to me, or to the 0e-: 0 'ut tbd sta f cfil Assembly upon this question -, feitiMzor d j 1.X0. ' Inasmuch as it :s new lawful tolfr , union uiriliation ? . HatinK" employes, wherein one em-! l wrtniri ivVirr tVirv wnc .nlnvor Hisrha'Dxos an emplovv and a contract betwdwi employer anginas a nagrecment with other em cujkve; but where the service 'va ! plovers not to hira-? hemy rcnaerea irom uay u uav. ovi Answer: if bv piece woi U, could not. ,; the iium ..vitui. -Miixer tax iRvalid. In time 01 i of. W) ox :oh 4 nvc-vea,. f , tW could be & basis, Will ycu return cne com- - : ,sf.-et inressien and support a law to exemp'--- r ' sition sugges AUTOMOBILE nairme. J v-. Ave., Hickory, N. C. RADIATOR RE- DeRhodes, 1222, 9th cf a is. coametition with ! dealers .wouid be uncon- rendae t.Jie entries ter- i peace j done i -.-rft is 1 WANTED AT ONCK l " 95U ted the homesteader from taxation on j amount that is so mortgaged, thereby ; pM;tW d-ei-ti3ins) niacins the .borrower on the same: ., (I .iiucal Atf.e.uar) waitreese, $S0 per month, Wd amd room. Write or wire Hotel March, Lexington, N. C. icvmid as the lender1? ------ . ihowni" i vvns; a memoir oi-lhv; "7. Would yo support the adopt-1 pfXvm Committee cf th Democrat If vou forfret anything in town in ; o-rocerv line, stop at nm's store -tne .c-nocoiaws Front- K.M..i v.v.u v?( u. .vneu owip uoii oi a iav - iic party vketi the mortgage exempt- p - n Tjrockrord road, and as I understand -hJaw. has already j State institutions kttmg extracts r f taxation OH homes to bich J11 4-14 3t ev o da docukti that .h .law. whcive the! for any public work upon any basis cna0rsed. I opposed what -0U ' service wl!;Mt ?or a term iixed in 'that may .bo scnstrued at what is Y, th. rc.und that it should i c . T OT? TITF IVVID BARKER -,46 tnitd Slates; Adair vs Answer: Yes. ' . -veal ip.jsl-cVt biv Vfniteil States. 20 Ur.tod States I von nnort Tiw a,Wi;t?oii j p' .liis JeJuu?! 0l. ieuP" "w- . . 4t, Onvinr . T tlTfC fFOR SALE NEW EUIu. ns- liams and Mary style. pnouogMm It will pa anyone considering the purchase of a phonograph to G. 11. ltun man- o see me. I was voted Court 0f Catawba county made in he field then J('l. 'ihis dcisiun . was much criti- 0 -r. ia,v f.Cr.- a per.altv fo?' import ci'fd. but ihy critics did n i m,,,u whethoi4 artned or not question tile lavf-upon xne principle i Yom ciUsid suggested lv Vcur question. i tr,-aj (ijput iJ. vc.Ai you support tne aaop- sory that cu; tion ei lav liMivr a penalty I f rbm with false advertising in newspapers f or ! pioye ? troubles vxiiteti at the place of em-' penaUy. as far as it constitution-;to have this law abrogated, and tne ; Natjoriai Bank of Hickory, at Hick- Ploy men t, and to furnvr penalize ad-; ajjv can"i done, against ispcrting i rca estate exempted Irom taxation WANTEDTO SELL STOCK OF seneral merchandise ana v"11"!"" at B-rookford. Also two dwelling houses. Stock will . inventor about $4,500. See David Foster at residence in Brookford. Ibooa !! Wiisit would be the use to plant a oardon and then destroy it? 'T' at's the ue of making money, von have a leak m your pan or tuo.or 'i vv plumbing, you stop it. When yon. -nur money around in your pocket --vnM it, it's a leak in your future- l i- help you stop the leaks and co-op- n-iih veil in mvx your savings to best : Jtau.e; . . ttmmmiMB ne- cent intqvest-on Savings. -Us 'to Deposit Boxes for Kent. ,? if- 't . 111 l-l.I.yl-V-inT- . 1 " . . .4-1 , . ""i I 11 crmakini mpul- Uarry the fight to the Convention, ; ae Barger, L M. Barger, e ai vs. ,r n-.wfui cnicers. secured 'hecause i ieaiwi . " . a,i3ie xsarget --"' " ;n t',a state' oe so cm- i ",s,i-o vou it woumi u-ve .mc v . el- ai ibuhii&v. ------ j to use ' my influence which I may ! s;crer, vrill sell at public auction to t r..r- t, is fiv!,nT i , o, ,1,--..., W IMir- elected Governor . .t, vio-hAcf hiHdr. in front of the First Ver'tisers who to live up to their ;. RUar.jSi whether armed or not under to the amount of the mortgage. advertisements' )n i orv- N. C, on the 13th day of May, 1 S 1930 at 2 p. m. those two certain LOST BETWEEN HUDSON AND Hickory, or between Hickory and St. Stephens church, First Na tional Bank coin purse, containing fifteen $20 bills and from $-5 to $o in change. $50 reward- Herbert T3Qv,i Tiifknrv. ' N. C, Route No. W ' niwmsf..Tifvp5 referred to, from ,nf nro hut what this can be doneL rtr- nnvpel.s- of land, situate, ly- tV - l UU 1'" " ' I i I t. v - t - As to inn t-twnv!.:- .itln,.. cntitvutional amenanif-n.t. rtT1i heins m Hickory tevnasnip, Answer: Yes. outside the State. As to ins .:;Y5tj,n,li Constitutional amenarnnt j inff nj being m Hickory tcvnsmi, y. Would vou support the adoption i part of the Question. I am not are ftnd upon investigation, I find that j Catawha county, North Carolina, of a law to prevent rtnt profiteering ; mat i understand H. It it means cn be4done I promise ycu to exert jed as fellows ,to wit: by fixing o nia:..4ivim rental of not; that only lawful oihcers secuan! i;om m ;f tQ have it done F, . T t Beginning at a stone exceeding 12 per cent annual ren , within the . jState canbe 5f 'n. Would you support the adopt- rrorlinV Burger's and James H. upon valuation as shown by the tax protect the peace, and that p n.u. making it compulsory to J rSZAvith a line of the book,, plus .same percentage on the ; citizens .cannot; under or iciria-. on o :CWnr5 ?pd villages John rl DRz N 63 E, 31 poles value cf irapiovnts. this ndt , to ucns be uinmoned to , with , pcpulation in excess of .1,000 ? lfnTa bVlich a stake on the 85 pd FOR SALE MODERN. HOME A'f 411 Eighth slvreet. 6 rooms ana bath lot 101x335. Part cash, easv terms on balance. Gan give pos session about May 1st Inquire on premises, or sec owner. VV. r. UT 11 iVIOitll. Answer: -t will not. In mv opinion I simply means that en.W cit;. ! n-,w men a lav would b extremely so-j the Stale, under tne circr.msJ. xes : I vvouk cia'istic, unccr.rtituUcnal, and .-stib- referred to in the question, can ao majorit: tmsQiiaate 'd Trust Co. i versive of the t.i.iv. 'joerties rot ths land owners of Noj;iii - Carolina. 1 do not anv rea.j- why-'there should be n demand to ci.ntrul the 'rental value ox xer.i erlato in North Carolina until we are -ready to establish a socialktic . government, and let" the govern n-.ent hx Tlie price of every thing ?k.e. 4N Vc: i i. Wi'-1. yon favor the suo nvission ot a constitutional amend ment reducing the present constitu tional limit cf taxation, State, coun ty and towns. baed upon the reval- north side of the brancn; tnen-L-u in. oi o rt fr, o etnlcp in the ola the1 uavion RELIEF FROM Li 0MM-,:n,., or Other Local Treatment. Fom Salves. I '"'"itatt'c theskin, and in- uui c: lotions, oint- r.nt 'live u -r. 'icf from sk'.n i,,- fact firmly m ' ,lV.l there ii bore lor I avc ever" been afflicted ipftc:. boils, crv.p c thir ?ir.r.ftar fkin irrita , can appvweiate the real -, di.,co:nJort' that comes ,c borders. ' And what pr.ll live rciici I.U.H. th" terrible burnmrr ana frr iLvhilc. but .i thr t'-rrv irritation tense itching will rcma!;!tcdy ,.,,t;i thrsc "crms are attacked at Sir soSrccd removed from the Iduod. . ,w Vrllef. tlTcrcforc, cant only be "expected irom a treatment 2?at goes right to the cat of the trouble, and strike, at its came uch a remedy is b.S.o.. tlie re -able old blood purifier that kills the ncrms of disease, and sends -a w supply of rich red blood cours- through the veins. S S. S. has been used succcssiui-!-"ip some of the worst cases ol Jczcma and other skin disorders, r rd it can be relied upon to cleanse the blood thoroughly of the germs which cause these complaints. S S S. is also a splendid tome and cm-builder, and it builds up rd adds new vigor to the whole . -,1,1c rcl'-cf that s to its hakes olfystem. c7Vh. 4 re- anJ Gegin i W I i fc-. I it: skip rondition r ..1... rliC- ihc ric;ht treatment iu . . cc. Then if you feel that your case re,uircs rpeel nicdr j4 r.t rotir t.U.,.l cost, ny v t ,i,nf3tnrv. At- luuon tbe condition of Adviser, w awut v If the blood bccoinesuanw. ua. . v. th" tcacJuhi:". of science, n v. ill lcaru'that the is ilyod. BICYCLE ' WEEK SATURDAY, APRIL 17, TO MONDAY, APRIL 26 . ood old clays of bicycle joy me the .iov oi every rea-oiooueti ,M1 ...4 V- : . - d f()r elght l,iSSrunfromS33.00to?55.00, all m sizes and model- AU dunng hhSUlC 1 lifo Scher cis rubber pedals toi i.o, y" lv 2.75 to ?4.50, good single tables io !! and up. . , . .Ma on1 nR P,rine the chiaven m uui .B ' Answe: I v.ill. as to btate ana county. Ti-.e.-c is r.o constitutional P-.m- litatien en town and city taxatior iiuw.' Tuj; is regulated by 'Statute, and 1 v.onHi not object to further limitif i.m in respect to town taxation bv s'otute. but 1 Co not believe there sho-jW be any limit fixed in our con stitviion to lova taxation bv a vote of the people. . 4. Part 2. Farmers Lnio asks bow da ycu stand on repeal of Re valuation Act? Anpvvor: I am not willing to rspftal ' w.vhi;iiion Ant in the sense that we shall utterly abrogate it as noWied to this years taxation. I be lieve this was an honest effort to- w!ir,ls m i.r.M-.roved taxation system in th. Staf. But I am not in favor of tf'aa.fftixdT5o'licy. I favor raisins all taxes for State purposes through licenses, franchise, inheritance, and the other present sources of special taxation, and ii necessary, oy a small income tax above a reasonable exemption; and then repealing the present Revaluation Act. Revenue Bill, and Act and relegat ing under proper law to the counties for county, town and local taxatio?i I bf b?-vt. the time has come when tliere should fc? no tax whatrJ'er levied uwon pioptrtv in North Caro lina for State purposes. This poliev bcinc adopted, there would no. longer be v.nv excuse for the State authori ties fxing the valuation on property. I v.m m favor of this policy, and shall e?.rnt?stl" endeavor, if I am elected goveir.oi to have it adop-.erl Of course, this Yean3 that I do favor a repeal cf the Revaluation Act, but it does ' menn condemnation of this net bv me. I believe that the rev enue with which to reasonably run our s '.ate y;overnmit can easily -be cbt-jinc-d without doing iniustice to,-.-!-.'. rr,A without levying either nv,inurK' fir an income tax lorj State purr;oi?a- but cut of tfe-abund-j ance of caution I very earnestly, favor j the .adoption .c-C the Constitutional Aniendmonls giving the State author- iity to levy an income tax. sa we can i be ce "tain to have sufficient, power to rai'so the necessary revenue for Slate pvtrpcssfS wiLhout a continuation Cf the- policy expressed in the Rcyal uationv Iteversie, and Machinery Act? nfiw in fcrse.' I do not belifve that in ihr vriTuation of propertv bftAvcfrn the "various counties of the State- can evci be oecamca enrout-n anv"?t of nft:;-ials. It is an impossi ble task. 1 brieve the officers now undertaking to execute the devalua tion Act wiP honesUy endeavor to pi-o-Juce oqualitv and justice, bin. it cornet be done. I do not believe m tbro-.vir.o-' riV;av all the information ?md "rnAftts of the revaluation be case of disorder, when called upon l- state for soldiers in emergency, nave an officer to assist ht.n. out I coutd ; to ay- the- expenses' of such sc-idiers not favor nirking it un.awfm. unde r ; favpished ? proper regulations, for the ou.eers to . r cannot commit myself have the. authority to suniljton cnx- of a law that was Jilf fovcitL, 1917 because I have rbrpatdSch would be con-: pot frmiH.rized myself rth it, bu .x!4...t i .oiv-.r aim wins- men : in so far as it does what is su- SUlUt'Oiiai. - , V -7 T , , ,-4;, T .n, in favor from out of the btate to ot- urouunt ; gest'ea oy uai - 7 into tke State for the puracse 01 ao-; ot ,t. ing police duty of any- kinu, and 1 , myse Robinson line, Dietz's corner; thence, with the. eld Robinson line. Eortn 24 i.ct liv .'i-r Times iu lii -- !no. 2; thence, with the line of said lot south 83 West S 1-Z poles to a stum,-, thence South 24 East 29 1-2 poles to h.,nor South 26 East 50 a icu ,v""- "...v.. WANTED FORELADY FOR overall factory. Also G or 8 experi enced operatives. Carolina Overall Co., Maiden, N. C FOR SALE TWO FRESH MILK Tt. II. Arndt, Claremont, C. D. M. HAWKINS, 503 Ancwflv: Yes. with tnis nld not favor this unless v of the qualified vol .... i,.'.hftovtwv -.vw. wit 1 t 10 to.vriLOi v uruwuscu J vcu I "m opoose j to aih-wing any--.nted petitioned or vcted for the same., bedv to do police duV W-lss they : 12. Would you restore the law that ' - .. .1 1 . n J Till..' tl-HAVfUU ' v. - j , , are citizens of. this atme, uenv-ya u,w2s m iorce prior, to ,.;x., j uth g3 West S 1-2 poles to a stone; happened to ne a mere uttau.i counties ana towns canuiK poles to a stone; thence 'South bb 1- Ave!iue, painter, kalsomimn East 27 1-2 poles to a white oa::; j. ner banging;. Quick 5 - i ocr . .1 . . rtwecir.p- I .' 1.1.. A , k r thence soutn 70 east ;- puv:.-, -ico...e, to the beginning, contain- ina- 38 acres, more or less- Second Tract: Beginning at a red 1- 4kn inim Wbisnant, corner and runs north 1 East 22 poles to a stone, Actios Barger's southeast corner; (W.-o with said line South 83 West 29 roles to a stone; thence South 38 polos to a stone in David Barger's line; thence with said Barger's line north r A T7 07 1 O nnlna tr :l Ktont. SftKl prior to 1917 to which I am opposed r,g COYnor in the old Robinson u... n,.,in tn Iip in some confusion,,. ' . ., .u i?.Viinof-,i line Instruction and these Coum-v Super-; have not had time to acquaint w t 1T x.2 pole6 to a hick- intendents, with State Sunerm tendent i thcroughlv with what it is ' t.mnso corned thence south im 1 . r ; ir"Tnr.Tinii 111 i.imim .utV - ... it . 1 . - . 1- VC, -l.o. I but 1 vail iavur tne .nn-lF ."iK1 :rrf ndontibrased in your question. 4-12 3t S4 1 have not had time to inform elf wifch exactness as to what, tins favor this. . ! law was, out 1 iavor me e'to 9. Would you support tne anopiiou ; jRg bolirie by the counties anu wwus tor soldiers. 1 00 anvthinT in this law Highland ining anu service, 1 1 A ,--- iivrl -CTrill PtS, wanted1-to rent about 7 of a law under which the PV e J where they call shall elect the County Boards of a-1 n(t j. n)W fif . ucation, and such ooarus oiuii e-. f Nniir- n 1 i.t'iii.trii'. -x .... imn house box 91, Newton, N. C WANTED SEVERAL GIRLS WHO are willing to become telephone operators. Pay while learning. An- ply to Chief Operator Telephone Company. 12 5t Hcikory 13-tf SALE- 82 west 1 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 7 acres and being lot No. 1 in the division of the Sally M. Bar gar lands. Said 4ands to be sold free and dis- l 1 1 rt . jl -. 4--- t ron ht r h v ' . . And tln?rt these booxs to pe , ount sumcient tu dower of B. Catherine Barger widow' i itiewp! Yes. with some 1 itfw TTOITSF. FOR Good home on 11th street between 7th nKd 8th Ave. A bargain for quick buyer. J. L. Cilley. "b shall assemble at naicigu anu -, 1Q Wi11 vnll faVor. the appropria- a Bet of books throughouc -noui . "the ;tate for the use of the first grade to and mdud ng the.ev - tion by the aa Work of .i. L: 1 eunnnrted gradod i the State Board ot Healtn, 01 an "r tu0 rio.hi nnd estate of I 1 4 I II I 1 Lt, ti ,7 ' ' , . .1 J JL -t.. , ---V-S- I M .1. I 111 Ul v.J.-'-v M-i-.-w - - ' . . . . .1 - 1 l-v - -..,4- f,.inrtisrt TO I t Hi T Mfl. JJL UlOlftV ' be practicable or more, economical Answer: xes, wmi 1 ; . eis and then as a whole; sale vndSlontract to the lowest. limitation as to foyeing the pare-s-o! gV best price offer- .. . 1 ndovtisin'T! r,i.i-o tfcpv nre able, to pay tne cx- v . - ....;.- 1 ; cd for cormrmation or rfjtt.ttu-. Tenns of sale: Cash or else, n Des. 1 1 cPlirr 'Allfl Liit-'i u:-4' wvivm ..,. wx-. ------ .1 4. ; t J? A : , ... nnhnl f IT IT" Vf'Tl vkkjw- . . , , i-ublished bv the State, it. iouiiu to 1 an aeieaive ui.w - TVl-(.i iavffer. first m tracts, lots, . . . .... 1 . 1 a . v rt.. iirirn ?ir.mi- i? .jl.m : - , , ..r.,. , . 1 ti o t t rhivs advev-ism:i - ui r where tteev are aoie, tu iay . tVio not-iblisbment of a i .r. or hnvo the children treat a:I-, ui -y ." , - j.tnov.,. , Te"ms O-I sale: uasn or t.M, u l-.-- State prmtery. at which z stnool , theraSelve?. , vr-haser, one-third in cash books and other State printing might ; 14. Would you favor the Austra-, vuited to P;Jf balan?e iR be done: and such booxs .0 oe . ,ian BaUot System, whereoy every : ' w,ll,iPI1tS navable in six plied to patrons ot scnoois at j cntitled to vote can cast his vote tree ; t; . J--,. , ctively to be 1 1 anA wit.hmit mti- "" lv.v, - ann uiiticunisicicu... . - , ----- nidation, coercion or espionage, there bv insuring a fair and honest elect- FOLND A BLACK FUR, LEFT T.;... Mr.thr.disr. r.nurcn sevin inot .,.v..v in weeks ago. G. F. Ivey. 184 FOR SALE ABOUT 40 FEET OF t..i. 01-irl r.f.iinter for store- Slie'.vian X Southern Desk Co- 184 ion east of production ? Answer: As to this question, I am openminded. I must study, the Ques tion more thaa 1 have. I am m .pro found sympathy witn tire Hciucatioua 1 Aswc,r; Ye's. Forces of the State.--ana nave, great; lg ,.ou favor an act requir confidence in tkern. F would consider ;th uso Qf a sufficient part of -.. !-.nt tbo ma tier re- : lu- . , . , r i. fa. ineu- auvivi. t I hp funds uenvea xrum . , -1 imf-.ip rnnii. 1 J i .. . 1 4. r.i. An-i n. :;. mi ay ,i.ti "i;X;- onlkvl ittlizers for. the cstaDiisnnient ux , wiwawiM)? nrfpe and acoroved se curity. Deposit of ten per cent will be reouked of the successful bidder or bidders on the day of sale This the 12th dy of fanl, 1920. J. W. WMISNANT, Commissioner. WANTED TO EXCHANGE FORD touring car body fr roadster body. Also have for sale Chevrolet car. G. E. Setser Claremont, N. C. 84 rred to most absolutely FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL NEAV chicken lot. water in basement. One acres land, fine orchard, barn and chickenl ot water m baement. One scaave from eiiy limits. See own r, Jack Ritchie, Hickory, N. G. mg made .JV l"Zuf; them too. We also VU 11UVC vvu klbn. 51 mvo light, classy, easy n . -A-cU as the heavy service or. motor Dise St Inspect our stock next week and you wiJff Evinced that we can se you a .etter wheel for less u;u v ,.t jnivwhere. '-x, ' Zz&v& n be vet anywher i Yours for a good ride P.M.KEEVER . ' Hickory, N. C. and Lincolnton, N. C, under new laws tne whcle nue'stirn should be sent dowr t, fk ,.r.,:wi' with authority lodged in .!-., niifflh- rfncials to overhaul .hntim v.'.b?,itirin where they thiiit- iiitino fenuires. I endeavored '.iffh n-.-id. a few days ago at Chanel Hill, to which I refer you for r-: ro nnrtirular c:iression. of my viewa upon this very important, ques tion a hesiiatc to express mywu about this Revaluation Act in terms of - condemnstibn. because I . bexieve that if it is considered as a mere transition measure from the obso lete ?nd vcrn out taxation svsLeui we now have to the Just and scmn tirs v-ter finally aimed at bv the Democratic Farty, it has great value itot l.nfc as a fixed and per- mannt policy. I am unalterably op ocsed to it. I am satisfied that there fhould be as complete restoration of local self-government in the matter of the valuation and taxation of both real and personal propertv m tt: C--4P .yc o be made, and exe cute the Constitutional . mandate : with refemnce to the Public Schools. I . 4t-lor rnrf of the r!.:'.i, ,.-,tir.c in the matter of the -X-r tnvJm bit bevo-nd this. I do not ! bWieve that the State ueht to ex- the funds raised in the counties by i 4,-, nrn nrotiertv. H " Would vou support the adoption ... ' n-ii. T.nhm Law divorced from iim mi rV-T".x.e -t- -- -i-1 Mil i i i mi ii i i i y wa . n .x'x.ov kh on mso'vvis c r" k t II HI ilillli I I ! ! y Cba ii ffl n i in- ! I ! i I ! ii ! ! i l 'J !i lil ll U T ! i il iii! I II !!' 4 ncd " I i I Ii i i W .. M 1 $m I . ob i i i iiiii! ii mmm mk. A ii n ! hi i ! i ww, sm ii.. w ,m mm;mmmmmmmmmmmu. "mmmmsmLBh vou I ill ii ! I 'r ! I ! !l ill H.iMMI HEP i I UKAl 1 '"'h.liS: ''g&Siiiii I i I ! !ti r55S3SS5iSJ5M- 1 w ' ' I ! l !l I I I! I n. Ir ' !ffit H l iSH I 111 I I I W ' I I 1 J 1 :t m n mi : 1 tisniHU nit 1 iiimi'i 1 1 11 111 1 tut un 1 1 I'm 1 1 linilttiTO: I 11 ti 1 . fill mi R.J.Reynolds ml l' , Tobacco Co. ''I i HwJ I " "1 mm, f vuu ov wM- . . , ' r,. i .. M II . FOR S ALE ABOUT 5 MILES EAST of Hickory, 2tr acts of land One contains 3G acres and one 30 acres. Apply J. J- Baninger, Conover. N. WANTED TO BUY 5 TO 7 ROOM house. Address Box 36 . 14 4t FOR SALE 2 SHETLAND PONIES, knp-n-v and harness. liaigam. 494, Hickory, N. C. 86 KEEP MAX 1C.B MA,MV "Old Mammy" is one of the auaint characters in "The Inferior S. a oicturo stan-mg 1 .wnunu " plin and released dv rirbt .- nql which will be snown at Grand Theatre today- he old negress had oven .on. ''- nd as she expressed it- rour . - : 1 In'i nnrl dem having pioinmu ooey me. , 3 the cook in me noire t- 1 i I-rvitTAc Gnio holescmc advice xo wuc. Isnends all her time trying to Pioae : an indigcr-ent husband. . "Tfr.n him euessm. sa'd Uid I Tow.,-r 'Dp nr.liest wav to ' along with men .is to keep em haepv. And de onlicst way to mnkc em ' happv is to make em unhappy. Keen ! 'em guessin and dey will be onhapnv 'ad den dev'll lub yo and be hapnv. Sheriff Isenhower will be at the city manager's office Saturday from 1 ' 5 with the Hickory township Itax books. As all polls must be paid !'y May 1, those in arrears would do well to attend to this matter Satur day if they expect to vote m Ne- ember. .- ' lo-it YOU can't help cutting loose joy us remarks every time you flush your t,0cnnt vmfVi Prince Albert- it hits &lilOR.ti5p"i o j Ti'o o cri-iftlA fnii nf ummv vou so iair ana squaic. a - - . r - ri io-crPttft makin's sunshine and as satisty- uiug cuiu c I - ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-four ! It's never too late to hop into the Prince Albert Pasure pasture! For, P. A. trigger-ready to give you mow tobacco- fun than you ever had in your smokecareer. That's because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert you'll write it down that P A did not bite your tongue or parch ypur throat. , R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C BONT DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, 'you' will find Telief in COLD MEDAL ".-. The world's standard remedy for kidney. I liver, bladder and uric add troubles tfnd i National Remedy of Holland since 1696. j Three sizes, all drug-gists. Guaranteed. I Look for tKe nam Go!i Mda! ea eeir bo ' nd accept bo imitation iUSol. ' wilfare, er ar ether: law as - r. 1

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