V. NO. 1C5 VOL HICKORY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, APPRiL 16, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS ARE ART ST FEDERAL G ... i ? vice f: fleets vc Headstones Over Graves W ! .11-. Thong1, Ml f-lU-'' i.-uh-.-i-l a pr.-si- Irl'IH.' I ;!:(' federal trv It tim; i-na". !'.-' :;,.-, :t".d with km 1 1 Min i !', v emval v. I rl i1 e : ! i. ill- .h.ch ; n- ih m .'..;p '.v ''' tlUVC'li :i i sv.'yo v. :M cut. iT-.'.'. .-'!''' i i-amd lu ; v, n esitul t 111 mm n! I lit'e-' t , i c 'li.i, ' . r." tku. .-, .,i t- r v - i. ;:! he war b h , I ip pp. adi ml nit: h- ',) ..-o:it ii) t!v : .i.i.. (I '' ..iwr.t t:g wi i; .i;d;t;-s in sch'l'l- a o Ih'-. e v. lm 1 i, Sect'elarv d'-'-ie i tli" .! . med d that' i u' i to ' Vl'l'V I'll If' . i-i th- ar.v-v . k.r .' Nvar i'i'- bai' o; is.-u.'d f.i-; lh' io;,,:a' v. - rk of d;-'! m (l.''s L'ivnn for d s-orviee. ! I I ' I . ' J. i.ll i I .Pi it ; thru "O'i-O; : Ar.v riean JU !-. ! .k P.-.ve r.e. a-t , ai.d the d'.... i : :. ive I i tbe v :: Tiie i");iiri''';-''!i'i 1 . ' o t lie Uur.; .,. (..p.- erics, as v.av nn-1 Ih.tgi'oi.- WiS Wl.U.Iil' il 'r. ( ,: a 1 1 ' Milt. SiP'l lb? ; 'i'-.l in ih v ; ! n . .. . i. Hi (..-; mi o! I ! b. ru!.' cr ''' ff-t.- ti::' uc!i ;. -!. ' a -. Sab;! Is-.'.:. ; riv'in . u! a' .:;. '. d!d I'.ut. tiark I P (LP -'Hi i. Sill h'.v.bt it vtr ' i ev ; , ,i : !''i.m aial 'P'.vii :.,;:' r. .iU"-l tle.-ns." - i'av ib,: ".!:.:!.' , '' .! t n (4. v;l. v Per a . ., : '.'.it. i 'rr.a.'li f::-u!.tor !.-,! an ,vt ' th e in sy.' 1 p ' ! ' Tu.;'i;'t r f 'V ti'.e v. m't'e,- .f si p'aicc pi , !a d (! -ci ! sidvev-elv d ;" in.:; .".It! nttor.. loi' i commi -a i'.ri pas.-,:,.. E- ii l!" .; ; n iKd'uie the ':", 1 5 un'li i i.'.Ker. I i r"- ("Uist-ti"! i m ''dm- v.nv v, b'-. -i vi operal ion.. ' Id v:-:v L-i k "sa '" I l,e.-.ilf,V : i (.! N .'m I w h i i r i P . o --pv ; ' i ' 1 1 ' iinul part, i'i pd'.ee"; g or" ' '.. ! -i. 'pi I. t.-r'..."t si ' ..' ''"h.hPh, )(nd the Kev Bihlue ' I'ewaiiSic, which -.vi!1 cot !," lat'er stiuitlire. V. iii'Mt. t.rm'ticii! ptu .ro:- s s tin , ,i " i conn'.-'n in-.' o-'O v- ' 'b'",';riia sthur ! inisxf;. by rorni h i -i bi en de-(:r:g:fl"(-r "!i- tie; commis.-io.i 'n.-u--rt"l idle within the limits "i.tikn mad" bv Congress. not tin: plan of tbe comnils f t'.tie aits to force the growth N'ii'ionul Ca.iital, or to'rec d the -xperu!itu:"' of large f money to beautify it. Rather i i.. Io (iii-cct its natural ' ' i !ii(,ng approvii! line!"' of MX- di'elopmePt and architect- i'.iat the people of Ihe United i o i v rightfully take the same m d that the Italian list a in tiie i'lencliman has in Paris. " F.ngli:;hnt!Ui takes in the mair-:-' tuildhigs of Londun. ', in'i'ii.rii iii'im In ofT'ioial life 'ii.it the line ai-t-i commission ' reunion of former sohners h i inception in thrt World';? .",0th division. Col. Holmes d ian Exposition in Chicago in j president, announced today. AM)ARD FOR i&i flllKMff STB I WH3TS Tfl . MflUF'lBFI PS P! iTiWUfiF. WMmm M ;j at Work on Plans to Improve Archi- Buildings and Even Buttons Former Men Wear -To Place Simple But Maun. P 'd3, whore tin- architecture of the iand- The WrL: .-:( i'' UmpMruvy InP mi, r.gs. and tlu .oape sum water eti'tvtu e.S)t.iiUl vc-r' fer in advar.ee of ar.vihiiur evi- ten ir thi.; eoiiiitrv uo io tha; ti.i,;. I'-u'r n'''a, ifflii'iinir Saint ft-iuncus Vs1a !;iv' out th-' vor'-d's f .lr e.rovaid;. wt-ie in IDiM named hv ti.e .-eviiLo to di'i.w i, a a nl-Mi i;v ,tlie : viopuH-r.t of AVradiMiritor.. Maav of t'e)r i'tvp':::r'-V i'ltiens wlv.cli nin (ivi year:; aao ?eeaieU ". '.-.i.iiwsi'v have ''me to f rail :n, :vu in 1 ;M 0 the eoia- m -'-a. u t in.e an, war, crea'.-sv- hv t el' erauv . " '5'ie t'-'iiitni.-Js'o-i nv.'.ii':.. . : ;, ..i,. :;-'r. ,vd bv (he ies)di ;it ha ; t .M'r.i el f..a;" yi :ui-. aid Clcu'le-? Aiatire, ore ot' L!:e v. -i tc eoinrai.'-siorn-r-A t::;;ned by 5 'i-;-ilor-. ; Tri't. '-as serve ;:: !i:;:i in.1 in idnee UM.";. its r r?on- lie 'e.'v'V ia-l'jde.i four .ivchiUei-? Vi, re pip. io ov.e :-eu'aiii-e.'r"ir.i'or ot!i.ier J: -,r.i . IV !i " A-""oi'iated Pro? ; I.'.r.t' p, April (Icv'i'.nny h:-.-; ' :?. :(pcai'i!:v" of pro pa ring ti.fi .i' jl 'Vie. f :! vr. t!i; IViily Mail's i,--! i -irnv cori e.;prn'lei:t. Tbe alRt'e-; trr.ii. i ;:'. in eanm at Mam-er vbore th'W have h I'.av. , ;-a's the story. ,t-d ill ' kills:.-; WEST liKKORV II()V(!? Wil l, POK SlVI'il MONTH Pirst Cradv Clarence Autor. L. P. overrc;.. und (,'ook, Kf-d Iiti'.Vm:ia, M!.rgan Mo pe a' jimpl" i O.-r.-d'i, Yat.:'a ,,.-, Mibd Cru.v a ii.::-iirr: j vttie Viyv., Kebn ( 'odv, Vi-gio Burns. arts f..ni!U'-! 'if,; nd i !: e. le -Be n . Oi'atn, Kllen ... ... ... . :.--: I ienfieso, .h.h i v (ii'iuii!. Muy oa-.-e i.. I i.,,i ,. in rodv T. V "': ,r '.,,.;! f.'.-r 1'rc'l Fnlhrip-l't. W i b mena Hct 'urns, th;, ngarner, . appK-y, Pr-as Third (P'rl I'i. Kathe: la-.: P i!. Ks' : .a 1: ..- - v ' e :: 'VP, Mra Path aara lb' avi: :!'.. Opal 'i-v.. '.! :ca'm j'ar '. !.: uh?!i l'3ka?-d. !"';i Ad'i'e Ramsey, An- '.;;t; : !' f'urn. Miblre ! V: b. :es, SePrt Hick: r. . - aim Ekarrb -Di.-ugiai; Perkins, rv Leo Shi.m, NT.ra ; Ib-iil, Tnct;t SlU'M P !V. ' , I . v ' .v.de--Pavid Cody. :-.!c -An1 v:. awn. Annie ;,lae Khoo!;. Rath mm iss !v the Associated- Press A.): hhrrfen. A- -"il 16.--Tb" era- : laves ;d the nAomac varus, Known r-3 the f fre ight gateway to the -oafb " v.-h! ver.l on strike v' stcrdav ior P:.' s. -rand time m tour days, r.i-iu'.'-c I work liy'.iy afcer a e.- r.P .' euce with i'bon le-dm's. Sv;iteiing erevv.;- at th- Ectiirtcr. yaul-t of 1he I'.r.pin.'.iv and Ohio rail-O;'-.!, who v;il''d out .ves-i-rd.;'V, a!?6 returned to wor!c. HE .Ml 'ST RESIGN .1 OB TO KEN FOR AUDITOR Va-h'.rgton, April 16 --W. T Wntu'ih-v. tf the New Bern revenue P: ion', serving unler Collector 's. ; v, erunot run i:r for sfu.e -! "'-. wit'aout resigning his le t- (i-'ii !.-it Tliis is the ruling ot th" commis-1 '.!!. r ;f internal revenue, who1 - ...... . FORE Han .stated that this i in line with f r-; Has two daily papers, some . dav i - r tuiings j ha no collector or dep-; coming out ?mll. or minus a sneet. ; uty may run for a political ofliec. owing io a shortage cf print paper, i-.'i-. Woodlev, through . Senator Sim- j The country roads and farms .are : ivi.inst ;i.'!;e(l for SI TU ling. He hoped hei..ii ia5(i 0ut in squares, ca.lled sections ' ''1'--'-1 , n;'! ViVo'eo-'bl get h-avo of absence for " ,.-w bndiro be as t.t.rt ctioe 1 , ,f.nTltimc,. ' 4. L - - - - - . , PflV Piii FI THIRTIETH 111 ! By the ARSoci.it (.-(I press Greenville, S. C April 16.-Ihe execution committee of the Old Ilick .ciy Association will meet tonight at Atsheville to lay plans tor tne. secoiio fit we Springs. -m! PfifiTSinrn nu ! to no hp niiriv ! nnrnn.irnr r 5w ; tail 11 uftr uno HI ! M U rn UBtfl i a iHY KAliJUIAt LAK K ! nmnrpc- . i iiroipi- Riiqwcn l - One ot the biggest stills in this section and ?ie of the most active j Washington, April H. Mexico blockadcrs were run into iate yes-j has asked permission from the L'nit terday afternoon y De.pulv Sherht pA States to move truops through the ; Kenned? and Deputy Collector fCniled States to attach the rebel P. P. Jones. The stiii. which was : forces in Sonova from the north. tarni:-- out liquor nt a rapid rale wixs destniyed tturetb.er with six iral 'ous of i-ora tumor. Tiu operator beat it over the hilts rai l c-seaoed. The oilieers left here about 4 o'cloei; !nd -erc back at 0:40. They found I the plant in operation at a point be ! tv,'..cri Iiakev.-5 ilountain and the or- phanar'e. It was in a sort of swamp laud they ;:); e'ose to the man before I h" saw irem. Then he iv.: the ''an ; Kir.,-; siyiit and moved ove. tiie bills uri iiij win$'s ot ileicurv. ! -w r. hi nT,0..iw said the si ill was ;uaki:i:r ike staf: vapId'V. la 15 niin ! Uteri it ran out a half uallon of r.vict ani v.e.:; Iinowii as a '.O-yalion at j i'i". ir. Ji of copper. The outfit, I af't-r beiii.u- denalured. was Lroajtrht io Kickojy and is on disp'.y at ' .'ir. Kennedy'.-i plate of business. V,y the Assneiated Press f.:i' ii;. I lava s Agency, coun' ry the gene rai federal ion rk on jkav 1 for ire purpose of 'bringing about the rcr.uin niton of relations with soviet i:us;ia and naticnuiizadon of inaus-L-ies." lii.MNMEX KILLED IX , SOUTHERN TRAIN" SMASH Athmta, A pril H'. --Two trainmen v re k"'..ed and i r.uuiber of passcn gf rs shaken up and bruised in a tvivek of Southern passenger train No. 2 4 sit Ki'.enwoed. near here yes tevdav. T !ic men killed wire John A. Acree, -15. eaginec;, and Ii. E. Cain fireman, both of Atlanta- They -,vrc crushed under their engim ,vhi:h turned over. Several cars also vre it railed!. The caa-e laid not .. ea leti rm'r'ftd Inst night. mm Kumz Lv tlic Associated Press Washington. April l(i. Whitehead Klutz, et Salisbto-y, N. C. was nom-bi-alod bv President Wilson today .to memter.-iiip on the board of media tion and e-ncilb.-tton. succeeding W. (h IPmgar. who has been made a member of the. railroad hibor board DP. FLOWERS LaV.ohnd. Vi-4, IN FLORIDA. April 12 This -'cticn is bavin :' its cariosity sirous- .--r the caoture ot a strange am- I 4 ft i J 1 " .. .1 mat in a grave vara, auct us un ru .'..te-e'V to rob- a grave it was caught bv a stre! trap. It is here on exhibi tion and bafTivs the o'.d nirvrodf. no cue Ixung able to name it. I saw it ui A i'i '-ive a brief description: , ,-Urty orown color, body covered v.ilh hrt wool, long slim .body, slirn ,-cs. standing about the heigiiv oi a saudl bird dog, song slim neck, nar row head, small ears, long slim nose v.-.i-'J 1 1 .-1 i. VPL-.i 1") ii'v. u live. ...t ion-r ohio.aium tail and hafJ i,,r - .i. 1 ?. vjvp c'aw". It wui !'at noining u-Ar( mesii. it' h . ht c?.ccp: to a ca docile Siiows r." ."W;Vi ;i :: r.es a specioliv b?d odor. V.b."t is i; : No Iske-" To -mo friends who wonder ovhero 1 am, will soy: Have been in this place three weeks. Like it better than either of seven cities I have sfopnod in for a week or more each. Thi? is a town of 7.000. composed of Pikes, as its name implies, and t hurche.s. Good social people, full of hospitality, possibly because such a k:rgo percent of its population are from -other states Texas, Tenncs- ; s Ci Georgia. North and South Cave lina. Orange and grape fruit are tne i j,aving crops iniew -'i4 i-iiHisnr. rnnnine- and !.,,. or,fn ' . ..- rnt. 0f the crop yet cn tn? srro.es. inu ,.0 v.-as. Overcrowded with tourists. 30!of io. 40. 160, 610 acres, and this :(kuA ,,.tv nid to have more I i 1 . i I n.mn i ' ,r T-t lnr t"0"u voaus tiiii ttii.v i- - "'iv' j-ii-Ja. Asphalt from town to town, lined with orange and grape fruit groves. Some -yell, yet with the rinc frni1-. for the want cf more help to nick and pack, three larere packing houses, where girls, all white labor, make from 5 to $3 per day. The wear overall crusade to beat the high cost of clothing is srowine here and at Tampa and Jacksonville and are well organized. rp.t -i nni7 f the Record occa sionally that reads like a letter from home. Success to the municipal build ing. I will turn my nose toward North Carolina when the weather eets a little warmer. G. E. FLOWERS. rr .w r, i -h m ni s rw, n m a t iriitiibiiiifidii Mi 1 HSMeiE: ! nil ii! mmmm I ! y.l i KSSWS ft 9 lie iM I B S 8 I B B BK3 V fl - By the Associated Tress In makin.a: known today that Mex ico had reauested permission to move troops through Texas and' Arb our., the stuto ueparunc-nr. satd na i the United States ws under ;ress- v:re from Mexico. In seme cases 'per mission has been granted the Mexi can government to move troe.p-j ihrouKh the United States. By the Associated Press Paris. .April lf. The danger of a new umisimv against the 'Ebcrt gov-rr-nc:it in Ue;'inanv has parsed for '.he time being, oco-iding to disp.;te;i e:. i.-on; Berlin.. K::tra ordinary measuroj aie , si!;' heir:g taken hovevc-r. the oispa.cho:. ;av. S-S5.--? A?,1F.!?ICAX-FRKXCn CLAUSE PiU:SEXTED TO SCHOOL In beha1? cf the American legion r.P-. Jos. L. Murphy this morning presented to the Rtud.cn cr, of th1. North sciiool the plan 'for an Amer-ican-Freuch memorial to commem orai.'e the second battle of the -.iVl arne Th(- plan, which is endorsed by the legion, is for each family in the siate fo contribute one cent per mernber ami the contributions in Hickory -via lorwsire.eu to nyiuiMuai i.er.s. : ; 7 1 r t . .1 i 7.. . . 1 - . No l:ugc sahscriptions arc do:.:ired. n;;t ir is hoped thav verv ramilv m Ihe i-oor.tv will send a penny xt eah mein'bfr.. PALMER IS ASKED TO PRO EE PAPER SITUATION Wasrington. April 18. Attorney Genera Palmer would be directed by a1 resolution introduced yesterday bv Representative Christophorhon. 'a'erabheam South Dakota.., io conduct .- "sweeping and thorough" i-westi-raito? into the ilianui'aeture, sele r:td' distribution of mint paper and 'to institute criiifinal proceedings against ail who have violated the ;aw cr who are guilty of profiteer ing- ' IE 11 is mm service Rev. Mr. McLecn. pastor of First Presbvterian church, Morganton, N. C, vill preach at the First Presbv terian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. McLean served as chap- a in in Ihe A. E. P. . was in the f rone ; line trenches. The Presbyterian cbu'eh !sas invited the American P--gon to -be presentat this service. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Willard attend ed presovferv in Newton vesttfreay . la...-3-ES 2 TOWNS INCORPORATED IN BURSE THIS WEEK 16. Burke I Morzonlcn, April j county boasts tbe incorporation this 1 week of two towns -Valdese and 1 Conn'eliy Springs. The town ci Vc-i ! dc-e has iusf been granted a charter' !li7 Ihe North Carolina mumcipa' . - ".-"' ----- oomtea ey tne noara sue i I G.-irreu. mayor, and Lcuis B--kanous - . . ,T .-, i T T. T1 . ..X Jehu ianig, ttcnrv i-;0'.. j. t . ivoklhu end J. rl. Brinkle.v , commissioners. Tbe new o facers wore svvora in last Fridnv and the nev town is now fully - rgiiniaetL An election fcr thb s'.tc cessors of the officers appointed will be held on May 3. The town of Val dese already has a population of E 500 and the real estate in the town will have an assessed valuation of fa bout $1,000,000. The officials at C' nnellv Snrhigs have not yet been sworn in but re'e cmmerulationn are W. T. McGaillard -i 1 - TT-1 A 1 . . v-' h, a I i,t , i i txr t -I-.. L. racoaiiiaia anu . o. iuit. Markets COTTON. Bv the Associated Press New York, April d('- The cotton market was active and excited at the opening today. First prices were steady at an advance of seven to 23 points and the buying movement developed rapidly after the call on the weather" report, indicating rain from Arkansas eastward; May and July sold about 40 to 58 points above last night's closing figures ' Weather For North Carolina: Showers and thunderstorms probably tonight and Saturday. Somewhat warmer in the intesicn tonight, fresh south winds with squalls- INKER SF III MMMM . ISSilEli! Bv the Associated Press New Bern, N. C, April 1G. Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the wireless station on Feever's Isl and, near Beaufort, early this mora ine". The blaxe had gained consider eb;e headway when discovered and it was impossible to save the buiktfnsr and its contents. The plant, owned by the roverninent. was valued at thousands of dollars. hits ii m By the Associated Press j ; Raleigh, April 16. Th- death sen- New Tor:;, April ! 6. Revival of I tenco of Aaron Oisemra;. onvictfii the lost art of walking upstairs was i ot the murder of Dr. E. A. forced, upon thousands of reluctant Wen Alpine, burke coun;-.-. v. New ' Yorkers by a strike of union I today commuted to SO vear, ::. ; e elevator operators- The union claims ! state Trnson. In granting com v.; a tn a membcrsMo of 17.000. The opera-! tation, the governor stated he could tors who voted last night to strike!11"1 aii,w 3 . ,nian to bc ycntej u?d not report for work'todav. ! where tne evntence was so conflicting -SS-M- o- MliEl.IL' DIES II IlIIIE Py the Associate;! Press Esltimore, April 10. Tivoo Yailb. chairman of the Jjoard f di- r . . -rcetors ot try American T k-pbone Company, died at Te1egry?h Johns Hopkins hospital this morninsr of n complication of cardiac a ad sid :.ey troubles. Mr. N. Vail was 1 : rough t here from Jekvl Island, Ga,. p.k'c Sunday in his private car- At the hospital it was stated that bis condi tion was serious and his death was not unexpected fo physicians. Mr. Vail retired as president .of the . American Telephone and Jde gsaph . Coimpany and became chair man of the board. -i.---5- The Catawba' Sweet Potato Grow-1 ers Association will start a car of potatoes tomorrow tor Cincinnati Manager Enloe Voder announced to day- There is- no embargo on the product fro?a here to the Ohio city. Ii IE KILLED Ey the. Associated Press Mobile, Ala-, April 16. Passenger trains JMos. 2 and " of the liouisville j vnd Nashvil'e crashed hend-cn twol0 i y a miios north of B::,v Minnette, Ala.. st;'je- o-'clock this m-'irniiig. s wo .'' : "'..:-:- . i'..-s- -. . killed , a - nesvo iiuc in the wreck. The .h-a.i . Engineer John G- Spt ."-i!. op Mr.: -gome"y; I, A. (Jalver itynigoni ery. express messenger; a negro norter of Montp:omer;r missing, be lieved to be bnried under the wreck age. MISS ROSEBROUGIPo FUNERAL TOMORROW The funeral of Miss Fannie Rose - lv om'h, whose death occurred ves- tcrdav afterneon. wiU be hoki from fhe First Presbyterian church to-; er came down to pitching baveball morrow morning at 11 o'clock. Rev.' again. The Rutherford team was Dr. E. M. Craig, will conduct the again shut out in the tenth which gave service:. 'the game to Lenoir 7 to' 4.. Miss Rcscbrough, who was one of! Score by innings: Hickory's best women, was a gentle; " . R H E Christian character and her death j Lentm- 000 020 011 3 7 IP, 3 ras caused protouna sorrow among J host- of fiiends. Her death was due to burns received early in. March at the home of her sister. Miss Mary Rosebrough. The pall bearers will be Messrs. ,1. ! A. Martin, Walker Lyerlv, Geo. N. Hutton. Geo. Hall and Drs. W. . iCamsav and P. W. Th'outman. -.-. FOUND SPtT CASE By the Associated fdress. Steubenville, Ohio, April 16. A-suit easecontainhrg a bloodspattered shirt and blood-stained handkerchief alleged to belong to Harry Miller, confessed slayer of little Francis South, of Aden- na, was found in the West viigm.a; hills Iastnight. MORE PHIilEi Ii 1IEI SHE aeinT6iSW hanger strike is reported to have been in Mount Joy prison. The political Trisoners both convicted and uncon- victed in the prison, refused to eat last night. " In Meantime Strike Situation Shows Improve ment Throughout 'Country LWoh't Consider Cases of Strikers First How Conditions t.j; Look At Various Points J;fff mm si bliftnlB ! ! ! and wnere two judges oi the supreme court tnougnt he snoum Pave a new iris-. About six years ago in the Village of Glen Alpine Bnrke cormtv thr'-e "as a 1-daody battle in which Dr. HennsKoc killed a Pitts hoy. "r. 'us trial Dr. I'ennsesee was acuuifff-d. On lee j d.cht o- Januarv .t; iyI7. Dr. Hennes- war. .dtot and i:i'!:i as! he stepped i en., a train ano t"--i Pitt hvoih-vr .v-.-o tried end arniiit-! ted. Subse. :;, Wiseman was av- rt .stcd a.ul ; h i trial was mocd to Cleveland eunt.', vhl"-' Wiseman "as c-onvicted- Two of th" judr tfee sunrenie court' disr.ent.--d. - WiseYnati should lis-, e ., trial. YeArerdav afternoon m a very excit iq jnmr,rr rrame 0f baseball Lenoir College defeated Rutherford College 17 to The g.nne was by no means I featurelcrs. a:- the Lo i-.-i"" qu" . had ; vs : ;.: "-a.' ia.ial star ;. j ;-iv,.- jb.-:b : . :ig car . Put the -: -u:.d the a;.---. Fewness l'o s were rder and : mo:- v ors m ade bv h 'b, made th-j game very .close. Tils; Raihcrford team took ! the lead in the third inning when Little was. Knocked out of the box: Bcnhelcl was pushed into his place and pitched ree'iila: college baseball in rn id-season form to the end of the game. In th-p eighth inning Lenoir tied the score U i o o. In the last half cf the eighth Rutherford scored an ther run placing them one run in tne se'am. in tne nir.to inning vrtn tw: n: en down Linn !'- Lenoir gut! si base. P.- ibo"-. display ' J hi? led ere of the i:::uj. by stalin sec- i !. third, and uomp, ocrin-j. the ty ing run. In f!ie ten tli inning the winning run was made by Sox after he had been 'advanced by hard hitting to third, : base. Rudisiil for Lenoir who had made two singles and a double came - to tne oat, anu arovc our uie inn i three bases, bringing home another ! run and clinching the. game for Lenoir. Another run was scored Py tne i.e- , no?r team before the Eutbertord pitch- j !,,.?,., i (hx OOO 010 0 4 0 6 i au ;oi!0l: w.i A;u" - ford College r ga -- tomorrow oiternoon r7-: t :.. ,:i T,.4U,.-.. at 3:30 cn the h-md r College diame We want the far Bi.-ko'T to cr cut and see anoti.-.-r ,d ha? game The game f-;Ptrdai g: promise to be a reas ; ball t,"T.' me out and enjoy it. LOc.n Chicago Daily Nov.'-. One rmeralist wants automobiles abolished because the:, contribute to j delinquency, keep people from church and are used by bandits. .'e-ye we should aboush water, too, re Knrdav and u,c .v for canoe flirtations. A MINISTERS' EARNINGS New- York Wknid. Owine to the, high cost of living, Rev Ellis M. Sipperley of Canopus, pastor of three Methodist churches in Put man county, has given up itreach ! ins- and has taken up a trade in Peek- skill. Mr. Sipperley frurd his sal ary of $300 a year for preaching at the Methodic.?; churches in' ; .nopus, IFIKlSFIil ! FBflM RIITHFRniiin1, s imm uu i nun on gate to care for is family. He has (taken a ob uPmg pearls. . "Ho earns much more.mcney said Mrs. Sipperley. He expects to fijl pulpits for Peekskill ministers when j they go on their vacations. TAKEN DP BOARD ! L'y the Assocatsd Press, i Washington, April 16. The railroad labor board perfected its organization here tod-sy f electing Henry Hunt, lormer mavu,- of Cincinnati, as c' ar - n, and G. Wallace W. Hang. cf . -s city as secret;:"-, Botv :r- .. n ? of the public .v' aip. e wage disp:-: as it ..od with oreaking up o' ihe bi-pai-tizan cei.itrence two4 v "ks ago will be con sidered by the board. Py the Associated Press. Washington, April 16- Wage de apds of th- 2.OJ0.000 railroad ent P1!y?es of the country were taken un by the new!?. -appointed labor board which today ' held its first session st ihe lailrosd administration with sev eral mem;er? absent. The absent representatives are ex pected to arrive later in the dav. Both admlr.istra i ion and railroad ofiieials believe the prompt assemb- ling of the board wovdd do much to i bring the strike to ar end. ; At the railroad adn-migration it ; was said that the dents, " ds of the strikers woe1', not be nven prefer- ' -e over otner employes; that the :- e quesi i m of all railroad men wv.-'dd be considercd- oIJL.T'IN EiTTtK. By the As.: oiatod Press New York, April 16- Indications that the unauthorized rail strike wre near an end in this citv were ,f noi aved today by le Big Four . ' ';: aerhood ofhehds. They sail the liirr aum of the managers giving : the i-.e ". titil tomorrow noon to recura to work wa.: a o-.-v blow. A -rradual improveirr-nt in the transportation situation was report ed tod i. - BO VRD IN SESSION. - the Associated Press . Wasbincten, Ar- 16. The newly-appoi.; ed ndh..: d iabor board which is to -onbUr immediately the wage deniands-ef ihe railroad men. Iiekl its first mooting today. The public group had two representa tives, the railroad brotherhoods ona sm.d the maoogers three. CINCINNATI JET. or ; h: Ass.aciated Press Cinciiinatl, Apnl 16. Ciiiciniiat industry felt the first ser'ous injur of the railroad switchmen's "vaca tion" when the Proctor & Gamble Ccmnpny suspended operations for lack of materials. Hundreds of em ployes were idle. Ev the Associated Press Columbus. Refusal cf the rail road managers to recognize the lo cal yardmen he fo.lov.-r.tr presen tation of a set of demands left the Columbus vsil -t;ke - changed, no movement f ' .nking switchmen . back t v.-rK ' h'Jvz noted. Fv the Associated Press. "Rock;-- Mount, N. C, April 16. An overall dub with a membership es timated at 500 was organized here yesterday. The members of ti club are from all walsk of life, including imkroad workers, high school boys and others. High school students ; appeared to-day in denims, l - J FURMAN IN LINE : the Associated Press. Greenville, S. C. A pril 'P . - -The fac d'y and student. i;-..dy of Furman Uni-VLi-cdty by unanimous voa; decided to- aay to begin the wearing of overalls Monday. OVERALLS MORE POPULAR ' Ey the Associated IrefcC. Birmingham, A.pril 16. The lowly overall today supplanted the "qftich back" in Birmingham. City commissioners functioned in denim; judges applied the law in the same uniform; bankers, lawyers, mer chants wore their. NOTICE OF MEETING There will be a meeting of the. temporary organization cf the Hick-" cry Underwriters Association at the First Euildbig and Loan office at 8 o'clock for the purpose of forming: a ! 'irmanert organization All insur ance men are urged t be present. L. C. BERRY. Temporary President. Rev. S. B. Stroun has gone to Ashwi!!e to attend a meeting of the missionary committee of the. diocese. I He will return for the services to morrow, i i nrimni n miiuT in mm mm a IN OVERALL

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