VOL V. WO. 136 HICKORY, N. C, SATURDAY "EVEN! KG, .APRIL 17, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS . ,i AD STRIKE i N H H Luuli Ml LI i ItiMSIMIWflMWMMIMiflMtiiniiai r ifc I ia intn j I VI In 81 K ill 1 &m m W i w w m M Wm W 'ur -aarf HUB rutfli - m m m a w W a B tmw fiazii fKSS Srfcj AS P0LT1CA TO AN END i ,i These Terms Goes Back io Famous Ca ; , Who Used Them Effectively -Young (ii'k t of Cougicai Causes Old Fellows to Lock Up Hiiiory (Jrn Maun, i b- W.i luagion t oe in i '.. it u. Soei - ! - ,.:' other ri: , ai'e.'.khutiog i;i the ! . i!:. v win u a i : be )'..' v.'.'tn' d ' ,11 ui' ! !'f ii. ' ef l ho i 11 i!:,' Ai v as i em- : ; pi: r, , m- . of i h i.i co.; . ran v.i . : !i'ii . of i ho ' ', ' IC.ttUi'' x .v.v al , v " t . i vj:i";( r p. : i ::; a I. bid . , !;'' i' ',!('! 1 1 li :i, '.a r, i. ; U.i'; P.) iM.d , why it uri. '.'..: l".i. j ! , a:':. Id Lilt i iif ,!U do.. '1 ill At' iii' fi b'g :.vi' it ei eu d..eV V.V 1 ii'., i it SI'. e;i . it i.ii - I lie i.vi: : wit )r. Saa.la 'CI' c New ' :a""" ef .lie 1 Uilil'- Si,"" . . r.i i. . i. I I V'M.I ii 1 bv ,J. .! '.(:! a ui""."':r- pi .' e r"S p'"..ii,.s, re Kr Un Noveiu'.i'..' r .I en r o-.'li in ..n eliM'h.'ir.t. publican party, w- I'ieu i n si n ag; !; : no :.i pu'.i ' .i thvii ( (irant. b. di;:nt. . later V c. Nc t i .u ftrsi Oi pictlug ...d'ler.t of the ei :iu-'-' 'f the vac : lain lied i liii'g.o .- ': ll'irrer ;" - b; '.mi en the fable i '" e.i ;ul lion- "t o" i b" ( h.p'H rb'.'ad "li here ihe f , Stanton, v. bo ! ,i- cari eon - 'el'"' C-' t t ii : O: WiS h- .tca , i io'-rc if Jill ' . IT1 i'Ml l. 1 1 U"e of the f-'-a'tife.' th'lt li'i.iC.i p .'ran ,f !' pianhs fit.-ra ri. '. wiiich da -S !l" '! 'i to i '-.'to '. ' arh oi!. wc '.I' r a .Ml iru 1 1 .iO c i i , ; o . 11 .1 e i i e b.. r. tn 1 1 1 !i. .,' lb" ihv.-.o !' ' pictlll ed ii: .b!e peblic i. !!! .a! v .ii -' uvo a" i "ou i" e. 'il pri la" , .iD'V u;t .:: i 'iiV, io-. b, . ,a .- of t be a r.c 1 o.r.'Vr ; la in ::s. :is )e pO'i .' i t i nv. m i h. i . - a i l.i- fab :! u! t he in - I iawa -' oiib'ering d the. oi ie-' t heirs :.".d vca ' !o: s.ee t epd" of tiie rid: can rogbver ,M. 1. 1 1 !;s v. ii n Hit liur!i.:i ' n i.e. ivy. . ' . .".oo'i in which. Mr. ,1 )',... ,1. ,,!,, .. ...I iv. : C" f...uou-t rartoonist. Berry-; -..ng Ms, L; van standing on' , t ii. on.:. i.... i l'-H ' . U . l H ' III" M ' 'II I' kHIti Vt.V ' i " ,ifig io tni.';e the oro'est rooet atje d iiikev drink, hav- a i: then, bv a bulb'.. Mr.ie.l or s"t oil s:nce tnat time, so that was it Washington at 'their ,,rese!it pnpuhdion can not bo eaiioip was tHiblished. 1 'corn pared with that of 20 years .ago; lb 1 1 v r I bi Mr. it. i,e i r.:iv jmd "!'-; f ri ;i rmnan b-y.toi delrrat t ;n Iron r I v, ith tl ei ieuuil dr w Hi'.'. : cm toons of hi ei '". !:ich a:o ) nut I if an. I wliieb b cithc ; e :!,(jd uaiurcd r: Ht-rv. Iveijiirded a.- U eopt n. B:e political :inrai--ris rf sur '" years, fl.flv!n : th- eat: 're .' 'dr. N'ast. the crr'aou h i 1 '''".'.u rded as a potv afn' p-)li'ic.d : ; 'i, and the use of p has grown ' cartoons were effective iti ''bur: up the notoricu Tweed e:id had far-neudiiru (feet in eaoirinigns, political, state and l"i!l m:iI. " of the most effective cartoon-1 have been other contributing causes. i' (he present generation was Owing to the change in the date of tako noip't and every one rein' mbers ing the census the interval between the 1 depicted Mark Harm?, in hi? jWnsus of 1910 and that 'of 1920 was ' f dollar-mark clothing during .Uir,.-!.. hv .ib.nf. two months than the - v.'h'. n tmit getuteivian vs? ""' oi'i at Republicaoi loader and l,,;i,i;i-or. fp after years. Mr. Harina I"'1 .'b, Dive:i!iarf became .'ood ''"'ib and Air. ILtnna would fre ' ' r' iaugli over some of his ,! ' !h former picturinir of hinvelf aae. ,,,,, i,,i l.iUf.i.l.r ' llll- 11.111 UU .FtV.V... ' ,i; b at the time.' 1 b. oib-rc' Roosevelt va: probably mas; extensively "cartooned" li.Ji a v.'.'fd I'iiu b ' IH.t UKI ' !'..! t:V'V V .!''. lirit'V. ! PUS !::.' a. i.l : 'v :'.;:( ivk-.il. i!t', leo. i,a 1 ; ) .""m' oi' n ...., aivi kii"'.v bow f I 'al.- mii! ui'.c in ll'c rouu'h sy.srt uf ! I' 'tin-;' riil lit- 'iisin!'; vo sroo.' ; ;.)P ticnl t;arl :. iMAvadav:? t!.- o yiu- :. "I : civ Pj tb;dr !;:il i-oard ' i ,).: i a;-," 'l . ,i viii'p,'. a,-.,! i ae of is the t be lit'.iv : iiUit-ardin,!' i i' as rv e.r tli.' V.'itM f:i '!o(.lV, iv o :p isitioa. 'i'bev tbt v.pv.! e!::.;-r.n). bat a.' 1 hev e)::!i!';i r.iiae id'-'.r.ent -t hu- Pi:'ih . it ieudl'iv ; a chuckle a: tia- vie tiis.'s i;n'',(. li.ev i-'t'i.ioiii ! ad in .'il'-'.-.i co'..:;vi.:e-:jr( hi the :.i !i ; r;'.ii!;j;:imi t!u maie:-ti" f :i a lid tin lit'e donkey sviav e ,-;( ;rd to do Veomaa :ar- ', e i : caeii of : !i,- aai'l ie:. I'.y fa-' 'v.,: ',' i;u' (1 l'r.-s . v a-hhigioi-. Are il 17 T!r '. hi' ; !rg 'peard.'.-'- n;oti"n to disjaiss the of William naldolpli Hears t. i m, the sab- of t!') former dor mart 'iiiers was dismissed tod. iv hy t'e i; t e'et supreme court. T'-" couv i.n ie'. -uned .Mr. Hearst's vlglit as a ;:.:; i . ; to st.- the side, WITH Mi:S KSSFX Ti'e Prilathea Class o. the First I!ar.ti:-.t church he'd a mo,t delightful lui.-inr-s and social meeting luut night with Mrs. A. J. K:sex with Mis. J. ri'h'-tt "s as-ecir.te bot"ss. Nine teen members ".ere present. A very gi'atifving report. wa: gi'en bv Mrs. L 11. Y.Ui.'ti.' bo with Miss raptela. . v tilt V!v i- ' r'i" 1 rlteek. err.,;-'d .in V'.-. ter . rent to . . ) T 4 ... 'I ..... -. S. ....... 1 tw.inty w.no i- i at -1 - i i".- .v.... i ado. lied hy the . ; a. reve'e.! months lr. a ::: ,.rt :'. bu -mess mat tea ; t.iM.:, ' I-...- , . aaii ta e)i;- : a ,:iu. i i. i p--i: tie ' i. ".; up ;s the iv.;.; . cioi king la ". !v .o..svidf' eke..: is caiin!',' o a i.-tit-g of e-..d by the s re Mrs II. Lulx and Mi-s ; r ; h:' ; -. r i y. ('.". ' (i. 'fucker, new mmvigei' " ; '! ' . .-mil -ttrtce. a special liieh:- hi I'l i'nuv. He cono-s bore i . ii- .Ml.! .p. Augusta G-r., and Ut 'I m hi '- r. w rork with Vi. u ier l as heeir"!! the 'i e :i. ami ier i i A f-r (hie." deputy imfs .'!;. 1 bu ,-.iiihi i!: di-trict of Gemgio. P!':!-:Ci:NT.' i.NCl'Jh'AK hi' tie ten, A-.ri! Id.- Sari 1 . F-"-Tar Hrd b. cf the ,'"' . r.'-i;:' ihe b" '.(; i-i'- ,::;! i. i un marv !.! lo-oo per.-t idago i'i ".rase; h."'vn in p ; eii. eit ics .iliea ly i .ihii'at- i-. 'i ids biererre is ;:i avt'va."e .. ;jl.p tut ee-U. ' ."! 'ir:?v ( he pu'-.l F"' ;'vM---. i. "ieas:d !n:migr.!ti :t, hlr. Roi-e:s -s.10)!". sts, may be a p'sioai thy y.vr ce.Ui".''es ai-a 'lu.miiig lower this een--u-. thai) the la----1. Fr to and including April 14 the l ure iu f the census bad iumouneod the I'opulatioii of bit) cities or iowns. the aggi gate popultionoe inese uhie":; bemg 1, ... i he bst ;nebek-- 21 i. aces which, wore noi m - - . . A ., exisieu'e as separate coioimtnu :os as i l. in i n 1. ....r. ... I ........ , .... v r niiCK ;is ioio, m-iving aeon oij.-a.i- l ip as iva.r ; 'izp pi uces com para oie ..... i 1. 1 f;.!'.ires J"-" .-.v ihtblo for the censuses ..f ;v t B'-B ard 1020. The popula ti. p of there places increased from .- r,r in B'Oi to S. Fit), 1X2 m 1010. .(rl to $:;:: I in 1S20. This shows n i.?f reave ' .'ii'(M'! or 2S.4 per cent from 1UC0 to tlJlO and of 1..7K0472 or M.! per cent from 1010 to 1920. C'.ium' "'tirg on the fact that the r orcein. ig" of increase for these cities and tcaei-i was smaller between 1010 and iU20 than it was in the preceding 10 years. Director Rogers said that be 'did' ret consider this surprising in view of the check of imtnigi-ition which re suitedfrom the world war. There may census of 1900 and 1910. The recent epidemic of influenza h?.s probably had some' effect in retarding the natural increase of population. But the most important influence without louht has been the falling off in immi gration. In the last 10 years the fetal iiiim ignition to the United States was about n.l'.Jl.OO as compared with 8,795,0CO between 1900 and 1910. P8IIRI nv. ' ! iginmnr i . . nm nra ' hP P Of i i rP- " i i I H ttmnun i. iliUUIiiL- r Uli duD i , I : - ; . i Willi ?.'.) saddles, bridles. raid, other ecuinmenl in ihe g.oves arniorv :ul Hit- I 13 UO 1 ISSLKM I i' j - . , ;?;'-iS;. t',i; HK-kov 'ttvii i ! ' V-ra:W:11-0'1 tlu' !' a oaiiH'st. z !u men (irul t-verv m.ui.'dnv nPvlu- - i - ,.,.r,ci,L... ! :ib!.- i.iirrcr in wvt-' ;ru!ddlc or M;:v Lieutenant Doraun! !id eit'b: uua-nnmbioiK'd ofacoiv : : ra to Vnvou Cordon, Atlanta, for i scteia! traiain- and it is evKmac! ! J, - :Vpr-i n'"U' v;iLV !UUo J' n- tbut ( hv hzrs -.viil be b.re ,oou af-,!T ,b riverr, oi mtiea p.. tfv'r ( I' rn fro:-u ai"al Jot. at ice i:i reUif;;- I-cbrii- bi;-.ra:idabre,: br.ve been receiv-1 P!'y far'hion , The n'uil rlec"' sc ed i'.::?J cb.eo'd off. but the carbines (, :-'r' ho,d oac'k uie5r sit'l-s bi have not .)! ,(. Pi wh Ti.c nl.it.-,.n. rt'.areh and blKHH:vn-,ed tort!; in Avrii, hrand :-w eoa-.i'iv-at id nticwl w i r. oat iuriiistaj.I rtiuLr bnit-e ! caealr?v. 'i'iie ntatton has 4i 1 wit h a waithui list of sev-I e'-'ai ard the idatoon ivii! be raided io a. full trot y w 1 1; ' i horses just :.r. soon as psnule. i he Hn-korv reserve militia nrob-ithtin a.eV vi!' maifereti out viifnn the ;v: weeks. The rii'es are pack ed for shipa,-nl and LieuU-naat Dow- , me.n '.vr.cte ;o -iie adiutani ueeieial a; i U:i!eig'i t(;day infoi-niing him that he roa Id end an ooicer here to muster ' tl'.e old fellows ;Ui ! i he cavalry of eour.se will need i --. :ne assistance from Hickory :im: ! eouiKv anci this will be rendiiv i i .xlemUcS- I l-Itfll HELD T I im,eral services over the remains of Miss Ikmaje Ivosebi ough, who died Thursday afternoon, were l.t b! tliir. morning at 11 o'clock bv Dr. E. M. , Craig from the Presbyterian church mid interment followed in (Jukwcod i cemetery. . Helati ives who were here to atteiul i the funeral cf Miss Fannie' liose- brough are: Mi.;. J. W. V,"eatliei'!v of Ovecn" boro. Mr. I). 13. Rosebiougb, Mr. II. M. Rosehrou;.:':. Mi. Clarence Ibcso bvough a;l Mis.s Marv ib Ibosebre-u"'!' el" Cleveland; Mi s. M. D. Baiiov, Miss Enr.a Bailey and Mir.r. ' Blanche Bailey of Winston-Salem. Mr. Rob ert Lend of Xew York. Mrs. Will IL Abovnethv of Newton and Mr. Maurice Bailey of Stuart, Va. FUSSEES ME by the Arsocinted Press. Boiiin .Anvil 1. I inancitd and ecoa.omic tidlapse in Gej.a.-inv wiihin v. vee.r if the veopie do not realise their methods of livhur antl reform said Lr. Burth addressing a gather ing he i e. ''if we ciiaoi brine: our linanoir.' noli-cv in line with eonomie r-vinci oh s " he evpiaine i. "1 confess I can ;o' to) y.av out. Another increase in ;:a.i.'S will soon demandeii hv rad re.id workers and i shudder when I com, 'mid -;te the n,-;-i. leioge! . B was pm.eri the budget reig'it he bept dawn to TOJ.OOt'.'iOt) niarics, but it v.bl go to 12.0 )0 OOO.ttOO." lLlWLMM I HI LSI SOLD By ESTATE Pv the Associated Press., " Henderson, N. C April 12. Pur chase frcm the estate of the late P. T. Way of controlling iatertsfin the Gckb "Leaf Publishing Company,' publishers of the enderson. Daily Dispatch and Gold Loaf, is announced today by the Dispatch. R. S. McCcm and dames ii. Young, who already own shares of the com pany's interest,, and Henry A. Dennis, for 'more than live years new editor, w:!ibe the principal owners. GREENSBORO LS NAMED FOR BANK HEAD MEETING, Hot Springs, April 17- Benebam I Cameron, of Stngv-ilie. N. C. last night was ' elected president, and Greensboro, N. C. was selected as be 1921 meeting place of the Bank head National Highway Association, which is hiding its annual conven tion. Other officers ejected are Charles E. McPberrin, Durant. Okla., and Gtoree R- BekUng. Hot -Springs, vice-presidents; J. A. Roundtree, Birmingbm, Ala., secretary, and I eon (b Jones, Talledega. Ala., treas urer. Cbreensbcro was also selected as the 1921 convention city of the Uni ted States Good Roads Association and the two organizations will meet there at the samejlme. CALL MEETING TONIGHT IO. O. F., Hickory Lodge No. 200. Work in the first degree. Every member requested to be present. W ei m Tl;c probable- ..pprouch of an impei- r..i --.-.! .i ir i-,. ..!,. -a. w... .-. - ..... pi. , , t 1 i 1 : j... ;S,tateh Ibeir bald b.'.:ds vvhwi on asks Iht'i for a citation from looal natural - ., . ., : or tb-y pud ;;t tr;f fcrav -d".":-.:. is and :-av. "V'iJ, I rocali- i-'cyjloni see;- to v;Y:r, .ul. ! 1':?cr-1 ;Ui;,i; -("?SJVt; Ki'v- , -V,cvo ,cn.rnr 1 -'at '.u'r ';own t;; thc i.oalv, to jret a crtiil that will in ore -' 1 ca v;netl is:e i:iut ne-ir,fe lonn bettor. 1' ar.r:-rc. have gotten bebi; v;itn ti.P thdr plovring; and the vt rv laey can jret into their ileitis' tht clouds "Oiiio rolib-ov v) and rain "srahl driv. inlo'.;rs. That has been tie his- I f" rv uf this onseasoniibie sprihg. OM inbi-biiant who have been, went to .do-i cbue that the 1 eaves are c;i tnvn by the tenth of May and some there f.e who sny leaves woo';. givr,v after tlA;i d.ite admit that the foliage must iiustie if it ivcs up to expociatiuns ? Las: year, some cf the observant, ones say. '-be leaves ailed out. after May 10, but that was the only time they can re member the phenomenon. They will remember it again this year. Scanning the hevizen early today, mom.' weather observers prophesied a f-n Sunday. The wind blew from the south, but the of her signs were goetl. bast Sunday, as many'- real! with grateful hearts, was beautiful; propably tomorrow will be a :repiiLi:;n ot mat gio-uius day. iei eina i My the Associated Press;. Birmingham, April 17. The botch ova ard wen rem eiub, the wohjen's ..u a diary of the over.Mi ciulo was 'grvP;ed hero today. Members plot: od themselves to weir their obi eh.thie.g until price are reduced. KUIJOPS BELIEF 01 FEBED Rev. V.t R. W. Kegb-y and other Lotiieraa ministers of our city, coun ty an-i western part cf our statej are in meeting touay at iNewton in !,oha!f of a drive for S2.000.000 in augurated by the I 'luted Lutheran Church far help to the needy in Ku rt, pe. Their former drive brought: hundreds of thousands cf dollars above the first amount planned arid t the cail is so great that the grsnd total from both drives wi!i not bo equal to the awfui suffering of the most needy countries. T'if'eon candid.-! tes were initiated ! .'j .;vtav,ba ehapfer Ny. do. iioyal : in Asc'i Masons, at a meeting last night. 1 i of J he novv members being from -Marion and the others from ilickorv. lb.6 ' chapter added :'0. ir.vm'isri dur- iUg the vast , oa ;nd its -roll contain i oC names. ()hic--rs of the chanter are ra trick, righ. pries:: lb !.. kin F. A- ffenlorson. scribe; J. W.i L. t j." spev. captain of the hosts: Kjk Boatrigiit. priryi'ipal soiourncr; ' TT- IT. Hhuford. royal grcli captain: Geo.-S, W tison. master cf the third veil; AI :lis C. lien-lorson, master of the sec ond 'veil: William J. Davis., master ct the: fii-st veil; John W- Moose, vjj;n.sl Joseph D. Elliot!;, treasurer, and Hugh M. Miller, secretary. Vcsz, J. W. Piers, Jr.. R. J. Noyes. Pleas, J. W. Pieas. Jr.. R. J. Noyes. O. F. Adkins. W. L. Morris. II. , IL I-Vite. J- Q. Gilkey. J- V. Winborne. I). E. Hudgins, R. E. McCall, and M. E. Whifeaor of Marion, and A. C Hewitt, O. II. Hester, IL C. Lut. and P. J. Suttlem re of Hickory. Markets COTTON. New .York, April 17 There was a good deal ef realizing for over, the but the market continued relatively sioauv owing to i-am in , i- .c wuiu. i i. ; i ....:., .,,fV. Prices after easing off right after1 the call soon stiffened. Open. Close. May 42.40 42.25 Julv 39.90 39.85 October : .36.35 37.00 December 35.55 35.89 January -- 34. Oo 35,00 Weather For North Carolina: Cloudy with probably local showers and thunder storms tonight and Sunday; not much change in temperature, mod erate variable winds. i ii ! : mm hie- F1FTEEM MEMBERS RECEIVED BV CUnPTER Cy the Assoeiated i'ress.' Pittsburg, K:vn., April 17. .Tudpje :idvvv J. t-uri'Mi totiay ordered i Alexander llowatt a ad other district ; oiik-Iala of the Kansas miiier-s' : union to order back to work th' niin i er: wlio have been idle for a week. . ho action va5 taken on the motion : of the attorney general of Kansas tor permission to amend the posi : lion of the state for a permarieni in , iuneiion against the strike. The jui'ire n-Hered the union off: i eiah to take this aeticn ov show cause for r.ot tloing so on April 27 p'o: that date the hearing will be held In make th-e temporary injunction ; permanent. A!1 of the mine except one deep none and., three steam shovel pits were idle. About 11,700 minors are not working. Beads for Alexander Jlowatt am" j i, ,,o,.. , 'f - i , . . :;eit:;.fe1f:.re i or iaos at ouowa ana loin were epproved bv Judge tbirran. " ' GfilGE 8F mm KM V-y the Associated Press. Cork, Ireland. April 17 Charges i of wiliu! mui'der against Premier Lleyd George were brought hy the verdict of the jury' in the death of Mayor MeCurlam of -this city, as sassinated last montb. returned to--'ay. WSJ BE AT ALLIED pv tp.e Ass'-Wed Pro'-s ''San Romor Baby." April i7. Whether the United States would be represented at the conference of the -0iO,,i ..rO.,1 1n morO Remo is a juesiie.n which has not been answered as the chief renro- s.enlatives gathered here for the first meeting Monday. NOT REPRESENTED. ta a Associated Fress. By Washington.. April 17. At the time of the first announcement that the aided nations would hold a con ference at San itemo it was said at (1.,. . .l.,.rmn,,l !!-,-, 4-hO TTnito.l lilt.? iLCll,'. l,it.l Ciill.1. t.!lcll. Lli.- lHULv) , , i.5 . k ,i,i Mtati- o v 'Ji.Ji nu'j -c- ;t!ierA.io-to -e,( ( no change in policy has been 'an nounceel- ILL III FORGES jure mm B ' the Associate! Press, 'fbdoioh. N. C. April pcau?e of i 1 health. Associate Justice Geo lb. Brown, o fthe North Carolina pu eroi V". court, has. authorized ' the ,-:.'iteoiorit that fe wii' not. seek re- ft . s : , , iiirDini muwt I HUH Oil ; ill ! nomination in trio Juno primaries. J.' II. i J'udge ' Brown suffered a severe at Mieer, lack of influenza a year ago and has not been in good health. He has been on the bench for 16 years. OLD HICK CR Y DIVISION IS TO HOLD REUNION SEPT. 28 Asbeviilo, April 17. Naming Sep tember 28 and 29 as the dates for the second annual reunion of the Old Hick ory association of the GOth division, the executive committee of the asso ciation, together wfth a number cf prominent local citizens, last night ar ranged the first details for the big re union to be held bore. The Asheville committee announc ed that free meals and lodging for the actual members of the association would be guaranteed for the meeting bore. DEMOCRATIC CLUB FORMED AT BROOK FORI) W'itb between 75 and 100 members the Brockford Democratic Club was organized last night with Mr. Tom Oliinino-pv ns nresident. Mr. G; C. I Stariios as vice-president and Mr J I'i. iiailliOS as &tfC-CLai. uu- jhwi i. . r , , , louiii, ittuu ti.- mew Lilian mi meeting. A campaign committee consisting of Messrs. H. L- Jav, C C. Hooker. Geo. Ci Starnes. G. C. Stiles. J. C Byers. Robert McBaiiey, O S. Doa ton. R. W. Pope. A- C McFalb Mi A. Hoover and A. A. Barger was ap pointed and all members, it was said. tjre enthusiastic. Mr. J. L. Murphy, of Hickory, and others made short talks. Four vears ago. Mr. Robert Yount said. Demo crats were scarce articles in Brook ford, but now there are between 75 and 100 . enthusiastic party men in the town. Workers in Philadelphia Reaim to Jobs Today Last Night Effect Will Be Pronounced ' Elsewhere Flow Situation Looks . : feral ! Fi CHAPEL II Forty-six high school debating teams including Hickory and New ton, will go to Chanel Hill April. 22 for the finals in the contest at the University en that dav and the next- IJ .-il e. !. . : i j i. . - a. jicu: a i oe t.cieriisinott i oe state and the winner of the A vcock 'cuu Of the 1S4 victorious debaters on ; the winning schools. 80 are girls. 'Tt ' is by far the largest number of girls that have ever won their way through the nreliminary rounds,' said ; rb li. Rankin, secretary of the de-bating union. Fignt of the winning schools," he continued, "are represented entirety bv girls China Grove, Dixie, East Bend, Goldsboro, Meba. Newton, j Pineviije, and Taylcrsviile. Five ether school"- have three girls each oUt of their four debaters Bethel Corno'ius, Keniy, e'lanklinton. and Orruro. On'y eight of the winning schools robed entirely on boys." Whien the 84 debaters, with their teachers, coaches, and chaperones. reach Chapel Hill, - April 22. wheie lev will he entc-ilained by the uni versity, they wi'l enter into an elim ination round which will reduce the number t 12 teams on each side. April 2'i another round will pick out the best team on each side and these : two teams will meet each other in ; the. final contest for the state eham- nions.hip. The. query is "Resolved Lhat the United States should adopt a policy of further material restric ; lion of immigration-" i Previous state champions since ; 191.3, when the university started the I debating union, arc Pleasant Gar-den. : Winston-lern.' "Wilson. Graham. i VVaynesville, and Durham;. - The cem- j niete list of schools who have been i.'cT.ovtCa T surv:VT n'K" ro",,d ! )l!tw?': AFX- Ashovdle. urehan l'1 ""-.--r -lUilJi.., Uf.-ttl'lllfi V-'ltV, Bethc h Bilrmcre, Burlington, Canl ier, Charlotte, C'hina Grovel Colum- bus. Cornelius. Dell School; Dixie, East: Bend. Enfield, Falling Creek. Frankihiton, Goldsboro, Guilford College high school, Hamlet, Hickory Keii'y, tiinsten, Kinston, Lexington. Mills River, Nebo, Newton, Oakwood Phievihe, Orrum, Princeton. Red 0;k. Itoc'iineham, Roanoke Rapids Rop-er, Rttt herf or'dton-. Stem, Stony Cre' k, Tavlorsviile". Toachev. Vance- . , . , . , -i j i y i . i hero, vv ashmgeon Collegia nt Insti tute, Wesley Chapel, and Woodland. CATAWBA CLAIMS PREMIER -HONORS Newton, April "17. In the best game -played on Mars Hill ground this reason was. won bv the. cham pion team cf Western North Caro lina coileges Catawba having won six out of nine games nlaved, claims the 'championship to date. Ike game nlavcd against Weaver Ccu'ege yes terday having been thrown out. for the fact that Catawba was the vie- i I i'im- a deliberate- frame-un. thej umpire Doing u-rtuir in or; decisions ; This statement is substantiated by j Weaver College fans. (bd-nvbu nlavs Li oori v-T' i i m o r.L -bio-Jay and Belmont Tuesday, am! Friday. 1 PREACHERS TO WEAR 'EM Py th-"3 Associated Press. ! Portsmouth, Va., April 17- The; Rev. Edward E. Denton, pastor of : 4 the Elm Avenue Methodist chuhch M this city, announces tnat no win t preach iii overalls at both services tomorrow if be can procure a pair, today. I!i- morning subject will be. -'The; Clothe -,- of Righteousness" and his I evening abject, "The Wadding Gar-1 ments- He announces that men in overalls and women in bungalow aprons will be welcomed. I Rev- Chas- J. Shealy, of Prosperity, S. C. who has been called as pastor of St. Andrews Lutheran church, will- occupy the pulpit at both ser vices tomorrow- Mr. Shealv has been askerb to take the pastorate in suc cession to Dr. John C. Peery, who was elected president of Lenoir Col lege. Rev. John L. McLean, of Morgan ton, will exchange pulpits tomorrow with Dne E. M. Craie. pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Mr. Mc Lean, who was a chaplain during the war. was in the front line and was very popular with the men. Hickory post of the American legion has been invited to attend the services at the Presbyterian church and the mem bers are expected to ' attend in a bpdy. i TO OCCUPY PULPITS and Baltimore Districts Following Settlement'' ; 4 By the Associated Press. Chicago, April 17. Hop- for the immediate settlement of the railroad strike here was definitely postponed at noon today when the grand lodge officers and trustees of the "outlaw" unions reiterated their original de mands and adiied new ojies. By the Associated Press Speedy termination of" th port.ation tie-up wrougbt bv authorized strikes of railroe trans li un ! v.ork- lieoa. ed crs throughout the country assured today. Switchmen, yardmsn -n.'i .her employes of the Penns lva.:''3 .;t--ej-ing and Baltimore & Ohio in h Piiii atlelphia district one of toe eastern strongholds were returning to wor-h today. William C. Tracy, chief of the Pennsylvania bureau of mediation, who effected the settlement here, said the result would effect workers in the tast. The Philadelphia settle ment was effected on the basis jf the promise by Penn'tylvania and Baltimore Ohio managers thu't the strikers would not lose their senior ity rankinl and would be frte from all discrimination because of their having gone out. Strikers at Baltimore, another easterr,1, stronghold, were returning; today, having voted last night to end their strike. In the Mew York district railroad cfheials declared the men were re turning rapidly. BACK AT PITTSni'illL By the Associated Press. Pittsbuurgh. Pa.. April 17 At a special meeting of the Baiti mere & Ohio trainmen at which J. A. ob;?. general chairman of the Brotherhoojl of Trainmen, was present, th - men voted to return to work today. Offi cials said this action would restore passenger traffic to normal and would affect several hundred men who have been on strike. OFF IN ST. LOUIS. By the Associated Press. St. Louis; April 17 Striding yard men met today, it was said, to con sider calling of? Ihe strike. It" was announced that the men would re turn to work as soon as 'the rad ad board would recognize the lubon and consider their demands for iaeieased wage s- END EXPECT i (4. Py the Associated Press. Pittsburg, -Pa-, April 17. "Today and tomorrow will sec the worst over in the railroad strike." said C. II. Sines, vice-president of the brother hood of railroad trainmei: and leader of the regular organization forces that Have been fighting the "cutbrw" striker's in the Pittsburg d- net, saiei today. SMlCISaFE liillSUPFE! Conrtantinople, April 17 Through Musphata lO'mal'is nationalist gov ernment at Angora, it v. as learned today that all American v.-rkers in Asiatic Turkey with the- exception. ef those in Hacfcn, Oufra and Aintib. which cities the Angora trovernmunt has been unable to reach by wire, ere safe. By the Associated Press. Danville. Va., April 17. Willie II. Trimble, seven years old. who was kidnapped from his home in Park Place, a suburb, last niglat, returned home this morning with his skmll fractured- He was taken to a hospi tal. The lad while in p. semi-conscious condition told his parents a negro and a white man seized him while re turning from a neighbor's. The bov said they carried him into a field anl the white- man hit him on the head with a hammer. This morning the boyse'd be srrolz in an old barn a short dis vce from bis home. Further tietai re lack ing. The father does not believe that ransom was the motive of the kid naping. He believes that enmity prompted the attack, saying he had enemies wdio probably attacked the boy. , . . .. III i CDISPTHOCn ULLr MU- U .MJ BOY RETUflHS HOME ;