HICKORY BAlEY ""T1TTTTT "TTTT T-rrrrr Record (YL. V. NO. 1 03 no cwr HICKORY, N. C. TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1920 PIECE LIKELY TO APPEAR IN LAND AGAIN BY ROBBEH PRICE FIVE CENTS SANK CLERKS STAY ON tr Newspaper, Stick of Candy, Box of Matches and , Other Things That Used to Sell for a Penny, Where Are They Today? Curious Coi- Suggested Abroad .lV.v ' ll'i'V' " ,w H::t ' ,r.M ' ii r,,...-i ,: U.. ? ;! I- i.ll.t ..l i.t i, V. .WiV J LU t ih MMh hh H i e I ill U HsRAIf RftAR f niPBnTfillll fliirn nrnniiiRi i. d D Uflr WW . UVtHhtHMAN TFIOM I PRATT I DflllPV ! mm uinEu i i i..y- the Associated Press. Washiug- W. S. Mrtiin. li'-O. i.v 'I he ti n Star) m A . il 20.--Is the dav in itiui n;c l:le iu the past ? i. in . o. a.. fin tiim; to meni .ii.' : H dim: a week the mitve on banking and cur i trot ted favorably to tho i i.i nun i wo tf-iit pieces, i 1' iviii'uluiVM'ii, of New :nt uitliL'eti a measure ' , i Uie coinage if seven 1 no pite. -.ii tint these )kW coins i ,i directly to the ehaiiee . i i l.uklt of COlilillOdi- '.:"ws( which iwfinwlv ; i.li: for a ptnuv or a. I"iinr he bought fori iieWr-.paptv, hicii . P -ufiV. the r.tk I; or ! t matche.;. all have' o!' even more. .tj erv far on a tl.e machines now used by the bank" a.hlimv an.i eounti.nr the minor iy.. lie eeeive a import from one o the cash renter companifs to the i iV! i 1,U'1 l,liKl"n ol eonl.l he uli.iste.J tv.stly t( handle the pvo- ' 1 'V1'1 Pie'e. Wliether same would be true if the seven ."".I .-ihr rent c,,ins nls0 Were i.iuv.cv.1 leuiains xo ne seen. . l" t'lm.i ial As or i i- f ttli tlll.i n.,.a till, and it is likely that the measure i.iivi-" .!() an i acieit upon senate witlvfn few da vs. By the Associated Klon Collesfe, N. C. April hers ei.tere.l the Elon Banl v oi,miiv Kinne tune f:st invht, blew ' i1' vault door from its himros rifled M l deposit boxes and reaped with ..i.inu i;.uuu m Liberty bonds ot.'ier securiiie?.. It could not be ttTthined Whether t. v ,, il.,.,. Py the Ar.soeiated Press. 0. Rob- Washington. Am-il 20. P.pnr v trust loiral Sims "str.-iinsi-l -a rirvint a easy asrainst the navy chavtred that its failures ate fully witli the JOB IN CHICAGO DISTRICS to depo uou.-ts ui currency w.im was safe m until j rival of a state hank i ' " in Kaieii-r.. tin and Ad ma ke when he to eo-oner- lirst the six months assistant in the the hi-uspector afternoon, the ,M thS Se"c?-te cToramifc- ,the KX(,cution of the treatV of VersaiU stiKatinff the Sims-Daniels ! lea. It does not appear, however, that nv; ordered not to touch th :h. tent pro- i I auk be 1 aulf. 'PL . 1 i I .. looot-ry was not discovered nii- iii mi:, moiiiiiiii. ! 1 - 1... ... montli postponed victory Captain Pratt, war-time operations let- inves row. Pratt said that most of the '!es :ums" in Sims' letter to Secretary PnnioJs entitled "Some Naval Lessons oi me world War," were nob less hut criticisms. P.V- the Associated Prncu San Remo. Am il 20. Tim r,,..-,i i of the allied i'here. aUhoueh busy with tho nmhJ oi the Turkish peace treaty i lound time to be t on of a wavmriir or ultimatum tW I ems have tho TO I ii ;ii .1 : h i .ii. I ti o : v. ;n i .l .'iv miu ,.i'.. in i. it i" .rrui;.;:. Ai. oiiu r i, iii ot stiV'.'t 't. 'l'lie J'llt lie i n of luc X.iti ntal '.-ued an order per t ear eon. panics iti .inil'i.i to thai u'o an iMinir Mav 1. At . .t-n cents. , that i;.-eu to ost of i i i.t oia'e 4 hat ; lit - and misery ; ,., !. iia.' al: son led' of that !ibi.,e !e ; ".'.' U' 1 1; "!!( ;: h' orliars voii ,i : v. iH'lu iei k at oir it vim attempted ' even MUV'.iVs: tha' ii more than he i" i at that. ! YiMiit s. : 'eaatoi I'Velinii' i Me Lean iiavi ' ! he com v nieuce .i.e to make small :i..lild for p. llfli'F . t.' make chau'e eie, a tevn cent iet iiUw'e. it will io cme to the rob- ti.v' i v u i a mi m b m m m mm m hmh r-m nil nTr .T-H , BT M r H V LliUMIs! s back mf tl,., f,,,. " i I I I IS SI I V 1 lllifilll i I S III 9 I I S I 3 3 S 3. ill K i iuo j f mnrni t nT r"rv.vw fiWITTcTc run HUHIK ! ,n W Ul : MiinUU Ul nil I il Th kK I TfllflW rn ditp U K N S i nun f u uiu i 1 A ) 4 "iChft Hit l'1,,: 01 "siunown onitin last F It II fill? '..mpletvlv destroyed the main I 912 118? . l,i t ilrv Uln of the Dudley ? fill 91 I , Compaiu w II I I v ler- his should viola- I ,, ,l""'"n.cs nave ieu tnem to anything more than an atjrtemint j principle that somethinjr mandatory sliould be done in the case xieiujer jioya Ueorjce, it is und t-Loou, is noitnnp' tenaciously to ;eus mac economic penalties be imposed on Germany for tion of the treat v. The French contention. on the other hand, is declared to be that it would be more cruel to send food sup idies to (.Jermany and shut off raw nmterials than to occupy a few districts with allied troops until vjfiuiany mm complied with treaty. Freight Handlers Also Vote to Lay Wage De mand Before Railroad Labor Board Hun- J dred Thousand Other Workers May Strike j j next Week-New York Situation Better J ! DEMANDED BV : i J. their r.i:ht buiJd- Jmm -1 i'i days ? already j liie occa- and backyards are the effects of the - ttfct. W Mm M i -wit m m hi vmw 1 Smw I m Tflrao-SLOMKU Jtv the At mine;!. Pumper ot ami J'li toi nado count'. Tin t hi'uii I'luii.'i e: : eo. I'eiated I're's :m, A!a. April l't. A persons have been killed properly damav.v done by a Which Wept over J.'-voer .'. i-arly today. tornado started in eastern wippi and quickly pasred yh that state into western Ala aini then into southern Tenn- With cean up week just away, many Hickory peojd have bei.ru n to preonre for sion and basement: be.n-inninir to show vi;iiii:e rails, en-i w,y ... upir- ui v ui-;,-mhuii!.; eai - Sir. flfiil Th... , i l.V- it mav be stnted. sn ns In l,nv.' l.; 'ihe blaze was d.s-! Par cf the job done before the Chuu- j V . Af!Sociatod Pr( o'clock and the ; iafiqua tent jroes nt) on Mav C. ruJ V ushmorton. April burned so rar.id!v:uP week starts Monday, Mav and rq,!vam'e . of 250,000 to a hope of stoppijv 1 wil' continue a whole week. corporation for the financing- iiierr are many yards that need I .. . , , JovaK'a was ivy uij uy i ue war nnance corpora- arate 1 i..ii. . i no name nt t nt nrn.-ivnf;.,.. stkjkks ti:.m:ssek. I'.V the .ssoi hited Pr.'sv. Xashvill,., Tenn., April l'O. One i;'.ati. ( apu .Mulh.y. was killed and a lumber of persons are it ported to hae been injured in a tornado whicu stiiuk the southern iiortio of W'n- iiaiiis..n eountv southwest of tl t:t, early today. at tailing a loss of :i'.;".0i;ii insurance. eoveied about i WiM.i'a ii build intra ih'.t' there was no il ;l . nit1 name. Mr. J. S. r.ei.nard. manaiver of the lomnanv. has not demitelv decided whether or not he w-M rebuild is of feet of lumber. vnirn.J lli.iM5.in.l .- .l,.li --i vioii.-ii :,, were 20. n. man v ' dam: noiisanu ( J. cieanm and it is doubtful if there are two doxen exceptions. Some are (-mparatively cie.m. but nearly ail ,Noed some work done. Th.e cans and other lubhish should be pia-ed in h-ir- y the Associated Press. i vyasniyaito, Apvii' 2o.-'--PovmaI writ !ten demands that the railroad labor Loard nave assurances of the awar.f ot a -Jivino- wage" to railroad men and that tlie employes.,now on strike . loom reiurn to worn without loss M-f seniority were tiled. today by reo : lesentntives of the strikers of New ; or.k and St. Louis yardmen's asso- ciations. Spokesmen for the railroad broth-i erhoods objected to the iilinsr of-de- mands hut Chairman arton said anyj oody of men had a right to lie com-.' r.limilx: ii'ifli tU,. K -a I - . vw , "US me ooara to w prm n,. .i,.,i oi coi- inev worn x hmv announc- -2 lie SI. .on vnwl Py the Associated Press. Chicago, April 20. Strike fever among' employes suffered a setback ord?y wh.en 80 000 railway clerks and freight handlers in the Chicaso oistritt announced their decision to i-.ermit hearing- of their waffe - de mands by the railroad labor board. i -ii auinorized strike to emphasize demand for increased waooa l i .1 l . . " a I'1''" "own py tlie men after J. x oMer and others spoke at meeting1. i Weight movement in the Chicago ; district, hampered by the unauthor ised railroad strike, continued to day to increase and conditions were becoming normal elsewhere in the west. Possibility of another serious blow to tne railroads in the Chicago dis irict loomed with a threat that a strike of 100,000 members of the brotherhood of maintenance of wav and railway shop laborers would be gin on April 28 unless a wage in crease of $1 a day was granted temporarily. -Another banking , to Per Ti.. Dudley Lumber ( one of th Well knuio: lunvr mills of this lini; ompany lumber section rels and left on tlie out: just at the 'an reach curbig'ir where the drivers them easily. That will was aiv' ami ic : on h; i-.ca- t. tl-.-, ".-t i. iu viiaiine rails im .ii.i un-niin, uncle mueii ot Uie roa 1 1 . ! 1 !-..., 1 i (ho.o.h th.. e,.,n., .'o i;;.: !mulau's m the cans and not conliiied to local nmrket. of the yard was withheld. yardmen asked son- recognition, declaring- thev ' hoi adequately repiesented the broiherhc?-.,c NEW YORK SITUATION. I cans s.'nould r paiks and open nla. ot be es. . i. . .tun oir; i, i Mi likt'.r- 1 in Si,.';i ' t I r i n i ' : . . i tlie lii'l.t in ei ! i i: . c ' 1 '..-: ' II.-.-. i . atj.. - ., i u '..-. ;ii.t .1, ; i :r.4 tr..- u . 1 1 i in- IH' i . : make the odd 'coiiiied to pur It will be Pol and uithout an . etf , the f um'S on - line, ies and other !' e. ell. ..1. Hiiiler ti;. ,Me mehioi i;d to Th'.'.i I' H to be made of . i ;o he fomewha: '".i.v, tluuitrh no: .i."dv that ti'ii ,1 ;.. ' " .oat pieces ' 'i.O' i ; i !'-i .it .t cent ti 1 f t!;" c.ln i.-; to t-.. !. :i.. i vc. e' t , ! ?:. i. i l II! Ili.S Plil iii e j. .di.tll ' c the il.j- I ; 1 . ' ( . II. the o u'i.-. I . i to be n.l ie :,t a or h !.' t!: wliivi. I i..ee. Ci.ir.S of wa l illl.t ti.llt o. an no i . t.n '.ir ' 1 v. ( tu i.t1.! ( a.i he i.Ji'. i:.t the nee I'Ol R ARE KILLED. l'.v the Assotiated Press. llattie.4-.arvr. Miss.. April 20 Four T-i rsoits are report-d I i lied in a tor nado which struck Uav Spring-s (otintv feat of Jasper iuunt. todav, accordiii.tr to odviet s leceived bore. ire ;d.e;l!i i.t Ja'.oeP eountv Killed.. TO'.N I i:l- Li D l'y til. . ':eiat'.l I'l'.;.".. L -hi. .Ml Apr;! 1-0 -Reports "ie .iiiiv.' lore ::. -,- today to the el'. -it tlin. 5i.u Springs, is f i.ituu I. had been level Uto. -- - . . iti.'.ii.-; iy, acalv. '1 lief iiiv.it .''. '! .oi (cam piayed Con iui.1 viJIe.-e yestet.la.V, and won l TOKM. i nuRinirn irrntflrvr nllulll I ri HUH unnui iu ni i uifg 1 j rob mm TMiri I l'.v the Ar.octDted i'ress at t:u Led , use them for rood root for wants to have thrown into Water a ecu- i mosouitoes ' home. They make a these pests, but who i a million mosointoo in ! his nei;'-hborh. od ? These- disease I spreaders might, not bother those who! thr-.w out tin cans, but they would I bother other people and they' do well! to kick. Parks and vacant lots are! not the proper dumniny P-nmnik f,-.-,. ' trash. FORD PLUS IE AUK OF POWER M rl : . t..i Dill. . ... Associated Press . Spain. Ann! 20. Pandits r tiain last night on which t);een ri'Iori-i and iier 'orother. the marouis if I'arisbrook . were traveling- from Madrid to Seville, in an uiiruiccessfal attempt to carry oil' Ihe I'v.val silver. t v'J t, ji d;i; STACY oi;t for. SUI'WK.ME COUKT P.KNCII v W 1 to . !( i .-.j..- ot to tl The next e-e . it ii Xewt. n on i:e a'tiud.i tomorrow game High ,n. Aptil 20. Jui r (-. nil y of the state Wai'ainpt. !ge W. P. suoerioir I i fOiOODIES ! OF lERIffl DEAD i IJy the Associated Press. Detroit, April 20. While thou- traids of workers employed in local factories receiving- power from the I Edison Power Company- resume,1, work on a short basis today, the I Ford Motor Company announced , that oO.OOO men would be idle in its ' plants for some time. EMPLOYES' DEMANDS j EXCESSIVE, HE CLOSES SHOP I MUSIS DIE DF - TVDUiiP mi ninmis urnua i g mrn a ! i i i ; p By the Associated Press New York. April 20 New York was slowly untangling- herself todav trom the snare of congested railroad traffic resulting from the unauthor ized railroad strike. 4 Notwithstanding- the optimistic claims of railroad managers, traffic was hampered in many directions- iartial resumption of traffic in the tubes under the Hudson river todav brought thousands of commuters who had been forced tn vaK- .-. ; transportation for more than a week. tho Associated I'ress Victoria, B. C. April 20 Typhus has killed thousands in Siberia and other thousands still are falling vic tim to the scourge, Dr A. X- Higgs, head of an American Red Cross'or- mzatiOH, said here todav. allied Red - Cross. 'organiza- lave done splendid work in heria." . said Dr. Higgs. "but condi Itons are intolerable-'' - The i inn v 1 lERICiSTEfflEB - REPORTED AGROUND nt -..I tli-i al tl- for le,:: h'll'r.laLol have (opie el 'k'iabl. time. 'Ihov ''.'l.'.uiiieiii ( t the war . i onsouU'-Jit ti.i-i e- i - . . . iicrm i ici cnnM ! . ij mm 1IIU0 STHi f in if 1 1 , . 1 1 1 ft-1 Isi -U-l Ill I l ' Ml. I' ill Coins wnv a rul the Vein i s foMuWe.l ti., thr: aittl.O! iticn pu niitle.l f -.!iiit!j!aijt(-r.-i." , little of paper, known ,ai . . . , .. - U l. .. ..-..,.. .... i . iiie oi n;i: ivun .v i,,,tv '.i had been incieased kiitn .use of the. war went a 4 hia'h a.si(j)ttV; -the main lea'son ' v. I'.'y the Associated I'ress. Aberdeen, Miss. April 20. Several Persons , Hie ieported to have been filled and l' injured in a tornado that struck here eatly todav. Prop- lamage amounted to $200,uo0. r.iacv ."..tut bench announced defiiuu iy that he w..ald be a candidate for associate justice of the supreme court of North Carolina in the Democratic primaries to be held dune o. Judge Stacy's I.t...,, i.v.w .1 i n..n t I r lnpj'.l ioned j lining ..fct., ',i. j.j... ...... m counts : I'i'M w.un tne assocntie jn-.-ticeship suue the announcement a few day.-; a'.-o tiiat Judg-e Ceorg'e IL I.rown would not statul for a lenomination. It is known that Judge Stacy has given very earnest consideration to i ho sub Seer and a number of letters and telegroms from influential parties r e- I Py the Associated I'ress. Washington.. April 20. liemoval of the American dead from within the fighiing zones of France for- the Dnited States will begin after Sep tember lo under an agreement be-- ! ( ween the French and American e-ov ernmonls. Bodies of American dead outside the war ing, moved- Kansas City, Kan. For the first time in many years the cigar factory of Jack O'Donnell suspended Lasi :ress tre other day. If happened when cigar makers employed by O'Donnell requested an increase of $2 per thousand cigars. They were being paid $24 a thou sand. "J;m not making; a living now,'" O'Donneil , fohl his "Neil her are we By the Associated Press. ' Trieste, April 20. The American steamer Susquehanna, with 450 na3- sengers aboard and a crew of 230 j men. is aground near Lussino oil the I ):i nvii u.n i-.-i cx . M l l rri ..... M iinwui t-. j mongers, all of whom neing transterred to A rgentina. MAY HAVE FOUND THE TASK employees. " came the reply. 'Let's all quit, then," said O'Don- :ones already are be nell. and locked up th mp. Kemoval of bodies will be confined to those where ro-inesr, By tiie Assoc j.exington, iated Ky., l elatives. A fire in the dence occupied Tenth avenue. ed a loss insurance is made hv . Jenkins, clo.-et of 11 ie crni was not. turned it. by Mr. S. yesterday estimated eompjmy. ii 1. 1' n. ai I,, r.t .. f ait ii t., t f..u 'tie i y 'i itrii , lied. nt, I i t., ,(. 'v Un.r if ,i t Pi u ( 1 1 . i'k in i '""l-f to ill f il,..-;,.,t -I.... - . iWl.r I, "H co. 1 " I lori paper currency -.l.er and xinitll Vhaim'fe. -' ! iirt cbniiw e ill uricen. ':. vedr m thi.j country .in'-i tw.j cent piece wa-s in : ' he iii iti.-ih pf iiiii' There ' i ! i eent iiiece but thi se 1 i ip;c, pi oliahlv ' because Miat tlieV used to buy in. i.lf in pi ice in the ue.i i'l trend of prne-i of ti.e lfi'adt:S. fater.t tritii'.r in pot war Ii ''.".ever, M 'teeolted in .es from Cerniariv. Accord- .blc:j experinient.- aie i.ndui ted there to af rer h made of porco!it!n are ihle. It is proposed that -e live marks and two flue. The coins, i; is sahl ' ... TICKETS ON SALE F0H CHAUTAUQUA feasible. They have of heinr light, and an e thev can readilv be i i" would ho- very dillicu'.t rfett, t"o. If the porcelain "dnpted, it will result in a mi of silver atal other i h have been used in the i ' . "il.lr, i( 1 '..(: '"' ' 'I I i l-ll '" til,- , ,1,. " "Se'u I'lnhs Ab.u Inten-Htt'd. 'i McLean called upon ''''Part ment to state the ChauLtuqua ;iiarantov3 nut at the ('). 'triber f Commerce last night and tinned over $;,1M?0 for tickets. These are r. sale now, ;td Uie public may purchase them from any of the guar ai.tois. The pi ice of an adult season ti- ket, includiriir war tux, is ?3.0'1 and of a child's tit ket $1.05. One of these ticket! lets the holder in on all per foiiraeces. Provident Hall, Treasurer Weaver and S'cretary Joy were on hand last night and more than half of tlie guar antors came forth and g;ot their paste boards. They are takinjy the risk for iM thirifr to assure Hickory of the Chau tauqua, but no fear is entertained that the tickets will be a drag;. There was a big demand for them last year and the attraction; this year will be even better. Pinafore will be one of the attract ions Sn Mav. Paloh Parlette is an- from different sections of the ftate dt Press. April 10. Lucian a negro, alleged assailant of little Willie Trimble of Danviile, I hold, in jaii here for safe keeping j f rem a mob, today maintained his in ur; Jnocer.ce of any part in the affair and 01 , Ol. , , , .. i i r. - ... ..o ji. . ..it...l. said ne Knew noiiniig; oi. uie auiicn on the boy until told by the sheriff of Boyle county Saturday morning. The boy will recover. Danville officers say they believe Jenkins innocent. Winl at noon at $75 by The alarm ! Washing-ton. April 20 The allied i reply to President Wilson's Turkish : note is regarded by diplomatic ofli ! cials here to point out that without ! the acceptance by the United States ; of responsibility -Jor part of tlie : burden of the solution of the Turk- isn qucsuon. tne aiues have found it impassible to .adopt the President's suggestion that the Turk be driven out of Europe. The allies have taken the position it was said, that the eviction of the sultan from Constantinople was im possible without the assumption bv some power, preferably the United Mates, ot the obligation for the tection of Constantinople and -: 'f 1.:.! . i. -i. , i:UI"OS 1UIMS.II LC'II lLOrV. i' Or OfO liomic and political reasons, officials said, choice of any other power than tiie United States was precluded and since the United States has refused the prolrered mandate over Turkev are the pas- safe, arc steamer ANOTHER BUILDING AT FAIR GROWS The tawba executive committee of the Ca Fair Association has awarded the contract for a frame building ?0 by 100 feet to Mr. II. C. Cline for th 1,1 - j purpose of housing manufactured pro-een-!(!U.tS 'Jt he fair next fal1- The ouitding will be put up at a cost "of $2,000. For several years there has been a demand that the manufacturers show jvhat they are; doing, manv farmers in I it's L ko mine.! the course of his action making- definite announcement. Iriends tee that his recov. on the .Mi ni-vior court bench, coupled with his knowledge of t'-.e law and his judicial temperament peculiarly , tit him for y the Supreme court. graduate of tl e j state university, a brother of the late D:4ii arvin IL Stacy h mself a man of letters with marvelous clarity of expression, it is felt by friends here and win rover he is know.i that the Markets 'DUNK" 1IA1KSTON IS CAPTURED BY COTTON state would be fortunaU nation and election. in his nomi-- BOLSHEVTKf START POSTER CAMPAIGN AGAINST U. the Associated Press. New York, April 20 There a renewal of yesterday's movement at the opening of the. cot ton market today, and first nriees were 12 to 2.1 points lower with active positions selling 13 to 2G Doints un der last night's closings There was buying by.-foreign and domestic, buy ing; and the market firmed up before ihe end of the first hour. ! Winston-Salem, April 20. "Bunk" jllairston, who Sheriff's deputies say i Iii ed the shot which killed Ex-Sheriff was! Reed Joyce OVERALLS SCARCE: PRICES TO BE MORE THAN DOUT.LEI) The Hague The Bolsheviki. (are conducting a strong; campaign against Ameiica, England and France by the skilful use of hug.e propaganda pos ters in Moscow, says G. Nipels corre spondent of the Amsterdam "Han delsblad" who visited Soviet Russia this winter. He found much to admire from an artistic standpoint in the de signs, of which he saw many in the railway stations. "This poster campaign is certainly a very clever pieQe of work," he writes: "Bcith the educated and unlettered classes are struck by them, the first by the writing beneath, the second by the drawing themselves. "The campaign was directed along three great lines: First to cultivate hatred, loathing and fear for such men second, !i Tv nlrT.fi k anil Tien i!,' inf : eeond. to US 1 vvhn i I.. .ir ma,t. SU(.i a hit last year is back on .against the "capitalistic triumvirate,' ' -iii t7'4! r:MlvCT,Tt l t;;!th(' program. The musical numbers j France, England and America never oiM. ihe reply w.aa that, , . a; j ti.i. ... t i. m . i ..in .,..1,1 readilv V. will., will oe nuioei otis, sum me puum. jjiiaii, iiaiy swiu i cues or vxeeno-rio- I''it sivv' Tron for't,! its money's worth. Those who vaks-but always this triumvirate, dtreil Th ntii.citiori ulso i recall Opie Read will be glad to Know pictured as the bourgeoise, parasiting n;tor i-oei'ti i and third, to f'lit 'e in -.,,, ',- ir-t w.i,.,i ..i that, he is coming also. upon the proletariat, ... . "....Jllll lllVUCdll O illJII.i M.-.' - . ,. t. , , Whi iV-,... .i ..ii l ... ; . . t 41,. MMm.inut v.r.rr ia r huv i nrftvent. desertion amanir the 'Red sol fca-i i-'.eie wouiu oe any vano iivijta w -j i as-airat. th rnin heefiuse or iiciteis. Weather in a revolver selliti"-! Walnut Cove Sunday night besides Joyce.fi two negroes were kill- ; ed and Special Dtputy James atthews j and a th.ird negro were seriously yvotin- ! tied, was arrested last night by a ! P.?,S,e- , : ,...,.11. . xTiu I Toledo, April 20 T W 1 1 .1 .tUINU tiairston, in wnose place ine snoot ing took place, esaepade immedi ately after tlie shooting. All night he was trailed through , the mountains and was found late last levening 20 miles from Walnut Cove. Carolina Probably I M no oiner solution than to have 1hf "pi-emny wanting to see their nro- Turk in Constantinople under interall-! -ue,s a"J the manufacturers indicat lied control was possible, that all they wanted was a place to Supervision of the Turk, it is n-n. show thei-r goods. Tht hnilHino- uHll POSSE j era 'ly believed by officials, will de-; not be handsome of course, hut it. -will volve upon the Ottoman debt com- afford ample protection, mission which before the war con- The premium list is being prepared sisted of representatives of , Great and soon will be ready for the printer Britain. France, Italy. Russia. Aus- and the officers are train ? ah?- vrith battle at j " ,IU."1 ..'lI.'u wouanv, . out tneir plans to make the in which: vyiucn is now -umiiea to the three al lieu powers.-.- ." ; the best balances! fair next event ever held. Toledo's em- overall club'' received a se- j vere set-back in its aspirations when . merchants; announced : a I shortage of denim and an increase -in the. price of such DEATH OF MR. LAYEL. Mr. Sylvanus Layel, one of the best known farmers of Cline's town shin and a splendid oiti n withul A- 1.1 . j A ouuucty at me aire oi bS vears For North showers tonight and Wednesday.! Somewhat warmer tonight, fresh ! east and south winds. ! COLONEL OVERALL PARADE TO BE HELD SATURDAY u ieu and one month'. The funeral Wil c hair serious j today from St. Stephens Lutheran incidental , church, of which h , I . , - . ' ' -' t IlltUllf SI . mate-1 :v I ivi, ic- u. l-. rinl flri,. lar d.tl,;0, 0,IJ ik :1 ' ' , ".,.u,,"5? "V HIS WIJ8 V t V,cl,f. a H11U several children. jo better neieh- an overall .famine, that he is selling! bor lived than Mr. T.avpl kQ ,;n i.. ftc.Mt.o v.xv a van out oe sadly missed in his mat swit sis .uip present supply i has become exhausted the- price will! go to $8.00. his com rn unity. THORNTON'S HAIR SINGED WRONG While in one of his studious moments this morning. Col. Mareellus E. Thornton nonchalantly applied a I match to a cigar which he clasped ' between his teeth, forgetting the j By the Associated Press. slight detail of a celluloid eve shade New York, April 20. .Headqjtar Letore his eye:j. The lire from tho iters for the organization of a mam match caught the shade, the flames! moth overall parade to lie held next caught the colonel's silvery locks and Saturday was opened today by the for a time he fancied he was in for j Cheese Club, local leaders of the: a bad time. Happily the iniurv was I "back to ovei'alls movement." The : not serious, though it was -painful i club issued invitations to all organ- MR. SHEIK PLEASED 1 innmai iii i rn mi mm. mm i i ot i nUlmPU enough, and Colonel be all right soon. Mr. J. T. Hedrick. of Lexington, state financial director of the forward movement of the Reformed church, arrived in the city today in the in terest of the movement. While here he will visit Conover, Newton and Maiden. . . ' Thornton will j izations and individuals in the citv to register tor the parade, which wiu invade the clothing manufacturing district in lower Fifth avenue- One firm advertised denims, custom-tailored in stylish spring and summer models for $10 and denim tuxedo for evening wear at .512.50. It By the Associated Press Little Rock, April 20 The death list of persons ..from 1 the J-tornado which :; swept, northwest Arkansas stood today at 22 with the property damage running into the thousands More than 100 persons . were in iured and tremendous property dam age .-caused laccbrtling to . informa tion trickling in ovevr storm-im-i aired wires. Efforts ;were being made to cenfium a report that more also offered "weddine: and afternoon j than 20 had been killed near Elaine, gowns of calico and gingham at. o. Logan county. Shealv. of Prosper delivered two strong Andrews Lutheran most favorable ini- j Kev. Ghas.' J. j ity fi Cm 'frho sermons at?i St. i i i cnurcn, maqe a pression on ins congregations. Both services were well a tended and Mr Shealy, who hails from a county which boasts of Newberry College was given an opportunity to see what the Lenoir College community is 'ike. Mr. Shealy has been called to the pastorate of St. Andrews church end it is hoped by hc congregation that he will accept. He wil" find them should he come here, ready at all times to leadin good works, as Dr. Feery has found. 3 i i'Ci 'f ; ' i l .'( . ' ill

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