Daily kecorb HICKORY, N. C.f WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 21," 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS OLDIER INSURANCE MAY STILL BE CARRIED P'-iiii , f ; mmnt's Efforts to Protccl Relatives of Scr- XI'. V 11 " - 1 x vr. a. k. v Clt. -IIIUl.r.i!t. PALMER lOD'NG SEREfE AREjGERMmNTS D MM WELCOME ! JSTNI ; ; , i fnrk Iiiwrancc Bill to Provide Good Terms for Men - vv . MANN. iv 'I he w ii in1 th-ir policie". in force after Ie iving the service, otilv about 2," '"( having re. lined their in- , J!. Willi re- Mi.' v).' ti k id iiVrt '?!'! vinU i.f ii i- K : ' I '!'; ml . 1 ;m v iC ' he ti t arui v. it i i ! t li" in '. ,n ,ii'l.nr t t in ii i " i ' i.'-i to -ei'vi'i- in'.'" n v, In- have ei'iivcr' -in .in -in. mi ' mi.: t'onn. provided for ii ii . to a t'" 't' i I Ml. (' It.'tV" !( I, ' ' IM J Vt"!I'. I III'" r .; I ',' (.ii t ho f ;t ( ' i i ' i '.' men had ill " l'i.i'i IlllVC !. ' . i ' U II"'.', filll v . .i 'ft t "?U'il I e lio'.V i. I'U' it (nr , not :V I'MvilrYV mi- ' ; I .' ''w'l't tii'l '.li.i'i.; vw itui";- v i1 1' i i -k :m'I . t'i" , v. include ..f Mi ..ii j 1 1 1 1' in. .t 1 u (I i awing iiti ; : ill : 1 1 1 1 1 1.1" " n i (' "it l,v tli 'lU'C I'pm be l v i Hi ; 1 ie year i'.flcr dunohi'iza 'II. For that reason liberal r rei?i.,;atemcnt of ! a used l ' y-vv m raiM't d and re; m- I ilfi I' lil:; .ill- (.till being made very' : I"' i i r t ruling ol that a.iy lii ,;.! i c f 11 n ' V By tlir Associated Press. Atlanta April 21. A ttornev Geu nl A. ,VJfcchclI I'Klmer continued I;- lead the three-cornered race for Georgia's oflifial endorsement for the DenioeiMtic T'rti:i(lcnti:i! rmin;i tion. M hes. if.;ui'es a: complied bv the C institution Rive Mr. Palmer -IS eountie.-; with 1 iO vote?: Thos. E. Watson. HO counties, with 120 votes r.n? S.-)i;:to;- Hl:.? Smith 42 counties villi MO vote:;. Latest reports show ed Mr. I'almer havintr a short lead- EATH TOLL FROM STORM STILL REMAINS NEAR 160 U.I! (Vie it) it nds was that el lie i' I:1', yd l.v .still had a WatsoiiV chance tc Newton, Anvil 2 . In countv court Tuesday. Pink Beam was tried on the charge of shooting.- at Jolinj Drum. Tlie shooting took place at! the home of Mrs. Anna Price on Sat-i unlay night. The defendant i Beam, j who i-s more than 77 years of a are. was j married Saturday evening: to ajissl Connie Keller, aged about 1. The I By the Associated Pross Paris. April. 21,. Q.ermany has psked the ijiterallied conference at San Remo to increase from 150.000 to 200,000 men the size of the (ier man army provided for in the treaty. The, request was transmitted to the French foreign office last nihht with the reuuest that it be sent to the al 'ied conference- ie J 'e?isurv Uepart v.'iir l i. I in.-.ni aniv Low !;iur i' has i iiu;! a'U'd I'et'oi e ia V'ne out CM '.HV I". I, el! ll'.i" pavMUMlt "f i'.'i, n!'ii'ihl'v prcniiinnr'. . .. JOHNSON AHEAD si mm imam MET 0 .i. t f.'uvei ji- f ixdieie. ' 1 ii'Cf P.u','4. . th" injured and . i.ii'K'f the hi'.' v ' aiif.;i're inav .'due '.. -n '.. "f th" service '.'.!' ;i 'lie 'ttr, pi n ' '.'.'. f ri -k in. .ui - i ' I lV ( '.i I'os ! p'-r'at i'.'i : h. j : I :) into the in-1 i in I'tn a iT'iit h i - i'l to the m i ir. j '.en v I'.ll tilt' ll'l !'! the war th'V . '.ir, in which to .!,.r"- i'ii' ie.', i ;.' i :n v vi! h an old ; li''i'.-tl ten-is ar. ' i i hi nt. Put with ' i'' . it T;i;i"ared hp i ri rt ext.-i ' f I h'' ' I'opsei Ved hv a t!r A1,' Piuaht, h;iti f.'i'in i Pi;! f I 'MO 0 (1 TK'.'.'i i I id li'Vp C I" -1 n . f.ii f hi! i : i 1 1 " . V. it I, th Ci'id from. ' i II. 'd ''I ..,';. Ami "Vh ie oul .- 1 ? I'.' piftincts earl v todnv ; dor lli- !t;"ls tho (iv'd -: I?- l.it ? tc r pr"id nt. ; of TTiclvorv to;.vn .Hop C reek precipe! , Chainhcr of om- Thr Drniorrat.' in, extdu-sivc of w.'M in eet at the mer-.'e !V;ttivd;y aflernoon at 1 '!'; fev the purpose of elect itur t i'.' iii'. t executive cuir.ndttee".. chrdi ;ern ar.d t ruact inr other hmjines'--i i'Ci (.'reel: Pe moo rat?; will inel .' t Pdr. Pave White'urV. stoi'M at tha ;-:ii!ic hour. . - . MOTHER OH ROCK I.' '02: Wood. P .711 : Pcr : !.-- . I'l. Miudl iiuml'Cr of pi WiHiiiu .Ipi-iitiiics ."'inv Pry r'Piiiiii'; dvlii in a field It lr;';.i'i' at hirsv t ! h" naticnil convention. H? h; i s irroalost t renutii cf e if.-. lit fey 1 oniocr at ic !iKj)lyed ut: i( of GOIIClTIIISllS MITE BUSINESS With Lyeilv w here st I Jcii'Mas county, ioritv of the vi Iroiu.. Prom th t)'iiioci (he vol ie I art; to Ie e ma lic a rd : l l' Ii.. I l l em .A? T P) ali; n' .1. P. I ! ' ' 1 1 -f tic preference for Senator llitpluoc!'. ran is four to one over Robert Loxiriyton. iSFLl ,Ui Til 111 K' 111 I I" I Lwocrj Twelfth street D 1 L11UL Pstm,t a,l(1.on Eifrhtc vernn!"' t a. t w;i a pp. yel ndc 1 1, i'!.;". It fpr i i-t unaii'iii'.' ' 'Hi;, vr r i; .,' r. i t i : ) - 1 . 1 1 t il'.' in ,S'"!l! , t'f ' m i; won! i a ?:(';. I..'. I h !(' v.'' f hi ij a."' i ; ' n .'i ( ;.i" v !'icr it 1 ''ii C'l -I,T1 f. :h ill" Vith ( !, r I' :h and : I ni"i: 'A' I III ii( imv ! i ' : '.' a p " : I , 'I ill that i ' h t ;p p.U'.. l iit.i life iiru;i";nfi' "'i''.'! ii'.w ca-'ry !'o!i t;i.m JiP'.oijo ouiuhv; t " ' I,. it' '. i ." tell. fo!-;id var wr I'T t!l; i i ui it In ,i f or no le: '. Ill-; imriicmje f nment f"'l w.i 1 t I CM ' t .'! ; ; m P'n 1 ',M ' I I' I" lit IV.'lt" C'.nP'M'iY, 'ju-.'cv part of it ' I '' Illi'M M'pt'i' il'.iiioli' I ii 'nance ha:: bpeu fin. ' i '.i:.'i"tt, for'lM t' ll)i.' n tf,.. ;.'piiff..t life in "iv in nc'i'a. " i' " will provide for "'I'lui'iiifiit in;iur ;itii'i:', and :i ; to how the hcn'-I'd: ie r!i4i' if h" d'. i! h i.f The 'i."u, foriiis arc I :i ;(!. :!. Ml '' r. ' id. and all eriuo.v ' " wIipp th'1 in 'Ui e;l I",'' of ,. rnr:i. t hi'-e-l a'o'.iiul the t ransfovp'er to .rote: the public from the high power wires and nobodv had any idea, the feuee tarried a current of rdcetricity. Lei'.er was; 11 yenr;.:, four month-' and four (lav old and was a :;on of Mr. Ambrose. Pi'uctt. He vu:; Innn in Cleveland f") 'ill I.e. tiitiic Elliott and Counpilman from the pity, Mayor ( illev and CoLineilmen A. Ahe-npthy jiinl fleo. S. Watson d forth and srot away with the rou tine bu.iiiio; :; before the baard in good style. Tli" groater part of the even- ! in was spent, in Iisrni:ur to the rain land obseivin;; Dasho.; ef lightninc hop tinto the room, the members beinj? kept j inside by the heavy downpour. , A petition fo:- a light jn the inter i section of Seventh avenue and Twelfth j street wa3 received and acted upon favorably. A petition for a cement sidewalk the south side of Sixth avenue bc- treet und Eighteenth teenth street on the west side between Fifth and Sixth venues was also received and the work ordered done. The petitioners were P. A. Abetnethv,- W. W. Burns, F. A. Abemethy. T. A. Moretz, A. S. Aber nethy and II. C. Ciine. Mr. W. F. Brun appeared before the board and stated that the two de bating teams of the high school would leave today for Chapel Hiil to parti cipate in the . finals at the university and suggested that it wouhi be j good precedent for the city to pay the actual mi! road faro of debaters and a teacher to Chapel Hill each year. The board thought so too and $50 was voted for the purpose. Hickory high school students who win out in debates wil! have their expenses paid each year, the university taking care of all debat ers w hen they reach Chape! Hill. Foimer Judge F.. P. Cline appeared before th- board in the interest of Mr. Frank ILaufchPn of AsheviUe, who is onposed to improving "Government" Iv and tli; body I treet to the rear of the post office. A a 'l",!r'. ' . :i deU'er boy cm- M'ih in High a '-,'n.ii cfoc.-: 1 '.en he took ' !ic!o;dr.g '.he ' lot. The fence t.i'dtv and the . An-'' n :. oro'Luc death ".'ii;:;! .'. Tlie Venus'' fellow ' fi i-,! no i"'. nee and died ; u.u1.;'.-. c!rir::ed from what 'at.- v to bp a kakv motor ot the an" having some wit h it. 'lb" fence wa.s :vi.-irrie.ge took idace in the nflW I he register of deeds and was per-' llotp set forth that the in formed by Rev. P. W. Tucker of the ! '"eas-fd. force was necessary before .Methodist church. ; the preservation of order in the in- After the wedding the newly 'm?r-'te,''cr and that furthermore the artnv lied couple went to the home of the ! would not accept its dissolution. The I. rifle's sister. About 10 o'clock 'that j Tlo!:e f'-i'tber made reouest that Ger eight finite a number gathered at the 1 r'-;iriy ,! "".f'0'"! to retain the entire home to p ive I he r ounie a KPivn.-i'tp ! corps of officers, which would man Pocks were thrown at the house, due i f --e framework 'of the former military of wh:eli entered a window of Vh machine. ro-m -occupied by Mr. and .Mrs. Beam The old man arose, and dressing hinis.elf. went out and drove them oil', one. of tlie men getting n bullet tluouh lite coat sleeve, barclv miss ii. v the flesh. The part v ..receiving the bulbt through his sleeve testi fied that he had no idea who shot at him and couldn't even tell the direc tion from which it came. None of the witnesses know who threw the rocks into the home or who any of the men were present en the ou'iride of the house. Neither did ?iy one know where the shot came from. Solitieitor Klutz on direct, ex - amm-Hion asked the old gentleman vdio he married, "the gal over fhar," rointio!? to his wife sitting inside the 'ar. "I don't know her name," came 'i'f te d v . Mr. Beam, who ia 77 years of age. testified that he hd rierer been in ricted before and claims that he has r- son who is a Lutheran minister and ?: son-in-law who is a brother of foi mev Cl.def-of-Police Woodward, of this pity. ( hief-ef-Police Owens arrested Mr Beam and p'aeed him in the city lock up soon afver the shooting. IIp was released on fundav niorn- Loss of Life in Mississippi and Alabama Large, LWith Much Devastation in Farming Districts -Relief Trains Organized by Red Cross , ' and Sent to Stricken Sections s iJ By the Associated Anderson,. S. C in Crowpll. morning v;hen a was crossing th' came unnu dam. . His cue IE stream. Press. Avvil 21. W. L. years, W33 killed this batteau in which he oavannah river be- ageable and swept over a companion escaped dan- NEW YORK H nrTiinai nc unn. agree- By . the Associated Press. Washington- April" 2l. An merit with railroad brotherhood unions under twbich the striking railway uieu in the New York district will Immediately return to work was an nounced today bv Edward McHugh spokesman for the strikers. V! n VI M VI crli 1 '-: t i I lit. h hnnHftTioH By thf Associated Prpss. Birmingham, April 21. A death '.ist of more than 1G0. scores of in- j iured and crop and property damage I of several million dollars was the itstimated toll early today of the tor nado which yesterday afternoon swept through a score of counties irt eastern Mississippi, western Alaba- II. I . . . . . I . . . . . . . . .... I T . . T ........ j inn mrt PUULiitin iriinpsacc. j Meridian. Miss... the heart of a i farming district, suffered heaviest with a death list of 2G. In the village cf Glenn, Alcorn couiity. the number cf deaths was 12; Aberdeen. 10: In somar, G; Baker, 5, and Bap Spring, 7. In a lumber camp near Philade! nhia, 12 workers were killed and 30 miurcd, several of whom may die. In Alabama the rural districts" around Runtsville Florence and Shef field sustained the full force of the. btorm. Red Cross relief parties were or- marooned rock on a ; A BIG BREAK TODAY IN COTTON MARKET ing on giving a cash bond of $109. It: mug lady niar his money, he f 1-200, prior is reported that tlie y tied the old man for being worth the sum ' lo the trial. But since the trial we are not able to state what his earthly iiosscscdonr; would .'.mount to. Solicitor L. F. Klutz has returned to the city from Guilford county where he spoke in several Reformed churches in tlie interest of the .'For ward iMovement of the Ok-arcn." Mr. Klutz has spoken in every Reformed church in Catawba county with the exception of one or two. for this cause, lie has received an invitation to deliver the address at the com mencement exercises at -the close of Southern Grove school, near this city. State Director J. T. Iledrick. of Lexington is here in the interest of the Forward Movement of the Re formed Church, He is visiting the members cf the congregation in New ton, and U is church will go drive. believed the 'over the top'' local in the NEW AMBASSADOR Py the Associated Press. New York, April 21. There was a break of more than $5 per bale in the cotton market today owing to pros pects for better weather and a fail ure of bullish, buyers to continue ac tive. The stock market was weak and nervous and selling was general on the decline, which carried July contracts off 105 points below last night's clos ing quotations and 150 points below the low level of last Saturday. the XT, effort to have t lie oese of the eraniz,'d in Birmingham and othair New iork men taken up separately'.1"16 fines early today and .special and said he would return to New trams carrying doctors and uoplies York todav, leaving their case in th handc of tlie regular brotherhood. REFUSE TO RETURN GERMAN! TO SEND MISTEfi TO POPE 20. -7" ho concluded for hav- I BEGINS HIS WO 1 there tomorrow for i i: I. jrjf;r; adams in race. 20 payment life year endowment , A telegram was rereived bv Mr W. A. "If today aniiouticing the eati lidaev of .iudgp VV. J. Aibwus. of Car thav.e. for the 1 oiiierratic iiomina ti n f ( r asroria'e untiee of tlie su preme point. This makes n loin list whiih it'rludod former Judge W. P i n . 1 1 1 f a Vim, j M i',i "i u' i.Mp Ml' 1 1 r the Maid ill 1 1 V. t h'V el. vring ;'h"'lt !i' life'bi'P o , Or . hi iild tli'1 bet " totally at;d U'M rmi !-!!'py, pf tiliioil. of Guilty, of lv others. v l'nitr.-ton ; New Bern: Wake l''c re -Judge O. II Prof. N. Y. r.t, and poss-i- t ii" urn will be na'il a v'oiod f er M,..v vi'l i EXTRA PASSENGER T i ii, p ;:i'V w ' i na- 1 ! I aha "f tli" I x t !- f.ir"l' Sfl 1 "aaii, i.'it. f.'i t'' er '."iti in.uiriitKe .' " ' hargr. for ', h" f ovp in-j-'C riiPii to t!o- t fo.t !'PJ"v'i' P nshii in mm i u mw i r.u petition will be; filed with council next Tuesday night asking that bitumin ous street be. laid. This will be a great improvement and will serve the biisine.s places on it as well as the .public. Council ordered the Jitney license ot Raymond Goodman revoked. He has been up several times for disorderly conduct, it was stated, and when he appeared in recorder's court yester day he entered a plea of lion compos mentis, a plea that was acceptable. Raymond will cease to drive service ears. ' City Manager Henry stated that the city still bad 2.400 pounds of good Ibac on en hand and he was authorized to dispo-.e cf it at 20 cents a pounu. Persors who like good smoked bacon, the same that was served in the ar my, will find a real bargain in one or two slice:;. Chief Lcntz stated th Ev tbr Associated Press Washington, April 21. Sir Auck land Geddes, thejvw British ambas sador, was receive today by Secretary Colby at the state , department and was accorded the privilege o!! taking up the embassy work before present ing lite credentials to President Wilson. AMERICAN STEAM SINKING By the Associated Press. Rome. Tuesday, April German government has the necessary negotiations ing ai! Germany represented at the holy see and shortly Diago von Ber gen will be appointed German am bassador to the Vatican. FRANK C RYAN DEAD. By the Associated Press. Detroit, April 21. Frank C. Ryan, president of Parks, Davis & Com pany, died at his home here last night oi pneumonia, lie was oJ yearsj eld. Mr. Ryan was one of the found ers of the American Drug Associa tion. - JOHNSON TO SIT III ON CONFERENCE By the Associated Fresss Chicago, April 21. Striking rail road men in the Chicago district re fused today to vote to return to work. All efforts of a committee of strike leaders to obtain action failed. M- J. Kenney. .K. S. Murphy and Shannon Jones, three of the strike leaders arrested last week, made the appeal for a return to work at a nuu's meeting of striking workmen. They were greeted with erics of 'no,"'' "outside," ,'and 'whero's Gru- nau.' Jones explained that en oris to! house j were sent to the rescue. ? t s ' iCtl IN DEIill GIRLS MUSE i SHOCK i i - ;t obtain the release of John Grunau.. nresidct from the Chicago yardmen's a'-soci rition, from the Joilict iail on boijd, had faded. Murphy took the floor, waiving an American flag, but was howled.. Union leaders declared themselves to make tlie men return to nower less work.' IRVAN MAKES GAIN IN NEBRASKA COU! y tlie Associated Press. Washington, April 21. The staid omce Duilding was given a Py the Associated Press. Omaha,' Neb, April ,21.. William, I. Bryan made further- gains during the counting of the vote this morn ing and .while he remained in sixth ulace his position seemed more fa vorable. In ?AP out of 1 ,840 precincts the vote stood: Hitchcock delegates. Ne ville, 11,491; SnaMeniburg, 11-003; Ebell, 10,180; McAneny, 8.841; Bryan delegates, Steer. ens. 8.643; Bryan 8,050; Berge,,7,84; Thomas. 7-557. NiS ACAl N READS : qgiatEd press touch of jazz today bv ix young women secretaries who enrolled as , ecrui,ts in Representative Upshaw's overall brigade. Appearing in blue denim trousers, the bottoms of which were rolled up above their high heel slices, the younr women had a largp following as they tripped along, the tortjdors. The drab effect of the denims was brightened with silk waists and red ties. "It is a horrifying spectacle." cho rused a dozen Daughters of the American Revolution, as their sight seeing trip through the big office building by the crowds following-the secretaries. ' lira WRI6IIT GIN RECOGNITION Py tha Associated Press. 'Washington, April 21. Naming of two American aircraft in memory of Prof. Samuel P. Langley and Wilbur Wright in recognition of their pio' ner work in the evolution of heav-ier-than-air craft was announced to day by the navy department. I i i REPORTED '.''ll.r; , "r,d I, I'd;.. 1 ' ' I I'l'.l t -I I,,. i" the form 'I'.'afjoii of the bllli'J'U of hi is pi' id r;"p of ing prog res in i"h he UUM'J'U of war Iriten at the if the giivrnnu-rit iv the ar'pumulated pre- thau th;it tatP, th.- distributed to the t"!- of dividend.; in mv and of tli" bureau has i " i In;'' i eduction of the ejor ; "'luti i d to hiiiidie i'ov i n- '.ui'" Whtui R. f. Ciohii.'-i " IMtrier liputpiiant eolo 1 . took eliiii ".'(' of Pif bit Uniiipr there were 14.000 'ii'i'iv ."iid the nundier ir i;, jind tlu depart meat ' in priced at the nun. ''"'I: out goyrrnriicrit insur ST'il ;i hi v were dlHappoint--:i'iber that lViled to ton- rir. K. I . Reid. division pasr-enger rr-'out of the Carolina & North '"i". 'i'ii. w!;o war; h"ie from Chester M.-ridav v.'i'i aykid if thore was any ,,n ii.".' of an additional train over 1 is ro-'d this summer. He had noted Mie jiiie'.t.d ;.t Lonoir, Iickorv. New '(u. Lincolnloii and Gastonia in the train, ami said the manac'omoiit was ?.ivii.f it consideration. There te no iihmediafe hot"' for it of course, though Gpnerat Mnnagr Nichols and io other ofliei'd; realize that it is .!--(. led. It is the question of expense tliat. worries tlii'iu. ! Mfitty, peppl', howpver. believe that i train having Lenoir in the early morning and making important north .ml south connections at Gastonia in the aftpinoon. would soon be a pav ing proposition. In the summer tour- i".l travel to mowing kock win oe heavy and this would be a good time to inaugurate the new train, it is tell, heie. The train would arrive in Hickory about 7 o'clock in the evening and reach Lenoir at 8. t be was niak- the collection of street taxes and would :;oon begin to serve notices on delinquents requiring them to repoit for work on the streets. Delinquents must pay the tax required by law or do four days' time. -T.. Py the Associated Press. London. April 21. A report to the T.loyd shinning agencv todav said the American steamer Mayhut is sinking A tug is on of the way to the assistance of the vessel. Bv the Associated Press Washington , A pri 1 2 1. Ambass a dor Johnson at Rome was instructed by the state department to attend the , San hemo as an observer. He will not parti in the conference. allied conference a official cipate By the New Noyes Associated Press. York, April 21.- of tho THREE SURRENDER i FOR DRAFT DODGING Children's service at G:30 this evening. Regular praver service at 7:30. The pastor. Rev. C. R. W. Keg lev, extends a cordial welcome. Markets J ' h n itt i i HKu I i I i if ! i i ! i I Frank B lflimrfrin tt-nl" juafii re-e.'Pcreu presiueni, or .u . j.y.aaK.iav-w Press at its meeting todav. j Calvin Cobb, of the Eoisc. Idaho-j Statesman, was elected first vice j nresident and J. L. Home. Jr., of the Rocky Mount, N. C, Telegram, wa? elected second vice nresident. Alt tne directors were re-elected. --1 am e- CATAWBA ALUMNI MEET. PASSENGERS SAFE ; ON SUSIEHAH 20.-AII steamer. The home branch of the alumni as sociation of Catawba College will meet, at St. Hubert's Inn at Newton Friday afternoon at 4:30. A full ac tendance is desired- Mr. A. C. Sher- rill is president. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COTTON Ey the Associated Press the Associ Washington ited Press April 21. Rear d- A large attendance is decired at the raver meeting,-this evening at -7 -.30, The pastor will present a from, the presbytery. By the Associated Pr.ess. Trieste, Tuesday, April passengers on the American Suseiuehanna, which went ashort on the Dalmation post near Pola yester day, are safe according to messages received here. They t were transferred to an Argentipa. stgampr. . ',. , message miral Sims' criticisms of the navy John and Linney Waters and a young man named Cook came in to day and will be sent to Columbia. S (., whole tuey will ( ial Agent Glenn surrender to Spe- S. Young. Chief Lpnt.z negotiated the deal Jor Mr. Young. Th" other two boys were , to tome in and surrender, but they changed their minds. Linney Waters went to ' Columbia several weeks ago id the instance of Mr. Young. New York, April 21. The cotton market opened steady today at an ad vance of ten to 20 points on over night buying orders and on reports.! navy. Captain Pratt told the of unfavorable weather yesterday, par-! Committee investigating the conduct of the war were based on die false assumption that combatting the rierinnn 'mhinnrine canmaisn was the main function of the United States j senate ! navy's j ticularlv in Alabama. Mississippi and Conduct oi tne wai. .1 the southern part of Tennessee. Pri-! The chief mission of the American ! vale reports were better than expect- i navy, Pratt declared, was to organize, ed this morning and the market eas- the service of transportation m con-, ed off. junction with the army and to get Am-; ipi ir-.'in soldiers to France. Tlie Brit-i t - - -- -- -- - ish got the submarines under ccncioi early in 1017 and held it to the end, (and did it before the United states ould have aided materially. 'LUMBERS GATHER IN STATE C SGUNDS ANO THTH IRfIC 10 i PAPERS :4 PT Weather For North and probably colder in the southwest winds. Carolina: Fair tonight Thursday. Somewhat interior tonight, fresh Mr. John M. Mull, of Morganton, spent Tuesday night with his father, i Mr. P. P. Mull, of W est Hickory. Bv the Associated Press Raleigh, April. 21. With delegates from all parts of the state in attend ance the Master Plumbers' Associa tion of North Carolina met here to day for a two days' session at which every phase of the business will be discussed. Cmeron Morrison, of Charlotte, candidate for governoi will be the principal speaker at a I banquet tonight. By the Associated Press. .New York. April 2X. Frank :1V Giass. president of the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, gave warning at the annual converi-" tion today that newspaper - must curtail further the use of newsprint; if they expected to-survive. ' - "It cannot be denied." he said. ;th'a,t the publishers themselves - were- ra-' sponsible 'for yielding to the srreat' demand for paper and. that they have created this skyrocket auction market by bidding against each .other, by. willingness to take the vohim? of-advertising, offered, no matter now 5:maP the margin of profit, nor shou!4 publishers think that the worst is. over, that the situation will be -improved by this summcr"s new crop of paper or the new machines com ing into the market. ' .

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