MlCgBRY Daily m m srf Aft W "Si"'!. .tu jA" HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 22, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS m sn -m IntM' 5 lb-' J ! 1 ' r-' lie Ti MANY CLERKS ARE TRYING TO HOLD THEIR NEW JOBS I.."- JV1.UIV in Positions at Washington During War as to Cause Much Anxiety Now Congressmen arc Urged to Inter cede for Young Women RELIEF II IN WAGE HEAHINGSIWQMAN TQ HlEiREGULARS ARE ORDERED PROGRESS IN 1 STRIKERS' ! FDR MURDER 1 ii Rnmim nmrp I nr Pini ! flUIDflfflfl bflOLG Ur blflL I 1 1 1 'ii. . .M ; i m 1 1 . h 'I In' :;ir t t!a 1 do, when be approaclu tin- govcrn- ashing-, mint olV'cial wilh a remiest to keep lis constituent on tin- rolh,. Thai olli eial blrndlv says. "W.'tv mv d'-ar ir. vnu congressmen have rat down the appropriation, reduced the number -f m.v t-iuployi'-. and now vtu come ai'vHi; (1 and ak us to n-.ake places 'cm' pcpp w I: 're I ''ii' arc n, pl.;ees." 9r-- SOME HEW TUXES y the Associated Pros'. Birmingham, A'u.. April 22. In ii'siiiiiiM' to an appeal bv Governor Kilbv many communities throughout (lie state today were preparing to .tnd aid to the Stricken sections of tlx- state. Rod Cross chapters and Salvation Army posts and other organization.- today and physicians of Birmingham joined with oiher organizations in sc ndim relief i rain?. !1. As the !ir;-t U.rinnmg of t v. 1 1 v c nioni h iMiii ti are t leged l y wopieii from V ..nil (.hiiwi'i't I ' ! alii-, from tlie'.v . 'I .11 k homo" le In' the reten t i.r.ei-vrs in their ! I,'.- '.riivi'i'Hiiit'ia ' i!,. material rcdac ti.e great govern -ratiotu! capital I"' the war ana a r' to he alio! . . Complete reports of the tornado's to!! have not yet been received, out conservative estimates -place the num 1 er dead at 155. with several hun- FO S L IS i'V -I'M : ir. pie prove. ! "''f'! it lolls tl'ete- ' ': e taUlieicn: num -peg.-, and Minn . c in go. The dU' ho iuil I go and ' ! ai '. of I hem a v ' i ' theia di - 'igl'e-., years ;:go. "atu- of employe.' (leM.ii'tnitPfs a: 1 Ma' "few die aii'l f'.-t-.-t i-.. that aftei i been itl t he ill'- i !' war.. iuot of as; stay on i;ni ii . ' i r; 'jr i Wa-'ek Ashiieiated 1'ress hitpj-tcii. A pi il 22. -A i. xch;:ii;re t rainaction i v '.) iKer s coiiimi-'.Moa. vic.'i! en tc titative'v by 1 IV 'a tne tioLle a one laisni" moaev Pn'J itiv'iv 'a tne lite; Tls coiniiiittt I. vic- for raisim tax on ad cuual to has been Ucpublieaa wavs and f the new or liotiiif'es war. T'.vo v coiuiider- lor Midlers of the world ether levies also are unde at ion. These are a one per cent levy on the iinal sales to consumers, a new 'i vv en incomes probab'v in excess f t :r-'" and an increa.-e of a:ipro 1 1 n : 1 1 1 1 y lo per cent on exist ine taxes (.r tobacco ar.d ci;rar.. a fhe"e i.3 Pot :e busy Wet '-ri bou!d the'.' re- i.ore. Tea nuai the e-ovi-rtPPen: t plaee ipvler v, to provide daily ' Pendei't upeii them nes ;i inometu 'irn: thev have to Ir.rrcaM' State-e'ane- n "pand the pe-;,ot:-niuctit dctiat'tmeiit. war and rmvv. Kv at Wa'diinirton ail ;ed from this pouu 1 1 ; i tmenu eoponiv ba-i." i copi plal re ( mdei'ii'.inu: employe; had b vcol'es ot .'eldit j( e. t 'ie eal-i a to 1 e ; 0:11 ' , e; i pfoU'.' ' I oi the (( CONNS'.I.LY SI'KIN;S MAN IMIKI! A i; ii ics i' Iteputy Mar.dial .J. i . WW of Si at csville. was here today ection with the preliminary f T. II. Uobei'tson. of C Sarines. who was arreste evening' m the charge of ti'iuor. The arres was made dbition Ollicvr ( II. Smith your'.vr mare a barber. Hickory. It is chartred n of corn liuuoo. fore M'". dohn Idred in j do'l uv W jured and manv' thousands ia piuportv bimaee. oi I! Ill TO I m WHITE Gil Hy the Associated Press. Wadiintcn. April 22. Wajro de nmndi of the railroad switchmen, a. any of whom recently went on an vn'awful strike, were presented to the railroad labor board today by S. K. llerbcrlimv. president of tho switchmen's union of North Anv.'r- 1 ic;v . Asking a wasre demand increase : for the men of per cent, with time land a half for over-time, Mr. Heber-ling- said the hazard was greater than in any other industry, including; the coal mines. CVi5v.m.itteos from ncn-refotrni'.ed vsrdmen's association in Cleveland Kansas City. Columbus and the Chi ta go engplnemen's association arc here for ii hearing'. t IKKDKIJ, OFFERS .11; D(JE LONC l FOR SUrEUIOU COURT BENCH j Bv the Associated Press. Quebec, April 22, Mrs, Marie Holi day Gag'non was found gaiilty yester day of torturing- and murdering- her IG-ear-old; ,step daughter, Aurorc Gag-non. and was sentenced to be hanged August 8. The eirl. after being- beaten wiifci a red hot poker and made to walk barefoot in the snow, was forced io drink poison, the evidence disclosed. A post mortem examination of the body disclosed 51 wounds. iPUSH COAST BRAND IFMI I fi 1111 1 Y Wl IbiDIlllnkW bUWUIkl TO PUT DOWN FIGHTING Regular Battle Fought by Deputies and Miners at Montana Mine Guard at I. W. W. News paper Shot and Killed by Another Men Strike for More Pay ; M ii . , - i - - SI the M-iatod Press. IndiarKipolis, pril Ray. li-ye;:r-o!d negro right for the murder on Mart '- i Hull". 1 1 wars o vri'tin confession of the 22. William arrested last Monday of d. made a crime early iH ioo..v aci-oriiiiig to tne police The alleged confession was wit- :.tss,'d by four policemen. In thofor eight ye;ns 'enuvsioii. .iel"-.rding- to the police, Usual abilitv. Kp.y traced hi--- movements from the time !iv is said to have enticed the cirl from her home bv promising- he"-' ri w elotheg until after he had thrown i r bodv, stripped of clothing-, inLo Kagle creek, near this city. !av denied that he assaulted the eirl, the tiolice said, but admitted he had stabbed her in the neck with a :k c!;e! knife when she fourht o(T his ! Statesville, April 22. The Iredell 'P. ir association today unanimously re solved to present Judge B. V. IiOii- to the voters of the primary on June for nomination to the Superior court to succeed Associate Justice Brown. In indorsing Judge Long, the Iredell bar refers to the fact that he is a gradu ate of Trinitv college. Pearson's law school of the University of Virginia and to his record as an able and suc cessful lawyer they recall that he serv ed the state as solicitor of his district with fidelity and unu- that he has hold the courts in all of the 100 counties and that the state generally knows him and he knows the people on account of this long and distinguished service. With 28 th-'j Coa.c-t of this city its capacity new machines to install. Brand Overall Company is more than doubling and already has begun MANY DEBATERS 0 TI CHAPEL HILL .... i i i - I II., ,.iit- Mmi': i-i .f I At I tin Mil lid ei ri;ue.svnie. w;is neie ,o..,u m com- Tl(I knift WPR . (.XMibitH after a ection with the prelim, nary heann ..Uy ((f Uu irirl i, J t t i fU- 1 Uav ,f '' H. Iiobe.-t.son. of ( onnellv ,,s tJ) , m.,,rn w;, h.)(, t.ntiml thc. UnF Siirmes. who was arrested t nw In r,,s!(j from holuc. evening on the charge of selling Kav (..,,n(. fo idianopIis from Chi- liouor, Tlu- arres was maee by I ro-l w,.,,ks air. hibition Ollievr (' 11. Smith ;md the s?r Jiiilomnn nrioTinm I' create. :, :. i iiiii(';i t on i oi i.-. ioo i c ; irv ninTini It f,D I IWIT i IHIO nrno nn r r n c. LJUPfii U MM Mill. HIHWK ru v r. j vi ; HL Mibvcah i fin i to bv pv ti-, , ; .. v i., r. , ? -. '""-- ' .,.'.-v r.. C. i' l 'J?.. Maroon- ,e ; i I f 1 1 1 If le. to t ," i ! !...,,, . u.iH.iiMt fii,.l I ...t i ' , . I 01 K . ivi i ii' I'-ii t i pier en 'tn-i,:; to M ; o:ii' "l!;e' . , i. I in :iv5ir!. ' , 1 , 1 1 ; 1 ; , f 1 1 1 ; 1 - 1 - 1 1 ' 1 ' n lv p w " ,1 ,-et. j:. C I 'art i;i will l!l, v , .. i, ... n.l Pi-- remainder of i!ie v'";lk"; .... I,;-, p'.r-b. wh-re he h;v. been ' """' ,;,, !- ,;i ": . j .' . a ..o.' i-.i which he and W. ' . . ' C ell va -, swt-Pt away on the Ml" "Irelt ( . .llif, ,,u, utU.r to death I ,' ll"t opV I', v . ,,, , 1 10 to V a hinu'ton i'" wa the a-l'iofiition very lull hoard itl t ru: KILL! AN COMMENCEMENT T BE HELD SATURDAY Saturday will be a big- day at Kd ban's graded school and the patrons and friends of the institution will i.alher in large numbers- The occa sion wiM lie tlie commencement exer-c-iseo. which always are of interest. Mr. W. C. Feimsfer, of Newton, will deliver the address at 11 A. M. At 'A0 L. M- a recital and declamation 11 be held and at 8 P. M. a concert, wi ' il '.oi,f t Women ' -.'our bit" conteinphtted m ;; wrrk in the n..tii.ri. under novel i I i:o e.vciteiiielit of the 1 i ,' running from ?;i00 a ' '.''-' - mollv l.'JO ) -the , 1 ! a' trr.ctive to hcoies of, ' ouri'.r women manv of lo.ri'.v i (.;;!itiin.r work in t';e r -. f i f and to whop;1 ii : ounded fahulou.-i. So j : 1 1 oops and were packed j ' ; i eat govei tinu lit build-: uiarig up like mu.-;hroomsi - n the park stretching be-' 'upltol buiMinif and the ii Monument. ; . to a gri at many of them. i ad-. enture. a lark. Case.-1 I h'-re girls had run awav ;.i.d were living hen- un- ! names, to efijov the cr'-at Manv became disillusioned n'rneil home. Tliev found ' conditions in the terribly THE RACK FOR .M DCE. MuMi interest is shown locally m , !.- for the Democratic nom ination for associate in-dre o. suoreme court and Judge W Ad-ims' entry yest'-rdav added mote .est to the campaign. F, Long, of Statc:?vilV. has into the race also ;uh includes Judge Owen W.v Bern former cv, of ley. of of ti, the J even Judge B been put the list now H.. Cruion. of Judee W. I . Sta- Wilmington; Prof. IS. vitii Whi Forest, and N- J. liousf-. Kinst'jp.. Laeh man lias ns in every part of the the Associated Press ago, April 22. Sharp new . took place today in the corn market risrht at the outset. The heav iest fall was in the May delivery which in some exhibit a sheer dcrcent of six cents a bushel since last niyht. Renewed weakness in the vi II be given. The public is invited. PROPERTY jrAMAGE IJY STORM AT ALBEMARLE i. drive for more business near home T output of the local plant is sold relrdilv in all parts of the soutfi. but .Manager J. W, Hartsfield believes that the territory in this section is worth going- after and considerable local advertising will be done. Mr. Frank 1). Dwyer, representa tive of the company, said today that many contracts had been placed for overabs in this section and that the j company expected to have its goods I in all the leading stores. I he doubling ot the capacity of the plant will enable it to supply a large trade and there is no doubt that the product will be worn largely in this section. Mrs. J. D. Elliott, Mrs. C. M. Sher i ill , Mrs. Frank Henderson and lit tle Miss Mary Elliott Henderson spent Yesterday in Charlotte. policehIes" stop negro us A I'u-tr i.rl Ay witnessed one of the moit storms in its nistory lat.? nihf ihp storm coming on of the cyclone the southern about a week thrown in a a: cTiarh' terrinj TiTe-sday thc heels which passed through section of tne county ag;o. Many people "were panic. Th'j storm was Ey the Associated Press. New York, April 22. Police servci responded to a riot call in Harlem's negro quarter when a mob of -1,500 tried to rescue a prisoner fro?v. a policeman. In the general fighting two negroes were arrested cne of them being shot through the slash- mni'O nr PSR lOCai OlliV VllJl.lllo-ii'i licillU, rtHU l au u.muou J-""f; ""J suttenng its td with a razor, rna iroucie sianea i rtock market was mam BODY OF RAMSEY BABY JS TAKEN FROM CATAWBA pers prop Belmont. April 2:4. the two-yea r-o'd ehih Ramsey, who is be'b hurled herself into the -The body of of Mrs. Bob ved to have Catawba river. soidin taken S. C. reiior his par state, but .hidge Ad;inv-; probably is the mos popular of anv because he is better known bv the people fcnerallv. Pro fessor (iullev will have strong sun port among his o'd law students and the other candidates have friends who wiM see that thev have a hear ing. I'C will be a dignified contest, but inte resting. " i 1 it v were uni)!l a--an' 1 in" iiuarlors had not, I for a suddi u anuv (f I inori', Manv Want lo Slav. ' 'i ' rua jorit y of them "s ' i ;iiid of them want to 'Mick at it." The:;e nig woimn who have ii' their woik, some of . be beeP nr.; PALMER CONTINUES AHEAD IH GEORGIA i . . child in ner arms, was from the river at Fort Mill last, afternoon, according to : received here. No trace of the mothers body has vet, been found, but searching par tie. worled late into the night drag ging the stream at points above and below where the baby s body was recovered. A negro fisherman found the in fant's body. He was fishing 100 yards below the dam at Fort Mill when hi? hook became caught under a rafter. He nulled it out and the child's bodv came witn u. It was not bruised save for a smad scar on the forehead. The bodv has been brought here for interment. i i m SEVERAL MEN ENLISTED BY RECRUITING OFFICERS ar.d surroundim? sections 5 effects while a heavy gale end ram storm developed throughout the entire scuntv. Theie seems to have been no onal iniurie? but consaieraoie i i rri rtv damage is reporieu. nit metal roof of the large furniture store of Parker-Little Furniture company was blown off and torrents of rain flooded a considerable portion of the store. The top of a large chimney at one of the city graded school build ings was blown off the chimney smash ed through the roof in the building and threw out of commission two of the classes for yesterday. One chimney at the girls Normal and Industrial college also was blown down causing considerable damage to the building and in addition a numoei of windows of this building were wrecked. The negro Methodist church I l J? . . : 4. V ,.,lnlinyi Vvn f was Diown nom us itunuauuii w:;s not otherwise damaged. A number of chimneys of dwel lings were blown down among them being those of Dr. T. P. Nisbet, Hor ace Armtield, J. W. Lyevly and H. L. Miller. The large plate glass front of Albemarle Sample store was blown out of commission by wires and poles Hickory and Newton debating teams, the latter composed entirely of giris. are at Chapel Hill today for the big debating contest which will decide the state championship and the holder of the Aycock cup. a tro phy that is much sought for each spring. The Hickory teams are com posed of Miss Margaret Bruns, Har old Essex. Edgar Thompson and Al bert. Hewitt and thev were accom panied to Chapel Hill bv Miss Millie Kate McComb and Kev.. E. deF. Heald- Friends of the young debaters throughout the state will have their ayes on Chapel Hill in the hope that the greatest honor will fall to their champion:. Included in the list, of speakers at Chapel Hill are moc than 100 girls, representing many of the 48 schools which will compete in the final rounds for the statc ! el-ammonshin and the avcock memo rial cup. The girls are being taken care of in the homes of members of the faculty, the boys generally in the college dormitory rooms of univer sity students from their own homes The job of finding the two best debating teams out of the 48 com ing will be started April 22. when drawings will, be made and prelim inary rounds will be started. The teams will Actuajly debate against each other in 12 halls all over thd campus and the town and by the night of April 22 the number will be "reduced to 12 teams on each oide. The two final teams will be picked th& morning of April 23 and the charrrmonshis contest will take place on the night of April 23 in Memorial hall. President Chase will preside at the final debate- B. Pv. Rankin will act as secretary. The judsres will be By the Associated Press Butte, Mont., April 22. IT. B. Harran. a guard in front of the Dailv BuUetin, said to be the organ of the metal workers' union; No. "'. I W. W.. was shot and killed today i-y Joseph Pabst- another guard. I-'abst. who was arrested, said the shooting was accidental. By tli'; Associated Press. Spokane, April 22. A detachment of the 21st infantry left Fort Georg" Wright today for Butte. Mont., for which point they were sent for strike duty. By the Associated Press. Butte, Mont.. April 22. City and county authorities today invest!!' at ed a clash late yesterday near Never Sweat mine, near here, in wlbch i i men were shot. Most of the wounded wpi-fl said to be pickets placed abou: the mine following the calling of a Sunday a week strike of the metal workers demanding- an increase of $7 and shorter hours. The shooting began, according to Sheriif O'Rourke. while he and some deputies were trying to disperse a mob of miners that had gathered about the mines. (PHIL MEETING OF IUTHEW PftSTORS Secretary's report of the Catawba County Pastoral Association. This association met at. Lenoir Col lege. Hickory. N. C. April 12th. As hovn in the minutes . of . the March meeting, the date regularly appoint ed for this meeting was April 5. but was postponed until - the above men tioned date by the - president at th? request of a number of . the, pastors - Devotional exercises were con ducted bv Rev. E. J. Sox hv the place of Rev. R. B- Sigmon to whom this duty ha been assigned. The meeting; was attended by the following: Dts. Feery Fritz. Revs. Sox. Haltiwtii-g-cr, Rocf, Bickley. Miller, Pv- after King iiwnsU!.' -i ne negro arrested a KiCKed ihe oiheer in tne . i ne Aycoca. presented to Professor N. Bv the Associated Press Washington. April 22. Reports both to the state and war departments today continued to support ths, un official dispatches that have told of the rapidly increasing area of the Mexican revolt. Administration ofti ciais studied them carefully, -but without betraying anv indication that the position of tnjs government would be anything but an observer. The movement begun by the seces sion of Sonora has trained the acces sion of at least four other states and , .-, i i hit ..1 pi onuses oy vuia ana ivianuei i . Taez and one or two other minor le bel chiefs that they will jdin m the levolt against jCarranza- Miss Sallie Rebecca Yoder left Thursday. April 15, for Banner Elk, N. C... where she expects to attend the Lees McRae Institute during the summer months- Vvisoii. v.. c- Bernard memorial cup will be the winning team by V . Walker. While the debates are in progress the fifth annual interscholastic ten nis tournament will be conducted, with Dwinell Van Noppin in charge of , arrangements. Entries have been leceived from Charlotte. Laurinburg. Durham, Greensboro, WHmington, Leaksvillc. Burlington and Wilson, who won last year. Cup will be awarded in both singles and doubles- The eighth annual interscholastic track meet will take place the after noon of April 23, with Lester Bopd. the freshman track coach, in charge. High school track stars will compete ( in the 100-yard dash, the 440-yard; run, the 880-yard run. the mile, the, 120-yard low hurdles, the high jump, j the broad jump, the pole vault, the; 12-pound shot put. the discus thrown, nnd a relav race. Greensboro. Dur the ap- eing blown down and this is also true PREFERENCE GIVEN VETERANS )f the telephone system but these were j IN NAMING OF POSTMASTERS '-ell ,11 ' '11 II' Nil h.i! 'lis lo ("111 inclu'l 'inane v, horn promoted and see a future ie government service. Oth-; in the class f th'' necissi-1 io came here under the whioj i of hard conditions which 1 hem to earn it livelihood for ! and others and who sis .v. "simply Ipivo iujt got to iob." are the two classes tjiat be- congressmen with importu be kept on when the rolls own in Julv. and who bring to bevr from voting icla- ioiii" io suppori uh tr plea. i oiuvressmpp election time f rom By th" Associated Press. Hanta. April edicia! returns Geo'- I'iivo Attorney General votes in the state convention, a plu- i.litv of ten over Thomas E. Watson. his nearest opponent. ii i ..... . na avaiiaPio neu te un- all counties in early today 1 'aimer 140 who had United States Senalor 1 SO Hoke the Votes voh's I Mr.! : counties. Mr. YV at- mhi, .".". many of them with fewer convention votes than tbe Palmer counties, and Senator Smvth 48 counties out of the ioo ni the state. Votes Smith, the other candidate in triiL'.'-corntVi'd race-, had 114 ( n th" figures. There are "8' 'n tho convention. The available returns showei Palmer carried The following men have applied for enlistment at the local army recruit ing station the past week and were accepted: Nathaniel G. Iscnhowcr. Hickory, for held artillery camp, Taylor.' Kv.: Ben C. Smith. Hickory for field artillery, Fort Sill, Okla-; John N. Wright. Bartow, Fla., con struction division. Camp laylor, ky.; Dexter Honevcutt. for infantry. Fort Slocum, N, Y.; Clarence W. Sigmon. Hickory, field artillery. Fort bill, Okla.; Powe'l Sigmon. Hickory, for cavalry. Eagle Pass, Tex.; Howard W. Roner, Hickory, for field artillery. Camp Taylor. Ky.; Carl V. Morgan. for fivlu artillery. Camp Taylor, Ky. i tn Mr. Zeb S. Miller ot Williamsburg, Va., spent yesterday in the city with his bn ther. Mr. W. E. Mjller. CHILUlUX CAN'T BE of soon temporariluy repair-ed early this morning, so that the service is prac t it-ally normal this afternoon. ATTENTION, KNIGHT TEMPLARS i Hickory Commandery No. 17 K. I. will meet tonight, commencing at 6 o'clock, to confer the order of knight hood. Refreshments will be served in the hall. Markets Washington, April 22- Under an j executive order issues yesterday the i postmaster-general is authorized to : submit to the president for nomina tion to first, second and third class postmasterships, "the name of either highest eligible, or the veteran obtain ing the highest eligible rating, as the best interests of the service may re-ouiro." DEMPSEY SIGNS FOR FIGHT WITH UNNAMED OPPONENT ham, High Point, Huntersville. Bur- 1 Hilt Wilmington. ' line and VI 1 v yJ ' i vyni'i " " i g CnviU'ill onr! pT'ifnH;lain ha VP. sont ! OI entries. For the oast six" years; Friendship has won the meet hands; down, but from preliminary dope the; other schools are determined that j the corner shall be broken this year. Medals will be awarded to the win rers of the different events. H WON'T RETURN. Bv the Associated Press New Iv 5.000 Jersey City today are reported to voted not to return to work. The Rev- O- W. Aderiioidt. ot 4.u:s ville. was received into the perma bershio of the association at this meeting. The minutes of Mvrdi n-ippfinp- were read and proved. President Wessinger having re cently returned from Chicago where he attended a meeting of the repre sentatives of the district avnods of the United Lutheran Church n Amer ica for the purpose of considering: the matter of European relief, at tended this meeting by special re quest, and was given an attentive hearing in his report of the same and of the relief measures which our Church is now endeavoring to put forth- The program for the dav was ren- iect of Liturgies which was assigned tto Rev. W. J. Boger. who was not present. Rev. J. M. Senter read a paper entitled. "How does the Lu ihoran church anneal to the- Sinner.' L. Conrad gave a brier oui exegesis of the 14th chapter Romans- These discussions weie heartily appreciated- The auditing committee made us report of the business transacted bv Tim tatuwha Lutheran for the yar 1919. finding the same entirely sat ! ifactory with fine prospects for use i f ulness ' in 1920. The reprf was idered with the exception of the sub i adopted. . ; The progiiam for the next meeting York. April 2Z.-Approximate- eontaiins the following: 0 railroad workers meeting in 4o ave EXECUTED IN FRANCE n IP's Tor tin coming on 'i every vote am " needed, and a Macedonian crv ' -Ui from thes" voung women, if 1 d. might turn into curses upon 1 ii'.ni (lc it i ll heads at polliip'- ' m November. w (-.a t is ii poor cotigressiuan to Mr;-'. G. M. Turner and Miss Sadie 1 t very friend F.vo spent today in Statesville with Mr. 11. M. Fry i', who is convalescing from an operation for appendicitis. Th" New Kra Club will meet to morrow .afternoon with Mrs. A. K. Joy, tit '.' o'clock. By th" Associated Press. Paris. April 22- The charges of high 'treasvjn and intelligence with the enemv against former Premier tVillaux were eliminated by the high court of the senate today by a vote of 213 by 28. This eliminated tbe possibility of the death penalty be ing inflicted. COTTON. By the Associated Press. New Y'ork, April 22. There was a lenewsl of yesterday's selling move ment at the opening of the cotton market this morning with first prices vollinp- 10 to 25 points lower and with active months selling 35 to 55 points below last night's closing- fig ures right after this call. This break carried May and October off about 200 to 250 points, wh;ch seemed suf ficient, to attract fresh buying. Prices rallied in consequence, but the tone of the market "was nervous and un settled with sentiment evidently dis turbed by the uncertainty ot Japan ese conditions, the decline in ex change and the action of the stock market. Chicago, April 22. Jack Demosev yesterday signed for his first light since he won the world's heavyweight er.amnionshin from Jess Willard at Toledo last fourth of July. Manager; Jack Kearns came to terms with Floyd , I Fitzsimmons, a Benton narnoi.; iMich. promoter, for a match at the J i MinViio-an resort Julv 5. Dempsey's i I opponent will be chosen within ten j c'ays- I HIGHS WIN ANOTHER. HOOVER LEADS IN DEMOCRATIC R r" Weather The Hickory High school defeated Newton -yesterday afternoon bv the score of G to 1 and incidentally added another victory to an unbroken string. The lads want the Hickory to watch them do it, which would be more fun of course. The local highs have a fast team, the pitcher, catcher, infielders and outfielders being on hand with the goods. 'py the Associated Press. j ! Lansing- April 22. Senator Hiram ! Johnson's plurality in the presiden tial preferential primary April o, was 44,373, according to official figures an nounced by the stai canvassing com mittee today. Herbert Hoover, whose name ap peared on both Republican and Dem ocratic ballots, won the Democratic endorsement by 5,344. William G. McAdoo taking second place. ice. Rvsminfltion of The Common I-er- I vice, (a) Forms and Meaning of the Liturgical Service Fev. W. J. Bo- ' ger- Outline nd Brief Discussion. 15th Chapter of ; Romans. Rev. O- W I Aderholdt. ... Analysis of the Inter-Church W or!' I Movement. Rev. W. A. Deaton. D- D. Cosing with the Lord's Prayer, the Association adiouirned to meet I at Lenoir College Monday, Mav 3rd, at 11:30 A. M. J. C. PEERY. D. D J. J- BICKLEY'. ) Secy- Prop OPPOSES PRINTING For North Carolina Local thun- obably Friday, warmer in the extreme west Mrs. x ox iwKi, fW w Wilmintrton to visit Mr. dcrstorms prooaoiy laie xonigni aim r- , - Mrs. Claudia Sullivan left yester ir Will Henderson, Mrs. Henry Richard, Sr., has turned from Lincolnton where visited her sister, Mrs Robert Neely. re she Mc- STORIES OF Wm portion tonight, fresh south winds. jner son A number' of 'dub women from and Hickory and Lenoir are 'attending the former district meeting, lederatea ciuos, ai .Newton today. Bv the Associated Press El Centro. Cal., April 22. EJ Cen tro'? new mayor fcas instructed the chief of police to suppress al! news of arrests for crimete. "Publication of arrests and crimes does not in any way benefit the pub lic morals," said the mayor, "and they should not be published." , . .