MONDAY EVENING, HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE FIVE VALUE '5 . ,1',W)f--rP' It's not extravagance to put your money into items or or naments that have imper ishable value. It's your duty to look your best It's thrift to invest your money in jew :;.s of convert able value and rlfganee. (Ju.ifJiiileeil values here. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optometrist NYSIS TOILETRIES uticmaj HICKORY INSURANCE & REALTY CO. (icncral Insurance arid Bonds Service Our Motto 030 Mth Street - - - Phone 292 Great Amertcan Play "Nothing But The Truth" THE STORY OF 24 HOURS OF VERACITY ON A WAGER Complete Production New York Cast Rollicking Comedy Succesr 6th Night Redpath Chautauqua Just One of 15 Big Attractions Season Tickets Only $2.75, Plus 10 Tax America's most distinctive contribution to the enhancement of ffminfoe.charm. NYSIS PARFUM "The Odor Entrancing." NYSIS FACE POWDER Stays on but docs not show. NYSIS VANISHING CREAM Protects the sfctn agatait weather NYSIS TALCUM There i nothing finer. NYSIS COLD CREAM Softrni and cleanses, the akin. NYSIS TOILET WATER- Adda to the bath's delight. NYSIS SOAP Fit! the hand clears the akin. LUTZ 'On the Corner" Local and Personal Bon to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mol.; leller of Hickory route 1 a daughter. Mr. It. II. Little, of Chwlotle. was a Hickory visitor Saturday. Miss Dorotliy Kanoy of Davenport f'ollej-re, spent the week-end with Mrs. l B. Williams. Mrs- M. M- Thompson left yester day for Charlotte for. a. visit to relatives. Mr. Clydf Brnwley. of Gastonia, '5p-nt last nitrli t in trie city with Ins oiint, Mrs. L. W. J'oovev. Mr. and Mr.i. W. L. Coon and chil dren, of Catawba, snent Sunday in !l:o city wit!i relatives- Mr. and Mr?. Russell M, Yount Miss Elizabeth Abc-nirthy and Messrs. 1. I Abernehv and Claud- Abernethv nent yostenhiy in Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bolick cind children, of Conover, were truest;? Saturday nitrht of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Aberncthy. ? Mr. J. E. Ppsrh and Miss Clara Fuel), of Charlotte, spent Sunday in the eity with Mr. and Mrs. George S. Watson. Mil Frank Cooper, of Statpsvill" h visilins Ins sister, Mrs. P. A Sctzcr, on Tenth avenue. Mi'j F. B. Williams has accented a position with the Il;;ll and Lvfcr'y Victrola Company at the Van Dyke Shop. Mrs. H. M. Frvr spent Sunday in Statesville with. Mr. Fryc- who i;5 re covering from an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Georpre Everett Hayes of the Lut Storo spent 1 he week end in Salisbury with, friends. VIRGNIA WINS GAME Virginia won tlx annud basr-bal! irame :tt Greensboro Saturday after noon, 8 to 7, by a ninth inning rally and Carolina errors. Until this fateful inuir.T, the Tar Needs ! a two-run lead, but errors by the shortstop paved the way for th1 score. About 5,000 fans frvm several sUtes saw the game. MANURE WANTED Cow or Horse In the nursery west of town we aced lots and lots of manure t mulch the newly transplanted ov nreens. etc. Can arrange to take all you have, and will keep it re moved each week. Let us know iiow -much you can, supply and your per Ford ton truck load. Telephone 218-L or 213-J Howard-Hickory Co. Telephone 213L -Trustworthy mn Tir;.M I AMERICAN AS.SOCJ4TION -Jf" OF NVRSLKYMEN Friends of Mrs. Minnie SeahocJi will be glad to know that she is im proving nicely following a tbght operation. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Marshall and little daughter of Morristown. Tenn., are guests of his mother, Mrs. J. G. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. James Est ridge. Miss Daisy Howard, Miss Mayo , Shuford nnr! Messrs. Frank Seaboch and Earl '"Tbomassr n of Gastonia motored to Hickory yesterday and spent the clay with Mrs. Minnie Seaboch. Mr. L. W. Turner of Charlotte spent Sunday in the city as the guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Morris on Twelfth steet and Mr. Joyce c.n Twe! ft h avenue. to (he city after . visiting in Hudson and Cedar Valley. At Hudson she vr.3 the guest of her aged brother, Mr. C. W. Hiekma.i in Cedar Valley 'he guest of her sister, Mrs- Amanda Blair. CONCORDIA VS. TAYLORSVILLE An interesting and hard fought j baseball gamo took place on the! graded school diamond at Conover j when Taylorsville high school play- j ed Concordia College. The score run close through the entire trmp, Taylorsville. got the better of Con- j eovdia in the lat of th eighth in-j ning, caused by several errors made ' in the. infield. The final score was 10 to 0 in favor of Taylorsville. BIG SPECIAL AT PASTIME TOMORROW The Pastime is offering a big at traction tomorrow. The pre, gram j will be Robert Warwick in "Secret-j Service," a Paramount Artcaft spec-: ial by William Gillette. The caste; includes Wanda Hawley, Theodore j Roberts, Knymond K itten. Irving j Cummimrs. Robert Caine. Casson For-; ! .. T.i.i.'ii. -m.... t :n: t ! Mrs. Harriet Bowman has n-turnod ''aJ UilU1 o T, ; ten, uuv onver aea ronnan oeioy (Kid McCoy ). "Secret Service" is j a thriilng story of love and daring ! deeds in the days of the Civil war. Beidah Marie Dixw rote, the screen! version .of "Secret Service" which j was the most successful play of the i American stage. Special music at ; night. Regular admission 10 and 201 cents. ! Among those who attended the Car-rdinn-Virginia baseball game at Greensboro Saturday were Mrs. C. M. Shenill. Misses Kate Elliott, Rachel Pugh. Dorothy Gill and Messrs. Joe Murphy, Richard Shuford... Donald Menzies and Dr. O. H. Hester. CCORE THROAT or Tonsilitis, gargle with, warm salt water, then apply 'YOUR BODYGUARD" - 3Qf. OOP. 'I Zd Extraordinary Attraction at 9 " , L ROBER WARWICK ' ' , IN "Secret Service" A I'aramount-Artcraft Special Iy William Gillette. Directed by Hugh Ford. ,, Scenario by Beulah 'Marie Dix THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PLAY OF THE AMERICAN STAGE A thrill ing story of love and daring deeds in the dnys of the Civil War. With a great supporting cast, including Wanda Hawley, Theodore Roberts, Irving Cummings, "Kid" McCoy, Robert Caine, Casson Fergu son, Raymond Hatton, Edythe Chapman and other fa mous players. Special Music at night. Admission 10 & 20c, war tax inc. Theatre opens at 1:30 p. m. First show , commences promptly at 2 p. m. Continuous performances until 10 P. M. We do not close for supper. Coming Thursday April 29th-"Les Miserables," Victor Hugo's amazing masterpirece featuring William Farnum. i Mr. and Mrs. A. h. Shuford of j Conover and Mr. Edgar Whitencr of j Hih Point, attended servicey at the I Reformed church yesterday morning and during the services interesting talks were made by Mr. Shuford and Mr. Whitencr on the forward movement. RELIEVES, TIRED ACHING MUSCLES Buy a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and keep it handy for emergency TF I only had some Sloan's Linl- X Mr. Roy Smith attended the Carolina-Virginia baseball game in Greensboro Saturday. Miss Essie Deal sent Sunday in Lenoir with her aunt, Mrs. Hartwell Craig. Mrs. Henry Ricard. Jr., returned todav from I'oone where ?he attended the funeral last week of her grand mother. Mrs- Holshouscr- Mi', and Mrs. J, A. Sherrill of SherrilPs Ford, spent several hour? l in the city yesterday with Mr- and I LIrr; Espev Sherrill, on their way to i Davenport College to see their daugh ter. Mi;s Hazel Sherrill. rr.cnt!" How often you ve said that! And then when the rheu matic twinge subsided - after hours of suffering you forgot it! Don't do it again get a bottle today for possible use tonightl A sudden attack may come on sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, stiff joints, neuralgia, the paias and aches resuHing from exposure. You'll poon relieve it with Sloan's, the lini ment that penetrates without rubbing. 33 years leadership. Clean, econom ical. Three sizes 55c, 70c, $1.40. ox! LAST CHANCE TO PAY STREET TAX All persons who fail to pay their street tax exemptions before May 1 will be served with a notice telling them when they must put four days of work on the streets. This is according to law. Either get your receipt from the city manager or the chief of police. Attend to this busi ness at once and save trouble. E. W. LENTZ, Chief of Police. Authorized Ford and Fordson Tractor Service Genuine Ford Parts Phone 225 ----- Hickory Garage GOOD UNDER GARMENTS AT UNDER PRICES III ... 1 ' , , . rWmti ni35Eji! ,vg:a:m;; You will be surprised at tlie big and varied stock of Ladies Undermuslins that we are carrying. Many customers have told us that the goods would cost them as much as we are asking for the finished gar ments. KNIT UNDERMUSLINS "Munsing" & "Forest Mill" brands. Vests, Bloomers, Teddys etc., made from beautiful soft yarns. Prices 25c to $2.00 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR "Dove" "Seal pack" and other well known brands. Corset covers, Camisoles, Drawers, Ted dys, Gowns, Athletic Suits, etc. The line quality of cloth and the attractive designs will please you. Prices 50c to $3.00 SILK UNDERGARMENTS We carry the well known "Vantine" line. When you think of silk you think of high price. But not so in this line. Camisoles, Bloomers, Teddys, Gowns, etc., at prices you expect to pay for cottons. UNDERSKIRTS-An enormous stock Underpriced at from $1.50 to $1 0.00 to select from. Satteens, Muslins, Heather blooms, Jerseys, Taffetas, Satins, etc. All the colors of the Rainbow. "Her Majesty" and "Fitrite" brands. Prices $1.50 to $15.00 Thompson- West Co "The Ladies Store" Hickory. North Carolina FANCY FRUITS OF ALL KINDS HOME MADE CANDIES LOWNEY'S BOX CANDY ALWAYS ON HAND . . . Savoy Candy Company PHONE 199 ELGIN WATCHES Keen 7 i m e Fine Re&airinct JEWELRY CLOCKS SILVERWARE A J. ESSEX Jeweler and Registered Optometrist Company ES When you have any old fur niture to sell do not fail to call 221-L. Highest cash prices paid. E. W. REYNOLDS