.XL XL i. U. -U. VOL. V. NO. 213 . HICKORY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, EVENING, MAY 19, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS REGULAR OLD DRIZZLE IS iOT TOO WET FOR D OKI E 1 Jjei! resuviue ana ceremonial Mere Last flight Abridged Somewhat by Elements, m There Was Plenty of Fun and Action! at Armory Many Initiated Tfl nilBT I i i! ait mum OF LADIES ' i nuy Washingtcii- M ay meat oi Mt. Vernon, homo of :orne .lit"!!-' i i: I V till- 1 1. Ill l,t ' i,V,,'.lil ! I(. , ( , I ' 1 ilM I '' " ,ni o.n,.. in V'' l..n ( tl..- 1 1 , Mill . i t' ilt"i I , ftenuent showers during ,miii nnd a iderJv dmzle in ,md a general sprinkling - oh'lit, the spring cere Temide, Dramatic 1 ! ef Khorass.r.i, moved I'.icst rnioViib) 1 vrv.M dons ;it.', to iivli'o from ex -. r.'P-'-nl ami vidMng votaviv-s I In t a in dampened I hi' hot ii. ' tin- etphmda-ni f tit" II,.-1, were keen fi.c fun i in" thev landed here until ,..'.' ' t M ( l' 1 ill l'h' iM'!D"!' i ,.l i V r 1 1 jt!1 Band, an iir ,,i.t nt' who;;,, hiimhi -r..i Hfth engineers, ron- I in,! ,lc during t ho t'vci,iiu .iu-,1 t h" major at I ract i"n j which mile ('ft' in suite , i . in tit it in ! (I fi.zl. The : i i ,i 1 1 it- i out in tot n. al io ..f the -00 vi 'iters aid 1 i ii: tl:. inarch f.nd i'le .v i, 'j"'.- I'fcvs.-tiiv hau to .;!. i' y-'y.i i: rainv li'"c M'uuuva naturally IV ill G ! I ISLANDS 1 , TOBE MADE that Washington, Mav IS The Ameri can iz?it ion of, tin.1 Virgin Islands, in a number of n port of a VH'KS Vll it'll hi' "a ted condii kms pat (i'u!ai !i it: proposed in lotnt commission of con- th roughly iuvesti in this, the most re acquired territory of the States. The commission snout in th" inlands and also held lH'I'O. , recommendations iMMp'.'-iop is the 13. Improve Va., long the Washington, ana further restoration c.t the old wtaie is to he carried cut hv trie Mount Vtrnon l.til'-s" Association of Uw vnion, which :elfl ita annual, meetinc m,.:,,,, fow .l.-jvr, iiL'u. their obicct t i,m i!"i. sairrtiUndinKS eon- 'l llliA tu "- . . f.-.v, .v;iMlv- to that, "preioit c'tliinston lived there after leavin the presidency. , a .t.-.t;,it nf the association owns Mount Vernon never lads U revive the iseue as to wlieUicr ..lie 1 1 idled States guvernm?nt should not own th" famous snot, mote rjvctcecl ,l!:..n any other shrine in Aracnca. not "ceptiiisc F.mueil Hal! or 1 lv n.,nith Rork. Finaneinu the Kovern- ,.,mi .hiving the present nest va t--h i m event, atw i.eriou i.. '..iih i lironvli a. measure r ih estate this year !.. ':i.i.' of the iuauc the house an a m m-'l than once it lias been ; on the lloorj a ib i r&ai I nsiinlnrr5i!3 in nflies 1 SI ! TTrfeY ft ftiif mm i b hi a hfsksi lis ' i i isu -la. s m i Eisi s . " una I AL SITUATION IS ECTED TO IMPROVE By the Associated Press. Washington. Mav If. Cui tailment of long-term loans covering non-essential operations- and discouragement of unnecessary borrowings of all kinds will be the foundation of. the Vcderal reserve board's policy to re duce currency inllamation. 4n!;?!'i.on lonl,-irc" l'i"irn V i -1 or o t n ... ., . . w ,oi, fu.. i-..i tu'.iHijtivta 10 tuvj-'trtiitc vvitii Liic itu- ! eial reserve beard- FREIGHT-CLERKS I PC- j ati.emnt ; for the pur-, hull have : trong i GEORGIA 01 By the Associated Press, "Atlanta, Ga., May 19. Georgia pfTno'crats split into . t'.v factions at the close of the convention early this morning the majority refust-i- to support President Wilson and the other endorsing the administration and I pledging the delegates to Attorney- General Palmer.' Action of the convention itself was made possible by a combination of the supporters of United States Senator Hoke Smith and Thcv-. E. Watson who with Il i. Palmer ran in the presiden tial primary. -Iv linrl rut ifo'-nid ftic rid chose del- i a rici sc o c on v e n -i Georgia's stand the national con- Movcinent to Cui Off Loans for Speculative Pur poses May Bring Relief to Consumers Many Cities Report Reductions in Mer- J handisce Dentists Cheaper yf fi Alter this body had aimer dr'letvates met i y UimL ..-.'in? .pii-?. of ion ciitly 1init'.l .a week hi-ariiie' JlH'Ulded in the proposed by the c -imiR i lers 'ii nil mo Vi the subiect of siieeches ef eitiii r house. Of itn.i oi thousands visit ML Vernon cve. i-om ;-. Il'l sro wmi .i vtiT Pv the 'Allai clerk of Mi Ml Mr. V I.- i'.-t'f i i it-! -v j v m l rv. i), Iv.ir ,, 'I is n. i FHiut: 1.1. ' 1 in1 M)V ''I ,1 I M; i h ' ' !F"tel lUitfry was 'aHni'Mils. the do i.rov open at S : 1 il.li'f. viiirli ineiuiieii . band for t he r,,o ..lid t uldes took I'lia and Tvros. it k lev .acted ha tonst .vt.r .f. I). Fdlintt !c- es of welcome. Tin' e; t aolishnmnt oi a cede ot laws oased upon American principle:-.; and ideals, lo .-upev'ede the 1'aidsh !;;ws. An A mer ;car place of system of the present woo I'll: ( ' - i r:t idea of how the place t- iiied. and the impression miUi'-ly owned s very has never been out. oi .,,,.i mis ' ... i : l. .r ih.. nssoeiaUon wiucii title. KituatOil eiRtiieeo the Potomac river from o : .wr-i.tvililr- bv a mi- by electric cars or v i I it I ro 'hrnds I holds the ; miles down , W.ahinfftoTi : vato boat, l-.ne Associated Press. fa. Ga., !T.ty 10. Union 4i,., r....;o.iii ofi'ir-. ff !. 1 111'-. lllfll V.I. V i Central cf Georgia were out today in t i , -, r ft . . : .. 1 T i i nan: dozen cities oi vreoiuui. ivjmu tourists (bers of the unii vear-llarta, Macon, S indeli-1 ;ind other point is main-j fused fi confeience demanded by the I that it ris i men M ay 14. Kailroad oflicials said; ifenera.- ith ,, nuRstion cf waces was before tnc i leva! railroad labor board in session Chicago. ; wil I ven i ri he I control oi. i and held with one taken before i 11ISEI- - Smith-W atson delegate he private con been in the now I ICi I in on quit work in At- Ijll L 1 1 savannah, AmerL-ur.il !i a g 1 3 1 s. Road omciala re-i S IF mi thouirh the latter means neces- a at re ten oi mm i ( fore the feast. Votaiv i n kwelder presented Mavor i 'he first orfasioii juul Two '. on the second. Mi i1 ' I "a several visitors for n't t"!ls and ri! were rood. r-'H'linir were T). T. Jackson ciirreney in Danish svstem ...t.- i. i i .. . ... .1.. : i i';'J I. r i . w . '.I sites traei o.i-i uie oi cx!'iiaiM;x' raies resiii'in m.-- , , , t! - decreased purcha: in"; value of ! 1'uU'-I'"! ro'1' i,rnc the. Danish money, also is proposed. hlunved o lnU C-; i',iiu..iii,,n,ii h,i.j- in w iuiM-,iijl iri,.,c.,. u.'iin maintain that vliould In, in-piiilv ..vi(-ii'lf.,l :md i n -' i; ,.., o -ii-.n'd remain uinler Us pres- tensitied. "the commission halds. It. ;(M1t 'mammemerd point out I hue i Hy th- Associated Press il. f, ....lrt,i estate was Tor sa.e i.wn vv asiUmrton . May J'J. nevisum Mount . wna ;ikfd tiv Kit v . who like the mavor ! urjrcs, too, as a paramount need, the t-.e famous estate was m 'r estaltlisliment ot an adermatc water I than sixty eais .i r-.. r ; svstem in St. Thomas and St. Groif. I showed small interest in its n l h(. two m-ineinal islands of the I t '...n. and appeared wit.in eo oiMiiM Th,. well wt..r in the isla nds 1 1 ' mI ico he dismantled or ta!l lnti-,tjK. , . . , v, .... I i 1 1' ' - . 'r.4 lOfinn' ;l j ihC iRFPilR! 10K RSIRV 1 Willi SUGBESTIDNS j Bv the A? 3 took 1 trie convention yesterday 1 it threvsrhoot ' the nieSn 4: l ! I EUT-SIRP 1 naif, .ii arsminrft! hut y has m E I. I iU lIlLiJltlUHL.Uli I I By the Associated Pres War.hingtoti, May 19, -Membo.rs of haceo merchants association, of the United States in convention here were asseuied today by President Charles J. Isenhour, of Philadelphia, that tobaco and byuor would not be. buried in the. same ravc. He sai l I here was not the shell lest basis for ir that the prohibited. The- speaker use o f tobacco would .By the Associated Press. . Washington. May 19. Adoption b.? American barj-rers of the recommen dation , of Governor Harding;, of the federal, reserve board, to ''liquify frozen loans" was expected by board officials to alleviate the financial sit ratiou and to ko far towards reduc ing the high cost of Jivintr. Governor Hardinjr applied the terms "frozen loaas" to -i it ov tensions which was permitting larga : locks of merchandise to Pe held in storage for speculative purpose. Snec ulation could be prevented by strict regulation of credits, he said. Representative Kins?, of Illinois, re cently charged in the house that present methods of finance kept goods off the market with resultant in crease in prices. Representative Kincr said he had been reliabtv tcM th.t 700.000.000 pounds ef condensed milk had been stored in New York aeainst 8.000,000 pounds last year. W -i t:!im tvl r;n ;oe.iated Press. May 19.- WiLson today signed the navy pay bill providing f rary nay of oflicera and mi the adoption of a. permanent n re-tested further increas.ee of taxation ;-acco pron'uets. vhich he he.- not. fciing more -President i su aiption would army ana lemno- pei.diniv military la-amst of to-would revenues, since eon be reduced. liri'ti'iif. f U. 'i1. . Frank McDowell of lcvrvt..'i W. M. Jovtivr of States- i It. tir.' .. W, Webber of Lincoln-! F'i'.""il'!i',.r the bntnuet several dvrt alki . '!. made from the' clerk's k in th" hotel. Votary A. A. White-' ivt-1 -.ther:. rpeakirig .fj'om this! r i Mur Hri.-orv people came down' S ...fu. noon to meet ii finnd! f'vl !!! -.' ,'is much mernnif'Tit. Mnv .' ; 'r vi e u. i. wild men. with titrt ahv-.l f'VU. firi'l thev were set to van. '.ii dpni'i r, from street ec;min i, ' iml'iiri' t"i.,k and carriages. Av '';.ffi, tl lain, which wa- "erv lire "i - "iiii.'n ; nd -tra wberrie i. in.irr. f i t " tun i.f th' afternoo'i and v 'v r'r.'7, h'.i'. tli.p w.'u .Tiouv'h ef it to ;. i "vv.i,- 1. now t'lmt It wi:i a live n. h ii ,i' :- emh'eil here I rn-.x tl.-. Vt'.'tili luiif of tl,e sh'io. fU' . ' i in i a 1 in tin ;) eep ;..- !,!'. I. three trunf-".-.- n-id Itol.ir::. t i.e lin.'i'ii.iji ve. tmds of the in the islands i1 Pot good. The pet pie are forced to depend upon cisterns, iron redenta e'es and barrels to obtain their drinking water. One ve'-ir conditions were so bad water had to be im ported. It- i estimated that it wilt cost about $1250,000 to establish v.- ter fupti'v systems in each ef the two ls'ann. The Virginia ed by this government from Den mark' for the sum f S 'r. OOO Ok and possession wa , oiitained March P't7. Sinc I hat tim" the ."rrnm'n.it- of be islands l.'a.; been conducted by the about Pdarids ve"" nr-'a 'l'llite!!r. com;::'. ar. i' i IV no.. o n.'jvv de i'M of tl 'I'" a in charge 1 I','. ":"irv t' fi'i-C 'i.ive ijeeu lak: : . 'ihe island:; o mar! pnifo t,'ic. Th.re are ot. Thot r.n", St. C,-e' ,. Th"!- are ab h i.vrtd" be' 'n:-ing to 1 h the nav and rd"ddd be as! until the 1 f r Ai.iericani i- as -ft ' ens the vation. and tie nhve be dei-av beyond repair VlA m Pamela Cunningham of Sl uth Carolina, organized the iMoiint ',- i ...Ar' Aionation ei the 1 : lew ...vl live Years i,.,.i rai7.il and paid over to rant, heirs ot .Oieneral iooo noir obtaining title ((liVUjVuvi ,r...'- and 237 acres of 8,000 a:-res. o;., Ihnt tiro mrW. of the outbuildings ,i-d. a lare amount .ne-tenhi has been coltecteu - . ,i i j in trie oiu nlatfonn suggesti-vns of the' speci .nonp of party chiefs, including the oaiiottui chaii-niin. Will IT. Hays, are and naval po'icy. Increases provided total mately $00,000,000 a year. Tliey retroactive io, last January 1 will continue until June o(). P)22 r Republican leaders of the nd liouse. her. i .ii wnr; said the task cf nutt ing the ' f:iiTrniittee!o report.vinto final f m m I i'm- rlio. ("hirav i ronva-ntion ivobablt of latex the mo- Washiuetoti to the build the original would be eomrdetea during Uie av.. The report, however, does not, toitCH f . on some ot trie issues wnicn are be' expected to be foremost ir the p'atfcrni. I : ii rnnii n aifra , : i i d j MBmi.Tan M H h !h mm uoi uiii i I I .MOST BE PR i RJllli!F - 1 ! pproxi- i -i LEAVE ml M I , j i j I P.v the Associated Press. - u " RoanoVe. Va.. Mav If. Avmroxi nanrni ' r fl H i" 1 1 '101 l!'n" 0VC"L a difference wit! is the CONTINUE PRICE CUTTING. P.y the Associated Press. Chicago. May 10. Reports of price-cutting in wearing apparel a-ii miscellaneous merchandise continued to come in from all parts of the country today. Owners cf department stores in eities from New England to the Pa cific coast and the Mexican border announce reductions ranging from 15 to HO per cent. Reductions in shoes have been cut one-fifth, while a ready-to-wear announces large re-du.-t ions. Dentists have stepped into the pro cession, umaoa reporting maieriui h- d action in prictV; work. reduc- av sliop- wa'ked out at 11 o'clock th'3 'riondng ovn- a difference witli the imr-atcr mechanic at the, company's ! Princ; ten, W. Va., shop, according to the main house and have xeen of Wash- 1 nrin ouse. mciuuiis RELIEF FOR FARMERS PLANNED f3Y CONGRESS eu 1l.h, r:ire eobectmns c'.S rjencral Washington s red. and ins sworus. , . . . . T 1 I V rI ' I . . , . . pl.ac-, Washington, r.rav im luv uuuti svich I has adopted a resolution authorizing the treasury to buv . iederai tana the '.ible; is erne icha.v .., h oVltr'; nut ? I '.!: hi I ! ne I!a'b:d ieinpl .i i i . . i oil the W'...t two -former hi'iuitiful an' r of ...qitoti. gi'iU;:, v. frti'-l fi. in.. 1 1. i n . . 1,1,, !, rc!ni',if. - Veik U'n 'in III ri ,v''l'i- .lilt I'V. ft-at'liii. v.'ir: 'id ..l.-ict did n full ts.gue v. 'n a i- r .- the r renin, uai a ?U' cess and. 'v !; ),( r.efu! of h".';-'. it aaram 'vht) 'i.t weather Will he more favor- '. Aho'it ".") were pre-ent from ( Hi'k'itv ami other noitii.-, mid it wa? i M"!-ti'iid t t't of no, p. ,'imu,x('j;mi.:nt of .. . - Hiinl'iv morning at 11 o'clock thy rm-.M will b" preached to the seniors cb.i of t he Hickory high rchojI ot '!; I'tf-divteiian church bv Dr. fc. M. 1 !:ei,i Tii" to'al thar. l.'O ....:;-,., i .l.if.rts werec not ro OI O, llltil i.j- e,l from Den-I vt pbea f i . . -i . - , ...r mincina! islands i wutie John and St. i wryn it fiftv smaller j,v,lleu groun. inepr. named and uninhabited.! era of I ho group is les t i:vs statr. l.ii-Hi anii oanas. isssueu rt-if.xxiat. I oeTC.ie iasi ioaicu i. uuuns l-,r ivifinciii'o if i c-.v(r t'inris proved t ' iaiir. pvtpnrl the. measure, to cover . . i i : I P; - Iff Hill." lit Al A'lartH yt,j ii have been ebtamed in .- ,w a f t d 14S to j2. instances, as m SuDPorlers ot tne legisiaiion saw - IXf-ii I Li , 1 1 I I i v I i , . i eoac h ot me ui i c puni-tmpii w.t; necessarv to nn is kept, thou en nci i n Washington was wont to ma. All states intcrcijuu a iu? re m'dei Fur Naval Rase. a .-trategic naa' base, the is are h'ld be of great impor to the United Slates. It has "I t'uiiple band luriiislied t tli e i enionial and thi en loved immeiist-l . As la tel.; tance been aiserteil by that with a strong The regtnt, nava.1 al nav authorities base at St. adies association me.uu . now Miss Harriet C. Com- and one vice regent n.i-u. Und-r their management ef- ervth ng possiote is imn tw ..... The v". r vith. the dignity and b-'utv cf the home of Washington-V- Washiii?'ton never entertained on sJnSys, "to 11- grounds are nevee own to the Public on that c of tie No RmoRii K la t' "-" . 5 f, -rlntff bouse or on the .rounds.! n errmnds are kept- immaculate. PrniV This j no ,-,icnic lunches .may be eaten im t A. . . i- I-. c 1 1 W -' T I J 1 1 f I I the lawns m tu ""f";;"r, thougn tnere ate - the gate. s mound the Place r,F the Civil War, .tilmrif"' ' i'i'v"" 'iiHnv evenid.T !t the South 'mi the tudrnfH of this .-ubord "re nn etitertaluineiit. iii"ii tillljl Tin, Vl,!-,: i'm I ; lirvilny ,vi!l he evening n given at en tprtf) li the No rib Thonia'. where the hnroor 15 e.ceo ! tonally line it will he possible to ,i-,r.,;.,-,t Mm mea from New York ,.c fnv cnilth POt'tf. 11 invht made the islands desirable to the United States. . . , wood?. T!ie;p.pulat'"n of tbe Virginia is- ju,,t P hwv according to 'a census taken i Ajj 0f ne guari i.i'T m,...i or. iir.l The iirnnla- n HI laii i"1" '-.' i.ie giev vt wic... - , ,,, tioti of St. Croix, about lo.mx); ot i.i posscssed of a courtesy am. . uiii.. in nun iitiH of!' .I nitr bow many I nomas, ji intu- .... --. tj,at never uri'S" 'j -Tnh, about Ijmo. There has been visirors swarm through ttiei . innroasp in imiiula tiou , . i... :.... ii.o dnv. or how man ..: 12'ir. .vt.cn it wa i reported at, . , cnn,1c, thev ask. lne ..MM,- . - - Ann c lOOIlSII muw-o ' , A?. 1 irX Tr av only aooiu '"o. ui , r,. ,11Pt by a il.n iw.nn'ntion is white. WKW ill-. I tiegroes ami 'i,ovv .iic blood. 'ri.,. .nn'i-i t !i1 eriTiflltlfitir, on i-.,l nv. finnmolouft and shocking.' ,limpni on the assumption lactment was neeessar i.i.l X rnce farmers as an loans oy wim lean banks h?.d been suspenjd pend ing '.i ligation in the supreme court attacking the constitutionality of the farm loan act. The resolution now goes to the senate where it is ex pected t cotnte up for early consid eration. Under the resolution tbe treasury will :have So4.00C.000 available for the purchase cf the bonds, but no r-tt cement was made in the house of the amount required to finance the loans aporoved prior to March. By the Associated Press. Paris, May 19. Warning F'rence must in the midst of make preparations for future v.-5 uttered bv Marsnad roch who presided at the annual meeting c: the Polytechnic school for 'army en gineers todav. j local officials i the line- are noi: given, i TrsrfsDortatio'n peace X-v. w itu- Practically all shope cn affected. Details were is reported not af- wars v Mien as - FE DELEGATION I i i - .-irp-i-o-j ElJEfi! i ACCEPTED BY HOUSE itr dental ! Some dentists have announced i lions of 2r per cent. : Men's silk shirts and suits were re ported as having unuergone raaica m ice cuts in Indiana, a number of merchants having offered men's shirts from 2'J to 50 per cent o- A 20 psr ecst redction4n a-Vt anen's garments and shoes was offered by a Ttrre Haut, Ind.. store, said to be one of the largest men's and boys' outfitters in the country. Reduction to 20 per cent in prices of nearly ?dl goods was announced bv one of the largest department stores in Youngslown- O. There was little material reduction in Chicago, i.ui .. -nAvr-hant here said the reduc- I Ll 'i K . Vxn was an effort to satisfy wave of hysteria sweeping across country. the tr.e Washington, May 1 8. Cooperation of th United States is counted on bv the allies, particularly the French, for the settlement of war debts, was urged at the conference at Hythe. Ry the Associated Press "Grand Rapids, Mav . 19 TJnm ctrticted de'egate? to the national convention vere named by Democrats of the 13 conventions in caucuses held befovc the meeting of the state convention. OFFICIALS SELL TICKETS. Markets ex- ot i ,i v.ir n charge ot , , i penses aie inc arc , , v i mission. . mixed I :rrtnB" on.ad out of congress wlm ' ; i-Tir, thnt the government should . i3" ! Uke'over Xunt Von usually base COTTON. By the Associated Press. "Mron. (la.. Hav, 19, Officials - of the Central of Georgia Railway to dav took the Places of striking ticket sellers at the station here. 'I hey said business was being handled as usual, c.Cvh. vero shifted to the freight .C,a- iho Central of Georgia l-.ke'the place of strikers and freight By the A-Ssociated Press Wa.Hhington May 19. Republican leaders in the house agreed .today, ty accent the peace resolution adopted by the senate and as a substitute for the house resolution and to call it up Friday ' for (mat- action. h rf-.jt MAN 92-YEARS OLD JOliMfcS CHURCH IN TRANSYLVANIA Asheville, May 1,. J. E. Duck worth, aged 92. once of the oldest men in western North Carolina and the father ot ZU ctmaren, nirs just pi" WED FOB CBIE 1 !1E SHOOTS HIMSELF MBy the Associated Press. feseed faith and has been baptised at 1 1 wo Cathev' creek in Transylvania coun :tv. by Rev. W. R. Braw&haw, of Hickory. . He is believed: to be the oldest man who has eveer been bap-t-i ,pd io Transylvania and the emer- ,-.i;ha t Mav i-t- Aiiei 1..ICC1111.1V, " , - l. hiding in a wood tive ays aim hunted him Miii-fc of murdering on wife the and nr. his i u: t o i.easiev. uuviKs, ni'.i , . . years oM. went to the graves oi ms allied victims today and committed icide bv shooting himseii inwugu 3UK ?d by a large num- toi . iv,,.. a. a l.onvi nf tiip inovintain Mill 1 1 lllV- Aiv. u was be :g handled well. it was saia i. per cent re legally dav evening the graduation will lie delivered bv Dr. of Lenf.ir College. At this III, . I I 1 t. . gram luar scti'oi (iipi'". v ,! force t f c'i.to: tit: it,. , f award and certificate?' f j (JjiVM f .Ktavcr i'i"iii win tie presemeil ro imiyc won them. PHESBYTEHIAWS HUE ill nr t.,...i,Uf tint -Tii ore t.nnn !' I I U"(l '' .1 .... .. 1. Anlfirnrl noPUh'ltlon .1 i' in' ..,.- - . . . , .. marred. Unions hv mutiu raiin. are the rub The chief ?ue for this unfortunate condition is the strong f cu-tom nrevaiung miico int- y in the islands. The 1'U'ir.esS ot Hie lSianos i .nlture, mirticidarlv St. Croix, coaling ,f v-4e's and the mantuactunng of v,v rum on St. Thomas and St. John, -nil "f the famous Santa Cruz rum on li.eu fiijiu.i.v.. ..mr,,.i! H.'can snou.a oi- c.u small, 10 tl at no .'vine: pay a 1 t iierore fee. the however tomb of By the Associated Press. New York. May 20. The suspen sion of the rule limiting daily fluctu ations in May contracts until the close of trading cf May deliveries on Friday was announced today. Mav notices amounting to about J,uUU ..j i ',,.p,..-f. hn iomo oi utumv Kr.iA iwrr rprin.rT.en in cucmaiAoo w....i,;tr.n or to walk through th! rmt"Mav"soIdi'P to 42-98 on the call. portals of his white colonial mansion maiiing'a new nigh record, an advance overlooking the historic river, rnev j of 8y points -on last night's closing. Mill DELEGfl Its s raur ron nnn?nn LtiAVt run biirKDj - in 3S. ! S I El b I I'll VVtib WllliCMC ''.! of recnlc. Horn this man has grown to almost the century mark without having been conected with any church or shown anv inclination to do so, until a few davs ago. Not only has he 20 chil- livioo-. nut. ne nas scoies. his brains. OUTLAWS BEFUSED ' HEARING BY BOARD ilorn nil ' . . . 1 , . . : A .1 I . , r. and great-gianu- e;.y tne Associaitu nc.. ! ' China p-o. May 19 The ! of grandchildren children. United today also hold that as mauv eet to' Washington only on Sundays end grounds should be onen on that i... 41. ,f ..nrinle m New 101K. There were some contracts tor sat at this level and the mice later drop nod to 12.f;0. Later months opened to 21 pf)ints net lower and sold about r-hi'ydelphia, Pitt.sburgh. Richmond. 2() to 28 points under last night's Baltimore and otner cum muie . distant could come .neie u..:, holiday to see tne mace less SPLENDID RECORD th" A-soeiated Press. fWtaiiburtr. S. ('. Mav UkCmi V'Kutiinn to the recent campaign bv 1" Soul Item Presbvterian church Jtc.it.ted o $10.98 per capita, the riijii.ii, me r,id ever made by anv ' Ht'h. a cording to the report made V" committee on nyftcmatic ben- St. Croix., . i 1 1 1.,' l4.U Q n,i iln! I Ala islamic. .,;., Qliaj Uv Since the congressonal commission Much c pie MountVer' . i . r....-.u:;vr,ii An it meom-iine Tact tiictt tut, m. n. I'y m.n. is nrivate V owned, ana omy tou nvndations steps have oeen i.m "i - , n port!lin excursion line u aid islanders along certain lines , ' . othevs beinE de. ! The U.' to to '-n.-f y' and stewardyjiip. , COMMITS SUICIDK. """.Associated Press. ! "kt Mount. N. C May 20.--i 'L. CornwaM. wife ot the 'nt'litor k; Vance county, ended her ;'t hev home ?tt Nashville earlv l'"l'iV 'v Uking poison, acconling to message received here today. Ill '' !l 'Ii is nsvi-rncd ha the CllUSe of l I in have been along certain lines rwmiinfr board has agreed; may send all f hins it can to st. l nomas 'be coaled. The dentirtment of ag riculture is to-estnw hi. m voonl.:.! station in the" islands. The American Red Cross h as been inter ested in the people and better sani- tation. The national uu.a.v --; t.on vis taking up the matter of . 'tj.biishing public libraries in the hsr,d, as an agent of the Treasury !ri,....iMOnt hn e-one down there to i , i ,j.a,. in vntrarrl to see wnat can ut- ui . establishing 'the use of American monev instead of Danish- Under the treaty by which the islands veiv U-ken over, the-Danish West Indian Bank was authorized to continue i !L.iMio Kilr notes This matter may have -to be further adiusted with Den ir,oini. rinvinoe tViA par'v tradinc. Open Close Mav 42.98 42.50 July 39.35 38.66 October 36.35 35.70 December --- 35.40 - 31.60 January 34.73 34.00 By the As New Yoi Mrs- Carrie e.napman An-n3 ; 1 he r nates am 1-.K , sattirc frani iNtrw te'nd the eighth ternaticn'ai wo 13- i nied the right ot going io me naor by water, as there are no other lami- iri"- places near. As a part or me. go 1 1 . . i i . . . . . .-. , a cAnment ownership nan it .s i''u";l iosed that appropriation be mane ioi , proper nmtor highway ail tne wav P,.Am the national capital to iuount Vernon. Training Cainu -Vear. TTn;i ji trninina- came was estab- F" Weather nciated Pro: V Mav .20. iieaueci oy i Catt. 30 del- j visitors are; York today to at- i c o n g r e s s o .t tne l n -1 ,-ian's suffrage al-: liance. at Geneva, avvuzei. a.m. o 10 .Tnfsenhus Daniels will be the olliciai governinent '""' tive. ' . r, . rin-TUI.-. TOM MIX Al l'AMi"B. ti-ia nrooram at the Pastime : t,!.r 4e Tnm Mix in devil," a Fox western picture iud of. thrils and daredevil stunts. Its too good to miss. Tomorrow Doug las Fairbanks will be seen in nis new picture, "When the Clouds Roll i By." " " EVALUATION RIGHT SAYS IB. WED Mr. thea- Dare- J M. Alired, formerly a mem-; bev of toe board ot commissmneis oi Caldwell county- and one of the most level-headed citizens in North Caro- pna, is a mm wnu.fi m ic.i-.-.- ..r.,-1 he loses no opportunity to press tl-,.-, i"iih'pp r.f the measure on who nucstion its ciotoi! rai wav laoor uo-iiu Patlv refused to hear petitions for in ivared wages .presented by John Grunau. president of the Chicago yardmen's association, and officers ct th" nev railroad union. I CAMPAIGN COSTS WILL INVESTIGATE For North Carolina: Cloudy tonight j REPORT DENIED THAT and Thursday, probably showers... OTEE-V WILL BE CLOSED gentle to moderate winas, , mostly ; east. a , tit i. IT .. , . , , i . : n r flio Iisneu near raount vcmun umms , v. ar the greater part of the road to i that place was a poor roitte tor trayoj. - concrete highway to tke camp partly remedied that evil, but the repair, and when the Prince of Wales 'vi-nn driven out there during his re cent visit to America his royal high-J i,( s-s got a s'haking up that must nave been a novel experience to him. Asheville, May lft. Absolute de- ho question its wisnom. :vien com to him trequeniiy wun a iuw i end a tale of woe about their assess ments. Mr. Alired knows something about property values in Caldwel! ;:nd Catawba very much about them., in fact. "Without looking at your prone r tv." Mr. Alired replies, "I will pay vou what it is listed at for taxes." That generally gets results. Real estate in every case is assessed at than its market price. Kir ih" Associated Press. I "Washington. May ' 19-. Favorable t was today ordered by me Fen- ' i l i 1-. ' Af r t.te auditing commitree on u: resolution calling for the expendi tures bv presidential candidates and contributions made in their behalf. HIGH PBICED G mal by tne surgeou suii:ix Mr Alired told of a case that came Washington that United States Army at uteen, nea eu.. f..'r.i..- fof c .jva fulrl nnil'f:i,Ti TTosmtal No. lU retold everv'time the 'question, of the j here, would close in . six months i rui- r observation ownership broached in Washington, and it is becoming apparent that, in time con gress must .decide the issue, when some very pointed debates are certain to develop in the course of the discus sions "in the house and senate. - ville tonight from tnat .ueparuntut. The officer sending the message stated that there. had never been any cause for even a rumor that the great tuberculosis hospital would close, now oi at any time soon. she- would his of a large be ruined by where thought SHOES ' AND CLOTHES TO GO It,, Bv the Associated Press. LV Kansas City, Mo., May 19. 'The ! 1 ' I I i U. .1K ML II' , . A 1 1 1 t n -.- 1 1 he assessment bankers oi tne country aie u--. ne dsbes.iiieiiu 0i,0ii w. nn more S2a shoes farm was assessed- at . w?.uuu ""V i K Ma.-na farmer later sold his timbered . ana ciuu, r""' Ot St. L.OU1S, presioeiit ui tnc -un.. . can Bankers association, tcld the Missouri Bankers' association here today. .. . The land for that sum. Revaluation is a direction in North Alired is for it. start in the right Carolina and Mr. mark. ft