I HICKORY DAILY RECORD,- PAGE TWO SATURDAY EVENING, II,":'.1 I HICKORY DAILY RECORD SATURDAY. MAY i'!. I'M). OBSOLETE DOCTRINE. J The Record was unable to hear a!l that Senator Johnson had to say in his address here yesterday, 'ut fror.i a position in the rear the editor, who was called out of the tent for a few minutes on other business, could sec that no ordinary visitor was in the city. Senator Johnson undoubtrlly possesses magnetism. lie lias a pood oice, a large vocabulary and :v visor of expression that one must enjoy. We believe he is sincere in his posi tions. We don't see why he should not be In urging the American people to purrse the pat lis they have puruued "for more than a hundred years, how ever, the senator should not have told them to shut themselves up in a shell to be what he called Americans, lore more than .100 years the United .States has been broadening out, and Mr. Bryan wued one of h cam paigns in favor of strict isolation iv against Republican imperialism. Mr. Bryan lost. Just the other da trio Republic senate, which hat rejected pew tttaty, adopted a resolution autho uir.g the navy cU'p.irtn.cot, to send marines to two points in the near east, BbaWy--o!fjpr. H.t j A merican oil interests ' in Per na." Thtb'olsL viki were after them. The senator wr.s not in the Senate to vote either way, tut the resolution was introduced. The Record is not criticising the action ofthe senate. Oil is a commod ity that is badly needed and the Rec ord has never believed that a great country should be imposed upon. On the contrary it believes that a grut country should use its influence tj.nd power to preserve order, realizing that peace and prosperity throughout liu world are essential to peace and pros perity at home. We can't agree that we would be dedicating ''our sons'' to British and Japanese imperialism un th'r a league of nations; we do know that a system which foremost Amer icans, Democrats and Republicans fdike, has condemned, has caused endless wars and that, another "ded ication" may be necessary in the next 50 years- The president, as the senator said, d)d4 sit in a strange game. In addition they "were stacking the cards against him at home. And yet . friendless countries ask for our ad and sym pathy, and Italy and Czecho-Sloyakia have agreed to do what the represen tative of the American people de clared was right. Mr. Johnson is preaching isolation when, no matter who is elected, there can no longer be any . isolation for the United States. VANDALISM. Senilor Johnson told his Republi can friends here that he believed in primaries. They don't. We used to set a lot of store by the primary system and even now recognize that through it the American people can express their choice of candidates, but the trouble generally is that the machine, which never rests, sews up the pri mary just asjt had sowed up the con vention. The folk 5 don't care. Ten of the 11 delegates elected by the Republicans of Oregon are for the league of nations covenant with reservations and the delegate who led the ticket was the most pronounced in favor of the league. It is going to be hard to make the treaty a party '3-sue. Shoe factories in some of the New England towns are running on part time. Those high-priced shoca are not in such demand these days. TAX NOTIC E. You are the 6th day J. L. Cilley or parcel of To R. G. Baker: lureby notified tint on of September. 1919. bought a certain tract land which was sold by John A. Isen hour. Sheriff of Catawba County, at a sale for the ncti-payment of taxes, which said tract 'or parcel of land is situated in Hickcry township, said county and state, bounded as follows ini Longview. One lot located The above' real ed for taxation I?. G. Baker and ty and state taxes for 191H, (and the . time of estate was' Ust-' in the name oi sold for conn- the year redemption Gunroom Sense Not Luck People who are well to do are not so lucky as you, may think. They did not acquire money by luck. Each man irnust build his own fortune from the dollars he does not spend. Exceptions are so rare, they don't count. ' of carry Thrift will get you farther up the ladder success than any other quality. Waste will c you down faster. . A Savings Account should be made a partner to your thrift a safe place to keep profitably the re sults of your thrift. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Hickory, N. C. LOST TWO TWENTY DOLLAR bills in Hickory or Newton Wed nesday night. Reward if return ed to Record office. of the said property will expire on the 6th day of September. 1920. aft:r which time the purchaser will apply to the sheriff for a deed therefor. This the 22nd day of April. 1920. J. L. CILLEY. 5-22 29 June ! To J. E. Davis: You are hereby notified that on the 6th day of September. 1919, .1. L. Cilley bought a certain tract or parcel of U.nd Which was sold by John A. lsen l.oiir. Sheriff of Catawba County, at a sale for the ticn-paymcnt of taxes which said tract or parcel of land h situated in Hickory township, said county and state, bounded as follows Two vacant ilots. The) above ireal estate fwas list ed for taxation in the name of J. E. Davis and sold for coun ty and state taxes for the year 1U18, and the time of redemption of the said property wil, expire on the t'ih day of Scptei, Itr, 1920. after which time the purchaser will apply to the shesiff for a deed therefor. This the 22nd day of April. 1920. J. L. CILLEY. 5-22 29 June 5 NOTICE TO INVESTORS Highland Cordage Company will issile immediately $250,000.00 7 per cent cu mulative preferred stock. For further information, see C. H. Geitner, J. W. Waiiick or A. Alex Shu- ford. TAX NOTICE. 1 m 1. Those boys who shot out the win dow-panes at the North school the other morning and who shot missiles at persons in the audience ought to be made to realize the difference be tween good play and vandalism. The Record is informed that two ladies were painfully hurt, a wire staple striking one on the back of her neck. When the pchooh open next fall there will be about $."0 in broken paries lo replace. I ine icecortt tioe. not pretend to , know the remedy, but it would be leady to agree with any decision parents and the constituted author! 1 tics should reach. jWhat wc need is to impress on the jPoya the difference, between' having a ' fcood time and injuring property and . persons. That could be done, readily " . . enougu.' Those who have trees about their homes and nearly every house ini l Hickory is sheltered by trees can not but enjoy the songs of the birds these early mornings. No trained choir, can make sweeter music, no " minstrelsy can render lavs such as the -birds, and no jazz band can w mix . notes and make them harmonize an wells It is a privilege we cnjfjiy to.l ' hiar the 'merry pipings of the birds Which sine so lustily these riavs. and especially in the early morning. There ongnt not to oe any noy reaiy with a idingshdt to kill these sweet song- filers.. Senator Lodge offered a mild rc boko to Representative Maddvn'a J charge of traitor against Lee and Jackson, gallant Confederate rrencr- ala, and northern papers are sound- Ting the name, refrain. The south ac cepted bad medicine in much better (spirit than it was given, and southern men and women, whose fathers fought ,'in the war between the sections, have ,1;wice 6hown where their loyalty was ;,nc only effect such foolish utter- ' juices have is to make it harder for a Vlepubllcan in the south to remain in I is party. To Mrs.' W". H. Bolick: You are hereby notified that n the 6th dav cf September, 1919. J. L. Ciilev bought a certain tract or parcel of land whieh was sold bv John A. Isen- hour. Sheriff of Catawba County, at a sale for the ncsi-payment of taxes, which said tract or parcel of land i fcituated in Hickory ' township, said county and state, bounded as follows 50 acres of land m Hickorv Town- ship. The above real estate was list ed for taxation in the name of Mrs. W. H. Bolick and sold for coun ty and state taxes for the year 1918, !aaid the time of redemption Terrible Tortures From Itching Skin Diseases Sure Relief Until the Cause Is Removed. "When the blood becomes in fested with millions of tiny dis ease germs that attack the skin, then the fiery irritation and in tense itching will remain with you until these germs are removed from the blood. Genuine relief thereforecan only be expected from a treatment that goes right to ths seat of the trouble, and strikes at its causa bucn a remedy is S. S. S., the re liable old blood purifier that kills the germs of disease, and sends a new supply of rich red blood coursing through the veins. S. S. ' S. has hppn used snrfosq. fully in some of the worst cases of eczema and other skin disoi-ders. For Valuablo literature ivrifa fn Medical Adviser. 108 Rwiff. Tan ratory, Atlanta, Ga, of the said property will eLc on the ftfi day of September, 1920,fafter which time the purchaser will apply to the sheriff for a deed therefor. This the 22nd day of April. 1920. J. L. CILLEY. C-22 29 June 5 . Messrs. Walker and George Lyerlyi Geo. It Wootten, Hugh Williams and hob Martin returned early today from Greensboro, where they attended the Shrincrs' convention. General Wood spoke in Greensboro last night and several in the party heard him- 1 Aerolunx Ho-WMe - Pairck POINTS OF AROLUX SIMPLICITY. NO-WHIP ATTACH. ' Aerolux Torch Shades are artintlc and durable. They not only afford, perfect jshade and seclusion but because of their soft harmonious color and beautiful finish they add greatly to the appearance of any home. It is just about time to resolve to ! '.; ; lake your garden produce about ev ' Ji rything . possible. The weather hos 'j veeri fierce on gardens, but vegetables ji ill get a move on them from now V f A - , ' '' '-. . ' : : - '. . . .. Let us make you a sleeping porch and spend more time in the open. Call 389 and say come out arid measure up my porch for Aerolux. LWe put em up. Tipton Furniture and Undertaking Co. On tenth Out of High Rent District V fTh7'!$aT&! ing lot- on 8th Ave. Close in. Will sell cheap. A. M. Robinett. at John son'3 Garage. ' 224 MK LUMBEKMAr or send 25 cents in stamps -to me an receive by return mail a lumber ca I rulator vou would not do withou Xiv price. I- L. Lanier. Hickory FOR SALE AT A BAKGAIN-Frick Msirhine. ,one monev maker btraw Eul a Saw Mill. Eym in Rood condition. H- F. Sine. Hick ory N. C, Koute 2. 5 29 4t Farmers Listen! SORGHUM MOLASSES is an excellent substitute for surar in making certain breads, cakes, pre serves, etc. Help relieve the sugar situation and beat H. C. L., by growing lots of cane. We can sell all the molasses you don't need. WE HAVE THE SEED. w iVTun WnMAN OF GO0I standing in her community to take i twee, shrubs, roses. vines, bulbs, old fashioned flowers . . , , . 1 ,. f -, tm W rn ( IVrmoncnt. Jiitfii coiunnoaw todav. First National Nurserief--Rochester. N. Y. 5 u IViANTKfl IlintJ-r r., -...J.v.,.AWs PUVnhV crs. best of wages f0l- ' , ,AT. chanics. Inquire W. C v at Record office. " " f! 'ck. r ,,uOK. FOR SALE TOBACCO PLANTS See O. L. Barger or phone 1610 221 WELLS DRILLEDPEOPLE want ing their well drilled should write or see W. E. Groce 140 Dunbar av enue, Spartanburg, S. C. 223' lw FOR SALE SEVERAL GOOD Farms also some bargains in town property. Call or write Rutledge &, Ramsaur, Newton, N. C. Phone 30?, 224 1 wis WANTED I WILL TUNE PIANO: in Hickory for the next .few dav; only. Tunins: $5. A reasonable extr; charire will be made for any needed repairs. Phone 140-J, Hardin's Stu dio. E. E. Anderson. 5 29 It WANTED HKJH CLASS MAN O commission for Hickkory and vi cinity, to sell our full assortmeiv tifnl trees, shrubbery, hedsres rcses. We nay full sellintr commis sion weekly. Part or whole time year Vound- Any intelligent and thorough1 reliable man can make good money in these times. Well rated references reouired. First Naticnnl Nurseries, Rochester. N. V. 5 29 It ruai i ivn ij KivD . AS nwuci . hum iinini i course at Jjenoir CkIIcc write a gool hand andlm-p L edge of business in gtncral r character and no bad l;q,it ,"'Mi 16, Granite Falls, N. c. W,"J? FOR SAtEGRAffiTi-; Fresh, yields' five gallon ff , Lutz, Phone -908. ' - J.: 70R SALE A SIX-UOOM mv , close, in- Easy terras. y. u vfT' olson. . r. .r. DISCUSS BAD STIUKK. (y the Associated Tress. New York. May 24. The sirik,. J oastwisc longshoremen, vliich m ther strikes in this poi t fces cr;i i,!? he movement of flight. W4t x ect of special investigation today governor Smifch and" Samuel G).,;1,. iresident of the American f edci atioii A labor, s .- ' No date, has been set (r t)P ..,. liminary hearing of Kohlcr Ho!i,!av charged with the murder of John r-'" bricl at Terrell, l&st Pecrirbcr. ju young nian has retained Mr. A Whitener as counsel. ? 5 ' ' ' ii' MTun ftri -frir " f waees paid, right, party, Annl.v 1347 j Twelfth aveaue. or call 196-L. i r.7 ..f. FOR SALE SCR1PPS-BOOTH SIX. Used only three months. Driven less than 30C0 miles. A; rare bar gain for quick sale. Cash. Tele phone 146-L. 223 3t WANTED LADY to collect. Sec A. E. Mahaffey "at Williams & Pearson Ninth avenue. 223 CNE HIGH GRADE MAHOGANY Piano, new. for sale at a bargain. Also one "slightly used Weaver Or trau. Terms cash or time. Can crive . vou a banrain on cith.er. D. P. Clinc, Conovcr. N. C. 231 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE your porch shaded, or make that sleeping porch and spend more time in the ouen. Just call Three-Eight-1 Nine and say Want, you 'to Aerloux mv porch. Wf-nul cm-up. Tiaton Furniture and Undertaking Co. 231 WANTED TO MEASURE VOR windows and put, "Brenlin." the lone-wear shades larg stock, solid colors, Duplex, green, blue, white, cream and French grey. We nut em up. Tipton Furniture, and Undertaking Co. on Tenth Ave. off H. R. D. . 231 SEE OUR NEW 'STURGIS" CAR- riajres and Push-Carls- Tioton Fur niture and Music Co. 231 LARGEST STOCK OF GOOD FELT 'in.d silk gloss: mattresses, and box .springs yet. 10 per cent off this week, at Tipton's- 1 OURS FOR A GOOD , NIG HT'S rest. Just received shipipent of Silk Floss Mattresses aud Box : Sprinirs. 10 per cent this .week, at Tyitwi's. 2oi BOARDERS WANTED FIVE DOL- lars a week with rooms. Mrs. Fan nie Morris, 712 Fourteenth street. iiiieir: 'r Go)itoii Straw Hats, fena mas, BankoksJ tlalso new hip ment f Cloth Hats Yoder-Clark Clothing Co. 1T n quaeiraic Y 1.&X ( U ), i yeiri There are still some poll and per sonal property taxes for 1 91 9 still un paid c Please settle at once and save me the unpleasant duty of garnish ing and making forced sales. Respectfully, R. G. HENRY. City Manager