MIC DAILY KOMY VOL. V. NO. 223 HICKORY, N: C, MONDAY, MAY 31, 1920; VltK'lO FIVE CENTS WO SPLENDID SERMONS ARE DELIVERED IN TENT van lat jtlist McLendon Scores Persons Who Vio- . Commandments in Night Sermon and Held Up Formal Christians in Afternoon Discourse -Great Crowds Hear Him MANY FAST CARS FALLS IE1SP1M 'START W RECOGNIZING ! II .. I ! CONTEST HICO ! A I I iEfflMNY HOLT FIRST ALABA MAC o m i .V. .1 ABANDONED IN . .i fri r. m I: flu r.y tin- Associated 1'i-l-sh. Indianapolis May ;i. It,;! nil' ! i.. .ii 't.lllUil f ;,:iv tittle 1 1 a: Ifn Commandmt .its as .milling like it in t lu great Southern with special reference to Methodist church but the election to w.ir. the Rev. Baxter 1'. the bishopric of Gharlos B. Gallovvav ,,i night delivered a pow-v.hon In was in tho thirties, u to all immense crowd: lie was in earnest, he came run--... I ihe huge tout back of ring, lie was humble, lie knelt and I Vole came from far that too not on a carpet, hut down in I hundreds must nave been I 'no street. He nraved aloud. Todav ii,' seats. Ml. McLvv.lor: ocople can hardlv be made to open .1 1 .1 I . I . I . I . 1 . I m i eaten pnra.es than i Hair mourns v. suppncai i n: out mis ii.it ing his first week in I man prayed aloud. the discoursesuH'cred Jtsus looked on Him and loved nun. lie made fin an-. of God's I aw si With 250 miles of the fiOO mile automobile s.pecd way finished. Joe Uoyer today led the race, having hold fuse piac from the start. Hover made an avi at'c of 1)1.22 miles per hour. The crowd wan estimated at lL'o.OJ'.'. 1 r it fact, t wince icacticu ever i.e..! aver nu,i,tin ill be t . . ,. .1.. . ..:.. p ; vacs, at ine ii'.i.in .n II. It. Ail. Mrs. M. Craig. '. irV Gamble. rs- Rogers. i w ( .u k.stui nnu .ii s. vv . k. Wv-i mcisorv. lomonow ai wi km". a f ,i' l.U tC.U; 1,1 v I is. j. .. .. ti. in1 .i i j " ,afiv ii.'i.l II (In Sew ,1 t'ii ... M 1.1 111..."' . - - - - .1 ...111 1. 1. .I.!. I V 1 ... lo 14 win oe urine i ;or . -.. I.. m.. m , i .. .1.... ,i VV.'liv lOniVifll .HI. -Mt. V '-KM. pi vUl-m U trie C(-ore:i ueiio.e an.i ll,ni'..lav i.if.lit lie Will ill;.. '"t- ,t, t'l HI-' I-"!" nni.iiC ms sermon ! he held a' lh- aim .Maitutrtcun.'ur f imrstlav at ,,,nuon at ill urade aiil hifii ,, v.il! called t U.e Plat It, hi sdaV 'ihi l . i.la V eh.l- Jtrlun that " ' . 1 4 P ... I. - H,.iir here was me oest iui- me tctk lie l'vl'r known in i,wti this size, ami ne iou.-.i no: ,n iili.nl town in the Caroln.u.. .vol Mr. last the l.rst 'anv the bet .. . m . II. UUS iaei-.li: if i" i"- 1' 1 ul ',U nl' tli tusk of rurio z ihe bur nit wlii-'li "''t wlh feats. miV.Mi'te.: that he was puttinc liorc into the meetintr viiU'.i i. liciv isc. In U'ldition he had ?!.e'.r 7 ' davs ,n u sk'k Ied since Christn.i.s :rj vin nw was so weak that, he ouerht lot to pi-i'Jich. He urued rcople l di.frnv the ineiJentai! expenses nimptly. If Vim ife not Hvin.-' ti a '.ii tl... Ti m t omma idn.ents. Itil IIV - - - - dvlemlon said at lieu'inniniz oi ia ti.fnid.1 "then VOil CUflhl 10 DO in penitentiary. lie 'Hmm.lmeiU in turn he violation of nil. Tak.ntr -nn name ,i thi! bonl in vain, willful swear-.pc I'M blaspbemy. he place.! vt the head cf tlif list of sins, and to adr.1V-' n jrafr trclit for m'.n of horrible i . 1 1 , .... 4 ... . Vi-KiSt.J trial mnici me cuumn. Vxferilay afternoon another in:-i,:rn.-v ci-owil heard him and o:: tsr i ni'.'lit it was the s-arne Aftf-r one v.,. hen. r. .M'-L.njeri nas ".i-m.- . 'ru'ot ufoat rower a? a p: :, i i: ;.. nuthi.iir j-h ' t ol k n..v i.e can nreach. Afternoon Sermon. hi sermon yesterday aftt rnoon. '.' M'-Li-ndon nrcachl on the .-u'ii'',t S-,! On." and -said in part: !f'v iiiuciv tiri:'.s buve wives come .-, , :ifl. s-a'ui ut '. t tb'-ir lul.-i..lJl'l!. be 2i -j wed the nii'i pictured a j iir.K .-' rU -i out r e r. n un" "Sl b-- roi.' ir.t-o eo :nbiD with the devil to damn, : .i.,irii'i.'.i yr.tathetic,iwly. If a; .. :i.,: u rr:f..-!i':.n i-vks ev-j ...riir. '-,r',v thti.K dftid man ... I . L .. .....I.. il.'.wr i Is I . T . t'llU W.e vm in-'" " i n.f.n !r.-l-v ii sii-ht. So if a man vt ('l.ii-'.ianitv he Jaek.s Tid.4 vourc man of mv uxt was u rmallst. I can we him now as he in down the street, and falls at the feet of the Son oT tio1. wun u-ars rolliiitr down his face uke hubbies v.liut shall I W ', : i ill.' ''. i it.-; i.' - ' . t 0 V) inherit eternal me. Mil he was tr.l't tr.31-11 m; to heaven bv dointr anvthitu- he was in in.t i(w.i. Viv ,:prinir the ten corn- irun-lmints. J wun er.urnei-ated them He looked ut Jwu"trml taidt Mas tfi. then- is sonifthintr wrcnir sorne v.lurc 1 have done ail these thmirs i.n.i i i -.v.. T.,.t (r,f it. What is wromr . r.. line the trouble lie 7 Where e ,e.is.intf Hnk 1 have tlone xnis mid the other, and vet 1 am i .ht There are thoughts in me 1 understand. Depths in my oeinir I have never been able to latnom. l huvo .never -been able to i'' Immensities I caanot, measure I.-, .said he had kept all the com-1 rnents from his vouth un .Christ , I rot denv the statement. Look at of the commandments, he hni frauded anv one. He had not lu.'-p,. I witness. This includes not onlv; t.intr and seandalizinL'. but in-j v' testimony In court; A certain -ence noticed uu siuuie"- iuidience i t and diaunosed his case, and put his fir.U'er on the weak spot of his life ;.ad said, if thou wilt be perfect, sell all thou hast, and aive to the poor, and come and follow me. This was too close a sermon for this vountr man. Uiuht here is where he broke down. He nuts the standard too hitih. He nuit the meeti-ur., He tut Tied his back on Jesus, and the last we ;c0 of hiio he is uoitiu: over the Mil. .le.-us struck the idol of hi; heart. The predomination sin. lie loved money. He tinned awav. He went away, sorrowful. No wonder he was sorrowful, when he turned from the one who lias pleasure at his ritrht hand, and Joys for ever mote. lie went from the immediate pres ence (A' Christ, lie never hear from him atrain. Why? "I.iec:;use he lacked one thinr" Ki that one thin-r he laek ed evervthinjr: and that was the new birth. He had never been born aain see the same condition ia thii twentieth century, thousands upon thousands beinir corralled and brought into the churches without any more knowledge of reireneralion than a cre ature of the brute world. We are substitutine churchanitv for Christianity. Religiousness for vichteousness. Church activities for soiritualty. Morality fcr vital irodli .iess. and communion, and church membership, and confirmation, and bant ism for the -ew birth- Men are reliuious animals, mere is a reliirious nature that craves as semblies of a reliirious character, and the mere forms of outward" worship. As the intellectual nature desires schorls.- coHcEres; and literature. So the religious nature wants. a place to attend on the Sabbath. The uncon verted enioy havinu' churches ia their community and lentinr n- new. -rod beir.ir on the boards of churches, but the carnal m;.:d doesn t crave to be tdt'tis. It is satished w:tl cnurch uo ir.tr. choir sinuin' ritoali.-m. humani t:rian sorietie.s. social uplifts. f'nd eber ' i vervtiiinsr else but the regeneration I ; oi the heart bvtlie lioiv spirit. ' A beaver wn.its' his dam. So there ! i-- : beavei- relifion. In proportion as v church loses spiritual power it in creases ir1 formalism, and ritualism. To us it is like beholdinir a irav . v in the .litrbt's crossinir a broad "ath cf liiht streamir.ir from an r.pen .!.,ne. II.' stons: looks toward the hfii'-e iurn his head awav. and 'oes intf the darkness, and out of siirnt. So it was with this vounc ruler. He will reappear at the mdement Stat of Christ. What it view and spec tacle such thintrs wtfl present at that day. ... i Here is a ma:i that preferred riches to Christ. ' , nh. wh;it do vou prefer above rh.iiit? Is it earth, the dance hall. v,.iinrc or what. Tell me what Vi'it ia oointr ir shut you out that world of liirht. qv.o ehosen the world, and paltry crowd. She has chosen th" world, and .ts r-iflleas shroud: She has chosen the wcr'd. and its mis named pleasures. She has chosen the world, reieetcd. heaven s own treasures: ci.n lrninehed her boat cn criddv sea. rl hf.r all is afloat for eternity When the storms descend rim-TV skv. ah. where vessel fly? , vVhcn the stars are concealed, anu the mddcr is cone. . . And heaven is lost io th3 war.dermz one- . .. tt u tViSnc thou lackest. He cnose the rattlinc of silver and the clanking wo'd instead of narcaKir" oi I n-.Lin. nature, which would iUn..riitfd his heart, and i s::ved him for time and Indianapolis. I.id-. May "1. Tuen-iy-three of the woild's racim- sta were sent away in the eighth renewal of the international motor rato on the Indianapolis speedway at 10 o'clock this mortiinf. 'Ihe event carries a prize if 000. the laruest ever oll'eri ! JtK Hoyer, who shot into the lead at the start, led the field at the first T0 miles with Art Klein and John Chasamay third. Caston Chevrolet was fourth. Buyer's time was 3.405, an average of 0C.07 miles per hour. Andrew Uoilot was the first driv forced out of the race. He quit in the oSth mile. fly th Associated Press. i Washington MAy :J1 .That vec ti- nition of the Mexican fcrovo.mment be withheld until the ei'iistilutio-a of Vi7 is amended' and greater protection elrered foreigners was urued in a re port '.unmittoo to the loiemn lei. committee of the senate today bv St ator l'a'ls. Uepublic-an of New Mex ieo. , Shf.uld the Mexican' uovel nriH-id refuse to accede to siu-h a condition oi recognition, it was suifii-esU-d l!'..t the American uovei'-nment renew the notice thai it would "ho'd to a !;'fi mte recokoninii" those in Mexico re sponsible for the sun'crinu and . los.u-s bv American cit izais. Failure to follow these suyfestions would be followed bv an armed foic to open and maintain everv V.'.i - l e tween the capital and the border i: id everv port. It was recommended that the ores- ! of ai .f l!y tlio Assoi-i.'.t.'il f'l-O'-s. Berlin. Way ' 31'.0mmanders the greater ISerli-n visited the mi'n"BLer. of defense todav and to k the oath that their corps were ready to nri- Republican National Committee. Be&ins t. the constitution bv force, auainr.t d uprisim- whelhev finni Upen Hearings Many Negro Delegates on Hand id ns i anv attempK the rieht or left. From South Chairman Hays Early Today iRACDPUAKITC UHI fl : ' .... III! Hi! H H I ! I ne i l lCKury . ific:.auis .. , lin I B n llltni 2 I It ein iiiaihiiiwu WRECKS , i it w in intent ad interim ct Mexico snoum ! not be recoenized until it was as- ! , y i., ,. 4 1... U,-.;,. ..-f iVir. T? ..4:.,.l ,..,);.., .. siT! en uiai. nv a inc i."i- wiui. ItKjyi'l IllcllllUtl tllU .JlIlIllfc.IL.4 II. fZ, at 22 miles, having covered posit on the distance 2:11. Boyer averaged li 1.5 miles per hour. Gene Thomas was second and Dcl'alma third. Five cars were forced out of the race. The first-smash-up occurred in the I 100th mile by tjie steering vans mission on a ear broken. Nobody was burl. was Mexican people. After receiving The Hickory. Merchants. A!socia ton will hold a meeting at, the. Lnani-; her of Commerce tonight at 7:30 for tie purpose ot discussing the sending! delegates to the state convent iv;i AsheviHe in June. The business i ! will be dispatched in plentv of time ! f r all members to attend other m et- 1 1 ii : iio-ii ' .. ::;;( t t 111 'lV (l.l.e'.'i'i t i'tvolii Ol ll4l-l. W.S il(-'-!(l"l i i 1 in.- ali.ii.ib'. t i I hi- eojuinit !( i.t-a rin;.'- )i. te inl C4ii!i-:-t in pell ii; !..! M.-i if 1 1 lie. the I'ii; ll llili lU'i.iddic. arl ion I'.'' In :i i nnr; Iha; 11, nigs in the city toniuht. tlM- report, rn.- c I UTl I t Senator senate. atioris c-x-'mr i''alls io preseoi il. ll i i:e MORR SGN SPEAKS AT HUB TONIGHT Mr. Cameron Morrison, of Char lotte, candidate fcr governor, will sneak in the Hub theatre tonight at 8 c 'clock. He will make the second of the gubernatorial candidates who have presoited their appeals directlv to the voters of this section. Mr. Page being through here a few weeks ago. Mr. Gardner, the third candi date, has spoken here frequently, but has been unable to fill an appointment in Hickory during recent months. Mr. Morrison, who is a campaigner BOiS LEG SLAT ON SLEEPS! SENATE TRIBUTE IS PAID 00 'By the Afir.ociat.ed l'V i Tulsa. ()k!a., Alav 'live persons were I-. iiled an I in io red in a head -cu e ' iisi;, I St. I.ouis and .S.-n Frai.t-isc j :! trains lu ar White Oak. a j bout-, 00 miles noilhi-axt of he iv.'ieck occurred at a sharp cur -S gCa ' -- leas! ti ;.l ;-.S ; wh '..-!" t::ke n.l.r !': i.V n ii o o f to a: :n. .'! liliMil-' ' : I ii .:i.i I iy was to Cont.l. 1 mad" 1 1 to. '.ii'iug.i b- c .:.t -.-..Is states. i'.o alu'ai! : , -i 1 1 i i -1 . lii'-ir at- !atcl. (-i : t i . in U! hel l: :-V! M ht-f. ll.il-i vi.' The iy the Associated I'lt-s:;. ., May today Oysterbay, N.Y tiibute'was paid l.v tlu- A.-.s.xriitt.-ti l'ri-.-ts. i oi'v of llieodoro Koosevell;. at Washington, Mav 31. The soldier j grave here by veterans, headed by relief bill was -before the senate to-! Quentin Roosevelt post of dav. probably for reference to a i ican legion. .. ...Uir.V. rinnf nrnlc Qalfl i Tl.r. 4'.v.-.-i -. -.-ri.l4-.nf ... ?f writ: m S fi 1 o?irin meant its interment. veritable mound of flowers. It was Passage of the measure by the house j estimated that at least 2.000 persons Saturday with only 92 members vot- j brought floral offerings, inu negatively ended three months of i . , . IS! "T btVtLI iVETERAPiS PARADE .1 IN NATIONAL CAPil I i rne ys were Aiany of t!i from Ihe ha..l ear' open.. lia ii ';i:i :i H .1 ;. :-. Fraoi; II. Hi: :!.,. aiul hi'.ii a t'nfereh men. lie h;sd no?, gard io tt:e !;;:':i- ! .il de!.-;;ai ioi:s were on iiut t .. -..-li; 4lO ll.llll ! o ;a. . lt.ii COj'i. I eailv . e aij. Pi it tfe to 1 all 3.1. to -neveve.nt the mem- his the the Amer- cf power, will audit '.nee. He is rnd is a peppery be heard bv a large a vigorous speaker orator. DEATH OF MRS. PENNEY Mrs. Sarah C. Penwsyr widow of the late W. H. Penney, died Saturday night at the home, of, her .daughter, Mrs. W. B. Soiitherland, and the .body was carried to Piedmont, S. C, Sun day 'for interment. Bev. W. ' R.. Bradshaw conducted a brief funeral service. at the home. Mrs. Penney, v. no was a member of the First 'Bap tist church, was an excellent Chris tian woman. She was aged G7 years seven months and three days and is survived by several -children. CAPTAIN FA HR1NGTON HERE. filibustering and wrangling. j Senate leaders said today that the bill had no chance of consideration be fore June 5, while opponents insisted that the legislation would never get any farther than the committee. iB E mm ui f'y lin- A:.?4)oi;tl.4l lVfH. Washington, May 31.-!!c: oes "I' earlier wars shared today the nation s memorial tribute to those who fell in the work! war. In doinr them honor, grizzled veterans marched with khaki clad veterans to Arlington cemetery where for the first time lie graves of those who fell in f'n.nc-: were decorated. Genera! Pershing wa. the principal speaker. rs, to ray m re :r.i i:. th'i Wood no v. lea Mr. ii pi iic.( i.'s i'litmi reiat-i.-ir; w:t it !lu VV'f.o'i caniiiaign will he ri -! i : ut iiieil. The .'t'-ii'.a! ttf John T. Keig of f;nr!eei icitt b arim- the .. xv of Serin' or Penrose of : I comment in j he The hi r.--t -.,:! ; the conriiii ; e, i ha !t ROBERT WARWICK "TOLD THE HILLS' PASTIME TOMORROW. IN COMPANY FORMED TO DEVELOP PLANTS I,y tin? As:;o(:iat.-4l Picss. Washington. TSiay 31. mous vote the senate salva- lt is from its Captain and Mrs. T'arrington and little daughter wertk. guests last nig'.it of Miss Minnie Gwaltnev. Captain Farrinrton hus been stationed ;at Oteen but has secured his release and was on his wav home with his fam ily to Hartford. Conn. Thov went to Blowing Rock and Linville Falls to-' dav to spend a few davs in that b::.'. tiful section -before going home. Captain Farrington attended ti e decoration of the graves oi tlu nine teen homeless Oteen boys who ivi iv buried in Ashevi'le and said the naves were beautiful and the services impressive on Decoration day. Mar.v flowers sent from Hie. :y were used on this occasion and they were greatly appreciated. PASTIME TODAY. Seldom has a cast of such uniform ; excellence been assembled as thatj which suppcrts. Hubert Warwick in ibis latest Paramount-Artcratt pic-; 1 ture. "Told in the Hills." to be shown ! at the Pastime theatre tomorrow. Air. 1 Warwick's leading woPtan is Ann j Litt'e. famous as the heroicie of ir.anv! of the William . S- Hart pictures.! Wanda : I Law ley. who nas supported i several Paratuount-Arleraft stavs. in-; etndin Wallace KeiiL ... und -.Eileen 1 Percy, leading .woman - for Dtteirlas Fairbanks, are cast in imirlant re'es. The male support is Wiuallv msritorius. Tom Forman. whe- fe?ecnt ly returned from service and taved in Cecil B. de JVIille's 'For Better. For Worse." has th? part' of the stars younger brother. Charles Ogle. Mar-t-aret Loomis. Monte Blue. Hart Hoxie. iind.Jack Herbert. rnaiMtain the high standard. "Told in the Hills" is a pietunzauon of the book of the same name bv M.-irnh Ellis Rvan. which has been The Abernethy Motor Compart v is ! the ncnicr of another new enterprise ; opened up in. Hickory. Mr. N. W. Cass, who recently came to Jiickorv i. from ' Grec-.wille. S. C. is associated vith thj company and is part owner! cf the concern which will sell Kis-j St' cars and trucks. Essex cars and! Hudson and Vim trucks. Expert ma chinists will be employe:!. Service and carts for cars handled wi'.l be in, stock and the concern will onlv take care of cars sol: by them. Service will be featured bv them in everv respect 1 and they intend giving their custom-1 ers the best to be had- A pretty show room has been fitted op in their place of business on Trade avenue to tba rear of the Ab- tinethy 1 1 a rd vyjtr eCo m pany . AR UVE IN PARTS- eommitiee ord' fa- i m vaa. v.- .1 st fav !) Bv unani- agricultui ai oVable reoijr; j( I'l-bai Ii'1 laba-na ! ! h" U:;-.:: 10; di Mi' t, rt- an.-a:- Ian lith: !,-Pock ania cans- 4 44 . I ; in 1 . i to C111:" liefori" t from 1 i." f 0:11 1 Ii .vi- aliandoa--.). i.-iiiiti'.- !.:, tli4 1-0111- 1 ;"V .1 1!" f ' by H. M. Be 1- '11,4- unsiiccessf a ! heant-.i ;y a n-rro. STOIffihiS pi USED BY FDIES '.v ll.. A -,r';iu.,i l..,. St. Johns. N. n May rA.Or.ly ih-llo!u-ui atholic -btii"ch n r 1 1 i the h.:ii of its jiastor are j.!af:diMg t'.iday at tin village of Si. C'.u-iO ij!, swrpi, hy, for- :'. Ores jii'o.'-i f y 00 to provjjK t- i".-r the i;::,l iiirte days. Tiii is e 1 iiii.-.t i from $300, ",(M!. O'iO. I-.' very (o'lnt y in i he -.va:; vi.sircl hv the Jin-:.. with P: oxide; house todav. 1 1 . 1 j 4 . I. -03 1 at ?1 life's from an shall her a "best se'ler'.' for thirty years.- n is ;t powerful story of the great out doors, centering around the sftcriiice of Jack Stuart, slaved bv Mr. War wick, -who: marries the girl his '.vo..af c i brother -wronsred. Of course you will come to see -this good picture. Specud music at 'night. "ON WITH DANCE" COMINtJ.. ANOTHER BA W!:EC'K. Ey the Associated Tress Eimira. N. Y.. Mav 31 The en gineer and fireman of Lehigh Vallev train No. 6 were killed when that train met in collusion with aiu'ibcr train in New York slat" thi:; morion-,'. U! Til nn ai rtfitu; UBifllED FBI IS! By Bv the Associated Press. Paris, May 31. Mrs. Carrie Chap man Catt. president, of the .National Woman's Suffrage Association of the United States, and Mrs. Josephus Daniels and 28 other delegates an.l alternates, who will attend the inter national woman's alliance at Geneva. Switzerland. June i-12. I IV E KILLED HERE. the Associated Prer.s. Akroi O.. Mav 31.- were killed eariv tor. interurban eo to mobile. todav i;,i,.d r 1 vi- when with persons a Can a;! au- Ly. Hie As.:oeijU- l'r HlJUTtaobut v-. S. '. Ii trdef---; oe ''.n i-r; :- C-'i..laenecjiit;:i e.Xelv m i l d the degive of in:' , fi. By Miss Winnie Griffin of Charlotte was o-lndlv welcomed 'Friday- for a visit, of afew tlavs to her mother, S. AGi-iffm at Mrs. Charwick's Mi the have re- would have eternitv. The nrogrnm at the Pastime to dav will be Jac Dcmnsev in th? third eniscde of that thrilling serial "Dare Devil Jack". Pathe News showing lat est events and a two reel Fox Sun shine comedy. Special music - tonight bv Mrs. Hatcher, pianist, and Prof. Sab ta. viotinist. Cme and see a good show ahd hear the good music. Rev- W. W. Rowe returned from the meeting ' of General Synod in Beading yesterday. Mr. Rowe reports a very interesting meeting and one that was well attehde'd. As already announced this bodv will .meet in Hickory cn Mav 23rd. 1923. The Pastime is offering an excep tionally attractive. Jrocram ' for Thursdav and Friday this week, -It is "fin WUli tW Dar.cc. a 'oeorge i ltz- maurice production featuring -Mae Murray and David . Powell. -It is aj.re- j mtndous drama a story of a Bus- i sion dancer in America, that is Idled; with action andemotional thrills, it's a Paramount Artcraf t oietmre. The management' pc-rsc na -i v guaran tees this -picture: as being ope of thetinesi productions, ever produced. Six-cial music at night-vCome. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mlollarrd of Sastonia- spent the week emb with Mrs. E. A. .Tavlor. Mrs. Holland sang at the Episcopal church last night and delighted the congregation with . her beautiful voice. ' Miss Victoria Haveood, cf London, Eng.. who has been a natieiu at Oteen is the guest t.m'.r-'t and to morrow of Miss Minnie f..va inev. Miss I iay good s cn rout-' iime nd expects to sail within a few davs. ri;mors of i prising the Associnted Press. ondon. Mav 31. Ru-'U io'ioe' iiiing revolt are ste: i.-ff.'- in Berlin and reporrs Lu'ionarv movement where a son f th" 'on is staving. He is regarded a leader of the military oar: v. lb vices state. Advices from D001 il. v.beie former emneror is now Jivi.vr William Ilohenzollei n is i; hopes cf regaining his throne IT, Oi a J! hlv grovv of a r"V:i lVittrtbii.;. V em ; I the th ieclr bi'j-h I), c.. I Cro: a as ' si a. .-. f and I Bo; dil'ei ;. .-aid ifd'-i ! ! h , May Co!b-f e. . JO !44-tOl- f, i;i'i. r of ii i 1 i v ' ' u Mi f i;je : 31.-Tlio .- at tlio i IV enri of me;-cv f Wash-. ; lK.-r-. of arts ,s Mattie e,f;oi for o i'a.iiOfl. :r;U-s of. -It. .a! Ii;-! oe 1 -ecogriitiort ; 4 - 4 -, Messrs. Harrison Wird !:.". Witiierspoon and Gecvge S. motored to Blowing Rck v A d riaii .Johl'- oil St'-i:!::V. If HUNDRED ARE LIST H OVEMKNir relist MRS PLEASANT MURPHY ' DIES IN DURHAM 1 1 ...nir.tilnlT News was rcceiveu nere .vvm-viw.., Pleasant .uuipny tep-mother of the late ur. J . l.. -iur- Mrs. :iurpny ut-iuic n,... cMi Loner, coming of a very 1 -:, ,,f the lading mnw s . .. .. d(?alh of . , .'4isx enurvii. """ a'lr.-.I miles to retract a false tcsti 'v in a verv important 'case. He '-re back lens two thousand dollars .'i hi pocket book.' but-with a radiant 'V. in his face. The voune ruler did i ". have to undertake such a iouinev. hw bad not wronged anv one in anv . ' Wither had he stolen anything: Mr. Earl White, of State: the guest of his sister. Mrs. Bowles. vide. L 1 A. Messrs. Deal and W lotte were dav. II -rbert A!!.n, E. RiJiim o . Hickory vi.-it' i s lall. oar jan The Ladies' Aid and Missionary So ciety of Holv Trmuv Lutheran church will hold its regu;ar monthly meeting to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs- Walter Burns with -M-: ; -a 'Burns. W. - H. Whfona and Geo. Poovev as hostess..' ? Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Bark!" vounger children returned urday evening from a shoit v Charlotte with relatives. Misses Elizabeth :;-nd Haz'd Karklov remaim-4 in Charlotte j longer visit. Si dt . ! !'. I 1: -!. ;:.' i-o'V l ..;-,!. i li..' ! (I'll I Ma-, lb !a-, i ; l:ol;:;l 1.1 r a .;' the 1 111 al been !-.- Tl. Oillg- oam:-:- -U.oo;; p v. : ihe.r VJ he ll i,cri- s -Gil ow.nl v ma ie '11 le ve f.t,).U n-B. phy. was a Rev. W. "W. Rowe left this after noon for Land is whore tomorrow he will preach the dedicatory sermon of" the' new Reformed church of Lan-dis- His pulpit here -tomorrow will be filled by Revr'Dr. "A. D. Wolfinger. of Newton. Dr. E. M. Craig delivered a special I coimoti before llieKorv . eommanuerv. in r ov? . t Tln'i4lsfin cnUntV. . . 1 ,Tr:'..L.. nr.l,. 1 .- .Vi. prominent ianui. x.. -. - - - - . it. ixiugii.s i"i'i" -, -- The funeral was held today from Beth- j yjethodist church at Lenoir vesteruav anv Reformed church of Davidson j aftcrnoon antj 53 Kniehts from this county of which the deceased was a iurisdiction .and many Master Masons member Mrs. R. A. Grimes and were , in attendance- A large -'TvurDer Charged in buHines, deaHr.gs. Miss avy Murphy eft tcituy cv- t from sck otne, oi'tler to aiieim im. iunv vi.t i- . commanrtery. ...i.. i, ia certain Kina-ox resiwei.- .' t iling. He had not killed anv .: r.ov robbed anv one of their vir- Surelv this was a wonderful rec- '1 for one in comparative vouth. and ing in those times. You Pee here l.-ttor of the Jaw mav be Kent t the soirit broken. He was an ec- '.-Mu-ticnUv henored man. 'He was ...o- t 1. v,n had. to be a mem- in-i. iu ui- 11440 ... -. e .u 1..... .u.. 1 ..arrt 'nuncil ot tne mi HI IIIV Ol-ni4iii4 . , . . .,..1 'v.'ve of the seventv. Both indicated i;i. .r..A rAciiion In the churcn. ening in today. STRIKE CALLED OFF fly th- Associated Press. Montgomery, Ala., May 31. .T. A. noon, every I Rev. VV. O.'Gootle pveaebetl to the i colored people of Hickory in the A. i'M.-E. Zicn church yesteixlay after- colored pastor in the ! . 111 jt . '.. ti:M ... . ----- :":""' - . - " . 1' ' - .-'''- ) -: ; .- :., ; .- . . ... 1 '- -,' -: : - lf, " - j j m t , , J&LJ&MJ 1 :-' -V i. -J':'-: -..'. ; -"' '' . - ( i ' -" Miss Evangeline Etley moiTdng for her home in U.-ft thi' LouisWlie. Ky.. after spenamg tne past winter in" Hickory as a rnc-mlxr of Un graded school faculty. - Mrs. R. C. Buchanan an4 two daughters, Misses Hilda Council! ;nd Drot'nv Buchanan, went to Reidsville yesterday to visit her sister. Mrs. W. E. McRorie. .IS ) ey:iW home V,"!:( daughter 1 1-. iii coov A !:.-. 1 i i'-j..! ; 1 too!: n'ci- r,7 --it the a Bowles. o"'r- T ... Misses Lencre Sourbcei Coblentz and Messrs. and F. B. Sanburn Blowing Rock yesterday spent the day. and Naomi Steve Greer rn.:toreI to where tliey !es. h t-(,''i T : . : !';i0 frio; i !!:..'! we'jtt-rT tr.ev v. rr.! it '. . 1 : bride cf Mr. Thes. S. . ). lj'. -i- ; rfo iiied ht! pre.a'.ice of t!:; v :: ! (:-x iiitim-.ttf ia'elv ;.f:. r i',. !:ft for :t 'i jj; niou:;t of the s!a!e . aftf-; .'"uir of j return Hickt STTE OTHGPEDIC HOSPITAL in .- e :-j ..w.. - u 5tv bo no- on .the - rostrum. .Jast liowdoin, local ,supeii.iL-ooC..t ;. --- - r Atlnnti- roast Line Railroau. tociay ciigin i 1 . wuv - ... - of a tel- P epTam sent to Coast Line general man gers saving the clerks strike had been called off. ' Dnniici r.hinph in Xpvcton before -the i tnngregations of tne ;iapusn-jvieino dist, Presbyterian churches. T and Reformed How institution .will look when completed. Cor- -nerstone to be laid at "Gastonia June. 8 with ; : impressive ceremonies Mrs. W. B. Ramsav Janie Menxies. Ruth Craiir ani a line Mc-nzies left todav for Springs to attend the Christian En-r (leaver d.-nvention in sessi:r. there this week. Mrs. E. G. Shugart of Winston-Sa-' v lem is visiting her brother, Dr. Speas for several days. W. P The br; te in o of 1 1 i"korvs r' '.( clip.rmi-.ig v.u.'-g womf;n kith hosts of i':X(. Sla- is a talented musician, biiving graduated in piano and vioc and r;.o..H--?----fcs rr.anv bf-uutiful traits ot chr.ract r and disisit;Mi. Mr. Golden, who - n.anaeer of the h-cal h-r-'icli of the Metvooolitian Life ; friary nee "-ornraiw. is ;t st.'".cridil voting man and h-'dd trie e-e.-i:t of all his fellow citizen. He i:k--wise is a 1 g( nd singer, possessh g a 5-oIendid ico. The voun" couple have th? -t wishes their nun:'-rous friends r a long and happy wedded life. f 4 1 ..ii ri.llim 1 - JTW. tiii be was ft yung mn- ir.re

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