- '"ft A- ' - .v - , . DV ... " 1 s - ' - - )AILY Hickory WEATHER Partly cloudy, prob ilnv locai showers tighl and Satur day, gem!-; variable vnrrhs. (lMf:!K OF VOL. V. NO. 231 HICKORY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, AUG. 20, 1920 MACHINERY BILL IS PUT THROUGH THIRD READING Hews Paws Revaluation Measure With Most cf fcuubicans Opposing It Bryant Scores Kr pubiian? Constitutional Amend ments Bill Passes Second Reading says Russians use SOME GOOD JOBS washouts "ma SPHSIf BULLETS1 HUH fillUTffilll FillCt FIVE CEfiTS Bv tho svtoeiatod Pros?:. Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 20; Char ges tint (he bo'shrviti in Ukxy drive upon Wnrtsaw are using dumdum bal lots and indictlmr inrfuvo.! r.n it.f.5.. mors aiv made in a letter iY'.m pnsoi BY W. S. MANN. yv.,1,1 : .. ; Yw, ;Mn!; ten ;(-, Washington. Aug. .(.'. "Beware ic It!-;; of M:-r( h. T);. :,,,.;.. warning to,!-.- aprilir; it th tl v!.iv v C h: ;,J .'tf' -r.,ei ' ; f v. Ii ' .' A HKI'NK ril V Aug. '1.?). The hmi-.o ! 'I'" -Machinery bill on T1-1- the r.onatc pass- i'ir rnnl ;imen linen ti bill 'I fettling. On both of iv majority of the ! u d up alniowt nul'dlv ! 'I'm; cr.' L;. The debate t pepp rv of the- i-.n m '.! f-tti '.vt t on woman aslefj two ears. v, nc a i n s con scio r sn us s Mil, h'; !' arl v.i.-' i ' ' ' t-:-: " , . ...i ,i" . t. )-.:.. l.yf i h An ' ' '!': 1 P ' T -t -M ! M f .' i ' ;'' ' !":".r !!'- Irr ) . rv. 'i i" (. "P.'.-. i ' t " I ( r. t!v nopub'i.-nti 1 -K i 'ti ti th.- ni.u liiivvy ' , vr f.r in o nv.'ittre , n a n. avuro Mipprt-i- Ti't Purliam rcprciTn-i'"- KtTiub'ici'ii.i tbat tboy :!!": ?i. nnii' I'unifal of ! the v va'r.;;; ion fi ' t:ix on tin- fanner-. argument ot' Tlrt H"ri in:;. In- told tlio bou in 'fV.;: i y bill pr.n i'lcil n- 1 vi'iil.l Irjive all" tiiio ? , an 1 fit y purj.'O'-es. luttojt 0 (fens! by Kcr.ator i! ' ' ,,-t. r tliv if n-.titntion.il ; 1 cin'3 ' vote;! down !,'-. Iff! btiievrd tin V v u!d nipp!'.' tho fimnces :n'v ;n!,l city jrnvernmcnt.s, (luhired that there f-ri' money un l"r rcvnlua it i!iv limit was placed r.t Vy the AiJsociatvti rrer-.s. Wc!u';";!ia, V-,, Air-r. 20. Mr.;. C'hra .b'?i'.c!v;cn of Kar-ino. who l.a.i b'-f.'i' ;i:.lfp id th" countv a.;vluni 1'cr more IIumi two M'.uv,. bas reirainei! it JirciviK-n t ; .-. A sist! r-in-I.nv of Ty vi:itul the instV.rJti'.'n. brin'ci.itj hc ; i:-.Va".M :-. n. It ia tliouarht tu !M tl -pvi'l-.entM mi'iTiur'r in the! winia;:'; ndrT that rcrtored Jier to i cn-rr.nl roniir i; ri. aiior; ,. H. Denny, Alabama Ked Crons nun.e in Wa.rsaw, to thv editor of the Ibrmiiiham Age-IIcr;dd. The !tlt,-.r. lw-ii mm L-.w w-,t.i,..-,. - - i., ,i ,, ai.it.v . L 'ui ino cuv woui.j lail ury.ess the 1 - -t--e" ur resiaei.'. vvii -.on win jie fen dors reccieI .iW'j.'!aro,'ments. ! wt ycf 1;e t'nnfii med by a Kcmib Kvidcnee of the desperate encounters j l.lc:)u s-'nac- H the f?c-5iubli.-nns"win '.va?; ?'i:o-vn jn the bavonct voond, ! the national elect ki:o in November. j t'e Cltam e? Ot th- C-rfinr)!iii,M f : " appo:r;1.ccs by the senate are very sfini r.uv.-h t-;o 'im fCv t!r """ifoit cf the olke. Iiclders. Thi:3 ap.-i-i?.; i.,t oaly to the me;; now r;'-..:':vin'- rc.-'' iainw.-jy rram was do raited. 1 'o to Vv.ci ;lv ww anoinlccl Jaine.; II. Wood, district pa36enjrer i by the jne-ident daiiu- the- h-t f:ea a;rent, who went to tho teene ab')Ut : sjcn j co;o:roc. but wboe nomina- T,-r, I J milt-"' irom here de?Iard that re ; no"3 'vere net feted n:-in Kn. J OI ITMl..",! .. it,.., i .. . .... , T'l.. '11 I 'its i riai uie nan; was ruinim? at 111 'i was.- a co.i.i- ;era.i!e jmm- ' an exeoavivo rat" of r.peud could net i ,!,cr Cl these urfort ur-at; l;, includir.s he coMinned tv Jura. T!:o wreck was ! -iiauo-! w . alc(.-iiii, :ormer i cove.v o -nnsrd by seepage which unilsrmincd Lai''e and governor cf Jlas-sachnsetts the track because of many heavy CAUSE OF WitECK Ij.v t! e Associated Pv. s.?. A:,bevi;!!e. N. (1., Autf. 20. The i tracks have b-on clea.-ed in Lo! lack k whetv la t rdel.t Seuthern j Lynchburg, Va., Aiuct 20. Three v.-k?;.(OU'.s cn the maia Hue cf the '': ;vNr) !' ;nwav between Lyneh biir and Char!cttc.;vrlc are cuusinK i ;k-ttu- cf all South evn fains !-!y.. train vat into a wavhnut 11 oi2lj;-i nortii of lure, turned over and 'ciu t-svn an cmrantrrocni. Two' of ibe crew are reo-a-ted i'P.jnreti. fAllWH OKGA.NIZATIONS' PLAN A NATtOXA k CODY V.'ae:;n.ctoii. Auu:. 20. Orfrar.ivia- tv. n ot the ' '--;)-op"var.'ve farinerKr : rev.. cf tile iJi! t-d ;-.:.:( .. as a !ntit;n;;! body xiehkiie: member:.; . of the -i.000 farm ioa (! a.soeiaticne! ahe-..dv 'araniz':,! under th'1 federal fa'-jri ica:i cl. ha-s b;;cn fctaetcd. tbe: ";;i:iai ii Doara ot la.rm oriraniza- poles mmm e ACAIST SOTO 1 3 Russiam More Ground Eefero Orushlng Poles, Acccixlm- to War--Eyssn Peace Propocais Dkcired el Thir ' day's Conference at Minsk ' - rains. TENNESSEE SUFFRAGE Ii. IS HELD 1 fifflfliB liPil By fha .V-'Mf j.ucd Tress. 0.U.id. (.. Auf. 20. P'uneiv-l 'r,;; v.." h"ie to.hv for P 'V.i"!!1 ' 'I'ttinvKi. f hort'ton cf tie1 ' ''i'l'id .nicncn Uaru t- m '.'N' vi in 'ev.- Yoik Tuesdn r1 f.ii'.,ivir.' an opernticn pf- frf '! "f h';, sl-'il bv JK;1' r;'c.bd 'bv Cati Mrv.-. rf Tr.- ...f .. f vv hv'd in 5t. Jo! " In-?n (Vfh.-ti.- ratlifd.ak Te., fsv! tihr AMENDMENT STANDS F.y the Af 3ociated Press. ra:-hvil!p. Tnn.. Au;3. 20. SufTrspe leaders forced adjotirmiir nt ot tho Trnt!C"::pe hoir; tvity before Speaker Walker made any motion to recmi i'itvr tie ratibratn n cf tho woman sulTrae am?mlmet. Opponents thus ost their ri'-jht to vlftt a ir,o!:on to reron.idrr, but the suffrage forces idaniiMl to mac .-nch a mt:en tmtrrw and then to Uhe it, thus making i!i;po.,ible any further p-u 5:an.tita; y t;ctie !o reconsider the action. Afttr the amfridrrnit v.a:; ratifiril ;n Vc;lne;;J;iy, Speaker Walker changed hb vote from nay to nyv in crder thai he might be in position to offer a mo'ion for rcconskicratior!, hut tho adjournment Uriny prevented any further ?cfi?n to rctci2:adM ilis railic;'ticii vote. mm sis M O REPORT S IT K ... , B ? ,m.' ir.j 'c :r. til'- '''l".,ch to tMV tkc'f f.) tl)C !'i Til' '.. IV"" " Tii-.!u,;,j b-.H 'ala ,t?ri 10 ' 1 :T'n. nrfc-'d'r.': rf tH n. and 'he ;,it:,'' ..,! I"' t ( ill-. rrv , o, .., ,ri inclii'l- ' 'i 1 ' ; '..!;f -Ler. W-Vi' n!ib' ) rs. v. I, .19 T") .TJ! ATEI). irffed I'r''s. An" ::A..Vhi Knv :t .'"p t.f be riev" '''U'; fit.-dlv Iniured 1 (',?! M;iv;, in a b.-U . i-.!fcr hur'.r'l in f'eve "II Ivifi: in blT borri" 1 iiv f 1 net , nvrvoij" Hii; been oi" .nown 'hi '1 :m fid'n i:il of thu Vin- " .'I trifTif ronrt find oleaded 1 .! ", In fi rli.'ir.'f rif k no pi I. 'ri! , t,n: n:u n tine rf f','1 . Mill til'11-i..l . in. .. t..-. nnrti . ' l"l i Tf the A-scciated Prrsss. Ncv Yoik. Aur. 20 John J. Mc 1 ' 1 v . rifsim'T "f the United States. " :-. ... , been the rer.tral figure of t'hr 1.! -e ien-.-. here v.ith..i the 'a.vt fv, . v; !:?. ( a. gene to Chicago t.' t.-kfi fhaige of his team. TV i atnouncement wss made to bv i3 attoi nev. who said he had i'.'fcrrnf-i the di5trt attorney's ' r.tr- the.t McGravv veald return in b ';. ft any time if he wa vjTitr-d in cenncti-'-n with inouirv a? o how .Trim C SJavm. the actorl. re-:.v;y-l a fractured ckul! in front of he MctJrnw VISITING IN THE COUNTRY. fl,:,. !'. I.,, .1 IT',;" ... Mr ,1 ''i '. , - . ! ', 1 ,,,, " '1 fi ')!)' .1 1 f ( J at. the Po'n prounds. ,. : IOWI.Y TO TIIF, IK JOBS Iieri'inr., who voter enrly I'd; ' 111 1 th" strike which had rw.riii.M .,,,. April, ;,.. r.lvlv re- rj"" f ' ir ohl portions. "' of th M'dlorv and South- H f U ilMV.I-'ii, rr.mnvn'.nn thnt- .ififir ti'naMon w.-n rnrrrak but ''fz to eMirj,',;; f,f t.'v: Inter- h 1 nil !.f.n.h,rmn's n'.wi:ition, ! r 1 ''f "-.'e.:, f.,V'; before 1 h" m- J";;'-- "f th 'tt'ker", -.-A bak. ''In V f f tliMn iv 11 nnvni. v.fnrn r. h. k fit- ,, ... I, " ..t 41, , . ' ' ' 'i r., ''liv ill 1 :it "'I!" said, thv hivf takon rh I' '" mi the ovenoa docks. Tl'ie 'n 'riti.,1 i turn with'iut, ?ny in ri'. bchnvm- th...t the matter 'Mi'i-t-d in n-xt viir's con ZUJ- vk becin.i in October." 'f'li.'n ni..v'm"nt. t. New York '1 f'f Mlownl at aM other Atlantic ''-u Co;.. t ports, if the rrom- :'"'-..!,,n,, t p ir:torn-ttional of f -' ti 1 out. iv e have asked the men to confer W-n 'MniM Ii,l Vmro nail !? Hck to work pending n set 'V"'. of tho iuea," one of the COTTON. '4' '!;;" )i''f',r.e; f..ri- . Vn- h Oren. ..2T..r;2 . -.20 00 . ..25D2 23.7r ..25.50 Cbse. 27.18 2r 12 2'.r.d 25.25 24.90 'jtatr.vi.iln Landmark. The Girrnboro News painted a T-autiful picture, of a vacation In the conhy of the delight the trrh.m il'.vellcr fwifh; at thin season in (in: hek to the old home in the farri'. rcriens. tcvclinrr in the thines to cat and en;ovin;r the rcrtful ouiet ef tli" countrv-iiide. Then somebodv butted in and rpiled part of the pie li.;rc bv oskin bow about the coun try d'ive"lle' who had to furnish the fi f d for the visit' rs feed that is v.ortb bi',r m'-cmv in the citv markets and do t'e beavv work eencrallv of nroviiiimr fe-r the entertainment o' the citv visitors. This iolted the Ne-..; but it. itioists that it had in mind tbr. n'" heme where pa and ma would be gbid to fee the bovii and "il cmne back f' r a family re union. That was the easy wav arounci. '.VTe i' vcr P't and ma ae found thov svill be smilimr to r.aerilice their 'effort find nark bemfclvev, to Hie limit to fcitrrt-.m Hie boys; and sirie in the old home. Sometimes; too of-t-n ureiiijldy. the bov an-l crirls sdiow 'illk. awprtcii'diru. if any annrecia tirn at fill, cf the sacrifices pa and ma rnke for them, but if pa and ia o' ice tbpt fbev rarely sneak ot i1. even among themselves. Put thy re are many urban dwellers who hnve no pa 2nd ma and no old homr ri the country. Pome of these (lion in on m've distant kin or on fncml. Sometimes thsv are welcom vi'l sometime.- thevave not. But in rithtr event the visit i-, a heavv tav rn the country hcuekreper. TIelo i as RArre in the country as in town or more so. The country house j;fpvier hasn't a -3 a rule, thp modern ren n nieaces rf the titv sister and -vth he" entert,Tininr ecmpanv is rt'-n ;i harder iob. The food mav be ohoon-l.-.-nt and mav not be grudged Knt- if takes rs.i work: to prepare u. Many country housekeepers undere ?.U that cheerfully wruie citv Kin ana ftii-nrK pniov themselves, uo rne iax tv make henest effort to return the kindness? How many country women vho wr.nlrl eniov a visit in town evfir hpve the opDortutiitv r..r 'onmnared with" the number of town visitors to country, homes. Re itv in this matter is net onlv f-.,ir .ir.'fl iust hut it would be help ful. If the town aiKr country sisters DECLARED FALSE l'v the Ae;-exiated Press. Wa:-'hin,j?ton, Autr. 20. Cibled re ports from Tokio that a plot to hold the paity of American representa tives when it arrived in Korea were characterized today a; Kutie Kiinm, chairman, of the Korean commission, r. another groundless Japanese fab rication. -ca-'--. POLAND UNFIT FOR STCLF- GOVKKNMENT SAYS JUDGE rarl'5. Aug, ID. Asserting that Poland i'! less fit for self rovernment than Vie Philippine; and that the Polk-h army in in wor.e fhape than the rTe:,!er.a bandits, Judve Anoe jfvy. i;ieLident of the New York '.rmiicinal curt, returning hero from AVorc.mv gave Universal Scrv'ca a smashing jjtateuicnt deeoibu c Hie ci.'nditie-.is in Poland as abaoluteJv "credible. "Giung Poland her independence was the vorsit oik tike ef the maker.' of the treaty of Versailles." be con- tinael. 'The .l-ojii h people do ciok now the first rudiment:; ef self goi- cvnmciit. The great mass or? the peo ple is ii)ite:-iio and unintelligent "and unabte to use the franrhise. Th; eeople live in terror and oppression The Pclkh treatment of the Jew?. must be seen to be believed. "I saw whole populations of Jew ish pie vie in the villages dying like bes from typhus fever and str-rva-ion in the midst of the most. hor rible conditions of sanitation con ceivable. "By day and ni.cdit miniature pog roms are executed throughout Po land. Dv a:i edict from Varsuw not a single Jew is permitted to be a termer or to work 00 the public 'ttiiitie?. As a result their land bus been conliv.cai.ed and they have been driven en mas-e fcito the smalt irwns :ind cities where utterly dis pirited and hopeless they abicctlv decire peace at any cost preferrinc 'he soviet regime to the n resent gov ernment which is universally hated "In any event there will be a rev olution i-ii Poland shortly for if the Toveirmcnt docs not withdraw I air positive that the peasants will rise r-n masse and kick ic out. When I left Poland, the soviet armv was SO miles from Warsaw and advancing rapidly. No preparations were madj for the defense of the citv. When I return to America I intend to urge by everv means in rov power the in tervention of the United States te ?ave the millions of Jews in Poland from utter extermination." who was named a .member of the United States tariff "commission. lie has since been rivn a rcr-pi nt. pointment. It includes too, John Sko.Uon Williams, controller ' of the currency, who.se nrminei.-on lias been p.v bone of contd.it ion between thz president and the senete for msre than a year. McCall Peat Weeks It was reported at first that Mr. MeCa'l has declined the recess ap pointment to the tariff commission. But now it is reported that he is to fcccept. hfiving reconsidered at the 1. -I? J. 1 I . . r t icquu.ii, 01 me president. lias con firmation by the ser.r;te appears un likely in view of ihe animosity to ward him on the part of a number of the Kepubhcan senators. Though Mr. McCail is a Repi;bhcan, .serving in the house and also as governor of Massachusetts as a Republican, he is charg?d by some of tin- party with having made it possible for the IVm ocrats to elect Senator Da id I. Wal- sh to succeed Senator Weeks two yearr ago. His sen-in-lawT. Thomas W. kawson, ran on a third ticket end took away enough of the Repu'dlcan vote to prevent the election of Weeks, who is now Republican national committeemen for Mas5achu:;etts and who is likely to become secretary of the navy in the event of Harding's election as proai'lent. , Mr. McCall's nomination carne to the senate weeks and months before the adjournment of the last session of congress, but it was buried in the Senate firfcnce committee and never acted upon. If he takes the. job and fails of confirmation, he may lose" his pay, according to old rulings of the controller of the treasury. Follow Democrats. The Republicans lrvc in mind' the fate of the nominations made by President. Taft during the ast ses sion of congress cf his term of of fice. The Democrats absolutely re fused to allow anv of them to be confirmed, though they did not hive a majority of the senate. But they were able to filibuster and prevent action upon the nominations. After eight long years, the Republicans are in a frame' of mind to seve all the offices now to be filled until the Re ublir:sm administration cpmes in next March, provided, of course, thai they win at the polls in November. Many Fat Jobs In the case of army and navy ap pointments, where the promotions are due. it is likely that the senate will act favorably. There would be a lit tle object, in holding un these nomi' nations for they would, have to be iv'ide by the Republican president, if elected. But there are a number of fat jobs, not to mention hundreds of postmasterships. and U. S. mar shals and United States attorneys, to be appointed in the regular order of business between now and Miarch 4 next, and it is likely they will be re served for "deserving" Republicans. One of Best Offices Take the office of controller of the currency which carries with it mem bership' on the federal reserve board. Mr. Williams is ' holding that office under the law which prcmits his con tinuing in office until his successor has been appointed and confirmed. It is a "fat" office, mid on of great , 1 1. 4 ..W-T r.'1 T,r.,Vl importance! to me mutm-ov w.v Tlio Rpmiblicanr; they paid, to reject the nomination of Mr. Williams at the last session i cone-s. He was held to be tern pcrmentally unfit for the office by his opponents. Eut they figured out that if another Democrat was appointed nffPv his reiection. that Democrats might not be subject to subtsantial objections, and if he was confirmed bv the senate he would have a five year term. Why, "they said, should they give this job to a Democrat, when by merely letting things ride, thev wouM get ri l of Mr. Williams and then substitute a Republican after March next. All this presup poses a Republican victory in November. UNITED STATES TRACK AX P. .FIELD M EN LEAD RIVALS Antwerp. Aug. 20. Total s(jor-s in the aUilwtie events track and field at aie nmsn of vesta da vV. n 1 "I i Hi II ! . , . . ,. 1 iioii.; announced last meld. The plan ! f " u;e Vn-"K: -v '.vire arose oat ef paraiyt'.aUon of the fed-! .ws: era! yet 0 s a result of the suit: now j " Unite:! States- 113 ooints. FlrJ-iivi neading in the supreme court to test 49 points; Epflar.d 4) pe.;.-,-- Hw- i" its co-n1t.itlitutmr.a!ity. it was said.;en. 5)0 points';' Franco. " n 'r j.ecalc, iarni i .enn nssoe.'i.ions Wi1 Bouth Af,icai ,; ?,0.Kt Ti T PC- to? meet into "state r.vu as" ;u;d f.. r ,1., '; -.t , state conventions will then be called; V. jJe, S ,;(" ' "'-T to name delegate? to a national eon-1 '"-ntfe, New Zealand, o points, Es ventiun which will be held as mon' th? d points; Cccho-vSiovakui, as 10 state unions have, been form -1 1'omts. ol!and, 2 points; Belgium, I ed i point. C0MMITTEEUPH0WS DURHAM C0MPAN extreme :iniiv is k en the or Vr.r.-..!y. erne nr -i I-.o Pef-h ' :.e right an i Bh kk, By the Associated Press. Raleigh. N. C. Aug. 20, I had and left Tuesday morning -1 he com- i.'xcmi3ary in every respect mitt ee appointed to iiwecligato. tti" alleged assault upon the Alamance county iriil acid the conduct of th. Durham, machine ;trun company o; the night of July 10. "wich result ed in the death of one nui, i trie, injury f two othes, tode.v submit-" he-tifvine1 the action of the soldiers, i have bc-n "when the sentinels and jail were I lookers." testimony sansncs r. usat ice co;t et.ee cf the faoidiers was e::cm- Jumes ikiv. who wa.-; killed near 'he iaih ;,ad Willi.; Phillips fed Clem Bradshnw. who wre w;oivi; not. members of any org :?)h:ed moh me eonrmitiee report m. eut . innocent, or curie us on-- ! in1 unen. After revicwin.g the case, the emr.piittee finds "the conduct of the officers a'fl- the men of the machin..' gun compan? from the time the. Jolt Durham untjl they reached Gra- or The machine gunners we to Gr-'th:;):) to jirr.tict t'iv ntiseners who were lodged i .?.m;ii!co count Y tail in '-mncc with an s1 tack on a prominent Ak mnnee countv woman at tint pigc TO DESIGN M a mm. By the Associated Press. Montreal, Aug. 20. Charles E. Nicholson; designer of Sir Thomas Linton';; Shamrock, IV, has accent ed a commission to de:-:ign tne .iin:- Lear, proposed as Canada's chal lenger for the AmericErV. cup bv A. C Res-:, promoter of the Maple Leaf c-hallcnge, Mr. Ross announced today-i In accepting the commissi' n Nic-ok-c-n was said to liave stipulnicd that the preliminary work cf build ing the yacld shoukl be carried T'lni'hrofh He then proposed 'complete the construction dialien-eer in Canada Til 1E1 KiLlFfl By the , !,:;.,; y, ..... ." '- . .. ; : ;h ; .-: ,-v.- Bog ..iv,.:-. ,; ,." : .. ;;.- :.. i-: -1. r.-.v!.- : i ; .: , . ; 1 .:! .;: s:: V:--. :--.-T.::""v A; : 'Ay 1 ' .-s;.:''-v;; -: 7'-,- : ';:- A- . A- !M ; K' , : . . . . t . ..... ; ' : - ' ;' :.!.;:. Teeis- ' : ' ; -' v '. ; i. tie 0 ; , w. . ; .. i h,-- IV. ;. Their : '.v; ' .:;.' ' .. . . ,. I t! c ho -;: i-,e e l' ;:rA--r. i . : ,; io I 1 :. : . v. . ! ! ;:i ' ::-e-.! i " :: . ::A here toon v. o gj ' I intod lei";: f-.:r the. eonferenca f j we: o c-gie- r! tiro'i. Towm-.! 'he cti.J of tise 'f-o:! ih!. : ::;i e.ekg.-U-; pro- j tesh.d :o:ai;.st -h- ptrv:,' 'en'orts to ; drag the ; . -si i -in ..i-f . .,.- nt .says. T. ' ' ?iF: N :,'r'ATEi5EXT ; It'," 1 As-: i-;U"'i i'i ": S 1 i. s.!,i!.. A ;:,' . i-. - -I .n soviet :f,.VY.,.; ,;(: ...... ;.,.iV.r,j..j.. I.llkoW ')' nd-es -;a-:; e-t of r.-,aw, ac- (.: : t i - :: '- -A : 1 ,: ,;r. ;'!"! ' :'. ": 'e . ;..;;;: ; ! ''..J. the ' Peies :. ' -ek .e . . .;' : :' at ... - .... . . r ;j:!';. .'... ,i,, i . : -, .. C''''':A iA'AAY ?,k...rT-5.ITtvT.K. j v. ;j . A: ' A c i : ' ' ' ' : 1 .ii.O'.:k v !;" !.-( on', i i, . i ; Poii.-'o :' ;;,v. ;- :''.-::. :.o advice i ,;...! t . .' : 1 ;';;.; ;:. e 110 i" ' s ; , l!;' Aii Cvl.i- ' ' A ' ' - ' . -i.-t '. r ir if IAS- : ' . ' ' . ' : K- .. .... .'.5 3y tbs Associated i'ress. : Sy:Aieuse, N. Y Aug ,20. Two ! men were killed and two hurt when a. ; P 00' o-ill'-u gas-'dine reservoo- e-;-; jiploded tqday. Seajhers discover'--! i the bodies ot the men un-ier tons . debris. Windows in nearby buiM'n .: ; and manufacturing rlauts win e brc-.::-; en many bb r!-, awny. of cn mi Toio TO close m RAILWAY OWNED BY CANADA Sale of Dc minion's Lire; i United States Opposed exchanged visits they would have a better understanding of each other and each ether's difficulties that would be mutually helpful. The ob vious lesson is that town folks should not make' a convenience of their country kin or friends and if . they take a vacation in the country un less thev pay the tariff at the reg ular rates, they should "return the fsvor" bv having their country kin and friends take a .vacation in town. Toronto Glebe, New Yor;c is t-mppiying Ottawa with "news." The Wall SiVeet Jorw - j o;d puhii-nes the sea tern en t ina ( nnsrla i contemplating the sale all the dominion railway lines sit uated in the United States The Ottawa Citizen points out that such a policy would involve serious con "Hscratiors. The dominion trackage o tlnih'd State;-, terrilow is v,000 mik-s. the Grand Trunk being responsible for the greater port-on, while the Canadia.n Northern contrib utes 218 miles to the total. The port of this mileage deemed to be the most important is the double-tracked Grand Trunk Western which rnn approximately 350 mile?, froni To ronto to Chicago, although the East ern connections and control of the Central Vermont, added to lease::. had enough votes, j constitute the Portland scanoaru route. The Citizen re-rords 'the preseip sitn.-if.ion as somewhat of an anom aly. It directs attention to the fact . that, while the dominion controis or owns th lines, the workers are subject to the wage adjustments of the United States rovernment. or of the various arbitration or other com missions which decide such matters. Automatically wages are increased cn Canadian railways when they - raised on the United States fide. . There is, apparently, no official -onfirnmHon a Ottawa of the New York report, but. as the Citizen sets fnrtli if tberp is snv truth in it, the fobject is one that aside from all consideratiens cf public or ' private ownership -should be discussed . m its "merits end with a view to its possizle effects on transportation rates, freight tariffs, and wages. Be fore any action is taken there should be the fullest and most care ful consideration. It will need strong reasons to justify such a procedure at the present time. It would seem much wiser to wait until the domin ion has had more experience with the actual working of its comparatively new national system cf railways. By the Associated Press. ' London. Aug. 20. The consisic at Rome has dictated io A ve.!d.:i:.h"n Daniel I. Mar.nix. M"!hor;:- A". trolin. n. Strom ? exhortation to use rnedcnii ion in bis ! e-: no-;., ft J;; i o'-htice! rnr -.t'op-;, '.coordmg 1 a ;riti a efilehil ec- from -.-::: t- 1 IV. , ! Dy the A ssociated Pi ess. A .;!., A-:: At least , ' :e ; .' -, ' : .. . . i. ; ' ' 1 N - i . ;. ; j . ' :: "'- r: e..; ; : 1 , k i . , : I : .' 1 : '" r 'o:T t ' ic r; : V. .';.' ; iition .-!::: ; . . f -: :, - 'i,.,;. ie rri'l. th.'-d. the incoming ' i ; ;.. i".'.' '.. ;:i o- . -, e ' -- ' ' '-' -' ' :; ' cf ' we i - ;::.': ... . " ; 1. : :io:, ": . ' v -or, 1:.. : , : r. - - i ' .'-': f !u ; ; y :' h 1 1' ' -h' I 'i, . n'O'O--,(;.; -; for A Ann. r;a e- l mo -: 1 '; :'. ; '",r' . -.' h ? - .e,.-.!; O! l-i'-ge-- : t'T ' ' ive 1..0M0 dews n r- ,-ivo en 111- mee' de'i-.'..-: ' o i' of Ct rm m.i for. DANGKRO?1. TO f..WF, GRIPS AT DEPOTS NOW 11r in fiwrmrn 'Vorheis ri'e-.-Mh.i,: ri'-;l h in tite c- result. ' :" ih ate! miners ACTION AGAINST DANCES. It is announced that Henderson w'lle people are up ii army over a dance hall that has been conducted in the armory cn Main street in that town and a petition declaring the rdaco a public nuisance has been freely signed and presented to the city commissioners. They contend that shimmying and cheek dancing is the shame of the place. TJt.ieirrh. N. C Aug. 20. Dr. J. S. ?c'rl Mitchencr, state epidemiologist, while . By jA- wail ing in the station at OoUisooro 1 v- n. nn niirlit 1h:.A week. llfd stolwU fi"Oir ' I CVi.--. him his grip and raincoat. Th" dpe-t-w adinits-Jhof ho set ii" down rin eeTiv and i hat tho snri'd'oi mi -.:' huve boor, aroused tb.at. if contained whiskey, but the thief, for p. 1.1 his viir.s. "ot onlv seme typhoid vaccine. Dr. Mitchencr was cn iiis wav . to Warraw for the opening j.i ;ti'.o Dunlin conntv ("iH"ii'.!,i of p'Otee. i-ir.n n-smsr rvnuoi-i u.. feet one The bureau of eton-mreogy 01 me ., state boavd of hrsPh. of vAh'-rh Dr. iMtchener is-director, warn ; tho uu . cat that anti-typhoid vaccine is n"-nsrtP-ukarlv delicious to ihe tn-.'.e in spits of its re-;enddence to into. re cants arid suggests that if he '-bou'-j not know how to use it he ni3v c : at the Raelgh office where it can b explained to h;n. It is .hefting pretty r.erioii- wh"n North Carolina folkn want the rin so badly thev hnvo to stel But thwc are plenty more 'A tee state laboratory of hygiene and an other ample suolrS has alr?3dy ben forwarded to Dr. J. F. Doche-rty, w'n- eondnctin? the campaign and live- will bo snared and dollars banked ! A ssc'-kitrd re, .'. .ir. '-.rf f: ; Vfn :-.-, t; -P.W.n L. , : . ; T.Tin ; '.:.: : .roh--l :',! - ' f a ft. 1' oiiirrs Iv t-.I-i.: ivni ef ' re; - .'-r.-; o Twelve p '.'': o c : l-- r ; Euro?-.-lest one of :- .; . : - -m ": s: fhe ;:kr-u"r by eo-noiiO eel v y-n-! !;;: . ;i-:-t i-'':' of 1 ' Amer-C-r- -., 1 : ; -re. -; . Po-- - -. .: ;i h-;'; -.-.. : T-Y.O' :crn r h n Oi,., .1 :- ,-. :-':-'- -el. :;.ooo 1 W- POO. A'-'--VA- 17,00o. night, came to a ciore. 'i tie - - ire oi . ' re -1-. -roe - . :. i-.w. - A. A V wee-ceo-v A :',- A iodh. cop 'ec-.c r ; W::-.t" ,0"; K. L. t: !: '(-red i-c-r.tinvk , 1 . -- fo- re .oit- d as f - - " kr i . A ."i "f Ho , I. R. Powell. of .nj -se're-t?.! v; t-f Co'-.e-.'-"'!. ouP-'-de scn 7I:Ik , f Conce-rd. insido in spite of the miscreant who thought L A' 5 1, " c:ected: "' Nurau R. he smelled "monkey rum. D. W. Keed, of V'er: v. 'h. We.odus Kel C. F. Alexan- COBB. COLDSPORi , r' f f C-. -f J. B. Oivor: :' m -CHOSEN COUNCILLOR i w-t-rt-SJem: T. h'- Meher, of ! Charlotte: W. A. Coopsr, of Ral- New Bern. An-. 20. VVith the ecr.-, ir,.. elusion last n-.ght of the business ihe piece cf tie next r:eet:ng was snsr-ion the 30th annual state conn oil ; vet d ef the Junior Order United Amer ;em TsTechanies. which has been in session in this city since Tuesday J Wilmington v- :'l! be chosen. ided upon. tr-i eeir-g leit in 1 cf the exV-eifdve con-iit-!t i". exo'gel, however, that