ill srrroirr tub WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday, cooler to night; fresh north to northwest winds. i-i.a HICKORY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 23, 1920 'RICE FIVE CENTS 1EHIS TAKE MAJORITY fflli CABINET T GREAT LE 1 10 STAY 1 OWN COUNTRY 4 ElCEOMY DAILY " " "; ' . VOL. V. M- 'U'J .- ' " - - ill ii n n, WARNS POLAND 0 TAKE TEW PERSONS DEAD; mm tui 51 ACTIVE PART ! h,t st crossing III fS! 3 i P.. IL Mir. I': 4k 1A. Warsaw Government Requested Not pursue Bolslnviki Across Frontier of PolJV Evicts Given Severe Beating by Poles. Many Prisoners Captured By fW w to A? i' r !' '..I'.l' ' .,r J 1. -Puhhd hns Anirrkao '."v ; . ,nt lit'!' nriuic in ii, . oiV'-nsive again.-1 ! ,':. it;t to Dt'OSjff s.: i :.i i'hu d boundaries' l.a p. i it h the ;i ' aid. to en- -cor;'! v'.'l.tti'.m P l..i;! a- : r :-nv head- V, ''.! 'I Uv p HERS APPEALED to m iST IB By the Associated Press., Aug. 23. The Olympic athletic events in tho stadium clos ed I hi:; afternoon with the American at h Icier; so tar in tho lead in the potnt of scoring that thev were the winners lv a large mai'trin. contests were icW :n inly a handful of per- ' in- engine; the rain with sons present. I'll' I'1' .It !1V thif -'i of :ie m 1 IL;tn- v. .lit: OS l.V! I! 1 XSTfiK. c I'M i;. :iri( INC r-kin. and Vnr"i,V Mi- ' - of COPMil'-i War mI A' inrve i : in. H" quoted i ; ; nv no Poland ', -'' i f Hiree- ' Mr arm. ilr. i . i . rj r- at ? t'tlv-trV for tli? M'tl-i oT VI VH' 'lit- north of H'Mi'l-n' a! (!-- ' It- ilvt .;- (.; will i ;i lM'.-c:t'i' Ito cm. IT Ii !.!;-. 1 'rt.-.-is. , 'I he By tho Associated Press. London, Aug. 23. Organization of a'! workejs i.i the world to light r-iir.:-t future w.-r-, is urged in an ai-wal t- ihv proletariat cf the t.tni-vcr:-.'" i:.;.u:.'(l lv tJio in" vrn it i-nal lra::uc of trade nni -ns at K-tterdarii id. ' i -ti.d by a number of Eurom-an i ii rt r l' :d"i!-. "One of the be .t methods of nrc-.-t-nt trjtr I'uluro war;.." i-av;: t!te slato mciU. vvhtcti is mi'dished in the rcfiua- to transport war I trovo.i. t)r;at!i,?i Uiat ii ! t v to them-ti'.teon-at t.rvK. T- - ; t . EXPECT TO II UP BUSINESS . IN WEEK IN i ALL By the Associated rress. Camden, N. J., Aucr. 23 sens arc dead and five others badly on nor- By W. S. MA.NN. iinjurcnt a (Copyright. 1920. by The Washington : 1 vVO ot' the injured 8tar.) the result of the Evident eariy last died in a nosmtai taimnu' ' l: Kraae nisht, j Washington, Aur. 2G. Whatever the campaign ,of the Democratic party mav lose bv tao enforced in activiU" of iTeskknt Wilson vitl be rffset to a larae measure by t! A motor bus eon er)srers was struvk by a fasi; i'ean sylvaaia i-ieetrie train from Miilvilie. pas. Controversy in Courts, Both Sides Agree Mean while Antis Remain In Another State. Another Injunction Issued Against Two Legislative Clerks Today s-uppoj. wracii the m v.iil trive the eaonie he mibers 1 ? ticket pi itv nal solve T is to 'V.'e he s Fy .'. n iat'--l 'A'- - : " .if - Cm ii -' iii t -' r- i f !! : "!! '! i I'''l i s-i,;::.;ht Pi' ':-h' ;.-?' r ' f I- i (':, .0' ' ' "i n M in in i i! i p - j . : I s I . . ti I ffi'Ell.1! USE OF OAfJZIG 1 I oce.i.-. I'l'i ; ir.-i.-t f u ic ; !:! oe.weon ! ')'ti.- - .- -r t '.'i r !n -: hern to oniei'.l M. t b fovo In.;. ; Ii-ivi- clo-H'd the akitur prisonti-s n otii iii ii les mm count thon. y; I ' . L'.V-tF!". l PK" i- I j.-- ?:,;., f, i ; ; , i ?'l'i',!"l v . xv.! r ' r.i, 1-1 ( ; - C f,,,. A nr. c r.f (ifC'i': 'i'ti of It.ih ! t' I" ph't- fmd i'iir?-cotri-la'iujv to- iwico cine BAD BANDIT i nimni! UUSQUS i (BY MAX ABCK2JETIIY.) Rleir!i, Auir. 123. Jlcnibers of tho special : eKd'.n of the North Carolip. legislature face a strenuour tatik with -nnvht sessions if thev are to complete the work mapped out f"i' th'ivi this week so a? to reach home bv next Sunday. The proe-ram and the doiire of members of both houas 1 to clear the state of a!l puttim:;' io.r:fiaiic-ii in iinio to leave I'-ilei-.d. eitliev l,!riday night or Sat nrd'iv moinin'r. c nr.tdutional amendmei:t bi!! third the third Py the Aoc-af d . W i:d'in:ton. .v. ,'!.'.;. Ret pond i'"T t" f 'l inferpr.i' inni'i: unieat ion fiern the Ann rirnn eibi-r-sv at ?Jes u o ("itv. tlie Mo.ica'i rrci.'n otlie r'i'i atiiruncel that orrnnt oter; are IT ia!;en to !f''.t tlie prornp!, te ! , t- i f f',,ei'.':ii') :;, including Anu-n-e tr ". vlv liT. f I f tri k i In 'popd bv bandits vmd i the Ica.'.er; hio of He lalo. Arcotdia.' t" Ap:io City news paoets, .('' f-d' r;l frop.-. are in rut suit of iho bandit.; with in:-trii"-otis fr .i th" iiovei nnivnt to an nil'i'ate the b;.-nd. co;(ToiilE FIHEOiEPOOLIMS The take:-; jireeedenci- over everythioT else in toe aenato when il comes up op ! fw ;' I order in ttio.f.enate v.t to-:n;-:ht's M-sr.iori. The upper house 'tl ;i ha; to secure second ".r.d iio: ;:a;r ' of tiie reveille bill Invirnr passed it. upon iu t f a'i'p ' 'rid.,.v. Ap.ot !ier efl'oit to do away the : tP'.e-wide primary law is under way. the bill introduced bv Senator Humphrey of Wavne lmvintr oeci .farted on its way th vouch tho l-y-islativo hopiier Saturday which iv iil'l provide for a referendum voio l i p -1 . measure at the November ' f!octio:i. The W '.vne copnty senator l'-ti. tl;at the biil bo iilaced uuna with earnest of the headed by Governor Cox. With cca trresy not in session and with a pres idential campaign of surpassing iu t.crest ia progress, Washington' attention is centered in the coming election and it is net surprhung that the csb'aet members arc anxious to "get in the game." For this reason persons hero at- the reecr.t speech cf Secretary of War BaiJ-r bvfere the Democratic state convMition in Co!uin,bus, O., a few days ago. as thev regarded it as indicative of the line which his fei !ov cabinet "officers would follow. President Wilson was much pleased with the way Secretary Baker spoke I for the peace treaty and the league j ol -nations, ana tne others ol the chief executive's official fairfily are expected to devote most of their at tention to the league. Secretary Baker's chief rival dur ing thj campaign will be Secretary of the Navy -Daniels, who has said lit does net expect to tour the coun try, but will leave Washington whenever his official duties will per mit and will speak at large meetings where the campaign managers ar range. Besides being a man with a long standi'ng interest in polities, and one who has supported the iMa - S2 Mjii- i mmmv r i c nivi b aim mi i 11 in nm rn Tn niir r nil mq pprr ii SJLLy SO! IU ylii ! 'fTf u!i-uuIIIlI i uhoLJ I B.7 the Associated rress. Ii:il!e, Te: is in the prepared over the ' suffrage Aug. 2". Fvothi Tennessee suffrage toiiav for a le-al ratification o" th aiuendiiieui. (BY H. II. LOWRY) Newton, Aug. 23 Sunday, which is always the banner day for attendance i at Bail's Creek campmeeting-, wit- ! nessed the greatest crowd in Us his- ! i- . . 1.1 1 , ' ! . , I i.ui ,y. fw aimost a nine the groves i Warsaw, Au.g, 2; Sunday night were cut olF the retreat soviet armies or Russian territory -Polish for endcavonhi cs . to ssian force them into On the extreme ot lour !,-!.-lb thCif!' were rf tli? .pinion tie next t'en in the oontroversy probablv would be a heavi'.ur on the teiin:.v:iry writ t;f ir j unci i on issued &;tu;d.,v bv Judgo i-aii:!!-, agai.-ist the otijer of ili to pre ol .lit iction i. T n-ernor and ccit hicatica Polish left the Polish soviet cavalry was defeated and driven out of Sul-dau. Hie J onsh lorccs have bee-n re- pvinc row. days ae legislature. ie-.ed by or,i. nf th pais, however, that the case r" '''c-nrd btte iwdav or tomov The case is returnahj- in fjv on agreement of the parties to it n. 1 -11 T mm loausiues were iinctt and packed -rouped into two armies ior pursuit witii autos bv the thousands. The of iha T?iv;n tv... crowd, well behaved and attentive, was j under General Haller and the second i estimated at 25X00. The meeting be-! army under President Piisduski. The! Before thKs actifl was takeli; i eso in ii oh movement continues Poles pris- Jeague from the fi'r Secretary instejid of being sti! mat ! B mm tho Apfioc'ated Ptessi TMvton. O.. Aug. 23. Governor (V t"d?v var pt vnarinf; ins ne::t r-r ",-r iv, r!tT.kin:r Republican cam pM.r. lirj'ih'.''!'.'. JI was Pt'paring tPfTcIv. t to h? dchrried this vvctk nii0 1 to add fuel to th? :' p . ou-rnc' by tbi trovemorV. that, the R.fDublic p.n 3 ha-: f.vini ot :,vLo."U'J, m ii .rp:' ,v i'ov c ih lrge : -i- e-.i a minimum ft"). r,, at niiiiii7in niifiv r i iinivijiii i iiii i S. with Senator i-e'T, wh-ch con It, -:i in t hrv! to do vitn '.'", (i -.. ... . . $h"i" with Senator H, ........ , . ... : ' - i - f 'iv '' " ' ' .'"i'mi In ,, It, wfi-i int- i i . i . . . i ."a p., . I.. . f . . , ... i , , .. 1 1 i 'i n i -n . on vrucn ' ''""' ' i c-. n.oing a i,i erh t.) "' '' ''' I li"!'r Satutdav. bo' ,t :v t t rivaled, HIEUL IS HELD f'H M hl;j I,-. r i I ; .i i ' i - er. wife who Citv.i par York i Ni'.J f 0,, ''"n sy AS'T i.pi I '"I'hhia ii- ''' ' 'Tr ' n V.'-in-vniik (".' Kt-'.v.'n hi'-of.'har't. f '''!dnv in Atlntif l" .If'll intou-n .r I linl of Njvv i'lrl ,",r ! U f ,r.,,!, ,'IV Ut I.', I. '.')!; y'-lTM'r ,, ;.'r;u,,'V on on. A'i:r. 21.--The cotton ',", " i('iii.v nt-rvous rt 1 ''"'"Tv todvN r.-nlv trad- fl' tn i ...I. ... n....i i 1 ' i I LI' I Ll.'l r IN 171 -1! .'"nt f--: wfie f(d k r'luivjiknt to a ' o'i'.nin? hire waj 1'T) P'-int.H lower. N'ovembor fhowwd to f;." ;in-l later to 00 points un 1 cnl sollmz. There of several points. ODon. Cl'jse. 27i70 '25.D9 -. 2.1.40 24.83 o r, V l.r., - in-1. Tli-, (!('i'l; r... I 7 fi, r " i ani"S , P', i, f i f 'Tlv, ".h..; ,1 -.25.20 --2x0.") 24.13 23.97 23.7! By the Associated Pre?s. IV?. Aug. 23. German wovk rt at D nn-. if havf' strd-'islied r :ovkt an-' hi vp seized pier-:, pre vfptirtg ter liP'linr "f f;ui'plic'4 for PokTd. coi'fl iig to information re ceived h"t e. 3! ARSlf AL l OCH PLANS TO VISIT AMEU1C Mets. Aug. 23. Marsha! Foch will voit th" Unitro Statra when the Fairopeaii situation permits him to tal.o a vacation of the required hoiy,h The marshal- nde this st.atomont to Supreme Knight James A. I' liberty of the American Knights of Columbus, at the banciuest lant n.'Klit- at which cover.-; were laid for on? thousand, nftrr Mr. Flaherty had extendfd a forma! invitation to the marshal on bobajf of the Knight?. Captain Andre Tardiou, one of the peak'n. caused .some surprise when he said: "Yn-1 mav pi know that Franc? provided you with 80 per cent of your Hiiplancs,' CO per rent of your guns h-nd howitzer?-., ard ,r,0 p-r cent of vouv war material. When you return to America and hear the opinion ex pressed that Frpnce is parsimonious, ,(nl(m)ri.r that Fi'Kiifp Pid 4.500 009.- 000 francs in taxes in vji ana u, 009,000,000 this year. snirriw. RKHVICES AT BROOK FOR D THIS WEEK Rnpcia! services are .bei-ntc held tHs week in the Reformed church at B-ookford. Student Banks J, Peeler, who had charge of the work dur ing the summer months, will be as siat'cJ bv Student Felix B. Peck. who has been supplying- Grace church Newton, durine his vacation. The public is cordially invited to these services. the calendar i a." I., tagged as unfavorable. inirj j i.5 reouou was denieu however, ana tne r-.iiuoit 'ee g"ts the bill for the usual discu.oion first. It is unlikely that the measure will pass muster when i;; tea-he:; the house despite the fact I hat thrcre is considerable sentiment ai'ain.-l tho present primary law. Thiec other bills seeking either to repeal or niw-nd the law have been introduced at the special session ul ihnogh neiMi!" f them was given v. clcn bill of health it being- the opinion of the committee members tint th" regular session in January should consider and settle the mat ter. The ioint railroad committee is expected to make its report at to h'ghtV. res:-ir.-n of the house en two bills irdroilu'-etl by Representative ohcph.'vd of Wake, one prohibitum any i'lcrease in freight aad passenuer taes the State Corporation investigates and com pletes its (i-ndinga with a report to . i f i i the regular session ot tne general i r;(i(, . . . . i i .1 . il r - : . I -'-- assemoiy; roe- oiner conieiriii uoon the commission authority to dispose of thf petition of the railroads for tn increaoe in intra-state passenger rates. Inasmuch as the general assembly has ever authorized the commission to fix passenger rates legislative ac tion is considered advisable, at this time-dealing with the petition of the railroads for an increase. The pe tition of the carriers was filed with the commission when the commerce commission wa; te grant an increase in rates. A he-ring war, given afternoon at which time representa tives of the North Carolina Traffic Association . and the railroads were present before the railroad commit The question of fixing passenger rates bv legislation naturally re epevi the old fight of twelve vears ... . . .i i ; . 1 a ago at which time tne jcsri.-oabai-. fixed passenger rates at 2 cents ter iiiile. laer raising it to two and one-half cents. This rate stood- until the federal administration named the present rate under the provisions of the transportation act. The house at tonight's session is expected to act upon the bill intro duced bv Representative WinPorno of Hertford for a stock law in three townships of that countv and to al low the townships of Harrellsvillc. Maney's Neck and St. John's to vote r". to whether the law shall he made operative in these three townships. Representative Matthews of Ber tie is resisting passage ef the bill until it is amended so that Hertford will be renuired to build a fence be tween A beside township and Bertie countv. When the matter was thresh ed ou Daniels is especially interested in this campaign because of his close association with Franklin Roosevelt, who resigned as assistant secretary of the navy to accept tho Dcmoeratie nomination for the vice-presidency. Although Secretary of State Colbv is the youngest of the cabinet in ooint of service, he is nevertheless ranking member, and is a cam paigner of ability. His position him second only to the presi- !c-nt in the matter of foreign rela tions and he is prepared to strike great spring . of sparkling water seme powerful mows in oenait or. the pro-league ticket. He may also be expected to outline more fully this Tl. ' J 111 T .. I ration s aimuae towaru tne i.usbiar.- 0f Ball's creek. i on n coniuet. j no recoui, -aoie i- gan last Monday ar.d closes today, i latter 's tuinint The writer is told that the closing under the best conditio. The of the present meeting is one of the I have counted more than ;ia,000 most successful. - from t.h interest i oners and 200 cannon. manifested, held in many years. The j services were well attended and the preaching was of a high order. Some j of the ministers taking part in the I services were as follows, Rev. Jim j Greene, of Rut aerie re! College: Pre-! siding Elder W. A. Newell of States- ! ville. Rev,. O. P. Ader of Charlotte, i Rev. W. II. Willis of Lexington, Rev'. I v. VV. tucker of Newton. The famous camp ground known as Ball's Creek is situated in the south eastern part of the county ten miles from the 'Jatawba river and nine miles from Newton, the. county seat of Catawba county It may be in teresting to the thousands who have attenhed. the eannhal event that this is the closing of the meeting that marks the sixty-fifth year since the first camp-meeting was held. The of as aoopted transmitted clerk ii .-. - i , i ,i . sumciem capacity to quencn tne thirst of the immense crowds that visit the historic spot markes the head This creek, named ! for a man by the name of Ball whu settled - vn that vicinity shortly .t ur the war of 1812 flow's into the Cataw ba river near Long Island. The present site including thirty- ir t i i i i i i half the Iowa delegation was so ac-jme -aeos oi iana was uceueu to a tive at the national convention in j board of trustees, under the auspieies San Francisco, will do some speak-! of the, Methodist church, by a Mr. ing in his home state and in other j Bandy, to remain the property of the parts of the middle west, but not so I church so long as it may be used for extensively as some of his associates, i this purpose1. Many years ago it recent Italy on that subject, though drawn bv I'lesident Wilson, contained sev eral of the secretary's ideas. Secretary Meredith of the depart ment of agriculture, in -whose be- interstate requested interstate Saturday Campaign in Missouri. The campaign in Missouri, where much interest centers over the sen atorial fight, between Selden P Spencer. Republican, and Brecken- Lcng, Democrat, will engage the attention of Secretary -Joshua Alexander, secretary of commerce, who was a member of congress from Missouri at the time of his appoint ment. He is a supporter of the h-ague of nations as outlined in the Versailles treaty, and how extensive his work in the campaign will be depends on the extent to which he wid be expected to cover his home state. Houston to Be Busy. Another Missotirian to be reck oned with is Secretary Houston, of the treasury department, the only man who has hcid two positions in tho cabinet. Though not famed as a campaigner, he is a convincing By the-Associated Press. Chicago. Aug. 23. Chairman Will Hays and Gecrga White of the Ke pwblica.n an'! Democratic national committees respectively and treasur ers of each committee and the treas urers of each senatorial committee today wen'- -ordered to appear bet oi e the senate investigating committee next M'.;r)dr.:. The committee directed thorn t bring all bocks and papers relating to tumoaign cobections and expend' -i.iU'Co. -'i j!i;iJi.A. ni -e' . t Tjetiit tor Kenyen, its chairman, to tele graph Governor James M. Cox either to appear here next Monday t r send a icptvseiit alive Here to substan tiate any charges he may have that l.he Republicans art: raising a large fun d a ratifying the awcnlmcnt by the house had been to the senate, but .'hp that body must rcnost re- cei'p of the resolution, and the uua! form would be for the measure tn j entered upon the journal, signed by I the .speaker and transmitted to th governor. " Opponent of suffrage declared that their action in amending the tempo rary injunction would prevent hearing on the legislative resolution until af ter the hearing on uieir writ issued ag:; ahthorities is reurnah! council may agree on. After receipt here today of a.n ad dress from the til hultc rr Vitt De rating Ala., asking that mass meet- jiiies oe nei i io e.'. perss inumcnt on j su.'ernge,. jml i atifi'ition headsuar- ters annaa.nied that a corps of speak ers won' 1 pe sent throughout the state. The speakers woufn "really explain what suerage really means with the result that the sentiment in home districts would be so strong as to make rtprcentalive reverse their vote in the house."' the injunction, fast tiie state at any time TO REMAIN AWAY, By the Associated Press. Decatur, Ala., Aug. f.. I-. . .a.;: -! ..' ft- V ;' to kill tlv? woman suffrage amendment so fat as their state is concerned 31 mem bers of the Tennessee legislature who have broken the quorum of that body today were planninir for an m tlenmte stay. Prominent Alabama citi.cens will endeavor to make their Senator James A. Reed of Missouri i visit pleasant. was incorporated and since that time has been governed by a mayor and his official board. The government, pertaining to .orderly doidut an,d making laws for the protection of life and health' of those who sojourn in the tents during the camp-.meeting each year. Near the. center of this plat of I glOUllll, in a stuiiu b uuuw ui iiif uij; j spring of inexhaustable water sup ' ply, the arbor is situated. The large flat roof is supported by unright posts resting upon an earthen floor; and furnishes seating capacity for j more than a thousand people. Surrounding the arbor pike a big circle is a solid row of tents built of wood. These tents, two hundred or more, in number, if placed in a straight row would form a line near- arnounced he spouse from message'n had received no re Governor Cox to his ?. hat the .governor send the evidence here tori ay. The committee decided to adjourn until next Monday whon it will start its work with an investigation of presi dential campaign expenniruves. As a result of the decision to take up the presidential campaign first. Senator Sienser of Missouri, who earlier in the day announced that he would resign from the committee, withdrew his decision and amiounttd that he would remain with the com mittee Liitugh numbers ot tne house are now here to halt further proceed ing at Na.-hville. out Representative Hall declared earfy today lie expected several more isst: -gen's to join his party. TWO MORI-; WRITS. ;te. Press. ;soci 23. Under an yesterday taising Tennessee house the Walker mo- talker, and is counted on as one es- iv a mil0 long and fnrnish nuar- reciallv fitted to talk to farmers and j ters-for more than a thousand occu to senators. He is looked to as the j nrici, Voar. The inside of these the fiscal program or . mnawnw for the present. .ft- jgy-'&m nui iviuuniflin L1H11TED WRECKED t before the committee on prop ositions and grievances a favorable report was made on the bill as it was oiiginallv drawn, but Representative Winbome agreed that final action would not be taken until tonight's cession. As is always the care when legislation pertaining to stock laws i? contemplated a bitter fight follows Ths hill tonight as introduced bv the Hertford representative gives prem ise of furnishing some interesting discussion. iB Bi-- Miss Louise Jones of Salisbury sncnt yesterday with her parent?, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jones. Chief Lentz and Sergeant Sigmor this afternoon outran John Morris in a foot race that carried them r.round like a rabbit. John is charg ed with beating up Bertha' Scott, also colored. exponent ot the' Democratic patty four vears, in case of their success next November. Postmaster General Burleson's con tribution to the campaign will be that of advisor, for though he is not rated as a speaker, he has been in politics all his life and know; every man of consequence in the campaign. Other Speakers. Secretary Wilson of the depart ment, of labor, and Secretary John Barton Payne., of the department of! the interior, so far have shown nc j indication to enter the campaign ; and though they may make a few speeches it is pot expected that thev will be vcrv active. There is left onlv A. Mitchell Palmer. the attorney general, and erstwhile candidate for the nomination. That he will take an active part in the political fight in his home state of Pennsylvania is certain, but whether he will go fur ther afield in the interest of the ticket is a question which neither he nor the managers of the Democratic campaign have answered to date. The dates for speeches by cabinet members are in the hands of Sena tor Pat Harrison, of Mississippi. bead cf the speaking bureau for Governor Cox. and ha has sent a let ter to every one cf them asking them to aid the ticket to the fullest ex tent ccr.sistent-avith their duties. Mr. Hugh W. Broome has return ed from New York where he pur neat in appearance, presents a scene wnicn pe.'uaos is wmrwimi familiar to the birth p'ace of the Christ child. It is here that families and their friends each year come to rededicate their lives and, forgetful of the cares of cvery-day-Iife, reaf firm old firendship and form many new ones. DECEIVED WO REPLY Foi oon cox By the Associated Bress Chicago. Aug. 23. The Rocky Mountain Limited on the Chicago. Rock Island t Pacific Railroad, was wrecked at Cornlville. three miles j.a.. today, the companV an the train was By the As Nashville, A "C. amc-nd-'d bib tiled the point that Cue Saturday defeated tier- to ree'iis-idev tho suffrage .nii.t-pilnvtit lalifieation Chief C'erks V. M.CaHtr and John Green of the .senate ::?:d bouse ve. peetive'v to day were roade parties to the tem porary injunction res-raung the governor, secretary of state and the .speakers of the senate and Itou? from taking anv 'steps toward cev lii'ication to Washington of the rat ification f the a'neridPK-nt- west of Iowa City, of iice of the Chicago nounced. A section of derailed. One woman Mil SEARCH FO0 ISSI1 CODIES i en other person? was in jurod iniured. i Tlv tho Associated Press. believed to have I 'Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. and By the Associated Press. "Chicago. Aug. 23. Upon the re opening here today of hearings of the senate sub-committee cn hearings of campaign contribu tions. Senator Reed said he had re ceived no answer from his telegram to Governor Cox asking for informa tion about the alleged $15,000,000 campaign fund the governor charged th Republicans are raising. With Miss Hannrick. The Senior Luther League of Holy Trinity Lutheran church met Friday oveninrf wifh Miss Emma Hamrtck. During the business session the fol lowing delegates were elected to the state ""convention which will be held nt Trnutman September 1-2-3: chased stock for the ready to wear (Misses Faustina Jones. Annie Sigmon SEVEN KILLED IN ATTACKS AGAINST IRISH POLITY Belfast. Aug. 23 Official tele grnpiu received nt Dublin Castle Sun day indicate that there, 'have been organized onslaughts against the Irish constabulary and that thus far rlnrjno- the week-end seven have been killed.' A patrol sergeant and three men at Dundalk were suddenly confred ed by six armed men. who fired. Constable Brennan fell dead and Constables Isbell and Witherdcn re cruited from the English armv. were badly wounded. Sergeant Maunsell was shot dead Aug. 23 several ccoverv of 29 bodies hn-v.-n to have lost their lives when the freighter Lake Superior was sunk in Lake Su perior after colliding with another . . . - L 1 11.- ....... r. I .,-, .-1 rmcf I steamer jwai iiiim w wwhuvuv-w today. IXSU RGENTTTwifX STICK OUT FIGHT IN TENNESSEE Decatur, Ala., Aug. E3. The 31 members of 'he Tennessee he-use of representatives opposed to suffrage, - bo came here in order to break ruorun-i and preventing further ac tion on ratificatien of the 19th amendment, staged an impromptu demonstration at the railway station here Sunday when a train bearing Mrs. James S. Pinckard, of Montgom ery. Ala., president of the Southern lejection league, passed department of Broome Company the Parks-Belk- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seybert. who are assisting with the McLendo..-! evangelistic campaign at Morgan ton, spent today In Hickory. Mr. Albert Hewitt. Misses Margaret Wannemach.3?. Elizabeth Russell and Annie Sigmon entertained the guests . with a num ber of musical selections, both vocal and instrumental. Fruits were served during the evening. Saturday nisrht at MacEoom. Countv Cork. A police patrol was amousnea Women'; rear Nass. cc-uiuy Kiktare. baairoav q the city. night, a constable was killed and a" Thg' inc:,irfrenVs attended church sergeant seriously; wounded, two j ; bcfjv occupying front constables are , missing. Copsiabie - Du th; day they were U iianion was snot ueau amu,. r.t r.;7 n an auto- 73.00 REDS CAPTURED. By the Associated Press. Paris, Aug. 23. The number Russian soviet Prisoners captured the Polish ccunter-orlensive cf in will amount of 75.0C9, according to W saw advices office today. to the French foreign mobile tour Last night found the legislators still determined to fight to the ?ast ditch to prevent ratification of the suffrage amendment by their state. 'We are determined to stick it out until the finish," said Representative Hall, leader of the party. "There will be no breaks in our ranks." t ' i ; f-r-.-i - 1':; . I i. i at . I . j i-; M ... ri I ..i 'i - '0 i i ot (

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