MONDAY EVENING, AUG. 23, 1920 HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO HICKORY DAILY RECORD PUBLICATION OFFICE: 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE Sul'scribcru dcsirinc? the address of t!oir pnper changed will Dlcaac state in their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 regarding complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year $5.00 (By mail, $4.00; 6 months, $2.00) Six months 2.60 Three Months L25 One Month 45 One Week . 10 Entered as sccond-rlass matter Sep tember 11, 1915, at the postofflce at Hickory, N. C under the act of March 8, 1879. The Associated Press is exclusive ly entitled to the use for republica tion of all news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Published by the Clay Printlnf Co. Every Evening Except Sunday After nearly hrec weeks of ram, maybe there will be n period of fair weather. The signs looked pood to- TIow long it will take to clear up the Tennessee tangle cannot be fore seen, and there is a probability that the women will not be permitted to vote in November. Some other state tN'orth Carolina, for example ught to make ratification of the HUh amendment sure. There arc so many tractors in use these days that some of them go out over the paved streets. It would not take much operation over these per manent streets to damage them se riously and it is earnestly requested that the practice be abandoned. The police department does not want to net but it will be compelled to do. so in less the business is stopped OJ'KSTION OF FAIRNESS In face of the unanimous vote of Republicans and Demmfitic mem bers ef the general assembly in 1019 for the revaluation net, in face of an overwhelming majority of the mem bers of the house, including several Republican members, to accept re valuation as the tax policy of the state, and in face of members of the utate board of agriculture and all jiersons who have given the question nerious study, it Is Inconceivable how any candidates will attempt to make capital out of the act. Efforts to make the farmer feel that he has been fleeced tend to promote antagonism. Revaluation is not a question of taxc3 at all. The legislature has had ample machinery for getting all the revenue it needed to run the state and county govern ments. The easiest way would be to increase the assessments under the old system in Catawba county it could have been raised 30 per cent without doing violence to fair values under the old policy. But aft solvent credits, all personal property, all intangible property all property that was not as plain as a bank or corporation or an acre of ground would have tjaken dover and th banks, corporations and farms nnd.smrU salary earners would have paid the taxes, while the wealthy in dividuals wculd have gone free. Manifestly, the state had to get at real values before it twuld reach all property owned in the state. No man with any sense would willingly consent to paying 2 1-2 per cent taxes. He would hide his property and lie about it to the list taker. The amount of personal property listed under rcvalua tion shows that thin man is willing to tell the truth if he is given a fair deal The income tax to be voted on in November will tend further to reduce the amount of taxes levied on prop erty. The wealthy, if the income tax amendment is adopted, will contribute more money to the state $2,500,0fl'0 ihr first vear. it is estimated. Now the cities and counties need revenue. Hickory, Newton and Con over, to mention the three principal towns, want to grow; they need more "money for schools, Streets, water and sewerage. The county needs better roads and better schools. Somebody must pay for these things. Hickory Is going to pay nearly as much in the county fund as it collects for its own needs and nobody wiljl kick here cx ft'pt a few jiollticians perhaps or Home fellows who won't get anywhere with their bucking. The legislature is safe-guarding the properly owners in every wny. the liouse machinery bill carries no taxes rn property for state purposes, and the counties are enabled to devote their money to schools and other ne cessities. What is wrong in that? The Tennessee legislators who ran away to keep from acting on the suffrage amendment displayed a species of politics that can make them no friends. Even antis cannot respect those who run away. Cameron Morrison spoke at Graham Saturday and answered briefly the charge that he was the beneficiary of the Simmons-Watts machine. He pointed out that he was nominated in a primary in which more than 100, 000 voters participated, whereas Mr. John J. Parker was named by a few men. The charge of machine domi nation from a man who obtained his nomination from less than a thousand men falls down in a case like this, or there is nothing in popular elec tions and nominations. KEEP HICKORY GROWING. Mr. John J. Forester talked good fense before the Hickory Chamber of Commerce Monday night and the more one thinks of what he said the more one is coirviiyed) tint be brought a true message. Fortu nately that message has already been realized, but the emphasis he gave it must have done Hickory good. The way to build up a city Mr. Forester said, is to make it so rttractive that people will want to iimiH here. That is a large undertaking. Rut Hickory has made a start. II has a lirsl class system of graded schools and high school, it has a first class college, many active churches, a splmdvl tlimato and numerous active manufacturing enterpris es and some small ones of various kinds. It is in the center of n fine agricultural and dairying section.! It is the biggest trade center between Salisbury am' Ashevillc. It has go.od railroad facil ities. Many other places have about the same conditions. Many of them an hustling every day in the year, their citizens realizing that the next cen sus will show them up if they do not keep busy. There is some build ing in Hickory and there is prospect of more. More houses is the princi pal need in Hickory just at this time. F Secretary Jov received a letter to day from the agriculture and home economics department of the state board of acriculture accent irur hia invitation to have the preliminary judging contest for the state held at the Catawba fair here October Mr. Homer H. B. Mask, resistant state agent, will brine: with him 40 or more boys from all over the state to take Dart in a stock judging con test, those making the best scores to be used in ,later competitive con tests Mr. Mask writes: "We would like to give the boys a little trip through the county, providing we can arrange for cars in which to carry them from place to place. I am wonder ing if the Chamber of Commerce will cooperate in this undertaking.'' Mr. Mask has been assured that provisions will be made for the en tertainment of the boys, and that they will be given an opportunity to in spect Catawba county farms and dairies. E 10 SCHOOL Superintendent Carver and Citv Manager Henry made an inspection of the throe school buildings thi morning in order to sec thai they were in good condition for the begin ning of the fall term probably on the morning of September 6. The re pairs will cost about $500. All the window lights on one side of the North building were broken Panes on other sides were smashed Not a single outside lock at the high school was. intact. Here also window pp.nes were broken and other damagn done. The South school had n number of panes broken, but the damir here did not begin to compare wi'h that at either of the other two buildings. Anybody who is inclined to do so i: at perfect liberty to draw conclu sions. Vandalism started just before the sprint' term closed, and seems to have been carried on during the sum mer. What thoughtless or vicious boys have done will cost the taxmv cra at least $5(10 in money. That is not the worst part of it of course the worst feature is that such things will be done at all. WEIL ORGANIZED Kev. J. E. Barb occupied the nut- pit at Miller's Lutheran church at St. Stephens yesterday morn'nir and preached to a lariro eonErreration. He took the prayers of the Pharisee and ARM COMING 0 FAIR M 16 Dull N MILLER'S CHURCH IS i ublican and contrasted them and SPECIAL SALE OF Big Assortment Silks Just A r rived Purchased by Our Buy ers Who Are Now in the Northern Markets Special $4 value Navy $2.98 Charmouse Special $2.00 Black $1 AQ Taffetas i. to Black Messaline . . $1.48 A Big Assortment Messalines in all the New Shades For Fall. ? 2.50 value. 39 Special .50 .value Good Crepe - de - Chines. Special We Can rants-doik 30 Big Stores pointed out forcefully the reasons why people should not be boastful of their richtemisncs!, but rather should be as the Publican. It was a limciv sernion. Miller's church not nlv is a beau tiful buildinjr, but has a strong membership. It has a church budget. meets its obligations as promptly as they fall due and is in a thriving condition. Practically every member owns an automobile. Most of the memberri are prosperous farmers who live in one of the best section:; of Oatdwbn eonntv. Mr. R. M. Bumjrarncr of Hickory was elected as a delegate to the mect:iir of the synod. Only a Few More Days For you to buy Pike's Liver, Kidney and stom ach Remedy at the spec ial reduced price. If not well try this won derful remedy. Come in. Let us tell you about it. Dollar bottle now only 75c. Hayes-Long Drug Co. HICKORY, N. C. BIG Quality $1.79 Save F B9 HICKORY, N. C H REMEDY FBI UGLY IIO A Calotab at Bedtime With a Swal low of Water, That's All. No Salts. No Taste, No Danger, Nor the Slightest Unpleasantness Wake Up in Hie Morning Feeling Fine. When your hubby gets cross, mean, ugly, nasty a chronic grouch, simply give him one of the nausea less Calomel tablets, the kind that do the work without the slig-htest unpleasantness. The next morning he will be the kind of husband he prom ised to be. Honest!" I am not jokintr. it beats anything you ever saw for taking the meanness (biliousness) out of men and women, too. The next time you feel lazy, mean. blue, headachy or discouraged, take a Coltotab. One tablet at bedtime, with a swallow of water that's all. No taste, no griping, no salts, no sick ening after-effects. You wake uti in the morning feeling fifle. your liver rlean. your system purified with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Eat what you please and go about your business. no dancer. Caltotabs are sold only in original, sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. We have authorized your druggist to refumr the price if vou are not perfectly delighted with Cal- Silks Broome 1 SALE OF BLACK TAFFETAS $2.00 value Black Taf- $J gC) f eta $2-25 value Black Taf- $J g() $2.50 value Black Taf- $ 0g f eta Big Values in Navy, Brown, Marine and all the leading shades in Taffetas and 1 06 Messalines tfi.eo oney on ompany Leaders in Low PRICES rOR SALE BY j Lutz Drug Store, Hickory, N. C, (.ranite Drug Co.. Granite Palls, N. C, and all good drug stores. SUMMONS. North Carolina. Catawba County. Sandy Shores, Kogir Shores, Julia Barber, her husband. Tom Barber, vs. Rosannn Shores, wife of Ciccrr and Butler Shores and Eugeno Shore:-.. Shores and Nancy Shores. her daughter, and Callie Shores wife of Clarence Shores, and Edward IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BE FORE THE CLERK. The defendants. Callie Shores, and rxnvam snores, will take notice tha an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior, emivt. of Catawba County. N. C tr mriiflm, the lands of the estate of Eli Shores ii, wmcn sairt defendants have ar interest as tenants in common; and the said defendants will further take nctice that they aro required to ap pear at the court house in Newton N. C. before the Clerk, on oept.-i-ibei-7th, 1020, at 10 A. M., and answer or demur to the petition in said action oi the plamtilts will apply to the! court j or the relief demanded in the oetitiwn. This 4th day of August. 1920 , , o . J- T- SETZER. v,lerk Superior Court Catawba Co. in YOU Have Frequently Heard Some Man Say "I" earned more in 1919 and saved l - than in any previous year." " e"3 "It came easy but seemed hard to hold " 1920 may repeat your experience oH-h year unless you make a systematic eflVt to retain for yourself some permanent ben eiit out of your income. Wl iy Not Account? Visit our bank regularly with any amount for deposit,, remembering that iT ISN'T WHAT YOU EARN THAT COUNTS SO MUCH AS WHAT YOU SAVE.' First National Bank Capital and Surplus B5SS5 Professional Cards W. P, SPEAS, M. D. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat and fitting glasses. Ollice over Hickory Drug Co. Jliurs 9 to 12, 2 to 5. CYRUS C.BABB Mem. Am. Soc. Civil Engrs. Waterpower, Waterworks and Sewerage Land sub-division Highways. Hickory, N. C Chm. Com. Bldir. Address: Granite Falls, N. C. Piedmont Council No. 43, Jr. O.U.A.M. Meetw Every Monday Evening at 8:00 p. m. All visiting brothers cordially invited. G. O. YOUUNT. C. 1). P. SMITH, R. C. Tipton Undertaking Company FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER Prompt Attention to All Calls Day or Night. PHONES: 389 301-L DR. W. B. RAMSAY DENTIST Office over Hayes-Long Drug Co HICKORY, N. C. DALE ELECTRC COMPANY Ninth Avenue We are equipped to do all kinds of electrical work, small or large. We also carry a complete stock of Electrical Goods and a line of fixtures for .store and residence lighting. Hickory Lodge No. 343 A. F. & A. M. Regular communication Fint and Third Monday nights. Brethren cordially invited to be present. H E Whitoner. Master D. B. TAYLOR, Sec. Electric Shoe Shop F. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor Firsr Class Work Guaranteed Phone 10G. Work Delivered 1032 14th Street, Hickory, N. C. CHICHESTER S PILLS -Sw . TK 1WAMON0 BRA NIK PU in Kt-d nd Mold metaWcW bows, sealed with Blue Ribbon t-CU ... """ Kiooon. lfc no other. But of lrn ' riUA fir. ' " ruw, lo; u a Savings $300,000.00 Jitney Schedult IIickory-Lenoir Jitney Schwlul, IJavc I.enoir 3:30 P. M. Leave Hickory &.() p. M Arrive for No. 21 and 22. C E. ROBBINS DR. J. B. LITTLE DENTIST Office j'hoiiq 838 Orer i. 1. Eowmfln'g Eton Wiien you have any old or cast off Furniture to st!i CALL 22 1L Highest Cash Trices Paid. IS. W. KEYJNOLD.S J. V. SHUFORD FUN EI! A I, LUKEfTOR AND HICKORY. N. C Day Phone 'J') Night 43-J Dr, Oma H. Hester DENTIST Office over Ynder (irorerv Co. beconl floor Masonic iemp't building. Hickory Harness Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of HARNESS, BKini.K. SAHWiS AND STRAP WUKK Repairing a Specialty HICKORY, N. C. Geo. E. Bisanar DOCTOR OF OPTICS Error of Refraction and ail Opti cal defects corrected with proper J fitter! glasses. Office and examination roots )t nection with J"W!ry Store. Efc. E. J. McCoy VETERINARY SUkGEON Office Ahernetby'i Sta'nl 257-1. 22SK G. W. RABY M. D., D. C. CHiliOI'RU TO SPINAL SPECIALIST The new method of the symptom- and dm-mating Physical cause of W-f0; Nature's Own ay ffi Over Zerden's Store Mrnr3 ur a. in. " 1 otabs. (Adv.) 8-4 11 18 26; sept 1 Mr " Always KCIUS T m BY ORllrrQISTS EVERYWHERE