PAGE FQUS THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1920 HICKORY DAILY RECORD WONDERFUL RINGS ThT? nor was a time when- rhz were more ojiu3.Tr. Wr have an un usually large selection of the li-t styles an J quality for every occasion. DIAMONDS We ve a tij? stock of PinnorJs boupht before the advance, that we art eiiinj; Rt very low prices. Thy are of the scldtt kind ar.d mounted in any style. Geo. E. Bisanar JLttELLR AM) RFGKI EKED OPTOMETRIST Watch In-pntor Icr .Southern and C. & N. W. Railway ICKORV INSURANCE & REALTY CO. General Insurance and Bondt Service Our Motto 1030 14th Street - - Phone 292 ENGLANDER Sold eveiyv&tfx hy fumitura dealers and cL?jartfleni stores The Weather May Change, but Not It is ' p.lsv? X)cMnn1 and Refreshing and its appeal is universal. Buy it by the case keep it on ice. x Ask for it at foun tains served either in bottle or glasses, v Bottling Co. Hickory, N. C. - . i . . "UTT'i " a 'a WOODBURYS FACIAL SOAP 25c per Cake 75 e per Box LUTZ DRUG STORE "ON THE CORNER" Phones 17 and 317 Lucy fc. Furmari and after cunvvit , events the aur were invited inic-! the dining where a lovely three course lurches 01. j Mrs. N. W. and Mrs. Walt ' j Tavlcr, two ii.w member?, were cor- 1 dia.'iv welcomed into the club. The ; next mec-tinr will he held 'with Mrs. ; C. Id. Shen :j; or. November The b'-ks st'.ected for the rear : , jajc "A V ':.' Wise Man.' bv Marv ; ' j ji" " 1 K'.vmaruu. i r:e i .ij e-t CROWD HEM COX IT 1b R A N TODAY D el men arii ,"0- V- .'.1 u- Wi.rld." .,; EtM M. Deli. -Kindred1 'of The Du:i." hv Peter B. Kvrre. "The crow;; Thi h'liidintr was fa the hali am.i;f (j rent i mT!-"snati- E. Phillip O;.- t-.Pi jrhcmi. ' J !-- Vnl'iov of Silent Men." I''.- ' Dale Phwer.'"' hv John Fox. "Thre.i hv K':ri'.r ;n.l "The L. Master Mjfn." hv Hall Cain. w a i r - ABSENTEE VOTER S LI HELI Local and Personal I The X-oi th Carolina I vcart In Haifci;h in an or i held t iif- vjdidirv r -. . tern to find rtarTme rtum. r wii-s presented hy 'If. ,sj 'i:rvi;v of Hiekcrv f-if Sherru: hao. oper.ed tn metu- i it rolc-T:" Cox t'icpianx'd revauaiif" rd th-n !c;-!irue of nation; and toi l ras iuhrce. ?nid frt-caent applause, I iviiv 1 h-e jni-a.-ures were eise::ti?ti to ' r.f. v-ar 1 m-osrross of th:- peo- ' u'c of Catswha connty. Ho found ! g I ceivcd many compliment?; .on Ins.g Is 'ch. ! A Record reporter talked with sev- : Ural citizens cf Catawba last msnt land found them inteiested in revalu supreniej jjon educ:-tioi: ar-d reads. They' on hand-j were spe;da!lv anxious to have a r Husband's Other By Stanley Olmested Wife Sylvia Ereamer and Robert Gordon An All-Star Cast Hi FRIDAY H. B. i ijie j absentee a1; law and lor al' the act. Justice Urovp pr.;ued and. hisrh school at laiawua jnd it j? expetded that steps will be von to eenre a nui'C'.ns: ip kccu- opinion TV rote Tile r t1 . Httio rem. ;rurt. Chi. -ju-tice i .-.j JS I'orvth.v Kennedy spent ve- .cH-tv ai .fWton. vv.j: tppj).n n the cas which carre I up ftoiii ahe coantv st3ir;or court i .' , .... ion app-.-Hi of J J. Jenkins, Pit-publii at: i i Mrs. G. C. Rockett cf Statesville U-mdiuato for state 'treur-U!-. wi.e!1 cssivenes- of tin- J 1. . Ahernetliv carried tno 'g pcahi-c vaity fr..!n HicLorv to Ca .iv. ca. (..uhmel Ci v wa the iruest n ..-t r:-ht cf Mr. ;Ui:I Mrs. a Hickory visitor today. SOUfi.'t noa rroi -can to i-e- ic board of e-t-ctions. Me y: Li ne r-;v.l.t' tiMs .-V at Ma- ion t: Morv-.n-iftevnoc::. Mis. M. A. Bost and iIrs. Uov vuc sia'e auditor and treasurer from! ,r;,A., HfiJi.s s-ptnt 'cstcrdav in Newton. ! p: huin-i .nd d.-.triouti:; the bslli.t;-. ; ' Jus tic Irov;n interprets the eon-1 Mrs. D. J. Soa ff Mortimer is j Uiiution a.- to the mutter of secret M tpcadiut' i-cvci'al davs in the city with bal.iin r as entirely a mater f op- 71.)' IT T r . T ' 1 ' "i ;T Jl' If., . 1 , it t-i -. o - r . ' 1 ! be ca.-t by the pei'son votiipj: or :t! ''.'.? c'''"'! v 'Vr KFI.L DFCLINES .g fjiends. Mrs. C. M. Cam-Jbfcli of t hai lotto j may r.e Ovposuen me box nv cin-p witliirt ti'e ri.'?crc-tion of the voter h ' " Vi" o; holds. i is the eue-i of her Mtcr, Mrs. V. D ! JJjov.;: Viie ICniirhts cf Pythias wi'.l meet ti l icht hi 7;"U for work in the fir.-t -.ur.k. All liitmbcrs tiriced tu attend. IV; r. Atten'don l.:e ciaei Ala-, ' Oct. 14. Star., . .1. WidiaT-ns left Vnnisicn. where h: cotton 'fins of that county j I ossio'c. tr:l tter,d a'ntas.S eitz", s, Vvh.': i f'tat'v'djpl kv'ht a Anniston. iff Mr. VV. B. l"'Vo, secretary of state ! for South Carolina, spent last r.ijrht iwitii his sister. Mrs. V. R. Weaver. - Mr.-. R. L. Staley of Spencer arnv- oe ill 1110 tJUS itiuii,iiin jjviivi : the week end with Mrs. Carrie Garo-iff r ,,u- . bio. .lustice T( the existence in a nurnoori of states tf a similar law which per- oi nut.-, voliim'- uv mail a;sa notnins is fori ad in the North Carolina, law as cvorriiiiir the constitution. No con flict is seea by Chief Justice Clark in the two exnerssions '"in which he offers to vote" and "every person of fering to v to." which served with the secret ballot contention as bails Williams, who has been en a lour of inspection :n (. tuiman an Morgan covrnties io ers aeriviti? in nying nicht rid-! g Mr. L. C. Rranch who recently un d.rwont an operation for appendici tis, is out a grain, his friends are triad to note. . Mrs. Frank Henderson will enter hain the I'hilathae class Friday even-line- at 7::;0 at her home on Thirteenth i a ( nur. Mr. W. L. Mitchell will be at 1 Grimes drutr store tomorrow and 1 Saturday for the purpose of rejjis i . l irtir oters. ; Dr. and Mr. L. E. Clark and Mr. Und Mr. Frank Clark and children !li ft vesterdav on a motor trip to the i nv- antains in Avery county. i Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Busby have ; returned from their wtddinir trip and 'ate stouuinir at the home of Mr. ! Fu-by's mother. Mrs. Laura Busby I on Twelfth street. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bowies went 'to Statesvillo vesterdav to visit reia jitts. Mr. Bowles returned in the af Iternoon but Mrs. Bowies will remain ; over for a longer visit. Mrs. Edjrar Yoder will entertain ! this evening with a dinner party in jhoip.v of Mrs. Carrie Gamble's house- quests, Mrs. Felix Franklin Smith of ' Mebar.e and Mrs. R. L. Staley of Sptncer. j Key. W. W. Rowe went to Maiden i this afternoon where he will preach 1 preach in Memorial Reformed church ! tonight. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Koons ;is havii: a scries of services this iweek assisted by different ministers. thf-e-.r. i:i'"i;.eiit r-n'-k viSiD.-e evidence ; of th wjrr.;itii-s that are beincr posted 1 n liiiis ana onier io opei i m nr hane '-.f one of the placard?, whicii b ib these words: "Do net optrate this fin urtii cotton sroos to forty i "One Hour Before 'awn" E, S. Warner. Admission 10c & 20c (war tax included cm 5 per pound. The framers of the stale constitu-1 1--.vv-ai rer-oiis ci ou, tion in 1875 probably had in mind!' vyvn that.-mn the nrope:-. v , n ai,.,i,w v?nr r,tin ' rf owners in .Alabama had reaca- at that time in other states. ihf chief justice thinks, and the opinion makes the point that if the framers it majority, the absentee voters law necessary. ed Montgomery e-rrlv today. i i Mi-a r,r!icp Sahf.c?l Ipft ibis a. akes tne point tnat it the iramers), . , . . , - J d in mind the thought to reflect in ternoon for Gastonia to vlslt her sis- I . . ... AT.- lm.-.r. h cfriHtTD rrmnfr tt no going down especially to have her tonsil? I remove THE BOYS APPRECIATION The burning tf the Eisrnark looks like a seoite! to Scapa Flow. Boston Oteen. Oct. li20 i Transcript. Mrs. K. C. Menzies Hickory. X. C.. ..... YOU I can nave tne Dear Madam V ard 1-3 has once more been remembered by the pa triotic ladies of Hickory, and cakes. chicken, biscuits and other delicacies were received by us the other day through our head nurse. Miss Don nelly. You may be assuted that we p oreeiated and enjoyed all those things a creat deal and. renresentinir all my comrades of Ward 1-3. I wish to thank vou heartily f r your C'ood thortrhts. ( ONTRIBI TIONS TO OTEEN Mrs. W. B. Item say and Mrs. E- M. . Craiv: i:e attendinjr a meeting of the Presbyterian Synodical of North Caro lina which is in session at Concord. , Mrs. Ramsay is rounding out her fifth year as president of the synodi cal. With Miss Sprin's The Virginia Dare Book Club held its teeular mt-ftintr with Miss Virgrin i if. Springs Wednesday aftei-noon. Ten 1 member answered roll-call with an intcrestinc: bit of current events. Following the roll call the hostess read an interesting paper on the life of Francir, George, author of "The ; On'v Ni-.n. ..-." A pleasant hour of con-: : versation was enjoyed, then the hos-;l--s, a-.ristetl by little Miss Betty Las.-, -jrve a riaintv ice course. Miss Elizabeth Wolf will have the next .nc et ' ig October 27. Mrs. Allen Hostess Mrs..!. F. Allen was hostess yester i day afternoon to the Round Dozen Book Club. Eleven members were present and two visitors. Mrs. M. K. So-'rbeer and Harrisburg, Pa., and Mr-. Wm. Cox, were given a cordial welcome. ; Quotations from books just read 'weie Kiven at roll call. The I oo'e for the afternoon was "The Prairie Mother,"' by Arthur Stringer If and the hostess gave an interesting -l; tch of his life. Discussions and ieiitiiisms of the book were given fol ' lowed by the readina- of a clever : magazine story, "Those Most ton- mod." While current events were being discussed a delicious salad course was served by the hostess, as sisted bv Miss Marv Polk Wooten. The next meet in ir will be held on Oc tiber 27 with Mr. W. B- Councill. i Vjth Mrs. Abernethy The Cosmos Book Club met ves jterdav afternoon with the president jMrs, F A. Abernethy. with nine I members Present. The hostess' book I "A Poor Wise Man," bv Marv Rob- ;ort$ Reinhardt. was discussed and an iinterestini' sketch of the author was The following contributions were sent to Otec-n Ward I No.. through Mrs. Geo. "Voder's Unit Hickory can teen, in September: Mrs. J. 31. Allred. candy: Mrs. Geo Baiiev. candv: Mrs. Lov Bolick. SI: Mrs. A. A. Shuford, Sr.. cake: Yoder Gro. Co.. cake; Mrs. W. L. Mitchell cake: Mr?. Geo. Yoder. cake: Mr. J. E. Barb, chicken: Mrs. J- W. Shu ford. chicken; Miss Mary Rosebrough $1 : Mrs. II . C. Menzies, 2 chickens and biscuits-; Mrs. C. IL Geitner, cake and flower?: Mrs. L. E. Fields, cake: Mrs. K. O. Menzies.. U chickens and biscuits' Whiteiier and Martin, can dv; Mrs. W. L. Abernethy, chicken Miss Ellen Stuart Menzies. candv: Mrs. C. L- Robertson, chicken; Mrs j G. H. Geitner. cake; iMrs. Joy, 50c Mrs. J. F. Miller. $1. I Another nice box sent to Y'ard I j No. 5 and one to I No. 3. September! 30. Those contributing to these boxes! were: , Mrs. G. II. Geitner. cake and fried ; chicken: Mrs. G. N. Hutton, cake and i Dowers: .Mrs. Delta BHmgarner. can ('y: Mrs. R. II. Thorn a son. cake: Mrs. ; C. CBost. chess pies: Mis M. F, Ge:t ner. a ham: Mrs. W. L. Abernethy fi: Mrs. ,eitner, chudtn. candy, cookies and flowers: Mrs. R. M. Bumgarner. $1; Mrs. Geo. Bailee candy; Mrs. K. C. Menzies. cake and j rolls: Mrs. Charles Menzies, cake, and biscuits: Y'oder and Clark.boxes: Whitener and Martin, boxes; Miss Marr Allen, cake; Miss Effie Morri-! son, scrap books"- Mr. C. Ellington, j waxed paper; Miss Frances Fields.) 1 1 &&&&2ism Eke asher Demonstrated in your home by a factory representative tomorrow morning, with out any obligation on your part. Give it a trial is all we ask." bernethy i Hardware Co. Observe OVERCOAT $1 and candy. Every few days we receive w rdr of aporeciation from some of the boys, for all u.iee things that Hick ory has been doing for them. We T 1 1 1 i wisn aiso to express our tnsnKs , FEOyj THE ITCHING AND BURN- ii:o xvecoru iur il.-. eilOJts. inrouiU'. i the paper to help us secure these; delicacies for our bovs. j The Ladies of the Unit. : i n . i i . D-iine itcn ana oRin NEGRO LAWYER WILL OPPOSE CARTER GLASS QBQDBB&QBE2BE3&ISDDI2&! COMFORT ING OF SKIN DISEASES MAY BE HAD IF YOU USE Roanoke. Va...Oct. 14 J. R. Pol lard, a negro lawyer of Richmond, will oppose Senator Carter Glass for the United States senate in the No vember election., having duly filed the necessary papers ,so that his narne will appear on the cfficisl ballot, it w-as learned here. It is understood there are negro candidates' in the first, second, third and fourth con gressional district s, who will make ; the race with Pollard as 'dilv b'.ack"! Renubli -3ns. in opposition to ihej "lily white" faction of the party in j Virginia. ' Ointment FOR ITCH AND ECZEMA and all kinds of skin eruptions, also tetta and roughness of the skin. Get a box of this ointment today from LUTZ DRUG STORE and be relieved or if not carried by your druggist write direct to us for box inclosing 50c the price. AB-CLINE CHEMICAL CO. -:- N. C. Mrs. G. W. Payne and daughters, tLiklU. I Margaret and Evelyn, are spendine! Eiven by llis. Ralph Abernethy. Mi-, the week end in Charlotte. ' IBSISBillSBBBG3BBBB2IBIa& In line with our custom, we' are making special preparations to devote much time next week to the cleaning and pressing of overcoats-work that requires time and care. ! i ' Get out your overcoat, examine it and call 190. We will do the rest. m We will make a good job of it.'i You might need your overcoat any day." Be prepared to use it. 1 1 4 City Pressing Club ERNEST WRIGHT, Mgr. f Phone 190 ! it w I I ii I . 8 k if i 1