"if; WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20, 1920 Hickory Daily Record Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will please state .n their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 regarding ompiaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 15.00 I By mail, $4.00; 6 months, $2.00) Six months . 2.60 Three Months 1-25 One Month 4G One Week -10 Entered as second-class matter Sep tember 11, 1915, at the postofflce at Hickory, N. C, under the act oi March 8, 1879. The Associated Press is exclusive ly entitled to tne use for republica tion of all news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. How wouM you like to have some-j bedy speaking in your interest who: would tell an audience that he was a: casualty of the convention which! nominated you for president? Also! who would insist on placing his own interpretation on your position : Senator Hiram Johnson, speaking for Senator Harding, told his hearers i that the Republicans simply killed, wounded or gassed him he allows, the audience to take its choice. Ifj Senator Harding is elected, we'd likej to wager that he would have better: support from the Record than he, Would from Senator Johnson. BLOODHOUNDS CAUSE ARREST OF THREE MEN HICKORY DAILY RECORP 3 DO YOU KNOW WHY- You Always forget Someftiing Mm firing ftpl tnvn tor Ills" mir ft Mitt PAGE TWO !lvi Kep"1 IsARMeMrs fo CfeAM IN KCCd i. - I PONT THINK ft. k. rancher in f r 7 International Cartoon Co.. w. vv 241 T 2P rhur Un tin 1 vv all i tb peals will i. ft K MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED I'KESS PuMUhed by the Clay Printing Co. Every Evening Except Sunday 1 , itkory people will have the op ortunity of hearing one cf Catawba county's own sons speak at the llr.b theatre tonight on the issues cf this campaign. Captain Williams is not only a fine fellow, but he is a good speaker. nli Uw many Hickory people consider the local ordinances as to traffic? How many try to run their cars at mila an hour on Fifteenth liet, Ninth avenue, Seventeenth '.rot or Thirteenth avenue? Auto ;j should insist on a reasonable inpliancc with tho traffic regula rs. The time to save damage is before it is too late. Chester Rowell, editor of the Fresr.o, Cal., Republican, printed an editorial endorsing Governor Cox ifd the Republicans straightway ught his newspaper. Mr. Rowell is declared to have been for years a stalwart friend of Senator Johnson and has promoted his career. Mar shall Simpson, former campaign man atscr for Johnson, and Mr. Rowell will stump California for the league of nations. The fight in California is growing interesting. A great many people do no know that the president is charged directly by the constitution to nego tiate peace treaties, which are sub milted to the senate for ratification. For about 30 years the senate has ben encroaching on all presidents Roosevelt excepted, and that man ''"ilson simply would not stand for A president who is not able to hold his own will be a sorry speci men in the white house, whether he is Democrat or Republican, and the senate will break his political neck. The president must act for all the peoplpe and keep the senate in its place. A Buncombe registrar has been ar rested for refusing to register a young' man 21 years old who can neither read nor write. Ought such a young man or woman to be regis tered? The state ought to do its ut most to give every boy and girl a chance, but if they or their parents are not enough interested to learn to read or write, then they should not show any interest in voting. Although it is tnue that many persons with more or less education arc not ps good as some who have none, still the state cannot afford to make a distinction, regardless of its former policy. We are hound to apply the literacy tPst. The weather bids fair to ! plene- i '.. ' torfli"'"1" of fJover- iv : '.xuiits lie wdt Lask .ong in the climate. The Republican vice prcnidinttol nomniec is a strong character, his fame spread into all parts of the country before the Chi cago convention, and there arc thou sands who will bo glad to sec him. The Record wishes for him and Gov ernors Morrow and Lowden a fine trip through North Carolina, even if they will not derive much pleasure from reading the returns on Novem ber 3. , $ IMoodhcunds put on the trail r-f 'nioes who brcke into tne slcre of Mr. John Lentz at Btowiiu' Rock Wndav night caused tho ar.es c of three persons there tins inern'iii but bohoc of the nionov and ra;?.r stolen were recovered. Tlie dogs be longed to officer Lverlv of As-hevillo mid went to I.'owhuv Uo, i hM niirh'.. 'I he roblvr uot $l0 in r. '.;..; a:-: a $100 Liberty bond and chirks valued at S150. !;, !i'.-or!hounder were in charge v.h') iaiicu ihioufeh Hickory this a of Mr. John Henderson o Asheville, tcrnoon en route home. The throe men arrested arc Claud Tcaguc, Letch Simmons and Theodore Teague. One o the men were trailed seven miles, second half a mile and a third three quarters of a mile. YOUNG MAN JOINS NAVY If the king of Greece should die, it will not be the first time tint too much monkey business has prov ed fatal to royalty. Chicago Post. Mr. C. L. Whitener todav received a letter from his son. Mr. Arthur L. Whitonc-v, who has joined the navy The voung man is willing to get out. but the father, who did rot put him in there is w.lling for him to serve a while for his country. Col. and Mrs. L. T. Nichols of Chester. S. C. were visitors ut the city yesterday. II is vary hard to understand the need of the farmers for federal as sistance with the summer boardrf season just over. Baltimore American. Mrs. II arrison Winkler nrl hnl,v who have been visiting her mother.! Mrs. bnell. in eneir, were home todav. JXliCCtfd Ice men got cheated out of an ice shortage last summer, but the coal dealers always keep a supply of shortage on hand. Toledo Blade. q "Down Trend of Prices Keeps; Up," says a headline. But it would be nearer the t:mth to say that tho downward trend keeps prices up. New Orleans States. Three covs fcr the Pennsylvania police They have captured the murderer of the Coughlin baby with no clue to work on except the kid napper's confession and surrender. Nashville Tennessean. The next administration wi'l prob ably hear something from tho kitchen cabinets. 1 .'. IT COULDNT BE The Record does not doubt that some Frenchman, who probably thought he was inspired, talked to Senator Harding about the league of nations and in the event the league as now constituted is not adopted the manner of the association to be formed. He asked the senator to lead the way. Mr. Harding says he did. But this spokesman was not dclc- gated to represent the French gov ernment. He had no standing any where, not the slightest. He is abso lutely repudiated by the French gov trnment. Senator Harding, in making his speech in a small Indiana town, or a large Indiana town, as the case might be, knew positively that it was contrary to all usage for a friendly nation to attempt to negotiate with a citizen of another nation. The Weather May Change, Mot and Refreshing and its appeal is universal. Buy it by the case keep it on ice. Ask for it at foun tainsserved either in bottle or glasses. Ready-to-Wear Department 3rd Floor Our Big Harvest Sale still on and every day we add new values to our already long list of goods. This time it is in our Ready-To-Wear Department. Read a few of the specials: Boys and Girls grey school Sweaters. 98c $3.00 value Childnsns Sweaters, in Ma roon, Navy and Heather ...... .$1.98 89.00 value Childrens Middy Suits, ex tra quality, storm serge . S6.95 Misses Union Suits, Unbleached. Spec ial . . 69c $2.25 Men's Sweaters in dark Oxford, Special ... . $1.59 $12.00 value Middy Suits, storm serge in navy $8.95 Size 3 ft by 5 ft Gold Seal Congolcum Rugs "first grade" . $1.98 each 25 per cent off on all Winter Hats. Children's Vests .11c and 18c Knit Caps ...... 75c and 48c Parks - Belk Broome Company HICKORY, N. C. Bottling Co. Hickory, N. C. THINGS THAT 'NEVERfHAPPgfe By CCNE' BYRNES FE; -f p' A 7 : ivr to - ,s- r,.T r rrt'fh'Jtf'VW'l-''-' I QQQQE3DDSSQDQ!ZQESDnDl COMFORT FROM THE ITCHING AND BURN ING OF SKIN DISEASES MAY BE HAD IF YOU USE Ab-Cline Itch and Skin Ointment FOR ITCH AND ECZEMA and all kinds of skin eruptions, also tc-tta and roughness of the skin. Get a box of this ointment today from LUTZ DRUG STORE and be relieved or if not carried by your druggist write direct to ua for box inclosing 50c the price. AB-CLINE CHEMICAL CO. Elkin -:- N. C. (nonncna CROWN BICYCLES EASY TERMS Monthly or Weekly Payment' . - n Li C BK J PR We have a model to suit j'oar purpose. Abernethy Kdw. ft n For Results Trv an Ad. FRESH HOME MADE CANDY MADE EVERY DAY Fancy Fruits of all kinds SAVOY CANDY COMPANY Phone 199 Headquarters for Fruits, Fancy and Home Made Candy SPECULATION is TRYING to GUESS What the Value WILL Be INVESTMENT is Buying AFTER the Value Is Proved One of America's greatest masters of busincr?, AXURtfV CARNEGIE, made his First Thousand Dollars by SAVING IT; not by looking for speculative windfalls. THRIFT is the foundation of practically ALL fortune?. Make 1920 your BEST YEAR in matters of finance. STAKT SYSTEMATIC SAVING! This Bank will aid you in selecting the SAFEST t-M-Xl'-RITIES in which to place your funds. First National Bank HICKORY, N. C. Capital and Surplus : : Officers ' J. D. ELLIOTT, President K. C. MENZIES, Vicc-r. es. C i, r J. L. CILLEY. Asst. Cash ier $300,000.00 J. D. Elliott G. H. Geitner Chas. H. Geitner Geo. N. Hutton A. M. Kistler W. B. Menzies DIRECTORS K. C. Menzies Dr. W. H. Nicholson J. L. Riddle A. A. Shuford E. Lyevlv A. B. Hutton m 8 uf;