7 1 1 I ) i 1 : l 'i 1 i : ! 1 ' 4 , SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 20,1920 HICKORY MTLY RECORD Hickory Daily Record 1402 ELEVENTH AVENUE .'ubscribers desiring the addreng of t.' -'if naper changed will plead state u t eir communication both OLD ana ,NKW addressee. To insure efficient Unlivery, com t .(i'nti should b made to the Sub I'v'otion Department promptly. City tu'Mcribers should call 1C7 regarding rt' piaints SUBSCRIPTION RATES Year .fo.OO ..Jv mail, 1 1.0U; 6 i-onthn, $2.03) v months 2.60 ,M -..e Month J : . i Month - . Week -ly Entered aa sjcon-rlais matter oep .v.nber 11, 1315, at the potoffic at Hickory, N. C. under th act of VI uch 8, 1379. Vue Associated Frcs m !xclaeive- vrvtitlod to Uio fa fvpnbuca n cf Ml Pfw ."j.'IiUd tj it or net lited in chia paper and &uro tLe t'?il new published herein. It is difficult to underestimate the weight tho remarks of a president or president-elect carry. Senator Hard ing, at the present time, can say nothing that will not be read by the great bulk of his fellow countrymen, and his plea for the old fashioned virtues at New Orleans recently must have impressad many people. For after all, a nation, like an indi vidual, is compelled to be thrifty, savin;: and honest if it would grow in strength and ..haracter; where matciial wealth may undermine a nation as it docs an individual. We need to be reminded frequently that this people can be great only if thoy are scnsiLic. VKMIIKIC OK ASSOCIATED PRESS i ..Wished ky th CIgj I'rinthiflf Co. Kvery Evening Kvcept Sundsr This afternoon vM determine- if n Harvard of iv? species is more .. 'v than the ale. The Rud.ms iii.jlit have leer. ,;r.-,ry of war in 10 IT, but then they ere not lighting among th?:ucivo. ..I . tt ; - Another thing Hickory people .t.ight think of during the wir.t.r months is a swimm'iiig pool fev next m va-iy The Statesville meeting last night as expected t reflect the ir.rest r; good roads that ru'evr'ild in thi"' section. Hand it to those Roanoke eoy.3, t-m encountered three bank robbers, -r ! ted a pni aid sent a third to .he l.'W.-r r, c'-.tu'. 'I f ' ii v of a .. ' r..tnt ' f stolen mery in a cMcfva house s$ the. :t Denver at !e -t Wv.iM i'1 Hcnte L.Pn .. tl :'nt g'jntleiv.cn of rlo' b.d a hutiljcrn WORLD CUSTOMERS WANTED v Oct ten continues to go down and scores of mills are closing, but the cev.ntry is sound at bottom. The p'i"c cf cotton, once it reaches 15 cents, where it is evidently headed will start upward again and pro bably reach 25 cents. There are mil 'icr.s of people in the world who vvould buy cotton goods if they had the ricney, but tney will never be a!il to become good customers of tin United States until they gett on their f' ngain. The cooperation of aii r.atiuns is necessary if th( pnx'a.or- of the United States are to prtxpt i , and especially :s this the cae ui this time. We cannot' stand off and look cn while the work! struggles to its feet withrult suffering commercial ly, if we desire- to take that view of it. We must lend a hand in order to get along vH ourselves. Tn the next decade the people of the world will consume all the cotton that can be grewn in the south, but just now these consumers are mostly charity patients. HIE ECONOMIC LOSS ,; the robbery. 'iho :... nuTcc !' Yo- ; ' 1 fi! "mV. ;m :iJ(:,;. Your Opportunity 4ft III -sf cigarettes I y CERTAIN fine types of tobacco, previously used for export, piled up in the United States due to the high rate of exchange. From these high grade tobaccos we have manufactured "111" (ONE ELEVEN) CIGARETTES a new product a quality product made of tobacco never previously t used hi cigarettes in this country. Finally- try them! Wmm w !wam vrw ? v.-iJcii means tf-ct if y-"J uoirt like "111" Cifcarctues. yon can pet your mi.ncy back froia the dealer. NEW COLOR NAMES LIKE JAZZ Louisville Courier-Journal. The bride wore honeydew tulle. with pi'mento trimmings, tastefully j set eff by an endive' veil. Chippendale shoes and bamboo stockings added an unusual touch to the costume." Yes. it's going- to be a hard life for the society editors. They'll have, to write descriptions like the para graph above when the 1921 style colors arrive After becoming pro ficient thev should be able to get work writing nice things to put under the beautiful fairyland pictures , of the seed catalogs. Really, theres no exaggeration. An official statement from the texti'e color card association of the United States, which cooperates with associations of clothing: manufactur ers in bringing out new shades, giv es a lits of new colors which reads like a combination garden guide sport page and geography. , There are GG "standard'' colors for si'ks, 12 for woolens and 10 for shoes. Most of them are gav and festive such as pimento red, tangerine ye low, oasis green and resolute blue. However, browns also will be popu- j Jar. Some cf the shades will be cara- j mei, raixia and Mexican, Copper browns will be known as Navajo Algonquin End Mohawk. -aO - ACCOMMODATING n is mm A. "Mw SPECIAL sPASTIMEil U..1 Today CHARLES Wife "You ?ste, George. have such execrable ! T wish vou'd lt ne IN "HOMER COMES HOME" A PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT 1'ICi l uE A story that gets to your heart-and pulls away full of smiles. ' " n Kr4 By Alexander Hull SPECIAL MUSIC TONIGHT Added Afctraction-Pathe IW, , a rniTacrrv in xV 9n ppvtq I ar tax MONDAY "THE MYSTERY THE YELLOW Rq0m From Gaston Leroux's Famous Novel. An EMILE CHAUTARD Production A REALART SUPER-SPECIAL AND "FATTY" ARBUCKLE in "Desert Hero' i a Haleigh chamber of commerce i. . :osidering the city manager form of government to replace the commission u-m. Given capable officials almost .;iy plan will do. A r,i ' h(,r anti-bo!slvvik army has i. ihe way cf tho othirs. Wran has taken refuse in L'"5tanti t i le, leaving n few thou-and people in !pk. to 'rectivc Ihe led armyV ,j meetings. k A-ith an r. ommcrci..! 1m' V i.t ;hi. commercial Miy :ri-ut industrial con- j The Cliicago Tribune rouiuily iceve the revenue bureau';; vulint ;-.gaint the sale of mutt and hops, indicating that the Tribune has be .: me proficient in the art of brew rig it at home. rtmd'n i . . . t. .iHut,-- iinomulovment and the ger.-j'i l ; . . ' J mm- 4 - era! stringency should cause a great many people capable cf comprehen sion cause for thought: 'The failure to ratify either the Verar.le3 treaty or some suitable loolificntim of it has undoubtedly hin the cause i?f almost incalcu lable economic los& to this "ountry a :ss which runs into the billions m ii In ihr furm of or (loiiaro uui. viw.v ru:ound or unprotected credits ac tnclly granted but in the form of probabV unemployment and reduc tion of trade at a time when it is most ,rrrent:al that W" should keep our economic machinery moving. Wc cannot dispose of such questions as the security of our foreign claimo. i it ii i ihuy your clothes' Hub'v "You'ri m, Annabeller! Soon as I hrw a 'Hit to sell I'll notify you."- -Buffalo Ex- For Results Try an Ad, j tho tasi, of our further sales abroad It is now adnntted that the peace, '. . .xchantre without the co- treaty and the league cf nations can not be prized apnt. The election over, there is really no re.ac.on why 'he whole thing should not bn put through and be done with it. The deceased league is doing fair ly well at Geneva, judging from press reports. Great Hntain has six votes in the assembly and 23 of the 41 na tions represented thre have no vote ;.t all in the council, but they do i;t seem to be worried about- it 1? Mr. r.ut'er can succeed in a par ii:l rehabilitatior. i..n a 'result of his .";irnti jns to be hocked up with the H.-irrtirg administration, he will feel .tbundantly well off. The la.:t cf 1 Vmocratic endorsemirt will be lerjrd from when Mr. Butler is in hi grave, Th" r. ar dpai ' n'.rnl, is so curfi d.'nt ii, .t I.ic-t. Jvhr C. t.ramstortf .f Kvej ett, .M.tss., is d.rad th.it i!' ha;? shipped his b" !y home f-.,. buri The young mnn h'is protest ed thnt he is alive and well, but he has not succeeded in convincing the dt'P'irtTent. He doesn't want any fctone over his alleged t'rave. Democratic politicians who are )nting the trend of the industrial times may in fact be thankful that 1he Republicans, who have bad charge of congress for the past two years, will have the ncfc two years aluo on their hands. But the princi Vl thing the country wants now is n revival of industry and this i ex V'''tcd a lng nl.out tfca fli;-d of the year. ( rv rntrs of exchange without the co operation and aid of foreigners The fact that there has been a lengthy ond unnecessary delay during the p.-ist two years is no reason for con tinuation cf the conditions complain ed of. They should be settled in some feasible manner without further post-penc-ment." Republican leaders of the more responsible kind have begun to wake up to- their obligations in the last few weeks. It v a3 all very well 1 ..mIjh nurno-es to attack "Wit sou's' league, but now that several millmn hyphenated Americans have bnd their revenge, it, is time to dc something for the good cf the cOun on,1 tho. world. The best thing the Republicans in the senate can do for ti a tn ' "ritifv the .'meriL-u rii - peace treaty. v THE OMEN The "inveiligrtion" of conditions 'n Ireland by the committee of 100 in Washington is bound to be a farce and its on'y result will be further to confuse a situation already bn 1 enough. The British 'govcrnm '' very properly refused to lend it any dignity, and every Irishman with a soro head will merely go to Wash ington nnd show it to the world through this self-appointed body of American investigator1. Fortuuately tW country will pay little attention J j P.tatf"viUe Landmark. If; rdlv any mention has been made Tdiucn eiected to office in North Carolina. At least one woman will be a member of the Legislature. Miss L. ftxun Cement, Femocrat. was elec ted to the house from Buncombe county. Women were nominated for county offices in several counties but usualiv those omlinations were made by minority parties, as a sort of ex pel iment. Where there was a chance for election the male creatures, true to male selfishness tand ebotism, grabbed all that was going. This "year the primaries and conventions were ovr before the sisters got the vr.te. Next time they will be on round floor when candidates are to be named and there will e a divis ion rr the sisters will know the rea son. All sots of ptp1 suggestions rrrir -from iii'ieih ith! or,P ta floated our from U'" C;;iit?d C;I ' Cently was tltat plans were ,b..K. mode to keep th woprtn a.wav frm primari- ;md eonvenlions. Tin v may ma'-'e the nlnn.-. f r"v'" ,7y i :o foolish, fn. t. h - n th-y will' see tln-;n fail utteriv. , mm, . nn Chase Hackley Pianos r- Large lot just received. Investigate these fine instru ments in our display room. he Van-Dyke MOTIUlIS i OLOGIES i Daughter "Yes, I've graduaated. but now I must inform mysdf In psychology. Vi'rdoe:v TiibH " Tracf'-al Mother "StpJ- I have! arranged for von 3 thorough' emir?" j in "0",itolcgv. bakerlog-ir stitch o'n' I notblr"' prppTnl fiome5irj -v" Texas Christian Od-.' Iron Are you sure that certain papers and valuables bare out of harm's way? Wood en desks, table drawers and the like are no protection at all for papers that stand for money values. Iron safes MAY protect them, but you want to take no chances against fire, theft and meddlers. A Safe Deposit Box in the fire proof Vault of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Hickory, accessible to you alone, will re move every doubt of the security of your papers and valuables you wish to. safe guard. v We have these boxes in various sizes at from $2.00 to $5.00 per annum. First Rational Bank HICKORY, N. C. n Resources $2,500,000.00 J. D. Elliott, Pres., K. C. Menzies, Cashier, J. L. Cilley, Asst. Cash. rams -Broome Again Reduces the Price D Wil e The Big Day The selling campaign that overshadows anything in our record "Now On". Belks Break the Monopoly of the price on Dry Goods. The power of your money never commanded so much as it doe 1 4- i. T 11 1 l n ii ii it,t r i igm nu w at oeiKs, who is aiways nrsL to give me public tne m benefit of the declining market. You positively will not run any risk here with the merchandising principals practiced at it Belk Stores. If you don't see what you vant in our advertisement come aloe? just the same as we only have a few special items listed. UNDERWEAR TO KEEP THE BOYS, GIRLS LADIES UNDERWEAR AT PRE-WAR AND SMALL CHILDREN WARM AT OLD PRICES TIME PRICES T . , . lauiirs ijo.uu vaiue venasuc Lnion x-uiu,-- Dunng this Special Underwear Sale kJe lengfch high neck and ong eeveSi0 Special, Misses Soc Vests and Pants fleeced ' eacn S2.i3 lined; while they last only each I19c T M , , . . c w Misses $1.00 value, ribbed Union Suits, only $2?0 uValue nbb m each , ko sleeves, high neck, ankle length, sale pat oyc One lot of boys $1.50 value Sanitary, heavy n y " "' Ribbed Union Suits, only, each 79c Ladies $2.75 MunsTng Underwear, in I'm Sizes up o 34. - Suits, bleached long sleeves, ankle length One lot of Childrens ribbed Union Suits only medium weight, only, each in.6.??1'"" " 59c Ladies $2.00 Cooper's Underwear in knee asi Childrens 12s to 16, $1.75 value, going while . ankle le-ngth short anJ , lceveS) bks they last at $119 i i- , v& c , J , , qi.i C(j medium weight, onlv each Small lot of childrens 12s to 16s, $1.75 value, going while they last at $1.19 We cai"ry a good line of Infant's Underwja Small lot of childrens unbleached" Union . in cotton and wool. Infants Wrappers, Bs Suits, 75c value, sizes 4 to .6 and 8, only, and Shirts- each, " 48c 1 Cpecial Ladies' light weight, mercer One lot of Misses bleached fleeced Union Suits bleached, fine ribbed Union Suits, low & $1.50 value, each 98c no sleeves, knee length, $1.50 value. Sp Boys $1.50 values Hanes' Union Suits sizes each Sizes 6s to 2s. " Vis to 8s only, each 25 LADIES KNIT UNDERWEAR TO GO P Boys $1.75 value Hanes Union Suits, sizes THIS SALE AT MONEY SAVING 10s up to 16s, going at each .'$1.19 PRICES Boys and Misses Vellastic ribbed, bleached' and " One lot of Ladies ribbed vests, long sleevft fleeced Union Suits, sizes 4s to 6s $1.75 high neck, 98c value, special at, each- values each . BJg lot Qf fileached panls an( Vea " Poli i 1 y, " $L25 winter Usht, $1.25 value going in J Boys $1.50 value Peeler Union Suits, sizes 2s Underwear sale at each SSi "10, f i 'T Ch'-J " 98c SPecial ladies' Vellastic Pant, and Vtf 10s to 16s, only, each $1.19 heayy fleeced anJ ot,v eah Belks, the greatest distributors of merchandise in the South. Witjj buyers always and ever watching every move of the market and aaiiy taking advantage of every break and in turn giving- the puo- icnu inereDy ins urine absolute safetv in buy f-When the manuf acturer cuts the price Belks cuts it same ciay. 30 Parks Belk Broome Company Hickory, N. C. 30 vecat? (Dallas). II- t