V total WEATHER ll V"; tf Generally fair tonight and Saturday. " "'Ik chanj.v tempera ture. 0 SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS STABLIS i stl iers HICKORY tew n'urs ENGLAND TO DECLARE MARTIAL MEANS LOSES HIS WILL SUIT PIN HflRDll TIKS lljlpurc IISJOhLd mM 1 in i it.rJ j. die . , i X it i,31 ' f,, a' I!'" ,,j n-i i.a.ii .i. i .. . . i Z Ruii'.vav (' : is .t the. Int. im ti ' : i. ? i 'MilH'.it aii'l : M, til k P (; !P a irovt-rniv. i lr Imid: . a i) Win;' ih whni " Weal); n :il,.,!. ""Ml ( i.,. 'ur; tin l"!l'.".l i,.. 'I'i'i, 1 1 ,, .f;i,. f'iuil I,., J;T, !!;,n;:, (,f tu ... crn flir, , , ? in tn, ton 1V" In?,,,,,, , ,he ff,v. Rr. ''i'U',: li'Nr, m ,.ff Sir-j "nci DOlIED 0l ! : , . ,.( ;.. by the state '' " an approprh- '.: 1 . -,(!' North Car- ' ,'. i.c.iU cf every : ' ,s , t folllief fttt- y if ' ,i..n whi ;i tin; ts: 1 , ' ' , : . . tuiuK- i.uh'.ic. ,sy ;r;,' -, t- iiL-.itionj;1 !"' : ' n i a ki ::::' : V " - rv;U!aluiv .7.-1 f ; : for the Lin:- ;i' ' ' , .,; lu'io.u'iation the ur-;;v' ' ; '.. ; , sunn ml is not ..!""'., :'. .. I he roport w til l''I'' .. , :u-verr.l da- a ris',,1' :' : the State.- tf i " " v, . , iurati-.nal center i , !o veal service ..'''i-r.'-' . ..uths if the re- !;V,:; !, ,;;,, i i-.- made by the wH'"' :-at ccnmUsion By tho Associated Press. I Washington, Dec. 10. The month j Iy tonnage repoit of the United States I steel corporation made public today I shewed 11,021,481 tons of unfilled or- lieconmienda-1 4l-ri hand November 30. This is a decrease ot .,;J71 tons trom last month of unlfillod orders which total ed y,S:j(j,K52. KiiNKTllY) I mm day if LIVESTOCK SfEET -The By the Associated Press. Salisbury, N. C Dec. 10, men who provide North Carolina with juicy b.efste&k and warm clothing gathered at the court house here to l!iy for beef cattle and sheep day, which closes the session of the State Livestock Association. The rooms at the cour house cop- , cramped dor hvr fact that Car.iinn boys ,1 were denied ! ui -e tncie is tain elaborate exhibits nhowiny all rue ,' Gov- different retail cuts of mejit. Judges were still busy selecting winners at the poultry show where 1, 400 birds are entered and the work will continue until all are judged. The poultrymcn at their meeting last nijiht elected Dr. II. H. New man cf Salisbury president of their association. Othtv offieeva elected were E. C. Fulghum of Wilson county as vice president and B. G. Kaiipp of Ral eigh as secrctarv-treasurer. n ams w.iy members of ,,n are U'oinjr t' . -roiis apprcpria xpanJion at the , i,f the institu II ill MV the State i for years., and !.". n made there !'. leal potential isity hr. never . 1 ina because of : ,ii n i 'i : T-sitv over the :;:ri.n that the 1021 ; ,.!a- history by ap-fund;-! to put !t-i tect nnu it r tan be (lone with !:cr state school:; BINTS IHWIUEf 11T0MT BF GEfill CABLES Dy the Associated Pr(s, Washi'iRtcn, Dec. 10. Ccopsration between the state d' partment. and the senate, f- Jc;;-,n relations committee to obtain recognition of the United States in the distribution cf German cable: seized by .the allies was ar KinKCj for trilav rt r conference. I'i'ess, ,. jo, The Souih ; ;:.y asked prmis ;.ie commerce enjn-i.-ae iso.OOO.COO do : a ant'.. niM te'aiiC- li a: 4 per c 'm i;:iyable Apvil t. ; I in )!! t is ecunt" ,t 1 an to be expend- SyQ PREFERENCE FOR 1 1H1DE jONFRRENGE iiiun i' A-.M'-'ia'--! i:rcss, ''. Hi-- 111 . l'i!i!n;,i-v f,,.r Dy the A:.soiiated Press. Wafhir.gton, Dec. 10. Operation cf the prevision in the merchant marine act allowing prefei-ential on ffocdrt fr.r American vessels was sus- jendel today by th3 shipping board, 'i Oppo-dti-m to tha enforcement of the previsions was voice by represen rtives 'jf tho rucific coat:! ports at a recert hcarinfr by the committee. GBfjTiSiB J' FOR FEDEML JUQGE mier Lloyd George Annoiinces Stern Policy Towards Rebeliiq'us Irish Surrender All Arms on Penalty of Being Held for Treason Is Demanded By the Associated Press. Chicago.. Dec. 10. The fight to probate a-i alleged second will cf the late James C. King, millionaire lum ber man who died November 1, 1905, failed today when Judge Baldwin in circuit cciat sustained the lower court that the last document was a forgery. By the Associated Press. Yasliingto:i, Dec. 10. President :Vilson today ncn.'.inatfcd Represen tative Finnes J. Garrett of Dresden, Term., to be United States judge of the western district of Tennessee. HESTER CSI 9 TO FRONT By the Associated Press. Washington, Dec, 10. Reopening the govenment anti-trust suit against the International Harvester Com pany and the institution of judicial vn-oceeLling against a number of companies handling farm implements .was recornmendeel today by the fed eral triade commission. The commissioner says the increase of 73 per cent in farm implements from 1014 to 1018 is in part "du? to price understandings or agree ments between manufacturers and to a limited extent the same is true cf dealers. Judicial action against those en gaged in restraining trade is pro posed, the commission naming tho Southern Association of Wagon Maufacturers, the Carriage Builders Association and the Eastern Feder ation cf Farm Implement Dealers It EC CURD TO REPORT LIPPARD TRIAL The Record has arranged to han dle fully the Lippaid trial at Mcr ganton "next week. The editor will report th ? proceedings in order that the paper s readers may get every detail of this absorbingly in teresting case. Inasmuch as the r.tate has not put" on nearly all of its evidence and the defense has not even shown its hand, the case will have many new features which the public has not learned. The Record makes this announcement ro that readers whose subscrip tions may be due will have time to renew before the trial. By tho Associated Press. Staunton, Va... Dec 10. National guardsmen are today patrolling the r.tighborhoc-d of the local jail, where Harry Hart, 21 year old negro is confined charged with an attempted attack on a 17-year old white girl. The negro was indicted by an ex traordinary grand jury yesterday and immediately placed on trial, but tho case resulted in a hung jury. Because of feeling in the community, the pre siding judge requested the id of the military. The case will be re-submtted to the jury today. The commonealth hrd a:ked for the death penalty. b. Machinery for :'j",i'.' blockade into i- " i-h'iuld call for ;",:ss. (1 at t ijny ';, :ii'n!y of trie b igue CALIFORNIA" M BB Ht 1 tI9 1 l!iK HIES THREE I mM mw 1 i HI-TV' uii- t. an o lending s an international : ''"' i' i f eight members ' nun il of iho l.-'iin'iio , , - n : ;.J ' t of applications r I rejairt to the sec 1 f !he council, whom I ., Ii'iW.Ti ,1 t ,i in Cucir-n '-i'' (it ! h., ,.,U,.., lU, ln-i hn. tj.-f.ri cov- Ml TIEN 8 HUB CASE Una I '. - -f love; nor I'dck v :m neii r.ccd that no J 1 n in the ca-'O of r ,.f K. W. Mon Ala., :;t Ri.U'C ago and wno fa ii "'II at th" state execution for the i v IX 1021. Tcir,; ,, nor. 1C Tho state educa- 1 Hon commission has unanimously vot 1 0a to recommend to the legislature jthat the present method cf selecting I county boards of education be re -taineei, according to Dr. E. C Brooks state su-perintandent of public in struction. "The commission," says Dr. Brooks writing to city snd county school superintendent-', . "made certain changes in tne pnopesed reisions which will permit cities to ejhoose whether thsy will elect the boards by popular ote, as many now do. or whether these boards may be ap pointed by the board of aldermen or some other managing authority. As &c:-n a3 the prcposect r&visea uws mv mihliihed I Viil call a meeting of the ceunty and city superinten dents to meet in Greensboro to con sider every detail in order that wc may have the entire cooperaion of all ' school officials in securing the very best possiblecode A n.., . ' - ticJ ; ,!"r' '" leln!f of the con !-?r Zl:: ,t2 .hl ?r; trapped them By the Associated Preas. Santa Rosa, Cal., Dec. 10. George Boyd, Terence Fitts and Charles Gal lon), charged with having murdered Sheriff .lames J. Petray of Soroiw county .:nd Detectives Miles Jacksoni and Lepier M. Derma n hsre Sunday rftcrnoon last, were taken from the county jail here early this morning an dhanged. At 12:30 o'clock this morning a mob of about 10 men, all wearing black mask:;) entered the jail, over powered tho officers, took th keys and carried away the three priscn- ers. , Fifteen machines carried away tne party. Thoy mo.ved quickly down the ,i . t,.,... -Priioa had been steel to in- ceiiivit-ior. i - - -tut.!?!? TiinimAND OX N AND prepared, and the three men were .THREE mOUSAND 0. quickly rerung up. The three men were ex-iconvic. Rovd and CiKcco had been ident;. r:,i incf Mnndav bv three women r. two of the men who had Bv the Associated Press. New York, Dec. 10. Ccopei-ation cf life insurance ccmpanies with the various state legislatures and insur ance departments 'As a means for ar riing . at some uniform basis of tax ation was suggested to the Associi- ticn cf Life Insurance presidents I today by Thcmas W. Blackburn of Omaha, Neb., secretary end counsel cf the American Lif? Convention. "We have,v" said ; Mr. Blackburt:,, "as many as 57 varieties of ta.v methods in the 48 spates, two terri tories and District of Columbia, and it is obvious that there is no thing scientific i:bout any single cne of the varieties unices it be scientific to "get wherever the getting is good." If this method of cooperation ware pursued.. Mr. Blackburn pointed out, net only could "unjust and unreas onable laws" new in force affecting policyholders' interests be elimini nated, but a plan of taxing the com panies ecukl be formulated w'hicii should prove satisfactory 'both to the states and the insurance oirgainizc , tions. Mr. Blackburn described some of he taxes as arbiti-ary, seme as in equitable and others as unconscion able and declared: "Our ibusjness 4s taxed in move ways and fcr more purposes and with unique ingrnuity than any other form f commercial endeavor in America. Life insurpnc3 companies are forced to pay in the state?, taken by an arge as the college professor angm -ay, i'.icome taxes based upon arbi trary. methods 0f calculating income originally devised either by his s-;-Vsnic majesty or the treasury de--artmsnt at Washington; premiu taj.jis likewise arbitrary raid mos inequitable, but easily computed' corporate taxes varying in form from direct levies en capital to fiat li cense fees ami special percentages based upon the well-known railroad r.te principle of collecting what the traffic will bear; franchise taxes le vied upon ths intangible right of as sociation for a specific purpose; and issc-t taxes, ignoring the trustee prin ciple ucn which the assets are cs sembled hnd held." To tr.ii list Mr. Blackburn added numerous other methods of collecting fees by insuvar.ee commissioners of -tate ar.'l city agents. "Instead of fighting taxes, let u? ioin hands witlr the legislators and departmsnts and see if we can not nrrive at a basis which will relieve the companies of the present inequal ities and at the same time produce reasonable revenues ito the several states." IMr. Blackburn added. "As an alternative let us consent to a 9,-ro-ss preimium percentage tax in lieu '.-f all other tas, except personalty and real estate." dy the Associated Press. , London Dec. 10. Martial law is to -be applied in certain areas of Ire land, Premier Lloyd George announc ed in a spef-ch in the house of com mons today in discussing the Irish situation. The government hss decided to give safe conducts to Sinn Fein mem bers to the house of commons so that they might meet with the govern ment for discussion of the question. Safe corducts would not be grant ed, the premier added, to those mem bers who have been invelved in ser ious crimes. Under inai'tial law, the Premier said, wou'd demand the surrender of firms by a specified day. After that day all persons found in the possess ion of arms would be treated as rebels and executed. , A reasonable time would be allow ed for the surrender of arms before these provsions came into effect. In making this announcement re garding martial law, the premier said the government had bscn driven to the conclusion that it must take drastic actiaon in view of recent developments. i'y the Associated Press. Marion, Dec 10. Pre; idc-r.1 :.Jec-t Harding began his conferences hero on the pi on for an association of na tions with a long talk with Cha-. Evans Hughes, the Republican presi dential cardidale in 191G, in which the whole cf American relations with Europe were discussed. Aftcrwai'ds neither wou'd weal SURE TlT WE Ifl RFTjlRR! U IsLs Unli By the Associated Press. Washington, Dec, 10. An am endment to the pending imwigration bill designed to .safeguard the ex isting agreement with Japan re garding immigration from that coun-i try was approved by the house im-migiation- ooircnittee. Chairman net let down the bars for Japanese Johnson safd the amendment would immigration. Another amendment agreed upon by the committee would permit, the entry pf the wife of a citizen or of an alien who hsd signified his inten tion of becoming a citizen in the two year period. It was announced, how-aver, that as soon as adequate shipping facilities became available that certain parts cf the act wculd be put into action. The bor-i will mae every effort to facilitate shipping. UNBITIES MAY FBI mm whether ::ivy conclusions were reached .Mr. Harding declining to say any thing about the subject and Mr. Hughes saying merely that world prblems were discussed in the light of changing conditions. While the conference was in pro gress Col. George Harvey, the New York publisher, arrived here unan nounced i'nd later motored to Colum bus with Mi Harding and Mr. Hugh es and teolv lunch with George Do herty, Mr. Harding's close frond. Mr. Harvey, who spent two weeks here w'h'ie Mr. Harding was formu lating his league of nation policy, will remain several days. The fact that Mr. Hughes was the fist Republican lender to be sum moned in consultation by the Republi can president-elect revived rumors that he is bein considered for secre tary cf state. It was learned today that Herbert Hoover, who had been expected to see Mr. Herding tomorrow will not reach Marion until tonight. A 13-year-old schoolboy of Brook lyn, charged with being intoxicated, says he has no trouble buyine liq:..or. This shows the value of gei i -ng an education. Baltimore American. By the Associated Press. Paris, Dec. 10. Decision to invite former King Gonstantine to return o Greece has been reached by the gov ernment of that country and certain invitation will be telegraphed him: accordn to a Central News Di s patch from Athens. NOT SO JUBIALNT 3y the Associated Press. Athens, Dec. 10 It is declared former King Constantine will come back to Greece on board the : GreeK Battleship Avaloff. In official c; cles, -however, there is much retce regarding the return of the fornix king. By the Asociated Press. Gainesville, Fla. Dec. 10. With drawal of the larger colleges from the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic . A4ut'tativT.5ind.:,bft fort3ftion of another association to be known as day was threatened as a result of the disagreement over the one-year rule, the State University Association to- BIER TOMB SnTlift! C II S i ll My REPORTED TOO! uUb n rj i!M IISTi Bill nth 'LB III p.uinr Will ' .v iho Associated i ress. San Calvador, Republic of Salvador, Dec. 10. Terriffic quakes have occurred in Chaluquiko, southern Hoduran3, according dispatches received here. Very violent schocks also wc-re felt Wednesday in Chinanega and Corinto, western Nicarauga, 25 earth tremors shaking the town. By the Associated Press. New Y'-rk, Dec 10. With a far ther break to the basis of 5.01 for centrifugal this rr-crning, raw tufa prices regi:'te:ed the lov.-est level f--!he searxn, rcpre-senting a decline -nearly 20c fr-m the high pre recorded last Jitsy. Theugar incr at this basis came from IV-. ' Rico, tho price including freight. V: was a drop of one-fourth of a . ... MR!!:' th: nicm- 'iw .'i'iI icntcncJ to va protecting I THOUGHT HE WAS IN A GARAwL. a Toronto Roaneke., Dec. 10. Information tninerl fro ma reliable source here young1 late last night is tha 97 per cent of the members ol tne ijroeneiiiooa oA Railway Trainmen and Order of Con ductors' cn Norfolk and Western rail w.iv who are conducting a strike vote in connection with the grievan .., inun'vinfr nmon?r ctiher things a ol tne sentence! , m, ,ir,i rv wno-p increases, are m ta- Ti-e case ha. A ch:uffcur entered a i- ;t'5Hn; and that thy will rr- v supreme cuvt.' .cf,.rn. rflfcntlv and m anucia- , rArt nt the fourteen other j ,. , r. c -t o-ofvl lunch, gave rat. i I rro-;m zatior on the road, it became known that ,," ' ' " . in Ralc-igh is to owing oiuvr. nncake " ' M Jewell president of the railway H.rry, for th, "Coffee. douRh t, A ican Fed-r- 1 - rh8 14 ydoii.h he had entered a garage by mistake r ' iomrinnment but whrn he heard his order Pa': 1h-.t the governor "Cylinder on, coupi - OOillOM IN eUMii SENATE Washington, Dec l0.-Secre,a y Baker was expected to.. appear toda:, r a 1 , v,r,iafl military committee .v,,r ho nermittea to expiam v".y - t tvlf.., army to reach a number ri eater ta.. lS'n Kahn, Republican, - s-rine Jo nVi.nmnan sain g'f t K committee felt 111 Baker ha'd broken faith with -.--eommfttee. An rf ropriiition to n,. however, Mr Ka-.jn -,d thnt ;U additional recrurc AMERICA OUT OF . . rnn in, necuia" Wasmngxon, ,,"'tHtude 0f the regarding the probable attitude tions was revi b7T W .eonferenee between The the e-h. M Imi-h t; O..ULO ML U US fir inin rn 1 1 . it rtsrl Sisl r tit im'm i a re, ti? i. v mam , : Bv the 5 U 5 1 'r. i .3 izui By the Associated Press. Brussels, Dec. 10. The newspaper 1,3 Peupie announces iHvi railway railway traffic has been suspended in mc-st directions between Belgium crd Ge-rm-ar.v since vcterday af ternor n and that there is talk of a Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 10 Chirg. that foreign governments are finan cing the movement of radiir1" f r--Europe to th: Unite 1 States w -. made todav by Rc-presenlaH--son f f Minnesota who openel debate on the in-migrrti.n bid. "Spain is a seething m??s of archv.'" Mr. Nelson dccl?rtd. "and p-ovemnvnt is dumping it o;i t:if llnitf-rl Kti-tes. We have mor? r than we know w'at cn to wi-.n. ,v Va -ua-ht to deport, th-m.' ir.. AAiA 1hnt if tonnage vr tva liable from 10.000,000 to 15,000, V00 Fumcans '.vculd come to the Germ rn i United States. toward a nved th ' wiM ''kely hnrrt i'v v in Janus rv By the Associated Press. London, Dec. 10. A bomb was thrown among members of the Ru manian serate Thursday afternoon tt,.,-t,o- administration peace concord of nations was rev: Ped , t.a-nna hotween iin Rood, former secretary of state Senator ran ui x-,v., ------ confidence of President-ede.t Having and Mr. Root was a member of th cc-Timittee which under the care .,,10.. of the League of Nations m drafted plns for aS international high court nent five hours in con ference with Senator Fall but it was denied that the peace policies of the next administration were discussed. -"We did not mention or discuss any nion nf Ainerican actwn UUSSIUIC either as to the present League of coup d'etat. The Belgian ministry 01 foreign affairs, however, states that it has no confirmation of the Turn ers. The Belgian rumors of a German coup d'etaat are unsupported from any other quarter and lacking these, the Belgian feraign ministry an fraun cement would discredit them. They come out of a comparatively clear sky at'the 'moment. Although there have been chargss and counter charges by extremits and monarchies in Germany that revolutionary plots were hatchign. there have bc:n m recent attemnt to disturb the present German government by force were ominous m COTTON By the Associated Press. SlATOOIUMFOli NEGRO SOFFERERS Raleigh Dec. 10. The establish ment cf a sanatorium for treatment cf negroes afflicted with tuberculosis and a reformatory school for negro boys is recommended in the repoit of the commission appointed by Gov ernor Bickett to study conditions with reference to negro education and welfare. Adequate legislation is found by -Ex. Urn of Labor ard chairman of six teen Tabor organizations on the N. jnd W-. will confer with ccmpany of ficers here. 1 in f 1 1 1 .,.AuklnJ a snertiy aner nas -amo au , - -r the conference. ninff was steady with jariUarv member cf the ministry and Bishop j end l n dd d opinion is that SOOn selling up to 15.95 and March it Ravue W2re niea. says la eiuiai out Gf the present league ui to io.iu or aooue o pomes News dispatch from Bucharest. Another minister, two bishops and everal others in the senate were dangerously wounded. A large num ber of members were slightly injured, T.T -vt-i, Tn 111 A rhcnnc-.itinn : to cover short contracts m advance ene comiM" 1 .... -v... of the official estimate of the cotton ; -..dations to negroes on crams but :n rrrm on Monday was considered eoma instances the provisions " cf l-.e Rtions or any other association or iargelv responsible for the improved law ?re bfc'.nar leriored. i.he comm.s nranization for world peace," said toRe of the c otton market here dnr- sion has asked the corporation com ?t. t owr nnnnprned." Sen- tnrlav's earlv trading. The rnifden this condition. AS 1I a - ' . , - , , 4. ir wise to establish ar.other negri o 4- Tnoimn r,f 11! 1fl r.- oVinnf Oft ririnto rot ff5licr5 trairillop CfVirinl i. th?- srtf'-- we are out 01 rne present ucagu tu mau m v- v....- - .-- . Nations absolutely." . ' ! higher. vs there clready 3 and neither is ?ator Fall further asserted that , Own C- me properly supported. Proper mm hit pnnference with Mr. Root was December 15.65 15.70 tf.nr.nco-- for these school is urged only on such as thev were in the cus- January 15.90 tow of holding when occasion af- ( March 15.95 forded. " - uny 16.20 15.87 Jhe report w'h'h is sigroil hv 15.95 member.? of the connisf.icn twe 16.13 whom arc negrces. V A i ii 'f tJie facts in the case. and seme biowouit pun"-

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