TT Tf CKORY WEATHER Ram tonight and Tues day. Colder in west portion Tuesday; in creasing east to south winds. ISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 ESTABL HICKORY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 13, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS i n n :i U T II I V Pan American Union Board in Session jsf- v re THREE, JUROR'S SELE LA. H L ft 5 :i n ? U I u s ft -v DAILY inw 6 AND Rll CTED LLAGUE 0 GLEN N LIPPJIR o n s ? r y h y l lis sib i rnn vnn bi;;dis run t!u A.'-' W:.u;; ' win;' '' ' i1 i.'i. An embargo t the importation j'li . i r. barley, fiax, i lu cp is propose. il in I today by Repti'son. .publican of North introduced a bill bill ill' ,1'ive V-t"1'.' n, '-. i I . . t ,,1,'i.iiiv.. tnviffs . ,,,, ......... is i n .1(1 ,. - , ! 1 ress. Ei.hnM'.L V,!, Dec. 13. James ,, Tin.;k'. " " Ti!i'er in oiganizmg !tr:iiiz' n war.u in tne souin. iitl a: Li-' ctuiti'.v ht mo near heic 'i.nv. il- w.i' a: one time treasure t'hi' V.i'ir.ia-rarolina Chemical it JiiiO lis OlIHUIIi t I."ui: ;. Inn-. 13. Errors in hs-mis.-!!:! h'mo found today in a C'jiati'li ;!;: U' hero November I! iivt;ni;;:.v i -.iu. liens in prices of Thf .iriiri-::-! item -;aid that wo.n- eu iki had Icon cut from $6 to ii.'i'J an I thul workmen's shoes had Itwi ri-.i,!:ul to !?2.C0 frcm $4 00. Thv.'C nrin i v.-';c ""ITCCt, but the price f vn . ),:.: v.'aa madj G, in- tal t.f i't : ml workmen's shoe?, frcm 5! n ::2'l. til lu sioi miSD m in 3 0 i 4J (it'll As-- ;,;,.' Press. , 13. First oppo- lSaliiii';t(r. I Wi'.n to t!,(. i i"V" to reestablish the ' M'Dundion as a means T'r finann or ths; n:i..f .f farmers was voiced ' 'f the senate by Scna- !,r r'Ur i.f N'rw Jersey. The New MV "iii ' I'1' f-.dt thevo was suffi lMt mr.a;,. (. it;il for the expan " 'f i ( ,.., including .agricul "ur:ii p--',(:jft Uvrnm-.-.i h"lp hn said, ho rr ""fl'il m-ifly wi a pontnonement of :ai'vit!d,!, vhen lb., law of sun- plv iiitt'i, i win, in ji i - i w T.'-(; y; li: if,.' I,.. . !,i.f ....Tiii'-nnl -f i.MVi (ii'l Mil I mu;t .r. if mi'c:i:i. ;i cii;.;i.r0i whero an ox P';rt rorno-ii'ii.n Da. been organized tl'ilL , . - . "u" I'MM'tHU ,'in can ta . lie nsiti I'ul'iLai, j it; .5-.iv in the right dircc- n m.,v. were ir fli n "II, Hi flTI'lll k th-'Hf ' -., Iih,..!if0v 'i the high cost of liv wliich th? country has ' " '"1, he.toM the' smvi 'i;di's. ft onsriict de Miucturo to increasiM r'IK ASSLMI'LY AT GENEVA r, r, can -BM N G I S T. LOUIS ITEM 'I'lin. 1),, 11 - ' MirrntT (,errrtn ambassador to $ f11"'1 in nrficl writ- I,'. ' r" f;'-rnn Scitv for a "f'wM . ',,;""fls SJl.v the (icr.eva af "'"tin uiii, .. i 'i -i i i j- . t. ,i i norst! nucneu 10 eacn Wr . .'t"":';M V,,,1M:J, WRKnlln evil. Baltimore Sun, t!iP ' , Jt the French horse on; H m m JrZty vVLhaiwAru:J Annarentlv reformers Co?, r)U,I 't backward.'. A ,, - ATU"W' l.on-H'.ror memhorshin Apparently refoi. V() n iM!'i.vf .,tions, savs Cout.i make tho public r ion "J'n,r"!lr r,'sts in an' eventual bath day, to keep ''form i v',,!ar' and America tr, ing to their will. !';"M: as constituted. i Tilot. maticr. World Court Have Long Confer ence i Marion Today Neither Intimates L?eiElt of Their Intreview 5v f!i" Associated Pros'. Tin i ;on, Doc. 13. Advice on the ,i..n for an asjociaticn of nations was I IMIii'lit' luf Tl-n5ilnn nl.'.n TTn. lm.. to;!ay from Elibu Roi.-t, former sec of ftate, and more recently in conference with European statesmen n a world court. The conference, regarded as one of the most important to be held ly Mr. Harding; in his "meeting: of minds" here, is understood to have concerned chiefly the question how the machinery of the pesent league may be used in building; a world peace concert acceptable to the United States. Thrciiirheut the league fight Mr. Root advocated acceptance of the Versailles covenant with reservations and during his world court confer ence he expressed much faith in some sections of the covenant. Details of hb talk with Mr. Harding were not revealed, however, both saying that the conference was entirely confiden tial. In asking Mr. Root's advice, Mr. Harding is understood to have sought for information about ths practical working of the league as observed by his visit to Europe. Questions of the same sort were asked of Heibort Hoover. WE Hills NEW EUfl MILLS Bv the Associated Press. Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 13. First announcement of actual reductions ' i' textile oneratives' vaires bv large mill eoi'Doraticns wa.s made today by the Pacific Mill and Arlington Mills of this city. Their 10,000, constituting one-half cf the operatives in this stctcn, will p;o cn the new basis Dec ember 21. In accordance with custom, the amount was not stated, but it was un derstood to annroximate 22 1-2 per cent, as suggested 'by a turer. By the Associated Press. London, Dec. 1H. Fritish regu'.arr stood gusrd today ever twisted an 1 blackened ruins left by the fires which Saturday night and yesterday swept virtually unchecked through the city cf Cork, Ireland. Charges are made that the police auxiliaries there, maddened by the killing comrades in ambush by Sinn Feiners en Saturday, loosed the fire demon in the city. Estimates of the n hio-h as 815.000,000. Hours of terror were spent by th? people cf Cork on Saturday night, the wildest excitement prevailing the city. Two brothers named Delan ey are seid to have been taken out Vim'v Vinrvips and shot. Two districts of Cork were swept ty th? flames. On one street hardly a' shop was left unscathed. This was the shopping center of Cork. . . . t .1 Hn'.T 1S1IFIRES YET BURN mm w Dim nimpc nnw iiu nisi i BBsiyir.B tPL. BBS UUBI-UBgllUU nr nnnv V h- I. Klv sis u umm r -;mi,v h- XV " i that orders Dispatches rcacning u-numi ' tv. n'v suf", enduring. say ounv anUr 11 iff:.!!.!'., baromeior t the law had been given the regular soldiers .":i,iv r.n.i . I, nnl an.l th" conli- lo 8hoot looters on sight. The militia )vi:! ! " tlii? .n abbsolute control of the situa- I A . r. v,.lativft to the loss of luo 1 fl5tSni and are for the vno aic "-'- - . ! i ..,.i nnA rnniectural. Till I I YAmU , 11. -Count von Hem-, e v,p Pvent leading rxacu vci"" . ,, UP to the event of Saturday mgtt ,have not teen received. Bov Bandit Caught," declares a u.nin Wo knew something would horsn" sn 5,1 von rlnno to discourage tne nai-nu-. v Apparently reformers arc trying to it wholly accora- Norfolk Virginian ma Many, new representatives of Latin-Anierican countries sat at the. first 1920 meeting of tile Pan-American Union governing board, held at the Pan-American building, Wasldngton. Secretary of State Colby presided. Those in the picture left to tight are: Secretary Colby; Dr. L. S. Howe, director general; Ambassador of Brazil Vacrusto Coch rane ue Aiencar; iuiinter ot Venezuela, Sr. Dr. Don Santos A. Dominici ; Minister of Colombia, Dr. Carlos Adolfo Urueta; Minister of Uruguay, Dr. Jacoho Varela ; Minister of Guatemala, Dr. Jules Rianehi ; Charge d' Affaires of Panama, Sr. Dun J. E. Lefevre; Charge r Affaires of Haiti. Albert Blanchet; Assistant Director Pan-American Union Francisco J. Yanes ; Charge d'Affaircs of Bolivia, Sr. Alb -i to Cortadellas; Minister of Costa Rica, Dr. Octavio Bee chi; Mirdster of Honduras, Sr. Don J. Antonio Lopez Gutierrez, and Minister of Ecuador Sr. Dr. Don Rafael H nriuuGTi iiTIRI PRIZE TERMS OF POUNDS! IliERS H By the Associated Fress. "Washington, Dec. 13. Cotton pro duction this yea will amount to d, 213,202 COO pouns equivalent to 12, 987,000' bales of 500 pounds gross weio-ht exclusive of linters the de- partment of agriculture announced today in its final estimate of ccttor consumption Bv tho Associated Press. "Washington Dec. 13. Congress took the initial step toward framing ne,w revenue legislation today when the ways and means committee open ed hearings on tax questions arid- the nation's revenue needs. At the outset the committee wai informed of finances by Prof. Thos. S. Adams, tax expert and economist, who declared that the first matter to b decided was to determine whether the level should be luced from $4,000,000,000. Although he did not say so, the treasury representative indicated this decision hinged on whether a tax re duction was being considered. I?y th: Associated Press. "Washington, Dec. 13. Conviction in New York of David Lamar, the wclf of Wf-iil street," and Henry B. Marli.i on charges of conspiring to prevent the transportation of ammu nition to the allies will stand as p. result of the dismissal today by the supreme court of the writ of error obtained in the case. ALLEGED DESERTER n By the Associated Press. New York, Dec. 31. Trial of John A Willers, formerly captain of Co. I, 48th U. S. infantry on a charge of desertion, was begun today before a general court martial at Fort Jay. It. is alletred that he deserted his company at Greenville, S. C, after the armistice. At the time of his arrest here last Tvmdnv Willpra wns allojred to be X .7 , , , ..... . . ' try connected wii-n me utrmau y tem. Military officers who have in vestigated this phase said it would not enter into the trial. He is also charged with abscound ing $5,000 of his company's funds. COIISTMEWILL IT E By the Associated Press. Lucerne, Swit., Dec. 13. Constant ine of Greece today personally de clared he would not abdicate the throne. "I will not abdicate and never had any sucn Mention, said Constant ine in his farewell interview prepar atory to his departure for Venice to morrow en rotue to Athens. HEARING BEGON urn con UPHELD 0? CM PLACED QUIT II v -x-:-Lrrnyy w.,s:cww:1oe Aeex.y,''', :: v -.' yo.-x-:--v-:-:.:-:-:o. Newtcn, Dec. 13. The. following pouitry Club won prizizs at tin htate pouuiy snow in DausDury December 8-10: Open or Professional Class Buff Plymouth Iocks Ilariy Arndt, Claremont, 1st cock. Gertrude Barringer, Claremont, 2nd ccck, 1st ben, 4t pullet. Kati? Phar, Conovc, 2nd hen, 2nd and 4th cockerels, 1st and 2nd pullet. Andalusians Oliver Smith, - Con over, 1st, 2nd and 3rd hens, 1st.. 2nd 3rd pullets. S. C. Brown Leghorns Vinnie Lee McCombs, Catawba, 1st, 3rd and 4th cocks, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hens, 1st, and 4th cockeres, 3rd and 4t pullets. Club Class Barred Flymouth Rocks (Dark) Miss Keron Love, Newton, 1st pullet. Barred Plymouth Rocks (Light) Alcen Wagner, Newton, r2d ccck, 1st and 2nd hen, 2nd an 4th cock erel. Keron Love, Newton, 1st cock, 1st, 2nd andn 3rd cockerel. 1st and 3rd pullet. Buff Plymouth Recks Harry Arndt Claremont, 1st cock, 1st hen, 3rd cockerel 2nd puilet. Katie Phar-, Conover, 2nd cock, 2nd hen, 1st cock erel, 3rd snd 4th pullet. White W yandottes Frank, Phil lip Lutz, Newton R-4, 1st, 2nd.. 3rd cocks, 1st, 2nd, 3rd hens, 1st, 2nd, 3rd cockerels, 1st, 2nd, 3rd pullets. IS. C. Rhode Islar1 Reds Ralph Lutzz, Newton Ri, 2nd cock, 2nd hen, 3rd cockerel. 3rd pullet. Aleen Wagner, Newton, 3rd ccck. S. C. Brown Lehcrns Vinnie L?? McCombs, Catawba, 1st cock, 1st ard 2nd hens, 1st and 2nd cockerels, Ul and 2nd pullets. - S. C. White Leghorns Paul Wag ner, Newton, 1st, and 2nd cocks, 1st and 2nd hens. 1st and 2nd cockerels, island 2nd pullets. Grace LutK, Newton R-4, 3rd cock, 3rd hen, -UJ cockerel, 3rd pulkt. S. C Anconas Helen Davis Lcr.g, Catawba, 2nd cock, 1st hen, 1st cock erel, 2nd pullet. " S. C. Andalusians Oliver ' Smith, Crnover, 1st and 2nd cocks, 1st arid 2nd hens, 1st and 2nd cockerels, U and 2nd pullets. - S. C. Buff Orpingtons Ruth Lutz, Newton, 1st hen, 2nd cockerel, 1st pullet. Scecials Best Bird Miss Katie Pharr, spe cial of $5.00 on Buff Plymouth Roc.c Cockerel. 3rd best bird Gertrude Barringei, $3.00 on Buff Plymouth Rock pullet. 4th best bird Paul Wagner, $2.00 on S. C White Leghorn cockerel. rrwr MtV. TMTTTRKD AS AIRPLANE HITS AUTO Charlotte, Dee. 13. Rising from the ground but failing to attain the nropr altitude, an airplane anven by Pilot Clark yesterday afternoon p nrk nn automobile at a landing field in Myers park, injuring Mrs. Gcpsas and her tour vear oia aaugr. ter, Grace Jackson. Tha child's sknd was fractured and was lat night unconscious in a local hospital. The airplane is one that has been flying here with "dare devil" perform ers pulling hair-racing stunts on th3 wings. The car was parked on a rad near the field and was some' distance from . the standing point cf the plane. The top was hit by the wheels of the machine, it being crumpled up like a sheet of paper The child was struck at the base of the skull bv pieces of the top. The mother of the child Jsan American woman, widowed, who married a Greek here. v If Cuba is experiencing hard times, the tourists we've sent her must be tellingthe bartenders to "put it cn the slaTe." Atlanta Constitution. The rum-blossom is becoming the rarest flowers that blows. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. HEIEHILL ESCAPE ALL TIL By the Associated Press1, Washington, Dec. 13. The su preme court today sustained federal court decrees quashing indictments against 25 defendants' who were chaged with participation in tht depotaticn of 221 alleged undesirables from Bizbee. Ariz., into New Mexico in July, 1917 By the Associated Press. 'Washington, Dec. 13. If the pre liminary international communica tions conference fails to reach an agreement at its session today on the disposition of the former Ger man cables, it will adjourn until next, month it was learned today. In the. meantime two of the repre sentatives of the five powers will re turn home to get' instructions from their governments. As a result of yesterday's meet-, ing seme of the delegates were hope ful that an agreement ciiufcl be reached today. If not, the members are hopeful of ironing out the dif ferences next year. nio Bv th Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 13. The John son immigration bill as amended to prohibit all immigration for a period of one year was passed by the house to day. v It now goes to the senate, wher'B its defeat, is predicted. Tho vote was 293 for the bill and 41 against. Six members vot ed "present." Uy the Associated Press. New York, Dec. 13. The "well known Smiths" have regained their supremacy in New York nomencla ture, it Is revealed by the city's new directory issued today. Last year they were several columns behind tne combined list of Cohans, Cohens and Cohns, but -the Smiths exclusive of Schmidts and Schmids have leaped into the lead again by more than four columns or 500 names. Fifty-two columns of Smiths with about 120 to the column, are shown in the directory. (i: MER EMPESS IS STILL CRITICS By the Associated Press. Doom, Holland, Dec. 13. Former Empress Augusta Victoria of Germ any continues to improve in health, but her condition is still critical. Tho rbinet. slate doesn't interest fl jjj it. m J O. rn nv n or OCU D nUUDL SMITHS SHE m i ranimn a i i nmiai f-. LtSUK ALL 1 the average man so much as the, Hope is cynressed, however, . lution o repeal most cf the wartime slate th?y are sellinjr this year under this committees report will be dis-jlaws. Debate was started immedits the name of coal. Baltimore Sun. J posed of tomorrow. ly. All of Forenoon Devoted to Getting Three Men Remainder Will fee Obtained This After noon -Begin Taking Testimony Tomor row Morning Much Interest in Trial ARYPATROL By the Associated Press. Cork, Dec. 13. A military patrol was amushed at Cloyne, seven miles east of Queenstown, "today. The at tackers threw bombs from two hous es, but two of them were killed. One soldier was wounded. The houses from "which the bombs were thrown were binned. SR H W TIKI By the Associated Press, New York, Dec. 13. Enrico Car uso, noted tenor, who ruptured a blood vessel in his threat in Brooklyn Saturday night, will sing in the Metropolitan opera house tonight, barring; accident, his physician an nounced today. iH IS SAFE NEVES FLEW 3y the Assocated Press. New York, Dec. 13. A report that Eclyin W. Maynard, aviator, who as a licutenat in the army became kndwn as the "flying parson," had pt-.rted by airplane for Worcester, Mass.. yesterday and neither arrive! there nor returned was disproved to day. Lieutenant Maynard said he had been delayed in getting started to Worcester and gave up the flight. Throughout last night when the aviator's friends were searching for him he was at his country home. By the Associated Press. Cork, Ire., Deci, 13. More than 300 buildings are said to have been destroyed in the fires which yester day laid waste to a great part of this city. Most of the fires have been got under control, though spor adic fires broke out during the day. The police and militia are having the greatest difficulty in keeping the thousands cf spectators from the wrecked premise?;, the walls of whic;. are in danger oi falling. St. Patricks street, one of the main throughfares of Cork, this morning presented the appearance of an earthquake. Looting has been general. The policSWdfted two men who wera attemjttdng to murder a woman. IEAGUK ASSEMLLY TO SPEED UP ITS WORK Geneva, Dec. 13. The fifth week cf the assembly of the league of na tions is expected to begin with a big burst of speed in an effot to clear up' the business and permit of the delegates getting away before next Sunday. The debates on almost every ques tion have been drawn out far beyond anticipations, b.ut, with the approach ms; two f-essions each day, it is hop ed that time will be found for all the delegates to deliver the speeches which has been tucked away in their pockets. Every effort to shorten debate by limiting the number of speakers cn each subject has met with stern re sistance. The international court will be the first big suestion cf the week. The committee having charge of this question finally has reached an igreement on its report bnut as psst experience has Droved on other hues- tions on the floor of the assembly. CARUSO ILL 1 1 ii m MorgaU-n, IVc. 13. Three jurors h?d been --elected at ! o'cloc k this afternoon in the case of state again --t Cecil and Dock Hefner and Lone Young, charged with conspiracy and murder f Cienn Lippard called for trial this morning at 10 o'clock. It will require all of the day to obtain a jury. The jurymen chosen are A. A. Daio, Alexander Bennett and J. W. Shull. Of tho sopcial venire of 100 men summned last week by the sheriff JO had been exhausted in the selection of the three jurors. A large crowd is in altmdaneo on the trial, many witnesses and spec tators being here frm Hickory and the lower end of Burke county. INTEREST IN CASE Solicitor Huffman was expected to call for trial in Burke superior court seme time during the day the ca'es of Deck and Cecil Hefner and Lone . Young charged with the murder of Glenn Lippard in the woods cf Burke county on Saturday night, November 20. Judge Thos. J. Shaw of Greensboro is presiding. The solicitor had some unf inish d cases to dispose cf this morning and it was not believed aiy testimony would be presented "- Lippard most tion of a jury irom u o,,. . . cf 150 men. 0 A telephone message from ville Saturday afternoon stated that a negro man reported shooting a rabbit in the publ'" roa,l ," ' v ?rc theoiored "cmTcTren " S..y ... sV" " a man shot, but no confirmation of the story could be had.' The examina tion cf the blood gathered by Sheriff Alexander would readily show wheth er it was human or animal blood, however, and there has been plenty of time for the analysis. Besides Hickory lawyers employ I in the case, many other local people will attend the trial. Many of ;:;e witnesses will go from Hickory, an.i there will be a number of spectators from thi city and the lower' end of Burke county, where the tragedy occurred. Bv the Associated Press. Washington. Dec. 13, -Preside (i Wilson today called upon his "fellow countrymen." to contribute funds 1 save 3,500,000 children who are fac ing starvation in central Eur -pe. The president said he would :.dof 20 of the.i children as his tempot-:-, wards and said that $10 contribu :T through tho central European re!:..-; . society wuld save a child s lite. OTSAM SPORTS By the Associated Press. New York, Dec. 13. Two world's championship matches wrestling ar.d boxing are on the cards for New York sport enthusiasts on two con secutive nights this week. Tonight Joe Stecher of Dodge, Neb., will defend his heavyweight catch as catch can title against F.d Stranglger Lewis of San Jose, Cab, and tomorrow night Jack Dempsey, champion heavyweight, will defend his title against Del Brennon ot Chicago in a 15-round match. debateTimited on wartime repeal By the Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 13. The hou-o todav adopted a rule limiting to two ! hours debate on the Volstead reso- TWO BIS BESTS FOR G

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