HICKORY , V subscribers WEATHER h"ul'J "'.'l ' before tive Fair tcdnp; Tuesda ; cicudy and unsettled. their i 1 1 MiED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 fcTASLiS HICKORY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS BDHNCE NEARLY DONE ssadosc to Spain Presents Creden ;AB MURDER RIAL id Pi si .r m n m T ft k. Come c, Close Thi3 Morning and Stau7ill ick for Few Hours Alibi Stuff sl flaws Which Will be Picked by J ale What Has Been Shown v; a- r.i; Ji8v K ) V'.tl't'- : 1 -There v.-:. ; c'v. . :i c. urt i i d evidence i'.i h 1 ,, Weill I be II! ; w tke latest by to lli.' defet. ilanta ' , and only a i I . T.- .1. v the stand. IV t i l.'Uv Lents, J. !.ury and a rmm ,. tn be heard in (lite about throe weeks before. He tcu!.! iu,i remember. The other Line it wa: '-'!. Dick gung to his to V f e II.' did rot pay the dollar i-acl The 'i.; ! w ,s paid back at Drum's cafe a week later Sipe is not IS years eld. He admitted taking1 a drink one; in a while, 'the lat time about three rnonhts ago. He did not remember who crave him the liquor, but th fellow who pave him the liquor was standing on the side walk frxinp to tax a drink. He said he had never told anv'oodv exeeat a few witnesses and Mr. ShuToid who ;.s t i take tl'H was the first man he told that he let th.' testimony j little Do.k have a dollar. He said ., 1 l t So I he asked Cecil Spencer what time I -i" wuuhi swear uj as 10 warn nuie & ftii ffi; f W Afel' Defense Says End Heavner Hired His Car and Went Off With Glenn About 8 O'Clock. Rests and State Puts on WiiEiesses in Rebuttal Uaron Lansworth Von Stimmers, the new German amliaador to Spain, proceeding with mony to the royal palace at Madril to present his credent. als. jreat pomp and cere i r.i.' Young and '.iu Sal a: '.lay's Uvti- i st to th2 read at the ffu' in it will be pre :: ion to the state as a r.'tpcrtnr f'(.v all the ia- ' the prison'. vs : :u.s, na.:it nin ; . . in which tu , , -iard ar.d set i I nin'if tilC'lU- ,rd. T'tvj juiy v.'-.-al wicnoi-L-.".' Dock came in the restaurant Suspicious of Wife I Emmett Witchell corroborated his rjoing to Hickory. Ho could not find i.1!'. m later, although he went into most of the stores and thi three pic ture shows. lie saw his nife and Cora Grouse next about 10 o'clock. He said he saw Carroll Eckaul r,rd Cecil Hefner a few minucs rief ore. !) appeared susnicious of his wife accepted and hr.t! Manson Crcuse he)? him watcn ior her. lie Wvjnt hoi-.ie about 10:80 and Carroll Eckard end Cecil , . t I ...hb t.. fc. II. T HV'.l't .'"J,4 rS oVmi l''i" : ( ri'nT'lv 'A nVn."!f f-.-i1 -" .t ! ou-.i-.r ...... j u . . ,"vt. . ..i tfk'. Jr together. Cro;; F.ra :! ir.at ian The v.-itnes;.". said he had looked for hi: wife oofore It was several days before he learned they -.vent nut after Cecil was arrested He -;:url ha had been in court for liF.'i-nt that Cocil i taings navin v.-r.isToy m nrs n;use. " red or.ee thoy I Tne eh'icors found the vhb' -y oit- Y il going tn'- night and him the r.-xt evening, ile ' , ' "j,,. eould bo, knew the chife wo.iui not take hi? 'i! little Dock' word, l'ecau:-;o, "I kr.T.v what kind of . '.i Pnfe. 1 f idlcw he wa;'." I ho witness went A i to Snlisba'v to cr; a carnival Yo-inr, Baxter they caught him with a halt gal e.i . ,.l ti'i- cow.l a'thouph thev said it was a gaikn ' 4 k ' . . n i. ..... i. . a i. i : . . j! .... . jr.. . lie uouyiit tae nquur nu:n suiue io low in South ..dountains BIG IS Mil ran mm r p mn By the As?'::iated Press. New York, Dec. 2C Yvaga reduct ions averaging thirty per cent under the union scalei n mens clothing in dustry is announced by the Clothing Manufacturers Association. t oorc sot y ej li e s m ill EaiOl ?J ' nnRinTaaiTiBir ulillu I UN I lilL lu Hi iiLMy i i Higninn i with th'.'.v pres- in tliei.- yyang c th-'y ate cb . :, ,,!, farmer, k, and WiHi-inr i:i,:vl of his in' Mi Her, draw th.1, Th.' jury now three separat-' ve hard to that had be.n i anti n Athens, pec. 20. Amid the roar ing cf cannon and the csirclinjj of He had pirplanes Ccnstantine of Greece ar- (BY MAX A B ERNE TH Y ) Ealeigh, .Dec. 20. Every one of the eight fires reported to the state insurance department for the first half of Decem'oer ware insolated lo calities where there was little or no fire protection. The folio-wing fires in the st.ste in the $10,000 class ar.d over for the first fifteen days of the nrcsent mcnth have been "repoiie.-.. 1 making a total loss of $390,900. i.vit. uuve, two dry ici.ns oi incer prise Lumber company $105,003; Elk in, tobacco sale varehouse and ad jacent supply store, $e.0.000; Gre,en: boro.' four storv" brick ac-rirntoi V "M 'Bennett College $40 000; EatHebo- II Ml ELECTED TvintrnRiM ceo lllilULUUKlIfiiUtilUlg! I Morganton, Dec. 20. Little Ketner took the stand in his cwn be half today gave an account of his movements on the Saturday' and Sat urdap night of the murder and relat ed every movement in detail except thetime between 8 o'clock and 10:0. He denied knowing anything of mur der and . said he saw Glenn Linnard about 8 'clock when Bud Heavner got pock's car and went off with Glenn .Lip'Pard baid Bud Heavner got .him to buy the carrridges and paid him $5 for ihe ur.e of his car. Littie Dock told of the trip to Charlotte on Saturday and of getting $10 of the $22 he charged Glena Lip pard J or carrying him there and back. His narration stuck close to II l uj-vic o vv imposes uiltn i he was put under cross examination. He admitted going to the Ninth! Dock him after that time. Chief Lentz and Deputy Sheriff V. L. Icard of Burke said that Minnie Young told them on this occasion that Lou Lynn got cut of the car at Arneys church and that two other tars were standing there. Minnie said she did not see Lou agin. As the ol ficers passed Arney's church Mim:;e Young pointed out the place where she said two automobiles were standing.. Faul Lippard said his brother Glenn owned a .25 calibre pistol and that he had been unable" to find it. It was established by the Hickory chief that 12 arrived in Hickory at 8:15 that Saturday night. Several character witnesses were introduced when court convened this afternoon and shortly after 3 o'clck bith sides announced "it is a case for the jury." WITNESSED OF CORK BURNING TO TESTIFY Associated Press. Washington, Dee. 20. The nomina tion of John F. Nugent, of idano, as a member of thr Federal tr.-He commission was confirmed by the senate today. prnn iipiriT o y 01 iflllLlil ppp!jjp m yyllill i ii avenue barber shop Saturdav niht and said that he carried Glenn home early m the evening testified to by w..ino-t 10 r.- (Lippard's father and others. He said nesses of the burning' of Cork an .that Bud Heavner borrowed his car expected to testify before the com ii?t about o o'clock and drove up Ninth mission of the committee of 100 in- ! avenue with Gienn in it. vestigating conditions in Ireland jjcck saia ne had made three trips sometime during the week of Do recently to Charlotte with Glenn Lip- cember 26. pard and each time they carried from Frank P. Walsh, counsel for th. 40 to 60 gallons of liquor except the American commission for Irish i-- iast time Saturdav when thev went dependence announced vesterdav that bought it three time:; before got it from a black man about SO or IT) car J ,, but a .'fhcnifwy -v ;!.") years old, had a familv, but the witness did not knew whether he could find the placs again. He bought lroni three negroes. He walked the He rived at Athens yesterday. His arrival was compared by hvi arrival with the return cf Napoleon from Jlelba. Immediately upon his arrival from the train Constantino drove to cathedral, where a mass service the Vy 3.3 IJattlebr.ro Oil Company -:d i;0 miles for lhe liquor every time given, all the bishops in Athens pa-.- ma'je as many as a dosen t'nics. I tici'rating. It was noticeable that ne lie said Dock had taken him out. foreign ministers were present dur but riot to buy 'iquor. He had bee'a ' jnjr the welcoming ceremonies. until ecall hull house, with quantity of raw se?d rnd sacked mea. $35x00; Roxobe".. Roxcbel Supply Compfrv v.-ith st bui'ding and gords, S25-000: Ay J . . Midway Garage including autos and r.ccesscies stock, .$40,000; La Grange, garaa'-a and Norfolk and Souther p?.r 3enger station, $35 000: Hickory Catawba Creamery Companf, par-iking and ref ri'.reratf r room", $30,000. "n ,,t tlmt Cecil and Carrol! sat up un "' ,n i-. r&r-' ; ,i,mos- sun UP Dut ne could not rt-cs h;'.:mis "-'.,, i;ny other occasion when they ma v.'y.i . -.r. l'i -a night of it. He said he had ca mi iifi.t. At ; 'In. :h5 ! by !.., 4-' r,K,r Ti i.: : "in jail ! ii.-iM Lot' t,i, : Of; la.c- : i i f.v:.- gat - . ' he tin ; 1 ; .iiie ia con- i; bully of men :: uli i ' allow a '.i:i.' to go un '.'. niorning at V i,,. orove by i u f at tire when v.v.s i, pen and , :i .f th" freight k Sunday mom- Htfner's stable, i' -t of tho night t;!H"hine to the iica morning. II- i v.iU'iiH'iiu:. n ar- 20 mile:? if son sjwn ir Mum! llilsT 7'. a n j . i i L i n 11 rici two gallons of liquor to Hickory. On re-direct examination Mitchell raid Chief Lentz arivis I iiim to i;:-i otf and leave his ca.-;h bind. Ho i-.oi,) he cH.iie elear on the discieditv hroso ch.iri'p s'S we!' as the liouo.'l ' p...iji. TTo .lid tint L-nie whether .lohn I VY.'.s'liir.gton, Dec. 20 Ihfner would go on his bond. :m. an(? Su-an Wnlsb. f ostro-s-m-.v- Oliver Herman said lie went to of t!:c late Lord Mayor McCurtam oi ffnim.'-tt Ivlitehe'l's house in car Co, k who wuncssed his killing are rm'e tomorrow to te-j Irish investigating Associated Press. .ilSSC3 An- buhh ! Pv the Associated Press. ' YV ;;:.. ii.c. 20, The presi- 1 uent without pover ui.uor exiaiiaji ; uiw to "shut out wheat ini pores..'' o.u -he apparently has certain powers ur : der the Lever act to stop future trad ing in wheat, the federal trade ee-m-i mission say's m a special teport to i i'res.'Uent Wion. i The commission says that "whilo i evidence is not available that future i -.-J-g for toe eiocihie in wheat prices, it does not arjpear that future ' Li'ling i:i wheat as at present operat , cd i& of service to the grain"' trade." for an automobile. He said Glenn would hide the liquor from Charlotte and get it later. ! Usually Glenn paid him $40 cr $50 ; for a trip but this time he was to get only $22. He accounted for receiving i ;md spending about twenty-two dollar j on that Saturday night. Dock sail1 Bud Heavner was in the barber shop , about the time he was there. He ' j admit ted being indicted several times ! fie' hhd beer, to south r-ionntuin?-: even or eight times for liquor. lie !-'?uu Gienn -tea!, .him he would r?:t.v idiii when he got the check cashed. Buj ; Hertvner get a shoe :.;hi.;e after davl ; i. il C VvO ' " .r sairt. ' . i He dtived saying he saw Gienn i a cableerram ti Danile O'Callaghan, lord mayor of -i .1 ooi'K, saying tne lord mayor won : "endeavor to have several witnes . . in Washington a week from Mo" ' o Hearing by the commissioners v-j'o so . - .o- d Tuesday NEW YORK MEFT'VG RAIn ' $700,000 FOR THE STAY1 : N-"v Yo V. Dee. 19 , teleg" t; from President-elect Harding, ex- ,-";g rh-iMrrn in centra! ietn r'.ur-.'oe w-is --rcry .-. end sn"t' o Saxter Hildcbrand's -e said he told about a crowd and denied more tbvo and get Cora Grouse and Fannie oac .Mitchell and dumped them out in fiont of th'j ra.-t::ne theatre. That was between 8 and S:S0. About 10! o'clock he saw Cecil Hefner and Carroll Eckard. On cross examination, Herman nt.mc-d two cars that parked in front of the denot from 5 to 6 o'clock. He v; to being said he did not go in Mitchdl'a houe. -tga-.etU1 on 1 Tnat was th:- on'y time Fannie find Cora had rumen wnn mm. n- nau th.-it Dun 'never seen Cora Crouch before and r. h"d given I merely knew Fannie Mitchell by sight. ;,i , ,.vf ,.o i I.. he h.nl earned a couple oi , '.ii ti ivn ...... v .... - " muinst him. to arive before thj committee. I Dan boys there and let them out on one ti hi. 'Jr.'k-i'sf an I ih iv i X!Ul, .; ;;iiout seeing u .'il'i'id. Lone also .Hid h - stuck to it ''ii juat he ''1 I that he- went ' at 0 o'clock .Mr. V.'hitencr .ccasion Karly and Late SIT HIS MM m as if fii By the Associated Press. Morristown, N. J., Dee. 20. Arous ed by reported depredations of hold up men and burglars in the neighbor By the Associated Press. iieidsvilhr N. C, Dec. 20. Fire be lieved to have been of incendiar; origin early today destroyed Farmer Varchcusc End several small stores causing damage estimated at $5, 000. Tpniv IlliLL E I UN mi rnnnmni mi m rusioiiti oiu I ::. i,':.. -it iiighr. i :ud Heavr.er in 1 fcving to Linpaid's house I -once on Friday night. ! The defense then rested and the j state introduced testimony in rebut- j George C. Barger mayor of West Hickory, John W. Ballew, . Walker : Liyeriy and a. m. w est gave L,on by Herbert Hoover, nieide"' .r Eurpean relief council. "A t thi- Chvistmas season our happy and fortunate people con1:' find no better way to attc.-t tier li!o ccition of their blessings than t do all in their power for io-;..o-r.y and b'nmeless victims of t'.' great war" the telegram said. Following an apr.'a1 mode bv Mr. Hoover more tha $700,900 in cash and pledges were received during the By the Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 20. The whehe they stood house: get out where the cars were and that ways and means committee voted out 'she did not see Lou again m-r.t-& - - - Tiini if IH h K Hi H JI V'l flilO 1 ilL.ll ' I m a r a pi m r i pi ith li I In, rah itid a u C B 1 1 M s I i U 1 3 &ZZi lt& i mm at? I ill I i ! 1 the Fordney emergency tariff bill de signed to protect the farmers and in structed the chairman to make an ef fore to obtain action on the bill be fore Christmas recess. P D. Sh i V sal he sw Cecil and hod Frederick Bcyqan fired a shot at cr Carroll about G:30 or 7 o'clock. He a suspicious looking man outsmc h.Sac ne: saw Cecil around 10:30 and H cottage near here Supposing tncjar o'clock theatre. o h'.-' By the Associated Press. New Yorl-. Dec. 20. The ever Sunday lull in New York's wave of criminal violence was broken early i v whe tvo armed men committed another robbery and murder in a m TThLi n man ask Ce-1 he found th'at he had seriously wound-1 Taking advantage of the fact that Llle IlllSblUll lo vuiuuu.1 serted in the early morning, the two thugs confronted the mission clerk with revolvers forced him to open the office safe and escaped with $400. At this point, James Russell en tered the office and was shot down when he tried to interfere. ClltGESWIS By the Associated Press. i Dock and Cecil bad character, but on ! meeting. Among the contributor i cress examination said they did not! Countess Szchenyi. formerly i; v- .- iknow anything about the defendants ' Gladys M. Vanderbilt, $200,000; Mrv ifcr their truth and honesty. ! Edward S. Harkness $50 000: Mv. ! W. J. Kennedy, said Minnie Young Stephen B. Harkness S50.000; Mrs ' made the statement as he was taking i W. H. Hangman $25,000: ad Alice j hsr to Hickory that she saw two cars j Vanderbilt. Miss Anne Morgan and -.t Aniey's chapel and pointed oiltiWill II. Hays, $10,000 each. that Lon aske:i tc WADSWORTH HAH PRETTY PICTURE Marion,. O., Dec 19 The idea of a world court of justice free from political bias and embodying as few as possible of the aspects cf a polit ical alliance, bulks larger in the con siderations of President elect Harding as his consultations on a world peace pian. Continually during his conferences in the last ten days, the possibilities of a peace league founded on juve- J. Porter Burns a merchant oi Hickory, stated that Carrol Eckard told him that he -was with Cecil Hef ner from 12 to 2:30 Saturday night, but Eckard could not say vhere he was before that time. At 3:05 this afternoon both sides rested. The state by numerous wit nesses including Ed Locper and Ed Kirby proved that Lou Lynn, Haines t,, .f th., h our eil to make a trip for him. un ea nis oiuiner. the Record re- crcr. examination, the witness saidi i . .. . l , 1 . . i. 1 J -T 11,. n n it.nr VI V (hanged it to.ro uiu not. Know u me nuiu wa i crf)SH examma- 'I lpto.i . I l.ul ' ("curl,,' till! !,, iru-t f,.,,.,. Hy :,,! , ' li'l' MMi rivfr f'r . fli.i Wr,n), Siili.r,!., - )V!-k ,. :tl ,, O"; Th, T Wit The witness said he saw ,.-.(. c ir M l)Aek around i otciock oxi ' 'he crilical time Ninth avenua on the road to the ".f, vr eks to re-1 Rhodhiss crossing arcund 7:30. He Lone also' recognized Dock, Vernon hafone and "' when th 'i e wasUil;n'i I iripard and stopped to ask if . end he wan in-! the bovs needed any help. They 1 hi- other boys ' could have turned 150 yards farther t-. If ick-1 to reach Glenn's home. " to tli river andl Saw Cecil After 10:30 find the Lippard I Junius Henkel, former owner of -aid they went the Central Cafe, said he saw Ceci n ! the jury will I Hefner in that place between 10 and 11 o'clock. Cecil stayed in the Morninc kitcnen about five minutes. Cecil iw looked at the did not place an order at that time. Uv iid. and s;aw it! E C Johnson said his garage re 5... id ikn 1 paired a tire for Cecil Hefner on ... .... ...i. I' , - . . l 4. O ' on kv, Pearson s FI BUS STARTS ME ilE FIRES 111 V . l.i'liinr '-I'.'::, .i " it 20 r 25 min lo.uvd Dock n tin- wl .re about 12 ' idi'wa'Ii '":. he sii'd Dor " be1. ween 1 3 and i t s.u wiitit he By the Associated Press. Fayette City. Pa., Dec. 20. The fire bug who' has been operating in Fayette .and Westmoreland counties for almost two months early today fire a big barn and two residences here. The barn was destroyed with a loss of $00,000, but the houses were saved with a loss of about $3,000. Total losses attributed to the fire bug today exceed $500,000. Sunday morning about 8 o'clock. On cross examination Mr. Johnson aul it was a Hup mobile. Took Ride With Them Fate Miller whs in Craie's store in llitrhlttnd when Bater Hildebrand,! pr- v Associated Pre Cena Hi kk brand Will Tallant andj Washnigton, Dec. 20. Records in Lone Young arrived and saw them j the National coal associations with nf ihe' store between 10:30 and 11 1 headquarters here have been sub- CVOAL RECORDS TO P.E EXAMINED KHUh. Si;,-, 'i He cd and feathered and pushed out of an 'automobile on a crowed street with placards reading Herr John Bischoff. A bun will net leave Jacksonville as ordered by the masked men but will report today at his of fice, his wife announced. The attack followed the printing of . i ..1. I,1 i. iW ill.. chavpH l-till, m,niina,l Vitt th ennnt'i rrmmirtfifl nn loffrt,. o vmiroTiQnn '.--rom - i:;p ir.r ',' V 'it th'!1' time O CIOLK, 1UI. m- u.. . .v -""j jwtuucn U t v.ifc. .-vuuvt v.mii..!. " I u m-n. - ill in iiciJ-.i-;i J-i.- i...-.. .''.'.. .cw.'in Ti'llant in Curtis doer's shop. Tal- reconstruction and will be brought) objecting, of referring to Germans as - v . I j. ti.J.i " . v. t i . : 1 1 i- . . . . : i i.i. ,, . . , 1 1 i : 4 .. ,1,., .... ... 1 ueiuie ma coiiiimwee unnunuw, n nuns ana imeaieiinijj wihiu.uw Continued on Page Three ' was announced by the chairman. I his advertising unless stopped. OOESI'T LIKE IE HE 11 GALLED i By the Associated Fress. New Bern, N. C. Dec. 20. Effec tive today and to contiue for an in definite period the employes of the Union Iron Works and Supply Corn pay will receive all the profits from the concern in accordance with an By the Assoiiated Press, agreement reached between the men Jacksonville. Fla..' Dec. 20. John land the management reached between D. Bischoff, a real estate dealer, was land the management on Saturday. The plant employs aoout 100 men. she said she saw a car on the Rhod hiss road near the place of the mur der on Saturday ight about 8:30 and Vi'f nn r,-? tVi rnpTi in it was about Chicago, Dec. 20. The university the sanlQ size " of Cecil Hefner. She of Chicago students have organized ld not describe the other man. a vigilance comrmttee to protect the U-j , drivin? the automobile in Y T Vr -y r ?u which Grover Hice rode when sire is reported have been attacked on the ;c Qverland standing by the side campus after dark, and one girl wasi9nf e "' , aSlirL Lou Lynn was recalled and told how Marshall Cook and Grover Hice and others caught up with her near Henry river cn the night after the murder and how Marshall Cook told that the boys were going to-, swear she vas not mixed up in it and ureed her to get out of the country. Marshall Cook offered to send her to South Carolina. Several witnesses, including Chief Lentz, M. Hr Hoover, E. O. Taylor. I. R. Phillips and others said that they heard Cecil Hefner say. "Well I know he wasn't killed last night, why I talked with .him sfter 15 ran this - . i s- i i l ii Parham and uook were at Kncan. i Ue ines hayQ heen urj?ed upon -Mr. and wamte raiib on oaiuiuay iN" ' Warding, ad today he again was art mber 13. On redirect examination vised tQ make a (udical bo(iy the bas- thrown from a taxicab by three men who jumped in the car and robbed her. all the Sits is of his plan for an association of nations. The proposal coincides at least in part with Mr. Hardings campaign suggestion that the nations put teeth in the Hague tribunal. He has not indicated however how much of a political structure he might be in clined to acid in the perfeition of his pan. The president eleit's only extend ed conference on the leogue today was with . Senator ames Wadsworth of New York, a representation Republi can in the Versailes treaty fight, who advised that any roace eague to be ! fostered by the coming administration be buided about an international court rather than about a mutual political guarantee like that of Article X. Mr. Wadsworth said he was confident that details could be worked out and a ionification on international law ac complished which would be accepted to most of the nations of the world. morning. I Look the worui over as , it spins M. L. Slarneter. Chief Lentz and-jtodap and you will convince yourso'f others said they heard Carroll Eek-1 that humanity is net so easily staer ard sav he didVt know Avhere Cecil ! gered as ten years ago. Boston Her was before 11 o'clock but was with 'aid. u i"d i'o.d. b 'fore CLARA SMITH WILL SURRENDER FOR TRIAL By the Associated Press, El Paso, Texas, Dec. 20.---Clara' Smith, wanted in Oklahoma in con-! nection with the1 death of Jake Ham-; on will surrender and face the 1 charge, her parents have sinnounced. j It is f-rid the girl was hlui-ig tod avoid notoriety, not guilt. rtV SHOPPING DAY( till J RISTi

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