FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 8, 1921 HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO Hickory Daily Record . . i m i u ii it iSbbicriben desiring the addrm of paper chanflrsd will pkam tut Li tieir communication both OLD and ?VmV addreasM. insnre afflcieat dallrery, com v.iti hoald b mad to tha Sub r it)t!on Department promptly. City .r cribera ghould call 167 regarding sv tSamta. SUBSCRIPTION BATES In Tear 15.00 (3y mall. $4.00; 0 months. 12.00) S'vc: months 2.60 three .Mouths 1-25 Out Month Waek . -10 .Entered as sjcond-rlas matter Sep U Tber 11. 1315, at tha postofflse at Xtfrkory, N. C, nnda? tha aet of 137?. fht Associated Praas is axclnsiva It entitled to tna osa for republics at all news credited to it or not rc.-diled In this paper and also the Ix il news published herein. cVvlMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS I nMlahed hy the CUy Prlrttns Co. Krery f Jtctot Sunday ' ,.. A TIMELY SUGGESTION The sujrjrestion made at the Rotary luncheon yesterday that the bankers the county meet on Tuesday fr,r i1 : purpose of detcrmininjr the feas ibility, of offering to lend the state money for the purpose of building !...rd-jurfacp roads in Catawb.i coun ;y under the $:0,000.0OO bond pro sisiutv of course came from persons a ho knew what they were doing and may be the answ.r to the question of where the money is coming from for this great internal development. It frequently has been suggested that the people of the state purchase th?ir own bonds, but the matter has gain ed little progress. Prior to the war, the people of North Carolina knew very little about bond matters and they seldom in vested thiir savings in these securi ties. Northern people bought North Carolina bends- The war, however, made many thousands of North Carolinians hold . rs of bonds, and the habit formed lour years ago might as well be con tinued. Why not buy North Caro lina bonds? The purpose of the meeting of the bankers on Tuesday, it should be understood, is not to buy bonds, vhtch have not yet been issued, but fo determine whether sufficient fun is ran bo obtained, within the county io finance many miles of improved i ighways, the state to be the borrow er and repay when its bonds are sold. It U a good idea and should got results. SERVES GOOD PURPOSES It is only a few mor? days until lean-up week will be on us again and those of us who are busy with gardens and l-awng will of curse lay iside this work long enough to see chat the back yards, closets and othor places where trash and rubbish a cumulate are thoroughly cleaned out Two good purposes will bo servec: by clean-up week, not to mention a third. One is the promotion of health and the other is reducing the risk of Pire. This is not to mention the satis ."action even an indifferent hom owner gets from the realization that ho has his place in fine shape- Those who have never taken seriously these annual clean-ups mi,?ht try it th's year, ami see h6w it feels. F on to era WEALTH OF 1 TYPHOID CASES IN . FEBRUARY FATAL By the Associated Press. London, March 23. The fighting at Nankana, India, in which about 130 persons were killed, was re stricted to rival factions of Sikhs, ac cording to a report just made public at the India office. The rioters were described as old Sikhs and reformers, the former of whom included the managers of im portant and richly endowed shrines. That at Nankana is the wealthiest of them, its annual income, derived largely from landed estates, amount ing to tens of thousands of pounds. The Mahants, who are in charge of such shrines, regard themselves as life tenants of the estates and secure in their possession as long as so they discharge their religious duties. The reformers opposed the view. Thoy alleged that deplorable abuses exist in connection with the shrines. The revenues, they contend, belong to the Sikh community and should be administered under it3 control. Hut to the reform party, says the report. th.rp have attached themselves a number of thieves as well as enemies of the government. The attacks on what is termed the vested interests of the old Sikhs be gan with the occupation of certain shrinesv at the Golden Temple of Ar mdstar. . The incumbents there gave way. They submitted also to be ing ousted from some minor shrines at other places. But at the end of Jr-nary a serious light occurred at T...1.1 Taran in the Armi&tar district. A band of re formers which suddenly appeared there succeeded in getting possession of th? shrines only after lesing two lives. Some 25 persons altogether were injured. The old Sikhs held a meeting at Lahore the day before the attack at Nankana which, it had been rumored had been impending for some time. Apparently the reformers numbered about 200. Just how the fight began is not known, says the report. The Deputy Commissioner who started his investigation the day that the fight occurred, was told that the Mahants had been victorious. The right had taken place inside a small shrine enclosure which wa3 command ed by houses on all sides. "The inquiry into the facts," con cluded the report, "was hampered by crowds of excited Sikhs from all parts of the Punjab who accused the Mos lem neighbors of the shrine of having assisted the Mahants." THE OUTLAW SOX TO PLAY BASEBALL ' If the government takes the trouble t, advise farmers on tha condition of; crops and aid thern in every way in producing the necessaries of life. surely it is a function of government, as the new secretary of agriculture points out, to assist them in markot ingtheir crops. The country must never forget that agriculture Is the basic industry and that the prosper lty of the farmer is paramount to nearly everything else. Mr. Wallace should proceed along the lines he has suggested. BUILD TO THEM With the assurance that in the n:xt year or two hard-surface roads are to be built in Catawba county, our citizens should not hesitate to vote bonds for the purpose of plac ing every township within easy li.i tance of the main roads. The only way to do that is to build good sand clay roads to them. The citizens of Catawba county cannot afford to throw away an opportunity for com munity progress. Judging by the weather yesterday nucrnoon, it was surely time to put beans in the ground. TOR CLOTHING NAKED CHILD RE "OF EUROPE Persona who wish to contribute materials for making garments for European waifs may leave them at the Chamber of commerce, where they will be called for and made up into garments. Persons who have worn out clothing suitable for chil dren may leave it at the Chamber also. This will be the assembling place for garments and' articles. Mrs M. M. Thompson is chairman of the Rod Cross committee having this , work in charge. Bv the Associated Presc. Chicago, April 8. Three 'outlaw members of the White Sox club who were released because of indictments in the 1919 world's team are organ izing clubs with the intention of play ing teams not in the big league. The three players are Joe Jackson, outfielder; Chas "Swede" Risberg, shortstop, and Claud Williams; pitcher. It is stated that two other former members of the White Sox Club, McMullin. third baseman, and Oscar Felt3, outfielder, also will be included in the m inor3. HONOR ROLL FOR BROOK FORD First grade Nancy Gaines, Bessie Hodge, Margie Walker, Paul Hunt, Hansel Mitchell, Bacil Mantooth. Second grade Neil,Stepp, Harold Newton. Third grade Ernest Pope, Berry Starnes, Dollie Moser. . Fourth grade Ernest Bright, Ho mer Mantooth, Fred Newton. Fifth grade Bascom Vance, Amy jay, caiiie Hodge, Thelma Pfrice Grace Hart. Sixth erade C. C. Smith. Seventh grade Edith Hart, Katie aiepp. FIRST STRWBERRIES Mr. J. 6. Whisnant brought the xu'corii inn nrst tiv n-r efvn-,i-i...: this afternoon. He had the first cantaloupes last summer. Renew your health by purifying your system with Quick and delightful re lief for biliousness, colds, constipation, headaches, and stomach, liver and blood troubles. The genuine are sold only in 35c package. Avoid imitations. SWEEPING DENIAL OF PEONAGE CHAKliU J' Raleigh, April 8. The tweniy eighth day f February last was the number of deaths in North Carolina for that month from typhoid fever. according to an announcement by the state board of health. Thu was an inciease of twenty deaths over the s"ame month of last year. In this connection the health, au thorities are oointing out the neces sity of campaigns to reduce the num ber of typhoid cases which may he expected because of the unusually earlv .spring. This early spring, the VipnltVi authorities sav. means a long er fly season and Alius i greater per iod of danger this. year for tvphoid. "The peak of typhoid incidence is reached in August and ordinarily the summer months, which are also the fly months, are considered the ones when typhcid is most dangerous. It is trua that the disease is pre valent during: these months, but at the same time there is aVvays clan ger, even in he midst of winter, of becoming infected- The safe plan is to b'-1 inoculated, to take the three treatments which will render you immune." This is the -Word of advice that is given to the thousands of Tar Heel? who have not yet take advantage of the free treatment offered by the Rtnto wbifh will make them immune. The state board has confirmed the appointment of George F. Catlott a assistant sanitary engineer, which was announced from Mr. Ca'tletl's home city. Wilmington, several days ago. m,m. Clover Bergdoll hopes to got back when Harding gets in if Grover does get back it probably won't bo only Harding who gets in. Philadelphia North American. Atlanta Anvil 7 Willard Connell young Pike county planter on crial in federal court on a charge 01 peo t.hfi stand today ani made a sweeping denial of the charg- c .lm he hiil hp 11 a neerro in peo nage or that he had ever attempted; to do so. lie also denied that ne naci ever whipped a negro or threatened to kill on?. Connell is charged by the gvern ment with having held Cornelius Alexander, a negro farm hand m peonage ad alleges that Alexander '.vas beaten and whipped' and that wlun he ran away he was brought back n a warant charging swindling, but never given a trial. WOM.AN, LOVELY WOMAN Tt takes a woman longer to make up her mind than it does to make up her face, but with either she usu allly gets what she is aiming at. Florida Times Union. This Week is National Ginghams Week "We Sell It For Less ETH1NG NEW m The movement for restriction of naval armament was progressing more promisingly than usual. I Then along came the pacifists and indorsed it. Cleveland News. HI Here is that Famous Refrigerator with the 1 seamless, dish-like lining the genuine Leonard Cleanable jj Superb Porcelain Lined All in one piece clear to the front. -with rounded corners brought The Pride of every Housekeeper. Don't con fuse this wonderful sanitary lining with paint or enamel or with porcelain lining put on in sheets and the joints filled with cement. We will give you Free a sample of the Ionard Porcelain that will quickly show you the difference. You can't scratch it even with a knife. It is ever lasting, easily kept sweet and clean. Look for the trade mark LEONARD CLEANABLE to avoid imitations. Just call and see it, that's all we ask. Shuford Hardware Co. Lenoir College Glee Club Presents TAT EMCE Cominc Opera by Gilbert and Sullivan Lenoir College Auditorium FRIDAY, APRIL 8th 8:30 P. M. Admissiori 50c DRE SS MATERIALS Our Buyers have scoured the markets to find the latest in Dress Goods and we are receiving" shipments daily at prices lower than you can find anywhere else. New Voiles and Tissue Ginghams Dark Voiles are the rage for early Spring and Summer wear but still the patterns are dif ferent from all other seasons before. And the prices here are only 39c and 48c Yard French Organdies The best that money can buy and what is prettier or cooler than an organdie dress. The prices here are the very lowest and quality best. All following colors ready: Pink, green, "old rose" vhite, dark blue, sky blue, yellow and many others. 59c, 89c, 98c National Ginghams Week A nation wide event. We are prepared to supply your wants. 8c to 39c Yard Silk Foulards for that New Spring Dress All the pretty blues with dots and figures to brighten up and to make the dress more at tractive. Seven different pat terns to select from. $1.98 Yard Imported Dotted Swiss Dress Materials This material comes in the following colors with the Swiss Dotts to blend perfectly. Blue, pink, brown, yellow, navy and white. $1.48 to $1.59 Yard Use the New McCall Pattern 3rd floor. It's Printed 3rd floor ELK-BROOM E (CO. 30 Stores Hickory's Shopping Center 30 Stores You Can Do It With a Reo Speed Wagon See it at f Johnson's Garage r Don 't tfiroo away your used blades9 CHEAT PROBLEM SOLVED XL Jo Tf ARANTQ1A ICKLES HE IMID SHAVER Because it sharpens in less than one minute any make of Safety Razor Blad producing a hollow ground edge which will give you a clean, easy and comfortable share. It makes shaving a PLEASURE Instead of a dreaded task. . Works like a RATTLE, but does "rimiing"' good work. "TARANTELLA" the Unl-1 versal Safety. Razor Blade Sharpener for all makes of Blades. PRICE COMPLETE $3.00 Ask Your Dealer or Write TARANTELLA GO ruiitacr Building New York First Glass Preferred Stocks Yielding Seven and Eight Per Cent The First Security Trust Company is now in position to offep to investors a limited amount of Preferred Stock in local concerns, yielding 7 per cent and 8 per cent. These stocks are absolutely gilt-edged, are tax free and we unhesitatingly recommend them tq investors. Ten Year maturities. Call in and we will furnish you detailed information. First Security Trust Company hickory, n. c. Advertise in the Record Foundation tor Business Success T.i 4 bunk ac(luaintance is the foundation for business success. lan to have at hand a reserve for opportunity or emergency. Such a reserve may be both capital and friendly cooperation from your band. Your checking account is invited on the basis of courteous, efficient service; it gives you- the benefit of our officers' time and experience, which includes financial guidance and advice pertain ing to your investments. First National Bank HICKORY, N. C. v t tmi- Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 D: E1"ott, president, K. C. Menzies, VicePresident & Cashier J- L- Cilley, Asst. Cashier I j a. V