HICKORY DAILY RECORD THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5, 1923 PACE TWO hickory Daily Record ib3CTibrt desiring tne addrew of .if ppr changed will pleaie Ute lo tbix communication both OLD nd VEW ddretii. To inanre fflcletit delivery, com planiti should be made to the Sub vnpMoo Department promptly. City "libera should call 167 regarding nta. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Year $5.00 By mail, $4.00; 6 months, $2.00) Months .. $2.50 Months $1-25 ikiontb ...... .......... .45 , Week - .10 'Dttred as seconr-clabs matter Cp U. 1915, at the postofflce at , S C. ander the act of March ' ' Associated Press is exclusively i iitlcd to the use of republication f nil news credited to it or not "ltd in this paper and also the lo published hereJ iKtfnKK OF ASSOCIATED PRESS i.:;iih) v the Claj I'rintiug Co. 'ry Kverint Except Sunday The Wilson Creek Quarry Com. pany, organized and largely financ ed bv Hickory business men, is get mcmbci's did and launched a plan to raise a fund of $1,000,000 to en dow periodic awards fc'r "meritorious service to democracy, public welfare, tins in shape to deliver crusneci stone , iberaI thcuerht or peace through ius- f( V the Catawta jink of the Cetnrn! tice." One could hardly imagine the highway. Tn another month material ! devotion to Old Hickory's leadership . -ii i tu it-iking iust that fcrm. Then there will he on the move. ! a J,an for a ..WUson hour- firm noon to 1 o'clock yesterday, -it Two years ago we organized the j;,,, contributions were to be made V. W'ii.-IIii'knry Company, a fineifcv these purposes. If these out- mirsevv: last vcar we built street s owths of affection and the city hall and admiration take :i- slightly grotesque form at timpq. fhrv :irp of a snvf Ihnt c:r- juit up the CarrieKie library, and Wf!ta;nly coui(i not be called out by nr. ought t(.' be about something else other popular hero, and irot ready to- worth while soon. The Record would be g.'ud to an nounce pretty soon something new and good for Hickory. It is about time something else was stirring. iJy their nature they seem mor tuary honors, but they, and all t'v.' other tributes to Wilson, are begin ning in his lifetime. Deeply did be. curb the ponuiar imagination, whe'v he touched it at all. Where ho did net t.'jch it he aroused a bitterness to which all such honors seem cant and slush. No man who honored SAVING IN THE SOUTH Referring to clipping inclcsed, cut vom Observer of December 3C!th: If you have not a copy of Charles Dick ersons American Notes borrow a copy and read of his trip to Lowell, Mass., 'n 1842. He says that in July, 1841, no fewer than 978 girls, textile operatives, were depositors in the Lowell Savings Bank and the am ount of these joint savings was esti mated to he one hundred thousand dollars. Something ought to be done to textile workers of the south. You cannot say too much along this line. j L. II. C A II PEN I E Ii, Kui i.erforuton, N. C. Theedoie Rosec'.elt, for WILL Hl'RY SLANDER Soldiors hanged in France by order of court martial may have had the nooses and black caps left on them, na twv witnesses before the senate cemmitteo yesterday stated, but no evidence has been given of any il legal executions. It might be cus tom to leave the marks of dishonor on an executed soldier, but thove marks should be removed if therv is my chance that relatives intent see them later. Probably there was no thought that the btules woijld be removed and brought tc' the Unite! States for final burial. It has been suggested that the Wat son charges were not without value to the country. If disgruntled men have been mouthing about what went on in France during the war, their imaginntUns would grow as time passed, on and later much discredit would be east on the service. While most of the participants are alive and while there is opportunity to re fute charges is the time to mako them. That was ncl Watson's idea fit all, but it was not altogether bad, from the nation's standpoint, what ever his motives. It has been shown that there wetv no , illegal executions. - :id witness-ex who have appeared thus far have been more nr. ted' for their desire for notoriety than to nive actual facts. TIIK FARM CONFERENCE nnfield Republican. If there is virtue in conference-"?, tiie president is to be cordially com mended' for calling one to consider the problems of a;.) icuiUi'v. l b" In lu , .fii-'.l lHVIl'rll lit include representatives of all inter-! such tributes, and that Cod' fulfil ct mnintmt.iiio- flhe-f relations with ' himself in many ways. Tnev . i L v,v,inr.,.r .! wi.11 six of fiirm er- room in our National Pantneoii LUl Li v t - could imagine nimselt ottering mis kind of tribute or his hero's accept ing it. Hut it is eiDUgh to renn-mber thnl no mrtn for 80 years did n could have aroused such 'fueling pid STUANCE, HUT Til UK Providence Journal. Talk about carrying coal to New castle, importing' pepper into Hin dustan, sendrng fir trees to Norway, or pouring water into the sea! At ccrdinK to Secretary of Commerce instance, ; Hoover, British coal is being deliver ed at our Atlantic ports at a price to compete with the product of Ameri can mines a few miles distant. 3 gainzations. Thus there will he an c. cli:iiigv 1 views between farmois shippers rail toad men, middleman packers, fertilizer companies, agricul tural colleges, rural life experts 'and even bankers. It would be hard to ex clude representatives of the onsuiv ers if the very widest range weie to be permitted in the discussion of the subject widely difffient figures; and in lor the forefro.it of that Pantheon oodrmv j W ilson has been most ci rtaiiny cdeet-1 nl to stand. j .i . mw--4rm TIIE STATE Wimington Star. Quite logically, one of the best places, for investment is Carolina, fcr the reason that "?rv North she is , . r I'he point is quit k'v m.ule t hat ' way up Mead m nroauci ion, nmnui i:-- the president has '"!Ki tne eon-, tuiing and general progress. I ho ference for political reasons. 'I hat is tale's resources are incolicsivfi'jly tc say, bis adininistratio l is tin eat-1 great, and the state is r.teadily going ened by the farm !d ). a id a confer-! ahead in a broad development that ence c.n farm problems will save tne.-js ranking her high among Arr.c-ri- 1S much The Record has hopes- that the arms conference, in which there has teen mote or less disagreement, will resolve the various agree ments in principle to agree ments in fact on paper, and that real progress will have I ecu made towards a lasting peace infere the delegates leave for home about the middle of this month. If somfj progress is made, and we are confi dent this is the case, more progress "an be made in the future; but if nothing comes of this conference, v e had as well be ready for another war in-a few yews. A gifeat doal of the lawlessness hVoufthcAit the country is due to the utter failure of parents to train fheir children correctly. In some fascs tfiift may be' impossible, but in others the parents are thinking of other matters and neglecting their deivost charges. Of course it is hard u 'vrto think f$ fViA fnmilir -fi-ref i ; .. . .. i4. r...;nn,. Fer.ubliean nartv from trouble, but political motives can in more be im puted thar; in the c.se ef oth"r na tional conferences on labor O.sputes and unemployment during the past three years. ( !onfe .ciavs usually to no harm even if iln-y di little ";"ud. If a conference will -e:p agriculture, the moie eonfeei ces the better. The tioubb; wich the farmer was mathematically enrcss. I in the goveinment' r:p( '-at last week n yield and value ut tarm crops in 1921. The five chief ceieal crips weie in the aggregate about up to the five year average, th it is to say, nearly 5,300.000.000 bushels. Hue in marke: value the story was uifl'evont. Com pared with the "peak'' prices of two years ago, theiv was a shrinkage of about $X,000,000,000, or nearly (iO per cent, and. compared with last yoa year there was a shrinkage of almost $.'U"0,0()0,o!0. worst of it is that tliese clops weie raised on a ccmnarativelv high cost level, si that agricultuie, being left with high cost crops to market at low price burdened with debt and with impaiied pui chasing power. The economist or financier, taking a detached view of situation, reasons that time will effecc a curv. Two or three new crops raised at a low enough cost to be profitable avid liquidate bank credits would eltect a wonderful change. But meanwhile the terrific shtinkage in crop values within two years has been a tragedy to hundreds of thousands of indivn ual far me i s in. the United States, and the wholesale catastrophe gives .'hiv ing power to the farmers' movement in politics. A UNIQUE EX-PRESIDENT Philadelphia Public Ledger. It is already evident, and will be come more so, that Woodrow Wilson is not as other ex-presidents. After Grant's time ex-presidents were gen erally by the world forgot, unless somebody started a third term boom. Roosevelt was an exception to the lule, as to- all rules, but he differed from the place Wilson hods in that he made his own place for himself, while the place thatis being made for Wilson is being made without the slightest effort on that statesman's part. There is something Brahman r cal about it. Nothing like it has been seen in the United States since the years of Andrew Jacksons retire ment at the Hermitage. As time goes on, and after Mr. Wilson d'ies. the two retirements will differ from each other in retrospect: and dur is ranking her hi can commonwealths. She is making marvelous progress because-, of the genius and enterprise of her people, and they are the kind to lie among and take a hand' within the greater things that are yet to be accomplish ed in the future. ed in the future. be INUiOr-L? MNU Ui- Utl3S S fit B - PJ It l il IMS S '4 t l I ft' Ml ... ' n ' LETSCO" CLEANSER IS AN ANTISEPTIC DELIQUES CENT SOAP All dirts, greaser;, stains and corrosions immeciiately Lets Go. wherever "LETSGO" is applied Indispensable for all thorough cleansing purposes whether it be Toilets, Laundry, carpets, Furniture, Kitchen Utensils, China and Aluminum wares Lavatories, Linoleum, Windows Doors, Wails, Automobiles, etc.. etc. "LETSCO" IS GUARANTEED To cleanse thoroughly, safe ly and more economically, ,the dirtiest jobs or the most deli cate fabrics tc your entire sat isfaction, better than any oth ers Soaps or Cleanser on the market or you money will be refunded. AN IMPRESSIVE CONTRAST Is noted where "LETSGO" is used .in the Homes, Cafes, Ho tels, Clubs, Stores, Factories, Garages, Textile plants, Offic es and Printing Houses, Hos- Sin. . jIE OF- Coats, Coat Suits and resses at pital, etc., etc. "LETSGO" THREE IS PACKED CONVENIENT SIZES IN but those who do it undoubedly de vice as much pleasure out of life as those "who neglect it. We mteht es tablish a thousand reformatories to rorroct erring youth, but what is needed most is reform in the home. Novf, if Postmaster General llr.ys held some other job than a political Vine, we could understand his hesi tancy fn accepting an offer to go vn'th a motion picture concern at a nMary said to be greater than $150, 000 a year. But maybe he is unwill ing to leave the job until the Hick ory postoffice fight is settle 1. All sections of the country have now hecomo acquainted with that al most ancient institution in the scath, moonshine liquor, and its handmaid en, the bootlegger. These are two names that suggest about as much rottenness as any other two in the dictionary, and they generally nre at the bottom of most crimes. Th senate oligarchy, which put the nomination of Mr. Harding over at Chicago, is said to be hard to hold in line. Although Republican ftenators .may think first of their party, they will crack their president over the. head unless he mauls them first. At them, Mr. President! Catawba county will he there with the roadB by the end of 1922. But the highway all the distance from Hickory to Lenoir and from Newton to the Iredell county line ought tc bo made good in a few more years. if they should be many, a sort of re ligiously will increasingly touch his hernritage that, will divert it still more strongly from the tone of Jackson's. To illustrate, there was formed on his birthday a year ago an organiza tion called the Wo'odrow Wilson foundation, which held its second" an nua! meeting and luncheon in New York yesterday at least its women Put for two Mate labor inspectors, .Mrs. .Maria Puttora might have left America as she came many monihs ago, unknown, unheard of. Just be fore the Ciasep.e A'erdi sailed far Italy the two inspectors came upon the aged w (Jinan. A lew moments with her revealed the fact that Mrs. But ton b id nursed King Victor Emmanuel of Italy for IS months. She has gone to Fresiso, Italy, where she will oe enp.v the home which the king has fi.-.nisbed her In recognition of ht.r U ader care for him. 8 Ounce Collapsible Tube is handy, sanitary, individual size. Keep a tube in your automo bile pocket, suit case and room. Meets any emergency and cleanses without water. Price 10. 3G Ounce Friction Top Can is a family size and meets all, daily cleansing requirements Use it anywhere at all times and' enjoy satisf:?tory' and lasting results. Price 25c. 1 Gallon Friction Top Buck et, the economical Kitchen, Laundry, Hotel and Factory size, for all general purposes. Price $1.00. "LETSGO" Cleanser my be had from your Grocer, Furni ture, Hardware and Di-ug Stores, Garages and Supply Stations, or by Parcel Post from us upon receipt of price. EL FLO SUPPLY & MFG. COMPANY Hickory, N. C. Our dealers are Patrick & Company, Hickory, N. C, Distributors. Gamble's Grocery Co., Hickory. Carolina Supply Co., Hickory. Standard Garage, Hickory. Wagoners Variety Store, Hick ory. rIQSSS A SUGAR DRINK ImJw Flavor of Orange lECXuil Acidity of Lemon BcKlcdfor PepsiCoIa Bottling Company Signs of all kinds B. L. PREVETTE Hickory, N. C. OUR GUARANTEE Covers all work. When we rebuild your watch complete we guarantee it the same as a new watch. We guarantee Satisfaction and will cheerfully make any adjust ment in connection with our work without charge. GEO. E. BISANAR Satisfaction Service Loose Change Is half spentthe slightest wish tempts it out of the pocket. " Deposited in this bank it will not be used until really needed. The little effort required in getting your money will just give you time enough to think it over, while it will not prevent you from withdrawing it for any necessary purpose. When you get -a little spare money just deposit it in this bank and have it added to your savings book balance. Here it is safe not only from burglars, thieves or fire, but from your own whisms or trifling temptations. First National Bank HICKORY, N. C. Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 J. D. Elliott, president, K. C. Menzies, VteePreaiden A r..w J. L, Cilley, Asst. Caskter mM 4& PMCE These strictly high class goods will be on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday. CASH ONLY FOR j-0$i l They Include- 65 Coats 45 Coat Suits 25 Dresses Come Early, and Make Your Selection Seize & Russell u 7 IT i '" ' " LOST $250,000.00 Sy receivers of; North Carolina Carolina during 1921 in unre covered overcharges. freight in and South $350,000.00 In freight overcharges on shipments delivered in North Carolina and South Carolina duri.ig the past ten year-s, on which the freight bills were dest royed. $1,000,000.00 By receivers of freight in the South Atlantic states during 1921 in unrecovered oer-charges. These Are Conservative Estimates have themldauditedC?ntribUte l theSC SUms either by defying your freight bills or neglecting to ngoyr Sf i"W the benefitof our service in auditing freight bills to us but alsoV Sa7e:U is attestd -ot only in theif letters Our commission basis (50 per cent of collections) relieves you of risk of financial loss. BilS'onSS shipment? duriSJ' the nit" ttrSvp Mf8 ?ore ne PUml) your frei(?ht four years in Georgia twl year in S Y !fv-in. North Carolina, six years in South Carolina, Mj&xrS A'ab,ima: We wM stnd Southern Freight Auditors Reference: Murehison National Bank, Wilmington, N. C. 9