'522 1 3c vr- WATCH YOUB I.ARKL Ford ubcribri t-kould rnw t Wait days bfor (hrir tuVscriptloss x- II 3 if H WJEATMEii Fair tonight ant! Tucs da. SS.gnfiy warmer tonight except in ex treme west portion. R8 1 1 ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, U. C, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 9, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS MIS SOUTH if BELGIANS STILLERECT WW iWi run r Oil mum mm m iti turns h irr t mm v, noioon llf II I fl y yifri usiili Ma Oil ymfey i i mime " X"' ' 1 if A II.. if . gurtfcy .JjKtfc ,i&&1a r aJlEjsk- iPi'iF 44lL35ai' MlimwMnmu litaiLDiltiobli Hi I hi id I Mu m hli IMl mm f m mull ui I i if i POSTPONED LI s As-aicUitcd Pie: . W' dunulon, Jan. ! 1 i ivilig I h" ,i'a -posh e V -hi IT A I'.v tlx- Associated Pres. Rc the As-airRtod Pro--- Vluunn ,).,!). IK-N.utHerir .an. .... .!T!n;rs ,,!oyi! led cjt I-leveiitb j:vonue as the re-. "r.m,J:. smcss men uae JiaKei'.ei 10 uie (;..,..,. .,,,1 ;.;.,,. :,.!,... suit, e.f Hie mm-ivenn-Ml .-.if t h; .(-., f ... . ! in c(I Ci a proteetive t ruiT, the senate i .,' i", '..i... ..' .' will l.r. ., .1 .-il ;,, !.., , ' v ' . . . . . . . t' it i 'Milieu Is' iiir i: .1 L ' ' 1 L1 i i w f - . 1 i V us! r I U' t 1 1 I ! ' 1 1,,, i . : liusiiie.-'.-i men lia e aw '"s he first largo Luiildmj? to ?c ei'ee- Bv the Associatcc Press. Ilai vev, niotion picture comedian. Ualeish. Jan. 9.-"The int.ro.t tak-!Ev ih(, As,,;.,,,,! ,w t iv. people in the state in the1 San Francisco. Jnn' -vUo e r.rtat Krit- " ?' vA .S)n tounoation is nv.st . 0!!( tli:i of r ,v . I - 1 'lillltCI i I 1 I 1 T !' I1 ' I i 1 ( I l I ' . " I " ' I 1 1 J . I 7 1 I 1 'MV 'I I I'. 'I I 1 1 1 Ml I ' ! ! 1 w Will ! K' ?" I d I I. I 1 III 1 1 1 I' lit' ) TOW i:l! .' ' . 1 1 j t I I ' M 1 I ' ' J 1 I fl O o 1 , 1 ,v 1 1 , L- , i K n i -. , . " 1 ' ' 1 1 ' L . i. i . . . i . i i . . .. in', i.,, ri i " hi' U'.'K ii , trt: ' n i ,. , , i . . i . , ' c-1 . . i i ' - -... - - . , - . . Li i. i-s t ' Tii I'M i ne Mm i ai omia Idas'., soim- ai irn! itx'.av winie i ne ren.-u.-i- o.n-r. ' . wcit'-ru TO'" nis co:a-, , ,,.....k.-- . ,t duui'i : I-. ' ...,!;. i..-..lai ly will le yU t. in. '.''!' ot ll(;lislun' . . 1 'rr: s t ions experts er.ntie.u-d the:.- effoits P;i;;y- i' v'as !n?i;;r.::ed' i--:y. '1 !v J i . ii...l o ..(.. It .! .. ..( A ti..fi-.t ''HSii'iu i'! iue siHiuuin iai M etMl- . -e. ,.. ., :.. i ...... ,w ... ..i ... (.:!i-'iti.. u h.i . i ... ' . . . . . ' .ac v,.s- .... -u-: ....4:1 . . I . ' " i.i.-i.ivi ' '' 11 m,. .if;irvim.-iu t -i tui: - " ' -v 1 1,11 1,1. l0,..rn.. z1 'Vl"'','. ' P)'1'nuv t ( 'echo- .t.uiu-u an e.'iaiiiuari UiilM I lie : f n nf A"! fo-i f i- P - 'In, i::tU;!!i. V. C. t-idav ! i to l,i. n-itni.si-.: i., :,.,..,..,,,- .,.1,! iie Hhuftra Mill ol rice, u-iil l!S,ve n : ..".V" . . . ;v:nvo:f1, e.f ihe h.-.li.'-!nvi ; M,-r'.' ' , , l ' 1 K;'1'P', - ' ' I!mi in ! I', in. 11I IJ-mift Iv i! ; "lA 's' Vt. t ! ' ' t!;e dt pa 1 1 men I of ,j.is".i.-e. ';: UUMiiU.i Ol I lie I. ' I . . : i . 1 L . ' : ,.m,fim,, 4,W1- .. ., . , ,ecor:n,ani....i hy Richard Crane, Wh ( rohna yesterday. "I manslaughter mwinir out . T n .'J. A I'uli tvporf of the eixtire o 1 , , hv federal autlv vities In.- ;;; , ,, . ... !t( he propose,; t- Cerniarv and' the ''H- huf.ra Mill office, wiil liavo a : V -vV.V. . "rWW- l-P'acdi of the holidays v.nd in thar.:v. " ,a f t l , P1K "" e are not following: our poht.c- fn.wv , tlx;,,!t w,,,.!;t,(l (,u the p;,,. ' fn.niae of IS feet on Ki-venth ave-' -Vj v "v'c r' 'cV.-.V Vi - '', f he ''' it v.-as not fesihb tr effect d LS An-tdo5' n,ol,on tu'" tn ' Muest.ou any lender. titien, aav,f the allies of the suns;;-; ?,k! wiii roA.ir,, ,U.ru,, It ' A n j, ador JIarx--v The chi,f ,hin?v V hide's first fial whih lted H1';' , J,., ll(,M0(i ,xcet!:J,-';Vi:. 1KVd-, , L)'1-1 ,H' -nted una a tnnV v, m, tul. a r!l!n., of .0?r. tPt could ,e, ue,, was to veu, to, (hlc v,t.t,ks emk.d ; t ! e i L';" :',r t : lei ,;d-lii,),J f-1.,. Hfr:1:. ::;'!?- , J The axle of the machine hroke'and to.!:.1:- h the news-)ci. ;h(1 juvv '(in D.eember Va a I, ii,., ,,(.,, .,, -iwal-ened ' ' ' ' : ., , ,-. .. ' oj;viy ai tne joao. .lie was ab e , . , ,, 1 " Vv 1 , ,. u--s announced, was ten for ac- ". l awai.iiHo, n, .;!;;; ( j, , i Hi ' i i i 1 1 1 ' . c 3! '.'.o, c u j ) o - ;l hy ti V,' I u lc n o i 4 , ,..,4. .. .,, . . , . , - oomcd the ODOOvtuiiitv "for them m,,,,,;,,.,, ..,, . V." u "All ol i M ..nh.iir led '. tii,. at'ir'cvl iron- l!l .' lal hv District Att'Mliev Tucker. ; 1 1 . . ' . . ' Mil!' '.. I r,e ret. on I Ul'Mi r-'looi, in ci -. i r i uc ' . . , I : , . . .' ie'.; :;.; 'r.e ,e:'!.i '.i; iei'-'e"ee' 3..ili 'i hi:.-s re, ent inu,tuvnts an I ' rop!ie-il the wooess. inU s.;.;.y wnaij-,-,.,. j.,,, St,;1 i!K!...i;:(. (ivt:nt.lvU:v Company, and v.-ill -ive a ,,.,,., i was en ne at tne last election. I. ;., .. . . I di.-iiiie- -": foot ii.-mr In- -!X feet wido J 1 .. . . ... ..i .!.;..: i.. l.. ..,).,. : ' ' ' ' ' .,, ' - Cii!l!.; .' rise, bu' w;;s hurried back to his AI,. 'I'm, !.... !- i,.i.l,.vlni,.'. 1.. rive I UlUos. VOU 1M U 110 COilJ'.:, UU- one ,.-. (,. -.Ml e.n. oen - ti ; I )v that !. acie.l in , , rai i-m , "!i; ."" ,u' !'?-. ress you have mad.; . ;( ,.t..i(1 u,,; .f ,,1, ll,.;ve thi.:thi Mite! in a Cazt:d condition. nvsi- present it to their reao'ers until iioiv. : iiiuiltal and two f(,r cenviction. continue to oecirov cupatior .c:!:- ii-.:, !.!oii of a home tor til -ie.'s f . r , t;Ui tu .i t i:.'i;....ny v.7:e- made n: ces. 'V. v !'' ihe volume ; L; '.!. ni- y.s the concern ;s doiny and tn-v , ! ,m.: I for mure flooc space. ri'he coi:U- ;aui!'.- owue'i . . i . i 'i . . . - " t , . i im .lii.. ' i 1 i 1 1 . r nil v ; ) V It !i MMU' I M 1 i ' H 1 1 ' ! 1 I Mm I- ' I .villi- I iMV . ' , . h'KPStv- 01 i ii' ...... .. . . i'.,t, I il.1i, ...n '. m ci;-.im: tile vtsscl. ?.i r. ' eeaio.- v. .oo, v.o....v... o, jwiieh :;!.s.;rhe..i ;,00dKl!).(')O i! w.; -aid at peohihition head-, oiana. . , , reaiks oide prthdly sat:sfied ...ar!er. was iestnu ted 1o ei,e the I Attm- Cliairman .Mc( .umoer n(..,,;;itI.,. ' Vessel's e,,rm. ef liqu.v la.t week , Ha red .hat the tantt uestion uomo; T1,(,.. ,., lha! ..u,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Mid although no reports have l.een ic- tiea,.;.l ::s a. national a.ui tmi, r.ec-. ,., ;t Vt.,.lv tc (.fi,. ,f,.:;any is ie-uted in a ,,iv,i iv hint ii...o hi.t ,,',,( .1 lj'iioiiai one. i.,, I.' ' " t . , ' I I "' " ' ' ' ... . . ,. . , 1 I 1 1.. '.. ' ..1141,. I I 1 I V1 . .....I I,,.. ?!kO In. ): ;s ...tmnlie.l v.ilhl I i .' c m n o- tne conou.ons u.ai otav:i SI,'...'1 " ' I'., !.m, ,,ni, i ...P..- t,. tin that obtain- . : i fv-. i i.,.,ior. ,. a ; I'.esend I'eno'i I from Portsmouth . . . ' . . . 1 i . . . . i i i . . X". w n. m ceciaieo ine ,ape:s m , o,,. S ' J ! " it wSIi . L S-,i 8 ti e . id he was uf f ci inij,- fn rci back. Rappe. who was a Kuest at 1 ij,.,,.,.,.,,,, .,n .u. ;i . .4...v ...in oi an ... ,, ' . .. . .. .. . :',i.ji!oaI party jriven by Arbuckle la laa to know that at its meetir'.; ;,. u- t., . .; . , I. .. , . 4 o -. .I in !-oite at the Hotel St. Frances ,. , , r4 , 4.1 last w eeK ia vv usa-i -,a em i .ne ..... . o, j; , . , .. . . oa.eo eond'.tioii alter the acci- x. ., ,-, ,. , - .. hem. died in a hospital four i: linked raoie tnr.n an hour. tne " , , , at.s later, it was chartretl hv t i- l . 1 1.1 V" t 1 1 ; .... : 1 L A;hvsrcu,ns euprevsed the oninion that T 7 , V iL I'1 "soeancn I that Arbuckle was r, ;ji uni: j.ueoeu coupe : i ic 11 . i n';;J!'i this as ine c.f the surest svuarantees i i . , . . - j i it i n , i.'ii w. i .J i . r : ; : , , ; i i i i i i , t,. : . i i - i , r i i , i v, viiiut oc co'n.iusi to Iub bed j or ,, ., ' ' , ', i u,cie tor nc-r death. A police iouiu not' declared the paper, ofj Mr. Kirhv declared that tx;cause Ku ef ivne.. to be in prtv- l1" '-'fo!;.' she will produce tic t Ku- "d tfu! J jsJJ s?l unl .ceo , '( ap r'T 1 t . . 1 '.! "l'.-.e. I , . 1 1 i i i 1 1 vr f.ivliiov h- M,l -I'fi ii ii tin', ,d... ..nor i into the world. ,,..,.'.,,., ..rr,'. ! , ..) I,., ,o,h,. i c,tnti's protcls iiself 1 . I I L 1 ,1 V I I V I I I I ' 1 ' V ' ' t t I . X I I I ! n th.at semcthin.;' irreirtilar li. en fe'iiitl with the vessel. e:oo ta.".r ever na e ccie i I, nicrs the I nit en , he declared. ,.;,d! I here will 1e jvroat oistres. over the ountry v. il h millions .1 v.a.'. i'.ers out . lot t mmo. men'.. ; in AI AK V. I'UOT'.ST $ l ,.. . ;-e. i. ltd! I're-is. ( W'l'.c' i.ii N. '., .Ian. '.. I'ormai leess, also manufacture, and installs f 11 Urn L !L iO C J ! JOlO: Chair Cvpany and lam: H M S H i lyf l.trt-vi to install hi, system ecu-, t hearing followed and the cmn- v. rat davs and said he Lc;.-! to nnv imsiness. ! J;'T " , , - ,e;an was he-id to the superior court . ....-.... ,,4,,! 1 have received a larg-e numner' , . ,i (,L..r -. i ii .. uiiii'e wa.s in urea, out ,vi r. i 4. , 44. . ,. . . .. . .. , . .1. . v-'1 ... i iii.inMauuiui'i . ov n e , uu.Tt 1 n h;ih- v : ; , , ... , , , . , '( t KLiers trom men ana Avomeu Him ... ,,f ,T- ,T. T , ' ... 1 . " Meet! was severely bruised 1 . . . , , , . An autoosy en Miss Miss Rapne s en 'i e-o. : avenue. 1 11 ; are interested, ..'.id, though the active , e, , .. . .i-, ' . . , , 1 1 , i.i 1 1 , ; 1 , .. . . 4. ' ' 4. -i 4- - aj oiscleseci that her oeath resu t- v . . . . . . s. u, . .1 p.. - gn t7 jp, rrm: r, , . -viwix.. vi ...iiv.ii.i-.ii j.,-. v.ijt44.,iv'....( 4- . . I , , , . 1 1.1.. .1.1 ...!: ! does not heg'in unuionday .Januarj ; thQ &tate asscrled was cause by ex. ! 0, the ma, yctci oav and oay i nai neve appnea by ArbueklV ifoe nroupaic nme letters and cneeks ; Tf 'u .,,, n;... ...1 .. -.1, r,. . tS,, U, tv.I i -.'A ' 1 f IflllA ...w.l, r.4.,.,.,..,l ft--, .w. i . " " -v . n.i. H.A v.,. .111.., J. ". 1. . II .i : v.-1 1 ! V' . .I . ' li , una ,'1 u at! '.or e made to i.e. v ,. C.-demaii. i ,, CAIU) OF THANKS We wish to 1 v pi ess our thanks and ..ppreciat ion lo the m .ny fi iends and nem hhi.'s for their m oiess show 10 in;;' t lie si. km. ss a in.' oeaih ol I of :s i of metal boats, be mm io1 ---' ! scale, v ol he maoe a leatui .;..,,..( ii,. ... , . . .. i -1 , , ,, i-ii 1 ' 011, ti tin: v .--av tiiv ci,i.ii.r, jviii ,jii 1.1U ,. I irs. business when Ine now imdouuv )si He ibe Avneinfo.l T, MkouuIi the nress and m other ways;,,,.. , ... , ... ..... t,,i 1;,, 1.,,, iii ... ., , J ' . i .. . . ... . . 1, .1 ine iiuu vaiiii'iiK in nam. .O'hon. .Ian. '..- -1 ne. mmosal ; t o. ..(' ourmi'- tbo suiuir.e''. i .u..,,,., :-, i.,., o ri.,,,,-.., i w fiei ever nossible, but tne main e- ,.....,., 4..- ..1 i ..4. ..: i i - , , i t i . u. ... v.,.., ,,, v .i., . . ' 1.,- .-vi oucKie cook i ik snin hl uiu iii.u M'vlect ivouonn de a'era piesident . . w.-s! ..eerel ev lo fbee f-rn.e,- : i icvoc t ce must tv upon voluntas . iU. ... , . ,, m the Iri; h reoahiie was defeated 23 Sp T f iy l p j c:,.,s of Cemum t.ty was sent.e- effort, supplcnienti the local or- ; ; Kapi e hmUui er his nmrn i" die call eireann today oy a vole : Cs I IK JO 8. 5,8 O y i. 17 ?. o-i i ...... ;,, o,. ' can z-!: mns where t hev are being .... ., ,. . , ... ,. .. e ., , 4 , M 1 N E X'iU f viienfimy on a . liaise of unl-.u 1 am aope-mng m tn:., Inmz bathroom uoparently ;'a : eu'-ann adjosirnca at I : ) l iU S U Uilt!2 u wv. ,,,.,,., ,,, r.;;blie wav t-r volunteers in every!. ... . ' '.;.., nw .1.11,1 . il OIW ,u w. Jtit.ni J-Ui "'"- i7,. I,,,i--1 .,,,.1 M i t; li;,.., , I ST) J, f a 5! frt r 5 Ai"lil'lnij, c ,.- , j I .. ci e i, ' I i o vSl .mo .1!S. .-viae niakc. U I-.""! 0 Ji 5? 0 0 Of S!l llst if(;r ''thcrs tor i oote ox chum ,h ., :fi , tl ,n ff1'!! i W p?h fP lh' rih?1 any SuI;clt:v:K'"- , . was ahme'with Arbuckle for a time ..nufacfurej Uhitu Uj bLuNni "It has been oar desuv to or.ii.ir h;s i,; droom durine; the purtv and a ;iiViaii; '0- matter to' the attention of all , jh ,fdroon1 dor. fi' d- was ". ot the f( nvam-lookins men and women! w. ., ... in r oca a , uei . i .;::! 'rhomtf-oii. of. y .ud Mi-. .'. W. ;:i::.;i"-, Airs. o. vt n ,i:o,,ner .Me ssciia'ar o' i , a , , , j.-,.. I,. K. Uraiiley, a P lo-oiiyht here in tow nl'l v flnv.-crs (i. T. Fl"tvo.-s, II- Ti "s- !'l .'vers. , ,, ' ; o.'; fi (liner I'o! y i A i , , ( ' o ! e m i n a 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 r i d I i. The l 'i'o' est w 1 ! I lo id ii ; . . - it i. rii a '. 5Ti ri ? ' T n .a .1 t! 8 X ' . t a O il U ' 1 f V D U i ,11 ...-.; I. : .... 1 i I i, ... i . l i i t & 0 ' " " w " 1 1 ' I 11 11 1 ' ' ' f ' ' ' ' I i I 1 1 I I ' i I i 1 1 I : 'ii .. o ibi port . ( 'ok'. mm ;ind Tl '"; ... -.. ie ph.. 'ell under :n.i'f" fc..;,u ; : u i -.'a v at,, , ni'dr ed to ap- !i ; ' vi '; I ,-;ai a lay In ' ore a 1 ' ait ad !: i i . i to v i 1 1 1 1 e i ! o i iiea vii;;, ' V v . ! he mid ro', ersy he' v.vi :; ;C ' '" ' ra. 'on: McC.o ki'i and , yi e t i i..ioi' IKI i.lli'i in!' i-.on,e , f ; 1 JIM 'I s :. :i sat-. ati lit sr nr mm .'i in I a i ' i I b's : I : :':-)-.i;i until :'.:'M) o clociv v.d h ' h !? bi for t lie roe!, ctioa o! ! i ' iu tk.Vae.n-a stiil under deba'e . -A1, .I.-S-VI I . I 1! t It a $ t ? Una 13 ! S S J a ;i ; ? El- 1 - icmeiu. oi s,a lo j uiki;- I ihe total defalcations were ! ! I: jPVJOO. tvsti-!' -vn and village where no active or-; r ' .. " " .I U . i"!;,k ;., . :ii,ln .,; aii'xaaoii ne- oeen o.i.u. x a ca.'.'Se wmich aim iv ho believe in peace and v.T'-n . -1 i mi ni'ilir l.i,f to Illo l,ofl .tno Kllm- ,,,i".'K: .-ill! e In a. i i" '. '. . .' . moii'ii"' other eiiests to aid her. Urs. Pambina Maude Delnionf.. a 41 I si f. i S 6 s s a d !i .4 i I i ,. j Ry tli Avi-ochi'"'! Pn- r o.: Pi'i'i. I : -. V i -h lana.i'i v. (.run, ( ., -.'an. ' ncmy ,, lio:i r, pdi !im." h,eavii;'..' next Tii p-on of S'r.tim'.ui'jr a. " .;' on a cliar;,e of vahti.'!' t h by. ; claim ni', Invioj.; .. .e t i i 'ati s proiu hit ion law, i, ' !i - ' ' "(Iks of laooa hu ,. ;a ,' -loeid'' : la.-1 nicld, i he ere',.' s m id. Mr. Themn.-o.'i is th" proue ! a h'.onrr t-.da.v s e ''!: d e --o r t a. boi.tle of aiiph- bv...:i.: . ih. i 'imi't i. . he u Hie !,i; It!;,.; v.:. a ma.de 'a ;.;.(.-co;n... comity i i .'v.'S. ; t Pi'' i'U ' litiii V ! "a ' : had :aa c'.i.-'l a '(ft ; 1 i' a ' Si' 'a, ; U. i' I . ma -. ', of 1 1 lu fro! I 4o"lu I a. SI a w. 4, e ?'"7P' 5 3n m r lei U : u a vu s i. Li i.'it'-d s'ress. o A U I 5? M HP ! I,! VS m. 1 ' -u l"- ;i,U! Juucst at the parly, filed a- murder mt I 1 .'o It n'r'u- II 11 ' ' ',,;)" :S tn: UL ai'a-a,pe au'ain't Arbuckle soc-ii after 'li rfr"l ""V P:Ji 5' I'' -11 :n.:s RaiipeV death. At the police I " ' ' 1 - - L- '' ' " . ,r !-- nrtsatP'ni' Tnl:'' hearin- the charge was reo'ue- ! niPr.nr fr S SWM TP OSrirjIL UK lU'io to manslaughter, Police Ju'Liro Laz- 1 HH Si JMC MkilT i rj H tP31 !a,us. declaring t!r,t nothing was - t t- r i t i, t- u n , . r i: v- K ' ,i , , i " 3 ' a i ,i . ; y TJy the Asi-'ociafeci Presf u; Wa him; . .a. dan. '.. Limitation o, :V. i'i'Vi ! , ;');i!ii ,,r use of airei aft is ibl" af this time the fie po .v i a i , ,-. o ' ( e ( f the arm., conferc.'-.u- i f It- ti . .au i i . i ,,. i i.e - a ;.- i i i ; 1 1 iii.'.-'. nun .-n'jggs . a :n ir.es M- .- i ne'er of 'rare, a cor, 1-!' 'laai ioh yea:.-. Mr. '1 imnipsot . (oleiaau : .. ow""!', is !i'K j-ot.sesed it fo'1' at) years. o.i ny as i he resin a ,!LusiSs!i lmu ha"! I"! t,,( I ,e, -iue,! today. i . 1; ;. denied a resolution, however, ;-o'. aidig f.-a ' a inteinaiio'nal com- ; mis i .a to st u.iy the aircraft oue -i ' tii."' 'fa a vii'.v to future limitation. 1 flv tf-JL-4j j W'e ' ; a a. e ! and some . .d c I oi Hooe- .,, , ... .lepV. l ei i, hut. tlm . Wao'.ag la I 1 up pi iiding ia.d ru-'l-l8t I o:.! Wa.diiiigi.eP.. ill IXliAJJJ ht ; y. l.r. A- I ' V ' '!'! - , . ; I .'nati';.n of h:s .innociic'.. was man,-; j - "o,,r of i ho senate todry by ' i i a." r.'s :,. .c". oei'i".. . ; f t j Ta'daa- ; he i'lotn i:t h-s ;H fcirse in i jdi;. eaa-'U,' piv;;."?odini'is brought by j I ii.e;o-y Ford, his Democratic opponent j '-'.'.: t a-r fawbe.-rv declared that he! causcioLi- or r.o wrong. , t un-ee;- cl ;or ; ad, is my witness i am not ,. today by the com mi i ies- on core- J day and hour conscious oi j rm tees as chairman of the rur.nto r .' in either the primary j i! nance coir mittce to succeed the j .1 . . - 1 .. 4. : . .. . I' 1 . ' i , I '.'- t.v t r.e gammas caecuou oi : mio i.-oise imnrose. i .. . , . ... ' , . 1 , ..... ... I ili'-UUl LCa . .; lac suite ci aiicnigan a so,-; senator r renngnuysan, ie)uiii..'ai' ; -v that is in ;uiv way urda.v.-tul ! o' .t w .Terse v, w as selet ted to till lmr;;e of murder, which was brought. S3 i. j i the Associate 1 Pre-is '.'.irhiivrton, da--, 'a -'enator Ma in I :.!.-.:. v-.,v ..t-.f.f- WW fiVlWRblMi P i lui. V.- a California statute prev.da, mW'i 11 Viwr ml l.ut a life take in ra,.e or attempte. IVUtlJlttitllLn i .ii,y, i.!Urd.ei:. A grand jury inoici. ; Apsoeiated Press, ion, .;a.:.. !U-Tvansfer ( ' - Laaiiv. cowers to t' e ;a ii"-'!. govtvnr.ient created ,sv hv iha ratification of the im.u,, f i,-. m-de ;,-: M'. dera !Ii i ' -...44, 1. L., 1.' ....... the iiom.it churgong Aioucsle Avith man j s ir. ..;. h tor was a'so i cturned and has j n ' I eon disoosc'l of. Hi- ! Mrs. Delmont, the conilduining wit i,,,,.. t-ss die' uol testify at either ; eiiminarv hearing or tne i-"-m-lag tne tiial she was arrested at , Cab, on a chaige of bigamy Ibrd later wis released on prooacioa tar she had entered a p!ea et KUii- i i a,; . i i ., ; i-.. ,",-,;(. ..a 41. ,. , , i... ii u u-ii a. m i'o. i --.i.1 K ": v. I'luu. n.c v ,,. ciii..;, uuwi '.i : v in:.: vieaiii d, i ... ., , i. , MPT i.ii 1 Bllffi ie KIWSTflJ t U m W 14 ppnpF'i in mww ii i -i' I " I ' 'i T i!is eoiteague. Mr. 1 ownsend, an S.":,.?' 2 m) i LSiUiliL rnmoe,,! (pal Mr. Xewbcrry wool, ; , s si.::ho vi Incut rt uTvaLons or , t;c ua.; or i'mirose. :a i iliiai t ions. i Clcvation of Senator Mc'.'u.ubcr toj ' Upon !iu.sa facts as I then believ-1 the chairmaaishiji ,f th- (iiiance -om-Ijiam to b'j and as1 I now believe i met e." will leave v; ant ihe cham-i em to be, i shall abide the result n,ansh:p of the pensioin committee, but e.!t. ChurchiU returned trom thei-11"' pr-ane eaum-i! ia-eiiau at Cannes ( vv A,;lUm,!e's trial. Mrs. Irene ! i . : . i, at, i ,,.,.,a'l., -; i . . )l I :...::'.. l .. . ' . . l-o'i:-- a .-'ear conscience ice.--," M r. .Nt'v;-! the committc e oeierre; . , i i :ti(in oi a ;c.mirn,an oj that coiumittee. -dlC,--4F I foii mssm , A' !! , ad o I'w.i,. pa, tor, Rev. 1 ':;. , ' V I'. lb ; d-haw. a I'epi e.-M-ntative 1'v the As-ockd cd Press. ' Kin. ton, X. C Jan. !' Claud P. Pi en'oaiik. aged lit, was shot and in dvnt'v kiileii on lower (ueen street la.l liight rho'.'t'y afte S o'c'.o'ek by P.v t a P!:!!;"!:-! Wdmrion ' !.-?ed l'ri 3S. u .Ian. ;b- ;(;, Phibmcl'ohia . i. , an li-ik'uiv.n ja-rson following a row ,V' S" ' on iM.-jth street a few minutes bef-e or more young baffled in thd- ..... ..,., ..( . .... i. :..... iu. ,.!.i w iii1 "" "on. ..' -.'- ' 1 "" ' ' 1 l"v . 1 1 w i.ijH.-i, : 1 ., ,.. . . I ... 1 4 . . .1 '.11. I II, " htm nee 'ongre; H; "n nil r in in" ., ' - ', ,, ,, .i ,.,,.cr,...,- ! lunh auditorium yesterday aider- ! f ..V ... "i, ," 'i,.,!- i ; .i i was :;;in, Miiiiiij .iii-ii i....... ...... 1 itijitit . . 4. ...wviiJ,. ,,,, ., ,,.u. has r::i.;::;;::;r:r.v..k.,;.-M,.TC H. i i.i i . ,i i vet en hack I hev are at vsork on ii.e owv.'d was elected president. Mr. u 1A'' 1 3 il t .. . ... I l v 6' X A . rerrv. v ua -o resii le ti t. alii At r ' v . .. . , ..i j cool p,t no. .1 , l un ''' ovdim" tc the police, was so inl ix cited lie did not know Rivenbnnk v-.a;v iJdgar 'o, secretary am.' troasurcr i- i I ... a. .. i a ... b vj i.e ' , i ,.. . 1 1 ; i .'. . 1 1 i ' . o . . i. . i s o,.i iitt'-d bv the uietnf am is oeiini'M n- ine pallor ami . . . ,,,,,:.,,; .....v- ..,!, , f.. ,. .iidviiH,.,, iJlaf.'ly wounded and continuea wa.l.- 't intended to in any way usurp '"''i',.ul ,,f', 1 ,)f r T the functiar,-; . f tlm church or any ! I'.'ve.ibaik was the st f ( . 1. Existing org'-nixaticn in the church j Uivcnbank, a farmei -of neai Aa!lac. viifc. Th" objects of the organization i " . , , -Sre iiumirous and vita'ly important t i 0 th-.' welfare o'f the fl'mammat mr, , . . . i . . i i SIXTKKN PROFFSMONS 'ivices at Westview Met ho- yer, wa -oointwi Unit;,! Stvto? j - trupien umii ne cocciuoec ms sara!o;- !, Covermn' Si.roul lodav l--. j pi cpaved address. fid ta.. vacanev eon. ed bv the death ' at Cnde. mma,.,! that Mr. Xewbcrry would 00100 OTO 0707000 submit to (luestiemng. hut not HH H(N M HHV. fS heckling or cross examining. A bus-! 050 Ol U U !L"J S'iijSli 9 "i , , h ,-r rty-i t.if 2 i j ue.'s man, ,-tr. .(woerry sam ne ue--Ceora'ci -ei'd to answer (umstions. .,.. At the outset l-.e asked tnat he be' na.uv Raise Pi nnr.e. Jm PORTi I Fauer the law the appointment N Hi 'TH: ,,..!" until a suceesor is chosen at ii U iUil lLLUL,ill The first boavj of directc'i's mean ing m l!.;vo ct rac C;uimber ot ( on.- puin imp I h M 8 P i U vj N fPT Turin r-.a 3".-e ss? n s n - a i a fiTinrnp ikf 3 i 8 iks. s. si w : An. I Moi gan, a rasae.emi nuuv u viiness, was poisoneo in "i manner, and another defense Ai, Minnie Xci'-'iibrn's. I.os f- pji A nV-. b-s. 'was charged with ixrjury, 4U ?M;Mta. Morgan iecoerec. mh r- . . t f m inr 1(' 1) (J I- 'lath n laws, in that he possessed ami i , .c d liiiuor illegally during his 'liaify. was filed against Arbuckle ' ami is still pending. ; f.,v;n m .Tab, prominent ban ! ! lanai'seo' attorney, is chief co'unsel ifo- Arbuckle. He was retainer! by 'motion picture interests to handle the TV... St'-O vmli("v oi' TV-.-U K. '"'"'vlf-" int;,-n Acco'iiitiiin nleefod nfTifPVS "'eamo'i (,., Co .moo ce batur- j i i l the Xa'.'ember (.lection to fiil the u:i- !'a: rie takes place tomoi Vew ;t.gh. at -day night and prepared for another; , j j 7:.."). Oae r,f the ,iUc;,Luais to be ac:-vaa.' oi. eitoit. C. I.. Aloat-alier !EW DERBY km nr,5 N h!'i nie time Si'S.: ts i. l:i.4.5a 3 c s nwi-iSiiT'-iv;! in neu .': liic am axoi ! 1 t cam. Caveiu-e;. Sprou! in announcing1 the a, ..oir.lmor't said iha! in order j th: . i may he a l.'.ol un-a ,"-i aandiag of the sifuaiion he expected f;v .f A?5;o01.ltcd rress? ;.i.. roller to nil out tne unexpirea ;ie"i .,,,,lvi, ami s am! ; ion. PLI I ce CULM) LMPRO l S The conditii.n oi. Maaeia IV'.vi i ii'i-a li,-.,- en - -.-.I ia a.- : ami. b. 1.. Kaluee lahbi.of the i i.a. -;ivesi.'en, F. P. -)onnston, secre-1 this'or ae:a!ta:a-traamavr. Rev. W. R. Hradsha.v.l Hi ad meet-m- : n;;a:a.in. di. j. it. ramLaru, surge'-c . directors, chosen are -i. V annua! ejection ot oinccrs hav:n; iiaria; f a, iuu'man: ... i-. "int!-j last Jiioe i v imaiiimon ,.(tNi.t !rt' ! uer. iaiui P. (liabs. M. (!. Crouch, V n., iv,, .ccnmufpil Press. , 1 -'. ,-. -' - - , 1 '-' LUC t.oo4. ..." . cjia!r.;v'u i : o.i! .January 10 amy i ua-: 1 1 . ij aouoriv mm v. a, u. um. i "'.bnmmi Va., Jan. a. .v coiiniiu- oacossbj-.t r.l ' rn-sf oo ee mo o r it" llie! f '.- : m'titee ibairrm-n are: ! . 'l . ' , ' , .' ...i.i,.......i , caei-- t ' I.,..,,,.,, . i. i i,,n ;-, .,ii m,(.n.i - a ... . .. - . . ... ..ic:r.ion has own .mui,.. -y w - 1 - - ' . . . ' . ii , ii i a i oia t v. . i s i ci 1 1 iii".,,' i .. :..... . , : . . . : . . j . , , ) i ) ii: -. . i-, . w " i - ' ' i : , i iii f-ft iii' n , ; r i : i - .' ' i - ; f ; r. v tv t . . a.., ail. dan ..;..; ,vd r.-.r: m P.u.uik, bO veats md, Ava.s ku : s a i e !i : (lav a.ncit ioii on a road late yester-; two r.ii'ii wlio said ua have a'!- j !--ua.- ., ,n,a ,- I .v...,, -ta,,.. a,,. tl:.) ke county girl lm wa:s it a -, ; o ' ..'-' ;:'' . uu,til sr.metime m June ;bmd.iv. .hinunrv 1. bv .-ft automobile! According i' MUiiK his suspicion:- , iiriven' bv Mr. H, P." r!'err.deto;i of, were aioused Avhen he saw a numbei j Mi'kory, coi'tinues sai:-'.f'-ict -ry iu M;.. ;. -m l-osiiil'il wlie " sa,. - ivauai imn-edialelv after ihe accident1 Greets in the downtown district. Twa iitiu' A'a'dese. 'Jda- siacad nurse i nun admitted that they were sellina ei.iiiiiAod I..- "Mi- rTV.ni,,i,.i,.n rpv.ib'Uior, and the patrol m.an eiiteier ,. i: expiration of the term. The annual I TR Rar'-'ey; legislative. P. A. Setzer; meeting will therefore not be iielc", larv o .'mi a the Xav y Denby by the Vir- fish and game commission asK- wei-e a loused when he saw a nmncei rrnftjjftmj PJ'frnf at" man ai.proaching a large touting; Llo!U$J kLLfiS jcar parked on one of the principal ; 3 IH$H 1 U fd -e.ov r, -a. Wader C. lay, or; emp.oyment r;.r ,(jm fo). .'explanation of why he ' fenderson; suk and rehm, J ...;u!,. (.,, iu Virginia without a li ! H. Patrick: good roads, A. II. down-! .... ., lion .rav- memoers melu P Tlvj i -op.imun. cation sent to the , - . . ww 4. . 4 ratam- hv liari, secreuiiv I Fai .bee, K. B. Jones. Roy Abernethy R V i'-ute' dcr-i-tment of game and ;and Lewi? J. Vvarlick. j a: heaies. Accompanying it was mi.-a-.ed last i' rutav and' unless comoli-i 1,,eil' car. He was knocked down i '0 WW finilOTboHXKKX-CUAHO.AX U U.LI UUUJJ I IX NKAR KAXT REI J l,:,'l,!,.',l i Hi !.,',' ,'!. S,.,-i, Thv S-I,l, .ff '''.",.'' ',. t ...I,,! -.-,.,-, ,,,,',', ,. ,,,, rue "';':,-i di'ii'i1! 'fV. ,. 1 n,.,..s,wih- t I cnurcn,. Miniuy :-cm.-oi ana com- ,...,... .- I.,,.,,.,, , v ,. V. ' ritv internationa jihases of tne American;'1"" -"''m v"Rl,:iy? a.., j.-l k TrcKutiou. are eligible to member-1 ;;;. tne co'ngre; U.m.s x c t , .1 Vald.se in ue -or six weeks. ?lr.;" , international merchant marine has ! "ear erst lehef fV.v 1022. it was an-, k.'l hip, the ehthUidvm of the men pres-; 'e Reverend S K kpa u e k m Kmpteton has lead every hum; ros-j j ben ?irc-or..,,.(;. to tiie United. States ! uncod today by Cel. CRorge .IP! fill iC . , . . , , ,, ,., rxiMiin"1 IS "('. lig Ugh l OU ll Hill 1 v,.,,o, ,!,-,t-o lor ber -I- i 'in lle-il -ii 11 .-Clelie IvI.CVs Ilia, 111 OlU.', ltl,v- I , t. , cl'ili-, h -i i i mn r, h ''"',"" r'iy ' "'d-aks for the ...4 ' - 1 craiurdu'v night the ' l' lLlllJlUiU j ed in the Newberry campaign. but . hv Homer R. Fargusan, president rf '',' 'rj ; I P Tan ca an a bfe of ..f.-e ( ami ta- o - ! good to wiio, '.,UJ'" , " . , !..,,,. , , n-o Vr.v,,o. JS Uv- TA,-,,'; 'vii. AiK.cn is oiganu:in.; hb, roik- K in tl. ,u. I wh i is P-xt was, "How can I endure, to see COMMUNITY CLUP. 1 RETS ! Vrul., lean Snil1t.rS W'( '1,mf"- Omin inV " in county in order to raise V Vdicatcd Ihe d-etruction of my kui-in,.'; ..etj ()), Frid,iy aft(,,noon the Comir.un-1 1 hat ,('nJ .".!ani -'ust what j ijmpanv. the asked of Catawba county fV ,ui': . hhe saved bring the unsaved to our jiv CM) w(.nl through a very inU-r- i d.-Ashvilm Cerr j 5 ICMOX (this year by the state organism;,. ly 2 I,, . ..I i . t. L-oil lorsaice ll'S . . , , ' ' o-- 1 C .M.itAL, i'JU -,l i,. ."ivi.iivA ... , , . , , , , . .' ! Iinftl" nm PftTinm i Savior. 'Let the viikoi '"l',,u' : . lesting business session wnen th j i I 'ho- wad reed, clothe and elucate t a clipping from a newspaper under a Fredericksburg newspaper stating -IKFjihat "Secretary lier.bv enjoyed a suc- Raieigh. .Tan. ). John Aiken "fR-essful hunt" a,t Point farm. near -at ions develop, the liP.la girl, a trie t'oor ot tlm car. ;;m..aiter e.i Air. Peaaaim 'ova- . will "u "S1""" o".suuum.--',i ; ,jua-; , TI,V.t-orv- W-. n n,.,,;,,,,,! 4.1,.jr. I ,u -...-.f..,.,- ', , . ----------- - timie i-der on a road o" from the i Washington Jan. .buhnnlta 0!i'",., "i"'i'"".y vn..-. , recei :cksoh g , ma -i c.va... !.o a.de to return to her home :iea... tin.., laiti t.i a miu Ou. nom m, - , ;...,Jman for Catawba county for the ..,.,.,.mr.:.mo.! hv Colonel Cutts i iiui'i nuouiiai i.nuni's ol uif .tiiiv: luii,, - . ,. .. . , - - ,.4 ,....,,... .v .. w,r .international merchant marine has ! min C:Z--Z ieiiGI u'" l-- "- was aa-a,-d Major ICmgsbury and took bacK ov t alV-' ben iirooase-C to the. United States ! f-oancea io,.a ny td. uvorge .11. j ... f;,no p.f of quai! arm ducks, some ol them lor tne president. II REELECTION t ' 1 ft ERHOR Wm vaiV, and the unrighteou man "'-; rt.gul'.r January meeting was held in! , . i T) i Funeral services for Mrs. J. A. ?;-1 orphans of Armenian martvrs made I i thoughts; and let him return ntojth,, t.OUrt room at the municipal ! b-v" the -associated I res. i ,)lon. v,-ho dies! at her home in Cantomso bv their parents refusing to re-' .the Lord, and he will have ".err:. , building. The time was given over! Now ork. Jan. tl. The steadier j-d-idw. were be:d vesteiaiay at Wes-! a( unce Christianity ana become Mo-1 it mii him: and to our (Jod for he w,u : enti.tdv to the transaction of busi-itonc- which had develord in the i.,,-, elaiw-l. AT 's. ' saaaon' v.aas for- i hammedans. Their oitiable nimbi. ' --vbunr'antlv nani'on." ! ness, all other features being omitted i cotton market towards the end of last n;',ry Ellen Kirdler of the Wes- 1 iu s ban teld by numbers of reliable i There will be preaching 1 uesday , fl.(iin t ,K, t)l.0,.rani- :wcekywas in evidence again today. ev chapel section and was a sidonn'kl ! Americans aiu"' North Carolina I Ry he Associated Press. I the $:,24) asked'of Cataw-bacamli't y DO J P CC DinPC fjH OR MRS, SICMOX ithis .vt-!' j.v ,th , s,tat organizaf mm , I'lULiJ HLUUULU Ull I ' ho- wm! reed, clothe and elucate .Vo SOI CRUDE OILS ly the ,.':'oiiate(i Press. Pul I'm, Jan. ',.-As soon as the i , . i.i. l;i 1 1 oircami was convene;! un timnt. at i . J. R. WALKKU, Pirstor NECRO IS CAPTURi:!) The February meeting will be in I There was bullish comment on the ; ,vorm,n and a consecrated christian. ! through Josephus Daniels, is asked! Pittsburgh, Pa.. Jan. 9. The nrin- l . 1 . .,- "... .. P l 1, VI r. .1 4U, .. i ... ... U I . I . i ,i r.ii iii n" clrnllfrtil . , f -Tai'iA '--Vi , it.- i t .. .1 l: 4. : 4. . 1. 1. ... I ..... 1 .1. ... -. . . '. . . OA n A . irt e 4-1. a, . -. r. . . r-,-. - -.,! 1 ,. . -. . . .... 4- . ., iciaiii,e 01 iiit- v i'miiii' ciiiiiiiiiin"ai.('""., "!.-" i"A-'-' 1 in H'ccutou lo iter iiusuanu i :e sa , i" laiav j:uu,ui,'u imn ; ua . L.ms w .i; cniai purcna.sing agencies tooay an- and twa j care for o.o-T-l ornhans for twelve 1 noimced a reduction of 25 cents a and the progra p -onuses to be am ! change and reports of a better tone survived by one daughter jnorning, i'ianmnn de Vakra arose Ry the Associated' Press. (-f s ecial interest to all club mem- ! hers. Ind I'atmaPv placed has resignation Philadelphia', Jan. .).- Luther l.od-l After spending the boh, 'ays with ! January efmc oai liamenl. ,K'. negro, alleged slayer oi two iew -lls nrnthar. i-trs. ruiKie ja.nies, .ias-. ..larcn i I Mrs. Thou;.".' J. Clarke moved the York detectives, was captured ioca t,,r ,,.'rman dames icu yesterday lor .'.iay ' fc( l., (ion ,,f .Mr. h Vetera as pre.-.'.- by the police. . Reln'oi'd to enter school. Tie was no-'July ... - I.. nt ,.r Ha, leoobbr. t.eoi Mello-.ees1 ' Ho mere himself un without a fight, (ompanied by Mrs. James who wol j October in the stock market. . The market a sons. Mrs. Wayne Sniathers of Can-! months, who are being maintained in barrel on all erades of crude oil han- was firm. , ton and Messrs. Ernest. Sieunon of five separate North Carolina- ornhnn-'died in .hi nmrW f.vi-unt RuHnml Close Canton ami' Ki'--t!er Sigmoii of Key-; ages at Trebize-nd, a port or. thi : it was reduced La cents. 18.54 ,ser. Vs.. all of whom with their', Black Sea. j - .18. r.2 father attended the funeral yester-; Mr. Aiken mafie a splend.id vee r: DESTROYED RY FIIIE 17.89 day. Tho'se attending from Hickory in the old clothes orive of the rear; Nashville. Tenm. Jan. 9. The for 1 7.:8 were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Abou M ism east, relief in Catawba county lastimer Y. A3. C. A. communirv hall at Open .lS..r.7 ol .17.90 ..17.S2 .ic..r2 Police said lie was heavily armed. spe:id sever;.! days iu Rclmont. j Iiicory cotton 17 l-2c lli.CO. Rlonnie A We am! Me-:-'rs. W. AV.,i soring, va.vl i eceived special common Ray and E. II, Abee gaticui from Air. Daniels at the time. Old Hickory was destroyed by fire today. r Jlaoad. d the motion. 'I

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