1 ,'. HICKORY DAILY RECORD MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 9, 10 PAGE TWO 1 i- ; J.. uu KOKY DAILV iiECORB " ''ihn dc'nnR the nddreii . kMUA -hand will pJvase ntnte comn.nmcation both OL!.nJ . : V Mr TTi,5ff.l matus and Japan reach an nr.e the pistols which the authorities to extremes.- Nc doubt there was i. iho Pacific. . That ex- nau in.-ent.wi uiem w wij. . . somcumi- even in the older medical ii i reeinv. ui i --- -- . :iru:i 4U f 4 ; ".l plains why tlw J rench have been ob- .j.ndpk; js weicmnc, the truth , .stin.it" at thi! arms conference. They ev commerce destroying: I and j ar OJ uie r.,..v.;,.,. i . Tfvr OTinr intn tUn rl i f r o wl .j.irl. m ,.--! uy Mil)- ,i.-c,.,i ,,.,4 Kl,.,i;..,- practical lmpos .Jen- If , . - -i n J v. 4.4. IIIUI l-V L ! I f OUVV, i . i a : i . - ii.v'T under the lontr-estaoishect rr lies . . 1 1 . i .. . i vo. ivf iOT rvTir i r,nin i- nv cr imrw- O 12; THK n'JSH TUEATY i vole of til to corn ..i.;.''0 FrHrtunt prompuy EAT Y oi " . . i o. i Q i i If f "l es' "nJ the newest glimpse is apt to f,7 .the dail!ycout tered m l 91-4-1 918; a n, , fed- bp; h rfisconcerttne .?0 steadiness rntift.M, th- icws ta-a.thc Koot 5elulcn' 13 of vision. One year the great secret Jrlfar as,,,fc 1S4,"OW a p1!l."K1y seem to lie in the vermiform rtCJtfM'BIlfH'N KATE rr. iw 'mr . '"vu! .i u . .v, - mil IT .... J " An'.'lo-lri.-h treaty ana uie uu ; crystanz u.ii inuicti Mumt-iii, i lnl,er I; ti1(1 rgrmak ol(j inflict with the British, the fi: Pcrs aRamst tms toitci ot archeg .,ttontion igovevnment was brought nearer r f f r ,r 7 . to the saor-- i. Mtisfi.ctnrv settlemont. Lamonn del Ll!5 .. .... .J: u jL. 101i 8a"- ., V V, Irish re-. - , u.. . .'-. -m l,) I ' . ... iv.w i uiirs n! r o I 1 $2.60 ,.$L.2r 4 e Month , 'a , , .... Wk 4 '10 V:.n'rwji 8e'onT-clas matter L'v ., ' j tPl.V t th portofflc ct i . ry, atide th t of Marc-Li MHted Tread is exclusivtiy uiuhd ti the uh of repuDuchuoa ', '. ntiwii crediUd to it ox not in thin pnpr nd 1m the lo- . -i piihliihd here'n KViHkK Of ASSOCIATED I'KKHS .ihtiffhJ tfc Cly PrJntin Co tr? Erof Ept Sundsy TAKE AN INVENTORY The true has come when people, life of Europe against .ait, lie. l.aa resigned and caiieu upon hi foilovvevs to meet with him in sc orer:, probably to determine how grace f,uHy thty wiI1 at,('Pt the intvitablo. The I ri.sU l'f'ople, who ought to be tired of -tha lon-r period of w.vinglin.', v.ml L'KxkVhed. received newtt ol' the ratification' w it h applause. If the I ri vi people are so inclined, they can woi'J: out tbeir own destiny untvr.mmeled V :ny foreign govern ment; they can be. as free as Canada, Australia or Soulli Africa or any of the dominions whic.H are as free in ef fect as the United states of America. Tiie negotiation af this peace treaty is another triumph for the Lloyd George govern iA -nt, which like former governments iin England, is playing the role of moderate in the tonsils; from foot' may abruptly shift ilific nerve or the thy- At one time eyestrain recount for most of the ivilized humanity, till the or intestinal bacteria taK3 cenerally must be warned needless extravagance it burdens or. THE SUHMAKINK A,EEMENT Springfield Republican. dbt arc not to be assumed mac Jf lhe sui)marinc ruies Ul lanimous- will bo impossible of paying off. The y adopted yesterday by the naval in5Mfelfc who runs his personal ex- j committee of the Washington Con TienseXlfcove hi- income.,- ought t to feronce are not iven teeth by the . f?i:,.i 'v '.Vcnttlil' 'n 'Ku-st.!i'''dition of a punitive clause such as thmk fett1 P , V J f Mr. Root originally proposetl, they .e.?s CfWrprwe and ifeeVirnizo . , ni lM.()bab,y wrlli( nct pr0vo very .ef fee- one later 5t?he cannot remain a going t;v :n war time. Possibly at a concoriwi to 'diocs not: meet his obli- nicctin.tr the "piracy" clause will also ationfe$ There -is 'no more excuse bo adopted; if it is not. the es S"1'- , , .... will .he like a criminal statute Uiat for personal waste aim f(),bMs the commission of a cerium gance than there is for business 1R.t buf providos for no punir.hmt'jit waste and extravagance. With tho n tase it is committed, one as with the other, the things In spite of this present, ''.l;'; leads to financial embarrassment hver. , ,s ave gamthe , and failure. Ifoim;-, of wurfare that the five pow- There never was a time when thei,.rs atrree among themselves not to habit of thrift and saving need to be cultivated more than at the pres ent. At the first of this year every family, oujrht to ffel impelled to hold a conference, take stock of. re ."vertehr FADS A UK MEDICAL SCIENCE their turn. Springfield .Republican. jf u,0 teeth ax.t having their turn A Londr.n dentist tells a jour iali -.r ncw it- is only ' & reversion to the that he is (verwhelmed by r eo;lo :?!nn-er practice; tf ruder days when sent to him by doctors to have their people did no,t expect to keen their teeth out: "1 'oung men and yor;ngJtcelh till clu -age, and toothache w:ts woien it is i ll the same. It is like rumnr.irily joalt with by the nearest bleeding in tho eld days a naive .-sal burber. W r.en dental surgery began cure. Some of the mcst fashionable t.o work its miracles it seemed for physicians will soon be sendinc peo- a v,hiK? like a complete solution, hue pl8 to get their teeth oitt to ijr( :l ; cal s..;once therc are few sprainvd ankle. Of course th-ere is complete solution. Each new dsco'verv something in it..." Of course thrre is. js a 0nvarti step but progress is not There always is something in a new ncciiily in a straight line. Fads medical fashim, even if it is arneo co- atuj go but Cr.ch before it goes k , i c .ntributes scmething to kn9wlo'i.ae. In the particular case of this Lon don dentif t called upe-n to cure lum ibago by the extraction of teeth mcdi- Catawba county In the Superior pal opieir.n may and does differ wido Ccurt I ly as to the wisdom of carrying the Dr. K. A. Price ' theory so far without convincing cvi- no-ainst i dence mat tne soui-cc ot tne treuDic o ' SUMM.ONS Ressie F. Price. The Sta:e of North Cnro'lira is to be found in the teeth, but even if enthusiasts push a specialty of e To the Sheriff of Gitawba County ; f Mrxd to extreme they are cn the , f , t.v, ' f tlie devious routes by which infee- You are i:ei ejy comniaTiuod t ) sun- .. ,, mon Ressie V. Price the defendant " ""jr ' ..u w above named your county Clerk- of the Superior Court for th V. Price the defendant "L .. 4 ' : ,1, if vhe be fcunc? within fof "iovc-ring and eliminat- y to' appenv before the. sePtle eondittons which may be use suomarincs as co.-r.invi ci- wh.u, crs. The principle at least is secure. There remains, to l.e sure, the open question as k' what is eonimenc dc-s't.v.yin"- -in other words, wh.it is a me; chant shin and' when does a mer- . . . . , ,,.., ,., ..i ceipts and disbursements, anii (Wcr-f r-uip eese u e ... - , ... . i ii 4i ( i l ship ? h''i raisef. the point, ot a. tow mine' within. a few dollars the llal 1H1.n.,atn.en In carry Kims ;s of the necessary budget for the year. , ur,i:.r the old tules of war ever' This budget determined, it ought to ' i,u-.ciiantmau c u!d for dcfen;4ve be adhered to as rigidly as posi- j purposes. Whenever a meiThantman . . hcci.'.nes a cruiser, then the lan Die' ' ., lag .ii.st submarines as commerce de- The income mvy be large or small, , ,;trr,yers js auomatic-.vlly lifted, just an is tho case with large orj" v$ in demanding' so 3mall business houses.A small busi-. Etr;nsl' tho complete abolition of Kr nrnotinlnir thrift nri( 1 Knhni.n vines held to the belief that Jlv90 vvv..., r.vv.v... -- - - . .;ti.,1..i HO " . ..ii: 4. : restraint in war ly any oenieiem. aviny, hopes to grow; it has County of Catawba, at his office in Newton, N. C, on the 19tb day of January, 1922, and answer "fhe coia plaint, which will be deTsit .'d in-the office of the -said Cle.rk oj' the Su perior Court of said county on or be fore the return day of this summons. And let her take nc'tice, tiv.it if she fail to answer said complaint within the time prescribed1 by law. vhe plain tiff will apply to th?. Co ri, for the relief demanded in tho O rijilr.ua. , Herrof fail not, and of t!ii;j siuu ri'ons make due return. Given under my hand .and seal tf said Court, this 9th d.-:y Janu.ry, 1922. J. T. SF.TZEK, Clerk Superior Court Cafawba f 'ovinty. C. I,. WJUTENER. Atwnoy for Plaintiff, t t) 4! 3.lc'ndays. the source of infection. Thus as knowledge widens it be comes b'.th more complex and mor. intricately interrelated. New diseases :vre discovered and named, but at the same time maladies which had been regarded as distinct are found to be but varying manifestations c'f a corn- men cause. The war" on 'sepsrs 'which tne I'.mi century carried- so far m surf gery the 20th century is pressing vig orously into the field of meiiinc. Whether the malady is rheumatism or neurasthenia headache, or toc- ache, the modern doctor begins by ' lo.ving for the source of some poison that might cause the disease. Particular fs'd's4 may be carried to e::t:cmes, but this is not so mu?Ii a matter of scientfic knowledge as of personal judgment; the experienced and level headed practitioner can find a place for the new without losing his sense of proportion. And when a craze of this kind subsides it almost always falls unto its proper pla.?2 .-is a valuable contribution to orthodox science. That the discoveries to be made ah.'-ig the lines of investigation which have been opened in recent years wil carry medical science far cannot be quest;'. ned There was a time not so long ago when medicine sceired to lag beh;nd surgery, bat medicine is now having its turn and may claim some of the greatest scientific triumphs of our century. THE BETTER MONUMENT Charlotte Observer. Mrs. Maiy Rowe West, Catawba county woman who was, as describ ed in the Hickory Record, "unselfish in her devclion to i-iVI:t and rn in spiration to thousands,'' wis buried TC last week at Marvin church whu stands a thrce-rocin wooden school house which was the scene of much of her community activities and where the Charity community fairs which she promoted' were held. The thoughts aroused in the minds of tee people in connection with rer ended la-hors and thc immediate scene of her trreatcst accomplishments, were of "the hundreds who have cause bless her memory." The suggestior made by the Record that the board of education perpetuate her wo'rk and name by establishing at some central point in the county of the Mary Rowe West School, is one which will no doubt he acclaimed by "the thousands of friends in the county and those to whom she was such a blessing." The i - I c t vol h r. n s.n i z hoi f r v i than a shaft-of stone or marbio. I Delay DoesnlPav E V W oreakihat&Idldday CASCARA j QUIN1N1 CHECKS Colds in 21 hours l a Grippe in 3 das. Quickly relieves Headaches. 1... let fin m. Standard lein'dy Ti !d over. Demand red box bearing Mr. Hill's poWruit an-J inature. At All Druechls 3!) Crnrs W. II. HiLi, COJirANY. ULTl'.OIT (200) This will fix my cold 1Al,U.'U3 Keep i-'i. im.i- .." Ii)iCOvery handy. It breaks i rtni.hfirii cods and stons t jvu-oxysais of coughing. No liarm! druggisLs, 60c. tv-s; . " "Tf TV A Nsw S is c every 1r - T t - J I I? tor uolcls ana, uun aaicxmm:!!r:jSKrwmnmamm 1 1 n i fm " . . . .1 1 T 1 t ing the bowels unmoved reiui''- i-tir.uilaung lr. King's Pills b'-iri; vou a reguiar, normal bowel li::.; -.i Inc. 25 cents. All druggists. , PROMPT! WONTCUIP r. Kind's Pill Complete Laodsoppe.. Service Planning, plants end planting. Come and sno us. We st of Hickory, on Central highway and Southern Railway, north side. If you can't come, s.:id us snapshots or . Mte tones for suggestions. h Consultation is free ncar- HOWASDHJCKORY NURSERY HSc&ory, r3orth Carolina Fruit Tree? Alio Catclng Frcn -V, chance.of growing unless its niana'j th"at ' found itself hard presseti, re gers have a definite object in tninrl ganiP.a ()f internatitnal law; am unlew they have vision. Thw lmsi- it must, be amitted that Germrcny: unle3 they ness concern won't grow by (iplurg inj or by trying to appear larger than, it is. There is no more reas- oh.fpr persons in moderate circum-: stanoe to attempt a big show to j put On appearance than therc i.3 in th"imall business concern to at teiript t o be a steel corporation. The principle is thc same. i Every erVsible man and woman light to pull up and halt for a iew hours, take stock of their pos sessions, find out if they are drift ing aimlessly, and if they are, to take 'in their sals a notch and pro ceed at a slower pace. , A part of wages and salary should b put asido regularly as a means of reducing expenses and saving some money. 4 m m m T1IE FRENCH POSITION ,. Thj Record has never been a parti tan o Frank II. Simonda, who writes voluminously of, war and tho peace conference, but thU paper believes his analAis of tho French position in regard to submarines was, correct. Mr. Simonds does not believcHhat France Intends to build many battleships and submarines, but he believes that France will use its right to build sub marines as a lever to make England Cprae to better terms in the enforce ment of the peace terms. France was actuated by fear of Germany in the future. Thjfl explains why the French dele gate submitted to all of the alu3; from American newspipera. It. was an AngloFl'tmch question that war brought into the arms conference, and France, not having bcrn sriven guar antees against attack by Germany. not eyen the guarantcoH that have been given Japan-stood forth against both England and America for the purpose -of meeting England in ICij rope. Therc is no thought of war in the whole busincsw, according to Mr. Wimonda-, just a play of, diplomacy, and diplomats must have strong cards to win. The submarine is France's ce. The .Anglo-French quarrel settled satisfactorily. F rsnof will ln vrnrlv f v r w - ' Au4y "am yield on the submarine later, but just M now the French have higher interests ga to serve, fhey have seen both Eng. I land and the United States back offj from a treaty that assured France of, peace for five years and that would have permitted her to reduce armies! and they have seen England and thc i s cHr.se in tne worm wi "i,i'"' that view. To place these marine weapons in the possession of vnui batnnt nations without numev-ital limit, and then forbid their use in the most effective way possible is like expecting gangsters in a fight not to ROOM FROVIDED Peoria Transcript. A reformer is now getting ready to call a convention oi women who favor a return to long skirts. Here's the telephone booth to hold thc meet ing it. New Year SEE- PIERRE PELLETIER PRESENTS N SHAKESPEARE'S uiy itonurn Monday Innm Ian Auspices Community Club rices 35 50 75 1.00 CHICHESTER S PILLS U" W THE A IA MOMO BRA NIK A "5K llo! AU your ImMl.t for AA tlCyjGJS. Villa In Ui'J n! o.dl wrtall cWV WT. "".H hn.M. .ealerl mVJl Btue F.lbtn. XTX l'ska no othr. Buj of Tir ih,'Amnd :?ranu fills, m yeirtHnowr as Best,Sftst. AV.ivs Kella'i.i SOLD CY SKUPOS'S VI8HRS The new ?nr we pre"ict will bo happy and prosperous for those who will yo after these things as if they really wanted them. The coming year and the years to follow good to those, who, with resolution and industry, work for their future rather than dpeend on luck. The coining year we hcliae will be one in which the wise will exercise prudence in the marTagoment of jheir income and conservatism in -their bcslness tiiid'ertakings. Among good resolutions which any one may adopt with profit is the resolution to g iye 'greater, attention to thrift by a "budget" arrangement of personal or family income. First National Bank HICEOJIY, N. C. Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 J D. EU?ctt, president, K. C. I lenzies, VicePresident & Cashier J. L. Cilley, Asst. Caskler - - - -'wMMnwHiinMMaHr We Are Going I o Locate in Hickory HiverCIrai .Jieo f: Hatrrows and Repairs of all kinds Barbed Wire and other Fence Wire s re. Co V. On next Wednesday, January 11, we will have to ar rive at D. M. Boyd & Co.'s place of business, two car loads of; horses and mules. This stock is all well brok en and acclimated. This is one of the best lots of stock that has ever been shipped to Hickory. We have some good heavy mule teams and mares in this lot, and if you need anything in the horse or mule line do not fail to see us. Our nrices dtp Wo-hf Coffey Rigbee 'i