ii. Record ' .WATCH YOUR LABEL Record subscribers should renew at least five days before their subscriptions expire. ICKO .WEATHER Cloudy and somewhat warmer tonight. ' Prbb-'' abiy light snow in mountains!. Saturday fair. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, H. C, FRIDAY VENIKG, JANUARY 13, 1922 PRICE FIVE CENTS BUD LIPPARD ISHENRY FORD II Vfr J. W M. IS. 1? i A. WW T TO COURT it , A,. S . x :iTDV Tfl Snfilirhrn nhrftin rnnTii Ueis I iicrouirhlv Soakc-d U 0! I in fJ y K VV h HI-III 1 1 L KiV " ; b B i 1 8U flLfltItUU2C; Ul LIlU lUII "'"";.".-!" O CAMP BRAGG ILLIflH SHE RUDY TU SEE WEEKS Tliis morning's Charlotte Observer urit:ii.riH the following news story that will lu of interest here, where Cut I Lippnrd is well known: T I'., illudl Lirmard. ronutod to one of the most successful and .-.edacious bootleggers in North V-:,'o hiia, and for whom authorities m th:.'. section have been waiting to env warrants charging him with transporting; liquor for same v.ttks, yesterday morning, in ecm nany with his son Carl, and their iawsers, Wilson WnrficU, of New tuti and Judge Councill of Hickory ualktd into superior court and sur rendered themselves upon the pre 'i i,iat iin ol a capias instanter for their aresl by Deputy Sheriff How- ,! Wilson of this county. The count y I innards live in Catawb i iar Newton. I'.ud l.ippard has for many months ftinii.-hcd considerable caue for wii'i lil'ulness on the part of Meck lenburg county ofTtcers( due to his li'ni.tatioii as 'a liquor runner, which h,! ; been framed through his many veapades in this section. He has ..rv a term nil the roads : i T 1 1 ) heing found guilty of t runsiort iug whiskey in the past and this time his son Carl is under indictment on a similar charge, as well as being tharged with the theft of an auto mobile. It is said that, the sn came in answer ti a warrant charging him with the automobile theft an..' that (.either he nor his father Knew that he wa '"also 'oiu to be served with papers charging him with violat ing the piohihitioii laws. lioiid in the .urn of $I..'UU was soon arranged and the father and son left the c urt riHiin in company "with their law--;;rs, J. 1), McCall of Charlottes .ludgo Councill and Mr. Warlick. Bud l.ippard h'.. i' already filed bond he fore he came into the courtroom and ave himself up to the authorities. The suddenness of the surrender came as a surprise to many in the courtroom when they learned that the two men whom Deputy Sheriff Wilson had served the papers on were none, other than "Bud" and Carl l.ippard. Hud l.ippard though the father of Carl, is a young appear ing man himself und his son fx : hie1 strapping youth of ID. liotb were neatly dressed and wore natty crav enet overcoats. The 'elder l.ippard tarried a cane as a result of a re cent injury to his foot it was learn ed. Carl was to have been tried here this week on the alleged au tomobile theft, the ease being or iginally docketed for the special term of court which was held here all last week, but due to the illness of a material witness the case was post poned until this week. I!ud l.ippard is the owner of a costly high-powered . .car' and is known to be a driver of skill and nerve. He is credited with having been uble for months 1o drive in and out of Charlotte and other cities in this section, and be able to elude ihe most alert officers who were wah inging at different points to apnro hend him on warrants charging him with tralllcing in liquor. 1 BY ACTS 11 fly the Associated Fresu. Cannes, Jan. 13. Tlie supreme council today examined the situation created by the departure of the French delegation and ruled that deci sions upon which a complete agree ment had been reached should be come operative, especially the Genoa conference, for which 1'remier Bon omi of Italy was charged to issue in vitations. Cv th Associated I'ress. Madras, Ind., Jan. 13 The ar- I 1 V ,1 1 Ul 1.11V I Mini; "i ,... ...... i tu ...,v, today was accompanied with rather , . . , , ,. serious noting and several casualties, j Troops had to be ordered out with, machine guns. APPUOVKS PUKCIIASK OF METHODIST JlOSI'ITAIi Legislation now pending in con gress, Colonel Frrbes said, proba-hiy would prc.'vide the necessary funds for the purchase. The Methodist hos oital lias .eeommodations f ' ";"' n:"0 i i - - pei sons, but it accommodutioiii can tits materially increased. N TiS CANNES PRINCE OF WILES INS INTO RIOT fiy the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 1". Henry Ford, aceompnnied by William B. Mayo, en gineer advisor, arrived here early to- day from Detroit prepared to confer this afternoon with Secretary Weeks on the proposal he has made for the purchase of the Muscle Shoals, Ala., nitrates and power plant. Air. Cord talking to newspaper men said : "If I can't prove to the people that my lease on Muscle Shoals won't cost them anything, I don't want any thing to do with it." lie added that somebody had been "spending money to prevent his get ting it." The Detroit manufacturer said if his offer is accepted ho would make Muscle Shoals an object lesson to the people, proving to then; thai, tre mendous economies could be etl'octi-d in harnessing water now going to waste. Twenty dams -pld be const.rr.cted on the Mississippi between St. Louis and Delata, Mr. Kurd said, which; would beat, light and cook for mil lion.; of families, I In.- jmwri' sold pay ing for the dam: . wm i By the Associated I'ress. Cannes, ,7a n. ):',. The allied repar ations commission at a conference here today decided to grant a pi-wis-ional delay to Germany in -naing tlie reparations iiaymet: ts. IOV leorge will have this afternoon tor London. He may, ii is staled, slxp in I'aris !. : Mte Iii coiil'ei Vii.'l I'rCtoldei'l Milb-rand and with M. J 'oincare, who is forming; a cabinet l suceei-d the Biiand ministry. By the A:;-Wa.'-hir; iciated I'ress'. ton, Jan. Kb I'rcsidt nt Millerand of France has directed M. Sairaut, head of the French delega tion at the Washington conference, to (oiitinue in that cap.-.cily until th.' end of the conference. The insruct ions were received in a cable today from M. Briand, who will continue in o.'Iice until his successor is chosen. APPROVES BUYIKG 0SP1T1 ly th Associated Brers Washington, Jan. Vi. President Harding has approved the i)urchase of the Methodist hospital at Mem phis, Tenn., for $Kf( ,()(( when funds are available, it was announced to day. By the Associated Tress.' Washington, Jan. Kb Tin; disabl ed army transport Crook today was P.X) miles west of Ambrose channel at 7 a. ni. and making seven miles an hour, according to a wireless from the vessel. The message stated that j . another transport was standing by '" . . ' , r... . the crippled vessel. The Crook was m New York tomorrow. ,M . . m , KKI.EASF. PKlSONFJfS By tint Associated I'ress.' 'London, Jan. The Irish politi cal prisoners in the London jails were released this morning under the am nesty proclamations issued yesterday by King George. Political prison ers in the colonies will re released to day, GR 1 PPL ED TR ANSPORT STILL TBHBJK - .1 " v.-.V- ? 5 laii!.M.:..t' esiihi !!'(! :i M'v-fi-a! millions of ... IS;,)- ; n- . by Ireinendoiisly hnny rains tli;i eonliiuleil i,i; ht;.s. i geles e.niorted into a ri;-r, anii ihe ruies oi' a new eoir-c IHi -1 POWTFCTi bhk ltd ! ; fiv (he Associated I'ress. Chicago, .Ian. lib -Julius s'-cn wv.ld, Chicago merchant aaa philan ihropist and many times a million aire, liii'.tv was f'ivc d-dlars riep.e: .vi:eji !ii. 'tioilo, a fa(iiife .--tyine; Sober . l.'.gers.oll, was '.vej.ti il in ei.'ntest (.f a h.'.'al news; a;-: :-. The mott.o was: '" ,ou!d ralia-r he a bev'var and soend mv money like a Icing ban be cmg ana s j K: ...a like a bugga r.' ariv.'a! !..! has c'.oi! i M)aU cr U dolhirs to c ha rji.a.olo ale! 'OpLc e;ii ei oi i- e -.. in vc'cen! m l 4 Ttl In Cy t.hv Associated I'ress. Chicago, Jan. Bi.- AIvisabi!il.y of ..u,-giea!iy separaling Josephia and Rosa BlaS'.ealc, 'Siamese twins" fr.Mii C.;-;eck. .-Slovak la, is t he determinetl t(lay by C-liieago surgeons. Hr. ;,;r Tliorek, who is in charge of the investigation, said today that. the listers fear that the death of eno would !-e the cm r.iei'iate e'eath of the oilier. The w iim e ;ire recently caoa" in I tiring of tvavetun C'lf: 1 1, i ney :ago to live after . , - a i no ruau. l!cra is th mother oi an 11 - year - ephia I.? unmarried. d bo J i MM jm Lib Jly the Associatel I'ress. Cannes, Jan. B5. Invitation:-; the Genoa economic conference ciocd upon by the allied council were issued today. The United Stales ami imrmrfsmt. countries wore supreme the more asked to' send a minimum of three and a rnax-j -.t . I i I .it. I imam ol live deiegai.es ami lae om- . er nations two delegates each, the date of meeting to lie March S. By the Associated Press. Spokane, Wash., Jan. 13. Five poi sons were seriously injured and ten or 12 others were slightly hurt when the three rear cars of the Northern Pacific passenger train No. 1 west- bound of the North Coast limited de- railed five miles west of Councils last night, according to a dispatch received here. fi'Hi i in JVIILLIO IFIVE PERSONS ARE INJURED II WRECK I . s I I 1 i 'A Mi, ii te. FREBICH PRESTIGE nam nor aci; vi n r-j'j.:!.. I (:iiy yeslel-iiay le.e i!' i'-y fin. i'ls-'y: t and all weiied in Ce'ir l e ' " r -: ! v j n-rauutl v c a. ToO.',',' ! i 'iev e; ' Ihe praises of every! The Moslem pies- i'ale: of Ms columns in A ngom pact a ad Ha; tic re:u'i ed Islam i.'i reaeral an. ''laic in Krtit:i!hv. :i.-'fs of B.edou;n tribes, who !r: mont'c'S have been a source of y. t th."1 Sy iaa administrntior u'-H (, i i"! egu!ar v '' c:vrvieo i .Syr;:t, a.'e i . w m i oniy pte-ig- en a " i e- ibeir loy.-b ai I goo.l : :l: i e ;, . . i: iii are j i.-orp ; el liyri un.'lci" the- gcvsvivuien' lew ('.'.-yy ay... a j -f'-a- oeri."n i : a was" Is hi mi Ihe city of I.5ei (., e.iV:nie,aoi ale the An."i i hcaly. About 1 thP'H'i ?Jo mcu'aas look p .'si. in tiv evenr. si:es vc re !eiivi-i ed ty ieaoine ens in aH .';' v-sirdi the Ley nolo ,oii:; lie I'rstu-e; d.vn ."st'c laiKi.'" A resoiution was adopted Fn ,.i.i 3 k ' 1st ,3 UUi fori lo. A duty of Washington. Jan. five raw' i he Ww cent's a pound on short staple cotton and lb cents a pound on long staple Cgyptian grown in Mexico and Arizona was askod .,r ihe semi to comrmUee touay bv n revi-eseniatives of the cotton indus try. COTTON New Yolk, Jan. B5. Between the easier showing of Liverpool and un settled European conditions, there was a renewal of liquidation in the cotton market today iug was several poin t I I and the open Is lower. Open Close .'.17.82 17.i)r ...I7.7.r 17.8R ..17.3b 17.54 . .1(5.1(0 17.09 ..1(5.90 17.00 ..16.30 Iti.la -2c. j.imiarv March . . , May juy QeuK't.' ' j mc ory cotton 17 1 -A -".'- v!' vwa'.' Xv v . ' - i vri.,;,,,,.,,,,, t oiuherij Culij-ornia thai u eri- caused i the bliVine.; sbLU-rwc ibn n the Associaten I'ress. Pai is, Jan. i-'i. The text cposff.' Anglo-French riu-ihl to Paris bv M. t! 10 treaty Brian;' c m ( 'aiuk-s was s was made public today, that Great Britr.in shall ,-l-e.' to tae :uU oi f i-.'noee oi p;i;p o1 ircct. unprovoked attac bv Ger- i-Miy (.'a French 1cvri!.er. The preamble to iiie treaty recites ermany's two invasions of France, e n.--sei;i d(-vastai ion. a i id the roas- i : . t .t c i i is-- S a-- in the in -vo.-.t of i biro; K'si! and world peace-. t (iV,olfi:; articles 1:', 4'5 and -14 of the s r; ailh s treaty restrict i:ig Gor ":Miy's arr:;ainei.i'i. ii the Bhiiie regisn ; other niocu-'nres for the safety of uuiuncn on mim $m mi i giuiygs mm By the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 1.",. Tiio Fiend: j t i t . sear nas aoi.iro'.-..-ieu jienry 1 . i ;.l!e askiae; if be woulJ icider the purchase o! .I'rencli atlieships, Mr. Fia: said tcday. Li answering the cablegram, Mr. '(.Tit s"i;l ho was not. intoiestcd un IS! or.hl it re Fr; nr. .top ior lie 1 5 a r n ? a it i.v I LL By the Associated Press. Washington', Jan. 13.- -Bdferring !:o Hie se; te action yesteroay in lee-hiring Truman Newberry entitled: i s,,. -,vi i..i.i..-nn fconnrorial seat. Hen- ry Ford tocluy said that "spending iey ior po.'icieai omcus nut, cwu -u for nolitieal offices has come to i don't think the people will oass. fiT lb! PAR Q dand for it," Mr. Ford added. "It! The campaign against government vol be through those senators who!wf,hiy foHov,-?.d the piling up V - , (enormous deticits oy ad tne l-icilwiys run for olbce thfs iall. Lnd the nrPsmiTn of entente creditors HIS DISTINCTION New uL ieans nines x icaj uuv. s i in- ., ... i- -... Times P ieayune. T'hore is one very remarable thing about ho late Onsville C. Coffin, the ild front '.iersman and Indian fighter. He has laid no claim to being the only survivor of Custcfs' massacre history's printed story notwithstand ing. TRUST THE SENATE N-w Orleans Times-Picayune Tlie armament conference delegates ' . . nope that the Pacific treaty wilt hejvate nanus. clarified hefor the meeting ad - lourns. .Ti. ist leave the little stunt of clarification 1o the senate and its rr'sdrvations. c j o (WfAWCA GINNING FIGURES There were (5.399 hales of cotton, rrimf ir.e- vi iO'd a.s half hales, ffinned in i. u'!':i ccun tv from the crop oc 1 o I prior Uf January 1. 192 2 comparer' with C,279 bales ginned t-. Jaraarv , 192 i. JOHN M. ABEKNATIIY. I iPiK'Sitioil lo any plans calling fc'ithi ::i;aiuloeiiieAt c Cainu Brao-g. N. C. j w;is expressed before tlie boune nPi 1 l-Jiy eoiiimiltee by Brig.-Gereral A"- bort J. Rowley, commander of the v.-.,.,,. vukus i.M!:;t. .one: . vvas me oiuy one in ine cemtrv in.ar i would pormi; ! 'i lie iloi.iSe I Clilim.iieieo t full range shooting. sub-conimitieo has hi, either Cuinp Jrag? "s op ivnox, Jy oe sou: in wc j interest of ''o;'f now, and sane-mili-'. , tary jvi'epareunofes." Camp er-i raises 120.451 acres of . -tr i. , ... NKMt ARCTIC OCEAN ;By the Associated Press. Riga, Latvia, Dec 24. Sonic hither ta unknown minerals have been discovered in the interior mountains ci the Kols peninsula, which juts cat into A'ct:e oeeu anr? White Se.-. north of Arch-i'iigel and Murmansk say? a i adic. dispatch from Moscow, seat oiM by the office:.! soviet Rus sian press bureau. Altogether, more than 20 different kinds of metal deposits wei'e found. The discoveries were made by an expedition, composer' r.'f Petrograd scientist. The region is seldom visit ed by outsiders. The natives are of n.r- Eskimo or Lapland' type. By the Associated Press. BIO Of IME 1 E EXPORTS' I i Washington, Jan. 13. A decrease ol commission has sent a resolution ask nearly one billion dollars in the fa-ling for additional issue tc. the gover vorable trade balance of the United1 nor, and the c'aneil of state. It does co l i irioi" i-- :,J. 'no'; arjsear whether there will be states dui-mg PJ21 war; indicated iiv , ... u . -.,., . any mfficultv securing the s.-pDrol tae foreign trade statistics issued to-of'the governor and the council of dav bv the department of commerce. ; state for the bend issue. Exports decreased in value in 1921 f;:'i,7-L'1 Oht.T.OOO rc,i)(;':,(;0o the i;el imports by i i-porL ,s; t -'I at- j l in bating mucn ot tne reduction to the material decline last year in prices which made up the bulk of the country's foreign trade. Mill PMMB By the Associated Press. London; Jan.. 33. Georges Carp.n tier, who decisively defeated' Gcorr Cool: cf Australia here last mav ask another fight with night J -c. ! Dcmrsev. woiad s c.-iam pion, ".villi Kid Lev's. .Ct "s manager. toji-j-a. 5f m t'lrpcnta !frET?;!ANV to co::t:ue ! oPKIiATiON OF ROADS j r!v tbc' Asoccatf-n i'rps? Berlin, Dec. 26. Germany prcb l ably will continue to own and one- ate her railways, posts, tele y'riph ana wterways, despite offorts by certain industrialists raid politic1 ifpciers to in''u"e the government tn sell these public utilities to prN. interests. Govenment ovnr-dibi r :-r,pca-s to hive become a st-?.-- r.y tcll"'v.-ng tr.is cr.' npaign an- is staunchly supported' by socia;irt:-. ,i,,mn,.,.Hf fhers and ahor ele- j ments. ' i - for navmeut of Gerrran's war in- demmties. It was a.i sin ft tnat th" reads could' be made to pay a profit . - t 1 ' -. 1 . lunaer private ownersmo ana wour; thus be a material help to the nation in its financial dilemma, Railroads cf Germany always ha c I been under government contrci until I the revolution the properties were vested in several states. The sys tems however were consolidated' un- der the central government when the Socialists came into power. The Socialists object to vesting i . . i. ,.:i:j: : : ; cwnersnip ui puuiic uimti m yn- ; rot 1 SUGAR PRODUCTS CO. , pipppiT cp mi mm HUM! IN HANDS OF RECEIVER standards and safeguards now estab- ' lished for the protection cf wnier By the Associate Press ;in iniustry. New York, Jan. 3. A receiver for; Many thoughtful persons onnocp the Sugar Products Company, a sub- a amen'hnert. Mr. Grt-yyn v sidiary of the United States Food jf the amendment was ad'otei, Tfr Products Company, was appointed to- Gompers declared. rn-ry employes" of day by United States Judge Mack .the country would proceed' to t-per-Liabihties ox ;0,000,000 were given. late under the amendment. (BY MAX ABEF.NETHY) -igii, Jan. l. Having doubled ror.-d program bv the ,r tunes from the federal go"ern : . y invrs"""" 1 1- - ; Carolina" dJrinc 1920 19 j and 1 inc i'omnnsK ' '- St sk.'n hero h- . e'" alter son iscussion au'un-- ! '-igger program and will So.-n iw-:hav? he new Projects proposed f i.aw Minn in ine various i a-v- - - - 1. 1 1 rear''1" tor publication XJh'.?r the nl.Tr. iust mapped out 'ii'-e state evect"- t- raag 'nai'd surtr.'ce, sr.id-iclay and other-1- nri ;wise hnr,; ove an additi-mil one th .- ... a - iwii-. n:- 1 "e V'. . : .weather ncrmittinrr. V o"r h n-? Ci ied for in toe Doughton-Connor- ; Bowie road bill. Recent reductions in the price of ; materials used in the construction of roars lias macie it possible for the highway e'.'nrussSon to exoand the i 'oraia previously mvpneC out six -- TTUths a-ro. jitjc b- al'osatbijr th" $1.7C0 000 -f federal aid road mcne Mi each of the hirh'va;; c.!ricts on the basis stae funds are gll'vtH it. i fip-nre-' th""e wil' ri' fV;ff:-iir-.r whatever in carrying out the revis ed schedule The commissir':i intr piets the federal road law so that evry dollar of fe,nrnl abl money iust be i' :pl;c'tcd wichjv like amount frr.m the state or county. Wi'h this interpretation agreed upon the com mission will aulhore the wo'k t proceed somewhat simuItHneou-lv in each of the nine highway districts of the state. To carry out the new program it will be necessary for the state to sell an additional ten millions bond issue in excess f the amount au thorized by the fifty million dollar ropsl bill which was enacted at the .11921 session of the legislature. The mm FP.iEis FEEL MUCH BETTEl the Asse.ciatof VPSs Detroit, Jan. 3. Political leade--of the state and Republicans associ - ed with Truman IL Newbrvv i' U 1918 senatorial election joined the sen ator last night in declaring that th--ote in the senate was a vindicatio of Mr. Newberry- Paul King, the senator's campaig; manager, declared that the vote marl f-d a rebuke for attempts to prostibit power. PH; '.e .V"soc"'ated Pv: Cii. v:t'.' ;r :-?i"'"i"r Thra "v-in i 200 feet under ground. PPOSES lurmi 3y the Associated Press. Washington. Jan. 13. Fna"tme . r ' s . . .. . . : . . i : i j : , j 1 " . ,r,!;t""-uonai a n enament insuring equality fcr . . 1 , . . en wa:-; opnrsu oy sarraei ii7-e-. .president of the American federa- i tion cv laoor. on the ground" ihsT It ;wr,aid rsuit in ihe destruction of flt P Gill