1 VY ATI.' 1 1 YOUR i LVrord .subscribers .bou'd renew at least I,,,- d.iH bclon their ul s( ripl ions x i rt. WEATHER Unsettled and warmer tonight and Tliu!da, " " Lably occasion-! al rains. -tl aUTJIGJ 'i r 5 tSTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N.C., WEDNESDAY EVENING," JANUARY 18, 1922 ?RiCE FIVE CENTS BUS 1 1 V T I I fl P 1L Ill O o f DEFENSE SGI RES IN CABARRUS MURDER A'-iS'icialod PlOSS. Jan. rocrim' ft 1U'(. 1 c: II! t he umod toe'a ; of testimony for t.u- tl .e dial of 0. (i. Thomas, e cinruod with mure'."- ii v.iip tlie shooting to d-'.o.l. 25 of Arthur .i. Aihm. impiiii, chief electrician a', u-. , tUn: mills at Ka man se l':.it w'tiv.-s en 1 led t : Ct:e I U having seen AI- night of the daget'.v a W MIS i I in 1 TATE. SMS iBLE! I t New York's Business End Seen From tlie Aii (P.V MAX AI'.KUXKTUV) Raleigh, .Fun. IS. Commissioner Labor ami Printing M. I.. Ship- man today declared that the f ( nip!:iynKiii Is f re o lock a 1 ..lit vau- !' l lie Cabarrus mil! an; !.. ;!.! into a For sedan dt !' v A!'t and drove to Tiwing's v, v, l'-'ie tlvy took into tin" iav ('.u';e Kimball. Allen then thi.-. couple in the Knrd sedan tn li t on Ihdhpuge road, where he with the intcnfn.n of re f,.r t!:"ttt late'". He failed to .! a no after waitine m.i'ly i'.' lf un- sitttition over North Carolina is "serious11 and that "de- t 'sivo steps to relievo this condition should he taken without de'ay.'' The commissioner makes di cs t.tvia' anneal foi assistance in linei- iS, Wot' men of "wen v.illim k for the the world Hell" riiiitioi tin. couple wa! bad; to witness .-aid !'.'. heard th'j three shortly al'te" A'k-i Iffl tii;m I not know wha' Mad oeettrred. I.indav. K'annanolis harber T But L ca t'.o k' 'cl that, lie was sca'eu u si ret t on the niu'ht a (.' saw .u 1- url se'J'.tn j-a m , by a hi;; car Mid 'hat he :., -:v until they w:o witlibi tn ;i n! of tin place v !."!' 1 !.e X ..ectirred. lie l'.":ut f'ni .'in'- about a tui'i'ite aftei' Hie.-.' in.Yo mil of I'i"' sitrht. ',.. I:.;.! witness eall"d hef'-n- the win rectus v. as Mrs. iioleii. I. owe. . i M ' i i i I. .. !..... H-H.i a . Willi IIOM'O-.S i'.l llli' dim- ;i!'c,i tlcii. She tost'.lied thai j.-i- I'ne Clin" ,ua rtl' house in i ti H 1 1 -, v, if b Thonnif cores ot ex-sevvice war who. he s-iys. tt saeritico their lives in the interest t humanity." These ns'ii, ( 'ouimissioivM' Shipman th'nks. '(lesei t s ;. better fate than beine I't duced to w.int in tin's land of plenty " The conunissieners .state men i; follows: "The number of applications for; the AVoolworth building. enip.oyment tiled at the .s:x free em ployment ofFices in the state indicate a serious situation in the ranks of the unemployed and decisive steps te relieve this condition should, be taken without delay. The employ ment service refers hundreds of ap plicants l.ir positions to those in need t.f assistance every week, but it tan not ere ite opportunity for the many whom it has been uiv.UA' to place. "The wa.u'e-carr.i rs of North Car olina art' not derelict. Tln' ab hor the idea of bee'jcin.e;. Idleness i.-: oi'-ta.stciui ant at1 empty pantry a distvessin;;1 condition hitherto un known to a considerable number now seeking means of livelihood, in the ranks of the uiynmloyed are imndiets ol' voternis of the world war with whom our people- should "keep the faith." The men who were wil'.inj; tt) sacrifice their lives in the bitcr.-st of humanity deserve a bet '"V fal" than beim; re iu'-d tr vani 'n this land of plenty. The Amer :c;.n Legion is eootie-i) inj;- with ibe enu-loymeiit service to lh" .fullest e.- out in I he elfort to place its coe, fades in helpful positions, but juilh : en : i succeed to an anprceiahle ex - '" "t ' w - :I,T"lnl?:asi:3, nnamj-mHirt ! ,i r ?- rsi g t t,tR, s-tt ! .. ' i f. it i 'v i it n Man: n euk.k it m m m n iL'tbiityuf : tuHiirt soon ffe:a' jtoiiffi : KQiiDrn L Ut S LL onion ! S ?J5 h t f! a LI Us I By the Associaletl I'ress. Washinglon, Jan. ;;. 'j lonacco in the l By the Assnciatetl Press. principal -iniei :;:an L'.i'iiian.' tiuaceo C einpany )f. i acc'0 A . :::::!"' rt i o. :f A striKinp; awiai pnotograpa or the lower cntl of Mannattan island, lookms nortliwest. In the Jorecronnd is the East river with its dozens of piers. To the west of the island is the Hudson river. In. the extreme left foreground iu-e the aquarium and'Battery park with tlie Whitehall building' beside It. In tlie , jcenterjtowering above them all is roe ot t! r. manufaLtui'ii: let? States. Tbc, omnatiy, the .nd the Ligftt: Cv)iripany, we: e a;v in numertv.v-; '-2's in restraint 1 rt submitted today ; v.e foniivi ! - s h;V'. . : 'iK'S, the c..in rci'.: -1 ' iviivr the .resiit s j i oru'ered -.sndor .: ; r 'solution i n t r o I uc e ( 1 b y S e n a t o r ' :v::kI.:, i i .. of South Carolina j hc:;i ouUTed int.) a ton;-p!ravy. I Tlie R. J. Reyn.,I;Is Company, the j report said' was net a party to the: the rtrashintou, an. IS. The nasine- of passport is tny'ouatlv h,..,.. iooio.'bt about in response' to a ': i-'.v:i:i' ('isT)Osii :in (ii i' .. .,.. ..e ..v I .lit, vt t, j,et rid i Ijurdensome as a a .e i: the f,M l deciaret.' an investis , i n s in Pi l. 9 S fl 5 mwm LIS L au Ml in it mm m pjiooqiur nmnrnqta to u liny ii u s n i l ui s iulssuis pjl i y nu : LOP BflV mi I UI3 HA I Li; ' p ? r a i s.jieg-ft.' eonsoji'acies and was t o;n- i 'if foreign vis mended for its opposition. The com mission )ru:n:sed pi osecution when: tne evidence (lisoosed th the nati v. a. -tmio lobulations of travel. V :' :'s pr.mnne'it in tii;d .maiie affaii . e unnesiTatinely rre ii; t that lonsequenee (he time i.- nor f-.r ".-i.rM when to.i; ,-Ms may jjirt'Ie the '!ebe virtualiy as unhampered as ia t.'-c f!;;ys heft rt WA . Tiic agitation for a reniovai of the necessity for eonsul'.-.r vi-;as upon : :s.i pon s and a letting: dt.wi- of the ' -;'. !!1 i- -;.:,! i-.i ! h-id ts u- - "i an ' -' r. ...... .-, i . ,.i 1 rusua'ss mee : a! -"ietions upon lrav;d haw reattce laoii comiiiev.-iul IrV of th-se n-;,'o-.. uuustoined to gather laiee vear'v tiieU ;:i:'i.p," W'i .1' r fnicj i.ot-l-.ets tucie IWU S;tvi,. n been violations oi law. ! tvi i liere was no cf nciusivc evicivnee, ihe coniniissien stated, of collusion to oe.:ress the prices paid yi owevs for .'() crop, the coir.nu.ss.ion ada- n..!weve;-, that ea.cn ct mnanv the Associate 1 Pre-rs i 'Washineton, Jan. 18. - Itetenti.'i ! bv the war tlenartivent of nine train iie. centers, one in each eoi ps area (BY MAX ABERNETllY) Tialeiirh. dan. I. Inte rpref int; 'new tax law Commissioner of i r.ue A. 1. watts nous mat every state official from the governor ore II ilie Do. Ii-. shortly be- '"'t without the cooperation ot tnos.1 ,i . i , . ii iv.no mav provide opporum ties lor on i ue nt.". n. . i 1 en w i was recommentied today ny ' et.eraj i ,i,uvn includin"- sunreme and sunrr- ior court judges, must fay income tax on their salaries. Ct.m.nissioner Watts points out ., that there is. no supreme con ft op-;i- t!ie ; . , , . , , , . ion !y wmcn ne may oe ! matter but. he is of the l'ershi!ig, chief of staff, to the house; military committee. j Ceneral I'd shine; ici'liou as traininy aalioiial jjuani' and fecommetatts. re centers ft r reserves of the i, Midway, jut befov he ;jara!: of ) .ss'onrt;, m- ricult'.ira I ifli, w'loin Thomas had tob iiit.c.i l" - (". mi bush. ess. Not iiiiu there, they turned around i to hi.-, ho '.is-.: cii Leonard , and just the'i she saw a Ford tn i n aiound in the intersection I he Nati'iaal highway ami the 1; ' If. atvt ro.if!. The Ford went o,ii ttie B thoaue '-oad to West at root and t'.niied in. They followed him about. CD yards. The Ford tuinjtl in!o Bell avenue and then into Leon- Bi noil (to 'l c fi ci;i; o rvs-i hi I'Usoi'.'ss. pro dust r' 1 1, domes! ;e and pursuits "Buihlimr operations at the various I ' slate institutions has contributed iei ! i 1 . . L. . ..... i : .. r t... I oi !.! 'Duiiru.i oil' icuei lit iiv uii- .employed situation (iring recent followin;: camps: Mel.cUau, Ala., Kuoy, iy., Ti ".vis, Tex. As sunrdenieniarv ramus for mo iii;;at.ion and trainintv of naf'ona1! :;iiard tiie .re rural ui'f.red retention: of Cum;) F c;e, Va.. and .lac!:s ;n, S. C ! gui'i'ed in the opinion ii isince suoortnaate ouieiais in iic; anunaiic-us state department are lirUde for an income tax it is Nothing but 'fair that the oeosirtment jieads shmo;J ... . 1- ..'11 ... .. 1 1 ' I l-v pay iiieirs, aim nis ruling wm slhiu ... . .t , Ml rr I until unset, ov tnc courts. X he commissioner of reven.ut "r war e' 'parimeiil. s e.ionMi-t and road construction "((t. ant I the larger i ar was- d. They never passed the an I Hill bib iiiii'iiler car. Wln.'M they rent hod Leonard street, ibe car "angled" their light, to the ii;:lii in an effort to lo";tj the home of () cicash. Just as the car stopp- has e;1- 'ided hundreds of skil'.ed and un k:i!td laborers to ktr'p the wolf from the floor. I'ut the problem of inn mploymt nt in North Carolina is vet unsolved. It seems to me opotlune time i n county ami city Facial.; and employers of labor gen ,'i.ili.v to cooperate earnestly in ji state-wit'' movement to provide those out of employment with some tivng to do." Employment, for .',81 men and women was found by the six free em ploy ment oflicors in the state for the week ending January I-1. There were 5! applications for positions during this time, :W.) re quests for employers for he'.p. whi'e lirogram (it noral I'ershing said, calls for the consolidation at Camp Urtigg, N. C, of all ai-tiliery camps east of the M ississippi. The great artillery center ?.t Camp Knox, Ky., he said, should' be moved an, to Bragg next summer. o hole's that, under the income tax pro- j ,.. ...Li tnl -ir.1-1 '111:1 ' I v,Ji.-.illm.:mi! Uii' ite stat e i.h" oF'ices rt-c 'rir-'tl 40".!. Unskill- .! in front of the Overcash ht use , joritj 255 of this class, 82 I'll' . aw a man romintr toward:; tho , nncL-illi .r.t.;v. - (n imeumvui " V.1VI ivUl HIIU IH ll.nnilJU" ni' waiking in the ditch. .She could i not tec whether h was white or I lack, but saw lie had on a brown shirt. Ife walked to the car and said: "Cap, are you following me?" 'I Ik. mas replied, "No." The man then said, "Throw up your hands." Thomas reached in her lap, the oiii.-.s said, and grasped a pistol J'b'' had been holdinc since thev left rr hoarding house and shot three They then drove back to the boarding house. She did not Allen. Thomas gave her the iis they left the boarding house. th I ilnc I litu pi.'. to hi iy urn E nnmnniip iticrnnip a!. domestic ontl -5 industrial Tlie Asheville t ce found work for J; Charlotte. VV2; Greensboro, 17: Ual'jigh, 7."; Wilmington, 78 and Winston-Salem .'JS. I TO P WS 2 U 3 LJ1UL UU ml "FCOIO (JILL yLUSJliy By the : Vvihm smn oi he statute enacted' thereof ineludi; all efficis -justices 1 E E FIGHT FOR iU NEGRO f;.v the Associatec Press. Mn-'ow, Jan. 16. Either Premier I .en inc or Foreign Minister Chitterint In at' the Russian socio. t ticlega to the (ietioa ectmomif eonfer it was .f riciully announeetl to- By the Associated Tress. Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 18. The Ca nadian immigration bot:rd today or dered the deportation of Matthew Bullo-ck, negro, -wanted in Norlina, K. C, on the charge of inciting to riot. An appeal was immediately taken to the Canatlirai governnr.-n.', w'iueh acted as a stay in the d'e'rrrt'ition. ssoc:a:?t rress Ion, .lan. 1.-.. -iJecssion to press iiist the allied o'ebt refund::-. r !.; and next a sottuer bonus Din was reached today by Republican sentors in their first conference of the present session of congress, j A second cf nference was called for jtonioirov; tn discuss details of the j two measurer. I Opposition to ;i soldier's bonus bill tlevt'opet', but it was stated tint :-. motion to take up the bonus leeysla tion after the funding bill carried by a large majority. Elimination by the finance com mittee of the requirement in the al lied debt bill for semi-annual pay ment on the bonds to be v.ccioteu fiom foreign nations also was dis cussed, but a decision on this feature, of the bill was tVf erred. It was reported' that the vote in favor of passing a bonus bill wns 31-2 with some Republicans not voting. Some Republican leaders said while the present bill did not suit all members in its present form, they a greed, to its passage. m pursuant Is of Llu state )' lustices or uie suoi erne -.nl iud'xes of the superio: courts. are venniied to list and pav income t-.s on thee' salaries. "The commissioner holds that this matter has never been decide 1 on by the supreme c urt. The case jf Pur nell v. Page, 13:? X. C. 12-". docs not decide it. The only question present ee' in that case was the right f Tin state to tr.'x the salary of a federal judge. The l ight of the state to tax-it1- V.wn judges and other officials wa,s not before the court and whs not argued. The state was not a p tv or represented by its ictorp.ey general. What is said in the opinion on the suoject of taxing ne a i ic- of state judges and otneir.is nro merely an obiter dictum, only the views of the writm cc the opinion. The commissioner doe; not recog nize that case as settling the matter. When the question is properly pre sented to and decided by the supreme court his department will, of course, obey it-3 C?cision. Until then, his department will endeavor in every legal way to secure returns and the payment 'of taxes due from in state officials, without exception, in order that all may pay their just proportion under the laiv to tho sup port of the state government. ''The commissioner (iocs not think that lowing the same tss upcu 'In; salaries o.f -public officials as levieu on all citizens alike is any decrease in the salaries of there officials by the legish.t'.i ? with5" 'he r. eamng r.ntf contemplation of the constitu tion. Stenographers, clerks a nr. oth er subordinate officials in the uif fpien: depart -"tents who receive a taxable salary are required and do list their salaries and pay thev-on. j no ntgr.er oiiiciais, n t down, including jue'ss, snoam tb same." S a a 8 fc ' w t z V , , i .- , , ! t j i Kr2 - . t -3 a ve.. . (.'.-.s i:ie p.rices paid glowers lorj I S S Sc" El r S ?! ,i the :V: Si? a , . ... . . if. S, f 1 - 1 1 o, iv-nvever, t hat eacn ct mjiany had es Hr '''r "i h' large ;;urrd;er of buve:s and that t!l b s s; Li t y- . i i 7 trey ap.paareo at tiitierent times. ! " ' C'oiaiocn buying agencies were j By the Associated Press. usee," the rejiort "said,' "in the pur- thc Washitigto)!, Jan. ):.- V-:r,' of the , , 4 . . ' -i.s e nt I'.o.'u-ey anil secret nurcnas- ve- ). xx-: i .w.fv..i. vii:.i.i..i...r" o. i,. ir., , - . - ve.:e n;a;ie t!;rougli mtienendent nay bcK-i'f tlie y.:vlv co; ii-s . so- : V ,. 4 4 - . i cv.:t--s wmle the ultimate dealers vestigating Sjeisitor Vat:;ns t as r -.' - j , , , , . , . ' "' i-i t.'ii tne door. j r?5.. . :,,,(,,, !.; Uu,- e.S;l ,l ,., j gfiftf M f ' k-s-atco. u Unites iyaL.il Laisu l 1 T'-.l-.,. !. V. - I".!:..' . i" " J?-. m DVd B IB.X3 f, iWTO i.ni. tx. , k g a B 8 x g j) I S a I j b.ld the committe that whiv is t'c j L ! t 1 1 ! M i .... r....:. . , . ; ra rnnnTrn i : i c : ! - . : .i , ; 3 s s rj ?T a p x h t xi 1 . I 5 i !.i 1 S 5 - M 1 Desnite his ts ansfc:- orders, width ' UL Li 1 $ S lU I I were submitter! to an Amio ran oi.,.- j . j ' j er in charge of the arresting ssssrs ! s; i, , ssm iated Press. j ic. i .. i . ,. , r. .... i .. i : i i i . i - T -1 1 ii . I I ! j xy -...,iiiei Miti ne x.s.- i"-- ti ' i j i'!l,!.-i-.-i;:.i:a, a.'!:!. :..---las. trie" ' ' ......... ......... , ...... . ..... .... ,1 V . . . I III I .1 li .111 i ll" i i . 1 t i- : ; ., , --' ... , ' - - ' 1 1 VV.-1 111(1 . .1 I l l . I v 1 I I 1 . I ' t . - r ' . , I VI e, iinl" M' I I W 1 1 " J J " " , . i - - '- ' 1 1 - '-v j aJ ion-pis I I others tll'li V.'e k-o Ad 'ii -C o : c- v 31 . z q; f :.: ;:,, I ; uii,'.u ,Ji tlv..- llil'tl t . I tl L . o J I . Ll t i l - I . ' ; ' L J! ' J ion the i.oor, tne wuttess sai:lM-,. .m rhr:).,,,-, f ,,..; ,M.j count!. v allow two O'SYS. i . . " '" "... "' oeoec the new p :,nc.v;t H. C. ! ":: u''umi l" U1!!ial!1 '"-ihe.en filled b . ,. , . i .h 'tftet vnanager t.f a tourist agency b.. iii.d t.ouav is-es ner Ir uitu experience or in' ' iie pr:soner, r , , . , 1 a. , i j I - J . i 1 i t.l l.I .... LvT.i .LI w 1. I l 1 i 1 1 I V i piOV". I ' - I - t "I li ll'i- !"!( m 1 h.t "f i i f rf (: 1,-x. i t L fiMllS-;i :.d;.d.aue. Atltho.ities said s- ! s q 1 i" ' 1 1 " " !:l - i ' " j jfct. -.-f Zmser, wlttim she n.ct o-i ; I j ti ip to I:i-iia a nil wl,(. ct:uj)laineii t j , the nolice. She pleadetl not to be s. td l; i ;) back to Canada, claiming 'hat she j j would ra.t' bother Zinser, .but wish-; !e-l only to be ne ;s him. j i tt i . -,,:,....., ; , . ! R ,! ,i V ' ti X I . J . Lt il : i 'O . lliii.!! : 1 Ulr,.l touii il.i SIM !h IP -i !;.-? ? . I ii' , eiorz-.v C"tJ. !- '-i -i':V i f r n I t 'j f. i it hull to deport her. j y.riBiipnHp iTTrniniBin ! rs. it w-s -n ;r t. .5 o-o; snti that rear tit n to the mnch jtif wartime nejessit'.- is ld.ely to jcariy the pentluium of travel re- s Pack to its obi oositi.i i. ,i. - . sntoo was me ii.s-s to ease l ie ti ic? ions ution trare-l nnposed at beo-inin.r 0f v.'a r. f.nvinced it the necessitv for rieatl cvsai: o- .".t on of isitois -vis at -oi end with the coming of o.?:i' the Rrits.-ids ernment so iaodii:eo its restric- throtieh co nil l it s. lnti'n.'iinf to vis:t (tcj- oeri id net; eienier t'e.an ) So without .reiien- C tu tit her ' t nat jiei-tt. j . e i a .a ense al and ni'KiiiK inf v'uni for a 00 (lays -night tiais. That move was f dlowed y j-g'tation in Switzt .an;: for sim lar 1'. tting dti'.vn of the bars, ao.' t-ie recent ration ef Swit.erla.nJ in 'iiant'inr permission 1 or visitors to enter the country without passp- rt i est) ictioos is befit', ed to be indica tive of the trend , f though in vir tually all tho- other lvarooeaa coun tries: The position of th" I'nited Stater is somewhat different from tloit of its sister nations, it is explained by . ."f . r it,.. ..I..... ,'.... I . i i: idt.-i ( tuvr .-.t.ii- i., 1 1. ... i I'l'.i.l.. I A nierica's restriction? on i:n migra- f f I r . 1 111-1 I.-, it i-il-i'll- t IV-.Ylr il-f .1 Ii t tUtii iiwii ii mill. ,i- v .Hit',. I iii I'm . i I i,ca 1 : 1 I . T 1 iine uu i u x ne eaiciiiiiv sorieo at its. iioints of origin, t is saitl. and ftir I. '-at rea-en all !,er:'ns i nt er'tsn g tt t'iss ce;;t:v must ani'e'ir oe- fore an Americ o '-onsul and have their ;asp(,rts ;i j j i o '. with a visa. so dtang, the prospective; immi P, is sptiret! a dip to this toun- s ret i. i n lit me without be- because th nationals of his particular I it) enter America '"and was kept there Champ P....akv :in t told of the shooting a a prisoner in France he said, attempted to im mi" ration law had efori the immigrant's provision for cull- nmwTP "nf" !'.? U SI L j-tx y -jcv ;.' as:.-? bene. The immigrants abroad was 1hw! n bv coneress in an effort to fa- iiitate operation of the immigration iws. and there is little prospect iat the rigid rule reuirig pass .:!. visas will be rescinded, it i ? oyyymj m ibi nmiir '.r.a g Ess;- :ly tl-f Associated Press. "Nashville, Tenn.. Js cGi'.cetions the Baptist paign two yea rs ego a.nt' l('(f,84;:, it was reported winter meeting V f the ca servation today by Dr. L borough of Fort Worth. Collections announced ir.ciu Carolina, $2,:-577,73:-p, South Ca' 2,G33,S40 and Viiginsi, s:b21 Plans for promoting the g interest cf the eampai.-.-i tin out the south during the snrir. ths were unac c tce.'.iy s meeting. -."iSjMQniilQ Other i;-tions adojitetl the custom f leouirine;- visas on passports holt's- after the American law went -,: effect, but their action was i tther in the nature of a retaliation f: r what was believed to be an un , '.ic hardship imposeei on their suh ieets by the American regulation, it is said, and sentiment abroad is veer inc to the belief that retaliation has not paid and it would be well to make travel as convenient for visit- pos- I L'riean and others as i'-OA I 'V-'Oc j o thr- n.irt ipaign coti P. Sear ch air man 1 .Wad: ar j'ina. IH I t tors- -ab'e. The actn.n oi Molgium anc switzerlanej was cited in support of that belief, in as much as those two -ounti ies decided to remove re strictions from American travelers without demanding a reciprocal ar angemerit in this country. - U i Jan. 18. De'egates from Masonic lodee in ,nrrr the! 5IILL.L, ;UI IL 1 ana BIT! ACKERS STRIKE IP summer mat oration at the Associated Press. etc ; will t i LISTED IS MISSING fJy the Associated Tress. Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 1R. Matthew Pullock, negro, whose tlettation to Norlina, N. C, is sought on a charge j of inciting to riot, will appear today before inspectors of the Canadian immigration department to be ques-j ''tionod on his alleged illegal entrance; inf Canada. There are ample fund's to fight the case and' negroes in the United States and Canada have subscribed the greater amount, organizations PLACE GREAT SHIP in coNDin n of Britishers are aiding stibstan- l!.v the Associated Press. London, Jan. lH.-Tho American tjally. tank steamer Santarita of New Or-' Bullock, also will appear in police leans October 20 for fctezia, Italy. j COuTt today to answer to :v charge va . p.,. lei' lodiiy nt Lloyd;:, as mh's-j f vagrancy, but it is believed his ne: i tu VJi Jciise, will bp postponed. By the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 18. A contract for the reconditioning of tho Levia than has been promised the Newport News Shipbuilding Company, ac: rid ing to Representative Dil'dngc. re publican of Massachusetts, said' to day in announcing that he had at tempted to get the crmUr.jt for a ; Boston concern. tdoo By pun'tfc IIEBPHJIS .j ppenspiISi! HFIII ST MBBMi - the Associated Press. ! Washington, Jan. IS. Treasi ' exnerts were said' today to be Kaleien. aan irtualiv evei state are here today in attendance i'iwii the 135th meeting of the grant lodge of Masons which was eonven-! e-i last night by Grand Master J. Ca'1ey Owen of Henderson. Re "p .--rt.s of committees and routine mat ters are expected to-be completed at ; t ;night.s sess-tm when officers for the year will 1-e elected. Thursday the ! iVi -".sons will go to New Bern to at-! Washington. Jan. 18. Services of ' tend Ire 1 1 5th anniversary of the ; the government will be tendered I i funding of the lodge in that city, j ;,rja.;n jn an endeavor to bring about I here are 45-J lotlges of the order , .(1 bjlration of the packors strike in I si Aorth C'-.Tonna with a total mem-1 , , . , bership of about 30,000. ; :- "umber of mid-western cities, the ! Examination of the Central Bank ; cabinet elecidee'' at its meeting today, j and Trust Company by State bank The previous offer of the govern- -xaminers who closed the Raleigh in-i:nent was refused by the packing I sutution .ast ."saeureiay is expected to ' njcs on the . 3y the Associated Press. i experts were said today to t'e at London, Jan. 18. Invcr Pasha, AVork on s memorandum ft r sub former Turkish minister cf war, who; mission to Secretary Mellon on the fled from Turkey shortly after thejpr0posed soldier bonus legislation. close of the war, has been captured in j Secretary Mellon, it was said tc-j-au the Caucasus, says a dispatch from j c.ay, has not altered his views that i I 'oe romi) etf-ri t.nciav nr trminmn' ! Just what 'condition the bank is in!strike u'as no vffwtiv ; cannot be determined until the work f I of the examiners is finished. The' d; posits arc estimated at around :?1.0,P00 and the bank's bills receiv- o listed at ,$300,(100. The insti iun is capitalizetl at S5C,000. ground that the Constantinople today. The cVspatch adds that he is under arrest at An gora. When Mr. De Valera says "His Britanic Majesty," he is thinking "His Satanic Majesty." Wheeling In gencer. passage of soldier compensation r.1,,-,,,1,1 a,,. ;i- th nvriv-1 of better j industrial conditions, but the ntem oianaum was expected to confine it ! self tr-. statistical information. COTTON By the Assoc!ateti Press. New Ytvrk, Jan. 18. The circula- Mil TUffi IN SOME GOLD MARKS tion of Janur.-ry notices caused irrs- gularity at the opening of the oe'.ion i c-v tne Associated Press. UN LUCKY I Lena "For the O t that can o' n: j market today, first pr:ces beiiii . points lower to 12 points higher. , -r. , - , ! Open me. o Cosh, isz. ; Jr-nnnw . 17 :i ne away ivor.i t.as ijn i4 maoe The North Pole is on the move, sayjiir e : ( a 1 , : 1 ; . . . ! -'.1 a astronomical authorities. MiaVbe .it Liz: 'Uhau's th' lit is looking fpv Doc CookCincinnati; Getting superstitious ?" Enquirer. J Legion Weekly. , I.em?;,ulv American 1 October i Hickory 17.53 17.20 10.75 10.20 Paris, Jan. 18. Germany her fiist payment today tf 31,000. 000 gold marks in accordance with repara- totton 17c. Close 17.('i(;:the recent e'eeision of the li. ha tions commission r.t Cannes, provid- 1G84 f! ?uch l)a'nu'nt very ten days IG.l?! Ptndil)g final action on the recom jmencatiens of the commission.

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