..';'.'-'-.' f'l HI'ITI'J HICKORY , - i w rt ii vni'U I ABEL i,.,fl MiliscrihrrK Li ri'Hinv :i( leant ,i.,h before I heir WEATHER Probably rain tonight and Saturday; some what colder, moderate v aria bio winds. iiiliiuis expire. LSTA3LISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C, FRIDAY, EVENING, JANUARY 20, 1922 ?RICE FIVE CENTS nFFFNCF RFST PASF DurJNey Balloon and Airplane Carrying Ship f3S FMJVG record POPL CWEDICT NEAR UtAIli 1 ';n IVovcs by Many Witnesses Statements Made Defendant and Mrs. Lowe State Comes Hack to Show That Thomas Knew Man He Killed Mrs. Thomas on Stand A: .oi iatc(l Press. ..I, N. '., Jan. 20.Tho de ,;iy in tin- trial of O. Ci. somas fur the murder if .!, Allen in Kannapolis on : uf October ''" continued t" t . loborative testimony, a! ,,i witnesses having leen ! in't'i'ie the ii'Kii recess. ! Lewi' of Kamrvpolis ;i ni v.tnk, V. (i. Caswell urn! V,'.,; . f ( 'miciu'i.' testified that i i ' I n 1. on the night of .1 a'l-, v. M.iress of defense court-1 i nnnnnssni Niobium LADIES mien nH.n i vi lata I Head of Catholic Church, Suffering From Pneu monia, Takes Last Sacrament Many Reports of Illness People of Rome Gather in St. Peters to Await News 5 .iTWgasthe .steamship Vright.,mnning down the Hudson river for final testa just before bein? taken to the nnvv LW1 official transferal to'theiUnited-States. The Wrightvas built for transport service, but was converted into (ajbnlloon ship anrj,plane carrier.1 - Six'.wells have, been built in for the stowage and inflation of six- kit h.niiomw Th t'X . A1. . "jMxwscu-KujBcuciauuii-iJiaiiu, uuu uus complete repair plants lor balloons and planes, . M'll them lo the to:U', tragedy occurred; that two v. :i!ki'd up beside their eav 'ktiess and it was impossible '.'.ii'h who they were until :jh? was tunieu' on thent. In th nicii were well known m tin' automobile. . 1 ( 'ill Mil' I' I II ,i' i.n 1 ! 1 ( ) f Ka nnapolis, propri:'- boar lnij.',' In use, cor- '( wit nes; ci; a.; to the nioi'as nnd I .owe on the nifrht .f the aid I hat. they had in ",' ah'ti;. lie al ,o li'S ! t eputa I ion:, of bot!' Mr. . I, owe wci'o i'.i nd Knniiall ot ( "iivn, : I .ml i the di'l'' ii : i d I" r t rip f loin ( 'oti- ord 1- . in AlicnY. t.edan. Slv 1' tin iiiniiino and Allen l'ir 'abarru . cotton mil! '"H hi I". M. Mantvum ai".' niiiij,' for Mrs. KimhaH ;li I'.'' couple in l-I"' Kord ;i point on th" '.''th::a,';'e (, l"ft. them. Her t"stl- mii,r;U , lli;it k'ivi n by in I'vli deiail. 1 ; m 1 " : r ) : t i 1 1 1 by Mm state . aiimilled -he ia? 1'ceu CiOM'oril on a criartre -l ;. , i.i.t, denied that, improp : . evicted between herself , I'll. C. Tiioiiias, wife oil the de took the stand and testifie 1 riendly relations between I l.'wlmtu :inil t ie .owe was necessary to procure I M a'! f for her before she ! Pil, att'"itlo!i 'I i.'-tify. . -iij- n .f n;ted at It : IT o'eloek 'air days of testimony. - tute put on twt) rebuttul wit : before the noon recess, Frank I I it, I'.....1L k ami ,orn ,jrrai.u uuim !' i he was stainliiiK in the drutf wh' r; Thomas came in after the in-' and told K. II. Cline he had held up, and shot at the mi'.n Mines. Thomas and (Mine then to the rear of the store and i'i".v minutes came back to the L''ii I lie witness asked ('line later w a ., the man who was shot, he lo 'd that it was Allen, the pluni- ou.it. testified he saw the Thomas drive away af'.ter the shooting and 'jar of the headlixhts was dimm 'i.aa the other, as was testified to Thomas. nrnnrno m nor ' f NlittIO I U UK SAWED-OFF GUNS !! Associated I'ress. i' hi I'Vanrir.co. .Tan. 20. Sawed off '"i.ohi;i will be uiven to si prohib' 'on a;o'fif..', in California under or ' civen today by Tom Ilrown, act for Ii. Forest Mitchell, prohibition ''iiii'M.-ioni'r, now in Los Angeles precautions vvill be taken, FJrown -. i.lained, because of the attempt to '!'i up agents with Sjr.r,000 on Wed- IJFI'OKT KKFRKKEU ,; Hi" Associated Press. V foliin'.rtori, Jan. 20. The report : H'HniHed to congress by the inter- ' 'imial ioint commission on the 'po.-ed international watrway was 1 ind to !y Speaker (iillett today waterways commiltee. The wive.;, mothers, sweethearts and sistera of the Hickory Kiwan i' l'.s and a number of Rotarians and their wives were guests last nigh.!: at a Cinner at the Huffry Hotel when the Hickory Kiwanis club observed ladies night and' pulled off some special stunts 0r the benefit of the visitors. About 150 club members and gucds were present. I'iek Shuford w:i's in charge i f the progj-am and from start to finish there wvs nothing lacking in the way of entertainment. Lively mied; was 1'tunished by the Hickory Orchestra and interspersed with. Miis was some lusty singini;' of the K'wanis songs lead hy Will Weaver ana' Coi::iolly (iamhlf. Kiwanis Kri -niele . wo.d and music by Carel Van Hervie, were :: feature of the evoniot," 'lie verse;; were C-diealed to Mim;-' o com bers (ff the (dub wliose iiami-s iliyni cd with uoihi'I hi ug or to th.'se wiio ad itone si .ii"t nuig worthy of .on; and verse. The last vev:e of thi ; .'it tie nitty was dedicated In I host whose names wouldn't. rh. mv wiMi anything n diii' a tiling o which to sing. The Kiwanis uai telle, W:!; Weaver, .Jessi" VYitrliek, Con:i"lty (J'jnn'.lo an-l .li-ht: St "p1' ii.-., fav.-ei th" guests hy singing the firsL half of I he verses, the last half being omit led as a time savor. A Kiwanis cap v.';-. prosi tiled lo each Kiwaniau a ad their guests as they nlered ihe din ing room !m' beside each plate were fouia .-ei'petnines, whistles, noisy I illoons Mid oilier articles to bo-ost the snort of i be evening. Silenr. Poo.' Is. were given by fled Miller and were calendars for the years 1021, '"':' arid L'.-'.. A splendid tnree courst (iiiincr was served anil smokes were nasse.? an.und for the men. The only disapopintiitrnt of the evening was when Chairman Dick Shuford anounced that the club had Viitk them one of the real big men in K iv.ai.is w ho woulrl speak to them, livery one was leady t; give their b. st attent ii.n . when Mon AUreo' of I'tcest I 'ark arose. The noise was too cneat for speech m-vking. It was announced that the. presi dent of th': Rotary Club, Col. Watt Fhufu'd, was present araif he wais given toe privilege to make a speecn but merely arose, made a gracetul bow, am. wafted a few kisses to the audience, for the benefit of the ladies it is suppesed. The clul attendance prize was drawn by II. Wr. Carver and the I'.v Cies' ptiv.e, a han;lsome box of sta tionery was drawn by Miss Mabel K. Merritt of Raleigh, guest of Mrs. S. H. Farabee. Cms Self, one of the club's best speakers told why the Ki wardens in vited their wives to the meeting. Thev wanted tr, prove to the women that there was Kiwanis club meet ings every new arid then which the men must attend. After dinner the house lights were turned out and the program leader announced1 that some interesting views of Western North Carolna would be flashed upvn a screen. Some stereoptican slides showed the inbers in their handsome or otherwise, youth and at times there was some lively guessing as to wr,. was who. Ihe entenaunueiu ommittee and me wives oi uiw mviu- i .1 lL.. ..:.fitriL Jh2 1 QUI" hers pianneu mv; jMi-tuiv - prise but it is a poor rule mat doesn't work both ways auu committee and' their co-conspirators also experienced a great P"- when their own pnotos were iwou on the screen. it ..,.,., Unit n numner ox u- II. nixiui'i v.".- tides were dropped in me iu.mi "i night just before dinner uno toe chairman, getting winu ct uos ed those who had foutyf anyinnw please get up and tell aoout it. Alf Moretz was the first to speak and read a love letter in which Char ley Uu'gbv poured out ' wrought 'feelings to Frankie a long time ago when they were courting. Mrs. Hilda Buchanan had also found tuinn. nn1 she reac some iint-i esting verses that Hazel Aiken Mnrv Pearl about There was doubt as to the authentic ity of the verses as it is well known about town that Hazel cant make anvthing rhyme. -Th,. hist sneaker on the program Ti SuI VESSEL ASSERTd I'y the Associated I'ress. Florence, Ala., Jan. U0. Charge that the federal govermiient has lost practically $l,."i0t,(M!0 in the past six month.; by not accpting Jlenrv !'ord''s offer to Icvse the dam at id nitrate plant, at MnsHe Shcals Wris : ral here toiiay to s.outhern group mi 'iti'ber:; of the American farm btt icau by Cray Silver, their Washing ton rcr"sei;ative "Mr. Ford':; offer," Mr. Silver ai l, "wv.s n'aiie to Se-ntavy Weel.s on July ':i:;L and wiil be -translate'! ir: its last form, acccrding to the : ;". t ).;) y, some time m Nt week.'' "In s'.ddil.ion to Mr. I''oru''.; offer, several other offers have been manes'' Mr. Silver said, "hut the delay in i vying the Ford offer before cn :.rt ss has caused modifications in ot plans. Mr. Ford's offer has been pub lished to the world" for months and .Mr. Weeks has delayed' sending it to congress, thereby encourat'ng oth ers to revise their bids. Jty the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 20. Federal Pro hibition Director Kohloss of North Carolina conferred here today with Federal Prohibition Director Ilaynes in regavd to the British schooler Mes senger of Peace held at Wilmington. N. C, as a liquor smuggler. Disposition of the schooner, Mr. Kohloss said, would await the April term of federal court in North Caro lina. Ordinarily, he said, the author ities would have disposed of the ship n .'10 days, but because of; the inter national status .f the vessel the mat ter will be settled by the courts. Meanwhile, he said, the boat is be ing held under guard by prohibition officers and the liquor found aboard has been stored in warehouses. Prohibition enforcement conditions in North Carolina are improving rap idly, sh shshshr sh hh sh shrdl idly. Mr. Kohloss declared, adding that over 200 stills were seized dur ing the past two months. a m m v mm m m m mm hv n km n ma w IT BRAND NEW HOSPITAL By the Associated' Press. Rome, Jan. L0. (5:10 p condition- of Pope Benedict improvement this evening. Camphor injections are being administered. m.) The howed no LIVING AT 6 P. M. REPORTED SINKING in Mr. Ford's offer, declared Mr. "If I had several submarine chas-; Silver, "the farmers see their first. evs. Mr. Kohloss said, I could catch' 'opportunity to receive these high more liquor than I would know whatj c,rade plant foods which sciences t0 ci0 Vith." . . i i i ... n i ' i .-'. .( sale mcv so oauiy ow.-a. r grade fertilizer they can take word at 100 per cent value." - it i mm i i.f mm mi Mr. Silver declared that when mil ill Mr. Ford tells the farmers he can 5j lake at Muscle Shoals cheap high $itM Will. IHH OFFE PERSHING URGES RETEIT1 OF BRAGG' - I By the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 20. JKa'crmhv.-.'- tion to lay before the national agri cultural conference next Aveelc "the thoroughly selfish and grasping at titude cf many different cc-m panics which loan money to farmers" wr.s anounced here toc.'ay. Declaring that many farmers who h vo never itone so before are hav ing t(, mortgage, their lands in order ie get necessary money, Secretary Wallace said "it was discouraging to note that many companies and indi viduals who ir-vc -been in the habi! of, lending money ai taking advan tage of the farmer's circumstances to exact hard conditions." Farmers, the secretary said, were being compelled to pay 0, 0 1-2 nnd 7 per cent on ten year loans without c-pt:on:-il payment, while commission", were being added. The secretary said many companies were cutting 'iewn the leans to the lowest possible point to the acre, thus restricting loans when the farmer need's them the; most. ivlr. W.-:iiaee declared that no one could find any comnlaint: at such re- Istrictions in value on farms and no j one should object to a fair rate of ' interest, hut he added that "in this time of stress one finds its necessary ' to censor his own word's when he follows the parcatices off too ma'ny companies and individuals engaged. in the farm mortgage business.' By the AsocTated Press. Rome, Jan. 20. 6 p. m.) The pope at this hour is still showing resist ance against the progress of his ma- Hkkory Rotarians had dinner lastiladv night with Dr. Jake H. Shufiord in his handsome new Richard Baker Hos pital annex and gave him and Mrs. Shuford a round of cheers before one of the most enjoyable of the many meeting's of the club came to a close. It was such a dinner which Joe El liott said they serve at the hospital every aay. but: it was e-ood enouirh fo- a bunch of ambassadors. T nYIvr rnvniTfnv Geo. L. Lyerly and Neil W. Clark' . 1N mLNG CONDITION were m cnarge ot the program, which ,'?v thu Associate Prea moved swiftly after the dinner was j Rome, Jr.n. 20. At 12:30 o'clock put behind. The dining- room tabic I today it was stated that Pope Bene was artistically decorated, and roast idict was in a d condition. , turkey was the meat. The ice cream j was in tne iorm ot a Red Cross, entirely in keeping with the environment. By the Associated Press. Paris, Jan. 20. A paper here re ceived a telegram shortly afternoon saying the pope was rapidly sinking. Fifteen members told President! LAST SACRAMENT 3y the Associated Press. London, Jan. 20. The last sacra- Watt J. Shuford that they would make intent has been administered to Pope the Charlotte trip next Tuesday and j Rcedict, says a Central News d's Oscar Simmons dec'mmc'' -i 4Vr . , , T. minstrershow Thursday night. Cha',pa ! fro Rome' , , , , . F. Barker, declared Ity several niem-i Vhou lhe PPe asko1 fm' t,1G !ast hers as the greatest a'h' ,;t- '. -j sacrament his attendants sought to life in the country, will be Here tot . dissuade him, but he insisted on tak- a whole Cay m -jviarcn, speaiving nimg u. high school in the forenoon, at the j Rotary luncheon at noon, to the worn-; WORSE TlIIIS MORM1NG cn and gals in the after-noon and ; Bv th(, Associatcd Pres8. hi c.i'j men aim unys at inni. itev. W. Oscar Goode declared he had nev er heard so splendid a man and said ft5 w, By the Associated Pesp i Wmshincrton. Jan. 20. Frederick! Ingstrum, president of the Newport Shipbuilding Company of Wilmington, N. C, returned here today to sub mit modification of his offer for the Muscle Shoals nitrate plant to Sec retary Weeks. The modification will affect chiefly the clauses of, his original plan re specting nitrates and fertilizers, mm niuiinFS UUUIIL.U UIIK1IUL.U IN HOTFLB OF lis ifeU 1 LL.5 W t would make it a special noint to he here when he comes. The principal part of the program was taken up in expressing felicita tions to Dr. Jake Shuford for his ' Rome, Jan. -2CL The pope's condi tion became aggravated about 11 a. m. Oxygen was administered. Pray ers were ordered for his holin"33 in all Catholic churches here. The eucharist was solemnly car- vision in building first a small hos-. ried to Pope Benedict at 11 uU o docK pital and then enlarging it with an' and in the presence of 18 caronals, annex that added 85 rooms to the ! the holv svrmont was nlaced ill Mr. Elliott, in asserting liiCKory outranks other places1 building that of its size, asserted that the positive proof of this claim is the nev Richard Baker hospital. A fine trib the Holy Palatine chapel. Piayers : tUr. rntlwJis cr-Vionls Ai m,,c4 WCIC diu in wilt Vauwiiv -r ousiness at rne vaucan va- &ujn.-iiu-ed. Members of the family have ar- y PAPERS GlVfl NO HOPE the Associatcd Press the revised Bv the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 20. Abandonment; of Camp Bragg, N. C an artillery, Inkstrum said. ,to rl transfer of. Before submitting artillery training to Camp Denning: plans to the war secretary, Mr. Ga., was opposed before the house Inkstrum and his engineer said they . , i r ' wmili-1 Ker!r information now in the military committee toaay oy m, f!u.ra,n todav in testimony before the , nanus oi iviajor Jteac catu, tmci vj. . - - ... Bv the Associate' Press. Boston, Jan. 20. Dancing in sev eral of Boston's best hotels and cafes was characterized as "suggestige, vul gar and immoral" by four police- That data would i pnhin, nivino- bis views my engineers . , '. v,.,f tv, ,.amn ho' he exhausted thoroughly before the on the suggestion that the camp oc i i ii .aa tunf ' alterations are made, moved, said he had recommended that the camp be retained and mat not a dollar would be saved by moving the camp to Denning. DIFFERENT FROM THE REAL MQSLER SAFE 1 DIES II THE legislative committee investigating such places. ute was paid to Dr. Jake, who left riven at his bedside, family for the war, and returned to build better than before. Mr. Fi-j Molt, whose company erected the ouimniu, oaereu 11 s near iJ,.'.t con-' . ,. . .i ,.-,. r i i- i t t i i Rome J-n. 20. Extra editious of gratulations to Hickory in possessing; i '-! " A such a splendid institution and so ' the newspapers offered little hope skilful a surgeon. j regarding Pope Benedict's chances Bascom B. Black'welder likewise! for recovery. A great crowd began praised Dr. Jake, a home man, and tQ .ather jn st. Peter'-? cathedral to told how he prepared himself by " ,,-, ,, UJ- - .C u- i await news of his condition, thorough training for his great mis- clvcllt "vo sion as a healer. Mr. Blackwelder! It is now definite y seated that referred to Dr. Shuford's war rec-1 Pope Benedict has pneumonia, accord ord and the patriotism that moved ing to a Central News dispatch from him to close his hospital for service Rome. His condition io causing con- with the soldiers After expressing his keten pleas ure in the coming of Dr. Barker, Rev. W. Oscar Goode asserted that as much as the captains of; finance were need ed in a community to build it up, and as much as we appreciated these splendid men, we should appreciate . j. xu..:.. 4-,. , .iore men who put u.en u I which had been confined to the bron- 'Z. . '.khial tubes has extended to the right. itau uct.it dwexy j.itfiii iin.ftuity vijv j i siderable alarm. SERIOUS EARLY TODAY Gy the Associated Press. , Rome, Jan. 20. The condition of Pope Benedict this morning was des cribed as serious. The inflammation and returned to find its growth won derful. Having lived at Charlotte, Greensboro, Shelby and Waco, Mr. Goode said he declared that Hickory was the best town in the world in which to live. Fine manhood, he said, was the greatest thing in the world, and the right sort of manhood means service, lhat was the Gal- At'lU Chilian v v muiuio v-t , . ! t-x o 1 j? J had 1916. 'Rattlesnake Bill is strangely al terrd. What's tho trouble ?" "Bill says if he bad known what(rjy the Associated Press, was before him when he went ' into'. " New York, Jan. 20. Moses Mosler, the movies he would have stuck to founder and president of the Mosler train robbing and kept his self-re-1 Safe Company and a pioneer in the spect. mine om uay u tn, f1pvo1fmmpn. nf TOO(iern bank vaults. died suddenly last night at Grand Canyon, Col., according to information talked to him the wa ythe director . 1- does and lived to tell the tale. Houston Post, bia Record. was Joe Murphy and he was given one minute and a half in which tc make a speech and present a boquet to Carel Van Hervie in recognition of his efforts as a poet. This was neatly d'one and in a very graceful manner Van Hervie receive? a cor sage of the garden's choicest winter variety, collard leaves and cai-rots with a sprinkling of holly with I rbrht red berries. "Till We Meet Again' as the closing number. received at his offices today. He was on his way from a pleasure tour. He was born in Cincinnati 71 years ago. THE CONSCIENTIOUS BURGLAR Conscientious Burglar I regret to say. sir, tat-I shall have to ask you to take back a hundred of this; a was sung cent more would ooosr. my income I into the 8 per cent tax class. Lite. that what he had observed in one of; the best hotels made him ashamed. "I should have had blinders on," he declared. "Where were the chaperones?" some one remarked. "They don't have chaperones any more," he replied. The committee is acting on a pro posal to reduce hotels and cafe to obtain dance licenses the same as dance halls. Bv the Associated Press. 'New York, Ja-n. 20. There war. renewed covering in cotton market during od'v's early trading. Offer ings were light and prices firmed1 up owing to firmer late cables from Liverpool and' Liverpool buying. lung. The pope's condition, which was described yesterday as not giv- iing reason for alarm, remained sta tionary during the night, but this morning suddenly took a turn for the worse. ; MAYOR DROPS DEAD ; By the Associated Press. . Kansas City, Jan. 20. Mayor James C. Cowgill, 74 years old, dropp ed dead of apoplexy in his office today. To heal and make strong is a fine thing, and that's Dr. Shuford's mis sion. Leroy F. Abernethy, Chas. II. Geit ncr and G. Harvey Geitner, guests ivr,. sumnu,,. vnr0tC0H hinvlf' The fire department was called out feelinglv. He told of the early today shortly after cTie oclock to the struggles of, the surgeon, of his home of Mr. J. C. Frye on Tenth thorough preparation, of his vision avenue. A chimney was burning on. and ambit on, and of his realization butthe flames were extingmshed be- pital. Mr. Abernethy said the plant of the hospital, if measured in mon ey, was easily worth $100,000. Songs to be rendered at the minstrel how next Thursday night were giv- January March May July October Open 17.7. 17.80 . 17.42 16.97 16.S0 Called upon for a few words, Dr.'fJri a srmp were c.r2cked that Shuford simply told how the present the mark. hospital culminated a ten-year dream The Rotarians were shown through oi, his. He hoped it would serve the community well, stating that he the new building and were ahlazed at its handsome finish and complete- had arranges tor a laboratory expert j ness. The new part" will be used to be here permanently and that the for patients, laboratory, minor oper facihties would be equal to any. He,ati0ns. and the like. snd the Second appreciated the fine spirit shown by the club. By a rising vote, the Rotarians vot ed to stand by the hospital and its Close 17.78 17.77 17.38 16.92 , strengthening the hospital in 16.27 way. Hickory cotton 17 l-4c. floor of the old building will be given over to a home for nurses. It was pointed out that no fine home lil 1 j im nuises cuuiu ue inuiiu anvwntre owner and to use their influence in than in this hospital. The building every, is euuinned with nrivate wards and bath, new beds and all modern equip ment. Its arrangement is ideal. j The dinner was lively throughout.