ivvtch YOUR I.ABEL WEATHER Word ubHcnuew Cloudy ;md unsettled, tonight viih .' probably; Ul renew l a cription expire. rain or snow in the iu-; tenor. HICKORY KECORB ABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1922 ?RICE FIVE CENTS ; poraroiiiiAS case isi valuation put mm ii mmm ir MuTumM FOR FARMERS NOW HEARING mam, OFF FORI! I before gohgreki to LOOK AT iSTSTANO 1 " ulllU ULUuL .Washington, Jan.. 23 Protesting! - I II II 11 1 Washington, Jan! 23 Chairman 1 I III al I Kl I A lit! - UL-Wliaw Wft.wwi against any American valuation plan : McFadden of. the house banking and! 1 i-UI-U U LlHtf -" a oi:iatel Press. hiiiirton, Jan. 23. Attended by Ldmutely 300 delegates repre- L ifriculturo in all its phases h.. industries reiateu to iarm- L national education conference onwiwd today by Secretary L .d immediately heard from Harding a message on with the farmer's plight of methods for im- i LiL':ivtions . . . t'sident m an acutress toucn- fcjn the agricultural situation in but without attempting to st a course, ouwwicu mm, uvi ouJ questions for the consider- of the conference kl lr.lil.llHH UIC iviiunins lonnu-nt ot By the Associated Press. Concord, N. C, Jan. 23 The state today continued t0 present rebuttal testimony in the trail of O. G. Thomas, charged with the murder of Arthur J. Allen in Kannapolis on the nio-ht of Opt.rihnv Of. lnct After the introduction of a few character witnesses, Clifford Rogers of Kannapolis was called. He testi fied that on the night of the. shooting- he saw the Ford sedan pass Bunch & Davis' store about five minutes before the shooting. He also stated1 that the night was fairly light, al though no moon was observable that night. L. B. Suther of Concord and F. S. Loflin of Salisbury testified that af- a lurmer coue oi ter me. trageoy mat mey nearu L. ml business machinery with a(M. Shinn, one of the defense witness- nuuhinerv to finance to m-ies, tell of the affair. Shinn had .oid at turnover capital shall be as them, they said, that the Thomas car u 4,,.,.. I had stonned in front of the Seizor D,lM 1 " I U.mn ,iV,nvii Via uma of Vin tinin vi,nll- reasonable terms as af- . . ' . l. . . . i .... 1 rvr nncnnuG I .. . . . fciattt'n oi cooperative uuyiug Vlling agencies. ii'wn of instrumentalities lot ion and distribution of useful hation so as to prevent market- tin' wrong time. f tital development of the water its of the country, both for and electrification of, the rail- By the Associated Press. .Washington, Jan. 23. Protesting against any American valuation plan in the proposed tariff till, J. E. Miles ui iwit-uie, wis., cnairraan oi tne iair t c u fvhihit k-ft thi tariff league, told the senate finance for New York city, where the birds committee that this valuation was wil be placed on exhibition in Mad; cmlv a famonflno-A nnr. wnu'lrl rv-.t sen Square Garden at the wovid'i;. Newton, Jan. 23- -Catmv Po.il. moinn. the Associated Press. Washington, Ja-n. 23. Chairman IvlcFadden o''. the house banking and currency committee today introduced a bill which he sai dwas' designed to' c:i3y(;se of the light between city and, frre-figliting " departm councry banks over par clearance. I Carolina to Raleift-h, Jan. 23. The state (BY MAX ABERNETHY) Raleigh. Jan. 23. .Solution of thp not come affect German imports. ! poultry show. The show will open . nmiArv 74. f rsmo" i.n Pointing to what he said was .the;This exhibit is raaCo up of- of li'Rh elar.s need of a depreciated curreney j.bii ds, all of which have wo a a ropn clause in the bill, Mr. Miles said it Station all over the state of North u.-vi o ,,v,f (i,, ii;.i I Carolina as beine birds of exceetuns- . ... , . . . w - OIi' aS III 1 I mand lor a general increase in tar iff rates. .Seme cf th q o:i-i.: the shooting occuiTcd. Chas. Thomas, Kannapolis barber said that on the morning r f the trauedv he saw Allen and Thomas I both in his barber shop. lie staled that he saw Allen again at 7:30 o'clock the evening of the shooting. It is thought that Mrs. Allen, wife of the slain man, will take the stand this afternoon. Jhods for bringing about furth- !amation, rehabilitation and ex- b of the agricultural area. Ill CONCERNS IE LOWER RATES Associated Press. ' hh'ngton, Jan. 23. '.Rirescn- of the steel industry appcar- l(Uiy before the interstate coin- commission considering freight entwed their demands that the cent increase in freight rat;s 1 in 1120 be removed. Most witnesses expressed the opin- psf. the present high freight were responsible for keeping Iss back. n the adjustment of prices and e charges which continues to the existing depression, J. L. ly of Middletown, Ohio, speak- the American Rolling mills, kd. us a chance and the lower ml we will take our chances f xcrvitc," Mr. Rhoncy declared pons to h Rutr.'jestion an to it f orvice would be given, have service now and ' little; 3S." ' .': im BUSINESS SEEN BY on By the Associated Press. . .Washington, Jan. 23 Indications of improved business conditions PEACE R I. POPE I CHURCH on- as mgn as m nrenvium? i the various fairs, where they v U-.hown last fall. e io- partment of insurance js writing the ..j ii. . .- em-b oi iNorcriibnuor traffic, evil will pin ataiance. ivciuima to inai-IO a caretUl IRSne?- I i-UmU - s ., The measure provides that a bank furnace, used ,n dwellis e cotSuT t a msmber of the federal reserve tPl101 h P'P.eJess type the opinion of Eugene H. ArnoM l- : .Cnnn waae I1IKirf tnat lawyer-newsnaner writer and hnsij I r I. PV riT T1VOC vrniAvf.- 4 y i -- : . xo yjcu iiu.ii ness man f r i- jank decides to do so it mav yoitions in North Carolina." Lie leutral reserve board for the ii sysam ma; charges for ii be to collection cf tici i u iien it vm mtiKO the collection of checks, but this cause ucn cnecks I Realizing the fact that tr.es e bir:is f 111 I I Blfl wil! be 'shown in classes rangir. ! f, i I" If nlnll : from 50 to 75 "bhds in e;-:-'-; c!:i in ' ?! r- ? p f if Hl'fir spGak weI1 for Catawba birds yy L, 1 JliifciLI I if they ' even ' receive a placing, and TO I N ijp 111! Pi I pi N MP throughout the country was declared the cathedral. By the Associated Press. Rome, Jan. 23.--ln the basilica of St. Peter's historic church of his faith the body of Pope Benedict lay in state today where vast throngs pass ed reverently. Early in the ;ay all that was mortal of the late pontiff, whose death in the early hours of Sunday plunged the church through out the world into deepest mourning, was taken to the Sistine chapel from the throne room of the Vatican, where it had teen placed on Sunday shortly after his death. Then at 9:45 o'clock it was solemn ly carriec": to St. Peter's, attended by cardinals, priests, members of the diplomatic corps and members of the Vatican and placed on the catafalque. Word was given that the public would be admitted to St. Peter's up t( 11 o'clock and' immediately a great throng began to stream through too, they w,l have the keenest; com- petitions which not only thq United S States can furnish, but foreign coun ' tries alse. : I County Agent J. W. Hendricks left i this morning for Raleigh where he svill attend the conference ; of the county agents of the state. Mr. Hen- j dricks has spent a great deaf of time j in selecting and fitting the birds for the New York shew. lie tells your' cnvrpcnnnflcnt that it reouires as much work tr, fit up an exhibit of j ned prior to January 16 amcuntec to poultry as it does any other line of j 7.193,971 running bales, including Jills 1 1 Cy the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 23. Cotton gin- today by Secretary Hoover to be seen increased orders for railroad equip ment. The rai'roads, Mr. Hoover :iiid, report that their inventories for 1920 have been practically worked oft' and they must resume the pur chase of equipment, which is a good sign. CHECKER EXPERT ISBUSflN NEWTON rECT NO RELIEF IN FREIGHT SOON ich. Jan. 23. While members f state corporution commission Newton, Jan. 23. Respondent to the invitation issued to - Hickory nlayers to come to Newton and 'meet Paul Joines, expert checker 'plaver of North Wilkesboro, who was making the Newton cnecxer piayers look like thirty cents, Eugene Burns cf Hickory, .having the reputation of being one of Hickory's best players, arrived in Newton shortly after 8 o'clock this morning and his first in quiry was as to the whereabouts of the aforesaid champion player. The game was soc.n on and' up un til 2 o'clock this afternoon young Joines had him going. Over 100 games had been played with JoJines way in the lead. From 8:30 until two o'clock this afternoon there had been no let up in the game which was be in" viewed ty a crowd that fairly pal-ked the rear of the Freeze Drug Company. Joines tame to Newton Friday and began making for himself a reputation as a checker player, winning about 50 straight games from Newton s Dest On Saturday night he en- I J . m j. 1 T Cimxnn gagedJOJe otewan au oukc ii,i"" in a came ana' cieanea mem up attended the freicht rate con- f in Atlanta last week r.re op 'c over the ultimate outcome ndjustment North Carolina n.v relief wil be aforded e.ny Joines is a young iuvcih.1, from Norm wakvsi'u1u auu "f to visit Hickory shortly. The body is robed in white with stole and chasuble cf red embroid ered with gold. The head, wearing the pontifical mitre, reposes upon cushions of red and' old velvet. The hand's, wearing the pontifical gloves of rose and silk and holding the losary, were cuasped over the breast. The body was brought into the ca thedral by ushers clad in costumes of scarlet. YIS AS DEN1FIED DAN Gil live stock. You may have tap quality in the birds yet if they are not prop erly conditioned they will not show '" in the eyes of, the judges for their full value. These birds are ail of standard, weight, one bird weighing one pound more than the standa-rd calls for. i23,5f9 IW1I ilPJSi rnn m pmhirac run ill 0010 oid i round bales, 32,303 bales of American Egyptian and 3,110 bales of sea island, the census bureau an nounced today. Ginnings to January 1G last year amc tinted to 12,041,742 running bales, 204,507 round bales, 73,(595 bales of Aire-riean Egyptian and 1,423 bales of sea island'. Ginnings by states included: North Carolina, 790,800; South i i aicnna, rc,zo6, ana lvrgmia, lo,- 319. MOURN BRICK'S DEATH Mr:-.. niiC'i '3y Ihe Associate 1 Pres Danvi (t. Va., Jan. 23..- :Dixie Dixon, reported dead in a New York lincnitnl nndir nllpp-ed susnicious c'w- Vio vjsiv mothers all over Norch caro- cwmstances, was identified today as 'lina to secure petitions to b ' added to i n 'Sf in v-i,fc' r- Newton, Jan. 23. The ' Newton unit American Legion auxiliary met in the community rem and' had a most enthusiastic meeting. It ".V'-is -4i-vc pleasure to have with .them .Mrs. M. Locke McCorklo, herself a member of tlie lee-ionnaircs. as she was a nurse during the world war. McCorklo would give the uni information alone; various anes oi the work. Letters of thanks w.-re read from the hoys at Ken'-hvcrth and Oteen to whom Chr " ur:n '-o.v-or, had been sent, and thf auxiliary determined to . make the iv. many times during the yea The steps being taken Ir io nn aires to try and have pvnrrent movide suitable for the mentally afflicted e::-; men, touched deeply the heuics these wc-men, whose loved ones h -.(' seen service in the world war and the following reso'ution was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, that we, tne members cf Newton Auxiliary to the Newton Post No. 1.6 American Legicn, -de-most heartily endorse overy tiling being done by the lesion to minrove the condition of mentally atihcceo ex-service men, and therefore we as an auxiliavv do wish to cad upon n'.'y st-rti- aincili.M.ies ana ot LllV'OC 1 -' ' - ' - , iy the Associated I-ress. London, Jan. 23. Civilians avs, :n any sense desira to con demn this type of heating apparatus but a great many eld houses and tne majority of the new houses using furnace heat are equipped with thio type of furnace and the owners of these houses having- heard so much of the reputed economy and safety, have been proe fo neglf't-t the one great danger having the smoke pipe too close tc, woodwork, ospedai'y the floor joists above and this one thing is burning home after home eery day in North Carolina." "The matter has reached serious proportions in. North Car mxu and is one which we believe wa-rants the attention of a1?! fire fignleis." Speakers connected with the Flying Squadron, dedicated to law enforce ment, civic righteousness and" social and industrial justice, are drawing ciowds at the Tabernacle Baptist church here today. Seven speakers are on the pro gram of tne thre days session vnieh is giving considerable attention io enfoi cement of the prohibition laws. Wilmington is the only o'hev city in North Carolina that will be visited by the squadron. NOUS IS AFTER HARVESTER 1ST 3y the Associate Press. Washington, Jan. 23. Senator and of-! Ncrris, Republican, of Nebraska, in- -s nappy the leg i.he jrcv hospitals ::-;-orviee ficial England today mourned the death of Viscount Bryce, who pass- way yesterday. , id of the death of th Announcement e noted statesman, author and speaker was unexpected. PAYS DEATH PENALTY By the Associated Press. Richmond, Va., Jan. 23. Harry Hart, a young negro, paid the death penalty in the death chair for at tacking a white girl near Staunton over a year ago. TIB FOISl OtIT OF WOOD ALCOHOL Mabel Dixon, daughter of the form er Mrs. Charles Dixcn, who is now Mrs. J. P. Terrell. TO ELECT ANOTHER POPE IN FEBRUARY By the Associated Press. Rome, Jan. 23. A meeting of the sacred college in conclave to elect a successor to the late Pcpe Benedict will open February 1 or 2, it was stat ed today. the near future. eonimi.ssionn points out, how lut the conference will ulti y "rincr about telief since Com- wt Eastman of the Interstate Wee commission agreed t( rec- F" that u gonearl investigation th(! Virurinin.Miii'fh Parnlinfl h rates be instituted' Yy ; the "ngton irte-fixing body. Thia vk'idion he will recommend' "xclude intrastate rates, and GANG NOTIFIED BRAND JURY TIKES Hickory checker players were in formed orally this afternon of -the prowess of Paul Joines, Wilkesboro youth who has cleaned up Newton artists and Eugene Burns of Hickory, to boot, and they will be on hand for the invasion. Uncle Jeff Bolch may ' u i "i ii v f ft n nvn inn nni mi av wb -ww hana, Z "7i 7 4 ZJv 7. to watch the games. If young joines u-Citi..v'ortH r;.rniTnn.rit!e9 comes he will be given a coroiai wc lonshin ..a ev,i,i h v. come. All the local piayers. have i . ' 11 ,ir'iii it, the corporation com- 011 announces. rmhlTH of thi Vn-Vi Pnvrvlirifl hision thini? that if the Wash- F lMidy enters into this general ration the "broat? scope of it, .iwK fvei'v shipping point in the iH'ust Hill rccssarilv rtuiniro a ' ' rf time to brinf itUo a 1 fnr F.np-ene Burns' ability, and they will respect even more the man who Deat mm. UP CASE OF MORSE 8y the Associated Press Washing'tcn, Jan. 23. -The federal grand! jury today began an inquiry into the transaction o Chas. W. Morse with the shipping board. Morse is under bond of $150,000, having been brought buck from France. The warrant on which bail was giv en in the Morse case charged with de frauding the government. WOMAN AVIATOR KILLED ..:4.ui i7ovnYiip'-t. Viosnuits be pro vided for these unfortun-ite ex-sc-i-vip.c men, and that they be not placed- in contract houses nor hospital?. That we beg that all bear in muut that in unity there is strength. "Resolved, that copies cf -nesu. resolutions be sent to the -arum state papers for publication to ;.ne commander of the North Carolina auxiliaries and to the Ncrtn Caro lina war mothers to be presented to their various organizations. The good roads delegation named last Wednesday by the county hign way commission to appear m oiav lotte today before State Highway Commissioner Wilkinson m regard to the $75,000 the county is to lurnibn for the building of a bard surface road from Newton tothe . JJ. county line by way oi aiau"". this morning for Charlotte. Among the delegation from Newton wer: Attorney Loomis Klutz and Robert W. Shipp. ' , The regular weekly meeting ot aie Newton Kiwanis Club will be hcla tomorrow evening in the Kiwanih hall. J. Augustus Deaton will have charge of the program which will be an unusuall interesting one. featur ing thejprogram will be talks by sev , : "wv,of Viss Kiwan- crai Kiwamans i-ii ",.ro is done for You." Among me who wil enlarge on this subject are Sid J. Smyre, W. B. Murray, John A Isenhower and Tc-m Gaddy. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Reformed church will serve dinner. By the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 23. Prohibition authorities are on the trail of two German chemists alleged to be work ing with bootleggers in New York in an effort to remove the poisonous effects of industrial alcohol, it was said todaj'. The bootleggers were engaged in the use of denatured al cohol and the German chemists were brought in to assist them. ---s- J TrII i I RUSSIA GRIEF IS GENERAL The woman who invented the ." .ova . bHa is sorrv. So IS everybody rlse. Reading Bv the Associated Press. , Stockholm, Jan. 23. Elsa Ander- News- 3y the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 23. A. statement declaring that Japan had no terri torial designs in Russia and that Japanese troops would be withdrawn as soon as a stame government formed there was made at the Japan ese embassy. After hearing this statement the' conference went into consideration of points 6 and 7 of the Chinese questions. COTTON Ey the Associated Press. New York, Jan. 2f. The cotton market showed the influence of eas ier Liverpool cables, unfavorable re ports from the cotton goods trade and easier conditions in the south. tioduced in the senate today a res olution directing the attorney gener al to inform the senate whether the department at justice contemplate--: any separate action against the In ternational Harvester ComiV-iy on the charge of operating in restraint oi" trade. Objection was made to immediate consideration and Mr. Norris an nounced he would seek action tomorrow. West Virginia. wno was a visitor here for a short time the end' of the past week. Both of these methods have been employed in West Virginia in recent months since the eighteenth amend ment became operative without the desired result, Mr. Arnold states. He does not think conditions in North Carolina are dissimilar to those in i his state ana is emphatic in the be lief that until there is a more gen eial respect for the Volstead act, here and elsewhere over the United States, prohibition will not prohibit for some year- to come. The state of West Virginia offers a striking example of the inability of prohibition enforcement officers tr stamp out the manufacture of snirituous liquors. Recently that state, by legislative enactment, created a state constabulary of 250 men to join hands with the federal revenue forces in nutting a stop to the liquor traffic. Today it is gener ally admitted that more whiskey is being maufactureo! and peddled ' fn West Virginia than at any time since the eighteenth amendment was rati fied. I naddition to the state police the federal government incerased its force of revenue officers there with out avail. Mr. Arnold is a great-nephew of General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson and is being urged by some of the West Virginia papers to make the race for congress in his district from that state. While in Raleigh he visited at the home of Dr. D. H. Hill, his uncle, stoping here enroute home from South America where he spent several weeks on business. TREET GARS IN NORFOLK RUN r TtSed Bv the Associated Press. "Norfolk, Va., Jan. 2'A. Street car service in Norfolk today had return ed to almost normalcy with 74 cars out of 84 in operation. The city coun cil was in session at noon U.vir'n a plan to bring about arbitration. Union caimen were awaiting the outcome of the council meetin.j be fore taking a vote to determine whether to return to work. TRY TO ARBITRATE Cy Ihe Associated Press. Richmond, Va., Jan. 23. Under recommendations being considered at Bv thp Associate Press. - a .special meeting, .-iiwmy. Washington, ; Jan. , 23. As one ( car men are to return to work under means of, giving effect to its declara-j the, scale of wages in effect befori tion last week in favor of reduction j the -walkout occurred if the traction 1 ...ill " of the Chinese army the. arms con- company win agrees farence is considering another reso lution looking to prohibition of inir pdr'tation of arms 'ffoto China. The conference delegations commit tee decided to present this formally today. The sub-committee on Chinese railroads also was ready for submitting its report today. The Chinese eastern resolution was understood to recommend a continu ance of, the present inter-allied con trol of the road until a more stable condition results in Siberia, into which the road runs. SPENCER OFFICE IS ROBBED LAST NIGHT January March a rWqo-o iudee has sentenced two bandits to" ten years in the peniten- Mar j? oinn. -mwtv valued atMay tiary iw atcauie, j $4.22. All. the world hates a piker. Peoria Transcript. Open 17.75 17.65 r- 17.26 July. October 16-25 Hickory cotton,1 17c. CLAREMONT LOCALS Claremont. Jan. 23. Mr. K. L. Huffman, wrho was badly hurt on his head by a rock whicih fell from the Swannanoa tunnel in which he was working, after being in Biltmore hospital for several days. Was able to come home FVioi'ay. It is hoped he will soon be able to be at his work again. Mrs. Charlie Little of Lincolnton, after visiting relatives and friends here for the past week 'has returned home. iMiss Cler. Sigmon, of Newton, R. F. D. 2. was a week end guest of Miss Ruth Roseman. Miss Bessie Sigmon, after spend ing some time in Hichmond, Va., has j arrived home. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bollino-er. iqse)Wh0 ve on state farm m the east 17.46 ern part of the state have arrived 17.43 here to visit relatives and friend's. 17.03 j Mrs. Lee Cloninger, was brought 16.56 home Sunday from Dr. Long's Sana- 16.59 torium whera she underwent an op eration for appendicitis. Miss Willie Maye Holler. of the that j Newton graded school faculty, was a By the Associated Press; ' ; ' ' Spencer, N. C, Jan. 23. Robbers early this mo; oi ig blew open the safe at the Spencer postoffice and secured stamps, money and register er packages valued at over $200.' En trance was effected through a rear door, where a lock w-as broken. This is the second time the Spencer office has been entered in the last few months. v - FIRST SNOWFALLS IN RALEIGH TODAY By the Associated Press. : ,; Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 23. The first snow of the winter, here began fall ing shortly after 12 o'clock today. "Vnvt- rnnrt. has ; "Tt isn't always politeness , .i.:.-,i T,;4.,ro ' timps JiYiaVoc! a man let a woman get on a week end guest of her parents, Mr. son, the only Swedish woman to holdlVJTS your old blue serge' street car first." Sometimes the and Mrs. H. L. Holler, on v&Ws certificate. ' waii killed. , ' :i;u .W Parkers- S woman beats him to it, -Pittsburg j Mr. G, L. Winters, is confined to v itiT ir.. vr,c. IfjAKPT.te limes. lllLa u"1 wim liicumausm yesterday. CURB BROKER FAILS 3y the Associated Press. New York, Jan. 23. An involun tary petition in bankruptcy was fil ed in federal court today against J. D. Sugamerman and Company, mem bers of the consolidated stock ' ex change, and specialists in various curb seiurities. The firm has. branch connections in other cities. conclusion." ! Times. BUr V" va. - - 1 . , A 1 4

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