1 WMi II YOUR LA MX Record Mi1M-rilNrs sliKiild renew at least the da)H before their s'lbscriplions (txpjro. v,.-, IS, ft! V Cloudy, J.mal rains or snows . f.,nigii't or Fri-i day; slowly rising tem- 11 l.r: r.m e in wesi por I (ion. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY 'EVENING, JANUARY 26, 1922 ?R1CE FIVE CENTS .x mm no til esrr tvm us -mm m mr - ' 11 i i snnn nniiTiRm ! m i um. li h 1 1 i i ' mini I i n i LMUUli i tun i niu .A " M S I S ? Boston Folk Thought This Was a Free S TEXT flflOKP REPQBTS HIS mm ounhnbt (W .MA A!:KI'NI:T!IV) i Uy tlx- Associate! Press. ;..!, ,f.-,!i. OrK'.H'i mI la I Wash big! mi, .Ian. IP'.. I !: ra- , - I dissatisfied vviMi " ' tmn that he had been robbed and i m t m s 1 a ' a t ions el' tip- stale et -1 !isrharged as an iMnploxo of ihe v "li mr I ..y.i I;i lo me 1 1 . .. ........ .,. 11 ;...:,,!; um ii'M',.- gi ad. s I'"1' lllt' ina'io !' 'h.ts. P. (;(! of Minnca- il ll! '. '!i ' I .... 1 ;.. ; . 1..1 t 1 1 i ..... ii;w: tt lliivir, iumi ii-iri-.ui'iiii iv - t- I'l'H'la. c, unit :i ic ' ; 1 ' . , , , ,,, . , . , I u t!.a. put t ,. the em-; ""Vf"1 ''iialor Watson. Democrat report which gave o:i J ' Ceorgiu. and read today to the ! Milt nulil!, !h i tu'efcreiive vt j , : , hivcsl i.;titi;ij; eonuittce. " eor.)a)y. one 01' .tl'.e I'uU v (J deelared in his (oinaumua- n u. w it.- ?) 1 c";'-t''y .. ... ... ... , ,,, . i .k'Hiuiu. It is Ikmic -h nyU . , . , ' .vui l 1 1 u 1 1 1 v i ' i i 1 4 1 1 1 1 ' 1. t n 1 t i n 1 1 e: b.is suit e'ise ent!!:nlu lis ;ir-: (lisilia !; and other pane! t liooi; eoiil ilM,-.'.o!t r uvi , ,, 1 advi -" w hieii ;oine ol' t': im'"'u ii' r.' ;-ui'iiiittrd and ', nt tiieir ..iv.i.l siiivdai' l-o'j';. in ,! hy i xi-uii ion cioi'i mit s. 1 ,, r 1, , nt' f.on'.'o, !iave ii"t t .i'i r, ini 'in'i'et.v 1 o.r.-i,,- ;!',o connni.-sio!!. Miiii'iiiit f tin' organized l.,!.r ; 1 "a j .v - S 4 Mil WW f Mil r 1 i I S Si K " "I I 3 itsei 93 &v is? GflSh I iy tl-.e Asy.i-iated Press. v thf Associatfd Press. -,'v ashi!i-U:;; Jan. . i ne chan.-v C.Mieord.. N. C'.. Jan. 2(5. Arjvuincnt ('ol. i'ain ?4;,.lo,,e, now st -it iori- w:i :" eont iijued today in t he -ase 1 at (:ai'.'ji Iknnh'ir Ga.. shot and a,st .- 'hennas ehai-yeil v.iih 11 i . i ' I' "ill l".i;:iU'i'IH.I V'ii'l till' di-J'I'l . , . .. . !'' iiinj" ,). Aden m Kannanolis on l d not Keep up w.tn his eonunand i he ov.an::i- cj- October . Tlie court denied before the senate commit- hcid a niht .session last nitrht. to'Uiv. ' l is beiievett that artrunic ot ivill Hhcn Col. K. (.'. Lanudon of the ' J !, ''l'u - '-'H'u a:il ih ' , , . P'iven t,, the iirv. i- i'!;i !;e no- tt ' 1 J i tlii.l m Ins erv:ce o! t'.vo yeai'.s overseas li of an oilieer shoot rnj? a scid'er. ' ic exa:" niaT'ion r.ro;:eede:: Sena- v (hsenar;.'V and ot.nei' papers. h.- - ' - - - . vw . . - ... , , , 1 "- moave ! :r t l:e nurCer ' . ..... . . t v' : ior vv aison presentou a letter i rom Avthur 1 j..n ;)v i ',u, .,.. ,n resielUiiK M nir.e a.pol:.-; lie rnav.i'- This crown jammed .Newspaper jimv, in J'.oston, when a Jianacntt "artist" gnvca free exhibition of his skill, freeing 1 w ,r ;.;,,w', j ...ti',,Vi-,i.v f riv.! Mi-. V!Jli'-nr- t-dd" the th- vd .):' wa;s iniiinaed by the ve'.orj'ii-i'j Idmsolf from a straiiildjnobet as he was lowered headfirst from u roofr -Theokwas-tbat it(va3n't.altoethor-fi-cc,- " ( . . jr. . ji jy . n n - Oi (ol :", v 'jr, 5 r .'; 'j iuro:,a tdlieer there that his services, for a big collection was taken op for a charity fund. : . 2U&h:&iZ:rA' - :- .: ; ";U'A . lac VJ ,'n'K'l"i human lointr was 'seaffo '.nt , , . ! .. ... . . . .-LJi ',i:"r.:y:;-lv , " . (ii '-'.r.:;t city .said r:e raw Malone; , . , ' ., , ' . : ,'eiv no longer reonested. Senator ' " " " . - i.... ,...' L . ; . , ,. , ... -.ueount ot any miscieed of his ... . . - -- ' - '-. . ; - : - - " r'ur.-.i sol'.'er wr.o was iaggniy: lx-A,-.-,...,,,. h ".,.. i,.. , t- -- .v. no.' II ne i V. 1 I V, lliUI I'i'HOi C l.li' oi ;;au:.fO i.O'oi atS')!l III pVCSe 111 ) ll'J Till' inaic.cr L , , , 'j,,,,,',,,,. i;,U the boohs! :,,an,M con,ni " tt't" 811-1 ,yn ,,ut s ' flllil L 1 S S U S I -SU 13 2 ,meil will-select mils'; be t '!-! ' would ask Director Forbes about , flTTTSID nflSna ST RinilTflfll f m tae list submitted by tlu..,. j I 1 I , I f rlipi P 1 I ok eommiision. 'I he coutv.-il l tryjnc to nlaee Green, who had: MS i I ! S - ill' Ife f I M H I iI-8 3 S ii! S 4 10 more -"i , iv Ivll.l lAt, ;ver rf'-' .'ir-unient of jf. S. Williams :ne anarvos county jury yes-d;rrh:se;-; the state's ronten- a motive f : r the nurCer of LIS. on i not no i-k co'imv.ision. I lie tounvii ln tryum1 to n-laee Green, who had lhlt 1,01111,1 l,y XUv Urtilied that the bodies of nin .1.!..,. ........ I U. . ! , i:r r. 1. 1 v uiv uvu uni", ; !rv: (.reeedenee over the iioii -Mill's, however. :'(! ot protest will he st nt by i I' tli'' laiior b adei's to nte'i'. ilic council of state ui':.Hnv "n dTi!" for thy union publish- V', Wlnther litis prot'"t ; l . -- . I. . I i ; i ', an. Wfl.'iiL wun ine i;-o-.m- . , , ,,, ,. ,..:ijthe American leu'ioii. I ; i l i ,1 , '.n-.- i i",,, , . , i . , . ,i, j Three doctors attached to the .J.., nut appear whether th" in-j Chateau lbu:c la. . pit .. m the stale are sail.-!u a n cr.lav there was no ti sl I I Ui.u ULiiun mi.!- 1)11 5 I ii m. SO- . dices killed bv the military police had been sent to (.'bateau Koiiv.l France, Chairman Prandegee recall ed that Green was the witness who' deriare.l on the stand that "General j, Assi!l.iai Vi ..r).ss. 1 ! ITl'vH -V X.'!--! ?1 t!t- !OH I P'l r -Wi vo ' .... .:. ,' . . ... ., . Washington, Jan. t. inctieat .ons , W.JS the L-ubieet of theii i " :.,-.. oir-,,11 1 l olioi-ll eU7'!ti I ( It Pi V I I. .1.. .m . r I". ri MllVlt'i t Uv it ill ill t'liiv uu v"-1-' v , v-. v""' 'inU-'U! .'v.. 1 ne n o - "i. ti.; gieat ntnnoer d cnanges d hooks the commission has : mi mini i',r t he next three-live ..dopt ion, but. generally sneaking is heard dissatisfaction with vnarges. Newton, Jan. .2(1. .Mayor Sid J. j Smyer, S. S. Rowe and S. T. (iadd'yi were the principal sneakers at the j meeting of the Newton Kiwanis elub ; . he hi in Kiwanis hall Tuesday night. u,,. Associated Pre "What has Kiwanis, done for me.an.i J ' Vw.,;,,..,.'I, o. , !,... T . CA i" i I . 1 L oU, 1 I - t 1 i . ' 7 on was served ci ll! vn necesbu.e.-. a.-, h ie- the United States is averse to par- by the Young Woman's Auxilinry of i raising funds for paying so! the Keloi med enuven. i... u. imiu;,',: bonus is eons;oeret inat.'i'inte piesitVenr of the club, . called on. v i r ;.(., etar' APdolu f th.e I 'ears B. Gatther for the invoea'-ion r-nd; ,' ' after th- singing f "An-,ev:ea,r thc!0' ' Uv! li;v"""-' mr.r.)i- vas turned over to fy n , : i'dter to (. nairman rhn ! i- r.". out tor sei.1- u-ason flpl HI" I'i - " - H : Tu' l'-ttcr added thai. Colonel Pnng-i lOC'k' !l t!u' bvi-.-t f the defendant. ! 1 f M l l fl?M I 1111 (iUlon ro'i.orted his brother oilieer and' . Tho f,y'v l'"'1" vera!.! in this 11 lln r"fd 5 f$ rsSn ! : . V i ; V S,- -"'"'" negree; murder in the jLOO f II 11 Mirri j"' d51,s and th 'r,Ja.d,!:,i,. homicide. The . different B !.3J L.IL 8 t .3 8 i v.. as ormr.; ted to bsiyadier'-o-iMieval. iegrets of emit were outlined fro is i ettw mass! so, li(i von see ( o one Ala one ol- li m i yyiiinj I s, o ; i.o ride over soidiert ! raaa WrandgSv' asked. r.1 statutes covering fhe crimes by the speaker. The defer.e'.iat on his own ad'.nis--ioo 1 'si he i;il!eo' fhe de'-ensed. j "No. but 1 saw him ride behind' thtavvs oti the defeadant the burden ! t.tvagglers, in urging them to speed !(,!'. h'-wir.g that the killing was iust I 1 i'ii ..'.'!. .Mr. Williams declared, e!s" be i : i .... .1 l i Ll.. 1..', "I MV! MM I i , i ,v "I sect'ii'i oeuiee iiiuiu'jr. " l,,rtt IK,,w,t"" ! 'iowever. ihe state, he said. from in.; v in dv t ts it. u- - -" i u-hed to the . . ,- . ; tinpation m tne general Luropean nt testiued yi'-j-it-.-onoinie conference should such a Li-uth ia Green's' u.ia .lt. the time of the ASK WESnBATHH He.l;;ig be held at the time of thi (',( nun conference iratherinsi-, but v oi-hl look with much fayor on a con-jgtam chairman, J. Augustas loaton , a t.is op on PEST clonic to he held at a later uai.e. The (b-noa meeting, it was assert- i, would be in position to obtain Its if Euro-'- no re tone in i ei, wouiu oe in josuio TnilPT' ' n,,?rt' !"tisfaetovy result fh I ll ! given a little m ,,! .'.loiinaiie is now b"ing mail .. i iy Secretary A. T. Alh'nto iiH'ishers of the North Carolina his-. A.-sembly asking th'"ii to ia ir p"efeieiice on ! nr? e p tor the i;'..'J nHvt:ti; .- m i'lt Or 1 ) ... ma - . , ..- . . .,"11 1.1'V . ...I.!... ." ,11, our 1: Deeeliioer "J (--''. I ne i i rsons. :y.-;oriMt mos or ,-:inin;o;'- ' ti.Me t'oiaes anout one nionia tions v r I h.m ;)!' vioiis nice ,,,,l i .. in. I h m n : v 1 1 e - ' : .. ... .,iti,i..il,n. i . ,.., I.. , , ' 1 1 . ...... , , , , .- tuL; iu,',ui v., , j 1 1 v , 1 1 hi, . 1, date on which f.ll of the as-Liv eoventiiient of the Muscle Shoals meetings have been held in j hint was introduced in tlie senate to-1 a-i. ic thin dale conies in liv hv Senator Harris ot ( eon-aa. With, ihe ( less renearsa! uil h: i ti.ias holidays. i V ;. Harris said he i a i'o'itv vote wi!! determine th" dale. I iv.' week. About fovtv nit m be is were.. pr,--- ! . The attendance piize v::ts pre- f stored to Grove;- E. Murray. Frit ray J ,ur;;t a iivrtre delegation from nts ci'.i'o v.ill go to Lincoiote.n of the rev Kbvanis club time. he treasury, it was exida pla.ve. Th-" meetine: for n .' I-,.., ,,,,,. l Th.M,-,..l-. lv. j :y 'r- Associated IbeS. . plQl DO QL fflW ites stiggested tn'e as Washinaton, Jan. iJ(. Inve.-tig -; IVillS! I Hi I iilJ'tfw )-.. her 'J-VliT; No'.ember 'Jb ! ; ion by the senate of the acti vil i es "of 1 i! ' " -U 1 illL iw ft t ik .1 .1 i; i T ' , . 1 i . I er k... j ;,,rsons, as a,. ,at ions or rommaa- iTftn 1 1 Itl B TfttaunilT one ivionM tions eommoidv known as ihe i'm!:-: j3.I HlJlZillfl I I ilHi 1 ll I lecting.-: whib'l Hy.,..,- ., Vatert;ower trust, allegHj H HI 11011 if l.ljiillff 3 Thanksgiving : ,.. attempting to present lease by; ,wUI I UlilUll! JiiiwSi was (diar.'t'e:! a.ccounl' o! eellec'e. -m -1 t thai iev-t oo the ly cum at -5 h! mil I nS 1 1 ;ry, wait not sera seeni e rero .o.naations as ir. coui-es c' rc . : . r a hr,n;s io ceng'o.s-:, ' i .-.a i isf va' :; a ''essr: ' !i,v.l : ass;', r sugar would be wrong. I'urther taxrdion of lob: ;: ; is i :n discus.sic.-r. but tile seei'et -ivy j undersioou to h s!d that oi'ae.') is ) m os 'x necessity. , , . -: I'he co.. one! sa; i was h;s orrleriy and" was not very! 'he viaeir e, contends that the mu.-- I bright. The committee aiinoura-e i ; tier was first degree. 'y,hat it would deeide later about cari-l. T" L('n wUh' hi' .timw-.l. thety l . i s i l' :o!.it! is;! on of t he lc1 cut! Hit j'.hat he killed the (iVeeased. Then jlheie is lie- fact that the shot, that ! killed Aiieii uas firro' in his h ick, j The fail that the de:-ea-cd was sljot i n the b.-uk, Mr. Williams sail, es i t.al ii -hes the face that the (Vfcndao;; 4 i i ; j a s snooiiii'4 to K it. : ii" i.i v.- Aiini .-: I'l LI;, .-lli .'UliV,, .11 , . Ilen'lerson. . -Pif. S--" ..nx-edCCBinuQ TUfiiioi c 5'"?s.f.rsTrE'i, "t t el If S. - r v ii i S.nrifSf'Gficd that Allen hn; tv.ken two 'O' y S.-'S: i al Sit X'i'cL.S. J on beg .Ian. d. A -able di. oeieii io tile I io-js toward. Ids own car when '.ho lfiit shot was fired. Then he wheel i a -! v:.;v rhol hi the back. Tao ; fact i.'oid n:.".ke it a felonious, mir- i, ,. i. a,..p, Eveniiu; Star from 3-b.v.uo t i r, ia (ieeia.i ei!. . 1 n .,,,, T.-'l ..'..P.,.!.- ,n Hi. J J I ; l ,, . i f . I . J ' V k. l v. it is rep'ob'd there that.-veniag Allen was killed, Mr. Wd- Lisorooi !'.,,.-., r.-'.,,. w.,..-;,;,,, ; ' itobM-'h; ne call fj-t-m Kannapolis Al- I ,0 'lL,n- tm k!!'-;; C-.aeerd in his Fori sedan hag oi tC person-, and the injuring of t) 0.(1 tu Kannapolis on bu.-v'"S. M .1 1 , , T 1 . 1 . T 1 . .. t .. a inousaao. Mnaiers suppressed tne ; 7 :;J0 he was in the aroer snop -ia iiilli'. us cor. t: mi . d. in response to C 1 P LIT COB QOWUnHnosTrsflr nil s I iiCBMEnil M TOioicw mran v. ;iol.l orid:d 1-.-1 obi'ht shiwiiu' that the artists in tin consideration bet tire the end oi ... dare minstrel rain' their pa:.- h wn to peuectioii and U ; ,' a:s !' ::- disposed i i' ' ''I'v'itie a r. v led house, the present iti.ni of ite tlie Ass.oeifitofl Pre. "ilamj'ton, Ont., Jan. 2d. The Ue . .rj how 'd' i-i '(do'di toni;; hi pv.se- I). ' ',' nieiobei's of t he llk'koiy Ch.at ' A "ei lean Fed Cross are cour si ','.' ic(U -sled to attend the un '! neadiug at the chamber of ' I' i iday inght, J'lnu.v.ry d' ii "k. M. iii'l'io?' in Itt'il C'ros.; we 4 " I. ilii I'li-Mt (,f '.rni'l Ji'id So". 1 1 ' ' ' " . i is"S to be one of the higres'.: attre hioas in veais. There is a lot - f good .iff in the shew. Theiv ire good r-ar mnn n-ril I ' !-!'f the shew. TT.oi e ire g"d FID NEAR ST I 'X-a L,nU ifik.ni U iUt..a,.1(.. T!lvre wdl be. abid. three is of solid enjoyment. ! lie the Associated Press. pff UfPT lAIF ST1 Henderson, Jan. 20. Tlie hotly of J Up ?l W f fl J j C. (.!. Pulley, farmer, :J5 years' old. I Ow:-:-ia k i urn sii f i till m rv 1 I wis l ou mi on mo nariKs tt nn reek, near his home in. Wa'k.'ns township, this county, late yesterday ' A rioan aii:." still an.'? '00 fa'.lons of ! i ! lii ii vnliPiere'l'd. the, 1 f,.,,.,n i....... I Ik. o.,t,ag of Ih" local ''"''-I'lheH' wt a few bruises on t'.-i VVjth lh merctirv registering 1(5 i , . , . ( , , ill .11 II i e I lid ! Ml to t V ( 1 1 i I . . . . I 1 i-inbvi' to eii 'ourage the w irk a'? a i- -.'of tlie orguni'a't ion h vi i " d' h "d dining their tenne of '' i, :.') to eleel Mich off i"f"'.-' fo,' .'.i' m nt year v.ho can and wh ii ( e.nie of Ihfir time to the 1 ,.i a-etiine charitable itadeiL.i,- sf I lie IJed (iro.is societv. 'I ''lection of f fit (IK v.'ill bik" '' isiaedi' tt ly after the vaoous ' ' . have been recived and the 1 '' i:g wi'l he of but short tlu although the most inn; o'ta.lt ' of the year. 'ndy and' indications of a strugv !e. J (iegrees above zero during the early Tlv curt tier's jui v retin ned a vei-! mmming hours aatl a penetrnlmg diet that he was killed by unknown i - penetrating liliekorv liiced the coldest day in ;e persons. i ....... " Klscwhere the vea.thei' 1 man noglit. have made a good proph- I"' l iinncn enn' ntfnriiiPi: n run ri i "llVf taW J WH J I W ifcf W W m I ! I AT SPENCER Bv the Associated Press. -.-ee-artl to snow, but here he isserl it. as he did also the forecast u' oiodcratinc weather tluring the ni-rht. Instead the coldest of .sever ed seasons came ana with it clouds JIH sji : .en! light wims. invil, V-ri!mimiton reported the first snow Ten vears and in other sections s.iow was reported. The forecast ' lot; AS,,v)i.iai.i;u i. 1 1..-." . sneneef C.. Jan. 20. K in plovcs ' for today and tonight was rain or numbering 100 ot the car department ; s,eet ol the ftouinerii snop. not- ,,tiv r.til''e..-k- minisler of Vvasiimglos (".. today joined his son, Matatiewi r iinl'r.L- ' io ' endeavoring to prevent! . ovti.; ....' i t.. Vmdinii.' r ('.. to: asrn -r. p.,,-..-,,, f in.-dlini? to riot. 1 01 tne Dye'. The cldm- Bul.hiek guve counsel a his son and said he would go to On tario to intercede l'o' him. if S 13 I 3 i ili I , i'.- hi ui.i'1,,11 "i - - 15 ?. 5 l,t nli, i I a thousand. Soldiers suppressed lhe:7::.0 he was in the barber shop HEM i 3 i 1-1 li !l .rwvi,. I ';.mi,olis while the (!efelid-:K Was mi .. ... . j. , . i.-it he ' bre noa.rtlin" house a-uOiK j leas ia, no comirmauon oi ticniai i " . , , , - . ... .,. f . PIT n&HlPT Sl flOP ! th K"ilU' nspat(h hc,v- 1 Inmr'l'.s ' afK KaanSlis; and 'nvWl hi P fi?1-'.M Vl Vii- ' .'.is. i.ewe anf ether to go wi 4iL i 5 t." , W ' n H p I S p, . Pipi'TM Id.-. Vi-n tlv fim- came for t !?ihNi ilrMiM 'oattv, however, the speaker avcrrt Associated Pros?. ?J U ' J: 'iil I 5 8 1; I S J ill j :rhoma- wis in Kannapolis iooki tnglen, Jun. - deipo'ie;:; j i ff.r a ,dstt !. The defendant iidyaehi:es i. i;l v !': j uted in th" house t ' -' : y whi-n ' b-v : ttcmplod t,, have tiie hi; I killed by; nrnTPfWfO T0RMhi,1 's'c 'AH'" i'' Kannapolis at i HrHBk I Vi-uarler of X o'clock, ar.d tb- la wye, Utti i lib ILl) I UUt 5 i argued that the defendant w;s mail tillg i-itli the fl. nv: Tiie defendant sai.l he :1 ,er I eliminaion of the enacting clause, o I ... . , . . .,. i.., ..,,.;:.. iv me .'ssoeiait-d i ress. rmiUon to fc I uke em. .'!t- taiat.i... Jv the Associated Press. , ,..,.. 1!(, i(l ut Durnam, X. C. Jan. 2o. ri nirty oi ,J: , - -, r oi: ti,,. o. clause was voieu dow n i d- to n,xt. Kimaio. a., x., wn. -.v , ,:. -a., tit-nts were removed to sale'.' wh,; fense of, Matthew liuuoeK, -now uiuh- aiiaiy ic.v'.:'"--""'' ""4- ed depoidi'tl from Haralltton, Ont'., Jcrats in tho affirmative. - nd wanted in Norlina, X. C, will j "-T7 ' be considered by the local council f IP 1510111111 i-lio national association for the an-, UiaySp .i 3 .3 f 1? v. e,f s ? vaneement of colored people at aj j 1 fJ UiiHiiSyLy oubiic meeting tomonow mioa. vers hero, the council announced, w ,.i vers hero, the council announced, w,H -T nDSUSTr riirPH ;o to Albany to appear before the! S 110? tlF 4-fJ rovernor in case Pulleek is deporieli 0 Hl!H5 I wl,!i!lL 1 1 too vaio-ivui , nur some plans. uei:tiion.- uvi-ww.. the two r.un may nave teen ah lieir:, but Themas hat." nevev repaid Allen his 31 o0 back. ; (Joes Over Old Story . i . . . C e iLncoln hospital, a nogio irsti-j And so the delenttant start., oil I lution. was destroyed bv f i-a shsrtd'd.h Mrs. Loweinnis car, c,.- i , c ... ... 4 .i.... r-i. .. i. ... ..... i f.ar.g tne pistoi m ifi v.. : : v ui'l'Ji not.! too.,.,'. .( to." iuo w as I ' estimated at betw-en $HJ.0'!0 !.v la. 000. S The origin of ilu- hla;-.a has not to Os Overcashs, and they saw a !bcen detennined. ! -;!;" turn around ur fH,t ..f i a.m. lie kia'w this w as Allen.- c.t , 'i r.-e r.o.--ptla' win Me rt nuiit at a irost of .$100,000, the fui:i's having aisf-;l some time ago. F.n.i-.i a t?,i,l vvjis the wav women al- "-'::-!-.vr.-s diti when thev rotiv with hoi', eourr el assei ten. i nea mey '- I -. cd to work this morning. The call inlodes all men in this department laid otT December 1. The men were .Wociatxl Press. ''i. liingtoa, Jan. 20. Stabiliaii'm ' IlJCKOiiY TOWNSHJI' MEETING The meeting of ail the rural schools of Hickory township was held it Windv City' school house Tuesday January 24. The following schools were represented: Orandview, Sweet Water, Allen Frye, Killian, ordered back to work for the remain- I tier of the month only. However, it has been the policy ot the Southern iv.. .U,. .... f,r mntiOK to fitrmoV 1 ll'l- lll'k 't """""' v" ' - . ' . . i.i t, .-..1... D.,,..i.ni. a Vlmi r,. .h i.timmt. mont h nn IV ll Itl 1 eace Ai ai i:iii.V. uaijit--i aim iO.-Stab.liaumi ' '. - ... 111Mnv (f 'those city. The project of the meeting '; the prices of farm products j ca,(1(j jacjc ' to work will be retain- was the spelling contest, most con fi oiigh government fixation of vr.- L'i ' i vonient kitchen, and the best paper :..." prices of the basic crops ...lor.e ' 1 - ' '"tten on "The Most Gonvetnient :i :ive the ar-Hcultnral industrv. CSS RESRAUCH WORK ; Kitchen" by girls over hfteen years : . , . ( i i 'in.. n, A ucdrontf.fl Press. .. aKe ei iiiert n''t' was ion; lotriy oy u.v m. '""i S. Wanamai i . . , t .. it- " .ti. v. annum WttshiiiR-toti, Jan. 0. Debate in the house until a final vote was reaeheo' wa.2'. eotieiudeti yesterday and the measure was taken up under the ?i ve in inutc rule which adonis members an opportunity to o.fer amendments. Republican leaders, announcing mr. was entunvhett wr.o :- n pressive ceremony tnis aitei noon, jl body, eirdosed in f;uee . -rskets s -d (bessed in ihe pontifical robes., was M r. Williams argued, who sait that ihe defendant, v.ho is an auto saies i.om, woe.ht know the license tais on the. sedan, for he claimed to have been, following the sedan. When the car gets to Leonard strec t what are the tilings we Find? he asked'. Providence was over -nil- VOTK ON ANTJ-LYNCUlNt: . I p.. is,. .ir.f o,i Press. -vrsi. - 15! Ll. PROI5A1JLY 1 K IDA .' j t i.,'.. o..- ,, . TV: DK.Vlli fl .MiiS. KOCKKTT '''"' ' ' - ' . -.- oe m.... r...,.i- jijt-j . .i-U t.OO, .Jil'l. -CO. -.1.11.-,. W i.V i.e..:.-. I rht-d siUtilenly at ner home netween ....... . . . t -1 i i i .... i iewiee aii't v.. ou eiiioiit . ostet ti:t j'-- . , . , c maidng abeat nine oVlocic. Mrs.jing things at (.mo: time, . ... Roekett had not been feeling well an imn.c nt liil.e girl was whero in' to rest in a vauie in tl'e h.a: ilier. ... dav or two and Mr. Roekett ' "P vff ZJ Th, historic and beautil rdu:d had ,,ne after so,, one to help WithC,e La-;,, -t b ,uo, li'.' L.'.nii.ii .t.tiu.i "i . - , , I-. . . . , -, : ri ii-tMi' 'in.'. n ' t1 ; r ii i i ' - - - . rati -,i,i P.. Penf !v..f.,r the was witnessed omy oy members ,.. -:- -':u;"w- h-imnm- is clear and direct, Mr. AVi!- LiU u : i t ivouiu " ; ' - i t ' i-. -,-;-.- o cni Talc .' tuif ' J 1 - ---- ... house uti! a final vote was reached, ! the hensehcid, diplomats accredit eo ; ' ;M'r!'. "pWlt "was u 'daughter of!' sani iney were cyiumcm. it Htui.t "x. ijle -..,.,),,.;.,, .lim tlie ;-.oonitv .-. t i.. sent to the senate late today or 1 1 rt,(y;tflj to the vatlcan.. day. o-ti-.-V' - lit, calls during debate indicated that proponents of the measure were! , ' tC, !(-. .,f-,vj!.g. in a majority, but it is exiiecteu tnai accredited: l";V.f' ' " o. r Imms 'stated The defense. while , -as ,c,e.t , a oauaut,, . hav. nG ai; ,Uound her story ! : lr: -a;'u ?x- - "M A f--'- ,.f i;K. km-mg bus been unable to con- .Uaioeo, ana was a hurmy respecU-, . - ;ji.(.bre,i. ! voung wemian. Sue s survived byC1'--1- a , g. .. : - . , i .. , ... i -: j il.. . I : ner niisoatm atiu one cuoo, ..niee ilreilv I Tin r taipmnl-; bean the pre years of, age. 'Luc tu.'C-rai servict.-s were eon- as toh? fod'iy byiUy the Associateu nes?. . tC followine- nrizes were awarded her t.f South Caro-i Washingon, Jan. 2. Utilization; The fn.st prize f;ol. spelling, Joe i, iu ,.r,.. ..f i in. "of scientific research in promotion!-.. . windv City school, second i..li,ll.,'in,,i.'. ' ............ .. ' .i :....u .1 v...li..r ti-.ic . . r n ..,. I V.-.v ' .oi. i a una inacner is one in im "i - .n ;n t:-., in.ij v....,, . i. . . .1 ; .. u..iml jiirrie'.i tural policy was , r. noise Polick. Grand view " -.'Hi'., io ( i.i' conierence n o-) -liin',"! " - - n ' . , , stabilix-vtion bbllccnsic,,',! today by the national ag-;schoo Ihe Mo -ych- I.. Wa.uiimu'her d that ;f t k ncultun.'i eonie. t ot t. ..... he best paper on the most conven- "'Pai was ol.! nt nni4..nt ..rices' Thiee set addresses completed the ,,4f,. nfVlo r,)VW, Grand 'vot. Id force the closing of 7(? per! formal program, the remainder of ' 1 "f the bat ks in the south, owing1 the conference being given over to ' "osiou of credits to farmer.-. informal matters. Whlie the eonti rence was in se-s- , i . . . , ., 1 ne iiexi oit--etiiiji ni ut- iK-iu in A.-v '" l ; '""wspape" pura- ion members were discussing a . so- j., ffhe )roj(X.t of lkc racel. -m the Reserve IMm; .ioardV ution endctsing the farmer b.oc. wil, ,,e the lllost attractive tbntng ci;os usually ..ir,der.-;tn..d t icij. , ,;f other resolutions were in Voom aml :v declamation and recita- '! value of motiev. Mini.;flim is . ( . 1 ! .il' nivoaiatjoii. 1 1 nm contest. ient kitchen, Sadie Barger, Grand View school. Short talks were made 'by Mrs. Hiu-ris, Mr. M. S. Beam and Mr. J. W. War lick The next meeting will be held in j i ion contest. a number of drastic amendments wiU.j fcl,,e. "ai,;)Ut an app-e ... nav Uu.k.t, lhis aft:,rnoon at 2:30 o'clock !JfH be offered in an attempt to alter kee,,KC i;,,, Rectos away "n-y' h'" i Jt kS..k,ni (.hureh, in Lincoln county, i provisions which call for heavy pen- ,.ct-avned Can Johns'. n, of idur-.p is ; j allies , in the way of fines and in- fa?' Arkansas. "But rav eiu'd'-en i 'p():TlTm' !' J prisonment for persons participating icv th,y can do a bed.,- job of nd of'ITuman Destinies am I. i V m lyncnrngs aiui tor cinciais v.;,h r;.;jKs. As n.gn as i - c..u ...... ! .; v,. on mv fo through orevious negligence laiie-d to (u1 -h.. jt'e cusses are u.-ol or tent.-; ( t prevent them The bill as it stijnds ;ng lhf. , ; and 'pears tike ihe;. .1 '1;., , Vf..l!k. , ,K,letra. also provides that counties in h en .afenrt! . the ooe or js goi.r; . Dcaorts ami reKlotc. a!ld pas I ;tte SUGHEfiTY TO SUE SiDPDSCT PflB HIIIUIII1! I Ulij' lynch incs occur must forfeit .30,000. to the families of the victims. , bring another d . ! , COTTON ! HEA1.S CIRI. SCOPTO By the Associated Press. 1 . i -r, x...... t Tlu ii.V t-P ssueattfu i ivo. - . it A . 1 . t T 1 . , , ', isv uie .vssociai.en 1 less. Deserts and seas remote, ana pass- ' , , J ti nii-t,,,! ..in '' Tho rnv- 10f' hV i - ---- ... - ! Hove! 'and mivit and palace, soon or j err.raent is ros-dy to bring suit late 'against the Dayton-Wright Company ; I knock unbialen, once at - every j and thc Wright-Martin Aircraft Cor- v JJ '"iY., - j . ,...,1. . ' novation to recover a trtal of more li i'e.-i:-.i;nt:, i;se; ri sieepp-ir- ,.a...- . ho fort: I in'-Tl ,ov;u,ouu III anegeu u t-i ya j.-,tv. j ui iv, (Jim. .m. i.i, iv . . . - . - x, .;; nT,. . . . .. . ... i- .1.., Am tree who to how roe reach eveiv tbuiera Dau'oertv announced today. making new low grounds lor me elected national presitieui oi tie.-. - j . movement. After opening 10 to 22 r;lvl stouts of America at the annua.'! de -e ,ad c ncu-r everH ThC aUniey -em;ral, m mak,nC points lower, with March sebling off to . , " ' dr (k.-.-ic, i'iu Cv-.Kivtwi ever.. tMs anr.0uncc-ment said the war 10i2 and May to 1G.i7, the more Save death. But these who doubt or'" bui'u of tht' -iuiw dePart" "U1,L i.i.Mic.i;, i.,u.,ii,s . ! v-r- cirmir civ i-..itnt. nient. coc pel ?.'tinir Willi ceparimeni ':Wb:it ycu rive you:k vife lor ('nthuned to failure, penury and j of jus ice accountants working on contract cases, is, now prepared to be- r " , , , 1 T 1 ' ,n uils aucuiiM, cujivf ni, w 1111:11 ic t . I j l,.i . i lit !. , : ' L L ' J. 1 .,i i. .o, -I t - , j . . .ot, tl.j' 1 : e ; u 1 21 1 1 March May July -October December Hickory cotton not quoted. (.pen Clost 10.5.") 10.3 10.52 10.0 10.05 15.7 15.50 15.1 15.10 la .OH n.ds in 7' lone J mi me re, in vain '('-, seles-dv imnlnvp eturn nt Ingalis. ants show have overcharged the government. 1 i - -1

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