Daily WATCH YOUR I, A DEL fN'cord Mihscribers tM.uia renew at lat day before their Milwription expire. WEATHER Cloudy tonight, probab ably, snow in , north-, west portion. Sunday fair. ' ' -t;. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 28, 1922 ?RICE FIVE CENTS vCf& SENTENCE THOMAS TO EIGHTEEN YEARS How Dutch Children-GctolScKool in iWinter kegoird , r- mmsm .. Charlotte Automobile Salesman, Found Guilty of Murder in Second Degree, Gets Long Term Appeals to Supreme Court and Will Be Released on Heavy Bond AOi'hto) Pt'C9 nl. N. ('., Jan. 'riintna, Charlotte n. convicted lust i. c t't'c murder for 280. C. automobile night of the killing , :.;n .1. Allen, master plumber; ..,- city iii Karma poli on the ; t' October 2 last, was senterte-j I udgc litH Kay to serve IK hundred and 'i witnesses were Graham was pointed ouii I I. -- 1. - - . - - T". - - 1 t . . - . . . KaimntNi, ievcn uays were cousum- riann Mng, janitor of the haiiK .in. in :iii '.Me IK' ape; state sled to penitentiary.1 the supreme IDENTIFY JOYCE o J? 'm liJ MUll i ' i dc- at By the Associated Press. ' Fire which originated from a Paris, Jan. 28. Official notice has teetive flue in the postoffiee been taken by' the French foreign of- Con over at 10 o'clock last night fice c? an article in the Morning completely destroyed the post-office, Post of London, reproduced here, al leging that both President Harding and Secretary of State Hughes had refused to receive Ambassador Juss-e-rand. Officials were surprised at the arti- with its records, stamps and other pers, spread to the adjoining build- in Volendain, Holland, the children during the winter tinij do . not widk-itOScliool;Uiey travel, in fine style, 'as t ibown In the photograph. Attached to their sleds they have a set of pusberirquiipped witii' snarpened-spike& f ' .. I .- -H: . f- . I t -- - & v. rOK. v.;., -- -: ' ng and ourned to the ground the hardware store of L. E. Hunsucker, entiling a loss estimated at $10, 000. There was no insurance on either of the two wooden structures 1 1 t Iw. k . . ivl.i-., . . 4 .... 1 " rV U .i ciiui tiic joieign onice jegarueu it loss of as entirely lacking m nlausibihtv. I Nevertheless in view of the impres-j The Newton fire department was sion the storv was considered likelv. c -21'ed on and the big truck from to make en the French public, Pi course was borne by Mr. en tne r renen puonc, i're mier Poincare as head of the foreign office decided to make an inquiry. ALL TOM FOOLISHNESS 1 ! tent appearance bond was tix Mim of $20,000. lay stated that he had at led to give the prisoner the Hy the Associated Press. Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 28, -Walter i ,,!) limit of the penalty, SO i,i . ,r.,ic of his wife ant i.. i educed the sentence to IS Joyce and Oren Graham, Pittsburgh J men arrested yesterdav after the years, p- va tion.nl Ttnnl.- f r.vuftnn Jim,i mother,, jj,, vov.beu and Harold Mess, assist- NA T10NAL CAPITAL flat by trui 1 started in Cabarrus su- ant cashier had been killed, were to ('ay identified by brink employes as iiihi (,i iiu- men wiiii were m ine i u.urt on Monday of last week bandit party yesterday. by a. in the trial and attorneys spoke the man who shot Moss. Employe .; ; hoars and a t minutes dur-J of the bank, who witnessed' the roh 'Li' argument. !try, and Joyce wv-s jioki-d out by t. i fu vs for Thomas stated that , live of them as no of the rubber:-:. UNDER TWO FEET OF S how liuiii! fiir Thomas would he easily It I Uli'fl. Thmiho ai ranged his bond and i 1 . . r ,? . 1 .1 ... a- iticie(i :.: ins oonusmeii 1 . i ..it ? e rr lie i , v., ami j. vi. i.uwc oi iunnit- li arid C. W. Swink of Concord, in- tv ii I.i wes are brothers of I'ob cwi , husband of the woman with hn'ras at the time of the killing. ISMS!! BITS EAST CAROLINA Jan. 2S. Telephone cnni to the eastern part of was suspended tr.tla as a lal-iirh hiiMica'ion ---til t i.f the worst snow storm re- mifi'il in manv yeais. r Caleigh the snow slopped falling 11 i.'divk. but street car and au- kni"iiii( trariic is still nailing in;s ll'terriuo n l)fitii f snow was recorded at be- nvfcn (-mht and nine inches TH L IT Worst Storm Since Blizzard of 1899 Brings Rec ord Fall in Many Sections of South Still Snowing in National Capital and Train! Sefrvice Suspended IS I TY tly the Associated Press. Atlanta, (Ja., Jan. 2S. The jury in the p-isc Af F"ar!: Puller, youtli tul bandit, charged with the murti'jr ( I Detei'tive Wr.lker in connection with a jewelry store robbery, return ed a verdict today of murder in the first degree. DuPree receivu 1 the I.v. verdict calm- I GIVES S5 TO FUND D DELAY ELECTION OF ANOTHER POPE v t t Associated Press. I'i.iis, Jan. 28. A Home dispatch I'aii.-i s'.id the opening of the con nive tin' electing h successor to Popo ii'iidli!''. will bu delayed 24 hours in nler to eiialle the cardinals to ither. The tk'Cticn had been set tor H.ickoiy post No. 48. American Uivion, last nif-ht voted $5 for the .Voodrow Wilsr.n foundation in honor fof the former president who was ; commander-in-chief of all the Ameri Ici'ii foices, and received another new member, Wilson V. Simpson. - In the absence t theo chairman, Richard' H. Shuford presdet? over the meeting" which was well attended., considering the weather. The post is prowim rapidly and the members say they expect to make tnis the best year in its history. riy the A.sso'iatd i Washington, Jr.n comprising- the midd'le t!f.n were today buried ress. 28. The : whore snow storms have been report states ; ed for two days was wholly 'suspend'- Atlantic sec- Several Southern trains were re and were be-jrrrted stalled between Richmond and injr fuit'.ier buried under the heaviest ! Washington, with others being held snowfall since the long remembered I Richmond. blizzard of 1809. The storm, which ! Railroac' officials vrere attempting began with almost unprecedented t( J?et a train comprising of day snows in the Carolinas anc? Virginia ; coaches . only bef re ,noon to Bali i Tucsday, whs creeping up the coast, ' moe and possibly on to New Yfo k. leaving buried towns, . stalled trams TH(TlPffl hit haumtc miinn tno mm i u dJuuu i ui! amirs an wilson in hickory l ON REPARATIONS v thf Associated l'ress. Ifiiin. .Ian. 2S. Germany's tin- l-t t( the allied reparations com mi iMi handed to its Uerlin repre eni.it is-f tfxlav to be taken to Paris . . ,-V A "' )mi .i s the payment of 72i),uw,uuv "lil marks and l,4'i0,000,000 gold i JnmKs worth of coods to the allies. iirii m- p.ij'j. The answer suggests, K'Wever, that in view of tiermanys ixiitii.ii burdens the amount be re- Ucei!. The Wood row Wilson foundation to day lacked cnly $18 of reaching the $300 mark, Chairman J. D. Elliott said,. No other subscriptions will be solicited personally, but the chair man would be glad to receive checks or money from persons who have not donated to the cause. Mr. Elliott would like for the fund to reach ij.300. Mil MP (IN I AST IUMILUIIL.ll Uli unu i and a general suspension of business and social activities. It has reached the edge of New England early ton'dy, although its center was still off the Virginia capes. Weather bureau reports sho'wed and forecasts were for snow today and tonight along the coast from New York, although the fall will not be as heavy in the north. The blanket cf snow early today was the heaviest in the District of Columbia with a fall recorded' at 10 o'clock of an even two feet. At that time it w!vs still falling with no in dications of a lei up. Reports to the weather bureau showed the fall of snow there to have been the heaviest in parth of North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and the Distr;:-t of Columbia. Officials of the American Railway Express reported a virtual stoppage of all express shipments into Wash ington and said that shipments were being accepted subject to delay. Attendance at both houises of congress was small. Sufficient sen ate members reachee? the capital for a quorum, while when the house con vened there was not a quorum. The senate agricultural committee was prevented from meeting when ' witnesses failed to appear. Forty-nine senators, a bare work ing majority, fcught their way today to the capital. Some of them found the going so difficult that they were late in arriving. Senator Simmons of North Caro lina, leader in the Democratic fight on the bill, was snowbound in his suburban home, reporting drifts in the street as deep as 15 feet. Many other suburban senators failec'' to ap pear, but Senator Johnson of Cali fornia fought his way from his home !ii: Maryland through the storm. By KOOI-'n CAVE IN Ihe Asso'-iated' Press. Danville, Va., Jan. 28 Three to bacco warehouse roots and that of a motor company caved in here today as ,a result of the heavy snow. All warehouses have been ordered clos ed. The snow began to fall Thursday night and lias fallen without inter ruption. No street cars are operating and' automobiles have been abandon ed in the streets. STORM SEVERE IN P.y the Associated Press. Los Angeles, Ca!., former switchman, name sr.-n, was shot, probably ,fficcs last night aftev ion in attempting to wreck i em Pacific train. The train nnney said to be in excess of and the supposed motive of tempt at wrecking wr.-s Some reports placed' the Jan. 28. A I Lambert fti'tally, by dctect-Soulh-carried the at- robbery, i mount on Oy the Asaocied Press. Washington, Jan. 28. Denial and categorical was made te'dav officials at the state department and white house that 'cither Secretary Hughes or President Harding had re fused to see Ambassador Jusserand. Officials were positive in. their statements that the French ambassa dor had been received whenever he indicated a desire to see the president or secretary and further declared that as M. Jusserand had been held in the highest esteem during bis long ca reer here, it was unthinkable that sue) i a report should be printed. Denial of the report also was made by French embassy officials. M. Jussrand himself could' not lie leached, being engaged in a con ference in connection with the arms discussion, but his officials said the ambassador had authorized denial!. '),G00. the train as high as $15 UiPKHP PARI CP Hibftui! I yyiiiLJ 11 IP NORFOLK SECTION blow' Gy the Associated Press. Norfolk, Va.: Jan. 28. A reaching a velocity of 56 miles an hour early, today crippled waterfront activities . here and practically sus pended shipping in Hampton Roads. Parts of the business section here is under water and car service to su burban sections has been suspended. CHINESE PREMIER El RESIGNS HIS POST Xllon.D WRAK OVERAM-S Wif. -."Shall I put your diamond Hid in vour shirt dear?" II t haiifl "What on earth are you LAP OF LONG TRIP Dy the Associated Press. New York, Jan. 28. The steamship Matoika, sailing today ior ua nn Vipv nissenirer list Princess Danzig, i i 1 1 ,., ,. In i-inri mo l 1 1 I , III, im y X lib IV.... ........ r-i r , . . I have a mcctinir with mv creditor 2f2 Polish orphans who were oeguv- lis !),D Hint!- -Edinburgh Scotsman. ;01 REASON 1 l it ion t see whv vou call a bungalow?" said' Smith , i. i t Vnf tvin nround ning tne last w - the world. They fled from their na- iJ two vears ago io smf Uve lb film "is lulu Mint- , "WV.l', if it isn't a l)Ungalow, what returned to Warsaw, ls if.'" s-dd the neighbor. "The job isu jjovernmcnt will U 1 1 .'II ill" 1 -i "ungie, aim i sun owe ior io -lV:w Miii's; Weekly. and death in I 11,111 ilMIl ,ycur'wake of the reci bolshevik wave. " i . t'.n. fvntiors are xo uu The nine " .: , where tne roi- find homes NO TRAIN SERVICE By the Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 28. Washington was cut off from the outside world toc'Jay so far as transportation was concerned by one of the worst snow storms ever recorded. Officials of the union st?.'tion i them. shortly before 9 o'clock reported that no passenger trains had left WasTi-ine-ton since midnight and with the sncw still falling, there was no pros pect of any leaving soofn. Three trains had arrived at mid night two from New xork ana' one or from Cincinnati. 1 Train service from the south, 3y the Associated Press. Peking-, Jan. 28. Liang Shih Yi has tendered' his resignation svs pre mier. Dr. W. W. Yen, the foreign minister, who has been acting as pre mier during the absence from Peking of the premier, is understood to have refused the offer of premier. COTTON By the Associated Press. New York, Jan. 2S. The cotton market opened' at an advance of 14 to 16, points on Japanese buying for over the week end. Favorable reports regarding' conditions in Bombay and'. Egypt and rather better reports on the gods trade were factors in the advance. Snow wh'ch began falling late Thursday afternoon continued at in tervals during- Thursday night, yes terday and Isst night and this morning measured' 4 l- inches, ac cording- to the record as kept oy the official representative ci the weather department here. The amount of wa ter contained in this sno wa six tenths of an inch. . It was coin' enough for snow all day, fcut by some ' inadvevnce of nature, wrhi.ch has picked th's sec tion for special favors, a good start, was never mao'e and the accumula tion melted down to small propor tions. At 6 o'clock Ir.st night the snow measured a little over three inches an inch falling during the morning. The niinimum temperature here yesterday was 21 degrees ad tin maximum T;o thermometer snow ed 28 degrees last night, ana ar though there was no sun early in the forenoon, the snow wras melting slow ly before 10 o'clock. Imiuirv ever the telephone today dis closed that Hickory was the first of several places where the sun broke through. At 10 o'clock this morn- the weather was iair, with tne 11:30 FIREMAN KILLED If EM I there split the snow wide open and ! applied chemicals to a vjarehouse : in the rear of the hardware store, i By desperate efforts the warehouse, i which caught several times, was I kept from burning. The N-wton I department did valuable work. -j John F. Hunsuclcer is postmaster I at Conover, third class omce. and no is allowed by the department to have stock on hand valued at $550 The loss of stamps and money will not worry the department like the loss of the postmaster's records, for the printing presses tan renew the office supplies in short time. The Record's correspondent, H. II. Lowry. went to the scene of the lire with the Newton company and report ed the loss to the Record. It is be ieved that in place of the wooden buildings substantial brick structures will be built. The loss ssustained by Mr. Hunsucker was a severe one. A telephone message to the- Rec ord from Adrian L. Shuford later said that Postmaster Hunsueker's stamps were in the bank and safe, but that all the records were de stroyed, together with about $50 in money. Mr. Shuford said there alady was agitation to install a water sys tem and connect up with Newton. That would serve a double purpose afford Conover's protection from fire and furnish a good supply of, drinking water. . Dy the Associated Press. E::tgh, N. C, Jan. 28. Fireman Harold Johnson, negro, was instantly killed and Engineer O. L. Davis was injured when engine No. 2!4 mountain type attached t(. Seaboard Air Line southbound passenger train No. 1 blew vp at a siding -At, Din wu'.lie, Va., at " o'clock th's morning. The cause of the accident has not been determined. Engineer Davis' log was broken. lived in Raleigh. A -wreck- been sent from Richmond. the nassengeis were in- AfiiiTfm nrnnnrn SHU I IlilL HMM s vrfiR- nrnnnn ' frjnurbuuu Doth, men er has None t jured and the all-Pull mv.n train pulled back to Petersburg. TO ESCAPE FROM ICLISLA! PROGRESS Stockholders of the Mutual Build ing and Loan Association at the an nual meeting last night authorized the directors to issue prepaid stock to the extent . of 15 per cent of the association's assets, approved the re port of Secretary VV. H. Little, el ected directors and voiced the opin ion that this, would be the greatest year for building in the history oi Hickory. Several talks were made, for the good of the order. President J. W. Shuford called the meeting to order shortly after K o'clock and the secretary submitted written report supplementary to the printed statement. Mr. Little referred to the remarkable activity in home building last year and declar-. ed. that the decision of the. board of diiectors not to lend money except' u.-;i.i: t ii uumuiig jiuijjuses or ooinu own ing proved a" wise one. He ' believe! t f that the present year woule? eclipse? . all farmer years in home and busi- Press. Jan. ing 3y the Associated "Detroit, Mich., " White, a former policeman, returned today after being marooned with slim food supplies and shelter on a small island' on the Upper Detroit liver. He was rescued after a peril ous trip over the ice floes.; White said he went tc. the island to o'et. av.-av from the "hiffh j, t! ing" and is planning to return again when the ice breaks up. RICHMOND IS OUT OF BLIZZARD PATH March May July -'- . October December - HJiekory cotton not quoted. Open 16.59 16.38 16.03 15.49 Close 16.65 16.44 16.10 15.60 15.51 sun steam ins; denvn. It was before the sun appeared at States ville, just to the east. Oxford, Granville county, reported more snow yesterday than Hender son, Vance co'unty, where the depth was 18 inches. It was even two feet at Oxford, eight inches ' at Winston-Salem, 16 'inches at War lent.own and seven inches in Ral eigh, where street car and automo-j bile traffic was interrupted. A re-i By tjie Associated Press, port from Raleigh today said it was j ."Riciimon,i Va., Jan. 28. Followed still cloudy there Persons who were, suff. in Morganton last night said the snowfall there was six inches. P"ng and inconvenience the snow .,,. . ! storm which struck Richmond yes- are hiel.ly ; terday morning ceased today. oriaiV.:vitien. ; Traffic and commerce was at :: ! T SOnlC , i.,lf:n m.,m. c.tir.nc .-v f ill,-. Innocence and virtu desirable in a church but probably there s vci tw son c-, tanelstill in many sections of one m authority worm e-nougn to keen the new varnish from getting into the Communion cups. City Star. state, there being almost a complete v-r,.. -io im the street car traffic. i ant . V . . I . . U . ' I VI- I ness building and said the Mutual 28. Isaac would be ready to take its part, in Uvs good work. It was on motion of J. A. Moretz that the stockholders went orfreeord in favor of prepaid stock, the" am ount issued not to exceed 15 per :enl of the assets and the interest to be 5 per cent. The book value of the stock is r-rtt of liv-l ob,b21.2 .. an increase of more tnan .tou,uuu over tne preceding: year. The assets are $221,089.83 and the number of shares" totals 5,464 at the close of business December cl last. Secretary- Little reported much new business since the first of January prospects bright for a large increase in savings during the year. L. F. Aberuethy, a director : cu many years, ttated that-heould npt find time U give to the association, the attention necessary and request ed that he be not re-elected. M. C Forbes was chosen in his place, the rtmaining directors being reelected. They are J. W. Shuford, J. A. Mor etz, C. C. Cost, J. F. Abernethy, W. W. Burns, L. L. Moss, W. C. Sliell, F. A. Henderson and F. P. Johnston. Officers of the association, were reelected as follows after the stock holders' meeting adjourned: J. W Shuford .-resident; JC A. Moreri vice-president; W. H. Little, -. scre- tary-treasurer; C, B. Heuitt. w6t- secretary, and T. P. Pmitf. . ; tornev. THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE HIT AND RUN Father's Voice Maude hasn't that1 . " ' young man started for heme yet? 1 Mrs- Newrich I am determined Clever young ms-n I've reached' that Clara's debut shall pass off with third, sir. great eclat. Father's voice Well, steal, you iewricn w nat s eclat, Maria ex-Hook busher, steal! American Legionjmse: Boston iranscript. man CAUSTIC J?VE tu?a$L?',.UP? in.to Ed Wise's ....I. .Hilt.-i uay and asked wno Knows for Jr ,lunmer -' he Queried. lWrO. VOll nnnr AmthKnllt ' -w. 1 1 !.- o .... : 1 O V r . . -'(W ieVS. 'the pair of sox.