TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31 HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE TWO 1922 f. I Hickory Daily Record Subscribers desiring the address of their paper changed will please 6tate in their communication both OLD and NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to the Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 1C7 regard ing: complaints. KATKS SUBSCRIPTION One Year "-00 (liy mail, $4.00; C months, $2.00) Six Months $2.50 Three Months 1.25 One Month 15 One Week 10 Entered us second-class matter September 11, 1913, at the poatoflice at Hickory, N. ('., under the act of March 8, 1879. HICKORY'S OIM'ORTUNIT V Hickoiys hour for a nev mec'eni fire-proof . hotel has struck. The meeting at the Chamber of Ormmerce tonight at 8 o'clock will determine whether this, admittedly thy lest town in its class in the ftrK' is to seize an opportunity to c ntinue its growth or wlie'iic it will glow up with ;i prime nc-'-cssity lacking. Since the housing situation i be in j; taken care of h"te by indi vici.als, there is every reason why i; fine modern hotel, at iin.o the pride of ihome iY.lks and the admiration i the traveling public, should' be The Associated Press ix exclusively entitled to the use of republication of all news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also the lo cal news published herein. MEM TIER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Published by the Clay Printing Co ' ! Kyery Evening Except Sunday erected' this year. The new structure, will pay. Frank Simpson, U-lii;,1! architect, will be on hand to meet Hicdoiy people interested. Charles Dr. i'.t".th cccinreu at the aye of ."V of Mississippi, WILD THi: ROAD Sni'.v the state r,i"i. ly ini'V.,ssi;ii i ready to rcU;a.' , C.Ur b'; rour.ty from its contract to xurn.sn ror a period of years without interest the funu necessary to couiph't. the Ca tawba link of the Central highway, .the county should accept the prop -itiA submitted by W. C. Wilkinson, h',sih d'strict member of the st"tc highway commission, to advance ut right $7.",000 towauls the building of the Newton-Maiden road. The county might desire better conditions, but ii annot reject the proposition. Acceptance of thi proposition will mean the early builji i,r not miy of the Central higli.v:: link, the con tact for which In4 been r.warde i. birt the completion of the (ia?foii I.incoln highway link, giving Xev.ton i nd MaitiVn the kind of highway thoy d.Mru and need. This is also another l'nk in the inevitable hard-surfa r:ul to Blowing Rock ant t!oone. The Record feels sure that the county commissioners will te backed Ly the good common sense- of the county in d'oing eve." thing wuhir. i. ason to obtain this impo'tant iv.v!. The county cannot afford to let ii. THE FOO'I IIMX SCAN DAI. Almost ' ever y grown person i.t familiar with rival towns which dis played their superioiity in harebull by hiring all the good players pos sible, but it unnamed fur Cavlinville and Taylorsville, III., two town iibout the size of Hickory to display thrir patriotism in terms of footla'). " Carlinville hired iiie cr.tiii; Notre Dame University eleven and Taylors ville employed nine of the Universitv of Illinois stars ami' they went to battle with $50,00(1 in be is by each town. Taylorsville, which hired home talent, as it were, won the same, Id to C. Thin is the biggest sport scandal nine the 1919 world series. Carlin- villc hoped to spring a surprise, but Tfcyloraville. was r.ot asleep and went out and got ten players too, and' carried off? -the bacon. r'ootball hjif beomj ; immensely popular since jhe,. war ,and. the temp tation to organise town teams has been too jrre4ttt 'vesifct. These two Illinois towns,' however, ought- have enough of the- game v.1 they have run it, and" college plaveiv. probably will see a moral in the dis qualification of the Illirn is and IVitie Damo stars. " "INTO THE Sl'XSHIMr ''Counties Industrie, organiza tion!, individual, are already out of where h ITaskerville, whose n New York Suiid.-ic years, was a pati c but North Car-.lina t burned him almost as its o n. IK? made his reputation :..s studenr, ath lete air..' professor at the Univoisdty of North Carolina, and hi. fame c.r ried him in 1 UC4 to what th.-i was u laigcr fichu 1'. iu A r' i .! W;.s .7T of the fv icmost chemists of the wcii'd. Another, great chemis', Dr. ('has. II. Ilerty, was called n.m the Tar Heel university, but th" ;grc:;t- est of all, Dr. I ranch; able, ' st ill "remains at Chapel '. T El A. A. Sallie, Fortify the system against Colds, Giip and Influenza by taking Laxative j'-awe - company v.'ith the late Shufoid. The other daughter, married Calvin Abernethy. Alfred' ami Barton Baker were sol diers in the Confederate army and I belonged to the 23rd regiment. Al Itvcd Kakcr wa. .wounded at the bat tle of Seven Pines. This battle took olace Slay 31, 1862. He was color bearer when W(.unu'ed'. Pink Baker is :i farmer and lives on his father's i'ai m. Barton Ba'kcr msrried Jennio Ranif-aur, a daughter of Alfred Ram jsaur, and wife After her death he jmr.nied a Mis Huffman. Their homo is nerif Baker's mountain. Uncle Sol'o'm'ori Baker died' while j the war between the states was go lir.e rn. His wife, niv aunt, d'i?d af- PASTIME Thursday and Frid February 2nd and 3rd itf it tablets which destroy germs, act as a tonic laxative, and keep the sys tem in condition to throw off attacks of Colds, Grip and In fluenza. Be sure you get The genuine bears this signature Prost'-Nk Ven Pi!!,' students have the. where .vovanced benefit of his knowledge. They i'sel to say at Chapl Hill that Dr. Ru-xker-i!le coub'.' make chemistry int-io.t-ing to a sophomore, st great was his personal magnetism. Hickory is coming lrthor stn.T'.c; when it can bring James Coddaid. Metropolit&n grand oper.i stui, iiere for an evening of enf.ert'ii:i"n cnt. Mr. CJoddard ordinarily play? the big towns, but the Kiwanis (Kni f ms that there are enough peep1'1 in this section who appreciate -i firs, c'asr. artist to justify gmTanf-e'ig ti:--rioted baritone-'o:'.' -s :! f i r.ier an audience. The Reor l agree wi'.h t!:e Kiwanians. TRICK the" war. .Uncle Solomon Baker is buried, at ' Thessalonica Laptift -buvch. lie was a member of the Br pti?t church and was a good man. His funeral was preached by Rev. Berry, who was pastor of Thessalon ica Baptist church at the time. My father and mother were present when the funeral was preached. " I v.-.' about twelve years of age at the time, am'.' was at the funeral. When we went home my mother said to u. ihat Uin-le Solomon Baker was a good man and' was now at rest. He loved to read his Bible 'r.nd to pray in his family. The world is better be-;am-o such men have lived in it. They leave a good influence behind him. j. II. SIIUFORD. mO-"SO---C" . MEMORIAL TO MR.. CRANE , Hartford Times. v .;. In ueiKSiures, me )eopie arc 'ft .d 'iiie- fmi'ov1 ovoofino- Q l P 111 rt T 1 Jl the late Senator Winthrop Murray ifoI vnririnv A TTn a Crane. They are not doing this be- LJ AN EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACT! cause they regard Mr. urane as 2reat statesman. They are not do ing it to commemorate the life c'f cne who developed the great paper nnini'K-turing industry there. They are doing it beca'use every human being in that town who knew Mr. Crane loved him for his good works; his generosity, his kindness, ..his helpfulness. Not the senator, the manufacturer, the governor or the statesman, do they honor, but the nan. ' That is' a great tribute to a man's life. Murray Crane never deliver- "' an address in the senate; aside! from his messages to the Massa- ..husetts legislature he never made: i speech of more than 400 words j n all his life, yet he was one of, the :g men of the country, surely one of ;io" greatest men in the Republican party, but most of all he was a veal human being. Wc'rks, rather than talk, made him great. r i wmm FOR DAVIS CUP By the Associated Press. Lr.ndon, Jan. 31. The lawn tennis f.srociation announced this afternoon that the Biitish isles had challenged the United States for the Davis cup. "We would welcome your1 bank account," remarks a passing ad. We would, too; let's look for it. Buffa lo Express. Price 30c. AN EMBASSADORS Boston Trunscript. In spite if the cable, in spite of the hearings given to the press, in spite of the whole rattle and bang of "open diplomacy," it seems that even an American embassador, of this later day can invent a nice lit tle game against his own country anc' "get away with it." The English papers are chortling gayly over a little stcrv that bus come out in the late Walter II. Page's letters, which are appearing in the World's Work Mr. Page, as embassador at London, was working hard on the sine of the allies, before the United States en tered the war, and writing to Presi dent Wilson and Col. House all about it. lie was particularly distrustful, it seems, ,,f Secretary Lansing, or at least of his defense of thy rights of American ships at sea as against the interference of the Britih cruisers. Keicrnng to Lansing, he wrote to Col. House that "the curse of the world is little men who for an im agined temporary advantage throw away the long growth of good will nurtured by wise and patient men." But it must have been Mr. Bryan who was his game in the circum stances to be related, for it is said to have taken place in January, 1915 and Mr. Lansing u'id not become sec retary of state ur.til June of that year. It happened that in January the steamship Dacis in;; ouf shores with a cargo of cotton for Germany. It was before the full application of the ble;-Kad'e. The Dacia, it appeared had been- bought from the Germans by an American citizen of German :i;gm, and' ha'd icccivcd American U i registry. As matte: s stoo l, she h:t'd r.cvou.'.ng to ' our inii i pretation of international law, the light of nts fart' Thf ' nritish'Tfnn'eH' wanttf' to stop her, but Mr. Bryan had made so much tuss about:, somites ' that Sir Edward Grey hesitated. And here thd , d?!)th' bi'.ck again business b i vat hiiig1 is easy ana' good. Confidence Optimism Aggress ive' Effort brought them there. "Business IS reviving an it did after the depression of 189fi, 1904 19(H, 1914. The volume of manufac turing and trade is increasing daily, unemployment is decreasing, loans are1 expanding. Business is gather ing, momentum., "Prosperity is Just Around' the Ooiner." T,he words in quotation marks were used in an attractive advertisement inserted in' the Asheville Citizen in the 'Rotary club prosperity campaign put'ort by the New York Rotnry club'i The ' j.pace was bought and paid for by the Asheville club. Such reading as the forego'ng helps. the deep diplomacy of Mr. Pa'ge stepped in as against his own super ior in office. "Don't you think,'' he saiC niivately to Sir Edward iGrey "that the French fleet ought to have f a little advertising: l ms, or course was equivalent to saying, "Let the Ii emh seize the Dacia. and nobody 'n America will say a word. And so it turned out; the "tip" was p,iven to l ranee. A French cruiser seized the Dacia. "without exciting a r urmuv in America'," as the London Specta tor puts it. If memory seiwes aright, thore was a considerable murmur over the-. Da-c-ia's seizure, but the point cf the matter is the somewhat startling liberl.j which the embassador . London to'ok in suggesting this course for her seizure. It seems is we have suggested, that there rtm is. particularly m time ot war a certain opportunity for ingenious de vices that, lie well between the lines of lecordod diplomatic intercourse.." PAINS ACROSS SMALL OF BACK Husband Helped in Housework. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Made Her Strong Foster. Oreeron. "I Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for pains across the L j III i small of mv back. They bothered me so badly that I could do my work only with the help of my hus band. One day he saw the 'ad.' in our pa- E2r telling what ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is doing for women, so I began to tnko it It hoo helped me wonderfully. I am feeling line, do all my housework and washing lor seven in the family. J have been ir- STARTING OUT STRONG Thil Utley, former Raleigh boy and star athlete r.t Wake Forest College during his stuc'y days, has developed a fine bunch of basketball players for I.rnoir College. Phil is athletic di-lectoi- at the college and h''s already won success i'or his charges, on th; gridiron. Although defeated by Han sell's Techs last night the Lenoir quint put up a good exhibition of the indoor game. The presence of Utley on an indoor comt remino's us of the days of the Holding boys at Wv.ke Forest where Dr. Richard Crozier introduced bas ketball in North Carolina some years ago. Dining the career of Utley at the Baptist institution, fans sav prune of the best basketball ever e--h:b:-ed r.n a court in this State. Bill Holding, Bruce Holding, "Ml'.';" Billings and Utley were the main stays ("luring those flourishing times. :ileigh Times. CFC:L HEFNER ON TRIAL ' e:il Hefner was being tried be fo R-. .'crder Pruitt this afternoon or a fhaige of selling liquor. The st .cs' principal witness is Horace H fnor, wlio Ms alleged to have pur cf ;se:l two pints. Cecil h?.3 had more t' m a score of witnesses summoned. solOmon ;;t)aker 5 Solomon Baker was. born in 11 o. ile was a son of John Baker vnd . il'e. lie spent )us early life upon'his ' her':;, farm, where lie learnedly' be V",'g-oo(t' farrrreV. " He 'miarricd'a' ' Miss Toover. He hse? a farm r.n Jacob's '';ik liver, south of Baker s....rooun -f-:in. He was a good farmer. Pupip bigs carried the water , to the hoitse. e and his wife were the parents-of lb ret- sons and two daughters, the jns are now living in Catavba county. They are Alfred, Barton and Pink. One daughter, Eve Baker married W. L. Killian. He m,; a soldier ;in the Ccnfedevate army. He belonged tothe 23rd regiment and was in the. . in tm little town or- iiaicon.1 m tneuo Express. t Hjn! jlPASTiRIE Tomorrow N I fC m 1 WILLIAM s- m ' PICTURE LED PLOWS mm m The book Sensation of a Decade, Flaming " on the Screen! Special Music at Evening Performance by Mrs. J. H. Hatcher - OVERTURE BY 8 PIECE ORCHESTRA' ' ADMISSION CHILDREN, MATINEE, ONLY 16 CT ADMISSION ADULTS, MATINEE, 30 CTS." " " - Anuiesinv vic.ht in crs to ati '' ' : ) . --War Tax. Includetf .mi in C i l''-'-' " ?, Please taxes pay and your avoid further penalty City of Hickory Each point is fastened with two bolts, so they cannot work loose. ; A11 point, landgide and, mold-board bolts are interchangeable, ' a 'decided advant age. :'.;. - ' . - ";' -'V'-' Abernethy Hdwe Co. International Harvesting Machinery REAL ESTATE INSURANCE . I have some very desirable city and country property for sale. If interested, see, phone or write j J. W. HOKE, Hickory, N. J. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT And resolve to have your watch repairing done at Geo. E. Bisanar's where you are guaranteed satisfaction. Our watch re pairing department is taken care of by an expert Factory Man and guess work is entirely eliminated. This means money sav ed to every customer. Watches GEO. E. BISANAR Repaired ryson - Snyder Cos SEMIANNUAL SALE ' . - it r.:; - ; 'V ." '""W 7 ,- ,. '"V t ?r Continues Thm Thev' take one from the shadow of depression to the -oiiuhin- of pros-1 J00: and now am all right. Iam pen.ty. That s ffood stufi. University of Novt i Carolina fresh , telhng my friends what it has done for ; me and am sure it will do good for others. You can use this letter as a tos- innyruai. i win stand un fov T.vHin V. men, lietter organized and probably Pinkham's Vegetable ComDound v time." Mrs. Wm. Jiihnkr. Pto w-- vgtii outnumbering the oiioinr.res. tbrje to two, won a big snow battle Sunday,-dispatches from Chapel Hill say. These organized fights are not what the freshman has to look out for he's got to have several eyes when irmaoie, or nave other disagreeable ail he steps out of n buildine- or nacw S?, some weakness, give . ....i,. ... 4u- " ' '.u.rnKama. vegetable Coi ....... .... un- vamiiuH. youuu mnai. Jjcc it help you. Oregon. Doing the housework for a family of seven is some task. If you, as a house wife, are troubled with backache, ir regularities, are easily tired out and 1 1 1 1 SI I Hickory. N. C. . j j S A SUGAR DRINK J I fi fffMW0ft Flavor of Oranget I i 9 IfiSTBtMi A'1'3 of Ltmom I I Ittr Britledfor i f IjJJ PuritysSake ; Character and Capital mg. The first is strengthened, the second increased by regular sav- t. ,E" more valuable than the money saved, sometimes, are the habits and strength of, character developed in its saving. Wasteful, extravagant and careless habits not only leave a man poor but they destroy working power, efficiency and skill. iccum,? SaV-!nfS ati('?unt in thc First National Bank. You will accumulate capital and the strength to use it. First National Bank HICKORY, N. C. t r, . lL Capital and Surplus $300,. 00.00 D' F"1I0tt President, K.C Menzies, Vice-President and Cashier j J- L. CiLley, Asst. Cashier aturday Feb. 4 th New goods are coming in daily. We still have a nice lot of wool goods for you to se lect from. i NEW SPRING MATERAL PepsiCola liottling Company Just received a shipment of beautiful "silks. Have you seen the new material,.. Jersey Crepe? . We have it in all the new colors. . SHOE STOCK COMPLETE i

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