MIC Record rA ,vil YOU It KORY AILY WEATHER Generally frdr and cold er tonight lir(l Mibscribers r,.ntw utt least Vf before .-their BUSHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1322 ?RICE FIVE CENTS I IT INSISTiSOUTHERN ILL i NCHANCING GIVE EXTRA MEASURE TRACKS ..ivtsttM Press , i:, Feb. 3. Senate ; . to the allied (ivbt. re ! wore accept od today by TI:- measure now goes to who is expected to ;;p- ,i (( i.m rnisslon which is Id .. M't ii with debto- ,v:;:f"l Pres 1 (ii. 3. Admini-1. ra lu '.lie allied debt ro , - pa.ocd by the s.'inti1 t i ri! at a white house .ni;:y between Pro-ideiit Chairman Fordnvy of , v. ,;.". and means comn it- th,. (.resident and Sovntr.vy ., ,iU-a'i ist'iei.' with the en .i, iv'iuirinjr that tlie fund !,. manning ni '. year? Mellon has taken th po if these provisions wi :i: iiued dispute between ar.l senate, he would no halves. WHITING'S SERVICE Kiii-le. t;.' ..It ifh Wr.irlii'i was hO r illusion. riieriU .-how v'.th ir'-.t . congratulation.. .'' or Snnr.;jf;.'l 1 ,''-ii m i in him an aut'sti I on : nu:.-.er.t. ' iHimrln.',' the other liight ,.ui!j men toduv aspire to w i it. ni even ill gcioral fiiliMti vi a n.nr.e :.uu leuira'. ee i!",n:ii and in irblems. ii.iv pitifuilv few yx.hvv tht: fo'Ifjws toe linos Mr. Uhit.JU' (.cv-ncu his ex- y talents fhroii'i'n so m;ny v fai's! 1 . . . . . i i o;;e(. i H I" ' '...'orai.s . i tin. k.-as -ins changed, wner. ir. soft n I"', were woo. the miracle of nature anain thru all that dies ajruin. a:ul closed the hill- aiiothcr mantle of radiant buc' and bhssom time. Mr. vas our line' pre-ci" nuneme knur aivivel, when autumn c I amis jr.,-3 with " thcu wr.ei: iuu'V.'''': told tilt' old, :' '. arnoi'" 1 treasure, when It A- i:iov snei'e i roniiori joi and the (hid blast? pave a I III 1 A . r.ir.u- to nonoays ani to . Whiting's pen traced ', ix ,ai'C'-' semri(s tliat nh; on th 'I' vii'.' thii:.;.- .: am' gic nfic.l The om i.f the wo.'ld. :;f-i'tiii;:'V tit ;t fditorial fiav la thf d.i'vate t'iUch IT . j I i i . i the w.'tidei'ful i. art .-'I.' !' .'-:'t .l.'ite'' -. n' :''.( fic.j. 1 )Vtl Isfc-J ectii e 1 SUCCEED P sociated Press. Feb. Voting for the el a porn, to succeed Benedict Jx'iiun bv the sacred colleit'e t hallots had been taken ur . this afternoon, neither nave n cardinal a majority. amshi) President Wilson anlin d O'Connell to Romt ni'ivf at .Naples until next fchc ti ainshin comnanv s.av- I . - , V r" 'cived a wireless from th 1 h ; hi ved this. The much needed improvements for handling freight in Hickcy wih be made in tho near future, accord ing to the positive as?urance given Secretary Van Ilervie by the rail road officials today. A mi. 'air these are a new nubl'ic track long" enough to conveniently hold forty cars, which will be con i tr.H'ted narallel to Tenth r.venue north and running1 west from the in- tT.ect!on ol Sixteenth sreet. This' new team track will afford shippers! direct access to cars from street lev-1 el and facilitate loading or unlcading ol numerous cars at the same time. Another improvement w;'l be a pri vate spur track beginning- half wnv .between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets which crosses enth avenue north to within seven feet of the building line east of Fifteenth street, to le used exclusively for tho bene fit of the property owners on this blc'.'k, where several warehouses will be built this spring- to meet the ever increasing- demand of business for additional warehouses facilities. An engineering- corps in charge ot'j haiginoer u raves ol; the southern IJailwav made the necessary smveys today, and as soon as the projects cm be passed upon the work of con structing the new tracks will be ge-gun. Opening of Winter Bathing Season at Miami L.y..w'-y'w"y'-'-,j-v.v ii rrrirm rr i m i nm iiim i i k 2C frJ . .-7, 'w i mil ' 1 " ' 3 run w hj$ 4B3 j pnR rrornpr r?jn HjUUrLriLiL L n ?r IMS ay tne Associated Vress. Wiashington, Feb. 3. Soldier's bonus legislation now under consid eration, by the house ways and means committee will carry the pro visions necessary for raising- the rev enue, Chmrman Fordney announced today after a conferece with rrcs: lert Hardiag at the white hou:-e. Whether the money will be obtained ilia! inxes or the use ot the loans has not been uo- RIG II MAN IS SHOT TO DEATH : money fro ni tor mined. Because if the uncertainty rlio By the Associated Press. Lo-s Angeles, Feb. U.Kfcvaigc, jealousy, hate and unanswerel love, all were considered by the police to day in continuing their search for the slayer of WiViam Desmond Taylor, motion picture director, whose hod' was fi.'jnd yesterday in his apartment with a bullet hole in the neck. W)hile the meager clues so far pointed chiefly to the commission of the crime by a man, the police work ing on the case are exhausting every Scene ut the ofaciai opening of the winter bathiugeaso u at the Casino-St John, Miami Beacb, Florida. -ML. TWENTY-FIVE ARE wiheless plant PORTSMOUTH CIS ATTACKED By MOB BURIED IN MINE N T 1 By the Associated Press. Portsmouth, Va., Feb. Attacks on street cars operated by employes of the Virginia Railway and Power Company brought here from other cities continued last night, windows being smashed, spikes being thrown on the tracks am: other damage drr.e despite the presence of a police man on every cat. Policeman Frank Borum was struck .ii the head by a brick hurled through car window. injured. -IIe was not seriously GREEKS DON T WAN T ANY TURKISH RULE Uv the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 3. Formal pro- test against return ol any oi tne Hellenic populations to the Turkisl- yoke was hianded to the legations of the United States, France, England and Italy at Atrens, it was learned here today. The protest declared that the control of any part of Thrace by the Turks would mean that all Greeks would expatriate or be murdered. IN RAILROAD IS WORSE ;'.ciati.(l Press. I'V'. ;;. (iermany'-i rail- '. Wrucn h'u ii mrit fulV." '1 up 'II kinds of ti-affi: i:,"lay night, bijcanv.' mere today when the BctHn th" railway union joined " rimateil toady that 77,000 '.(is were on strike. 11 KEN IT PRESIDENT MINE DEATH LIST REMAINS AT NINE By the Associated Presw Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 3. (With all convicts employed in the Belle mines in Bibb county lac-counted for today, the death list from the explo ?icn yesterday remained at n ine, ac cording to reports to state prison headquarters today. By the Associated Press. Gates, Pa., Fob. 3. Twenty-five miners lost their lives in the explo sion in a sectkn of the Gates mine of! the II. C. Frick Coke Company yes terday, according- to an official an nouncement today. Twenty-two bod ies have been recovered. The oth er three are buried under a fa',1 of slate and cannot be reached by this entrance. Rescue teams' were sent today to the Edenbcrn mine and are expecting to work their way through old work ings of the Gates mine affected by the explosion. LIQUOR DRIVE I FLORIDA HAS BEGUN "'iati'd Press. fue. Feb. :. The interna- m- f justice sitting in pri- today Wta-1 no nroc!. T. oloiliT, firmer mcm-I'uti-h f-.upicmu coutt. 1y the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 3. Plans for a concerted drive on liquor r.r.d drug smugglers along the Florida coast were announced today by the chief in he prohibition director's office. ASKED FOR IT Tovcrtnvi11e Fla.. Feb. 3. Backed by a letter of endorsement from Governor Hardee, the anti-saloon lea gue of Florida announced today i.hat it was prepared to ask that a large souad of prohibition officers be sent. TELLS OF CATASTROPHE Some further facts relating: to the awful catastrophe which bel'-dl Washington when the roof i f the Knickerbocker theatre caved :n Sat urday evening during a show and ki'lod 0") persons, were related in a letter which Mrs. P. A. Setzec has received from her sister, Mrs. De Vane, who lives in Washington. On Saturday Mrs. Setzer had heave: from her. sister and in this lette:' she :-;at-ed that there was snow, snow, snow there and in reply to Mrs. Setter's letter of Sunday she related some of the horrors which accompanied the accident. The theatre, where the accident occurred, is one of the nicest mov ing picture houses in Washington :ind its performances are always ck'an and the music especially good and it is patronized by the best people in the city. Owing to the bill that evening- not being very good Mrs. DeV'ane and husband oVc-ided not to go o the show and threfore probably es capd ienjurv or death. In one family three members were bured one afternoon, three hearses ?arryinpr the bodies from St. Thomas where the funeral was held. Twc funerals from one family were held from St. Margaretr.'s just across the street. There were funerals everywhere and a great gloom was cast over the city. Some were try ing to forget anc": all were praying. Mr. DeVane went to the theatre directly after the catastrophe, oc curred but Mrs. DeVane did r.ot go until the next morningr Two little boys crawled under seats she said and has escaped' injury and two babies had frost bitten hands. Arms and legs were lost and others were slightly injured besides the large number who were instantly killed and others who were injured so bad ly that they died later.. One woman had given her two boys money to go to the theatre but they went coast ing instead. The accident occurred during the last show anc; a nun.ber of children had left the theatre and were safely at home. The people were taken out from the debris, morphine injected and the injured wore carried to the hos pitals.' The injured' and dead were still being carried out. at 10 o'clock Sunday night and the. ambulances had been passing Mrs. DeVane's home all Saturday night and Sunday and Mrs. DeVane said it was all the most awful sight that she had' ever witnessed. The letter was written on Weunes dav and that morning the roof of a freight depot had caved in just af ter 20 workmen had left it. There were thirty inches of snow in Wash ington, the deepest in twenty years. All roefs in Washington were being inspected. AGE'S QUIET DELIGHTS Ohio State Journal. As we have remarked before, a man s idea ol pleasure cnaiiRes uihc what as he grows cider and now, if the Atlantic Monthy came and our Japanese narcissus bloomed or. the same day, we should almost fear the inevitable reaaction fron) so much happy excitement all at once. Newton, Feb. 3. Without a doubt Charlie A. Brady's Drug Store is the most popular place in Newton since the wireless telephone was installed last week. Every night finds a crowd of interested f-.ms grouped about, to hear the concerts and latest news of thp (.'ay come in. Last night a big audience heard a concert given in the auditorium at Pittsburg for the benefit of the child len there and every littlo detail was heard down to the clapping of the children as they expressed their appreciation of the performance. They also heard the report of tho explosion in Gates Mine, Pennsyl vania, which the morning papers are cai vying- today. The explosion occur red after the afternoon papers had goen to press yesterday and there f'.re the Newtrn folks wrere aware of the accident long before the mora n" v;'Ters rame out. Featured by talks by Messrs. W. 0. Feimster, C. II. Mebane and L. F. Long, the program at the Kiwanis meeting last night was fully nDpr- . . .1 r.i. - 1 r'j-'tei ana en.ioyeu 1 ne meeting was opened by the president, Chas. A. Brady and later turned over to the program chairman, R. P. Caldwell. Mr. Feimster's talk was on ' Citizen 'dvV and the sneaker, who is con ceded to be among the best at New ton wah up to his usual standard. Mr. C. II. Mebane. editor of the Newton News-Enterprise, also made a line talk as did Mr. l.. y. iong wno took as his subject, "Fellowship." Mr. Black, a Charlotte Kiwanian, was present and made a few timely re marks The attendance prize, a Kiwanis "alendar, present by Herbert H. Lowiy, was won by Ch-as. Mebane, Jr., and silent boosts were given y Gordon Wilfong of the 5 & 10 Cent Store and were lead pencils. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Reformed church served a sumptuous repast to the Kiwanians and their Each Kiwanian bringing wit.i labornig man of Newton. xaue tne t-asn ontion tie honre committee has called in a number of witnesses. The experts who have come before fay that the guesses vary from 00 0 ne:- cent. Arguments for and against the tax of beer as a means of raising fun .'.- for the bonus were heard today by the committee and at th'.-ii' con clusion members indicated vcrv clearly that such a thing was net to be considered as possible. "big meet-. Ey the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 3. -The nine'' of the arms conference ine; tod'ay for the last 'time whipped into shape the treaties relating to China and issued a call for the ple nary session tomorrow to mark the final sesison of the conference. It was decided to make only two treaties on the Chinese matter. One of the treaties will cover the Chin ese tariff revision and the other the Root "four points" and the open door The remaining resolution are to be presented at the final plenary sess ion merely as a declaration of policy. Another questicn was whether the signing of the naval and far east ern treaties should be signed Monday in private or public. guests. him a Mistrial Arbuckle Case SAN FRANCISCO, FEB. 3. THE JURY FAILED TO AGREE AND WAS DISCHARGED TODAY IN THE SECOND TRi'AL FOR MAN SLAUGHTER AGAINST ROSCOE ARBUCKLE. . M "Wgfr WOULD Bill ii RinnTi i i 1 u y nm ! nn mm m 3y the Associate ! Pres London, Feb. 3. Sir James Craig, the Ulster premier, announced in a statement today that Michael Collins at their conference yestordjip had made a promise of bringing- half of northern Ireland into the Free state. Sir James said he had suggested to Mr. Collins a commission to con sider the boundaries between no'i'th and south Ireland, but Collins had replied the objections were so se rious as to rnaek delay useless. ottort to learn who wns witVi M, riurroer of former service men who! j..... . , . , ui.wuL tne tune ne was Kinen. Their hunt was largely oeHev-d along three lines, it was' said, the trail of a skulking figure of a man seen arc.'und the director's apartment both before and after the shooin by neighbors; the whereabouts of a former servant, Taylor, and the send er of an anonymous letter in whi'! vere inclosed pawn tickets for arti cles stolen from Tayk.v. Every per son k nown to have been in or near the apartment where Taylor's body was found with a wound in the neck has been questioned. These persons included Mabel Nor mand, motion picture' actress. Miss Normand, who? was one of tho last to see the director alive, told of a call she paid at the apartment the night before to return a book. Her chauff eur corroborated her statement, say ing that the director accompanied her tci her car. Taylor had directed many act resses in the film world, including Mary Miles Minter and Mary Pick ford. Pictures of these two an Miss Normand were displayed about his rooms. IM M E NAMES OR HICKOftr MAYOR More nominations for mayor of Kickcry are being received b th Record. John Stephens and Hazel Aiken jointly bring out Walker Lyor ly for the honor, they reaching this memorable decision at 4:f0 yester day afternoon. Dr. W. P. Speas tias brought out Albert C. Hewitt ,und Mrs. Emma II. Cilley, recounting his long residence and' usefulness comes forward with the name of "Ed v.aid L. Shuford. P. Augustus Setzer b- sponsored by W. M. Deal, but the Record wants the worth of its $10 still holds the nominations open tnd If SIR SHOPS IRE DESTROYED TODAY By the Associated Press. Jersey City, Feb. 3. Fire destroy ed the Lehigh Valley supply and repair shops here early today. The loss is estimated at $200,000. Rail road detectives believe the lire was vi incendiary origin. M NEW CABINET FOR ITALY TODAY MEETS k - TOMORROW By the Associated' Press. Washington, Feb. 3. A plenary session of the arms conference has been called for 10:80 o'clock tomor row morning. ALMOST KILLED HY P, AND IT GANG Ey the Associated Press.. London, Feb. The president of the Italian senate and chamber of deputies have advised King" Vic tor Emmanuel to ask former Pre mier Giletti to form a cabinet in succession to the Bomini ministry, it is understood, says a Central News dispatch from Rome today. i-a-o. HEIRESS AND YOUTH EVADE REPORTERS By the Associated Press. New York, Feb. 3. .Mrs. Marion B. Stephens, Chicago heiress, and An- stbe.se Andravitch Vonsiatsky Russian, employed by the Baldwin locomotive works, .both of v.hr'm came to New York for the purpose of mar rying tomorrow, have mysteriously disappeared from sight. The pair were seen this morning in the Rus sian crthodox church, but efforts to learn whether they already were married failed. They drove away from the church in an automobile together. CHARLOTTE CONCERN AWARDED CONTRACT New York, Feb. 2. The fact that robbers recently almost killed C. Arthur Clark, Jr., former Harvard football player, and wealthy young brcker, after he had left a dance at the Fifth avenue home of Harry 1 Payne Whitney, became known yes terday when his mother, Mrs. Ellen B. Clark of Boston called upon Mag istrate House in traffic court to urge 1 that taxi drivers be compelled tc 1 wear insigna to serve as credentials, j Taking a taxi to his home, Clark S. DELMONT TO W O COMEDY ST Gy the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 3. Award of contract i!or the construction and equipment of seven hospital build ings at Augusta, Ga., was announc ed today by the treasury. The Ncvtheastern Construction Company of Charlotte N. C., was awarded the contract for the seven buildings to be completed in seven months for $267,000. The Charlotte company made the lowest bid of 20. stepped out 0.1; the ca'j only to be Jelled at once by robbers who carried I him stunned into an area way, and took from him cash and jewelery to taling $2,000. Pedestrians, hearing coans found ter charge against Roscoe C. (Fatty him and identifying him by cards in Ai buckle returned to the thir l day of his pocket, carr ied him into his house. is tdeliberation at 9 a. m. today. The ror some time physicians despaired By the Associated Press. San Francisco, Feb. 3. The jury in the second trial of a manslaugh- jury has been out 48 hours, jury was out 39 hours. 3y thp Associated Press. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 3. Mrs. Maud Bambine Delmont, who figured prcmnently in the first Arbuckle trial, last night announced her en gagement to Lawrence Jo'hnson, 1 vaudeville actor. Mrs. Delmont has been in Lincoln since Tuesday, attending to business, she said. NEW YORK NEGRO "7 Sian Francisco, Feb. 3. The fatej The first ms fearing his skull had been' 'fractured. ' j COTTON ! G I N HANGMEN DEMAND MORE PAY c'f Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle was still 3y the Associated Press, in the hands of a superior court jury! New York, Feb. 3. The cotton early today. market was somewhat irregular at m , m , I the opening today, first prives being i seven points lower to 15 higher with Fortunately for the people who'?wr monhs sotlling off under realiz- need food, it is not necessary for na- i"?, tne market later selling- up tions to hold diplomatic exercises be-' Open fore sending supplies tr. the starving. March 1G.S0 The process of restraining nations May from attacking one another with July lb. 09 it'cadlir infpnf. is snniiwli.nt slower. October 15.G1 Washington Star, December -- Close 16.91 16.06 10.22 lo.YS J5.G6 3y the Associated' Press. Bcr'.in, Feb. 3. The public exe cutioners at Karlsruhe and Baden, following the lead of their comrades at Mannchim, have notified the min istry of; justice that they "will go onj strike unless their pay is increased.! o'y the Associated Press. New York, Feb. 3. Luther Boddy, negro, who killed two police detect ives' on January 25, today was sent enced tr die in the electric chair at Sing Sinpr prison during the week commencing March 13. SOME TWOS You could -write it 2-2-22 yesterdav meaning February 2. 1922, anil that was the first time in 11 years that a similar writing was pos.vble. Mrs. C. C. Bost called- the attention of the Record to thr -F-r-f nnj s. They declare it impossible to behea i out that it would ho ii vo ue,n criminals pay. in proper style on present t all the figures would ne the same March. 3. 1923. when it can be writ ten 3-3-33.

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