Hickory II YOUK Cicord puliHcriluTB , 1,11 JI renew sit least in,- days before their , .iliriptions expire. WEATHER Generally fair and colder tonight and Tuesojiv, fresh nest and .northwest winds. VTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C, MONDAY EVEPIING, FEBRUARY 67 1S22 ?RICE FIVE CENTS 1 OfitlCHl SUING FACES CHARGE mm m-A. i OF I !. , Msoi-i.it e I Press. iigelrs, Ciil., Im I. (5. Mr?. , !iinr nbeuih-.in of Chicago and -inn. II!., conspired with Arthur :',;vh, a I'lirucr college, sicquaint . tj Kill ,1. Helton Kennedy, a !..,- I, on Angeles este.te n, according to the indictment :,,h Mrs Obctirhain and H" i h i 'intlv charged with murder. !i s placed on trial Nov. ,n,l January It'' the jury was ds 'd after balloting' for three wit In .lit rctaching V'.'fdiet. teal ballot stot d ten to two fev 'i ! toll. , .. M"ech".in, the prosecution M'ie .1 in the Butch trial, was the ".(nr of the alleged plot. Iter h.'intc revenue because Ken ;,.,, icfused to marry hc. The '!,.!: between the woman and were e-tablishc 1 by mem', !!.?.. identified us being in Mrs. :r's handwriting, and fund , '.uiy's ii' ni and a safe oeposi: ( t- his death on Angus 5 l roiii these it developed that : iv iv aiiiiKMiited in Los An ,i...ut five yeais j;gy. Fui- tw . a correspondence continued, ,:;i!s written duiing this vim1 !':nd cxni osi ns of vai'iv af . and two were signed 'Mrs. i'v Kennedy." ' die of the apparent inhume;. ii'i;' won'' :i. who tip ti. 'h.r. u'i. Mrs Msidilynno Connc. ,r.:'.iiiell early in .lanuaiy, I '.)!), Angeles", to Ralph U. Obeu ii yeii'iy' Chicau-o Htt irnev wlm ; :-t returned fioni overseas ,v'"'e. A month later, how- CONFi TO CLOSE 01 hi;n-sui Nine Treaties Signed Embodying New Status in World Affairs and Awaiting Judgment of History All Delegates Applauded as They Affix Signatures New Orleans, I ISM'S lllll. I V in her bill of parti-:U-j her attorney declared! !y the Associated Press. ,1 sick sen, Misss., Feb. !'.. A drcd thoussuul dolhu- il'aiiiiis'o charging (low Lee M. Russell ' Mississippi with seducing' Miss Fian ces C. Birkenhead, a former employe if his office, was filed against the' " i .i . I Ru.flit. Ai:i.iMf'li(l Pr"SS l-Mll't I'Vuf. 11 l'l t1l llll' I If 111 7 Tf '-'.' .. ---- i United States circuit court here. j The plaintiff, now :v resident of , i . ; Ol ;u lliaiuen' .- dim uu lasic lo its cm: today, witn nic sh'-nine- of treaties and the closinir- that her reputation and health had j ,uljress IjV rodent Harding. been injured by the defendant. ; w,lh it3 wo,.,. thal.aaerued by! The bill is divided int two counts ! . Hardil as Hhc first deliberate; t each .asking Sr,0,0( ot tne cur:' j .m;, rt?etiv0 c:pi cs,ion of iglv-v, executive. powci si in the consciousness of peae "I have frequently hea.rd of u' ril,;i:K,- lh vonf. rjhemo to bring si suit of this cha. ' f ' , . ;,. ,,f hi,. , tory to await the judgments and tie-1 velopmcnts cf the future. ! In the great assembly hall of thej on m o u lh m y Washington, I-'eb. ('. Tr.e history making conference on the limitation of :ii'in.'inii'nt.s and tar eastern cnie-i VclllI iBSHnMllEr Mil WH II! I rifib L Ml m inn n a , 4 t I llOMjlS MFT ! 1 3v t.1:i ! i Wu uaiiy lo. Polar.it i'ler pluve Ht r riut:t-' leitrwe:! (lie .An- ci ri espoiiiie',, c . ..t ii I't'i I , i i ' ' i ai.ou; i . ,i i , i i i led si divorce in Chicago , t ' to Kennedy she w.nteil i'o to Chicago' to marry her. v' did not go and the .;ti." in esp itdence indifstted i;1 1 v.iMi- oimosci to the. timlcd. ) 'jcr.'iiain m:u i .o. v e. i. wrote Kennedy to meet bvi liiivisc-.. He '.va not th-f . i .1 . ..... i , . IVOM. Jijl :HC Ciinic " 'I'ltctc were several mi- .i'.lio,-, ! , I; .'tiiti'-ny in . . t 4 . I '....Ii , c. ;i O'l ,M I '.. . ,l-l' M.i Ml ,, t -!. I.'iitti'dy lo -i . 1 1 , . I- C.t- i'-c : to wit'.'1 i- i old vv d. Abotil .,1 Iter wit nc. d"' itiiti hs's not long at i' K I. Hie ;l,u" red, '.ii to live, i V'I'i 1 f.vt it'.v ''iU'd "d l'1" ;'i hapiiCl'.' , 17 Mr-. OI.eiHl.abi wired Wiu- I'l IV, van-." j ,i.de, adding "' I had 1 re on .ju-; cording hot gui in -,i in hot. 1 ;i )it:d tne filed " l.ti.r'.'lt airu'ed nti v i! h bio', of hi;- e:u'. a lie'", tooi; d lit -. ;t view of ,i- v..tieh.'d tlr ' , , bids. iV'.'I'S. .11 "C! 1 '"' ;',,u:"i"bib' under an - , and took eti tilled trip:; 'testified. ..I.ai-i and Kennedy wen. i ,,1, night. -f August i an-J !; k went to v. , smalt ..wn-i.' bv Ketme'iv in l",v , f. I (...n tuies from L's i:, in :fd v wa.- ,,f .-tet) on n aeter against me. (lovernor Lee v. Russell (i'eclsired 'o i representative of the New Orleans Item last week in dircussing si rumor that he w;..; to bo sued. "The charges made i(l that collection are d-. nvnable lie;; ami attempt by my enemies tf. clad; m my character,'' the governor cr.r.- tinued. Since the filing of the suit today no statement hits been made; hy the governor. The committees named by each' of ;e churches to work tor the i'ar I rast and Jewish relief joint cara ; aign for famine i:rien!. are re i ipaested to meet with the commit i tee designated bv Mayor El.Mott in .&xv:, ,j.un. ma King i as a se!f-su:i;)!-t;ng co: ding to n.eciit ( experts in economic.-.-;. Witiu; the last ie new relrub'i'.: i;ts ma. toward straighten in si nes, in tne. opinio.'! pL'l i'ae -f i v months e vapid st many .oil of ihe pi gvaa wor'd ile al i:ed ; the ;l rides iUkul- ij-el- d;i at rmnniirnn nnnnr ONTWO-THIRDS nr iTrnnr r rvn Al .-I I I I V ' I ' I " I f I ! i y Hi W;i: mil if Associated i-re IIIIV.IOII, I'l'H, ei.i 'ft In; i ''' fi in fraoiing tariff hi' .1 T : 1 1 1 1 1 111. . u ;... Kennetiy s office win- N'OI'dit'g V II II.-:- coin. rat.":; oi r-i.ii .,r line! i rii iiini'T t'ni'l lo h.'tv" ppM'Vet the r"i'i,ini(f oo' it iodv. of ;.;,:,-,( r . I'.ootibliran agricultural tariff !!' n two thu-d of the iteri- thus consiooret -ii ',)' i v higher house bid. Soni" of I be .-!i:les covered in the ngi droitural latiff bb-c proposals :'otiib!v iong staple cotton, are on the ;': c e list ii the hous After the sncci I'ic the vexing (juestion of tsiken up. Tl t! an (leju-d up, I v.'ihi'.ith.n will bj .,1 'of tage two mountinr. liank in front shotgun hot ft i I! 1 One struck wenncuy t!v neck, caus-m? instant 1 1 at .psv surgeon swoie. (itenchain V !l officers she , tough looking men ,nsa' hes from which the sly.ts I. and that hennei.y, ini' le t exclaimed "good night f. " A woman lwing near ii.wt ftet . now- , t !.( :e:lv P beard tne i u n ace a man suv vu r ' sn it ami im " t ice u 1 1 . i . - CLOSED IT STRIKE Daughters of the American Revolu-; lion, where all the public session;, have been he'd the delegates of the! ... ... i nine nations v.ssemrjieu marcneu in turn to a place at the great baize table and affixeo' their names, to the i nine treaties wnicn are sut pans ot a structure to lift the -world from iwv.ts; to settle the I'aeifie problems; to give a new bul of rights to Llnna, and to provide for international con to u.'. And as each delegation affixed sig natures as plenipotentiaries pledging the honor of their respective nations to the good faith of the settlements stgieed upon, the grt-.it audience ex pressed its sipproval with lud ap- i piause. At the conclusion of the ceremony signing. .'rcsu.Vnt Harding deliv- ted his juldress just as he delivered an ;nbe.:s at the op-ming of the con- et; i' -.' little over 12 weeks ago. 'i'beie was long --ipplause 'vhen Fiesid'-nl Jl.-in.'ing digressed to say: "WJiib- ihe .settlements of the fav ;i let n question were not of d:rect bnport to th(! United Stiites, we re-joi'.-e that they have been terminated i -:u'.-cessfully." As the president named the A.m-v-riean delegates and thanked the'n tor their service to the country, the . j'.'ier.ce cheered. There was more applause when tariff bill. i ;(i e:-i(ient thanked the advisory corn- rates have beenj' ,., j-,iv. 5fu Kt,rvt.0i At th.- f-n- elusion of the address, the entire party applauded as the president to-.k hi sc:u. As the president closed the Rev. Mr. Abernethy invoked the divine blessing. ' May it be in the heart of every nation sind every man,' he beseeched, "to Iv. - ten the. bringing the eru of goo-,' will." The p raver ended, Secretary Hugh- apnea witn his gavel anc: an- the auditorium (up stairs) o'clock tonight", Monday. JOHN AIKEN, Ch,m. Far East. E. L! SHU FORD, Chm. Jewish Relief. se items an those in the it versation she could not developed, was out in tdoit n'-ght. and two pei ne thev suw him in Lever j left Los Angeles the next for Chicng''. but w:s arrest : Vigas, Nov.. am.' trough. Angeles, lie reiuseu t.. case, and his attorneys let ving he had anything i.i the trngeo'y, r.v..ie a defense i i v . One of the two juror;-' ,d out for the acquittal oe- ,. I.i.IU.v.mI lturch was insan."; , ti,., tin. to osecution I-,,,, p.ni'i'h was in I'ev t: sit the time of the ; tin !5y the Associated I'ress. Providence. R. L, Fe'. . High teen cotton mills --nd' ble;icheries in Rhode Islam! were closed today, five finishing plants were crippled b" wsdkouts by part of their employes and about 8,000 textile wi rkers art idle. In the Pawtucket Valley, the sec Mid most impoitant cotton manufac turing center in the state, 13 plants have been shut, down since u 30-per cent pay reduction was put into ef fect two weeks ago. Cive housand o out of w rk. operatives hi Church Committees The f ollowing committees repre senting Holy Trinity Lutheran church in this work are as follows' by wards: 1st ward Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. Walter ' Hefner. 2nd ward Mis. Fred Jones and Mrs. V. T. Barkley. 3rd ward Mrs. Fannie Chalker and Mrs. John Moose. 4th ward Bliss Lovie Miller and Mrs. Guy Cline. These committees sire requested to begin their we'rk Monday morn ing the nth-or at the earliest date as this drive in behalf of this lighteous caicu; will close Sunday, neon h(: 12th. Further, these c mmittees are re luested to see only members of Ho ly Trinity Lutheran church, as then- is another organi.a4 n direction i.'f Mr. E. I under Shu fonl tne and ken that is working the Mr. John A city .-it. large. Each arid every member of; l,hu; committee is requested to I ( r i a nemorairduni, Jon-ect i urine rind ainoutil, collected from every indi vidual and so make their', report be fore next Sunday noon ti..''Mrs. J. P. Burns who is secretary of this wor thy cause through our church. Hcly Trinity lias already do-to maenifieent work in behalf of this righteous cause and will furthei Mice ir :'or- ot , which nearly giving i -i otano iavor Deir.r luruii. the Upper Silosian matter.. I had been hanging ihe three years' the settlement the Po'es tneir own Coat ami 10,000,000 to" 13.000,000 tons ally 'f;or export. The population of Poland i proximately 30,000.0(0. v niie tne American ii.enci .-it ministration continues to feed bone 500,000 children in the devastated areas and sc'me of the crowded in dustrial centers, it is planned abandon this work altogether the spring, as, with good crops I com ann u- d- other season, the experts believe government and the. people will A ten Vvezn Salisbury, N. C, Feb Aliman, former railway BENEDICT r By the Associated Press Rome Feb. G. Cardinal Aivhille trainman, V.--.S arrested here yesterday after noon and confessed, railroad detect ives say, to the robbery of a mailt pouch which he is alleged to havej kicked off train X 43 near last. on September J. Frank Mii Spencer to in be able to get along without outs'ide help. The necessity of buying foreign exchange fo'r foodstiulrs situation which Poland faced from the begin ning has- almost passed and agricul turists estimate that, with few ex ceptions the country's own products will meet the requirements. This is expected lo relieve the constant drain upon the government treasury which brought Clour and other neces sities from America and elsewhere and sold them at a loss to the people. To assist in meeting current ex penses as emergency tax l;as been enacted by the which a return of something like t,00(),()00,0( t) mari s is expected. The' regular lay assessment :;:s l).:i-;i rv-j adjust d wil.lt the .'dm of bringing i in a return which will oOset the present depreciated. v--iUi-v of the F I isb mark and the increased cor,!, ot government. lodz, the Jarges!; iiidiislria! ctaler of the young republic, the ;.'.ton milis of the South ern s sneeUi.' otltcers, and J. 11. kin der, who' made the arrest in a Sal isbury restaurant, had been looking i'jr Aliman for several weeks. The pouch was rifled near Spencer and then burned in a gondola freight car. A number of checks taken from the pouch were afterwards cashed. It was said also that the pouch contain ed a $20,000 government bond.' t-.1g.-.$?u-. WON'T MAKE PUBLIC NAMES Sy the Associated Vress. Washigton, Feb. 6. Prohibition agents will cpefr.te under cover un der a new policy announced today at prc.hibition headquarters. Announce ment of the appointment of new ag- cuts in the various states lias been I ordered stopped by the prohibition j commissioner 1 r-r't tv on complaint of dr. legisbil ion diet, front ill rami Ratti, archbishop of Milan, was pro claimed elected pope in succession to Benedict XV today. He has taken the name of Pius XL The thousands waiting in front of St. Peters for the wisp of smoke which would tell of the election of :i new pope or the failure lo make a choice gave a mighty shout at ll;."3 o'clock, when a thin wisp of smoke came from the chimney leading firc'm the Sistine chsipel. It was then known that the' Catholic church had a durly-elected pontiff. ( :.-i !.;iv,b.'i candy 'Mrns wet pr.i:'.'-s in tho international show fit M.-uiisoii 'eiivro .New V'ri-;, according (o wor ( v O.iitu V Aeeiii ,. w. Ueneva Tl'e jei IT R;:-k:; were jti Ihe winning i-birs, the cocks taking second and fifth pri.es and the cickeiels .in- i ffUT you! try (iarde:-, 1 receiv- .iv-,-i sixth. weie shown m a class in the endeavor. W. H. BARKLEY, Qliairman. MRS. J. P; BURNS- Secretary PI1P1E MTU ON FBRO'S OFFES are operating at yo of jre-var capacity m ills at about 25 ni t' aid j t'n Lorb'. textiles are ex',)0 Russia over the Ukraniaa Raw cotton t-.'v the Lodz is one of t!ie principal con which the )ora e es r.ouncec "The die." confeience is adjourned sine ' I'm ' ' :i I lli'f ; had I'.ev- doot- Uu iii's former husband f her uuiini- k ,;. " is, g;: H ;nd .inn.'U"ced remarried if M- ' relea-eil. i i t ution contended T.nnt I,., was divorced last .vesir Mite (iiia vie P.urch. daiigh-s.op- M'Jthew Hurch. of ' h love wun .Y'.-- tier win i" MI1R HFIIIS ! KILL ENGLISHMEN as one ; ,-a'i'Ut'ei.' tune a lii was in and subject to I ceitspil'JIcy. By the Associated Tress. London, Feb. f. A" mob nationalist volunteers and attacked the pr lice offees . , 1 A i nil If illcil oil rt-oruiwj, staff of officers, the eight armdc? police By the Associated Press.. ! "Waildngton, Feb. G.Si" complei ed treaties, two- others agreed to in substance, .14 resolutions and others sigreed to in priciple, comprised the tangible contribution of the arms vonference to history. By the major agreements of the conference! the great power 5 put a iMiiit to their navies in capital ships, adjure submarine warfare against commerce, forbid use of poison gas, give China a bill of new rights on territorial integrity and set a new I'onronl for neuco in the far east. In addition Great Britain, declares her intention to k store Wei-Hei-Wei to China, Japan bands back Shan tung and promises to withdraw from Sibeiia as soon conditions there warrant return. ;- . OI Z.OOU villsigcrs sit Charai the entire watchman and who were sent MISS UF TO IOUM CAU1NKT A 'ici-itu I Prea I eh. 0. The tusk f f"""' eid'itiet was officially n l.ioic, Decolu Nicola, presi he ehiiiober of deputies, hy " t ,r Kminatiuel. 1 It. Nicola accepted tin; i(' Hy. saying he would .'r this evening. . 1 s reinforcements, says a re.egiu... Lv the India office from the com missioner from the town of Corakpur . ; . n t r i r in. the northwestern u.u,. A ... united prjvinces. McCOKMlCK'S THKOAT HAD r.v the Associated Press, limieapolis, Feb. 0-A conipl.ca- II DIES BESULT OF HURTS o: Led to frontier, spindles modi ties Poles are compelled to buy from the outside, this necessitating lmi'chase of foreign exchange with Polish marks as dollar. low as 3,000 to the UlilESlflJil! ine: fifth Thesi it C others of their kiod. j This shows how Catawba chit-ken?-' : stand when compared with those shown from other sates und conn- - - ' , . -Ii JVh. rff,- --Sp'-- OCON.XELL TOO LATE '.ly the Associated Press. Rome, FeFb. (..--Canliu-il O'C-n nell of li'jston arived in R'.n'e 12: 10- toibiy, n hour after ihe ele tien of a pope. CARDINAL ACIIILLE RATTI Cardinal. Achille. Ratti. aniv hishop of Milan, was ' tor several years papal nuncio in. Po'and where his discharge of important ecclesi astical functions when the Polish question .beeanle acute e-.nod for him the esteem of Benedict XV and the gratitude of. Vatican authorities. It was because of this service that the red hat was conferred upon him on June 10. 1921, when a similar honor was bestowed on Cardinal Lauren ti. Cardinal Ratti was born in Desio, Italy on March 31, 1S37. For m-iny years he was librarian of the Ambro sian library and archives at Milan. Later he became librarian of the Vatican. In this position he re mained until the new republic of Po land established official ' diplomatic relations with tho Vatican . at which time Ratti was appointed archbishop and was assigned to Poland as the representative of the Holy See. That country was then torn with the ' estrangements from rciigio'n brought about by the com uunistic propaganda lirom Soviet Russia and Archbishop Ratti counteracted the spread of radicalism. He ak-io won the esteem of-Polish Catholics by his efforts' in behalf, of destitute children (,'rphii.ned by Ihe wil." Cardinal R id i as the Archbishop if Milan presides over one of the most important archdiocese:- in It aly. The city being a great indus tt'ia! (enter, one of it3 main require ments is that the Cardinal shall pos sess a thorough knowledge of po litical and ro'cial problems . Ho ia big physically and is reputed to have liberal tendencies. IAI I II HL unwj li t' s i w tat By the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 6. Action on the plan of Senator Harris, Democrat of Georgia, to have the senate agricul- begin considera-i W lno Associatcu x a-. Savannah, Ga., I-eb. 0. -Scary Stokes, Savannah's 80-year-old de fendant in alimony proceedings, is tur-J.l committee to tic-n immediately of the Henry Ford offer for the Muscle Shells wate I and nitrate plant was delayed by the j imiM CISEI MISfPQ fill! STMF I absence of several members today. now in jail because he refused to pay , m - -1-1 -r.. !.- .,.,. ,,1, O Senator Haris made a motion to have o-yeai-om wue a o.-. Was SO anXlOUS lc, go iu Jto u:ai nv. presented himself at the jail this morning at 9:30 o'clock. the committee begin eonsider-.vcion of the attsr, but. at the instance of Sen ator Curtis withdrew it, with, the in tention of renewing, it tcmorrow. '"! 1 - FOUR MOBE NAWIES SUBMITTED TODAY 1 The name of Chas;. W. Bagby tor- mayor was submitted late Saturday LINSEY H. TURNER WITH COL. A. Mr. Linsey IL Turner, a resident of this city, who the last two terms been :il ent at Wake Forest College. one ot tne seventy succmu. ten;mouslv cants woo u.ujv iii- rA0nu..o., ...-.. in- tl-ip snnrcme court on test M.on- ..,,r tr nv:,(-ofo law in this state. Sir miners and uo Turner having been successful in se:;'to brino- about an eurmsr his license to piacice i.iw be i nthe law office with Col. Albert L. CoCx. of Raleigh. Mr. Turner will By the Associated Press. New York, Feb. 0. Unanimous ap proval between the united mine work e.'f of America nf:J the 1G siandavd railroad unions was voted here last !--ght at meeting of the New York j district council of the united bretht r : i. od of maintenance of w iy employ ! es r.nd laborers and the New Yoik L. COX Unrjor freight and express handier:,. former . . . . has for These orgamzaiens, representing v stud-i approximately 120.000 railroad wt-rk-vaj,,,.,. :n tbo metronolitan district, un- recommended that 'he hioVi union officials confer with th-3 everyi riossibk' afternoon by J. Weston Clinard, and succeed Mr. Arthur B. .Corey W.iOj". task gi'( last ni; ,1 L .l!(i,iiUiC i m of tnroat u i-" t-viHwl John McCormick, tenor, ,...! his engagements. He lett Jhis private car for 'New York. ht to in tjy the Associated' Press. Washington, Feb. G. Miss Caro line Upshsw, niece of Representative Upshaw of Georgia, died early today as a result of injuries sustained in fhn Knickerbocker 'theatre disaster. Her death brought the number o vcti ms of this disaster uti to 98. Miss Upshaw had been at the point o death un to a week ago. One of her legs was crushed. , the name of. J. W. Whisnant Ayas put in nomination today by Mrs. JJune Jones. Henry Cansler also submits the name of J. A. Bevvies, who vas brought out early last week. In the meantime a "ticket already has been placed in the iield, and one or more others are likely to be out m a few days or week's; tnere is plenty of time. H. P. Williams and Geo. C. Yo der submit the name of Geo. Bai'ly as mayor fdr the city of Hickory. D ri ten in-acticin law with Col. Cox ! since the war closed. Mr. Corey hav-! o-.mp to Greenviilo. North Cr.ro- : isirn tn nr-ictice. Col. Ccx has offices in the Commercial National Bank j Building, and is known over the ; state as being one of the leading; members of his profession. ; imajgamation. 0 nrn nn n o JUril lUII uuuni nnRiioirc Tnnnv 31 1 1 IS 19 I 1151 . I I 111111 I Si ANNUAL MEET1I The annual meeting of the Hick ory Merchants' Association will be held in the municipal court room o' the audiorium at 7:30 o'clock tonight. All members and others interested are requested to be present. The place of meeting has been changed to meet the conveninc of more members. Will GARrlY MAIL HICKORY TO LES9I11 Newton, ..Feb. 0. Catawba county ! superior court' convened here this a ; lernoon at 1 o'clock with Judge T. D. Bryson of Bryson City presiding and i.trVmon Havs nrosecuting. A number (;ot :js VOTFS -Hy the Associated PreM. London Feb. 0. Cardinal RtrHi was t lectcd p(,pe.rby... receiving 3 v rl.es in the ccnclave of the sacred c liege, according to . a Centre. I News dispatch from Rome this afternoon. I-IILST WHITE CHILD TO LIVE IN FLOYD COUNTY, G A., DEAD Rome, Gr.'., Feb. G. Mrs.. Martha Smith Battey, 01. widow of Dr. Rob ert Rattey. famous surgeon and said to be the first white child to live in Fit. yd county, Georgia then in con trol of Indians, died at Tier home here yesterda. Although an invalid at the time o the Civil war. Mrs. Battey was many times summoned before the .. Union military forces for her outspoken sentiments in favor of the southern states. Ann ng her surviving children art Mrs. Grace Bayard, George M. Bat tey and Mrs. E. C Crichton.- of At lanta; and Mrs. Mrvry- B.' King, of Wayeioss, Ga. SM A LL- C A LE F A KM IN (J When I asked Luther Burba nk how miich land is really necessary for the average. man to use, he replied:. "A thousand acres fc'r an Indian, a hundred acres for . a farmer, ten acres for an orchadist, one acre for a good market gardener, ; half an acre for a flower or seed man. and for experimenter like mse'f, a graveyard lot will do." In the scientific and intensive use ef the soil, we have nut touched tit hem of the garment of this country as yet. We have run to broad acres of speculation to machinery and hir ed men. We are ' just now at the dawn of a new 'and "infinitely finer day. Not broad acres, but little lands; not speculation, but home build ing: not the guidging labor of hire lings, but the loving .labor of self employing propritbrs -tKeseare the signs' and tokens of. the new'1 day. Of that day Lutixexjiurbank 'is' the prophet beyond anything we have re- ' The Bobbins Transfer Company of Lenoir, operating jitney cars from -ti-.. ntacp in Inrco-rv. nas n.vi. awavi i i ft . X. I . . I II 1 f 1IT 1"' A. I of cases are on uocKet. Among tuejaiizea neretoiore. 7v m. n. amymt, criminal cases coming up that will at-! in City Homes oh' Country -"Lanes, tract wide attention is that of Fred " ' ' Ponipey charged with the murder of I ' COTTON - " . ' Sam Allison in August, last year. j By the Associated Press. ;- Deputy Sheriff C P. Campbell un- j New YVrk, Feb. . The cotton mar covered a 30 gallons still this morning j kct was casicr during today's ' early m times townsnip. Last nia:ht anotnei ljiri.e crowd ' fading, because of lower . Liverpool d the contract t cany tiie : cathered in C. A. Brady's drug store j caoies, nervousness . vet the w Mew tt- i t riiii!" - ... . y i i i i i..v . - i . ... mail from Hickory to I.enoM-. Only! arij heard the services at Calvary ; England labor situation and Episcopal church, Pittsburgh, Pa. j over an easier technical' situation. cue round rip will be made a day- -.fter lo runs each mor: n.g. . . . The audience heard with distinctness ' It was hoped that an evening mp, anROuncement of the hymns, the ! Mar,h ntght be made, ontUu oran music and evry work of the I """" i&y'rtire SSrf ict ATng the crowd last " otRhodhiss, Grange Falls. Hud- at the clrug October talk son a no' trip in an hour and a half. seimon in several months. i Hickory cotton 16c. '-; ODen '16.60 TG:2r . ;i5.8f; .--15.33 15.26 .Close .10.65 16.41 16.04 15.49 15.40