I Al'-LL , i- MlllSCrilKTM . !'-' k;uv ;it least :j !. before their ,!' ion- expire. WJiATflER Unsettled and warnit-r tonight, probably light rain. ..ii" SHED SEPTEMBER 11, 1915 HICKORY, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9, 1922 ?RICE FIVE CENTS S? I LETTEBS I?: BIOS OF ' i lULliu i a s'w , it" 1 PlCS ill. '. Tlir ccnl r:il- : n a! I he nisi n.-t a, surrounding the :i:;nii I b'smom,' Taylor begin today I'oliov.' r ', and Pirning ( '.v i' ! i.f messages and let , re tlirv'i tor by Vtu' el I -, Weolwine, the il's - taking iht Icao'ing ,1 nf Mrs. Madeline h minder of ,J. F.ol chicf (U-piity. i.ll has been us-ignod to v oir.mu n :v:it ton fruiii 1. 1 t :i t na rJ i-. the l.o !;ics expect him to i-t;HH'C. :!!, who went to the rl.tS I'l. hl'f Icttefn ii !, be i'J it ! a result ;,: the Taylor fuivi-.l ir lo lirtw declared dcMie' for the letters I heir being nuhlished i:r.U given the wrott: felt a strong friend-iii-i'toi, out lot'te had :-. lo.'e alVnir between p.!,. Ikon-hief found it.- nncstigatioii when t lime detectives say I,-. U'fs, Henry Pcy, houseman, as siul handkerchief bearing M. M.." as' previously lotiiid ui'les tht murder bore 'Wm&Eimm ACEHTS ULSTER: BORDER 1JUIBTHER IllflET? i Hi STATE- HE- ! SOON II BE li iiiEOF ! i HOTELilE : GUI ana m w - - 1 . . WIEHtST ! MM STEEL ; rn FPOIP Luiiy uL tl; l P.Y Pale igh, ial here ef Dr. J. I litionur i.'J 'kition of MAX APEPrsIITilY) Fob. 9.--The result of the this week in federal ecu:". If. Lovery, medical pr j Raleigh, charged vvilh vio the Harrison anti narcotic with ion lnt' resl by tin ou'ho'.it 'i'Ct is being watched the nedieal prefer: I be state. dut'ge Henry (J. Conn.)--, who is P'.e.diiiag -.1 tlv trial has I'c'-o.ruiv.eii tht itnpo! taiv.-e ,f l ho i'.ar;;vs" ed acainsl Dr. Lowiy and' has i:; si.ted that every bit of '.'videnei' iro.n both sides should he ;'"n into ihor- ujrhly. "ll is a natte' that is ,f vital interest t; the p'.vsii-ian-; at' Noith Cnrrlina," Jiu'o nnor s;;v-, "and it is the duiv of ;:i;: c..yit't'. .y everything before o lUl'V. Dr. liowcry went on the stand at yesterday's hearing and denied state ments made by two ol' his f : r pa tients that he had prescribed' naa plvne in larjre doses. The wi!'Hss.j.- in (UCf.tioti were Mis, Rut h Clark i'lid. G. C. Holding ( f YcMn.usvilie, ! eacii . iesiuy!i:y mat tney were pa-' titnts of lr. Lower durintv ihe Iv.st two-three years and that i' sjavej them as ranch as one-eiuhth of an 1 ounce of roorpnino. at one time. !b)in- ina- testified that he di: not find Dr.! Lowtry's tieatmcnt satisfactorv and Raleigh, Feb. finally went t a Riehnu nd sanv.Loi -1 Xi rlh Carol ina I be As.'.oeiated' J'ress. Washii.ton, Kelt. o. Secretary IU aver was undei'stoud tot I ay to have submitted to President, llardiiio a leport of certain Russian relief s; eie'ics ami their cc.moction with the Rusisan soviet .government. The. re port was understood to .V. 1 with cer tain Russian relief societies working inch pen Vmiy of th, .n;ein--.:i relict et 'ii::sit)n. It was said to detail for the oiv.a- lii'Ml y liuormaiion ttie names ,'i jer" tain organisations which were iioL iegaitled as being .'irtctiv intero:i-.od in famine relief in Russia -..s muvh rs in ai(i;nu- the soviet authorities I. v thtir functions. Presidenl .llardmg is e.peete.l t make public the repCrt in order t infer ni the . countty if the activities ; i.f these." socviet aaents.- . ' Py Hitr Associated Press. Jklfast, Kelt. !. Ulster's was virtually a line of stc i following the raid yesterdn-, ioni.-:t leaders. From Po'Lerdown county Helleek. on tiie Fermana,'-b-Dor! border, forces i f "specials'" weri guard ::s . Ave 1 1 as heavy coulicg of the regular constabu'ai y. It v.'as .esiima't!.:! tbi erij on ,iJty. ! By the Associated Pi-fsr fff. in today! KMHtn:', Va., Fel of ' r the bodv of E. J. ! mend in the ruins of whkh was do. Ai-maili to! Hotel i I early Tues(k 5 i it S esaay. of victims to fi Bush's head ; ill the west por and v.-v.'s i?antii coat pocket. The officia! 1: ) Newton, Feb. p. ; omit, elm i get..' w : called- this inuring t'.nued until m-xt 'for the defendaKl lo examine v.'iine.': '.iudge p.rystm to I Judge Rrvscn i eiji : ox. Out!. Yeast was (lav night and bov ' Iforace il- Abec ' Hie ctii'resp.tMiiience V on nt.y Chairman 't;ver the Hickory sv.e'-' was received made public tods;' between hint ant! Smith Campbell posteffice. No an from ?vlr. A bee's u:-i letter. The letters follow 1921. !UlU aha -IP DRUGGISTS CftRRV CD ! Ml kim mt T 01 101 J). The druggists oi are proceeding prop- i re was cui'-ierly in their demand for represent or:ig. tien on the state board of health, de- 'nni for treatment where !v etl of the desire for the tie; I he case against Dr. J. v. Man-'dared Dr. V. S. Rankin, state bcalii "big, of Durham, is not on a.ll fours officer, U day when .sskeC as to the with the kowery case, it is .-aid' ! derart meat's .position. nice toe majoyiry ot Dr. Ma.nm.rs. Notice has been iriven bv th ajonty p. neiits we! e t-. vmer servu men who weie wounded eve-seas and wat 'dtil as improbable that , 1st! - i:ig nuiriiet against in ii! the whole matter -re the 112- grand jury, i yet been chosen. ol MdlOU RFI'l.'Tl'N IP u;(i!:M were stnt t..' him for go vet nment "tlei eiiets," inng rttoii case tre'ilmi"!-. as Dr. Man se Will UK"! v fe -1 '".I as argument the Itv is completed sor.u timi1 i.oJ-i c; as sv two fki;t of snow i shadow . ii. ;.---Tmo gi oui.diiog i bv a u'l'oundht g 'bt !.; II. NTeak eivd -Irso-'i s and says ' bat j cr f one grounuhog, , with Mi'. dry ard vr i -1 I riPnuais n -i:cmj wh o ! i v rt - iiii nci ,ii has Is.'cn a !.;i!n,g at i has 'i'.vo i ": t f said .i a'r' I lie Is noon ici.iioi t v. I hat w it" nc vr on '.ic'ti'i'f?. vais s i , (;'" in ', t"M i lioi-c kentur Feb. '., at Clewing luvV an a' a -id A lvavy snov Monday inght t rage deptn t nea.ily two ii :;,iit;c places it is basket i'ali left!.., feel j r.. ich- alb ira"' . i a I it'.' it' t -i ft "t oeen. aecf rumir to reiorts re ing here this morning. No mail hv. ciiPe f iom i5k wing Rock or i!oone ti'lay. There he.s been' a vety light inkle t'f snow heii. but oons o it reiv iif t' on the grtanl. Moiiie id' tl'".: people of North '.' iawba township are jt ining in baild r.x community roads. The roa'.' lea 1 !',.. roll' .(Sioi;- (,'nlliellV I lies ai .. 1). Ib'.ds'uaw's olace '' '' in"- the Uiirke ? i i j - - at. North. v v al i:ii 1 ,'ie i r. 1 1 nio'i! ! sai' -I' so' ;! bbn --I ".add he !al.. Hi" e.i .".!. si ic ' y, .(' as it'' - ! ns- " t'S- :; iter s i i ro:'! ei . Catawba rhui'si Other mat's nn: -.) ed in these Has'i:.'l .sfliool il' I Mid 2. it'l l t!is!'ict No. is being being 1 ui coinmu tax im provt ant.' h itae.- no, 1 1. i"li Si the ; wi'sbio. w bi"b i nary I I . has l et p t a ei'iiu! .' -t j i it j n is . .i f n"rs. okcl inn t'afe set. ic held on the election "n cis.- Puttcr son t.i.".vnship. ff Yudk.ii) Yallcy was ca I leil fo- Feb- le.l off by Us and ar.nl her The election wib ISth of March. ,"l)!l ll.V I, 'I I 'eh the .n"--. That, il" da: -hire. Th:.. ii" I'm Ih at an e' acl ind n ' ; i 1 1; . t s i y i a ' day i-.ii. : ; oi was -aid early i , am) ps '.'eic tc mylh ll wt Si I b - s;- WOll's tiure re 'II o:p Ii tile. : Ii ai'i'Oi weeks .'i!'. ft the gro led' i sr: ov and 'miiuitit :i. ur.dhog lid not re- ! arthly t!i"t follow ing ib.y tif F"bri'.ttv but isisint into s'li'i ii t'iow iiitiy home) niid has ic sl ti"e .sines' that ilaU, ' If ins' basking :n the '' by refuting 'lie th.'orv J!A;i5Y MAY WUIIDUAW kATK KKMfJ NATION It was reported in Hickory this arte noon that Chas. W. P.ngy, m "w of the difficulty the Repubk- cans ate having in agreeing ti Si ii bi 1 1 for the nostofficc. withdraw his resignation at the end i f the Averk. The Record was unable to see Mr. Hagby this afternoon for cnfiriration of -the report. l t ti rug- gists that they Avill go direct to Gov ernor Morrison with their . reo.ne.st instead of to. the legislature. In this, says Dr. Rankin, they are exactly right and nobody will have any kick with them if th governor appoints one of their number on the '.oavd. is years p-rst thee has been some effort on the part of certain pro fessors to .secure legislation which on in give them a member on the (.' of health. The !egis!atuiei failed to nass the bill bet the gover- nor and State reasurer Pen kacj. j .-..embers and they may be doctors, I uentists, druggists, business men or what-not. (!; vernor Morirso.n returned to tne t r ! yt-'St-orriay- ami : will -ngn' th--',..00 bonds just issued' by the sta!'" for four and one half millions in Rab-igh instead of in Nov Y-rk City. The governor is signine- 'he l;oi:(is a I an average of 200 per hour. Fuck ni:..! must be . 'signed by the gr.-vr-i'.'- and tSato Treasurer Pen, kacv . By the Associated'. Press. Washington, I-'ob. y.--H' relations with .axv: ; tained, thy I J, ;te I Sta lli'S.st eficetu'.i'!y slop admission tif Ji.;irs'-:' increase of ,japan.:.se .1. "'Clathy, '-u.)! niento Bee, '.leci-. retl in before the 'Nsi-o lmnn iv, ttee. Urging be 1 R. ncu, nor cannot un til e why it the county h e ;'iV::S. 'lb en. inpsp. unnm fi isndl y be ii'iiiii- es e.i vei ts.it ;.t the is-atiiiaer an I the jajut: l')S;i;;tis!. V, r of '!i; ha cra- st uteira.nt tien Ciiv.- fedeval ! :re.-i.he ines apn- iature in last va gentlem"'ii ce ,1 ne canceliea ar-a by treaty as c "a d. i t Rovseyek jr Although iaii.i countries, ha- b under letrV da tioh. UK' c -v i t' 1- po'Ht.- I ; sot p..;0v i i.. e, fi-.se eilit-r a sl',;:rsiv (Uita:'ed Mr. McClathy s;uti approximately; fi,D00 Fapa. oes h :v been permitted to c me mo th; L'l 'tec: States', ile a-s.f. -r.ed that tin ,'aranese here are . in uutaleirg ; "y o ernment .vithin . i .. voi rraet'it inimical to 4"he Un itel Stifle.- ; UU8 IMMIIIilii fl'i JhfhilOOiuli Oil the i.nn otherwise conversion the By the Associated Press, Washington, " Feb. ;. creating a eonrmission an making provision for the i.i uie it .uuu,uuu,0!u cieot r.llies was signed tcskiy by Harding. The. president, it was sa vshite house, would ne t - na members ot rciuniun"- f"i til aftf'T the treaties pvayhkd have been submitted by him to senate. . The commisis'i will eon: of five members, htsu'eo' !y ibe . i'"tai y of the treasury. ,. Hard r-s let it be kn.)-": 'tb-:.t f.e mtei to designate two t;!;-er nsoies-rs (.!)-. cabinet - nl a .t:o:u er s o n fr. the senate n :--:.-. WITHUJtAWS .UiENDMKNT Mr. George H" wiih fb.e t'.issiins f this city for v gine to Vv'asbingti iias accepted a pss Fenfleld Grocery name of a new giocery Newton. Mr. ). V. Benfi and has assoc. pvopriet him his i,c n. Sam MignnSJ ton and iiave cor i- tf They liave rentvti buib.iing in North just put it) ' ew- neavy an E. Silk, of Kilo: ed' Mayor Smyer's near the Virginia d fancy groceries. s , S. C has rent new brick buiiain" Shlnp hotel and secona . ! Hickory, N. C, Dec. 20th, ;-J. Smith Campbell, Ksq., i Chairman Catawba Republican Exe ctitive ( t)mnuttee. Maitlen N. C. Hear Sir: I beg to advise that I dorstand for the life of is that you will not call executive committee together. and let them settle the different matters that jit is to the best interest of the i;ary to settle ana sen to at once. Can it be that yt.u think yourself nigger than the party, or is it a fact as some are charging that you are under the control of a few men that think they are the "It" in box car letters? Please let me hear from you. I have been very much embarrassed srssing our friends when hey make such charges as indicated above ami 1 woultl like to know your position in the matter. Yours resneetfaliv. II. Ii. A!JF,K. MR. CAMPP.EUAS IIEPLY C, Dec. 27, 1H21 i w ill open up a stock of general me -jthandise the first of next month. ?,Tv. ! Silk has been in Newton fc-V several (tays, but h-.s returned to "-kml a Carolina to make preparations to I'lOVH to iowto'.i. i he e.ewu;n its regular m J.). Woifinger, I! Kiwanis club will hob eling tonight. Dr. A t. will have cruuge ! which will consist of s and vocal seieet' 01 i 'i POSSE IS SEEKII hilflUJo 3 II Life? v n mnm:: , (5 H 3 ,. i ; i i HUM u 011 nL si 1 f. iUU W.- Pa BAD i 15 BS te ' f hi' U.l l.tl t five In- wou'd Weeks of hi . shaib w ict irii in;ti winter. i " : i s i ; j who javs.e (S. C.) Ph patriot- '(JliiOlit. II FOLLOW EXAMPLE OF JUDGELOPJG i'l1'!!: i, ll.'tlr . 'f-y i if s- "'ti''!! 'S' j !'" I' Si. I ' ';"''' "'iv. in - . ''.'''"I nss "' Inh, i. 'I it i ''!'V S,, !i ii'..' s '"'ri.-'i.t:", si'lii.r;,, thiu- hi,... "'Mi,,i "'.r'! , ' ''in io,i,. . V!. 'J. ... Following the is- rior Court Judge iien !".-villv ti resist the eoi tiUc income tnx ccmes the revenue depaii that corporation.-', ii coine of less than mala' u turns will also 1 ii- rourtn. -'.iitf have been start toiisidcred very likely ''ih be taken, within a s s . There n n conflict 'i v law upon, which the ill base theii eon "'" ) int it avs that n S'ortinK an incoim of ";,"0 are net required to ' s while at another ' it plain that all if 1 I'il" their returns-, ir ' i i' ' ni'.ui'it of income, i' A. I). Watts of the --lit has anticipated the ; it tn a WOUld Tiiiau irrnnn in i hV KLLULI U miim VLuuLL M I FOUL PLAY VIGTIM I ur- I Py the Associated Press. Hunlsville,' Ala. Fob.''!). State anti ftt'. ral off'cets today headed a posse for King's county, where two alleg tu! , m tmshinei s wore killed and a federal enfo' cement officer was wounded in a battle late yesterdiy between officers and mountaineers. Foil'.-. -in,"' the ilisct.'very of ib.e st:'P a general battle tools jtiace be-t'.'-een the officers ant? the moon shineis in which Joe T. Powers and kaFayette Jones fell dead from the ! f iv.-, i f tho ofFioet I'"ttlor;i ! T"!nforfe- rsent Officer Viett.r S. Roots ot Iluntsvilic was. injured, but will re-cover. MORRIS AM) CO. LOST jl(ad',tl by Chas. tliairrsan, ; Hickory ibdega! if. n of bctyvreii bO and 100 men appeared befoie tb! board of county c"nimis. it lit is a! Newton eslevtiav and show ed New! or: and .'.I 'i'len 1 1. at ' i.e busn ntss interests h'so are with (hem., in their desire for the hard-surface: roat,'. Fitlbevviiig tiie presentation .:' the matter by various men from four towns, the commi -.loners, by unani mous vote accepted the slate highway ce'm-mission's new proposition anti voted to donate $7o,000 outright. Under the former plan the .county wtvs to lend the state $450,000 with out interest for a period of years, end it. was argued' that there would not be much difference in any event. Interest at the meeting centered chiefly in. the Hickory, deletyatiou,. fts the reason that this city went down strong on a former occasion to work for the Catawba k'sk of the Ct i'tia highway. At that time Maiden sI hhI by Newte'u. Com ver and Hickory and Hickory people pledged their earnest Uy the Associated Press. Wash in gt o 1 1 . F e b . 0 . A.r Senator Lodge, Repindk-sn clrusefl;:-. to have inserted proprrrtious bill an which would allow govern: ard.j to bid s" sot Levial. r 'ciitwition iji h withdrew a I 1 fa- of ore-sent O I in : i or: ion: on rect.-ndil ere.'.-'anier' :i'e osnaio Miss "era Schien of the college !r.e 'ty, a reading bv Miss Mary Drum The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap list church will serve the d'uner. Among those attending the Kvio ; ler concert in Charlotte Monday ever ing were Prof. Jaraes P. Siff rd Prof-. Taal" Y aik.ps, ""?rr.' Harvey J'kick, Fref. Baxter Overcash am .'susses Vera - 'Schien, Mary D.vuo 1U( n al uS ing it as ;iid Borg' YesterC clock Ch I!cCsrk ;'::(. mill :' Tom nuvp pnr DP H wm mm m i 5 s 5 S a t-' s -? t:t. n m C-tttfol vi a lic it i. a o ;s cans of smttkin MrCaskie bill hobb. igcr. whr, wtssks County about . :'..'i iel ft. i'si (I imi.tan' w lii-' hoi-- r ins N'ewL-.t i co'itaiijine,' abeut tobacco ?v.:l 20) s. I'vlr. A. L. Dc. -ith the Catawfa. ('artners Union Warehouse . tvas ):assing 1'ie spot and en.! tif a box hs'; biirietl in 'i'i' "U Ler ii and i i ?y the Paris fjy thf Associated Press- Vi,it,i.i't Mews. Va.. v eb. 0. ..;,....! ,r ti. steamshii) :o; iic-rn Chicago, Feb. 8. Morris & Co., packers, sustained a net loss for the I year ending October 29", .1921, of $.V bbo,o06.4"), while this loss and oper- t.tir.g expenses reduced the surplus Pacific burned at sea yesteruav wun , account from $13,271,790.20 to Sl, the loss of four lives, are not so cer- , 209,255.4, rrccording to the financial tain that the cause was accidental. I vent rt made public tod'ay. lliam Lustic, maste) oi j Volume of sales was satisfactory. Pacific, declined this U,, , weveVf the report said, and cash in morning t,, make any statement, i.lo. i bank is more than $2,500,000, anti inkers of the crew were ich so '"-j quick liabilities are about .$7,00,')00. ( ttu Associated Pros. .Feb. !).- The celebrated pearl necklace, -which once belonged to Msifia Theresa, queen o'f Hun gary, and which has been on display here, has been bought by Jefforsoo Davis Conn of England for 200,000 pound's. . . Former Emperor Charles wore the necklace! before his attempt, t cs canc from the country. ALUMNI COMMITTEES UNIVEKSISTY; NAMFD Chape! Hill, Feb. 9.--In the Feb ruary, number of the Alumni ; Review, which aopeared on the campus to day, Cok Albert L. Cc'x, ef Raleigh, president, tf the General Alumni.' Association of the 'University of North Carolina, sorting in accord with the provisions of the . recently ad'ont ed alumni constitution, has anno'ur.c ed the folio-wing committees: .from .eninc at tl psi have iv. the past The yf'ng give a dance, temig loo mof the Virginia orchestra from New Yo ; ecured to furnish music cssion. i s inu supiys , .-; cars sia:i oepc!.. The en r.-biu!(l si ew me a tits, men of N in Q 1.-. e i ti ed has tuff was .; en the .'. at til's; S)fS ,a, i inn the v,,. timing 1. An s bc; n INIaitlen, N M. If. II. A bee, Hickory, N. C. 31r dear Sir: Pardon me for not answering your , letter of the 20th, sooner, but f have, hat! serious sickness in my family anti was unable to do anything. Ans wering your second paragraph, I have never felt myself bigger than any member of the Republican par ty and am always willing to do any thing f can for the best interest of the party. 1 also beg to advise lhat I am not under the control or any one or few men nor any faction of men in the party. As clrcirman, 1 am willing to con verse with yon or any other Republi-h-:nr for thf-. best interest of the party. Nov, as to why I have not called the County Executive Committee togeth er in regard to the Hickory, post of fice as I wrote you on Oct. 8th. jus! ( j as soon as some investigations were j made, I would call the Committee to Igethei. I was akod by Mr. More ' head in justice to Mr. Miller, not to j call the Committee together until it i was known why Mr. Miller did not get on the eligible list as Miller haa been endorsed by the committee, and be would not name any man until it was known why he was not placed as eiiirible. J talked two weeks a; department had promised to sent! a man to Hickory to investigate the charges against Miller. I am in- iMi Mr. Morehead about ;t, anti he said that tho on nr.fAmriitio-'-. the 'Associated Press. HEAVILY LAST YEAR i s unport of the Maiden project. n 'was agreed that Hickory more than made good. The shout : that - nrose from the re cm after the commissio-n- iers acted was like that rmseC when a Carolina team wins a Virginia base :.T or football game, persons said to day. Among the Hicory delegation en dorsing the project were Mr. Bagby, ..U.-. f..l.. V,l v.l i-o 1 Qitlrocc nrtf Tf)va v. R run. T?nv Abpvnetbv. son. Raleigh; V. F.; Carr, Durham; , - . . " T1 C (!tn,n, Put: W k' Krartsh.-iw ii"' k?. k' bl .V Ult JVL v II. .. - I jOOliOil, 1-. Nominating committee: Alfred M. Scales, Greensboro; Robert Lassiter, Charlotte; J. Wallace Winborne. Marion; Dr. J. Vance McGougan. Fayetteville, John Umstessk arbc o Auditing1 committee: G. H. Andei- The British I.t- dian jtolic.e frred on a mtd) of' 1. (.','.) 00 natives durin'-g: a jserious riot a't Tir ncannamalai, about 85 miles south west of Madras, in the Tanjore dis ti ;ct on Tuesday, last, killing three persons and wounding eight others, says an Evening News dispatch f row Madras filed Tuesday and received today. before ' the j 4- me dined. . tu.. ..u,.l -Piiitl n nv invi ""'I"-" V .. 4u :;t ship left her oerin ('ii t.. voyage, but realizing that they can prove nothing, decline to make a uir- ect charge. , The Northern Pacific disaster toi-k n new turn this morning when an at torney for the Sun Shipbuilding Com nanv attempted to tret sw;er.t state ments from the officers an I erevv but they had evidently bee i war. ed by the master. while quick assets s.re more than ;:;:;9,000,000, a ratio of about five to one. Commenting on the report,' Nelson Cc-llins Hillsboro. Horace Abee, Di J. C .ee , . Di , Elizabeth City, first district: K C. Longaker, i, H. Aoee . Di. John Ha1 Manning, Kinston, secono' FecI- Dr- : Longakei Rev.j fc .German Weil, Gobisboro, v. vv. ivowe ana rUDeri iyei ' .,.., ,,;cfv;r.t. r.-wj- rtavis TTen er- VANCE COUNTY MAN MAY BE FIRE VICTIM iormed that, this party was tn your city last week making these investi gations, but as yet I have not heard the result. Of course, if Miller is placed on the eligible list, he will get the ap pointment as he has already been en dorsed by the county committee, but if I am informed that he will not be eligible, I wil immediately call the., committee together to make the rec ommendation. Personally, I do not care who is made Postmaster at Hickory, as I take it that you are. all -my friends anti feel that way alto. tit- it, but as before stated, Mr. Morehead, regardless of any -action the County Committee might take, will not recommend any one till it is decided that Miller has failed. I will be glad to talk the matter over with you in person at any time. Wishing you much success and a Continued -i. o Page Four ;v Henderson, N. Taylor, leoorted lJre5?. C., Feb. amfnti- th- D.Z. (). mission Morris, chairman of the board of ai- ,T'" ,r-nf u;.in Rob RraoV of !son, iourm ats.int: xooe.t.-u. xim. quests m the hotel fire at Richmond,! rectors, said: . . ... ... IV ' F A vZ Vi Vv. i )yinonm' ' , ' 'ved tr. be a- farmer of Vance; Hickory high . "The year just, dosed ;has probably. I ' r. H:' IVTebane of Newton. w C . in zhmoM Sunday i most of them girls, been the worst year. m tne nistorv o V- . ------- -- .-uifctiict,;. v. ...; v; 'V ;;"V-V nigra and relatives sav h" usti-'" Retw -Inb at its . . . . . i : All tho hiir f-vnwrl was for the rtroo-si ...... , etr'-t. RnWt M-.Tpiv . , ! tne ltotaiy ciuo dt us the JivestocK ana pac-King Dusinessi - - r . -" " i ooio, .cmii j. " stoppca at tne Lexington notei wfttlo ..fWnmm tml the - I ( if nv,H rtAimiotnTIOVS' tl'flro - ir . 1t : U U . . 4 , r. . Si l-.t 1.. i UlteillOOIl, lllti LUC The tremeno'ous drop in all ltvestccK "" .....t.v.,wU. ..v.wiill.(),TOU1(. t,SIU11 , -" " there. ., ,. . i tri, vr 1 MIDDLESEX UD WITS T. SAWYER By the Associated Press. ravitnri. Conn.. Feb. contl i vr." saitl a boy s 0. "Please me tne auuica land whoJesome meat prices : prewar levels has made it. impossible I to operate except at a loss; a large i part of which, of course, was caused j by readjusting inventory values to ; the new basis. "Prospects for the coming year are i better." I Morris said' the new wage scale for packing house workers . would save the company $1,500,000 annually, but ' that a further cut may be necessary. ! The business is also handicappeu by high freight rtes he said. ASKS FOR RECEIVERSHIP letter addressed to Mark Twain received here today. 1 rrl' uh,r rom, the Middlessex, v C . lad was received today By the Associated Press. announced. Chairman- Osborne lTjVle Jones, Ashevillc, tenth district. Brown and Newton and Maiden eiti- -e& ens appreciated the position of Hick- COTTON ory. ; ' - 'By the Associated Press. ' New!, York, Feb. 9. The cotton ; market had a firm and active opening j today, with first prices six to 22 ' noints hiaher. Strength in the ' Liverpool market, with a very firm ' foreign exchange, together with i support from New Orleans ! Oaen ; March i October -have- December ORDNANCE WORK iq nunrpin QTnppf n IU USIUL9ILU U i UI I Ltt I ' LSHEVIK AGENTS BE BEING WATCHED scfiool students. were guests' of luncheon this orchestra furit- isses Alice ".CJlley and Nancy Worth Sherrill made talk.,' The young ladies spoke on the need ' of a central high school and empha sized the necessity for taking in the whole township. Miss Derrick's or chestra jazzed so well that the Rota-, rians, who usually are able to. raise ... a tune, failed to sing. Superintend ent Carver spoke on "Unselfishness," commended the various civic clubs for their spirit and declared that work "sj.t " corporations and ' Whitniol.C( former secretary Phonograph Com i ruling that they I' rank C. "lt . t ,Mr. whit-1 corporation, Avas ,,; th, ()pini(1, (f thfl ot thL'.fXL explained hat MarktUnited States lb '. 3y the Associated Press. Washington. Feb. 9. Ord'eis Washington, Feb. 9. Application v.a .....j ' nf o11 ",vl TVTarr-Vi ny lor a recuivei muij oi u.e ou umuw : designed for vessels affected by the j company, a ieiewai e ; ava m tat on treaty. The effect 17.35 17.00 10.53 15.80 15.88 By ih Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 9. Activities of , for boys and girls is of a sort that bolshevik agents in the United States ; cannot be measured by taxes. . . Mr. for the collection of funds ostensi-! Revely likewise spoke. - - 17.04 j Diy i or tamine reiiei were under- ; i'resiaent Miulord announced that 16.7-1 1 stood today t be under investigation j on Sunday, June 2G, Rev.' Sam B. ' 10.31. 'I by the justice department. Many Stroup would preach to the Rotarians' 15.74 inquiries have been received at the and ail are expected to attend. ' and the Close 15.t35 i department. s made today in the listrict court. Insol- "ReciDes for Late Sunoers'' of the order will be to lay off tem-ititle of a new booklet. What is iporaviiy those engaged on stichied more is a ponies containing j work. . . for them. Kansas City Star. s the Jeffeiscn Davis Cohn is a godson of Jefferson Davis, who was nresi dent of the Confederate States' of America. Plans for the 17th anniversary of Rotary are also being made. There were several guests at the meeting today. The high ' school , orators anti orchestra drew liberal i applause.