f DAILY WATCH YOUR ICKORY WEATHER LABEL !NcoTd ffiibscribers ,)uld renew at least i.ve duyt before their m. Ascriptions expire. Rain late tonight or Sat urday. Warmer tonight. ESTABLISHED SEP'P., 1915 HICKORY, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 10, 1922 ?RICE FIVE CENTS KECORB !if.jTiiiii DDnaciDi xmtv nr umnir cavc cnnn bull I lllUL i liUuL I LLIi I I U! IIUIIIX UM U I UIIU T NTDTATLOR MURDER IN CAROLINA 1 OUGHT STUD! El IMAGED II STDR By the Associated Press. San Francisco, Feb. steamship Bessie Dollar, 10. The 700 miles HI SEIZE CORK HOUSE BONUS i MOVIEMURDER ! CTfiimril DDflPDIRI RliVCTCDV r I . I ! Si Hill r BlIiEiiBIUgMI i II If!.! I I 83 1 ' ?', Associate Pre Angeles, Feb. 10. After he- .-.ning pronounced "satisfactory" the , ;,ut attorney's investigation into murder jii William Desmond j with the expectation that a i , ,n!' r of witnesses would be exam , , ,1 vvas resumed today. ,-lve persons, both men and worn ,,,, believed to have information of , to the authorities already have ,. questioned by District Attor ,., -,. Woolwine or his assistants. Uiiiuor has it that Mary Miles Vi ht, for whom Taylor formerly v, a director, was closeted for two u - lait Tuesday before Mr. Wool v, 'n.. took personal charge. T;:i'M' who appeared at the district :,:, ! m y's office, where the investiga ,,.! has been centralized, includes Charles KVton, general manager of ih,. Famous riayers Las keg Studios, vhi K- Taylor was under contract for r,. (i ears. Thnv has been no intimation as la wi jld bo summoned before h iii..trict r.itorney, but previous in ,.i:iiv t. the police indicates that ;,ii!i.i:ir the persons to be summoned mi' ; M inter, Mabel Xormand v.ht.-e letters to the dead director are iitl in the possession of the district itt.niuy; Now Gorber, said to have hni: ( iriugei: to marry Taylor tit rne tlire; Claire Windsor, who had re cently dined and motored with him, j. p., iMna l'urviance, formerly lead iry unman for Charles Chaplin, and :, i realtor of Taylor, who was said to have telephoned the news of the nninler tc Miss Xormand. Mi,, N'ounand. one of the last ner- mm.4 n see Taylor alive, remained in -ula ; .u irt her -horn today ft-llow-ii :t hr illness yesterday. At her hi.n.c, however, a denial was issued f r-rorts that she hr.d an alterca tion i.n the night of Taylor's mur i,,,'. Her letters were the reported ciiu-i.- of the altercation. Attorneys for Miss Mintcr declin ed f ciniment on her reported visit to the district attorney. em- (BY MAX ABERNETHY) Raleigh, Feb. 10. The free plyment offices in this state are giv ing the kind of service to North Carolinians ty bringing the employer and employe together that the U. F Employment Service is operated for declared Frr.neis I. Jones, director general, who is spending the week heie looking over the unemployment situation in this section. "Conditions generally in North Carolina are gcod," Mr. Jones said' today, "while this state is not as bad as some others the unemploy ment situation can be improved up on." The work of the six offices in the stste and of the interest taken in them by Commisisoner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman, dollar-a-day employe of the, federal govern ment, was commented upon favor ably by Mr. Jones. The latest sur vey made of the employment situa tion in North Carolina by the em ployment service, which ft'.;? for the onth of January, is summarized as follows by Mr. Jones: "Two hundred and fifty-seven tex tile mills are now employing VG,o92 workers, which is an increase for the month of 184; 41 lumber plants are empoyingl 3,238, an increase of SO; Hi fertilizer plants, employing 4SS, an increase of 17. Reports from :M industrial centers in the state generally indicate a satisfactory con dition in employment." No unemployment is reported in incastvial lines in Charlotte, High Point, Winston-Salem or Asheville, but all of thoe cities have a surplus of unskilled laborers, the report shows. Road ard street work has contributed to relieve the situt.lion throuh'it NV-th Carolin- ;n re cent months as far east as Wilming ton aim rer the state westward as h:r as Asheville. Knco.iragi'.ig reports from all o the cities indicate considerable im provement soon. High Point repons the building of 240 residences during the last 12 months and vhtually nc housing shortage. Wilmington poits its "housing situation unsatis-la-trrv, sh.'pyi d activitif at low ebb," but impiovemeiit ly early ?y the Associated Press Washington, Feb. 10. Resuming bis testimony on the Ford offer for outright purchase and lease of 100 f years c. i the government's $106,000,-! 000 nitrate and water power projects at Muscle Shoals, Ala., Major Gen eral Betvch, chief of army engineers, reiterated that conditions prevailing in that section of the country might justify 'the 1C0 year lease and prove the 50-year lime limit suggested by Secretary Weeks not advisable. The only power dams located ir navigrble rivers at the present time 1 the general said, were built beforv i the national water power act w:v. passed and they have r.o time limit whatever. Their rights are in per petuity. "In the case c.f Muscle Shoals," "he continued, "it being r.s large a river as the Tenenssee, I would advise a very careful, consideration of circum stances to se if they justify an ex ception to the rule." from Cane Slattery, Wash., was 1 ,, ., . . , . T1 , , . . Bv the Associated Press. badly damaged in a storm, her bridge ; Cork, Feb. 1 0. Dissatisii is gone, tne stewaru Killed and the captain injured, according to mes sages received here today. Two steamers are reported stand ing bv. wan : the D 1 IS E TO GO TO SGRftP ! the terms cf the settlement i Irish railway strike, a group of rail j way woi-kmeii mart-hod into the Cork j station mv Kcize.'l it with ail the i tn.ins. Up to n.kl-aflernoon no on- position had been olfeved. A notice was -posted ":i th: doov of the raiiwav men's union c::i!ini- on 3y the Associated Press Topeka, Kans., Feb. 10. The man held in Shawnee county jail here who was taken off a Sante Fe train Wed nesday night answers the description HOW ACTORS LIVE IN MOVIE COM spi in .V Ai;nnit r.enpral John Van T. Melts - nnounees the appointment by the war department of Capt. Albert R.'lves, of the 17th Field Artillery, to the position of instructor of ar tillery tor the North Carolina na tional guard. This liives the North A officers and 5 non-eommiss- Carolina nmiss in ad n-ftifovs as lnsirneiui n ditioi to one medicr.l officer and in dicates the growth of the guard in th? state since reorganization was undei taken following the woi Id w IWfPfTCTPlIF H"iiH iibii i . ii mm - 3v tlio Associated Pre6. , , 'London. Feb. 10. Great Britain will aurce to no postponement of the (ienoa economic conference un less the request emanates from Rome, it was stated here today. The Ircneh ambassador was so informed last rvening by Lord Curson, the for eign minister, in their conversation. belief was expressed in a well iu f nned American quarter today thrt the holding of the conference on ih intended date was becoming Incicas iiuly doiihtful owing to the Italian lonietie situation. WE TO PRESENT Cv the Associated Press. Texarkr.na, Tex., Feb. 10. ilie second whipping in as many nights occuired heie last night, the victim being Lee Higgins, for 15 years an employe of the Missouri i ami Railway. Higgins was taken from his home to a lonely spot and floggeo bv n masked band. I. - r..,A Yin His captors toia nmi, us was being punished for alleged at tentions to a married woman. lie de nied the charge. The victim of Wednesday night raid was Samuel Kelly. f .o? A rubles Feb 10 The vcnt murder of. William Desmond Taylor widely known motion picture director lias caused public attention to turn t wan: the motion picture colony ai Hollywood here, and numerous in ouui'es about th-.:t colony and the life of its people have followed Hollywood is the general name as signed to a section of Los Angeles lyTng about eight miles from tho downtown business section. i:inv mrtioii nicture studios a?e scattered through Hollywood and thtmVarrds of persons from all class es (f society are employed :vt the studios. Where so many types are gatheree theie are all variations of charac ter and morality. Some of those who :(tre to lots as humble extras suc ceed because of some trr.it of per son Mtv in reaching stardo-m almost before they have become known gen oi ally in the industry itself. Sometimes it is real ability that C.ives them upward. Sometimes it is the favor cf di rector o.- producer: sometimes it is a pair of cross eyes or funny legs cr unusuai size m-i :"-'-needed lift to success. The PsJchology of It. When people spring from poverty to affluence, often within a few weeks, their mental equipment :s not ahvavs equal to the strains. They have money, an unaccustom ed toy. and they spend it in bizarre ways. They may buy automobiles ot tnc usual styles and finishes known in Mir. fraO' here as "movie trick . mar cl tJy the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 10. Appoint ment cf a special board of navs.1 of ficers to make a technical study o the battleships West Virginia and Washington to determine which of the two is to be completed under the naval limitations plan was announc today by Secretary Denby. The board will make a thorough study of the two aessels and then re port to the naval secretary, who will decide. ORGANIZE SECOND SCOOT TROOP HERE its membeis t(. mobilix this afternoon, pr.cecd lailrov.-.ls, take posse-:-' ate tra:ns tovnorvow. The :r --.i! v.-M v.; , cept the (iecisi::n oV th ferc;i'.-e, saving thev ai o-ct with the minlt-ter of an' the managers. : at 1 o'clock bv various n a- By the Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 10. Reaching a j tinal agreement on the soldier's bon-j j us tax program, the house ways and; means sub-cemmitte decided tod'vyi against a tax on bank checks. The Jot" Walter Sands,, secretary of Wil program was not announced, but! Ham Desmond Taylor, murdered mo iwith the exception of bank checks, Itjtion picture director at Los Angeles, !was s?.'id to be the same as that an-' Under Sheriff O. W. Carlson declared nou'need last roght. today. Though the man gave the This program kv.-ludc-d one cent r.ame of Walter S. Underwood, the (gallon on gasoline, estimated to yield name signed to a railroad receipt was that of Walter S. Maddox. While dt-e.i -:u X BANK.RL-PTC V A' voluntary petition in batik uptcy Young Hickory not holding mem bership in the Boy Scouts of Ameri ca are expected to be on hand in large numbers at K;wani? hr.U to night at 7:20 for the orgard'Uion of a second troop here witn IIa,:ei R Aiken as scoutmaster. This is the 12 anniversary of the socut move ment and it is highly appio'priure that it should be.pbseivcd here with the formation of a second troop. Claude S. Abernethy 2-Ji:l Arthur" L Vser, old hands in the scout game will he on han 1 U heli rhe young sters off to a good start. All boys 'etv.;, the ages of I" an-i 14 are irv-ud. was filed in united States district court at Statesviiie by R. 1'. Hondley funlituie dealer of Hickory. The liabilities were placed at $".,542.1 1 and the assets at $7,800.70. WEI H OF NEWTOK C TS ONTES! ?7C,OOC,000. Two nty-five ce nt automobiles, ?-'SC!OGOtOO0. ; A tax. (M real est:;te transfers ot 'five cents hunched, $70,000,000. I Incicase d(.:umeiitory str.-mps with the rate on the transfer of stocks-, jond bends, one cent, S(0:000,000. i Double the iiresunt tax on admiss j ions where the sum exceeds 25 cents. ?2C,C9C,C0C. i An increase of 50 cents a thou sand on cigarettes, $5,000,000. An increase of two cents on chew ing and smoking tobacco, 5,000,000. Members of the committee declin ed to say wh: , tax if any had been substituted for check stamps, but no anc Ql . PERSONS TO BLAME FOR MUCH LiQUGR TREATIES TODAY SITUATION SERJOUS IN Hi SFCT 1 HI ULU I L.I1 4 , WV" Ry Hie A.'sociated Press. . . Washington, Feb. 10. President Harding is expected to present in 1 i:;",, to the senate today the trea ties "rowing out of the arms con- terfi-r, White house officials after a morn injr ' I uncertainty as to whether the president would present the treaties tod.;; lent. r... it, AecfVMJitpd Press Dy inv ,A Tv,n citnnt on re- London, reo. jw. v lating to the kidnapping in Ulster continues to bear a grave aspect The Northern Irish government had not t this afternoon received any "r tomou ow saui uie pi v..-.. information i - ii . i . . I t onto ncelleu' two appointmv."-' oners lanen m, . hiid c nd ui ranged f r i the ciijMiet. short session of M'd. W. IJ. WHITE DEAD White, one of the mosii 1 fni1ntllMl is to has no autnennc imvi their whereabouts COTTON . . i. viulv, wmv wi v..-w -- ;To,f ihr Aociaiea neon ly esteemed citizens of Wo lw York Feb. lO.-The unsettled - - ---- - . I 1 ..: tiinf iMI 111 III' I. V. -- . ; ,uiu a veieruu t; .. i ,.:H,0finn in I'i-.l.nont Wagon and Manuiac-, ia. . favorable d this uttcrnoon, states, eou.v -- fnvotJ i .,: .... i Tndir,'. loiceu l.lf.W. ft1! I it-l VlLUn H,I..,CII TltW?t IIU"' tuiir.g company died this afternoon , states, co lit I. 1.'.. ...... .,1 tifil-vici'S I. .lri.:..1 rt i.,.i iiiiocK. I'uiiviiii nouciecii .""- ---- , -will I. afternoon! to 10 points, in su o'clock from Iloueks Chapel. ,p . nnsnction May and July lit I'n iiiit.il nhniit two vears ago Mr 'bitc held a position with the Pied "iint V;.jf,n and Manufacturing Com T'H'i.v sunt vvas amoncr the oldest em- T'ye- in point of service of this con- May - '"i. lie helped build the first wag- July -- '.,r tli.it was manufactured there. He October made net losses of 16 tc. 18 point.. i'Tnrch survived bv his wife and several December - Open ... 16.90 16.63 ".. 16.21 15.67 15.57 Close 17.12 16.80 10.41 15.82 15.78 chines," or they may take to navmg "wild nrrlies." or they may indulge in other forms of lelaxation r.nd ex citement. . Many ; them spend all they make, une wen khuwu testified in the divorce court rccem :v that he vvas getting $700 a week; l said he had $700 in bank, :vs pay ; ViaA -inel'. nas sed: that he had thiee automobiles, an extensive ward robe and no other assets. Motion picture people inemseives dniit that immoral and sometimes rjerverted persons are to te lounei in tne inciusuy, -"j '"o' the percentage ot these is relative ly small and that only their position in the miblic eyes has made them at all conspicuous. It is net denied that some e -v useis r.re connected with the indus vr hn tbe nroducers take the po sition that these persons are being eliminated as opportunity offers. Many Live Normally TV.OVO .ore. however, scores an hundreds of motion picture people who live lives in no way aissimuar iu those of other American household ers. iney go iu tut- muuiwo, v. work return to normal homes and spend their evenings at theatres at home, at clubs, or in ordinary pur suits, , , , Everybody has heard the query .'vsrv,0o hi matter with the mov ies?' and observers in Los Angeles v,:r.i, thov know tne answer, m men holipf the trouble with the motion niofnrp. industry is the presence with s. ; nf n relatively small proper- hill v . i j? i nrhrp cpnses were be- clouded by sudevn prosperity; the lrck of demand on the part of the producers for a standard of morality to be observed by their employes; the iVirift. anil the nresence of ex travagance; and the fact that char- ,v. hna not hcen oentunucu uy ell. l-t. ... , 1 , . either producer's or punnc as an fie ment to success. SCOUT HIKE TO RJVE1! Wbather permitting, scouts from Hickory Troop No. 1 will spend the week end at the river, vovk.ng on the cabin. It is nearly completed t rie is already being used for over nigh, i hikes. Sy the Associated Press. Columbus, O., Feb. 10. "Apathetic citizens" and "lethargic public" offic ials ?.':e two of the cutsanding diflir cullies standing in the way of better enforcement of prohibition laws. Maj. Roy M. Haynes, national prohibiten commissioner, declared in a state ment to the Ohio state dry lav- con vention todsy. I). M. Cloninger, wiio made the 'neat rating in the examinations for the Newton postof fice. in a lot :i- io the Newton News-Enterprise thvows some light en the manner in whivh the selection was ma le 1 1 re tnat will be of interest to Record readers in view of a situation in ilukery that is unusual. Mr. C.lcninge rs ex planation says: So many of my frien:s are :.'.;!: m-.:- mc how it happened -that 1 thougjit nr-vhans it would not he cut : order just to make a statement - of - t'r.e facts and save time. The first entry, I hell ore, wns Mr Jo.in Caldwell. Ihen Mr. rteiiihavdi arul myself. Mr. Caidv;e!t s;v eac;. uf the executive eommttte and f u : cet stand obtained the endcrK-nu ul of a majority. Mr. Rf :niiiiv.it -.i:- to r.n' a"d hi Cloninger, we ar: not gea-r-g .1 Mit deal, that he thought t;te co.-em;ttee .ViAidd meet, in recular session witn all candidates present and let. tnem select the man for the office. i i agieed with Mr. Reinhaidt in this ht-ause 1 felt it was a fair rvrc mix tion. I supported Mr. Reinhardt in bis -mand for re-considervtion by tne . i , f . 1 J! ..... cmmittee so a tate was i ixeu this meeting and I was on hand, but for some reason the postofhee mat ter was not taken up. Finally after considerable ;et.iy iind change of dates, tha committee vevv ojuietly met, and the first Mr. fal'o.vell and myself knew of this meeting was several days later whev we saw in the paper they they had rr,ot. and Mr. Reinhardt being the oil ice, rece rv increase will he made in first second class postage rates. Chairman Fordney said the pro jiam agreed upon would be submit ted to Republican leaders on the sen 'Lt' finance committee with a view between the com- ti.- an agroeincn mittees. ANOTHER At t'Cl NTi:l I-OR i an T'y tb Associated Prss. 'Raieigh, Feb. 10. C. E. Ebevly r.f Wilk-eshnrre. Pa., a traveling sales- i . i t today, appeareil at a local news er office, end lequesteit that his name be removed trom the list oi missing guests at the Lexington ho le! fire -t Ricliirrond. IV! r. Eberly said wa lei L Sunday ni in note it. III! horse-power cn i admitting that he knew Taylor and admitting that he had been at his home, he declared he knew nothing of the murder. Nnderwood was taken off, the train here on receipt of a message tht he was wanted at Los Angeles on an embezzlement charge made by the Union Pacific Railway Company. The man admitted he had been an employe of this company for eight months. UnCerwovl ws t-ken off the nv.-in mark of identification given in the description of Sands, even to marks on his cheeks and left shoulder, ac cording to the under-sheriff. "It was a woman who did it," Underwood declared. "Jealousy was (he motive. "s. I know TavloV he continued. "I have been at nis house several times attending part ies." Then he described the parties which be declare! were "wild ones" at which liquor and drugs were serv ed. He said he had seen both Mabel Normand and .Mary Miles M inter at Taylor's house, but not at the same time. Underwood said he left Los Angles Wednesday night at 10 o'clock a iter tne jnuiuei hum uvch j cjmi i. notac'eWeu. By the Associated Press Rome, Feb. 10. King Victor Em manuel has not accepted the resig nation of Premier Bonimi, presented February 2, it was semi-crricially stated today, and the Bonimi minis try will be in its place next Thurs day when parliament meets. ist wee htii mm yuia. S WELL II CHURGH CHAIRMEN ASKED TO REBORT The presentation of "A daughter of the Sun," a drama with a Hawaiian r-ettirg. at thR auditorium last night i.y M- C- Jenkin's cc.mp-.vny pleased ? feitlv large auCienee and increased the desire to witness a real musical comedy once more. There was noth short about the )luy hist night the story haO a pi'--., ;..Mt ..actors bad go;.'l lines. The music, most of it Yi- el and meilow tlawanan kiwi first class. , W- A. Neville as Col. CPnv. U. S. exejutive .in. Dr. 'Oagi S'-nkura. Japanese iOUTH IS FRED IN SHI He we1' lite chairmen of each church committee for the far east and Jewish famine fund will please re port to either John Aiken or J.. Tell id Miller Saturday morning and Mon day next E. L. Shuforel is out ot of the city for a few days and Mr. Miller will act for Chairman Shuford during his absence jointly with Mr. Aiken. . The work is progressing fine and there is no question but that Hick ory will meet her quota as this was Mi. Alex Shuford's opinion and that of other workers as quoted by Miss Julia Wheeler-. MENTAL ARITHMETIC "Now, then, Johnny,' said ! his teacher, "if your father gave you seven cents and your mother g-ve von six and vour uncle gave you i nir more, what would you have?' Johnny wrinkled up his toreneaa anc went into the silence fo'r the space of several minutes. "Come, come," saici tne teacu impatiently. "Surely you can solve a simole little problem like that." "It ain't a simple problem at all, replied the boy "I can't make up my mind whether I'd have an ice-cream soda or go to the movies." New York Sun. Aiilir inrlidKt.e for the v 'th- endorsement." ' I would have ! w' A. Neville as Col. Richmond riseo a kick theii, but in 'view. ' cf c'ny, U. S. e-;-;e-;utive .in. Honolulu Postmaster Genera! Hays' ruling took his part.' well. ,. Lester Paui ar i-t, n nniino.pWR shouifi come af- n.v 'riiii fi--ikura. Jananfese scien- ter the eligible list had been a:i-tt.r and -arch plotter agamst tne nounced, together With a letter .from ijn;ted Stutc.s, acted v. ith a fidelity Chairman Linney to tne sime eriO'-t ;:-at gxemea real. jae-K civnuu. T thought best 'to 'wait until the prop- I)r Edwai.i Grant emerged a .hero r.-t er time which wouia- oe kuki tuv ; iiiSit arK; im, uauenici i ou... 4iffible list came out. So when it wsKjm,,.t carried by Miss Ernestine De determiner as best we could that I'cHo, displaved dramatic art of tne had been placed: at the head of the j hhest order. All the central figures list I wrote our county chairman toikrew their lines well, got them oif know what he was going to do about' asjiy .v;1d with effect, to the ac - ailing bis committee. Up tr. ' this CCTr.paniment most of the time or i, fcn n.it so-.m fit to answer ! ;yi ,v;; was almost haunting. wiuiiit; - , - - In the meantime j .ui i ijverynoov sas :iify my letter. at last c:c- ... j... ii.. n.tn...iwi.wl nnd ho din iVn i-illinii t, whom the mikaeio 4-1,,, V,,.nrw nf 1!1?W('I'!!11T fflV 10' L- U-flT a SWOTC' aUU CVO'Il tile .-ujui-i- ter onlv"to state that as Mv. 'Rem-1 Ci..te( Virgi2 Lee from Broaawsy hardt had the endorsement of. the I i( ,in( happiness m tne arms ot Cui- P.y the Assoc: -.ted Press. Andersen, S. C, Feh. 10. In ' whfct is believed to be the shortest case on record in South Carolina courts. Eainey Ramey, 10 years olcU; was 'ac mitted today on a charge of murder. The trial lasted 20 minutes,-including' the drawing of the jury. The czne 1 was unique in that the youth's m-'rtri-er was the only witness for the state and the boy for the defense. ; - ' Young Ramey shot and killed J. Tom Hayes, a member of a party of men who came to his home last July rvn: shot and kille dhis father. Young Ramey picked off Hayes with a'r'fle after the latter had killed h"S father. ,.v,-,r .-n'tion he naa recom L VJ " ' 1 J rnAA hi ai-n-tr.intment on wanua..- 25th mark the dr.te, just three days, apprGCiated hpW we received our rating. In ai'j - the postoffice proceedings outsioe o.r Catawba county tnat i uvC; ... .i i j.,ic Tifl-vrcprt one of With tney nave ainu." t-i".- onel Clay. The costumes and scene, y were pretty and the wiioie snow was the eligibles. Perhaps this rule will j now be changed and they will nrsi j IS 5 sun CONDITIONS W NEED HOPS endorse' a m:vn and tnen see mac is made eligible. I am not writing this because I am sore; but bocatu-e our party professes to believe in a square deal? and I would like to see it live up to that profession. ) oa can win once in a while by question able menus but it always costs more than the victory is worth, borne thrnK this might cause me to leave the trntv No. I am not built that way ii,n(.;jM whP.rs could one go. This is 'just a repetition of the stunt j conditions showed the necessity os. i i I3r. t tvi-inns in 1 p a K . ' nriinv hadj Cv the Associated Press. 'London, Feb. 10 Announcement was mr.'de in the house Of commons today that Prime Minister Lloyd Gecrge had notified Michael Collins, head of the Irish government, that CONDITIONS SHOW SOME IMPROVEMENT pulled here eight years ago, so lj British troops in Ireland. T guess my task will be to fight c'5c: ; m;nister Faid the governme ed methods in my own party. - I n..i , Ulster oerlr ps will keep me employed lor r;pie.misul tu.31.s o uimu. nt MISS EUGENIA CLARK 1VR1DE OF UFA . JOHN ALLEN MacLEAN Raleigh. Feb. 10. Miss Eugenia Graham Clark, of Raleigh, and Rev John Allen MacLean, pastor of Mor-P..ncV,i.-i-ori5in - cbtirch. were Ci ' a Ai; ,t h have won iTl lru laai iiihk " - " " the tegular way. This was once the ban ner Democratic county in the state 1 while. . ,11 The Republican party should la.. i-.. ..... .11 in unch methoc's. I '''her lvirty has tnem ouicicis&c-'j- - iuul im- :iu mu.- p.. ! "'Mr Reinhardt had a good claim , so the driver should always have i L u ttw. liwc and perhaps mav care. So far ar, I am concerned, tne By the Associated Press. Crookston, Minn., Feh. 10. "The general industrial and business situ ation now is such as to justify confi dence that we are well past the wdst phase of the agvicuUural cris is," declared President Harding in a letter to the mid-winter show of farmers here to Jay. The improvement already has be gun and will continue steaeily from this, time forwr.rd." MAY BUILD HOTEL ?y the Associateo "Preis. WVishi ngt on , Feb. ' 1 6.- Senator Swanson's bill to authoriie a corpor ation to erect a new hotel on th Fort Monroe, Va., military reserva-" ti.on was ordered favorably reportec? ahfSr fK Be 'mentJ. Had the' matte; house military committee tc m i First Baptist church A reception at the Worn -Fnllrm-ino- was attended bv great. hers of the friends of the family the couple. Mrs. Maclean is daughter of Chief Justice Clark we feel' the v ictory is notj3een handled in a regular way, wonliday. ir mav. i .. .,. . ...-.. Tvt f.icOV.n n tnnsr ; not hnve h---ri a word to sav. itzJ i aus- ciuj v v ao T mnct na.ra m,3s atw the fp."1s in nnv nar-1 Yii-iTvi i-f not all tne ex-iunii"''-1-! ...v..- , i.c , num 11 not an 1.1 .,,.!, ,;,.1-,. or,i -?i1;t-..v tn mnl-o ww. xrd' sav they 00 r101' enuuiBC i,U1-" iu'u;i c-".1 "". V' J".i;.' urow nr.-!- civen the oppor-'ev correction. : '"Ct : ;,, 1 bandlinir the matter in s . D. M. CLONINGER. WTe are not in fayor of a law pro hibiting cigarette smoltitl'g: there is ent'reiy too much of .it being ' done nc'iv, Kansas City Star. Hickoa cotton 10 l- f nihil en.