"7 if DAILY RECORD WATCH YOUR WEATHER C'r.udy tonight and Sun day probably rain. Colder Sunday. ' LABEL Record ttubsenbers 1 . at least f,??. V' .their :'..wfiPtlon expire. 2S ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER ,11, 1915 HICKORY, N.C., SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 ?RICE FIVE CENTS fiuTnn" yimnrnltiMn dip iipi:iiicfB& PROBE PUSHED "hTJOINT I s ip ACT! 0 W fk Princess Mary Selects Her Honeymoon Home CP ted Presa. V .ngeles, Kl'b- Along tin- investigation into the t-ilil- I'VUl.V. 1,11' WOOLWIIH', district at ut In' sii ill it would bo William Desmond Tay picture director, would w;is not divulged l.v 'lluiit..'- tnllt,,,r.l vigorously. ry,. aistrict attorney's program ... : ... v.:.. lev ilH' summoning n ma i" irany persons believed to bo .vioii of information pertain- in ie t i nivstery, but he did not i j ; II y.v w!'1'"'1' trie investigation wouiu 1, a-v..t--d to some other angle of ,'h, la-.'. This followed shortly af w nK-!v than three hours of quest- .;, ,ven Miss Mabel Normand, 1 1" m d ill" lust persons who saw Taylom'.'ve. Miss Normand was uimblf u ive at1' 'ther light on .1.. t ,t u.. v KdwiiMi aaos, who i witu cue authority's. is the man we must find," tin- district uttorney. M:,c Xorniand was the second film Myvs of prominence to respond to ummuiiN from Mr. Woolwine, the tthff liMVK .iary .mes .uuuei, in the district attorney's office hi:e tht funeral of Taylor was in pieties Tuesday afternoon. Both women .'lUmiiteu uose iih-humhp iuj Taylor, according to Mr. Woohvine. When Miss Normand arrived at the A' 1 oi-tiia attorneys onice sno was ac vuinpanicJ by her chauffeur, William Davis the iiiRht Taylor was killed, !id who previously had stated Taylor Iui'compainecl nor to ner utuuiuuuuv when she departed. Davis also was questioned briefly to Mr. Woohvine and his chief deputy, Iwillum C. Doran, who is assisting nthi investigation. iVIDKI.Y-KNOWN A ('TO It . 1)1 KS AT 'AUK OF M Miiladi'lphia. lei). 8. Joseph Mat m Sloan, hi .a widely known actor i! yeai au". died Sunday at his ' . , A a member of the old stock inpi.rv of the Walnut-street thea r, Sloan rlaved with the elder joth. Lucille Western, Ada Rtv.an. hK'w Mitchell anc With lony ic- :tr, the celelirated clown, ue wa a iwt (ii M rinlant of Chevalier rierre luisiT., one f Napoleon's marshils. ISBtSHBH I PREVENTED P All By the Associated" Press. Indianapolis, Feb. It, The. first joint meeting of the railroad workers organization and the united mine workers will be held in Chicago, Feb ruary 21, according to John L. Lew is, president of the miners' union, in a statement today. Piesident Lewis said the accept r.nce b ythc railroad unions to enter a joint meeting with the miners meant closer cooperation by the or ganized workers. "It indicates that the organized lailroad workers and mine workers." said a statement issued by Mr. Lew is, "have a profound appreciation for the necessity for cooperation and reflects the need to use every means to protect the men in these basic, industries." Mr. Lewis expressed his belief that the Chicago meeting would demon strate the capacity of labor intelli gently to organize for the promotion of ideals. .1 Ihi imam'-'"' r0m 9 Ues. HI s 5 s a HAHHeS Si! BELIEVE MIEflN i i nrnnr : mn or s rvT i rr ir i w nr. bla TrPT is rna i i w i b n m n ar k. r s h ! Lti I I buiLnnun i i s t f S 51, w ti-.tiiiirs in the socona civil ervlcj. investigation rf "yiplicants 'or the Hickory postoflice disclose Raymond L. i'lefner, master, iniproveu' his .ir.o "omts an: I (BY MAX ABERNETHY) Kalciyh, I'd). 11. -The part of the- Democratic party in the state known ici.;i imi nji:iiiiiLn ir. i uity nicking a sirceable canrii- fii st rat-! (i;ito to make the i ?.ve for governor in hea::.;lin 10114 against Wlltin McLean, and tho list, of eligible.. 1 1 lie belief is freely expiessed' that It was in ihs second inquest that " the nomination will gr. to the Lum Albert L. Dcr.i. a lcn-tima ;;o' ' ibc-iton man unanimousiy. man, who scoi ed 73.40 in t ho ii'': I ,. f h st blush this seemed to be a deal r-r.d Hcra'-e II. Abee, one cf the j R.OU(l piece of jn opaganda for Mi. leading Kepu''licrns of the count v j T:-Lt'an a-nd that it was heintr -fr- who made grade ot f 71. GO were di- p- CATAWBa s ready FOR RELIEF MK Raleigh, Feb. 11. Catawba coun ty's campaign to raise its quota of 2.520. for the near east relief thin year will be launched tomorrow with John Aiken of Hickory in cnarge, u was announced at state headquarers today by Col. Congo II. Bellamy, state chairman. This money wiil feed, clothe and ed'aeate 42 orphans cf martyrs who are now in the five North Carolina oiphanages at Trebizond. The Tar heel state is saving the lives of 3,:m nf these helpless tots this yaev. Josephus Daniels is henorary state chairman. Mr. Aiken has been at work for several' months porfectinm his organ i?.aticn and reports Catawba county ready to do its duty. Many of these children weie made orphans during the "real w.r when 300,000 of Ar ireniaV. 400,000 troops lost their lives in defense cf the vast Uaku oil fielos. Had the central powers captured the;c vast stores, Col. Bellamy point ed out, they would have prolonged the war many months according to all experts. Had this been the ca-e theie are many North Carolina boys l ack home today whr.' woulo' new 1 o sleepintr under a woden cross in Fiance North Carolina cannot see the children of these heroes starve or freeze to death, he declared. Other of these children were made homcbss ar.u' helpless during Turk ish depiedatic ns into Armenia when their fathers were. lu!Td7ne,lTurkf,i their mothers carried off to Tmkish harems because they would not re nounce Christ and become Moham medans DISMISSES TROOPS Iv tho As.NOciatcd Press. Richmond, Va., Feb. 11. Thos. t lh-Adam-. M'csident cf the Ameri- ti P, .:-k'rs Association and' head of RuhniMiid clearing house associf- .n, made a vigorous defense of the Metal reserve system in an address k la.', tiiu-ht. It wan contended by Mr. McAdamK hut ifcT.i.iance as well u prejudice fn lespuiitjU" for the attacks thai vc ben marie upon the feedral re- rrvf system. Senators, he saui, "vi f.t,.';, upon the floor of ccngresw h'l marie stv.tenipnts while not Fuiiciousrj were based on prejudice F isnorance. Hut for the federal reserve bank; aii:, the country would have been feed ii;fj the greatest panic the hild has even known, but as it is, f continued, the system has been alv..t';on of business, assisting it i i very trying depression. i r.... . -r.! ir ,t i. i, a. i.-ir..r nnfi nnppn of Kntrlaiul. who is soon lo marry the Vicomit I.ilce lins alreadv selected her honeymoon home. It Is the beautiful Villa Medici, at Fiesole, near I loienee, Italy. a villa is -the property of Lady. Sybil Scott, cousluof Viscount Lascelles. A general view of the piazza and eatldral at Fiesole is shown here. 1 y mm m BUILD ACTIVITY iy the Associate 1 Pres New York, Feb. 11. January, 1022, has a lecord of construction MwaMWBWMWMMBWWMBwnwwiwwBMMMMm mumiiih.ijui i i am mu ii ii n i in mmt i n mm i E I MOVIE mHOfiblTOF" MUH CHiCE By the Associated ress. By the Associated Press, Los Angeles, Feb. 11. A man who Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 11. After two the police ttated was believed to be minutes deliberatic'A a verdict of a material witness in the William! . . , , . ,T tJ , activity which exceeds by 40 per cent' Desmond Taylor murder case was ar-l not m WdS iuieu in unnca v...:i.i: , i, T.-..,v,r iooi ur.J vc.zinri iiro fnrlv rnrlnv. States court here this aftemccn in OliHUllii; Ul IV 11 J . V " V Vm-J I -'wv-v .v. - 7 J cording to statistics announced to day in the F. W. Dodge Company' review of building activities. The total number of . contracts awarclvd in the 27 nrvtheastern stat es during the month amounted to $160,320,000. Although this repre- He was charged with a felony pend- the case of Dr. J. M. Manning, mayor ing further investigation of his story, ef Durham charged with violating the details of which were not given ! tke anti.n:i.rcotic JaWv ou;. ted i.'y his friend' in an eff-'.r;: in claied ineligible. j shut off aspiiar.ts who weald like to The new ratines give Mr- Hefner X v f;.r gubei natorlal honois. An ir- 80. Mr. Johnson 72.40 ant! Mr. Mnhjr , j-alion, however-, into things 72. i;i:c;:i indicates that there are There was nothing to oxnhv.n way ;f any, who care to stand up against Mr. Hefner scored so heavily the j Candidate McLean. "Rash and vo second trip tc the bat. or why the jmantic" Democracy serves notice that grades were raised at all. This is one they will line' opposition for Mi Me cf the things that are expected to ! Lean but bis name cannot bi an- " me out toMowing a thorough air-i mm need at this time. ' ing of the whole matter on the floor j The list of "possibles" is rather of the United ptptes- snat?, acccvd'- ilong: unless there' can be a1 conoii- daf ion of fou-es it is apparent Mr. !?dcLean will lead the field easily, 'There is W. B. Ccoper, of Wilming Iton, now lieut-nant-gf veinor; Judtre .inf. Kerr oi vvarronton: Josiah W. Baiky, of Raielgh; O. Max Gardner, cf Shelby, former lieutenant "gover nor and principal opponent of Gov ernor Morrison in 1020: K. F. Ayd lett, (: Elizabeth City. Col. Albert Cox, of Raleigh, and possibly others. ! Rer.orts reaching the capital am that Mi. Cooper will net make tlw i ace ir :ur. ixicienii rufs, wmvii ewm i nates, the first piosnect. Judge jc. Kerr is anxious to get In the fight but decs not care to do so unless hft is assured of enough support to get somewhere while running. His po sition applies also to Messrs. Ayd lett and Cox. and they do not now see enough of the wanted support. Friends of Mr. Gardner believe he ing to friend:; of Mr. Abee. OTittfOi WW bHlMllyllllufiiV nr i EH QUINT Later with a search warrant two detectives made a huiried trip, but declined to reveal the hereabouts of their destination. cnted a 10 per cent decline from the previous largest January in the( . . ... l company a statistics. Kesiociiu:,.i houses accounted for 4.") per cent. LEMON DUEl ROBBED AT NIGHT . i NEWKJIl BANQUET Iff PRESIDENT ESI t3y the Associated Press. r, t? I.. Feb. 11. Gov. Sans Souci today dismissed two troops of cavalry whicm had been held in the armory all night to go o Pawtucket to preserve order in the strike of textile workers in the mills Reports to the governor said was quiet, this morning in the m 11. Reports to the governor said 1 Was quiet this morning and he .vnressed the belief that local au thorities would bo able to control uie situation. g- . COTTON By tho Aociiited Press. New York, cd. n. iu. opening advr.ncc in the cotton market was due today to supporting orders from Liverpool and trade. Demand was not aggressive and Wall street and Southern selling was active. Onen Close 17 '0 March Vg4 May in July. -.con October io December ------j8 Hickory cotton lo i Newton, Feb. 11. The annual Jun ior orCir banquet was held last night 3y thft Associntea Ires3 I , , . , XT oa wiu Lexington, N. C, Feb. ll.-Sewel l hejr qv riendSt wcre vrese;iU East, local transfer operator and : niakinfy a total of 150. The Woman's former electrician, was robbed ol , Club of Newtcn furnished the sup nnrl nvpr SRf in moi:v per. which was ample and served in i oc-,v,o.,. un i,aV- handsome style by members cf the last night after a pas,enger he hao, Th(j inocaton ,vas nroroniVJfid received from a nr.rtnr.cunn trail". h Rev A t. Howell, pastor of the First Baptist church. Afer the meal, W. B. Gaither, the toastm aster, introduced the speakers in his characteristic way. Rev. Mr. Howell spoke on our school facilities, the imperative need for better equip ment. Rev. J. A. Ditzler, of the Re formed church, was then called. Al though a resident of North Carolina for a little more than a year, this snpulfpv showed his interest in the trail held him up on the Wlinston-.Salem road thre miles from town. Officers believe the robber was familiar with the rod or at leas' that part of the country where the robbery occurred. The robber, about 35 years old, asked East to drive him to Erlanger mill and' after they had gone some distance drew a pis tol and forced him to drive on a lonely road. East was brought into Lexington shortly thereafter by a person near the scene of the robbery and officers wcre notified. After the verc'.'ct Judge Henry O. Connor declared that he considered it an "outrage that such men as Dr. Mannig had hen arrested under such outrageous charges." "It is utterly incomprehensible,' said Judge Connor, '"that a msn .of Dr. Manning's standing should ever be nlaced under such a bond.-As soon j as i heard of tho amount of bond, I directed a letter to all commissioners requesting them make bond.-; reasonable. the "It net only the duty (BY T. T. IT., Jr.) Catawba College went down in de feat before the speedy Lenoir toss ei s last night l.y a score of 79-20. Though the score would indicate that the game was very uninteresting, it was nevertheless one of the fasest games played on the locr.1 court this season. Seitz for Lenoir led' off with two field -oU& in rapid succession, ard Catawba's kept the local boys, m the lead dur ing the entire game. The visito-s fought hard to match r.n with Vhoir opponents, and never die they set'l. down to defensive work but tried thrcughodt the contest to increase their end of the score. The locals piled up a load of f:f tecnt points' befoie Gibson of Cafaw ,ba suaceeu'od in registering he first ;goal for his team. Then until tne end cf the first period, the snore, al ternated between the two contesting teams and the half ended with Le ;v..zr c.-n the big cud of v 27-12 score. In the second poi lot.' the locals -eie airnyst a me to ireoie in err- scoie f the lirst half while their ancient v.: Is could do no more than ..hi court to enforce the hi'w, but also to protect the citizens of the c'lstriet and if i hear of any other such exer cise of authority, this court intends to see what can be done to' protect citizens. Government agents- have no right to suggest to United States commissioners the amount of the bond' shall be demanded. No man has the right name the amount of b oiuh no; even the president of the United States. "Dr. Manning has been acquitted by a jury of his cctuitryen and is to be congratulated," the judge concluded. eie;ht inacenracv t,-. shoot gouis ! can noil as much of the "anti-ma chine vote v.-s any other candidate but they do net think he ought to make the race because "it is the East's time." The precedent might be brok en, however, and they know of no body more capable than the Shelby man who would enter the race, with out having 'o employ a press agent ie tell who be is. ... This eliminates' everybody cxTcept Mr. Bailey, who has alreadv announced that "whoever makes the race must run on the platform I have laid down." That declaration is taken by many as an admission th:.-; Bailer wil be in the race in 1024. Mr. Bail ey has always voted with Mr. Mc Lean and is kw.-.vn as a good "ma chine" man. Whethre ne will forsake his faith in 1!;24 is another question. points to their end th; count. The Utley tcssers starcotl a wild rush to pile up a large . scoic leading the attack added eleven j points before Adams for Catawba basketed a pretty field goal. The goals. for the visitors were fr.r andj i"ew between. Time was calico in the I later part of the second period andi nf-r- o FT D W 11 LOCAL POST Raleigh, Feb. li. The general opinion voiced here today at noon wVipn '.'.Tfriimcrit, was -heme" matte in during vius snort lruerveu trie tocai boys must have decided th?tt the scei- u.- of then opponents should eno. Hickory post No. 48 American satisfied with the big! legion, held its regular business . . li i w . f 1 11 n.o.i i bnv s.h-:.-"iv had. thev scoreu nieerimr lasc n:enc at Legion nai ?-,c"nts against 0 for their rivals. S ;;d showed progress. Joseph mi. rru I1UL uci:ii', os.t,. ...... i T. pOilllS U.gail!SL U iUi lllt-n i i .mu -i.uvYiu n uSii..io. - The largest crowd ot the season i :,xurpny, commanaer. presiueu, aim w tho o;?:np manv. or inc l.vuvie A. ueai, ac utani, Kept me WHS OUt. spectators coming up Jrom Newton f reihoM the contest. The- two m- minutes. The leoort of the member chin comfmittee headed by James W. Junior Order and all the good things; caSp charing Dr. J. M. Manning it stands for. especially its interest . m qy of DuTrh.un;wifci1 violating the in puniic eoucation. ivev. j. iv. ." of the Lutheran church, another new comer from a neighboring state, 3m phasized the moral side of training our vouth. He said Chicago h'ds a magnificent system of pumic scnooif, mayor Hax-risr.n a:iti-narcoi'-c act was -cn&t. the jury would return a verdict" of "not' giiiltv" shortly after receiving Judge Henry G. Connor's charge. The only evidence inirotfaced oy stitutiens have been rivals since me i neever was a,i iiisjiiiuii; pa it i nr meiror'v o? man runneth not the con-! meetir g. showing -15 new -members m' tiarv., ana have many iiveiy oaui up ui it two weesv for su-orema?y- iJ1-'-' Le-neir bofiy out,, in lun t-J.'-c ing the' 'oniire ner of pep. stud'ent 1 he post . now has a memhersnip arid ciur-.'of 117-and the boys will not.be satis- ae showed, all. man-'fied until the'y have' an even 200. t ..! .Others on the membership com- Scte-- and Bogg's ' played .wonderful j mittec .with Mr. Keever art. Cf d T. '" 1,.,'n in "heir position' and Brown wa. Bo:st, D. Menzies,. John Cil'ey; l-1 l". -- ,. i it:i.i.i 1 -r..,.;.ll 1 -V..,,..i. -mo p- thpvn at center. i r i eti niiimmauu, nus fm, .uuin., ii; tiicw t-i- Adams showce' up best .tor. , the TENANT ElfllNG SHOWS L magniticenu system oi viium: ? j i 'the government. w?js that given i-v i visitors, but the business men tnere t;-!d him j 5 M 0Kl,:lv secretary of hl-3j The line they had to get their clerks from, the j ' h citv n,:; 'county department T encir 79 vt TVv rnrT- trust the City ! , . . ,,.-ii 4.nr.i-i;.A that L up 1 llows fit 01 li HEM EVIDENCE NEW SHOOT TROOP ' the As-sociatf.i I'rf.as. Cliuauo.' I. 4j. M. Executives . Of 17.29 17.00 lfi.50 15.97 15.87 Bv the Associated Press. J , . . .. T.-..1. 1 Thev ean't trust the fit bi ; s. Rev. W. B. Sninn, pastor of the Methodist church, said he belonged to -no secret order, but the Juniors tniKrhf the value of secrecy in some I M i things. "We h5.ve two ears, omy i .... ' ii l.-.. 'iincr mouth, saitf tne speanci ! Ai ,i V nllll , men ten tui.- mucn Catawba 20 Amos Alexander snd C New members received mcsc and the wom- Washington, reb. 11. xenan. - Pressley of the Pres- If c rg Off TO BOOD SHUT ii! com mate lor kussimi hnuiip V(,it.? t(,jay telegraphed "'i'kiit Hartling n request for an pp'rtunitw to meet and refute the 0a,KH :,ai, t,i have been made I'Jitm .t ih,.n, i,y Secretary of ;Com ".""f e Hoovcr j renort- to Presi- c,nt Huvu'.ng in which ho said that l1'' th:ri! "-ion w.li,.f orrrnnizations ri'iit!ii. in this country are frank- I'l' fl 'minimi.. ic: witnesse i ,:.u UMOAon aO and 35 boys on taH"i.T.ffi.l step, U U -c - v,:o;m here of a ttJ u - h I utaster. Assiing hu.. in ihoVelirninaries were 'Claud . A SKfe-nd tho Rev- E. er3n5 The iaas .thpip averts rnd blanks to take to - their pai ..wmv in tVip TTmted States renu . v. .v. vnvnVi wlin has served land equal to the combined area o , iresbyterian churches in a dozen Tn'va Illinois. Iowr.-, Arkansas states, showed he had a fund o. an- Dr. C. L, Stewart, land economist, .ao Opntrhman and an Irish- i ?vi onnlvoino- fiD-ures '. ii-ri. n Vio said, "is ! a ncr.rfi of character ceciaieu tt uajr m c...c..j ,--- man. "'( " . ' v- ,,,,, issued by the department of agncul-l ready with his wit, but he nas s nevei were put on it. . tuV: shoeing that farm tenancy is jnvented The Sco hrman -t Jo thef increasing more rapidly than census "Ja$r told how one Manning. Among those who testi- figures indicate. Tenants, he said, operated' 37 per cent of the farm lands of the coun try in 1920, representing 42 per cent of the improved acreage and 44 per cent of the total valuation of the inmroved and unimproved land. Im- nrrved land' under lease alone equals six times the area of Illinois, he added, and the unimprped area is equal to more than the entire area of France. , I of health. Mrs. O'Ke'ly testinea mat Boggs she dispensed morphine to a ;oca. o-j Seitz 16 parents, ccns;aered hy ,ur. -viai.-t grown ning as, incurable drug addicts., at xiawn the instance of Dr. Ma-mug. ..-e;Boger ,.vi ooniimti ro-rwl of everv not- 5nh for T.enoii tie of morphine given to the pa-!j,a: Gibson for Caldwell, Caldweb tor Deitz tients, she testified yesterday, and Gibson, Larer for Caldwell, submitted the report as evidence.. Referee: Eaton cf Carolina Theie was no inclination on tne pare None. C..L. Clir.e. A. Ilenkel. were: Walter Carswell, John W. Street- Sowets Iman. Jr.. John T. Davis, Dr. J. F. Correil Ic-impbell. Emory L. Eckard. H. J. Cal two. l; Henkel. E. B. Justice, BrysOn E. Buf Adonis T. j. Hudson, J. L. Miller, Jr., D. M. Gibson i Lawrence, S. V. Long. R. E. Whis For Cal aw- J mjnt, Villiam B. Miller, Lewis C. of Dr. Manning, she saici, to conceal the fact that the adolcts were being treated and in many instances the patients were supplied with the drug when they could not pay for it. This she said, w-as in accoraanee with Dr. Manning's instructions. HEHMfiE'D If! BIG HOTEL FIHl Ail v; v: v - -J v p ' i ,r, . secured a fourth wife by taking me iw vi.. 0 setuieu rt iuu t . : the, Tllf3(..fl w. A. Devin, General -J. S. ODject ot iii& cii""-c " - i - i c q Tit T IT Frwi'1. cemetery and showed where each oflCarr, Rev. S. S. Lost, J. 1L Kiwi v,i Wmer wives was buried and Bishop J. ! Cheshire, udge k. ti. B.ri-nc vv- fi. liranam. ui a.. Li i l4 Tl ',; k., r,l ,,,,, u 1-,L-ft fVlO n'lV . .'""nuim; i.T un "v I'-r. "'"if P'rtiitr, n-it.h Thnno-h tho irate' '" ran't seem to find' the wa instructed to return next x , suspicion .g that this night for the lenoeit- , , .tliv rensorshiD is being 11 - , , . i ! 11 I . , iA ir, t,P interest of those wno l UII!"tv;v iii . . -. PUT ALLIED DEBT IN OTHER TERMS Lewis, Sheriff J. F others. Harward anil Mrs. m. ":t N'l'Ws. Enthusiasm is u,lV,;nfi troop in nickoryana the mcvement are hoPtui m and fourth troon later on. plenty of work for bc.ys. cro to tne w T Richmond Times-Dispatch. hi former wives was asked how she would like to occupy the vacant space and he got her. Mrs. C. A. Brady then gave two readings. The last speaker was W. C. Feimster, who thanked nis Drotn v'o nf thp order for asking him to be present once a year. He urged the necessity of Newton's doing some thing very soon in providing safer and sufficient quarters for the child ren of this town, the biggest asset we have. Tnnstmaster Gaither urged all attend the!r;it- hone o-et-to-gether meeting at the court1. .Governor Morrison has caned upon house on next Tuesday evening to. the. state department . o hea tn. ey consider school matters. : cation agriculture and othci stat. J. Porter Burns did some figurine at his home last night, the results, of By the Associated Presa. ; which might be said to be far-reach- Richmond Va Feb. 11. Another -inff in the extreme ".Taking the auC Kunmono, ya. reo United States as A bsW. body was found m tne i urns oi the Lexington Hotel today the total laid on a pavement' JIS number of known wear now beinJ, , ,-101090 er guests listed ; ..,,. 1' nuLu at tllMJtri Ul lALCI.J UJ UL11IU blic: WU11U t 4 times. A railrcao tram such as operates' nine, with six other gues t j 1.1. i : . as missing, accoramg to tne poute. False teeth in the head of the char- 4. i e-niid 4V,: reu uuuy ' tvicvj .between liu-kory ana statesvuie. Dr. Manning took the scam th s , mark of identiflcation. making an average of 25 miles nr. "ning an testified to 'l-1;-1;;' 'hn,,v u-nnld hvP tn tvnvpl 9i hm,K Wonder if Sir Oliver Lodge ever a dav fm- 47.233 hours to cover, tht- jheais from any of the pve-warprices. ; entire distance. That would he.; 1,198 Detroit JNews. davs or live years and live montns. Nobody can visualize ten billlc-n mm run tl-i- cjiTvin thine- as told bv O'Kelly in the treatment of the pa tients. State reasurer B. R. Lacy is re ported much improved since yester day when he was suffering . wi'n asthma and heart trouble. He is not a -nt Aa-nwr 1 ut his T)h VSlCiaTlS hole 'cut hope for his recovery. departments to cooperate in' making a success of his garden, poultry, cows iv-id' hogs campaign which he is advocating. A better heme garden . for every family is to be the motto and each department is urged' to give publicity It.-, ihc idea. ediars, but almost anybody can form an idea of its simmensity by looking at it. the way JVIr..3urrs did. When last heard from the farmer bloc was thinking of add'.ng a farm er to its membership ro'l. Nashville Tcnnesseean.