rAuc, iu i .... 1 - HICKORY, QAILY RECORD WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2? -i -j- Jr Hickory Daily Record ' . .. . .1 !: Vi o rlil r oss of SuDSCriDers aeBirmt t-"v - --. their paper changed will please state in their communication Dotn vu ua NEW addresses. To insure efficient delivery, com plaints should be made to tho Sub scription Department promptly. City subscribers should call 167 regard ing complaints. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year r'-00 llv mail. $4.00: C months, $2.00) Months $2.50 Thro Months 125 .45 TVi fr.rili.M- ionin.mies have a 1 HV ., v ....... - I perfrct right to send out prc'pagunda against the Ford ' proposition, but then the public also has a good right Lo analyze the motive; back of this propaganda S KEY One Month ...... (Jno Week Entered as second-class GOOD fill IB COUNTRY'S PROGHESS c.,..;.v,;,u ill Vrh. flood .10' mads in the country will :o more to h i-ost of living and ,niercu 3 f r thu ,mVH.rtv, comfort cul tcmbor 11, 1915, at tho postofneo, 1 , ,V; J' f i , no,':de thai t . X? S. imiln. 4y ty net tf ... o I i 4....l.i iiiik:i nt HicKory, v., -"- March 8, 187'J. connecting rowels. There are 30000.000 children in the country who shoidd 'c attending 000 get chore. Good' roads wuoldj make the securing of education easier lor the remaining 12,000,000 child-! ren. I The building of 50,000 miles of national highways will provide steady employment tor an uiie ana unem-l-h.'yed. , "It will add to the annual increase of ou rnational wealth not less than S.iCO.OOO.OOO and save annually in wear and tear of vehicles noo less iimn .sr.nnooo.ooo. "It will red'uee the cost of living more than any other factor and in crease travel througout the country including people. ti.' "See America First," ohus keeping home, annually., more than $250,000,000. New York1 has had a iunety-ni..c uale that dirt much damage to craft in the harbor. New York has gnif likes this nearly every winter. Yet when Southern ports seek to get seme of the shipping New York ta.iv about -the Southern equinoctial hur-riea-nes,-- which, as a matter of fact come along only once in ten or twen ty years. Charleston News and Courier. HUING ASIANS WORRIER . OVER EMIGRANTS Ken The Associated Tress is exclusively entitled to the use of republication of all news credited to it or not credited in this paper and also the lo cal news published herein. MEM HER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Published by the Clay Printing Co ' Every Evening Except Sunday tbinirs fouffht over in twelve presi dent! campaigns, Governor Oliver H. Shoup of Colorado- today told members of the Tike's Teak Ocean to Ocean highway nss.;iation at its annual meeting here. "The establishment cf motor truck Kvnni linos in evorv farming com munity will stimulate the production of more food, reduce the cost qf liv ing and probably will .make puonc maikets successful in American cit'es." he continued. Continuing he oVclarod, "Industrial revival is being retarded- we are told because of the agricultural situation. When the farmer ctvi't buy, the man ufacturer can't sell. The farmer can't buy because he is forced to car ry a large surplus of his products the maikets it is found, that domestic consumption is nor mal, the mice low. We have an over- OPERATORS REFUSE TO MEET IB WASHINGTON . Observance of; Washington's birth day becomes more general the farther removed the .distance from the days nf hi "nativities. Although in his ' ' "V. . . , r. , . , mal- the price low. we nave an over ljfu ,UmuK Vnshington had his friends! ))0(Juction ami n0 piace to dispose tit. ... "Wh-. Tiocds tt be done is plain. ,x:UU. we reach that point where we Hew to cA it is quite another matter, "i, u- The thing to do is to find taem a can look upon his great services to i','''v v, ...rnu, i,wiwr- ctuntry .in the large, without Depreciating the fact that the fa v- krflji'lic:' . i.. ' ,.-f V,,., I u u,.n, Vinhl ,tr tho nation's HIV.' li(-'H Jl lua Hid Hi? oi." mm - ......... 1 I . . Pl..... . r.n1 Today the school f "'P1;.. r,,,. ! Z inat ins jiiiiuvr ia v.. men in other lines of business and ik' better off than many. "The farmer," he continued, "although still fur from prosperity has his feet on a more se cure economic footing than those en gaged in other vocations. Queuing from government statis tics frr 101S, Governor Shoup .declar ed that "it cevt r.O cents per mile, to hul wheat by wagon 'is a.;ainst 1." .,.nt.. In, tr-iifk. Statistics further shtiw that its cost on good roads of ' 'Vxontcmuorary life. children can get the right perspect-'-' iv', the main facts in his career th.it he was the father indeed of; the greatest republic in the world. ' That in the midst of reaction, a few colonies in the western hemisphere declared their independence of England and under the leadership of Washington won independence is a monstrous fact in human history. greater revolution was' yet to he. ban? resistano surfaces. 8 cents to fought and won, but the American ex periment was the guiding slar. ' One might write volumes on Wash ington, but if we grasp the essential fact that it was under his leadership that people became ctizens instead of subjects and that the average man afforded an opportunity to be more than a mere pawn in the life of, a DR. HIIOOKS COMING Ifickorv township people will r.ait v, ilh interest the coming of Dr. F. C. Urooks1,' strut e superintendent f m,b I'c instruction, to Hickory Friday night as guest of the Kiwaril club 'n tho interest of the township high ' school preposition. At this meeting, to which about 100 persons will be iiivitcdr the whole plan for a town sh'p higii school will be outline 1. A Hickory township high s'hc)!, iroviding advantages to the ywth of a large territory, has long been tl.e aim of forward-looking men and women, and it now seems tlvit llm f;;lem?id idea is to be realized. It can bo realized if we as citizti th'.r.k of the public got instead of selfish interest. Those who arw nt committed ta the idea- and even those who like it, ! ran well afford to withhold judgment until the proposition has been un frJrdcd iri' a" comprehensive maimer. There .will J?c time tf examinj it bet ter when we know move aboui it. k CATAWRA FRUITS Catawba county fruits soon will be ' coming (n the market. In a few weeks strawberies will blossom- and . we will have, these delicious berries from ApWl, through June, when rasp berries, will replace them, soon to be irllowod by cantaloupes and later by watermelons. Apples and peaches, if the frost does not nip them- will also ' If f.n the market in May, r.nd from then on until late winter there will he. all variety f fruits, chief atrong which will be the summer and fall grapes. ' AH these varieties thrive well in this section, and tho greater cite taken in their cultivate jr. the greater the yield. You could write it 2-22-22 today, meaning the second month, 22nd day and the year 1922, Jesse Warlick pointed out this morning. Mr. War lick said these numbers would never occur again, and in reply to a quiz, admitted that it probably wou'd make little difference if they didn't. m o i p. If the principle of civil service, which the Record has advocated in and out t'f season, were not involved, this paper would show no mure than !v casual interest in the local post office contest. With factional fights it is not interested. This is peculiar weather, to say the least. The forecasts have been miss ing it rather frequently in this sec tion, but February is a changeable month. I'y the Associated Press. Columbus- O., Feb. 22. Operators of the Columbus coal field today nc'ti- fied John L. Lewis, president of the united mine workers , of America, that they must decine to send re presentatives to a conference tj be held in Cleveland. Always there is more or less talk about the majority of people be"rv for this or for that. It is never easy to guess what a' majority of the .peo ple are for. Sometimes an election j will disclose what most ot those wnr ' vote are for, but in many elections enough voters stay away irom .iiic polls to swing the pendulum ot .puo lic opinion. Toledo Blade. haul one t.'n per mile. On poor roads this ccst increases materially as com; pared to what is would cost if we all had good roads." Quoting from a speech by Senator Bevc ridge, Governor Shoup declared that "the throwing away f actual produce because of bad reads or n 1-oacV, would huild every year forty permanent ocean to ocean hifyhwavs such as ohe Lincoln or Pike's 1'oak Ocean to Ocean highway. "Not (.'illy would good roads throughout the nation save this, bil lion dollars' worth of produce now wasted annually, but thov would in crease the raising of food and other products because the east .'f market ing would be a selfish incentive to mole careful production. On accourt cf our neglect of highways. The Unit ed States is paying a penalty of more than $."0-1,000,000 per year in excessive cost for transportation alone for agricultural products from farm to market, "he said". "The Pike's Peak Ocean to Ocean highway association has frr its ob ject the development of the great central scenic highway from the At lantic to the Pacific oceans. How ever., we muso not conclude that, be cause of a plan for several national thrmighhirrhway lines that thes2 roads will, in any wav lesson the need and importance of shorter and AVOID GOLDS IN INTER Keep the Body Nourished with Gude's Popto-Mangan and Prevent Cold. Under-nourishment oT loss of vital ity makes one' an easy prey to colds Glide's Pepto-Mangan taken regu larly three times a day, cither in liquid or tablet form, builds strength and thus prevents colds. Take no chances during the winter months and keep your entire body fit- and you will have a healthy, happy tea son. Buy some ff it now from your (h'Uggist, and before it is all gone have another bottle ready. Several bottles will make you feel like a new person. Gudes' Pepto-Mangan in both liquid and tablet form is for sale by all druggists. Ask for it by the full name, "Gude's Pepto-Mangan." Adv. " ' HALF: AJENTURY Oklahonan Praises Black-Draught, Having Used It "Can Safely Sy for 50 Years." Grandfie'id, Okla. One of the best known farmers 'of Tilman County, Mr. Ci. V.7. Tisdale, who owns and manages a wagon yard here, says: "I have used Thedford's Black Draught I believe I can safely say for fifty years. "i xv ns horn and reared in Texas, Freestone County, sixty-four years ago. I have bc-en married forty-four years. My father used Black-Draught before I was married, and gave it to us "For forty-four years oi my manwu life, it has had a place on our medi cine shelf, and Is tbe only laxative, or liver medicine, we use. Ve use it for torpid liver, sour stomach, head ache, indigestion ... I don't think we could get along without it, knowing what it has done for us, and the money It has saved. It is Just as good and re liable today as It was when we began Its use. My boys use it and they are satisfied it's the best liver medicine thev have ever used." Thedford's Black-Draught Is purely vegetahle, not disagreeable to take and acts in a prompt and natural way. ' So nianv thousands of persons have Icen benefited by the - .as of ThedfOTd s Black-Draught, you should have no hesitanev in trying this valuable old well-established remedy, for most liver and stomach disorders. NC-1390. Budapest, Jan., 28. -The , fate of Hungarian immigrants who are be ing turned back at Ellis Island, be cause they exce-od the quota of ad missions permitted by the American government, is giving great concern to the immigrants' relatives and to the public. ' I ine articles oi me wasjai zava, a Hungarian newspaper publish ed in the United States, describing the despair and sneering of these unfortunates, are being reproduced loyally. Newspaper editorials urge the Hungarian go-venimeiu w in.c up the matter. " . Serious charges are made against the Hungarian emigration bureau for permitting the emigrants to go to America in the face of the fact that they knew the quota had been ex ceeded. The relatives o'fl these em igrants arc preparing an appeal for help to President Harding. Whpp a job has been dtud'ied and I classified, a bonus chart and instruc tion card is filled out and given to the worker. The instruction card shows the method by which the work should be done, giving equipment set up, tooal time for each part of the operation, total net time, time al lowance for fatigue and the stand ard time for doing the rob. s The chart is set on the standard time of the instruction cards for 100 per cent efficiency, but a man be gins to earn the bonus when he reaches 60 percent of the standard. The bonus chart also shows the amount of money which may be earn ed bv increasing the output. It'is' an aotempt to pay the work ers according to tneir ability. 1ft MAKE MEMORIAL DAY INTER NATIONAL EVENT By the Associated Press. - St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 22 Inter national observance of May 30 each year as Memorial Day is being urg ed by J. W. Hamilton of St. Paul, who has received commendation for his proposal from many .prominent persons in Europe and other coun- tXlGS. It is purposed to have a holiday fv fVrnn1 r-hildren on that c'ay. with suitable exercises the ifiiy previous j . .- t 1 ' i 4 i . nlactin SO as lO Ullllg IU men , minds what the day means and what what can be made to mean lor tne future. Expressions of approval for the hppn received bv M. Ham ilton from Senator Wavrinsky, Stock-j holm, member of the Interparliam entary Union; Soephane Lauzanne Editor of Le Matin, Paris; Maron Sakatini, Tokio, and many others. FEW OF THEM LEFT . N"w York Herald. , Dr. Elliot, the president-emeritus of Harvard university, tells the Mas sachusetts legislature that the Puri tans were hard drinkers and "their flpsrpndants still illustrate - the. evil consequences.' Dr. Eliot is a man o'fj courage, but has he not gone too far when he challenges all those who as sert they are descended from the Puritans? The number of these is as the sands of the seashore; they threaten to overwhelm the universal sage of Cambridge." GET READ! f8R THE 1 xr v Acep luur uvpr Active V tern Purified and Fri, r'fo Colds by Takin r!. r the NaUseaJeSs X 1 Tablet that hghtfuL Sar0 and , Sure Physicians and An, :.. '"HKIST1 vising their friends to keen it Ji t erns purified and their orean Jigainst the return of 'influpE91 know that a clogged Up a. lazy aver tavor colds, infiuen7 5? serious complications.-' lza lo cut short a-cotd ovcmtal. to prevent serious coir,plicat!(f"ar :one Calotab at bed time swauow ox water and thatV J f! salts, no nausea, griuin-r . 1 enini? effects.' Thl-&JW n& ,,,, . co'd has vanished , your liver is' your system is purified and and you are feeling wj appetite 'fix breakfast. "' Eat you please no danger. sealed packages, prke' :,-tif cents. Every drutrp- ; tu xeiuiiu your monev if vn J ' nerfectlv delifrhtH 1 ,, "u. to; - ,- Moose and Elliott Contractors and Builders Temporary Office over Mrs. Beck ley's Millinery Store Chase & Sanborn SEAL BRAND COFFEE Best grown in the World Whitener & Martin J&,. mSA' -Peppermint iS'ftJ5S6S4fe'sS Jacket over Pep- Sugar jacket just,' 3P, f "melts la your tnouth." MHifmSSMm. then you got the dclcc WSJ. tabic gm center. And with Wnslcy, three old SM standbys also aflortK: (rh-ttfy mPWM aid to teeth, throat, breath, p- W "M petite and dcstion. . sJTFW W Soothing, thirst-quenching. ,tM -Making the next ci-ar &mlWW taste better. , MM . ' y ' . A ; "V " ! - A C30 r: " START NOW Costs may never be so low again as they are today. Building material is likely to advance in cost. An order placed now may save you hundreds of dol lars. ' j . ... j We have plans and specifications, and a plant equipp ed to build any sort of house you want. The owner of your house might be thinking of selling it. You ought to be thinking of owning your own home. Call on or write for details. Moss Contractor Hickory, N. C. (?)i Tax Payers , ; '5yyy ,.y. ' t'-j. The additional penalty required by, IavK .will Castles In the Air Have Weak Foundations Many castles and cottages remain mere shadowy forms that fade away the moment they are appro'ached. It takes real brick, mortar and material to build a cottage or castle of reality. By putting away your spare earnings, you will be able to start building your own home; to enjoy your own little yard, garden, lawn and poTch. You will take pleasure in improving such a home; making it move cozy and attractive, a pleasure you miss while living in a rented house or apartment. Interest at 4 per cent will steadily add to your building fund. r irst National B an k go into ef fect on March 1 and all persons who fail to pay by this date will be liable. Please save yourself this extra money by settling with me Saturday. I will be at the city manager's office all day. ' JOHN W. MAUSER SHERIFF HICKORY, N. C. Capital and Surpluh $300,000.00 J. D. Elliott, president, K. C. Menkes,; Vice-President and Cashier J. L Cilley, Asst. Cashier

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