TiHinfiHAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1922 HICKORY DAILY RECORD PAGE THREE 4 Tli e Eisanar Store Service and Satisfaction You always get the best quality, latest tvks and lowest prices. r K .port repairing promptly executed. Geo. E. Bisanar Jeweler and Optometrist. Watch inspector So. and C. & N. W. Rys. HICKORY INSURANCE & REALTY CO General Insurance and Bonds Service Our Motto 1030 14th St. ..- - - rhone bd Prove It Yourself that for price and quality, Karo is the best syrup you can serve. For pancakes, hot biscuits and making gingerbread, there is nothing better As a spread on bread for children, Karo is a wonderful energy food. Soft Gingerbread easy to make: 2 F.tv taipo-n Sail S tup -Trevn Sugar 2 cupt Flour J, f up KaroSDlut Label 1 ttafpoou Cingrr 2 tublttpoom Cocoa i tup Mazola , tup Hour Milk I cup Rauu$ 1 tcmpoon 'Baking Ponder I uapoen Waking SuJtt ;'t Jrv ingredient. AJJ ratlins and nr. Mi Karo,Ma:ola and tour milk. Drop unbeaten CBS Into drv inure. Uirnrt, add liquids and stir well. Hake in ttow oven about iorty-fivc minutes. CD TTT7 Write for beautifully illustrated rrVllC Cock Book to Corn Product - Rcfrolng Co.,DepuA,Arso,llL W imm m M 1 mm mWm mm r mM M W mW OW WTW. W m m m A m Vi rriffaf mm mm mmm mm mm m - - T - ! ff- "'v- 1 ft A'. ' I I m e WlMCffSTR store -4$ ypr- ft ii ,-55'' For a productive gardenand a well - kept lawn Labor saving implements make caring for them a pleasure. Your neighbor will admire a beautiful lawn. It is a sign of thrift. All it needs is good care with the right tools. Spades, Hoes Garde;rHosJL Rakos ' ' Lawn Mowers IVuning Tools Wire Fencing Everything for -growing a good harvest Abernethy Hardware Co. Local and Personal Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clegg Gantt a daughter, Mary Louise. Mr. C. II. Van Hervie will leave this afternoon for Charlotte where tomorrow he will attend a freight rate hearing. Mrs. Chas. Hefner. Mrs. Buff and Mrs. D. F. Cline are spending the dav in Lenoir with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenoer- Proi. J D. Samuels, Ariedgc Boyd ind Claude Wolff left today in: Mt. ry where tomorrow night the boys vill venu'seJit the ILckory high school in a triangular debate. Mr. W. H. Boyd will return to Vsheville this afternoon after hav ng spent some time with Mrs. Jack oyd and family and Mr. ind Mrs. I. ('. Eaton. Mr. chd Mrs- (Jeorge Lyerly and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D'Ai.ina veiurhe; yesteiday from Winston-Salem where they attended the Rotary eonven :iou. Mlfs Jo McCo:t.ik-" . attractive iovsc gaest foi' some time of Mr. int! Mis. A A. Shufovd, returned ast night to her home in Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. S. I. MeCannless .and little laughter Sarah, having spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shuford, the latter her sister, re turned today to their home in sheville, Mr. W. J. Shuford, president of he Rotary cdub, Mr. J. D. Elliots Dr. O. II. Hester and M. W- Clark uwe returned from Winston-Salem .vhere they attended the Seventh District Rotary convention. Mr. Wi. J. Shuford will go to New ton this evening where he has been invited hy the Newton Kiwanh Club to tell about the work of Miss Kain who conies to Hickory on April I tv make addresses on her work under the auspices of the Rotarj Club. Mr. Shuford will be a guest at the Kiwanis dinner tonight. The Girls' Glee club of Catawba College, Newton, will give an enter tainment tomorrow nieht in the col lege auditorium fcT the benefit of the gleee club scholarship- An ex ceptionally good program has beer arranged and the concert pro-miser to be one of the chief musical events of the vear. Miss Vera Schien, heat vf the music department, is director. illlDGR CLUB WITH MISS KATCHER Miss Kathryne Hatcher was de lightful hostess yesterday afternoor to the C. T. & N. Bridge club at hei home oh Tenth avenue. Miss Jose r.hine Lyerly made highest scove an vas presented with the .prize. Aftei the game delicious refreshmenc were served with Miss Kathryiu etzer coming in for this period. Miss Anhie Kiinan win enien.au he club at the next meeting. j WITH MRS. WILLIAMS Mrs. II- F. Wil'iarns was gracious hostess vesterdav afternoon to1 the! Fortnightly Book Club, this being ithe last regular meeting of the se ! ries.. I ' Roll . call was answered with ex-ltvsif-t fimii the club books, each 'member giving some bright, apt quotation. "The Kingdom Round the Corner" by Conigsby Dawson, was Ithe book for the afternoon and the I hostess gave several criticisms and I a general review of the life of Mr Dawson. It was also of exceptional ! interest Ui learn the - experiences that prom 11 ted the author to write the story. Cunent events for the af ternoon brought out some of the, fo'rento :t happenings of the day. The meeting adjourned, into 11 so social he1 j 1 and during this period a number of invited guests came, M.Sj Ciace Patrick. Mrs. , Norwood Bass Mrs. George C- Yodoiv Mrs. R. A. Grimes, Mrs. C. V. Deilinger, Mrs. E. A. Herman, Mrs. Ley Boiick, Mis. Walter C- Taylor. The house was decorated through out with spring flowers, a color mo tif of vellow nredc'-ninaLrna- Forsy- thia was used for decorating the iiv- ' ing room and in the dinning room al quantity of jonquils was used. The I dining room tabe and. four small tables were arranged and at. these a beautiful thiee course., luncheon: was served. J Miss Margaret TucNuU cl' V'-r-1 p-inin an honorary member of the , ciub who is spending some time heie. will entertain the club oh Apri1 . 5 at the home al Mis. R. J. Revely. MRS, BLACK WELDER HOSTESS The Wednesday Afternoon Book Club held a delightful meeting yss terdav afternoon with Mrs. B. B. Blackwelder as hostess at her home jr. Eleventh avenue. The hostess' toc'k was "The Mountebajik'' by Wm- J. Locke, a popular author in the club and ow-. ng to the fact that several oi his books have been read in" other series and numerous sketches have been oiven of Mr. Locke, this part ci the program was omitted and the guests enjoyed a social hour. Eight nuv.v jei s were present and Mrs. S. I'. Withers was a pleasant visitov. During the social hour the guests were invited into the dining room for a two course 'uncheoh. An abun dance of spring flowers were at tractively arranged as decorations The club will meet again on April fifth, with Mrs. E- E. Menzies as hos tess. TT "HIT TTTTk FUMf 11 A rmTT WS u ui fu u u 1 i AND ALL THIS WEEK Pacemakers eview An Up-to-D ate Musical Comedy Show WITH TEN MRS MARTIN HOSTESS Mrs. R. E. Martin was hostest yesterday afternoon at a very inter esting meeting of the Pleaides Bool Club. Mrs. Durant Ajoernemv 01 Washington, ho-aseguest ot Mrs George Lyerly, was tno omy gue.v. in addition to club members. Many lovely spring flowers weit in deenratine- the home and were in keeping with the bright sunny day. The hostess presented her bocK "Ths Head of the House of Comb and the usual discussion ot ciut books followed. Several business matters occupied the attention oi the club and the program was fea tured, by the exchange of current events, many items oi mvetest jc ing culled 'and related- at?L tnhles -were arranged in the living room and the guests were ser ved with a beautiful two course lun- i TV.o rlnV nrtionrnca to meet n5 n Anril 5 with Mrs. Frank I a in v i Henderson. ROUND DOZEN CLUB CLUB MEETS ,WTith Miss Amelia McComb as hostess the Round Dozen Book Club delightful meetinir yes- wliiv jiftprnnon. The members i were present and Mrs. H- M. Doll, j Mrs. George Hal', Mrs? D. M. Mc Co'mb and Miss Amelia McComb j were welcome visitors. 'in the absence of the president who is out of the .city, Mrs. W. B. Council, the vic-president;,gracious-'y presided over the -meeting- Roll iail and the minutes of the last meeting marked the opening oV 'the -leetinff after which the hostess in troduced her book "Alice Adams y Booth Tarkington. Criticisms were .iven and the hostess dwel'-ed at length on' her book and gave an ntcrtainmg account --x)f the life of the author. The program was also featured by the-reading ot a short maga;nn . story. Current events ' were given onri ' rhivJna- the social hour Mrs. Ilall favored the guests by paying several piano selections. The hostess, w'th Miss Millie Kate Mrmh nistinsr. served a very de licious two course luncheon and the club adjourned to meet two weeks hence with Mrs. J. W. KlacKweiaer Pretty Girls that can sing and dance Black Face Comedian New Songs, New Dances Special Scenery and Wardrobe GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Admission: CHILDREN : 25c ADULTS 50c War Tax Included E SATURDAY 3 P. M. !b&OlD RELIABLE REMEDY for Colds enuirs coins V 24 HOURS IA CHIPPC IN 3 DAYS WORLD'S STANDARD FOR. TWO GEMERATtONS BEGINS actinu within ten seconds. Safest and must dependable family remedy for Colds, Headaches and La Grippe. Don't experiment insist upon Hills Cascara Bromide Quinine. World's standard Cold remedy for two generations. Demand red box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait and siSnature. 3 At All DruttistsM Cents rx Mrs. W. T. Henderson of Burling ton is the charming guest of Mr. 'Hendersons bother, Mrs. iiauaia Sullivan, on Eighth avehue. Scc'ut troop No. 1 will, meet to night-instead of Friday night. PASTIME TODAY AND TOMORROW "Oh Boy" don't miss this picture Friday and Saturday - Specials - Cold Cream comes in conveniently Good cold cream is never out of deniiand. It has its uses horn by hour, day in and day out. An unu sually clean, white , dainty cold cream is sold by us, roado by us and guaranteed by us. You can buy any quantity you want. LUTZ DRUG STORE "ON THE CORNER PHONES: 17 and S17 JACKIE COOGAN New Tweed SPORT SUITS Special at : $16.50 NEW SILK DRESSES Every week in all the new Materials LADIES COATS md Capes in all the new est Styles $7.50 to $35.00 SWEATERS New Styles in Sport Sweaters SPECIAL 56 in. all Wool Tweed, (all colors at ...... $2.00 yd. 56 in all Wool Homespun, all colors at .... . S2.0Q yd. S ILK $1.50 black Taffeta 36 in. wide at .... $1.50 black Messaline, 36 in. wide at . . $2.00 Blue Messaline, 36 in. wide at . $1.00 yd. .$1.00 yd. $1.25 yd. IN ('My Boy A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION Admission: Children 10 cts no tax; Adults 30 ctst war taxInc 36 in. Suiting i nail colors at 25c HOSE Ladies 50c Lisle Hose, blk. and Cordovan at 35c Men's Suits -. . Boys Suits Ladies Oxfords in all the latest styles from $2.00 to ......... ..'..$8.00 Sport Hose in all new shades $1.50 Everything priced at LINEN 36 in. blue and Rose pure linen at 75c Crushless Linen, all col ors at .... . . $1.00 "yd. ..... .$12.50 to $35.00 $ 5.00 to $ 9.00 Men's Oxfords from S3.50 to $8.00 CRETONNE 36 in. figured Cretonne 19c our unusually low price & mse II 3