Hickory Daily Record WATCH YOU LABEL Record subscribe (hiiuld renew at Uast fit a dayt befora thir ylmcription expire. LEATHER Fair tonight and Fri day. Frost in extreme west portion tonight. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 11, .1915 HICKORY, H. C, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1922 9RICE FIVE CEHTS FRANCE IS AFTER GERMANSIN EARWEST V. ;,r Associated Press. on April 20. The German ;aion at noon had made no reply , . , - , l.i t y,i vtoornv luimunuiu iuuv ii v i iiner withdraw the Russo- ' J . .I ri' ;i.i:'. treaty or ucct'pt uiu jJtiiai -A... -. . 1 1 the conference's disbarment rticipation in Russian affair Tht (iei'inans are divided on the ,KtK ii ana no repiy is expecieu i . I,. in tluiu before night. The Rus- :s sny the treaty must stand. TO APPLY PENALTIES t'i Associated Press. 'hi;, April 20. Instructions sen Premier Poincare to the ambas in the allied Capitals and, !ly unproved by the government .luif that penalties will be applied lu-rmany if the Rursso-German v 1. ....i iat ;ntion the Genoa conference jjht takf. The premier's policy is that there i U' n more hesitation in the ,.tty ot' Versailles and that unless , fxotution is insisted upon now the allies the treaty may as well ahmuloru'd all together. 'He hoUN that concessions made to fVnuny have had the effect of en lii'jrirg resistance to every effort fj t x. i the treaty. IS in RALEIGH MEET the Associated Pres3. p.a'eitfh, N. C, April C The 24th jinitd Democratic state conventior . ich ir. n here at noon today was Ltiirttl by the keynote speech ol pM-.ntative Edward W. Pou, tern- .i.i i ..: ..., narv chairman, in wnicn ne v.;vi- lv criticised the administration L luring that the Republican party I "floundered in confusion ano .willed" with "pitif.ul incapacity te restoration of thein control of :isr..is." " ' . . i ii. tU ir.i.' principal business oeiore .vi-ntioii was the adoption" of n U'orm, which was expected to take Lcc lute touay. women pariicijji- in the convention for the first in.'. OF NEW TREATY the Associated Press. Genoa, April 20. Prime Minister uyl r, eorge of Great Britain said the political commission of economic conference would meet .wnow to consider tne nussitw. p-iy ti) the allied proposals trans- ttd to the Russians last week. .Mr IJovd George emphatically l thut Dr- Walter Rathenau, Oman foreign minister and kutoty for Germany to the treaty, I ever informed directly or max tiy ol consideration of the Russo rnuin treaty. S FW RBNG PLANT thn Assoclatfl Fr Wi-sliiiiBton. Anril 20 The pro Uat of Fredrick E. ' Enkstrum of iliuih-rinn. V. c... for completion 1 If'iist- of the governments plants Musele Shoals has been amended i xludf. thi. Warrior nitrate plant. A t"'V of the modified offer was .i'le tin i ir- hv r.hairman Kann oi houe military committee wen hit hodv rpetimcfl cwmsideration or " various offers pending before it A cnri-i.annnrlnf writes ! '"I See I the Countess Markicwicz is vis- 1 1 ;''k' this country as an Irisn aeie 't. How do vou snell her name ' iii-!ic?" We don't. New York 4 , SPEAKER IS KNOWLEDGE MEND PROPOSAL V''HiMJ Post. E COLLEGES ASK ! London, Apil 4. Oxford and Cam 1)1 i(,'e University's, for the first time in their long histories, are unable to support memseives, ana nave caned upon tne public for assistance. This was disclosed in a report is .-.11 tL . n i.-i i suh i iiv in, itnvfi i .iiinmiceirm n n pointed under the chairmanship ot ox-premier Asquith to investigate the financial condition of the two institutions, which two :fars ago that the government granted each of. them an emergency subsidy ot 30,000 pounds annually, thus saving both colleges from collapse. Including these subsidies, Oxford had an income of 824,710 pounds in 11)20, while Cambridge totalled 719.- 055 pounds. The Commission's re port recemmends increasing the an- nuLil irnints tn IflO.flflft nimnrls each. with additional provisions for ex tending educational iacihties for vviimen and paying pension arrears. The commission stresses the point that today the universities have inteelv returned to their original -- W " K function of ministering to the non- wealthy student, and have, m tact, oecome "student democracies." In addition to recommendinc amnle facilities for the education or) wom en, the report pleads for more state scholarships, cheaper living costs and better pay, with pension prospects for professors. ; Although the report regrets "the comparative neglect of living lan guages at both universities, it notes :hat there is an increasing tendency an the part of businessmen to look to universities lor trained men as future assistant and partners. It fids that '"business salaries now of i'fred to first class science men .vould make it impossible to keep en ough of the best men to do the .caching at Oxfioid and Cambridge were it not for the devotion to ac idemia research and teachinc and their attachment to the university." As regards the cost of living fot andergraduates, the report finds that t i? too high. In lUiy-ZU the aver- .-tiro tota vear s cost tor an arc stu dent, including food but not clothes, washing, books, stationery and per sonal expenses Was 151 pounds foi Oxford and 145 pounds for Cam bridge. The cheapest college during that year was Oxford 114 pounds; Cambridge 123 wounds. The dearest was at Oxford, 202 pounds; Cam- jndgc 12 pounds. Marnuis Curzon is chancellor of; Oxfoul, wheie the number of resi dent undergraduate students accorri-'ne- to thc latest statistics is 4.G51. .vhilp at Cambridc-e. where Sir Arthur Balfour is chancellor, there are 5,- 7'i'i students. IS READY TO TALK LOANS By the Associated Press. Washington, April 20. Allied governments to which the Unitea States extended loans during the world war have been advised by the state department that the American debt refunding commission is ready to begin negotiations for the refund ing of $11,000,000,000 in loans on a long term basis. The note said the date ef refund ing negotiations coukl not be set un- il answers had been received irom the various allied governments. Ne gotiations with Great Britain oyer the conversion o fthat nation's five billion dollars debt are expected to begin in the next few weeks. It was not expected that suttic- innt navment of interest could be re ceived from Great Britain or other nntmns in time to pay the soldiers hnnus. It was also said that such in terest may be needed to meet gov ernment expenditures- HIT IN COLLISION BRITISH SHIP SI By the Associated Press. Buenos Aires, April 20 The Munson line steamer E- Aeolus col lided with the British steamer Zero eff the Argentine coast, said a wireless message today. The Zero sank, ,but all of her crew were saved. The great advantage about a cel lar is you can get pickled m your . l. if vmi are able to stagger.to bed wonVwake up in the H0N0HABL FDR FUNDS AMERICA MS nZSn iin Uniomlthe bandits,-New York Evening Post. EVEN THIS 'SKIN' GAME WORKED I SOI By the Associated Tress. Okmulgee, Okla., April 20. An al leged confidence game in which three men are charged with having offered $1 bills for pale at the rate of 12 1-2 cents each, but in which the buy ers never received the money was claimed by officers who announced the arrest of Jack Gardner of Muskogee on a charge of fraud and robbery. Warrants are out also for Mark Smith, pool hall operator and former political boss of; Okmulgee and Burks Davis of Tulsa on the same charge. The men iare alleged to have told prospects that they had received a great amount of $1 bills from faileu banks in Oklahoma, and would dis pose of them cheap for large bills. They offered eight of the dollar bills for a dollar, taking $50' bills in payment, according to the county attorney. By the Associated Press. Halifax, N. S., April 20. The Le- land steamer Oxonian, from Port land, to Liverpool, broke her rudder stock about 800 miles southeast of Halifax and has sent out calls for assistance, according to a wireless message picked up here- AUTO-SUGGESTION Springfield Republican. A sensation has been made in England by the visit of the famous healer M. Coue, but it does not ap- near that there is airvthmir new in his theories or his methods. He is evidently one of the exceptional per- 1 .1 1 sons who througn some gut oi isa ture exert a remarkable influence upon those who come in contact with them. Often ithis preeicus gift is accompanied by charlatanism, but thev seem to be a little or none of this in the case of M. Coue, who has made a favorable minression upon British medical men, in spite of the distressing scene caused by an outbreak of hysteria among the victims cf shell shock at a hospitr.1 where he was treating patients. It is part of his theory that the point to aim at is not the will but the imagination, which if it take? control makes the patient helpless o exercise his will power- If there is an inhibition ctf this kind it is useless to tell him to will, this or that, vet by subtler means a psy chological condition may be pro duced in which the will, whatever that may be. will, function health fully Normal persons who have never suffered shock, can appreciate this from the difficulty, amounting I sometimes to paralysis of effort. which nervous apprehension of fail ure may cause. A typical case is tne ball player muffing a too easy fly, .tVio oJhlfpr failinc in a tc'o easv putt. Ability in general to perform the act in question is uncounted, but in regard ito the particular act fli flomnn of fear has deranged the functioning of mind or body, and the more strenuous the effort of the will to make the body do its bidding, the completer is the failure. When the entire system has oeen demoralized fro'm overstrain, as in the easo of what is loosely called shell-shock, the symptoms of this phychic disorganization may be both obscure and far-reaching. Limbs, tongue, eyes, ears, o memory may refuse to function, not ecauso ot nv smAfifip iniurv Ibut because ol the paralyzing effect of some inhibi tion from within, ine paralysis aphasia, blindness, deafness, or am nesia may in a sense be imaginary, ki, it is nnt a whit the less real for that. There is a logical basis, there fore, for M. Coue's method ol wont ing through the imagination, and in deed the difference between him and others who have undertaken the mental treatment cf these unhappy victims of the war seem to li& in his exceptional magnetic influence Anybody can tell a patient to say "Day iby day I grow better " But not everybody can inspire the pa tient with the belief that through this rigmarole a cure may be wrought- CONFERENCE ADJOURNED By the Associated Press. Dublin, April 20. The conference between representatives ot free Cfoforc fin rpmiblicans at 4:45 o- clock this afternoon until next Wed nesday. No agreement was reached. "Twenty-five thousand pistol per mits for armed citizens." Headline- What is needed is permits to carry a pocketbook which can be showr: to STEAMER REPORTS HERSELF IN BAD ENGLISH LANGUAGE S IN MEXICO Ey the Associated Press. Mexico City, April G. Organiza tion of the "Socieitv of Old Timers of Mexico," recruited llioni Ameri- j cans and Britishers who have resided j By the Associated Press, in Mexico for more than 20 years, i Athens, A-pril 20. Advices from has revealed some interesting history ' Salonica tcdav ren-ort great loss of in connection with the activities of!Hfe as a relt ,t.he explosion 0 English-language newspapers here! . . , J . f, , n , since the republic was founded. wur matei!al -Un:' 200 fetors from The Masonic Monitor; devoted to!thc' Salonica railroad station- Sever- i the cause of Masonry, was' the first newspaper piinted in English to ap-a church ihy the explosion of shells pear in , Mexico . af ter its independence .(nd it is beliovt.,j that j 800 soldiers was achieved. It was iounded in 182G ! , . , . ... , , A. and edited by the Rev. Joseoh Poin- ! were bm ied m l'r eir barracks, the sette, the United States Minister to! advices state. Mexico, whose jurnalistic efforts were The similarity of; the foregoing incidental to his diplomatic duties. Athens (dispatch to one from' Bel The first newspaper of general in- de yesterdav which reported a formation to .make its avtiearanee I . . ,. , " , ,T : . was the American Star, founded bv:Similar dlsaster at onastir ui tne Bernard and Brennan in Vera Cruz : duiing the occupation of that city by (general .-vV infield Scott. When the American forces moved to Mex ico City the Amercan Star followed the colors and tor a year was pub lished as a weekly. Some interesting: data m'av be ob tained from the files of this paper. Frequent reference is made to the social activities of Captain Robert E. Lee and Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant who, judging from the society col umns were well known throughout the capital. "Parson" Jackson, who during the Civil w&r achieved greatness 'as the immortal "Stone wall" also broke into print fre quently. Perhaps the most conspicuous ex ample of the English language news paper ever founded in the republic was the Mexican Herald whose first issue appeared in 1895. ' It fell afoul of the Carranza administration in 1916 and its editor. Paul Hudson, closed up shop. The Herald was the first newspaper in Mexico to use a leased wire for general foreign news report. Throughout the past 20 years nu merous trade papers have appeared, some lasting only a few months and a few several years. Among these was the Mexican Financier, Modern Mexicofi Mexican Investor, Mexican TradfcV unci the Daily Kecord. The latest effort, to print a substantial newspaper in English has been made by Felix Palavincini, editor of El Universale who last June started The Mexican Post which aims to give an American slant to Mexican news. By the Associated Press. Washington, April 20. Levying of additional taxes probably will be necessary to meet the deficit of more than $350,000,000 forecast for the fiscal year 192" by Secretary Mellon, it was said today at the treasury. High officials of the treasury dis cussing the expected deficit said that no consideration had been given to means of meeting the lack of; funds, that it was apparent the deficit wolfld probably have to be raised by tax astion, "as the government dlu not have anything to sell." TO Mayor-elect Marshall H- Yount and Alderman-elect Geo L- Huff man were special guests of the Ro tary cluib at its regular weekly luncheon at Hotel Huffry this after noon and each spoke appreciatively of the honor conferred on them by citizens and of the job before them as. guardians of the city. Henry J. Holbrook and Rev. W. Oscar Goode had charge of the program and Mr. Goode presented both guests. In his talk Mr. Yount said that the battle was over and he was ready to let by-gones rest, devote his best ef forts to the citv and desired the co operation of the Rotary club, which he commended for real work it has done 'here in the year of its history- Mr. Goode paid neat compliments to both guests and told them they were representatives of the best city in the state and much was expected of them. . ' Other guests at luncheon were Har old Pugh of Greensboro, John Fox of Charlotte, Jones W. Shuford, John P. Miller and John Tate. Mr. Fox made a good talk on boys Work, which the local club will attempt. K. C. Menzies, Geo. W. Hall and William Fox have returned from New York, where they attended the furniture exposition, LEW IRE TAXES TI MEET BIG DEFICIT T HOST NEW BOARD II SALONIGA BLAST ai hunched children were .buried in southern part of old Serbia when an ammunition box exploded makes it seem possible that the disaster was the same. Monastir is about 80 miles northwest of Salonica. LIFE OF BALFE, COMPOSER OF "THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" As a composer of popular operas, Balfe is wothy of a place among those who have done work for the mu sical world, especially for those lovers of music who are interested in its English development. Michael William Balfe was born in Dublin, IreBand May 15, 1808. (At the age of five he took his first les son on the violin. He composed sev eral numbers at this early age and his father recognizing his latent abil ity placed him under O'Rcarke who brought him out as a violinist, when he was only ten years old. When he was sixteen his father died leaving him to his own resources. He went to London where he played in an orchestra, and took lessons in composition- Often he was called upon to lead the orchestra. While here he met with a patron, Count Mazzara, whom he accompanied to Italy. At Rome he studied under the best teachers. At Milan where he studied singing under Gilli he brought forth his first work by writing the mluaic to a ballet entitled "La Pe rouse." The next few years were spent in singing in Paris and Rome. It was during this time he met and married the German singer Mile Rosen. He also wrote several operas but they were only mediocre compared with his later works. In 1835 Balfe went to London and began his career as an English composer ."The Siege of Roch'elle" at Dru'rys Lane establishe his rcpre tation. Several operas ''The Maid of Artos," "FRal staff," "Koelanthe" and others were produced duiing this period. In 1840 Balfe migrated to Paris where he was graciously received by the most fastidious audiences in Eu rore. He returned to England and produced the most successful of his operas, "The Bohemian Girl." This opera has been translated into almost every European language, and has been a great favorite on our side ol' the Atlantic as on his. A number of successful Qperas followed "The Bohemian Girl," At the close of 1852 Balfe visited St. Petersburg with an introduction by the Prince of Russia. He was re ceived here with popular demonstra tions and imperial favor. " He realiz ed more money in less time than at any other period. in 1869 the French version of his "Bohemian Girl" was, produced hi Paris. frhfc- sucess attending the revival procured him the two fold distinction of being made Chevalier of the Lenion of Honor by the Em peror of, the French and commander of the Order of Carlos III by the Re gent of Spain. In September 1870 Balfe caught a violent cold which caused a return of his old complaint bronchitis. After a sickness of nearly a month he expir ed on October 20. The most important opera of this famous composer will be presented by the Lenoir College Glee Club at the City Auditorium on Friday night, at eight o'clock. Costumes have been rented from a firm in Philadelphia to make the opera more effective. A pleasant night is promised to all lov ers of good music. NORTHWEST WATER POWER Spokane Spokesman Review. On the basis of present seivice we have sufficient water power in the Pacific northwest to take care of the needs of a population and industry 25 times as great as the present pop ulation and industry. It is not im probable that that will be sufficient to take care of the future power needs of this region for all time. But the need of more farms, more pro ductions, is immediately upon us. It wc'uld be a 'deplorable error to per mit any appropriation of the flowage of the Columbia and its tribuatries that would prevent the reclamation of the state's 2,526,000 acres of re claimed arid lands. The Omaha bootlegger preferred jail to drinking the stuff he sold. Probably thought his crime didn't merit capital punishment. Nashville Tennessean, 'fftm SEAT Newton, April 20 Friday, Apri 21st, will be o'ne of the biggest days Catawba county has ever had, judg ir.g from all indications at present Everything is now in readiness anc f llllL'VllHI - s .'I- y. r. ... L. .. ! .l 'ded to the final program. Something I interesting will be going on ail daj (from the beginning of the prograrr; jwith the big parade in the morning I until the awarding of the high schoo; j de clamation and recitation medal.' at night. J This dav has been set aside foi the children and every parent hat been requested to bring the childrei to Newto'n on that day, which will be one long to be remembered. Spelling, reading, grammar grade recitations and declamation anr story telling contests will be espec tr.lly interesting and the only thing to be regretted is that they all takt place at the same time and a persoi will be privileged to hear c'nly one contest- The address by Dr. Odum, of tlu State University,, on educationa matters will be enjoyed especially b those interested in education work Mrs- Jane S. McKinno'n, home dern onstratio'n agent for North Carolina will (be present and speak on "'A Wcman's Business in Life.". Thie high school recitation anc declamation contest which will take place a 5 the court house at 8 p. m will include representatives from ev ery high school in Catawba count and will prove interesting for old and yc'unig- The following county wide prizes ' will be given away at Newton Friday. School showing greatest percent age of enrollment in parade; $15.00 Spelling: 1st prize $10.; second, $5 Gram;mar grade Recitation anc declamation, best reciter, $7.00; besl declaimev, $7.50. Story Telling, 1st prize $10; second $5.00. Reading: Best Primary reader, $1 best grammar grade, $5 . School improvement : Schoo making greatest improvement during the year, $15.00. Bulletin Contest: '-Best collection of bulletins, $5; second best collect ion, $2.50. Kitchen contest: Most Convenient Kitchen, $10; best paper written or: kitchen, $5.00 Dining Room Contest: Most at tractive and convenient dining room, $1C; best paper on the dining room, $5.00. Bed Room Contest: For the most comfortable bed roomj, $10; best pap er on the bed room, $5. Home Grounds contest: For most attractive grounds, $10.00; best papei on home grounds, $5.00. High School Recitation and Decla mation contest: For best recitation gold medal; for best declamation, gold medal. FURNISH AVIATORS ffiWMOPUNE By the Associated Press. Lisbon, April 20. A new hydro airplane will be shipped by the government' to St. Paul Rocks to enable the Portuguese aviators to re sume their flight to Rio de Janeiro. It is believed here that it will be at least two weeks before the air men can resume their flight to Ric Janeiro. Their message to the gov ernment said it was impossible to make a better landing because of the strong tide and surf. GERMANS TO STAY OF By the Associated Press. Genoa, April 20. Prime Minister Lloyd George said the German del egation had agreed to accept the con dition of the allies not to partici pate in Russian affairs as a result of the Russo-German treaty. -The president has signed 7,000 postmasters' commissions since his inauguration. That represents a swirling tide of Democratic agony, if; you know what we mean. Hous ton Post. ' Somebody has made Shipping Board vessels a source of profit! lEquipment worth $400,000 ha's been Stolen from the fleet at anchor "?S the Hudson Boston Transcript. MATTER TARIFF IS TAKEN By the Associated Press. Washington, April 20. Considera tion of the administration's tariff bill was begun in the senate today by Chairman McCumber of the finance committee, who declared a protective tariff and reduction costs were neces sary to 'reconstruct the commercial bridge across the chasm separating the cost of production in the United States and abroad." Declaring the finance committee ma jority in framing the tariff bill had 'carefully guarded Lhv public in the things which make up their daily lives," Senator McCumber warned manufacturers and others that enact ment of, the measure should hot be the occasion for increased prices to onsmners. Asserting that the incomes of Amer- :can farmers was below the pre-war figures, Senator McCumber declared that manufacturers would have to bring down the production costs of their wares to within the purchase reach of this vast army of American farmers "a reach that cannot extend me inch beyond the limit of; their arnings." r By the A-fciated Press. Washington, April 20. Provisions of the administration's ship subsidy bill were endorsed today by W. L. Ware of Chicago, representing several commercial organizations in the middle west- Appearing before the senate and house marine com mittees as the first of a group of speakers, Mr. Ware said he believed the subsidy would be of benefit to the middle west. He advocated con tinuance fo'r five years of shipping board routes from gulf ports. Reminded by Representative Bank Head that the bill contemplated the sale of the shipping board's fleet in three months, Mr. Ware said it; might not be practicable to sell these ships in that time. Mr. Ware said it might be better td continue weaker lines until privately owned companies were able to establish strong lines. Manager Tucker of " th Huffry Hotel has been fortunate in securing the services of H. M-,.Swann. one of the best hotel stewards Tn' the state and formerly connected with the Lafayette at Fayetteville and the Langi'en at Asheville. Mr. Swann has 'bad considerable experience in catering to the travel ing public both in I'.i state and northern cities, and at the Huffry will have complete charge of the culinary departments as well as the dining room. He began reorganizing his departments today to afford bet ter service than ever before to . the guests. FIVE MILLION TO By the Associated Press. Washington, April 20. By a vote of 13 to 9, the ho.Vje ways anfl means committee favorable report ed today a resolution authorizing: a loan of $5,000,000 to the r-apublic of Liberia. COTTON By the Associated Press. New York, April 20. There was realizing and some scattered selling1 in the cotton market on reports of mo're favorable Weather in the south at an opening decline of one , to. .five points. These offerings were well taken on stronger .foreign exchange rates and continued favorable re ports from the goods rade- ' , SHIP SUBSIDY BILL " GIVEN ENDORSEMENT MR. SWAM STEWARD AT HOTEL HUFFRY 01