PHtSE TOO Hickory Daily Record Subscribers desiring the addresa o their paper changed will pleane ttate In their communication botn UuiJ anl NEW addresses. i To insure eTicient delivery, com J nlflinta should be mad to the Sun j ecription Pct'Mtuient promptly. City subscribers should call 107 regard lrg c,,"Hl1aiji!.a. SlilSCRll'i'lON KATES One 5-0u (By mail, M.0: 5 mouths, 2.00) j Six Month. c l'hrto Mor.tha One Month ........ .46 1 One Vtli ...... .1C Kntered aa secorid-elst matter September li, 1015, at the postoffic r.t Hickory, N. C, undo? the act vl March 8, 1870. Thv! Associated Itch-' is eciiuuvei: fn'.itU-d to the o republicatio j of all news credited to it or not credited ia this p.' per nd abo the lo cal new.'i published Lcrei;!. mkmi;i-:; of asoc iai i'kes Published by the Clay i'riul iajr C knuou.k iu. 5ot::.t iivcM.'.'!:!-'!'!; t!;c i i'i". ici.-.:.i directed j.t Picsidcnt IV.eai. t.'ii.-tv'o'. of Wake Foiist Cil!(,t' in Si s-L'.n ihl wee'; ti tu ii i n n u f: ! v einlorM-d the head ot' t hat institution an 1 prepnnd reso-' lutii.'.is whk'b will be pub' first iit iKfM v W ., DiM'.au Hecoi-df;-v. here t'ha ; it !ci.i,:n fh;-t appeared. 'I be ;- ' !, i of th" tui'tee-i nuylu 1 r.'a.M : i I :s isicn :i"l women who, vitht ul know iter what the pr ,;ilc::! t .",.' i ( i'J! Vo !0i !1 SO t . i ' H lo atti'.i'lc hi !)! Th' so i had linns doiihi. t.i' co:ii o will lYel ill I izht- The o'uv tioti will ho ''I'oim'ht up in t ha Har ti.- ; ,i' ce.nvi ntion next Pecoirdv r. ' i;i it .'i'l not .l.-SM!'!.' S'.-'Il laf'.'i 'fof"'t ion-i a it has lately. Tii 1 1 u-1 s also lifted the 'an on (li'in, letter i I a ' i rti i t ie.-i ; n.l 1 1 1 1 s . will bs JH nllii I '! at tile coMcj.'V ill future. ! v ,o !:c. II. R. iTeca.n ruv! not .T. ?.!. l-Ve.'.-.'.an who s'.iomit ted tin- iirtiA- o.'i ''evoiut Wn" T'nurs diiy. Tlie ihaniA'o of initials was nvu'e iii the Hecorcl o'VK'e end dve.- a)oh- uiei made to Mr. Fireman f'-i a.-si,v.:;::; iho atuhor-iii') ,;1 h.iiM .Also aooloe,:is arc nt.'u'i" to tlu preacher. We d- tiT Uaow ihc Mr. Pov r ro i'er red to in press dispatches fi.-n Va.;ii!n'?' !. but w" iTo l:'"-w P".' 'i N. Ill;; : , who is more th in h.ohh'r.e o;i hi olid ui' the iotitio er.-y, and would put odds on him. Mr LLir i honest, and what ho does is in tbi ' interest of y;ood service, we a,-i sute. TOP AY mm -In- "The Heart Specialist" uy .M iry Morrison k v i .I'MMnti.' di';iiii.i a-tiae. !e ... P with Ihiili.-,! . ft . AI'-IM A SVIiil l 'A'll W ' T (VOO.'f l" ' APMIS.;ii)N 10 and iiOcta . iot worn Made Strong and Well hy Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound Ft. Paul, Minn "I took Lydin E. 'inkham'a VeR:tablo Compound U:r a jTltirctl, worn-out feel ing and paintulpen o)y. I used to get up with a pain in my head and pains in my lowcrpart-t and Lack. vo u j vvoi i'.. i rend in your little hook nhout I.vdiaE. v ...I, I Sj. i 1 1 1 i k 1 1 ; i n v ci table Compound an I have taken it. feel so well an JPinkham's Vee- and and strmg and can d. every bit of my work and not a pui.i inmy bacic now. 1 rec ommend your mudicir.e? and you can use this letter as n testimonial." A!jg. I'i Masek, ;1 Yir.slcw Si., St. Paul, Minn. Just another caso whero a woman found relief by taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Many times these tirjd, worn-out feelings snd pains about tho body aru from troubles enly women have. Tho Vegetable Com pound ia especially adapted for just this condition. Tho good results are noted by thu disagreeable symptoms passing uway -ono after another. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a Woman's Medicine for Wo uen'a Ailments, Always reliable. VOMA ! inn i'i mm Ir"- 1 ii'- i i 1 WHERE TO WORSHIP j Corinth Re'ormed Wfi'tcr V Rowe, Pastor. ...') n. in. Sunday School. W. 11 '.'( ;; i r, Superintendi -nt- ; ,i. Hi. .Vtorning worship. Sub- !( c i sermon, "The Religious and a i "Message ot Amos. The u'liste at tins service will oe unusual l e..o,!- 'I ne ; it .i of MenvaJ-'iaJ Pay will ,.' ia kepi in mind. liiv io will he no evening worship. The eongicgation will unite with the . il.ti n'.ovnes ot the city in the ser viii' a; i he City Audit.'rium. . oivo a most cordial welcome to lei attend our services. St. Andrew's Lutheran U. V, :., 1 11. P., Pastor. .!;:, U;bb. School, fully graded, with .'1 depaitnunis. Dr. Q. A. Kuehner, -i;,.', iniendt nt. 1 1 ;t)J Morning service, in College u;.H i at iuni. I Usee a laureate Sermon will h( ,rt avlieil by Pr. Huddle, of ' . h;::.'.;; oil. P. C. special music by rail.-;.' department ot the co'dege. S:e( Sermon before the Religious o ... i',,;:aleo,s ot the college, in Au ditorium, by Rev. J. F.'Criglev, of '.: Tootle, iS. C. I Viht-r League at 1:4.") and 7:15 .. in. We-sUiew Methodist Wo ri;in-t our usual large con oat ion Minday at 7:45. '; u:!i!a. .-eia.'-d at D:45 a. m., Avery foiii tie i , superinleiidant. JiPiior Kpworth League at 2. Senior League at (5:45. J. R. Walker, Pastor ,V'st Hickory Rt'formed IV. II. M.-Xairy, Pastor .::, I'uaday School, A Huffman aitu. 11:01) preaching. A cot dial welcome, awaits you. Christ Lutheran O.oposilc lluffry Hotel. Siniilay morning divine services .vil 1! e h.eld at the regular hour, 11 h.k, with Sunday school at 10 Vlo'k, both conducted by Prof. vi mhedt r of Cinover. Sunday evening divine '.ill I if held at 8 o'clock, viteoflo 1 1 caching. Text. servieos Rev- a Hebrews "The example of Jesus a i long exhortation to persevere and 1 tair.t in our Christian race." Ti e publi cis cordially invited to trend our services. Asf'f r.sion, Episcopal Re S. U. Stroup, Rector. Minday after Ascensio'n Day The set vices at the Episcopal iit.inh tomoiiow will be in the na 'io of a celebration of the forty onto anniversary of the establish on nt of t lie Parish in Hickory Mem e'.s and friends of the church will - mi her with gratitude the work of he founders. The scivkvs will be as follows: 7:.'!0 a. m. Ho'ly communion, li. l" a. m- Church school. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and Ser no'i. There will be no evening service it the Church because .of the ser :ce for the graduating class of the I iff h school which is held in the aud torium at 8:15 p. m. The public is cordially invited to ill services. Fist Presbyterian Church l'5th street and 13th avenue Rev. E- M. Craig, D. P., Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 in the noming, Mr. R. J. Revely, superin cnd'.'tii. Men's Bible class taught by Dr. W. P.- Ramsay. Special class for lio'h school pupils. CE-ristiari Endeavor isocieties will meet at their usual hours. Owing to the absence of the pas o.' who is attending the sessions of 'he General 'Assembly at Charlestcn, 'V. Va., there will be no preaching trvices tomorrow. Philadelphia Lutheran Gianite Falls Rev. J. .L.Eicklcy. Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mr. C IV.wey, Superintendent. ' Morning service at 11 o'clock, sub let t, ' TIV' Evidence in the Case". John 15:27. . ; Luther League at 7 p. m-, subject, The Veteran cf Van." Vis per service at 8 o'clock, sub Vet "Salvation upon Belief" only mvI its inexorable Rite" Mark 16:1G The public is cordially invited to dtend all our services. Holy Trinity Lutheran .'.tii. Avt and 15th. St. Rev. C. R. Kegley, pastor. At 1 1 a. m. and 8 p. m. no services n account of the College Commence nent and the city union service by ill churches. Our people encourage ! ri'tinn wliici t inn hv Vinlninrr ilioco nr.tian ;ei vice s. Our Bible School is to meet it i'::,) a. ;n. as Supt. J. K. Sublett Kouisted. Special attendance is itged. Each one bring a friend. At l-.'iO p. m. the Jr. League and at 7 ,i. m. the Sr. League for all. "Who soever will let him tome"' "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God." First Methodist O. S. Kirkpatrick, Pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. oi'.mlier of the school should We wish to keep attendance 500. Pleaching 11 a. m. by Dr. Every come, above N. J- vngn:v Tbero will be no preaching service at night and this congregation will worship at the Auditorium, the occa sion nemg the school closine Junior League 2 p. m Intermediate League 3 p. m. Senior League 7 p. m. You are invited to all our services. Let us forsake not the assembly of ourselves Together as tho custom some is" First Haptist W. R. Bradshaw pastor Sunday school at 9:45. Thomas HICKORY Pruitt, Supt. Echoes from Convention. B- Y. P. U. at seven o'clock Thomas Hamilton, president. On account of the baccalameate ser- mon at City auditorium there will be no services at night. i You-'Lt NO array of strength and no evidence of skill or banking-sense can surpass the pulling power of a service that responds to the taste of the individual customer. So we manage our bank with our thousands of customers looked upon with separate view. One wants this, another that. And so far as pos ' sible, each receives the full measure of his own personal choice and desires. . ... v CONSOLrlDATED. TEUnST Company p When you buy a cleaner, remember this - Remember your rugs collect two kinds of dirt. Some is on the surface but the most and the worst is IN your rug. The Royal is specially designed to get the dirt in y hit rug as well as the surface litter on it. With powerful suctio.l, scienti fically applied, the Royal draws out the embedded dirt, .the dan gerous, unsanitary dirt. ' " ) Royal's powerful suction gets ALL the d:irt, yet cann'ot harm the finest rug, even Orientals, or sheerest drapes. Let our Royal Man clean a rug for you! in your homve, free. Just call us up. . Southern Public Utilities Co. TELF.PHONE 148 . .;.- MONEY 1 helps you and it helps ihe. community. Saving money does not mean selfishness; wasting it usually does. When you put your spare money into the First National bank it helps to make Hickory grow. Except for a reserve to amply protect your savings;, money deposited here quickly goes into circulation into sound and desirable enterprises that help this city. And while it is helping the city, you not only still own it and can get it a any inome.nt,lttjtfi eeps increasing by the addi tion ot 4 per cent. Interefttmporrnded four times a year. First National B " ' HICKORY, N. C. "1, r , , TJk t tv. mi- CaPital an1 Surplus $300,000,00 y Elliott, president, K. C. Menzies, Vice-President and Cashier , J. L. Gilley, Asst. Cashier DAILY RECORD The Philathea class of the Firs! Methodist church will have their pic tures made tomorrow- All members and honorary members are urged to -1 . 1 T" ' X I 11 nlilTnTTC! filial Present, visnoib w... 'a, welcome. ONG as IK EIT THIS BANK k an Buick Sixes 3 Pass. Roadster $1365 5 Pass. Touring 1395 3 Pass. Coupe - 1S85 5 Pass. Sedan - 2165 4 Pass. Coupe - 2075 7 Pass. Touring - 1585 7 Pass. Sedan - 2375 Buick Fours 2 Pass. Roadster $ 895 5 Pass. Touring 935 3 Pass. Coupe - 1295 5 Pass. Sedan - 1395 AIlPrieeaF. O. D. Flint. Mich. Ask about Hickory Auto Corporation iVHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES AKE BUILT, 1200 lb or more delivered and put block 1200 lb or more deivered and put In per 3001b blocks. ; HICKORY SALES AND DELIVERY CO . . . Ji ' ... HERMAN PAYNE, Manager. utsfanding Buick Features The power and dependability of the Buick valve-in-head motor, the positive yet easy action of the Buick multiple disc clutch and the Buick" torque tube drive rear axle with its certainty of performance are three of the principal reasons why more Buick cars are in use today than any other make save one. We'll be pleased to have you ask for a demonstration. the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan which provides ANNOU-CEHENT We wish to announce that we have organized the Hickory Sales and Delivery Co. and have bought the out put and delivery equipment of the two local ice ' plants, an4 will begin to deliver Ice Monday titrthe I following prices: ' '-" "; :'- ':' " Vc3l. i i- . , .. : V -o ..... . ; ' . . ' ; . ' : ' , .... . , . ' L - ' f ' s': ii ; : ' j II ; :'"u' Retail ; ; 800 lb . . .'. . . . . . $ 1 .40 'jsjmsbim - ' - 200 lb l.OOCSSss- 150 lb 75 rwtsmieyM- ioo ib .60 fmmmms& . -wj- 75 lb 45 SSZain 50 ib .......... .30 ; -;-i$iiQs 25 It) 15 . . 10 lb ... . . . . .10 " " Wholesale u ' For any information, call 261 SATURDAY EVENING MAY 27 1922 for Deferred Payments C-43 BUICK WILL BUILD THEM in refrigator $1.40. refrigator $1.40 . i