PAGE TWO THE HICKORY DAILY RECORD Hickory Daily Record LODGE AND MYRICK It is Herbert Myrick, president of the Phelps Publishing: Company and nationally known farming leader, be ing quoted in Springfield, Mass., where he is expected to become a candidate in the Republican primar ies against Senator Lodge: "The people arc as sick of the ex travagant use of money in politics as they are disgusted with extravagance on the' part of officials who get elect ed. Government is needlessly compli cated, wickedly extravagant in town, county and Vtatc as well as in na tion. ". Is it to be inferred from your re marks, Mr. Myrick, that you think the tariff now being debated in Congress is too high?" "It's an outrage," replied Myrick "I've always been a protectionist. In former years I was a high protection ist; but neither Dingly nor McKinley, if alive today, would stand for some of the infamies of the pending bill. "The war changed everything. The United States is now the world's cred itor nation. Prior to rJ14 we were a debtor nation. How can other nations ..and foreign peoples pay us what they owe us except with merchandise? Al ready we have taken most of their gold. Now if the tariff wall is raised so high aa, to exclude imports, how 'lire 'they going to pay for our ex poila? 1 ' notice that Senator Lodge is silent on Ibis great issue. Certainly ' "Massachusetts should lead in con structive statesmanship In dealing with our! W&gV trade.1' ' "When are you going to decide def initely about your candidacy, Mr. My rick?" "Within a few days now. But if 1 am forced into the contest the issues of the day will have to be ripped wide open from top to bottom. Th situation is too critical for the peo ple longer to be humbugged with bunk or soothed with soft soap." Mr. Myrick will have the endorse ment of the Republican agricultura bloc in congress if he opposes Sen ator Lodge, and he will fight the Lodge machine. The tariff is not pop ular in manufacturing New England, and the agricultural bloc is not strong either, so it is hard to judge at this distance what the result will be. Still, we need a good shower once in a while. ABSIT INVIDIA We have an idea that the Chautau qua spirit, about which we hear so much every year, was most rampant in the days before cne out of ten persons owned an automobile, before every town had its movies and before the ordinary run of the mine fellow could buy grand opera if he want ed it. There is nothing wrong with the chautauqua. As we recall, a great many things heve come and gone, including Nine vah and Tyre, gladiatorial combats, chariot racing except in circuses and even some of the heavenly bod ies. So it is not to be wondered at that chautauqiia is harder to pu: across every year. The folks who are supposed try wana it perfer to ride in the cool evenings. There will be no more Chautau qua s in Hickory for some time, we judge. In the first place, there is no call for trying to make people take what they don't want, however good it might be, and in the second, there is no longer any reason why some 30 men and women should guaran tee to make the chautauqiia business ly. profitable. J Those not guarantors are mighty We have always got more than gcod -in saying "but it's good for the $2.50 worth of entertainment. We community." were not able to see $14.50 one year and some of our friends say they haven't had $20 worth of fun this. We'll say they haven't. More people in this section saw and heard the Oxford singiii.y; class the other night than ever given' tli3 opportunity befcre, and the 'result was, we believe, tnat everynoay is more interested in orphan childiien in general. The Masons are doing , a great work at Oxford, where . thero are 380 little people, but at Thomas ville, Barium Springs, Raleigh, W ns ton-Salem, Greensboro, Goldsboro, near Hickory and other places religr cus and fraternal bodies are provid ing homes for the fatherless .'' an 1 I making good men and women.- The little orphanage at Bakers 3ioum.v.n. right at our door?, also ought t.) re ceive more cc.'nsideratin than is given it. We all kmvw Mr. Johnson, the man ager; we all have confidence in him, point to show our interest occasional NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY PROGRAM (Spartanburg Herald.) North Carolina seems to be getting along pretty well with the big high way program which has been under taken. Two months ago a group of New York bankers purchased six mil lion dollars woith ci trie s-.-a:e's road bends, at the same time retaining an option on nine million dollars ad- jditi&'nal. This option was closed early in the .week and the. bonds, paying four and one half per cent, were bought at 101. For Ms Winter In the Summer of Life Prepare Summers and winters puss by every year, even the toddling child knows that one r.ear.on will not la- t always. But in a lifetime each season comes but once and too often, we fail to realize that it is passing. The Summer of Life comes only once and unless we make progress while the "weather" is pleasant, wo will find hardship, perhaps, n the winter that is sure to follow. To make life successful we must profit by the experience of others. If we rely only on our own experience we will be too old before we can make any use of it. And the experience of other plainly points to the great value of persistent saving in the active years of lief. First National IIICKORY, N. C. . '''..'.Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 J. D." Elliott, president, fC. C. Menzies, Vice-President 'and Cashier ' " J. L. Cilley, Asst. Cashier 1 Destroys Malarial Germs in the Blood. 60c THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 29 1922 ii 7V "'"jr" as Pastime Theatre TODAY AND TOMORROW Clara Kimball Youm In the Greatest Production of Her Career Jhe Worldly Madonna' By Sada Cowan Admission 10 and 20c COME TO IIICKORY JULY 4 BIG CELEBRATION CHICHESTER S PILLS THE KAHO. BEAM). A XjadleBf Aftk vour lrv.irtrlHt. fnr iii-eoes-lcr 8 mamund Urund IMlIs in Red and tiold nietaiiicN ooxes. sealed with Blue Ribbon. Take 110 other, fitiv nf mnp lUMO JtRAND PILLS, for 25 years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD 9Y DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ''Heft Stars SHINING In BUSINESS WHENCE comes the light that singles out an individual man of the business world, and illumines his career with the brilliance of honor and success?! v One ray of this light is born of the intelli gence that governs the relations fof 5 the success ful man with his banker. Such a man always knows his banker as a tried and trusted friend. And his banker returns faith and .works in kind and measure! r V The new Qoodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord A Remarkable New Cord. Tire at a Popular Prkfe bank -f Here is a big, sturdy, long-wearing new tire built to satisfy the buyer on every point of mile age, quality and price. It is designed especially for the man who wants the essential advantages of cord tire perform ance at the lowest possible price. It is designed to offer iB.e buyec a quality product at a price even lower than he has formerly paid for a "long discount" tire it:has a ditterent tread from the famouis Goodyear All Weather Tread Corel a new tread with a deep, clean-cut, cog-like pattern and its selling price ranges from . 20 to 25 less. This new tire is the Gcodyeafr CrossRib Tread Cord. Like the All-Weather'Tread Cord it is liber ally oversize in all straight-side sizes, the 412-inch tire, for example, actually measur ing nearly 5 inches. ICr ti If II i 01 Like the All -Weather Tread Cord, its foundation is genuine ' r high-grade long-staple : cotton. Like the All-Weather Tread Cordl it embodies the efficient group-ply, construction, a Good year patent. r Like the All-Weather Tread. Cord l it is the product of an e3Cperienm4d4tT, company which has a world-wide reputation to safeguard. Look at the prices of the new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord, listed below. Compare these prices with net prices you are asked to pay for f long discount" tires of unknown reputation and value. Why take a chance on such tires? you ; ,' know it doesn't pay. You can get the new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord, as well as the famous All WeatherTread Cord,from any f the Good year Service Station Dealers listed here. Compare thesea prices with NET prices you are asked to pay for "long discount?' tires 30 x Clincher . . . . $13.50 ! 31x4 Straight Side $23.50 34 x 4 " Straight Side $27.35 34 x 4KStraight Side$32.95 30 x3 Straight Side $15.85 . 32x4 ..Straight. Sicie$25.45 32x4 Straight Side $3 1.45 33x5 Straight Side$39.10 32x3 Straight Side $19.75 33x4 Straight Side $26.80 33 x 4i' Straight Sids $32.15 35 x 5 SttaightSidel.OS These prices include manufacturer's excise Lx , Goodyear 'Cross-Rib Tread Cord Tires are also made in 6, 7 and S inch ;iccs for trucks i m kTo Every Owner " Of a New Car Li Gfi car deserves the best care that you can give X it and will more than repay you for it. Either from the standpoint of satisfactory service, or of lon Jifc or "trade-in" value, the closer attention you pay to a number of things about your car the more you will get out of it. Krf1 pf8line h.0ny one f important. A I t of the obscure minor troubles in motors can be trace.! iTri 80,,no' lt yl c the grade of reeom nrnded lor your car and "Standard" Motor Gasoline, you niii,dw!.,iaVC C ,rn,C overhrliS f r, valve seata Pitted with carlon, gummed valve stem, a vile odor from I arkXluUr CUU Uy incon,I,;t -oinfustion, or fouled If you use "Stanilanl" reaului ly you will ui,l .rouLL-s, ' Prc'minent clubwoman wants di vorce because she doesn't know where her husband is. He may be at home. ban Francisco News. - STAK1S)5!, ru. U. S. I'at. Off The Balanced Gasoline! XT- (New Jersey) H f CELEBRTAE the FOURTH OF JULY at Granite Falls Something: doing all day. - Ball - game in the afternoon at 3:30 between Lenoir and Granite ifalls. Mu3ic y Newton Concert Band. The pord Tire Youi Waited For 1 : Real Economy Low First Cost I Good Looks Standard Warraniy in Ma Buy Goodyear Cross-Rib cords for ird tire satisfaction at a lower price? Clincher.. .... . . !. . $I350 ft 30x3i 32x3 s Straight Side . 32x4 33x4 32x4 33x5 it tt tt tt tt tt tt 1&75 ,45 6.80 1.45 . .. . . ..... 39.10 t Standard Carage Sales Company lie ' V